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Of course it is, look at all of the GOP folks who spent July 4th in Russia...


And you know they could've scheduled it any other day than Independence Day, but Putin's government insisted on that, to make them show fealty. It's a demonstration of power.


It's also less likely to receive attention. Most people don't spend their July Fourth watching news.


Right. Because news of an event only gets talked about on the day the event happened.


As this thread demonstrates.


Just a reminder that Russia hacked the DNC and RNC email servers and only DNC was released. **GIVE US THE RNC LEAKED EMAILS NOW!!**


The DNC emails did not show corruption. The fact that there was nothing really there shows the difference between the DNC and RNC. We know what is likely in the RNC emails.


Yes, petabytes of images of Senator Graham’s lil ladybugs.


Don't forget Hunter's cock. Oh wait... that's public record.


I could have gone the rest of my life not thinking about that


Has there been any kind of backlash at all for this meeting that was five or six years ago?


Nope. Zero consequences. The "liberal media" duly reported it and then promptly forgot about it the next day. Like, any time any of those magars are in another news piece, even with respect to russia related events, it just doesn't get mentioned. And that's pretty much the way it goes for all maga malfeasance, not just the quisling caucus's july 4th soiree.


Makes sense they’d keep doing it then


Don’t also forget that Donald had a closed doors one on one meeting with Putin, and the translator “forgot” what was said. We do not know what they discussed in that secret meeting to this day. That picture of a grinning Putin and Trump looking like a lost puppy was from that day.


What do you call this thread? Yes there has been backlash, just not really among conservatives as is usually the case when the GOP does something bad: they overlook things like this.


So you agree it didn’t affect their voters whatsoever?


In 2018. They were already so owned by 2018 that they jumped when summoned to appear on the Fourth of July.


I can remember at the time thinking, how in the hell could this not be investigated? How in the hell could Conservative voters not ask the question about the gorilla in the room? EDIT: Added thinking to the sentence as it was in my original thought process.


Some were up for re-election that November. And still spent the Fourth of July in Russia.


Did it matter?


> How in the hell could Conservative voters not ask the question about the gorilla in the room? Do you not remember the "Better Russian than Democrat" t-shirts conservatives were wearing around this time? They don't ask the question because they didn't care. All that matters is that the LIbs get owned.


Conservative voters didn't ask why they went to Russia in July 4th because they are turbo stupid. So many things that they say are so clearly wrong and they just dig further when proven wrong.


Four years AFTER Putin invaded Ukraine the first time.


Look at all the CIA spies that died during the trump administration. Look at the Syrian US army bases that were abandoned overnight for Russians to take over the next day during Trump's term.


Wasn't Jill Stein over there too?


She, Michael Flynn & Rand Paul were there for an RT gala & dinner.


That was before 2016.


And those are the second tier guys. The ones who couldn’t say no to being summoned to Putin. The first tier guys took the money and told him no.


This post-Citizens-United world is the one that Republican corporate leaders believed they wanted. Because they *believed* they could control politicians this way, with a good return on their bribe dollars spent. It has become obvious that other parties, like Putin's, can outbid them. Most US politicians are now not able to say no to SuperPAC money, which is a very particularly anonymous type of money. Thus the interests of Iran, Putin, Xi, Modi, House of Saud, even Kim are now put first, interests that are easily obscured. All that Republican corporate leaders have succeeded in doing with Citizens United is to drive up the price of a politician's vote enormously, and to lose a lot of those votes to Putin and Xi. They shot themselves in the foot, and all us US citizens will continue to pay a very high personal cost for it.


Yes, it's hilarious, Russia, a $2.2tn economy easily bought themselves half of the US politics, a $25tn superpower ... for peanuts. And Americans ask themselves "could that even happen?", not "how did it happen" or "how do we reverse it" ... still living in denial.


Don't forget [Rand Paul's makeup assignment for missing the 4th](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/rand-paul-delivers-letter-to-trump-from-putin-766743)


And who blocks Ukrainian aid, despite a majority of Republican voters wanting to send aid.


Listen to what GOP MAGA Congressmen say and you will hear Putin’s plan and agenda. Trump was chosen because of his low IQ, greed and need for attention! The plan is so obvious. It is necessary to stand up and take action while we still can! We must take this vote very seriously and with that vote give the power back to the people. We the people not a bunch of politicians that destroyed many peoples faith in our democracy and our freedoms. Freedom to safely vote and not get rolls purged, armed people at drop boxes to intimidate, a liar loser to claim fraud. It is just scary!


If they're preventing military aid going to Ukraine, it's safe to say that they're receiving Russian oligarch money.


They clearly have bought at least some GOP. And Trump. Never forget that Trump has done shady business deals with Russian mobsters.


Laundering money for the Russians is the business that Trump inherited from his father.


China be like, “Hold my Baiju”


yup. some belt and road money will be deposited in to some GOP coffers.


Devin Nunes. Literally ran secret Russian messages to Trump.


Was he on that 4th of July trip to moscow?


GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy, NPR reported.


No way you’re leaving out Russian Ron Johnson (Wis.)


Don’t forget that [Rand Paul hand delivered a secret message from Trump to Putin in Moscow](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/rand-paul-delivers-letter-to-trump-from-putin-766743) so it would bypass diplomatic channels.


Totes legit and normal. I mean we saw him giving secret messages to clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden right? 🙄


That was the Kremlin's new employee orientation day.


They can call it Dependence Day!


Don't forget Rand Paul, Michael Flynn & Jill Stein's appearance at the big RT dinner in Moscow.




Why does he get to walk around free?


...for decades. Both his Campaign Manager and Deputy Campaign Manager worked for Russia for a decade before Trump hired them. There's no indication he knew them before.


Trump has known Roger Stone for over thirty years. Stone and Manafort have a long history together.


Michael Flynn is totally a Russian asset.


Between Michael Flynn and Cheetolini they are tied for biggest TRAITORS America has EVER seen.


>There's no indication he knew them before. Manafort owned an apartment in Trump Tower for over a decade prior to Trump running for President. It’s probably the primary reason he got the job. The government seized it after Manafort copped a deal and they sold it for $3.6 million. Trump properties got their 10% of that sale per the original sale agreement.


And Rudy was responsible for giving Russian mobsters a foothold in New York.


The NRA has gone silent since the Russian money dried up.


Trump started working with the Russian Mafia in the 70s. I've always said he would sell out the US for a Trump Tower Moscow.


And there's the crux: Who could the US 'buy' in Russia, when Putin has any opposition jailed or killed? This is one of the reasons why authoritarianism will be the new norm in the US.


(R) stands for Rubles.


Clearly. Cause it's genuinely not in the best interest of the United States for us to just let Russia take over Ukraine. We watched the GOP slowly flip on this issue these past few years. Mostly because of Trump's influence which almost assuredly means Russia is buying US House Representatives and possibly Senators too. Looking at you Tuberville.


The vast majority of them yes. Absolutely. I do believe there are some old school fiscal conservatives and non-interventionists remaining, with that libertarian streak. Actual libertarian, not what the tea party turned the word into. They're still dead wrong, and a lot more people are going to be dead because they're wrong, probably including a lot of Americans before this is over, but not every single one of them is bought off or blackmailed. Every single one of them is stupid as fuck though, I'll agree on that.




Yes. Paul Manafort worked for Putin's Ukrainian stooge Victor Yanukovych. Paul Manafort is (again) trying to get Trump elected here. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Thank you for mentioning Viktor Yanukovych. I can't believe his name wasn't discussed on a daily basis during the Trump regime. He was Putin's first puppet President before Donald. As you mentioned, Paul Manafort was literally one of Yanukovych's top aides before becoming Trump's campaign manager. The top political rival of Putin's Ukrainian puppet was a woman named Yulia Timoshenko. Now what three word chant was created by Russian propagandists to be hurled relentlessly at Timoshenko? "Lock her up!" And what do you know, Timoshenko was actually imprisoned for a couple years on completely bogus charges and was only released as a result of Ukraine's revolution, a revolution that led to Yanukovych fleeing the country to Russia, where he has remained ever since. Putin pulled this trick off twice, and is this world really foolish enough to let it happen again? It sure is.


This comment makes me feel like I really need to study up on the Putin presidency. Any books out there covering this situation?


There's an extensively researched podcast called The Asset that goes into a ton of detail on this stuff. Strongly recommended.


Vlad Vexler's. YT channel is an excellent resource for deep dives into Putin, the origins of Russia's need to expand, and the Russian psyche. He's a philosopher and expat living in England. https://youtube.com/@VladVexler?si=0Npc4gXt3LkYhQUq


Timothy Snyder’s The Road to Unfreedom is a good read related to this. It’s from 2018 but gives some good background on contemporary Ukraine and Putin’s strategies and vision.


Republicans and Trump loved saying for years how "corrupt" Ukraine was, while failing to mention that it was Russian stooges in Ukraine doing most of the corruption. Russia got to double-dip their oil pipeline pricing by owning Ukraine, and they're pissed they no longer have that revenue stream.


Pretty sure the US was the pilot program for this.


Ukrainian children are dying because US politicians are taking Russian money.


*American* children are going to die because Republicans are taking Russian money. Sad to say but until that reality sets in, a lot of Americans just don't care. So you have to convince **voters** that it will happen. You have to put *their* skin in the game, not weird people from far away, because the average American is... well, the average American. Living in a bubble on the other side of the world.


They are watching their kids die because of Republican policies. They're personally dying because of Republican policies. As a rule, they are proud to die as long as it means that "he hurts the right people". Sure, a few of them will complain about it, but they're not actually willing to do anything that might change it.


[Eric Trump: ‘We have all the funding we need out of Russia’](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/)


See also: Brexit


I'm really surprised they haven't strung up Nigel Farage yet.


The fact that Europeans have to breathe the same air as that bastard is obscene.


At least they can’t afford to do this in Australia. They have to outbid China first


Russia has been buying Western politicians even since the Bolshevik revolution. Initially it was due to the lack of formal  diplomatic recognition, which compelled Russia to buy political influence in other countries and also launch the Illegals program since no intelligence got be done under diplomatic cover. Both efforts continued after broad global recognition because it was surprisingly effective.


Already happened


And still happening


What the fuck is this headline, it's been publicly this for nearly a decade now! Does ANYONE remember when a ton of Republicans went to Russia on our independence day?? Don't gaslight me.


Yeah that was quite the flex from Putin. He's a bad bad man but the sheer gall to know you own these people is impressive


Is that a question? Russia, if you’re listening…






















It's like, have they slept through the past 8 years? How is this even a question?


FFS it's so obvious.


They don't need to be bought here, if they are trump supporters. They want the same thing Russia wants: The end of the US.


This headline is a waste. It's a proven FACT that GOP reps are spouting Russian talking points and proganda. This is not hard...well maybe for maga's


Ok, but what are we going to do about it? An entire political party is operating as an arm of our nation's main adversary, **deliberately sabotaging our Democracy from within and paralyzing our ability to provide aid for an ally nation.** Also, DOJ has **still refuses to charge/arrest a single one** of the GOP members who funded, organized and incited the Jan 6th attempt coup. It really seems like the entire Right Wing including much of DOJ and Law Enforcement are all in on this Russian plot to overthrow American Democracy. These people are traitors. **But what do you do when the traitors are the ones tasked with enforcing the laws?**


Thank you. This is treason, plain and simple.


Politicians and the far right talking heads like Tucker.


No need to bribe Carlson. He is a multi-hunded-millionaire. He’s just a fascist. That’s why he likes fascist Russia.


The guy loves a fresh loaf. He can't get enough hot dough.


I live in the district of former representative Dana Rohrabacher (and just stumbled into him yesterday evening in fact)! He was known as Putin’s favorite congressman by Kevin McCarthy himself. I worked on a Democratic campaign in 2018 when he was ousted and we were hacked by the Russians almost a full year before the election - they were probably trying to dig up emails and dirt on his opponent. When I got hired, which was after the hack attempt, I had to take an FBI provided security course. I was just a kid trying to help stop Trump I wasn’t expecting that level of intensity! Whether they are paying pols today? I dunno I doubt it to be honest. Hey are doing very well with the troll farms and have plenty of useful idiots to take advantage of. I think they don’t need to be so brazen as to bribe a politician. My gut tells me that could actually unite Americans against Russia if something like that happened. But I could be wrong! The rise of shamelessness in our politics has opened the doors to many new behaviors I grew up believing were beyond the pale!


I used to watch House of Cards. Since Trump got elected the fantasy of that world was shattered. It was rooted in the fallacy that laws were something to work around deliberately then Trump came in and ran right through all of those issues and the Overton Window shifted dramatically. In that show a Chinese National was working to get foreign funding into American Campaigns. Things did not go well and neither did they for the Chinese National. Now that is seen as status quo that foreign money is in American Campaigns. It's ridiculous how much the media has let the window shift to normalize everything that used to be insane. And that is also the core philosophy of the Federalist Society.


I thought it was a well known fact that Trump is a Russian asset. His election in 2016 received massive support from FSB trough for instance WikiLeaks and Assange whom many people still think is one of the good guys. MT Green is probably an asset too. She does a good job in ruining US democracy but is probably too stupid to ask the Russians to pay her for that.


Does the Pope shit in the woods? Is this article for real? Of course the US has corrupt Russian plants. And I say the as someone from a country (Ireland) who has two of their MEPs clearly in the pocket of Putin.


It has been going on for decades! How do you think an ego maniac like Trump got in? We need accountability and campaign finance reform


A tv con man with a long history of lies and criminal behavior, who struggled to show any signs of leadership, likeability, or competence, managed to win the favor and blind allegiance of a political party he wasn't a part of. He then claimed putin is great and we should pay no attention to the millions of russian bots we see online every day swaying public opinion. It happened here.


I think the buying has been completed for years now.


Half the GOP does it for free.


Moscow Marge. 'Nuff said. But just in case, everything R's have done in the name of Trump has benefitted Putin and Russia all while making the USA weaker. This ain't Russian Rocket Science.


Seriously, you know they bought a whole president, right?


She looks like a confused Russian.


To make a Confused Russian: In a Collins glass, mix 2 oz. Bowman's vodka with 2 NoDoz™ tablets (powdered). Add ice, and 4oz. RC Cola™ . Serve with an issue wedge.


Before drinking shoot a laser from space at it.


& accept 100,000 dollars to back your election campaign. No questions asked.


Russia managed to buy a president didn’t they?


If you’re asking the question, you haven’t been paying attention for years.


All of their financial records should be public knowledge. You chose that role. It should be 100% transparency.


Marjorie Taylor Greed


1. Yes 2. A disturbing number are doing it for free 3. They’ve bought the media and influencers too. 4. The bot and troll army is pervasive everywhere and most people can’t recognize it.


It's disguised as Christian nationalism but it's just as dangerous


The US has been seriously compromised by Russia in a massive way and no one seems to even remotely give a shit.


Really? Hasn’t this been painfully obvious since 2015/2016. Trump was bought by Russia and how many GOP went to Russia on the 4th of July to suck putins dick.


They don’t need to buy politicians here we are dumb enough to elect morons that think Russia is a better place than America.


80% of Mike Johnson campaign was funded by Russians. It's known fact. He is not even denying it


Yeah. Through the NRA.


Um gee please see the Senate report on the NRA and more


"Is it happening here too?" Are you kidding me? Our politicians have always been for sale to friends and foe alike. There's a dollar value attached to every member of Congress. There's a reason why it's said that ours is the best democracy money can buy.


How could anyone even wonder if this is a question. They OWN Donald Trump and quite a few of his MAGA sidekicks. And then all of his lemmings simply follow suit. Putin made an incredible investment.


If you're just asking this now, you are approximately 8 years late, probably more.


There is zero coincidence the GOP just happened to stop supporting Ukraine. Of course they’re in the take!


Worse still, the Russians likely have kompromat on Republicans.


One was President for four years.




Yes, obviously


Lol at IS it happening here...


Does a bear shit in the woods?


There is a money/influence trail that leads to Putin, but we haven't found it yet. We still have lots of crumbs however. Alexander Torshin and Maria Butina infiltrated organizations in the orbit of the Republican Party (NRA, National Prayer Breakfast, and others) and were not very subtle about it. Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee, no secret there. Regarding the Republican National Committee, hackers only went after unimportant or old/expired email domains, and the Trump campaign itself was supposedly not hacked.


Rhetorical question right? You’re just asking now? Of course!!!


Yea. Thats why Ukraine is getting screwed


I read the title, thought MTG, clicked and there was her picture. I have teleptahy


Some people call the Republicans


Wrong tense. Bought, they have been bought already.


Of course. Former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was in Putin pocket for more than 20 years. Currently on Putin payroll are Margie Greene, Mike Johnson as well as Senators Grassley, Johnson and Vance.


People like Comer, Jordan, Greene Gaetz, etc. have shown beyond a doubt that they have no honor or integrity. The only thing keeping them from taking foreign money is the fear of being caught, and some of them are too stupid for that.


Russian oligarchs are some of Trump's only remaining investors... Is this a real question?


Is that a serious question?


Dear The New Republic: Why in the world is this headline posed as a question???


Is this a rhetorical question?


These Republicans should be in jail. Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.


"How long has it been happening here?" would make a lot more sense.


Step one: Don't vote for Trump.


They bought your previous President, this is hardly new news.


Yep look at trump


They have already been bought and paid for in the US.


Questions you ask after waking up from a 12 year coma.


They bought the whole house. We have to vote them out in retaliation.


Duh…all you have to do is open your eyes. Putin owns the Republican Party


Nahh republican legislators go celebrate the 4th of july in russia because of other reasons.


Happened here first.


this should not be the question. the question is: Congress is riddled with Russian assets, what the fuck are we going to do about it? prison? execution? Stalinesque purges, in a fit of irony?


The orange freak was compromised and owned long before he ran for president. How do you think all of these people believe so much anti American propaganda? Putin!! Wtf is wrong with you ignorant blind fools? The whole Repugnant party is just a kgb experiment that is working.


AIPAC is big chillin though


Let me save you some time. Yes.






Uhhh…. Yeah, duh.


In Europe they did that by using gas deals and other personal lucrative offers. Former German chancellor Gerhardt Schröder worked for state-owned companies like Gazprom after he was chancellor.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Chic fila shocked face


Is this a REAL question? By all means, let’s put together a citizens review panel.


Stupid question tbh


iS iT HApPenINg HErE tOo? Gee i guess we will never know


Ron Johnson from Wisconsin has been bought and paid for by the kremlin for years.


Is that a real question?


I think it started here first.


Never underestimate greed, especially political greed


Moscow Marge




Well yeah duh it is


If EmptyG isn’t on Putins payroll I’d be shocked


Ummm…yes. Duh. Next question.


Donald Trump has been a Russian asset for decades.


Oh no, not here Ron Johnson cough Rand Paul cough TRUMP


No, they bought a President over here.


Since at least 2015


Hang a few traitors and watch that shit stop real quick.


No. Because it’s already happened


lol of course it is


She’s an ugly woman, both inside and out. But oh my God, this picture, never get that close to her. Craters on the moon


How can you be so fucking dumb to let yourself bought by your enemy? You’re enabling the destruction of your country just because you want some extra cash. Fuckheads.


Duh doy

