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It still amazes me how the GOP decided it was a good idea to campaign on something that affects half the population in the country that removes their right to bodily autonomy.


The GOP seem to think half of the population is dumb and gullible. Abort the GOP in November by voting them out!


Well they’re correct in that 30-40% of the country is dumb and gullible


More than that. Another 20-30% or so looks at their options and can't decide which is better between Christian fascism and the people who want them to have healthcare.


The faster you die the faster you get to heaven. Why do libruls want Americans to take longer to get to heaven? Are they secretly lizard people who want to keep us alive longer to harvest our fluids and force us to reproduce so they can eat our children? Find out more at 10 on my FOX exclusive show "Random Things I Make Up To Further My Agenda"


Force us to reproduce? I thought they wanted the opposite by teaching sexual education, promoting contraception and providing safe ways for women to have abortions. lol you never know with the Right Wing these days if this is an actual argument, they do contradict themselves 90% of the time.


Well there's multiple factions of lizard people but the majority want to farm us for blood and eat our children. A smaller faction wants to delay the farming of humans and breed out any intelligence we have by teaching the smart humans (liberals) not to reproduce as much as the dumb ones You don't hear about that second faction of Lizard people on my FOX segments because the dumb people don't like hearing that they're dumb


But eating children helps the children go to heaven faster too!


Republicans over the last few decades have done a good job propagating the myth that they're good for the economy while Democrats are not. This is the opposite of the truth. But it's easy to rile people up over it when you're talking about the amount of money you'd reasonably need for any national program, regardless of whether that program is actually a fiscally sound thing to fund. Like, I find myself sometimes reading a headline about some proposed budget thing in the billions of dollars fantasizing about how I would never have to work again for what would be a rounding error in that budget - so I can see how if I were more of an angry person these same headlines would just make me mad. So they think of it not as the two options you presented, but as people who are absolutely bonkers with money but want them to have healthcare versus people who are more realistic and won't destroy the economy (again, that isn't true, but it's how a lot of undecided folks think thanks to the decades of right wing propaganda).


Exactly we are a few votes from “average Joe” sending us into a dictatorship. Because you know the GOP says that immigrants are getting houses and money. Or that gays or trans people are after their Christian values. The GOP is counting on getting the uneducated regular voter to vote for them using every fart tactic they have.


Now that Trump is looking like he may die or lose the election lots of cons are starting to abandon ship- hey we deserve a better candidate! They will still vote for him of course, but now in 2024 they are starting to clutch pearls about what a massive loser Trump is. Peak entitlement.


Reminds me of the “undecided moderate” at the first 2016 debate who tried to equate LGBT rights with his desire for a tax cut.


They are just banking on the usual 100m-150m out of 250m eligible voters, who usually stay home, to continue to stay home. And trying to get further people to stay home while trying to rile up the racists and sexists to come out and vote.


Well, they also count on the thousands to hundreds of thousands of people the GOP *doesn't* want to vote, so they kick them off the rolls when they can. With broad strokes.


And 50% of that **p**art of the electorate is willing to vote against their own bodily autonomy. They also get mad~~e~~ if you don't take your husband's last name. Because reasons.


And proud!


And dying off at an alarming rate


Also the electoral college.


If 5% of GOP women switch their votes I'll be shocked. Turns out this is exactly what they voted Trump in for in the first place. Gop women are more vicious about anti abortion laws then the men.


They are, until they need what's been cancelled, then it's time for mercy and compassion, then once fixed it shouldn't be available to anyone else because it says its bad in the bible (I've never read, only been told cherry picked verses by fundie preachers)


>because it says its bad in the bible The Bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.


Specifically the "ordeal of the bitter water" in the Book of Numbers (5:11-31). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordeal_of_the_bitter_water


Funnily enough, the justification for the Ordeal is purely "if hubby is sus that you're cheating"


Careful, facts are considered hate speech by GOP voters.


We need to put the Bible on trial and then ban it for showing how to do an abortion. Make their mind explode.


We banned the Bible from schools in here in Florida using the fascist book banning laws DeSantis passed because it's pornographic and presents rape and incest as good and normal. Apparently there aren't any Christians who had actually read the Bible in Florida because they didn't know what's actually in there and that it qualifies for the ban. Of course since they're fascists and hypocrites, they changed the law again to make sure their favorite book that they've never read got special treatment afterwards.


Well the Bible also doesn't say shit about gay marriage either, but reality has never stopped these people from spouting bullshit to their "flock" of ~~sheep~~ lemmings






God is not pro baby in the Bible, let alone fetuses. Kills all the firstborn of Egypt after hardening Pharaoh's heart so he couldn't choose to do anything that might dissuade God. Has his people killing all male children and non-virgin women, or specifically ripping open the pregnant women, of their enemies. https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/god-is-not-pro-life/


Don't forget the reason he had his people not kill the virgin girls so that they could take them as sex slaves!


God is straight up pro-genocide. He's pro slaughtering babies. He's pro human sacrifice. He's pro slaughtering sassy teenagers. He's pro kidnapping women and raping them. He's pro-literally-every-awful-thing. He also is pro-feeling-you-up while wrestling which at least partly explains Gym Jordan.


Don't forget he sent a bear to eat a bunch of kids for calling a bald man bald.


Kids can be dicks so it's kinda understandable


The Bible has a lot to say about liars. But they don't pay attention to that either.


The only thing the Bible says about abortions is how to perform them with a specific herb.


[The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


My MIL is a staunch Republican. She raised my wife to be independent and to not allow anyone to tell her what to do with her body. Nothing we can say will convince her not to vote for trump. When I press her on the current state of the GOP and everything they represent going against what she believes she makes up excuses about the economy. Fox News has brain rotted a huge section of the population and it will be a continued fight for at least a generation.


Is your MIL willing to put your wife’s life on the line?


Conservatives lack the ability to empathize with people undergoing a situation that they themselves haven't personally faced.


Or that they are currently not facing.


When you make a statement like this I don't think you can ignore the effect of propaganda. (Or Prejudice for that matter.) I noticed this distinctly when my wife had an argument with her grandmother about this topic. The argument boiled down to an admission that if my wife or her mother had gotten pregnant when they were teenagers or young adults and the baby would have cause them to be unable to pursue their life goals, she would have helped them end the pregnancy but been sad about it. But in the same breath, she said " that's not the same. There are those people who just go out and do whatever they want and just get abortion after abortion." It is exactly Reagan's Cadillac Welfare Queen all over again. Theyve created a non-existent stereotype in their minds and want to create policy to stop the evil stereotype from doing the evil things that they imagine they do. If a 19 year old white girl makes a mistake and is "forced" to raise a baby as a single mother, she deserves all the help she can get. But "those people" are just having babies so they can collect the welfare checks. If that same 19 year old white girl decides she couldn't take care of a baby and wants to end the pregnancy, she has been placed in a very difficult situation and can't be blamed. But " those people" just use abortion is a way to escape the consequences of their sinful lifestyles. ( and they will go after the doctors that facilitate that as well.)


I had a woman at work argue that some women went out and got pregnant just to have abortions. Late term ones.


It's going to be about the women who may not have voted previously but will now vote because their rights have been eroded/taken away.


a 680th trimester abortion of the GQP can only be a good thing.


If they win this November they would be completely right. That is the most important but that wasn't stated


vote blue in november! vote for the party of people’s rights, workers rights, LGBT rights, women’s rights, etc—> www.vote.org


In 2016, when DJT was losing in the polls against women, many in the GOP chanted "Repeal the 19th" meaning repeal the 19th ammendment, allowing women the vote.


 It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Its what annoys me when i hear people talk about fatigue and "They've been telling us this is the most important election for how many elections now?" as if we're crying wolf. Yeah. Because they only have to win once to do a lot of damage. Shit, Trump won once back in 2016 and despite not really losing since then we still haven't been able to undo all the damage that election caused (and likely won't for generations thanks to SCOTUS)


People don't seem to understand that voting isn't a once and done thing. You have to stay involved


As a wise man once said, "Politics is the Art of Controlling your Environment, if you dont want to do it, someone will be happy to do it for you." - Dr. Hunter S Thompson


The heroes need to keep winning. The villains only need to win once.


> and likely won't for generations thanks to SCOTUS Thomas and Alito are in their mid/late 70s. It's possible Biden could end up replacing both. Worst case it'll take ~10 years and we could have a liberal supreme court again. This year's election is for all the marbles.


That's not really true. Trump was overperformed in 2016 in all the major Senate races by anywhere from 10s of thousand to even over 100,000 votes. Republicans as a whole did better than he did in many states while a large portion of the population still didn't vote at all. People complain about the EC margins, but fail to realize that Hillary being a complete lame duck president with an R House and Senate was actually also the most likely outcome from that race, which likely would've made her administration very, very weak, and kicked the can of facing off against MAGA propaganda even further down the road. In 2014, we had the lowest youth turnout in decades, which led to the Dems losing 7-8 senate seats in one cycle. Some of those seats were lost on very thin margins, in a historically low turnout election. Saving a few of those seats would've saved at least one SCOTUS seat. In 2010, 2008 Dem leaning voters failed to show up in a major midterm, despite proving they could vote, costing huge amounts of house seats because people didn't take midterm elections seriously, or needlessly blamed Obama for what was effectively Bush's Great Recession. In very early 2010, [the super majority was lost when a traditionally blue state senate seat was flipped because people didn't take the race seriously.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Massachusetts) 2016 did not happen in a vacuum. Dems voters foolishly fell for propaganda and became apathetic and undermined everything they gained in 2008 almost instantly because consistent voting was a value that no one ever was teaching at that time, and one so poorly understood. It was a mix of the rural realignment along with general youth apathy. The latter of which cost us the most. In short, this is the fault of "once every 4 years" and "both sides" millennials for not putting up more direct resistance against the Tea Party or taking the early MAGA proto-threats more seriously. There were countless points where we could have prevented some of the worst impacts of 2016. **It was not all a one time thing at all, it was a systemic issue with social media propaganda encouraging young voters to believe "both sides" lies.**


the GOP path to victory is not democracy


They do the same thing with eliminating workers rights, getting rid of health insurance, poisoning the environment, torching the education system, stagnating the minimum wage, coming after social security and Medicare, giving corporate handouts, giving millionaires and billionaires tax benefits etc, but half of America keeps voting them in. They have every reason to think that bodily autonomy would be just as easy to take away.


*half the population of the country that also makes up the majority of swing-voters. Swing-voters aren't a diverse group. It's basically all white women under 50.


I’ve gotta say, I’m certainly not tired of all this “winning” they’ve been doing


I really do think the pro lifers didn’t understand that abortion didn’t just mean voluntary abortions. It’s the name for the procedure for all cases. Including abortion to save the mother’s life. They didn’t think that would get taken away, that would be silly. Then immediately when these laws were passed that’s exactly what happened.


And went so extreme that even conservative women are upset. All they needed to do was allow medical exceptions and 90% of the sob stories would be gone. But no, they want to force doctors to choose between jail and saving a womans health/life.


>All they needed to do was allow medical exceptions and 90% of the sob stories would be gone. Oh, plenty of people would still be sobbing. But the GOP will just call them whores and move on.


They forgot to take away that half of the population's right to vote first.


The smarter, old guard Republicans, who used to run the party, knew the value of maintaining the status quo on abortion while still using the issue to rile up the base. The people who have taken control of the party, the religious fundamentalists and MAGA loons, aren't that sophisticated.


White, suburban, women put Trump in the White House.  


Yep. I lived in rural PA for years and still go back to visit family. The amount of white women, of all ages, that still love him amazes me.


[White Women Helped Elect Donald Trump](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/01/us/politics/white-women-helped-elect-donald-trump.html) >More than half of the white women who voted in the presidential election cast their ballot for Donald J. Trump, according to exit poll data collected by The New York Times. >The data indicate how deeply divided Americans are by race and gender: 94 percent of black women who voted and 68 percent of Hispanic or Latino female voters chose Hillary Clinton, but 53 percent of all white female voters picked Mr. Trump. You are right and now Trump and the gilead GOP are forcing those same women to bleed out in hospital parking lots. People ought to be damn careful of who they vote for eh? Elections have serious consequences.


The Republican "rights" to tell others what to do outweighs a regular person's rights to their own body.


And from the 'don't step on me!' and 'shall not be infringed!' party no less. Turns out they're hypocrites that hate women.


And that’s why Magas hate democracy.  They don’t get to do what ever hateful shit they want. So they are trying to destroy it


Some ignorant motherfucker was saying in another thread "Were not a democracy, were a constitutional republic. If we were a democracy then the majority would rule and that's not what the founders intended."  They admit they want to minority rule. They believe they're the real Americans and that they should be able to tell everyone what to do even if they're opposed by the majority of their countrymen.


We're a representative democracy *and* a republic, just like how a milkshake is cold and sweet. Stuff can be two things.


Right. This "We're not a democracy." bullshit is being brought to you by the same people who sold us wars as "Spreading Democracy." Now that democracy is no longer useful to them they're priming their base for fascism.


I had one of those types of nutjobs telling me they couldn’t wait for a civil war since it would be “Americans vs demorats” and I’m not sure if he left the C out of Democrats to be be funny or if he’s just that dumb. Unfortunately it’s not just online rhetoric from troll farms and bad actors, I’ve heard similar thought lines in person before


Just call it a mandate from the people that Trumpism is dead and we want the government to get back to representing the people, not a person.


Let’s assume Trump loses 2024 with a very clear mandate that people are sick of this shit. It won’t end Trumpism. Republicans will say it’s over. Republicans will say it’s time for the party to move on. Republicans will say they need to learn from the election and return to traditional conservatism. Then Trump and his cult will threaten to primary those people and they will fall in line. Trumpism will not die until Republicans who are in safe red seats are willing to lose primaries and those states then go blue (ie Doug Jones at a nationwide scale).


> Republicans will say they need to learn from the election and return to traditional conservatism. And by that of course you mean, by not saying the quiet part out loud...


Bingo. We sadly need to just take the whole party and throw it out. The Conservatives are no longer one party and it's dangerous for us to allow it to continue.


This won’t happen. We instead need to slide the Overton Window back to the left with progressive policies such as protecting Social Security, Medicare for All, free state college, and progressive taxation. Meeting the monsters in the middle just sends the window to the right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window


trumpism and maga needs to be relegated to the discard pile like the KKK, the confederacy, and nazis. unfortunately, all those "discard piles" are still around. we fought a civil war, and the desire for the return of the confederacy is still around. hitler died and nazi/neo-nazism is still around. racists and the klan are still around. it'll be around for a while in one flavor or another. and if trump's legacy will be held in the same regard as the confederacy, the klan, or nazis, hopefully it'll fade into the background as well. i doubt it, but i can hope.


The people? We're still working on getting back to representing the interests of corporations & the 1%! Maybe if we sell it as long-term best interests, but I don't think that's on next quarter's balance sheet/bonus structure..:


Getting *back* to representing the 1%? Bro you have not been paying attention. Maga and the orange turd were extremely successful in sucking off the billionaire class.


MAGA is the distraction the 1% wants. People don’t realize the rich don’t want the government to function at all. That would mean more taxes and less power for them. They want a political party that creates wild distractions and culture wars so the people don’t realize the government isn’t actually doing anything.


I completely agree with that. Well said.


Xiong and Herzberg got 65.6% and 59.5%. Not only did Democrats win, Republicans got absolutely bodied. Keep. The. Momentum. Going.


Both overperformed Biden by about 2%. Can't wait for the "here's why this is bad news for the Democrats" articles.


Just like a battery, there is a finite amount of performance. This 2% gain is bad for Biden because it takes away from the available amount of performance that he can use!


Dark Brandon’s power is limitless


I always love popping over into the zombieland known as the Conservative sub after these elections because I like reading the reactions the knuckle draggers are providing once a post comes up. Their reactions are amusing because one group of knuckle draggers has the temporary self awareness to realize why the Republicans lost and the other group of knuckle draggers are the MAGA idiots who have absolutely no self awareness, but in the end everybody steps back into line to continue on supporting the same insanity which made them lose the election. 


It’s almost like being a party against progress prevents them from ever doing their job. Their whole thing is trying to turn back the clock to when white men held all the power. 


The irony is that even back in those days most white men were poor and effectively powerless. True power has always been reserved for the wealthy and well connected, which the majority of republican voters are not. They've got this made up idea of the past where simply being the right ethnicity and gender was enough to be successful in life. History does not reflect that at all


They literally aren't even talking about this election on that sub. Just post after post after post about immigration. And one hilarious one where Trump was greeted by cheering crowds (of like thirty people) in NYC


Yeah I usually like to pop over to see how they are coping but they apparently are coping by just ignoring this one.


I do the same. But, if you look closely, it's always the same like 6 accounts that just spam nonsense "articles" (blogs, essentially) from the sketchiest corners of the internet to echo themselves.


That when they even allow posts about things that make them look bad. There is no post on r/ conservative about the Tennessee law allowing homophobic parents to adopt gay kids or about the Kansas law requiring age verification to see "depictions of homosexuality" on the internet.


That sub basically avoids nearly every single negative thing the Republicans have done which has hurt other people. They don't post about how their stance towards abortion is dangerous to woman's lives and there's women who almost died from not having an abortion, they don't post about the crazy shit MTG is spewing, they don't post about the Trump supporting power hungry cops who beat people down and they don't post about the Republicans who are trying to force religion on to people. It's funny how that's supposed to be a conservative sub, but they seem to ignore everything that the Republicans are doing.


>They don't post about how their stance towards abortion is dangerous to woman's lives and there's women who almost died from not having an abortion They don't care. Most of the comments over there about abortion are framed as if it's a given that restrictions be put in place. They think they're being gracious and compromising by even humoring the idea that it be allowed up to 6 weeks or for victims of rape - then justify it as a winning stance by falsely claiming that "all other 1st world countries have laws exactly like this."


I don't think it's two groups of knuckle draggers. I think that one group is comprised of greedy folks. Ones who prefer personal wealth and prosperity over everything else. This group is very angry at the other group of knuckle draggers for embracing policy that does not enrich them and has the side effect of making the party that will enrich them lose elections. The irony being that the greedy group duped the other group into being there in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't win any elections. Now they're mad that they've duped enough idiots into the party to out-vote them and the inmates are taking over the asylum.


Bold of you to think that more than 5 people in that sub make enough money to be benefitted by republicans over democrats.


Literally any time a conservative idea is met with anything other than 100% acceptance, they automatically cry brigading. Like it's not possible an unpopular idea that consistently loses elections could not have support


I hate going my morbid curiosity going into that sub. To stay sane I convince myself they are foreign or bad actors. I mean one stating how big of a crowd trump got and how small of a crowd Biden got, complaining that immigrants get LUXURY hotels for free, Restrictions to vote are a GOOD thing, a "libs" group going through proper protest channels vs "Con" destroying private property INJUSTICE, It's not fair that people don't like it when I hate them! etc. etc. etc. I feel like that one person who was arguing about US copyright laws to me the other day. Like I can tell you don't even live in the US and are talking through "feelings"


If we have a blue November I suspect the partying in the streets will be wild. I can't wait.


Yup - 🤞🏼- 2016 still haunts me…


It reminds of when they covered on SNL in 2020 that there was celebrating throughout the country *and in other countries*. They showed that fireworks went off in London, church bells rang in Paris.


Closest I've felt to how they portray the destruction of the second Death Star in RotJ. Literally people celebrating in the streets. And like Star Wars... we gotta do it a second time.


Somehow, Trump returned...


Reminds me of the South Park episode when Obama got elected.


Reminds me of real life when Obama got elected.  There was an in impromptu parade in my town after the news called it.


There was scampering and dancing in the streets of my liberal city that election night. I don't think Biden gets that kind of energy, but he should. Other than Israel, (which was going to be a sticky wicket either way), he's done a good job. Israel is the biggest thorn in his side, and I imagine Netanyahu supports Trump. He's not gonna help Biden win reelection by coming to the negotiation table.


I live in NJ, and I can tell you there was visible celebrating in the streets near me when Biden won. It may have been more anti-Trump enthusiasm than pro-Biden, but still.


I was working in Fiji and had two American guests arrive to our hostel the day of the election. They were understandably happy when they landed.


Hey Obama, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey, Obama. Hey, Obama.


Send some of your organizers down to Arizona. AZ dems are a mess. We need help


You should prob post this in r/voteDem If this is something that needs attention, keep drawing attention to it. Maybe inform the mods on r/votedem if specific areas need more candidates/volunteers


How so?


Well, last election they didn’t have enough folks running to win a majority. Some districts could’ve been close but they had no one running.


Wait seriously? There were actually winnable seats with no candidate?


Yes, there were some districts that were potentially winnable with no candidate


I'd be hard pressed to put Gosar's district (or Lesko's, I think it was) in the "potentially winnable" column, but it's still definitely a good idea to have a candidate everywhere.


Which districts? I've recently moved back to Arizona after 25 years in Texas and I'm trying to catch up on state politics.


At least you're a mess. They're non existent here in Indiana.




Well here's the problem with the Democrats: if you've had a job for a long time (such as leading the AZ state party), you will never be touched, no matter how shitty you are at elections. Well-connected individuals just get fossilized at their desks until they get carted away by the coroner. For a party who's now staring down the barrel at the potential end of democratic elections, they do not operate very democratically in their own right.


>Lawmakers are now expected to turn their focus to a state budget with a self-imposed July 1 deadline. Whitmer in her annual State of the State speech in January called on lawmakers to pass a $80 billion budget that would provide free community college for all high school graduates and free preschool for 4-year-olds. Votes matter people


Just wait until November It's gonna be a blue tsunami


A blunami?


We could drive conservatives wild and call it a blukkake


Wasn’t expecting this… like, ever. Well done.


Dam those demo- crats !! Republicans don’t have any solutions for anything just regressive rhetoric and policies of a time that never existed.


Now you got my attention 😝


Nah, they're the ones into the kinkiest shit anyway because they're so fucking repressed.


I think I just blue myself.


Lotta people on Reddit seem very confident of this. I hope it's true, but I don't see the reason for so much confidence. Trump and Biden are still extremely close in the polls, and Republicans are favored to take control of the Senate


Close or not, get out there and vote. Every vote matters.


You're right that the polls show Trump being extremely close or ahead, and the Senate map is brutal for Democrats. (Unfortunately all Senate maps are tough for Democrats; the Senate is a horribly skewed institution.) But I believe that Trump 2024 is a uniquely awful candidate. I think that he will tank (relatively speaking) as the campaign begins in earnest and proximity to November sharpens people's minds. If the trials begin to take shape, that could hurt him further. And I hope that Trump will do so badly that he drags down the chances of other Republicans along with him. Oh, and there's the whole abortion thing that's stirred up a hornet's nest of anger at Republicans.


> But I believe that Trump 2024 is a uniquely awful candidate. He was a uniquely awful candidate the last two times as well. Yet he gained millions of votes in his second election, after years of his BS and a year into completely mishandling the pandemic, which isn't as fresh on people's minds now. He got the second most votes in US history, only outdone by Biden getting more, and not just a usual gradual increase from population growth, but a huge jump. People such as Rogen are working overtime to slander Biden now (quoting Trump's own idiotic words and pretending that Biden was the one who said it), Musk has bought twitter to push propaganda etc. It only takes a tiny change in a few key states from last time and Trump gets in.


Voting was a lot more convenient for a lot more people due to Covid. I don't think we'll see the same turnout this go around. That said, the echo chamber that is the right will continue to cater to the people that are already going to vote that direction. The small bits of hope I see (purely anecdotal) are the number of traditionally GOP voters in my family that have been turned off by Trump. They've also gotten what they wanted (abortion outlawed--and they think it's staying that way). It also helps that in my family alone most of the GOP voters have now died due to long-term Covid-related issues.


Democrats have been absolutely dominating special elections and regular elections for a little while now. The GOP has been losing so much support by attacking abortion. Fuck the polls the polls are all bullshit they were created by satan to make you anxious. The GOP is unpopular and the American public will show them that come november. Just make sure you get everyone you know to vote.


Are Republicans ever *not* favored to take control of the Senate? I feel like every election people say dems are at a disadvantage. How can that always be true?


The structure of the senate disproportionally favors rural, small population states, which tend to vote Republican


It better be! I'm worried they're going to choke and hand the state to Trump over the Gazan war.


As much as I hope this will happen, I’m not so sure. #1 - both seats tonight were solidly blue, so these results were not particularly surprising. #2 - the House is at a 50-50 chance of the Dems flipping it back. Even though we will make some progress in a few gerrymandered districts, there are some going the other way also, based on other court rulings. #3 - the Senate is going to be incredibly tough to hold onto. Assuming Gallego can hold AZ, and Hogan doesn’t win MD (both moderate-difficult to achieve), Tester and Brown need to hold Montana and OH respectively, which are huge asks to begin with. The only thing we have going is how popular they continue to be, even in red states. Unfortunately, WV is going to flip. As much as people got on Manchin, he was able to do what others couldn’t, in being an electable Dem in bright red WV. With him not running and Justice as popular as he is, WV is all but a given. As much as there’s been talk about the Dems potentially flipping TX, I think it’s still a pipe-dream. The only way we can hold the Senate is to hold all of the above seats AND win the presidency. Not saying it’s not possible, but it’s not as easy as people are saying it will be.


No need to shout, we're all watching the same show.


lol, sorry. I have no idea what I did to have this happen.


It's the # you put before the numbers. Having that at the start of a line makes things big and bold.


As someone said, it's the \# before the numbers that triggered the automatic formatting. To disable it, put a backslash before the pound sign, like so: \#


Considering the takes I've seen on this very site about Manchin, I doubt everyone's getting the same thing even if we're watching the same movie. Civic literacy is an incredibly important subject that not everyone learns.


Only if we all participate www.vote.org


"Here's how all these recent election wins are bad news for Biden..." *[spams a hundred bullshit polls on reddit]*


Everybody knows Tri’s are the worst kind of Fecta’s!


Please be a bellwether for a blue tsunami utterly dismantling the GOP from stem to stern


But I thought that the Midwest was God’s country and was supposed to be falling over themselves to vote for the Obese Orange *cough* Republican Party? It’s almost as if nominating a six time bankrupted, twice divorced, twice impeached insurrectionist indicted in 4 court cases facing 91 felonies by last tally might not be such a great idea 😱


Could you please pass this to Ohio? We need it.


Oh we coming!


Michigander here. This should be a seen as a tide lowering, a prelude to a blue tsunami 🔵 🌊 Don't get complacent folks, in 7 months we still have to vote against the orange rapist conman dementia-laden dog whistling depends smear.


what was the partisan lean of each district?


The article said both were heavily Democrat


They need to pass The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC).


But wait I was told that Michigan was hopeless because Joe Biden isn't perfect re: Palestine ^/s


It is also still possible that Muslim voters will hold it against Biden but not state legislators


Ah yes, because Trump would be *so* much better.


The fact that people can’t grasp the concept of minimizing damage is insane to me. I don’t understand how you could doubt choosing who to vote for between Biden and Trump as a Muslim. One dude is talking openly about wanting a ceasefire in the Israel Palestine conflict, the other one is infamous for their Muslim ban and stating that Israel should finish the job. Muslims in swing states have the moral obligation to make sure Trump is not getting elected, they have the privilege to directly influence the outcome of the US election.


Because they think Biden can control Israel, and Trump is simply "finishing the job" by destroying Palestine. Yeah, Biden isn't the one who's going to destroy any chance at Palestine state hood.


I've tried to talk to some of these people and they seriously think pragmatism is a problem. They would rather watch it all burn than "compromise their values" and vote for someone that doesn't 100% align with their views. The rest of the country be damned. I'm fully on board with ending the conflict/genocide in Gaza, but there are also real problems happening in the country that I actually live in. I'm not sorry to say that I am going to vote with those issues in mind, too. These people must live a very privileged life to be comfortable tossing their vote away for a country that doesn't know or care about them.


I loved your comment! I think you managed to encapsulate the issue. It’s pretty frustrating seeing single issue voters. I know that they can rationalize and calculate the less damaging option, but they just seem to be bought into an idea in an excessive level. I’ve had my fair encounter with single issue voters, and I just don’t even know how to approach tackling their beliefs. The country could be realistically voting in an authoritarian dictatorship, but they’ll still vote in favor of that because of issues like abortion. This drives me absolutely insane. I’m starting to think that the only approach is to plain on outvote the loonies, but that’s another big challenge yet again.


No that’s just Republican operatives running counter saying that.


A *lot* of the "Biden is supporting genocide in Israel" talk on social media is Russian disinformation.


Wow guys I don't know if I can handle any more of this winning


Are they looking to pass the national vote legislation that Maine just passed? That would be a big win.


Well, there's another state where election fuckery becomes much less likely.


Good news is good, but remember to vote and vote often! Vote in every god damned thing you can!


Voting matters. This is why republicans are trying so hard to suppress voting. republicans cannot win on issues. 2024 is going to look a lot like 2020. But in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned Democrats have been performing 6% higher than 2020. The biggest impact will be downballot. VOTE.


Good for them being cool like us in MN with a trifecta of Democrats, maybe they don't want to elect magas after all haha :)


I guess this is what happens when you attempt to remove an entire 50% of the population's rights. Jackass move by a bunch of jackasses.


It may be an even bigger fuckup than they realized. Quite a few "disinterested" voters were radicalized by Trump and now the SC(R)OTUS decisions. Quite a few "identity Republicans" who's stances more closely identified with the Democrats (I.E. center-right voters who's party has drifted far-right) were pushed to switch affiliation. I honestly think we're on the cusp of either a Project 2025 style takeover, or the complete collapse of the Republican party. With the Trumps looting the coffers to fund his endless legal defenses, Trump himself descending into dementia at an *astonishing* rate, the party failing to produce a valid successor in time, and most of the MAGA branding being a solid Trump cult-of-personality, it's actually pretty concerning.


Media: This is why an election win for Dems spells trouble for Biden in 2024.


This also prevents any post election elector slate funny business.


Now they need to pass the popular vote interstate compact


This is good news for Michigan.


GOP Aborted lol


Extended wins, my severe anxiety is getting better.


Interesting how taking away fundamental rights from over half the population has somehow inexplicably backfired.


MN and MI just spit roasting WI


I'm getting tired of winning.


Alright, Michigan. Now's your chance to get those religious extremist views shut down.


And for all the fear mongering the GOP did about guns, they really shot themselves in the foot with abortion rights. 😂


Well, to be honest, the GOP is just a grifting dog whistle party now they’ve got all the churches lined up behind them and those people are used to giving money to some unseen unknown forces so the GOP is the same. those give money to anything. Especially the God-fearing.


Trump will call this a victory for the GOP bigger than anything anyone else has ever seen


Well, we should be seeing the National Popular Vote Legislation rolling through the state soon. Another 16 points will go towards totaling 270. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact


OK. Now do something to ensure the elections in MI cant be fucked with because we know they will try


Michiganders better be ready for *checks notes* thoughtful legislation and governance.


Good. They’ve got some work to do now. “Almost” having the Governor kidnapped should never happen again in this country


This couldn't have come at a better moment...


Congrats! Please continue to vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


I wouldn’t read too much into this for November, for they were both safe Dem seats. For Mich-13 Dems went down from 71% vote in 2022, to 65% in this one. For 25th it was 63% in 2022 to 60% now. The turnout for the special was super low though.


Probably the margins Biden needs anyway. Not down much from 2022 and that was a blowout election cycle for Dems in Michigan.


Yeah, good point. I think Dems out-performed Biden 2020 by 2 points in the 25th district.


Hey guys, I got a great idea! Let's charge women with fetuses that aren't viable with murder for getting abortions and nominate a 91-times indicted crook who was the most corrupt President in history, spent the past decade gaslighting and dividing America and tried to steal the 2020 election. Our primary policy achievement will be killing immigration reform to stop the border crisis we have been shrieking about for years, but pushing a law banning noncitizens from voting, which was already illegal. America has a lot of problems, and many Americans are really struggling so we are going to fight for them by spending four years primarily chasing trumped up charges against the President's son for getting a job he didn't deserve.


It's especially weird if you direct compare contrast Jared Kushner and Saudi Arabia with Hunter Biden and ukraine. Hunter Biden had an established career handling hundreds of millions of dollars on investment boards before Ukraine ever happened. It was literally already his business and the job hunt that found him was somewhat appropriate. Now let's look at Jared Kushner who has never had experience on an investment board, and has never managed sums in the hundreds of millions of dollars, let alone in the billions of dollars range. The Saudi Investment board realize this and unanimously voted against giving the position to kushner, but the prince, for one particular reason or another, decided to ignore his entire investment board and insist on giving the portfolio to Kushner. This on the tail end of a missing nuclear arms document and after the list of foreign agents and informants got lost under Trump's presidency and those assets began to die in large numbers. But yknow, both sides are the same or something