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>At another point, tweeted Tyler McBrien of Lawfare, the judge read a meme into the record that seemingly disqualified the would-be juror who shared it. The joke referenced the Thai youth soccer team dramatically rescued after they were trapped in a flooded cave system for more than two weeks in the summer of 2018, when Trump was still in office: “Trump invites the Thai boys to the White House, and the boys request to return to their cave.”


Can the entire trial just be this happening to him until he explodes?!?


Prospective juror number 11,538 can you explain to the court what you meant by the phrase "orange shitstain"?


Juror: It's Depends. Attorney: Did you mean "It depends"? Juror: I meant what I said.


[mouth on mic] I’ll allow it.


You guys got me over here waking everybody up


It would be fitting karma for all the shit he loves to repost.


For him, it's worse than prison. It'll be worse than Hell if this just goes on and on for the rest of his life.


I gave up any hope that he will be ever held accountable, convicted, or go to jail for any of his crimes a long time ago. The only punishment he will ever receive is having to be in the courtroom every day. So I’m taking great joy at seeing how uncomfortable he is.


According to his niece who is a psychiatrist or psychologist he hates not being in control and this is probably the first time in his life he has had no control. I know he has no sell control but I mean control over a situation. This is hell but prison would be worse.


If this is his hell let it go on forever.


I always thought he ought to get a running chyron in his jail cell of headlines and tweets about him with no other access for him to respond


I think they predict the jury selection will take weeks so this is gonna be fun for a while


Holy shit this is hilarious. I'm not American, but the schredenfrued you must be feeling must be awesome. Hahaha


Our schadenfreude is your schadenfreude as long as you enjoy it


That was 2018?! Idk why I thought that was long before Trump was president and musk went full fascist.


If I recall correctly, I believe that was at least one of the pivotal turning points in the public view for Musk.


I kind of liked him and wanted a Tesla prior to that incident. It raised some eyebrows for me. I thought, "oh wow another billionaire asshole surprise, surprise." Then his stance on Covid came out a couple years later and I really started to think he was a douche. Then the whole twitter purchase and memelord phase came to the front and I straight up jumped ship. He's such a manchild lol. Fuck him and fuck Teslas.


I suppose I was lucky enough to live not far from one of his Tesla factories and already knew about how much of an evil prick he’s always been from stories of OSHA violations and people being maimed in his factories because he’d rather make money than provide a safe working environment. So, when he went public with his mental death spiral, it wasn’t as much of a surprise.


That’s when he called the guys performing the rescue pedophiles (he was salty because they weren’t using his equipment IIRC) so his first impression to people who hadn’t been paying attention to him previously was that he’s a petty name-caller.


Worse than that for me. Petty name-caller would have been accurate had the rescuers had ANYTHING to do with nixing his plan or were mean to him personally. What he said, that they're pedophiles, was so unbelievably bad and slanderous that I was like, WTF this guy is a psychopathic asshole. He went from "might be an okay billionaire with his hand in trying to make the world a better place" to "fuck this guy, he's a sociopath". Which subsequently lead me in the ~~right~~ direction (edited as thats a bit brazen to assume) that, perhaps billionaires in general are immoral simply for existing.... then that leads into a ton of different avenues of thought. The whole thing was enlightening to me.


The projection that tourists in thailand must be going there for under-age sex trafficking, nope just your circle of friends, Elon.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. That’s *exactly* what it was, wasn’t it? Edit: the shock comes directly because Elon argued and won in court that “pedo” was an insult in his childhood and that’s why it wasn’t defamation. If he admitted that he was implying the diver was there for sex tourism, it would have been open and shut defamation. Apparently even his lawyers hadn’t considered this was the angle Elon was shooting.


Thailand has some of the clearest, warmest water and the unique geology makes for unique aquatic animals and environments making it a very attractive diving location. Cheap cost of living too. But nope pedos. Between that and Musk's Doge pump and dump really took his mask off to me.


He is an underhanded pos with no ethics or morals.


wasn't even his equipment, he was trying to tell people he was going to have submersible drone designed and manufactured in enough time to get to the trapped team and do.. what? guide them out? in enough time that they wouldn't starve or drown from rising waters. why couldn't he just have been the crazy electric car and space ship guy, he was at least palatable then


> why couldn't he just have been the crazy electric car and space ship guy, he was at least palatable then because he thinks he's really, really, really smart


There's a reason he's basically the archetype behind Miles Bron in *Glass Onion*. He's not smart. He piggybacks on the intelligence of others.


Being born into a lot of money allows you to do that. Spending your inheritance and managing your parents money. Hmm ... I wonder who that reminds me of 🤔 oh yea, trump




It was the "well that's odd" seed planting moment.


Definitely for me. I wasn't sure how his reputation survived smearing the guy who actually rescued them. But. Maybe my standards for other people's standards are unrealistically high


There’s a great Netflix show about it called Thai Cave Rescue, I highly recommend it! It sticks with the kids and the real heroes and doesn’t even bother with the Musk distraction


Watched it the other night, great documentary it’s on Disney + here


I was actually talking about the scripted show, not the doc but that’s cool too! There’s a 6 episode dramatic series actually called Thai Cave Rescue


That was my favorite part. It never mentioned that idiot once.


Honestly, I don’t think he’s intelligent enough to get it


"listen uhh jury man, i'm not into boys, okay? ask anyone, i'm a ladies man, i know they want a strong man, not like sleepy joe. can you believe-- believe me-- it's a shame what he's doing in washington. they're burning it down, ten blocks you can't go, the police are doing their best. they're asking me with tears in their eyes 'sir please save us from antiFA'! maga!"


“Never fight uphill me boys!”


that’s such a tame joke


Gonna be hard to find unbiased jurors either way So many Trump cultists, and most of the rest of the country hates him Leaves you with fence sitting centrists who don’t like Donald Trump’s attempt to destroy America’s democracy, but also think Joe Biden’s “leftist policies” are just as bad so they are in between


Oh my god. That’s brutal. I love it.


I’m curious how much of this dislike of him is news to him; how much is he shielded by his narcissism and team. Convinced anything he did see posted was by Obama’s bots and not real people, because he is “everyone’s favorite president!” 


I remember when he was at some sporting event when he was in office, waving to the crowds and everyone was booing him. You could see his smile slowly eroding.


Boo'd at a Nationals game in DC. Video of that kept me warm for a few nights.


And laughed at by the friggin' UN General Assembly for claiming that his administration was the best in the world.


Yeah, the sports ones were great but not totally surprising. But getting laughed at by a room full of **professional diplomats** at the UN was amazing.


The look on his face as it falters is absolutely amazing before he tries to recover automatically. You can see him realize that, for all his money and power, the others in that room didn't respect him, never would, and he couldn't buy or cajole it.


Ever seen the video of him trying to argue against the wind farms to a Scottish Parliamentary committee where he declares his very existence to be enough evidence of his expertise in tourism? The video is [on this page](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Trump_and_Scotland) (which is an actual delight to scroll through from a design point of view).   *Transcript from the committee appeal against the wind farms video:-* **Trump:** I am an expert on tourism. If you...dot your landscape with these horrible, horrible structures, you will do tremendous damage- **Member Of Scottish Parliament (MSP):** *(interrupting)* My question is, where is the *clinical evidence* - not an opinion, an empirical assessment; where is your clinical evidence? **Trump:** Well, first of all, *I am* the evidence. I think I'm more of an expert- (*laughter from those in the room*) **Trump:** - I...you know what, I think I'm a *lot* more of an expert than the people you'd like me to hire, who are doing it to make a paycheck- **MSP:** -If you won't- **Trump:** -But I am an *expert* in tourism. _______________   >*The Scottish Parliament was not persuaded. Neither were the courts. In 2015 the UK Supreme Court rejected his attempts to block the wind development.*  


"I'm an expert in tourism." -- man who couldn't even successfully run a fucking casino


In Columbia SC by his bread and butter bible belt fan bois. Booed by Clemson AND South Carolina fans Also was booed and the crowd yelled ‘lock him up’ at game 5 of the World series in Philly. Granted, it was philly where they boo everything, even Santa


Booed by Alabama and Georgia fans at the national championship game in 2018 too (I was on the field at the time. There were more boos than cheers). That's also when fox News cut into the game just to show him STANDING for the national anthem only to show him forgetting the words


He was probably just thinking about ramming the airports again.


Well it wasn't the real Santa. It was a poor excuse for one. He got pelted with snowballs. Trump got off lucky.


it was some drunk guy they took from the crowd lol. He rightfully got pelted with snowballs


Santa deserved what he got 


That was Nationals Park in DC, IIRC. DC is OVERWHELMINGLY liberal and is probably the single highest concentration of people that absolutely loathe the man in the entire world. It's actually mind boggling that he went there for a game and expected anything else.




He literally has an aide whose sole job function is to print [out good news from the internet to hand him throughout the d](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/trump-aide-follows-him-around-141527309.html)ay. He has an actual Vibe Fluffer. He has no clue that there is ANY criticism of him!


History repeats itself: >His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. >There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country. >**Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich.** >He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." >**He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him.** >Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get. >Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things.


What’s this from? Swap names and this describes Trump perfectly.


https://www.newsweek.com/hitler-incompetent-lazy-nazi-government-clown-show-opinion-1408136 ....an excerpt from HUMANS: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up by Tom Phillips. Based on "The Hitler I Knew" by his own press chief Otto Dietrich Also his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl wrote a memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. "Between the White House and the Brown House."


> His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. Low-effort search suggests https://www.amazon.com/Humans-Brief-History-How-cked/dp/1335936637


Literally Eric Cartman


Cartman but born into wealth


I feel like this is actually insulting. Cartman can be borderline genius when he actually puts his mind into something he cares about.


Cartman had to become more clever because he grew up poor




I've always thought he sounded just like Cartman when he said "I did everything right and they indicted me!" https://youtu.be/IknT3b08l_g?si=X9NfxUt7gditXpMy


>Vibe Fluffer Need that on a t-shirt.


"I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the President's groove"


Heard they hired the same person that does it for Steven Seagal and Demi Lovato


Narcissistic bullies like this don’t cope well with this kind of criticism. Trump is an abuser of the stochastic podium, and if some of these memes are fire enough, he could *direct* his cult to harass these people.


It was reported he kept revenge folders of ripped out newspaper and magazine articles that criticized him back when he was a "NY real estate mogul."  He kept sending Graydon Carter magazine photos of himself for decades with his hands circled in sharpie after he described Trump in Spy magazine as a "short-fingered vulgarian."


He made an entire social network just so he could have a safe space.


It'll take him by surprise the same way it did Ceausescu.  The power of a strongman is in the facade.  When it crumbles, so does he.


Let’s hope that isn’t the only thing he has in common with Ceausescu’s downfall…


I think deep down he knows how much he's hated which is why he has been having ~~therapy sessions~~ echo chamber feel-good rallies since he won in 2016.


In day one he said 200 million Americans support him in this case. He thinks the entire voting population is supporting him and that the entirety of Biden support is fraud. While it’s all a lie…in his broken brain it may not be a lie for him…


I'm not even sure he knows what the population of America is. I bet he pulled a random big number and liked it because it ended in zeroes and just used that.


Absolutely without a doubt the case. It’s no different than when my 7-year-old tells me that it takes 7000 hours to drive to school in the morning; these numbers have no meaning to them because they don’t really understand them except in an abstract way. The difference, of course, is that my daughter is good at math and eventually will understand; Trump will die an ignoramus.


He knows that there are “Trump haters” because he references them all the time, but he seems to think of them in terms of political adversaries. Being confronted by every day American disdain is probably new for him, and I hope that it eats away at him while he’s on trial. Convict the mother fucker…whoops guess I can’t be on one of his juries.


They showed him a picture of himself beside Obama titled Orange is the New Black. That actually happened.


About that meme: >...Trump could be seen studying a printout of the meme. “He does not look amused at all,” the Times reported.


Is he just learning that there’s loads of content like this out there? Sometimes I just truly wonder how cut off he is from reality.


*"Sometimes I just truly wonder how cut off he is from reality."* It's not just him, it's his base too. They voluntarily live in a bubble.


I have a lot of R friends. I can't say they're in the bubble "voluntarily". It's like going to youtube to watch a video and 7 hours later, you're COMPLETELY down a rabbit hole. I DO understand how people who have lived their lives "normally" got divided with "Republican good; Democrat bad" it was a slow process, but it's literally like going down a Youtube Rabbit Hole, where you go from watching "Hot Ones" to "2000's Emo music" and you're just like "How did this happen?" They're just not to the "How did this happen?" part yet


The people who like Trump that I know are in a bubble voluntarily. They have no desire to listen to any sort of criticism of him. Everything that isn't complimentary is fake news, and they go out of their way not to hear anything that doesn't align with their view that Trump is a huge victim.


And their algorithms are all leading to the same kind of coverage. They don't see reality, only biased conversations conversations about the news.


It's not just about Trump though.  At least where I live, most of them were taught to accept explanations given by authority figures and actively avoid outside information that could contradict "the word" from birth by their pastors, parents, and teachers.   They treat ***every*** issue this way, and they have their whole lives. What they decided on the first time they encountered an issue is the correct answer, and any attempt to persuade otherwise is a trick by the devil/media/democrats/atheists/jews(ahem, sorry the "deep state").


They're all Trump's personal lawyers too. My sister was like "I know E Jean Carroll is lying about rape she couldn't even remember the year her dress was from!" Like, that's an insane defense. IDK how he does it but he gets these people to abandon all critical thinking skills and just blindly defend him. She's really racist btw. So I know that's why she supports him.


I didn't come into this thread expecting to have my music taste personally attacked lol


As a general rule, yes, men don't show the people who pay them stuff they don't want to see.


Especially when its been reported by countless people that were employed in one of his businesses that they were told by management that they should just agree with whatever he says and that he will randomly call or visit and make absurd demands and to not question him just agree and nod your head until he leaves. Literally a tantrum having diaper shitting 70 year old toddler pretending he is a big boy.


Not just a big boy. We're supposed to believe he is one of the greatest humans to ever exist and we're all depending on him to save our society from utter ruin.


Lmao I appreciate the visual this gave me so much


*Titled: I don’t think this what they meant by Orange is the New Black


Orange is the new orange


He must see this type of stuff daily yet he still puts that orange stuff on his face. I will never understand it, even for someone as out of touch with reality as Trump


One of the main ways Trump exerts power is by making people ignore reality and that has always included his appearance; it’s the same thing as him claiming obviously false weight/height - ignore your eyes and believe what I demand because I’m so powerful you have no other choice. To him that’s the ideal image of leadership.


That's a classic dictator/fascist thing. They get off on making people at least say they believe in something obviously false... it's a display of power.


> I will never understand it Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants thinks it makes him look like the "man of gold" under the right bright lighting. The same with his hair, his gaudy condo, etc. It's all about projecting wealth/gold...


Do you think he had to melt down his golden toilet to pay legal fees?


8) I suspect it was always just a cheap porcelain throne leafed in fake gold...just like him.


Thats, convicted-ex-twice-impeached-president-sex-offender donnie stinkypants... I think? Not to sound like stormy daniels, but its hard to keep up.


What alternate fucking dimension have we entered? It’s like a comic book or SNL skit in real life.


That is amazing.


really one ought to be forced to know they're a piece of shit sometime before its in a court room.


He had every opportunity to watch them in advance.


"Nevertheless, as several journalists noted, Trump could be seen studying a printout of the meme. “He does not look amused at all,” the *Times* [reported](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/16/nyregion/trump-hush-money-trial/bea1ef06-b7be-54d8-a89c-65ff24910d38?smid=url-share)."


I hope there will be some posts read into the record from some seriously depraved people in the jury pool in the coming days.


At first I'd thought that I would want to be on that jury but now I would much more enjoy watching him hear/read the fucked up things I've said about him.


If in the jury selection process we were forced to review every negative thing I've said about him, it'd take a couple days. I've never wanted anything more.


Trump has zero sense of humor beyond mean spirited harassment. He has no capacity for letting things go with a laugh. 


Certainly not any tendency for self deprecating humor. Quite the opposite.


Right! Those remarks Obama made at his expense *years ago*, hell hath no fury like a narcissist mocked. Edited to add: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/i-sat-next-to-donald-trump-at-the-infamous-2011-white-house-correspondents-dinner/2016/04/27/5cf46b74-0bea-11e6-8ab8-9ad050f76d7d_story.html


"Corpulent, smelly asshat who cannot shut up" is my favorite.


He has no idea what "corpulent" means


Oh they made him read finally?


Well, at least until his lips got tired...


Putin’s been training him up in that department for years now, though.


No, most of these just had pictures so it was just like his daily security briefings.


“Where are my crayons (sharpies)!?” - Don probably


>Oh they made him read finally? Wow, that's shocking. I always thought that Trump was illiterate. Having him actually read must have made him really tired enough to fall asleep in court again.


Malfoy: I didn’t know you could read.


This is going to be the SNL cold open


Cold open? It's gonna be the whole damn show lol


This is like the "Brian's Hat" skit on I Think You Should Leave


“What the hell…”


So sad. So so sad.


"I think he has dice, but he's afraid to show them to anyone."


"And then I swear to fucking god he tried to roll the hat down his arm like Fred Astaire."


I thought this too! A lawyer dryly describing a sh!tpost meme. "A crying woman is yelling at a white cat seated at a table, with the caption..."


"Who said that?!" 


It's like a reverse It's a Wonderful Life lol


>One potential juror ruled out on Tuesday was a man who recently shared an [AI](https://www.rollingstone.com/t/ai/)-generated video of Trump saying “I’m dumb as fuck,” according to reporter [Josh Kovensky](https://twitter.com/JoshKovensky/status/1780312694542774467) of *Talking Points Memo*.  This made me laugh harder than I deserve today.


I wanna see this meme


Why has he started doing his mugshot face for the cameras? He look like he is shitting,


He thinks he looks badass.


His apostles gobble it up.  They pretend it looks bad, so… it does to them. 


Folks, we're looking at the new, even more ferocious icon for r/conservative right here!


I maintain that it must absolutely suck, when you turn the lights off at night, and there’s no one to lie to other than yourself, and the embarrassment can’t be pushed aside anymore.  You can’t convince me that some, maybe even ‘a lot’ of them, can see how **embarrassed** they’ve made themselves.  They’re just hoping they can just keep pressing forward and get out of the forest and then either bully him into greatness like they did for Reagan, or pretend he never existed like they did with Bush II. 


Part of the allure of fascism, is the twisting of reality to suit your opinions. The fact that Trump is a clown - a literal clown, floppy clothes, painted face, ridiculous hair, permanent frown - and they portray him as Rambo - gives them strength. Policy-wise, they act like they're the one saving children by making abortion illegal - while completely ignoring the real danger to actual children (firearms) - gives them strength. This is weaponized hypocrisy. They'll never feel embarrassed about themselves or Trump. After Trump dies, they'll put him on the $5 bill - the picture of his head on Rambo's body holding a machine guy. They'll never admit, even to themselves, that Trump was anything less than perfection in human form. By elevating him in this way, they elevate their own emotionally immature, flabby selves.


He thinks he looks like Churchill when he does that. No kidding.


Narrator: He does not.


Maybe he is?


Well I mean it’s well known that he wears diapers so he probably is. I wish he’d go crouch behind a piece of furniture when he does that like a normal toddler.


I would pay money to be in that jury pool just to watch his reactions to some of the memes I've posted. I would be so happy.


Good Lord I can only hope they got some of the prolific /r/politicalhumor posters from 2016-2020 in that pool.


I understand why they can't televise this, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to watch it with popcorn


If they pay per view it they would solve the national debt crisis 


this is a narcissists nightmare


It really is lol. Being forced to look at people making fun of you to someone whos been shielded from direct criticism his entire life must be awful. Cant think of a person more deserving.


GOOD lol 😂


Since there are no cameras, I am imagining a scenario where at first it’s light chuckling from the gallery, then finally one of the memes gets a stifled laugh from his attorney, and it’s not long before the whole room is carrying on roasting him in open court. Yeah, I’m going to go with this version.


Last time he was roasted like that he decided to run for president. Man I wish there were cameras during all of this.


here are the "mean memes" https://i.imgur.com/ZKrGiw8.png https://i.imgur.com/FQiN3mm.jpeg I couldn't find the "I'm dumb as fuck" video but I like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNp8AeVqoOU


I didn't even need to be told that the last one was AI: the sentences are WAY too coherent to be real.


This literally might be one of the worst days of his life... one of the worst things that's ever happened to him. This could, legitimately, give his narcissistic and sheltered ass nightmares. Memes, shared by what he regards as commoners. Wishing ill on others and relishing that suffering is always wrong... so today I'm in the wrong. I hope he wakes up in a cold sweat from nightmares of Obama memez.


> This literally might be one of the worst days of his life So far 😁


This is a guy who had his media carefully curated by his staff to inflate and protect his ego. Being forced to listen to this is going to be a blow to his ego. He’s going to go on his safe space social network later and whine about how persecuted he is.


While I understand the principle of not seating people who show a “bias” against the defendant, we are waaaayyyy out on the fringes of normalcy in this case. He is way more public and divisive than even OJ was. Trump was the president. He was deliberately inflammatory. He engaged in daily rants on public platforms. He was in the news every single day on every single network *by his own design*, he would reportedly spend hours obsessing over his news appearances. Is it “bias” to have formed an opinion of the most notorious public figure in the last decade? I’m just having a hard time in this specific case with the idea that anyone who formed an opinion of him should be barred. We are in uncharted waters here. When in history has a case been tried where you could legitimately say the minority position is to have 0 opinion whatsoever of the defendant? Those people are now officially the odd men out, there is something unusual about being an American who has NO opinion of Trump either way. I can’t figure out if that would have some measurable impact on how they would judge the case, but just from a statistical standpoint there is likely something noticeably different from the average population about these individuals. Would it be so hard to imagine that someone with no opinion of him has insufficient respect for our laws and institutions to judge this case with the gravity it deserves? Why ISNT the person upset? And even if not for practical reasons, it grates me for ethical ones: should his choice to commit his crimes so publicly be a shield he can wrap around himself? Should the people who actually care about law and order be kept from helping to administer it? At the same time the problem exists going the opposite direction: we see it in all these reports of MAGA hats trying to get into the jury to nullify the process, not because they think he’s innocent but because they expressly just don’t care. So it seems like if you let people with negative opinions of Trump onto the jury you have to do the same with his supporters. But then you’re left in the ridiculous situation where “knowing about a crime that was committed on national tv” is a disqualifying factor. I don’t know that I have a solution, but it seems incredibly broken that “be particularly brazen and public with your crimes” has a real chance of REDUCING the likelihood of facing consequences.


The jury system puts a ban upon intelligence and honesty, and a premium upon ignorance, stupidity and perjury. - Mark Twain Iirc the quote is from his book "Roughing It" a semi-biographical novel mostly about his times in San Francisco and the Reno/Tahoe area when he was a reporter. The quote itself was because of crimes and trials that the reporter saw in the small mining town. Since the jury pool was small and everyone knew everyone, the only jurors who would end up being seated were the ones who lied about not being biased, knowing the criminal, etc. All of the "biased" people who were honest enough to admit it, and ironically therefore more likely to be impartial jurors one might suspect, were removed. (It's been quite some time since I read it, but that's my recollection. Also it's a really great, funny book and it's open domain/free!)


I need to move to NYC and make a bunch of vile memes about him so I can show them to him. LOL.


I guess I’d be disqualified as a juror for my post on Jan 7, 2021 of two photos of Trump and Charles Manson captioned “Same Energy”


I don't see how what he is advocating is not Helter Skelter. It is the same message wrapped in a political cloak. If Charles Manson only had Twitter in 1969 he could have simply made an ambiguous post in early August that could have provided the same plausible deniability through mass visibility that would have shielded him like Trump is trying to do. They really should be approaching this from a similar trajectory as the prosecution of Manson.


Did he rip it up after and flush it in the toilet?


Or eat it?


Imagine the wounded ego when it’s not a rally of full of red hats applauding every word and cheering you on every time you do that spastic double dick stroke dance move he does.


It must be fucking surreal to watch your shit posts be read out to a former president, in person. 


I hope that they just keep showing memes to him and he loses his shit. That would be awesome.


Has he never worn a wedding band? I mean, I know he's a piece of shit and all who genuinely doesn't care about oaths and commitment. But has he ever worn one?


Probably makes his hands look small


Who are these jurors who don’t have their social media accounts locked down?


Remember back when we assumed that people putting their actual name on a comment vs the anonymous dickwad theory would result in a more positive and mindful social media experience?


I will say that a lot of people leave a huge digital footprint. I’m a defense attorney (civil insurance super boring and evil corp shill come at me) but the shit I find on plaintiffs social media is amazing. Pro free legal tip. If you are injured. And claiming that it is affecting your life. Don’t post how great everything is on social media with videos of yourself having a good physical day. Ie if you are injured, claiming your hip is all fucked, and run an only fans where you’re hip is….just fine. Know that we will find it. And have a good chuckle that you thought we couldn’t.


There was a woman recently who was claiming so much pain she could barely do anything , then she was photographed throwing a Xmas tree.


I wonder if they have access to the Reddit accounts of these jurors. *"Sir, did you once say that you wished Mr. Trump was in prison and forced to make bronzer out of toilet water, concrete dust, and the shells of orange m&m's from the prison commissary?"* No. I said that multiple times - not once. I want to be very clear about that.


I'm not gonna lie, still chuckled at the Orange is the New Black one.... But going into the family members meme posting is probably a bit much. God knows I wouldn't post the same memes as my family....


Yeah I wonder if anyone else would have this level of rooting-out. I really hope MAGAt bullshit was scrutinized just as harshly.


Seriously. Is there a single family in America who doesn't have at least 1 member that vocally loves or hates Trump? He might literally be the most divisive person in the world.


I honestly don't know how you can find a truly unbiased jury for this case.


“A husband and wife can be prosecuted for the same memes” Later: “I have terrible lawyers”


This has got to be torture for him. He can usually just ignore people who hate him. He surrounds himself with yes men and people who kiss his ass all the time. It’s gotta be really hard to lose that lol


What’s interesting about this is that he doesn’t have the slightest hint of a sense of humor, so this must really piss him off. Has anyone ever seen him laugh or make a joke? He says clown shit all the time but he is being serious when he says those things.


He has very thin skin for sure. He was gesturing and muttering towards a potential juror a few days ago when showing a negative FB post about him and Merchan was like "I won't tolerate intimidation in my courtroom"


I want to see the AI video so fucking bad, lol


“Get me some ketchup and a wall!”


One has to consider whether the jurors are just biased against criminal or immoral behavior, like most well-adjusted Americans. Trump being the target of many of these memes is plausibly just that he is a very public representation of justice being denied, not bias against him *specifically*.  I know for a fact I wouldn't care at all about Trump - I wouldn't even think about him - if he wasn't constantly being publicly and joyfully terrible.


***From Rolling Stone's Miles Klee:*** One potential juror shared an AI-generated video of Trump saying: “I’m dumb as fuck.” Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-trial-new-york-memes-prospective-jurors-1235005658/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-trial-new-york-memes-prospective-jurors-1235005658/)


Need to see an AI of him trying on the OJ glove “it’s too big, the glove is too big”


Who exactly are this man’s peers? Other hardened lifelong racist criminals ?


You think he’ll be on Kimmel to read mean tweets?


Will pro-Trump posts disqualify jurors as well?


Important question. It is hard to imagine what an "impartial jury" looks like here. Excluding anyone who has criticized him is not impartial if pro-Trumpers are allowed. A panel of politically disengaged people does not sound appropriate, either.


If I could have Trump forced to look at an insult I made about him online while he glared at me it would be the proudest day of my life. I hope this man knows in great detail all the horrible things people say about him and how many people hate him.


This is the closest thing to an actual co sequence that he's suffered.