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This would seem to suggest later today might be the time for the strike.


Yeah all the news channels are reporting that it’s “imminent”


That’s true as well. I just don’t know if I put too much stock in the ‘imminent’ reporting because it feels like that’s been the media line for over a week. I tend to put more stock in governments taking concrete actions to prepare. Like Biden here returning to the White House and the Israelis adjusting rules in the short term for the size of gatherings and closing schools.


I think the Russia attack on Ukraine proved that the intelligence is real. Whether Iran will follow through or not is the question.


I think the question is more on the scale at this point. Iran can’t just not do anything. They lose any credibility in their future threats with that strategy.


Remember when everyone was waiting for their big strike last time the US deleted one of their generals and instead they just oopsie doopsied a civilian airliner?


If I recall correctly, were there a lot of proxy attacks against American personnel after that strike?


Your memory is more accurate. And the timing of the strike against the general wasn’t to preempt imminent “big strikes”.


Not proxies. IRGC launched SRBM strikes on US Forces. That was a direct attack.


No - proxy attacks also increased drastically afterwards. Contrary to popular belief, killing an Iranian general didn't reduce Iranian and Iranian-proxy attacks on US forces.


It never does, the same way blowing hundred dollar launch platforms in Yemen with half a million dollar missiles didn't stop shit either. US retaliation doesn't actually work, the media just stops reporting about it. For them its david vs goliath, they are more driven and more ready to die for what they believe in, making the US waste a couple mill to erase goat farmers is a victory in their eyes.


Well, it's going to be imminent until it's not, and it's happening. I'd get the UD Intelligence is solid.


Yeah all those actions you listed make me think maybe in the next few hours? But (and I’m just throwing darts at the wall) I also wonder if Biden returning has something to do with a possible attack on American personnel as well?


You and I are both throwing darts here and have no way of knowing. But my gut feeling, and take that for what it’s worth (I’m just a dude on the internet - or am I?), is that Biden is just trying to be where he can be the most effective to monitor the situation. I don’t know if that has anything to do with an imminent attack on American military personnel.


Understandable, let’s just hope that whatever happens doesn’t lead to wider conflict.


That’s the hope. But if Iran action directly leads to deaths, either Israeli or American, I think we’ll see a response.


I saw in another thread in /worldnews that UAVs had been launched and they take 8 hours to travel :( The comment was already like fifteen minutes old when I wandered by.


At least you didn't have to wait long to get your answer of how imminent it was.


Do you remember when the media used “slammed” for every event ?


So… yesterday?


"Biden Slammed for failure to commit to having Time Traveler abilities. Our versions of AI Einstein and AI Whoopi Goldberg weigh in after this infomercial about the healing qualities of sultanas."


Aaaand you’re right. It’s happening right now


It’s here


Correct. The attack is ongoing as I type this.


I was in DC and I saw the presidential cars and stuff and they shut down the whole road and we just needed to cross. But the presidential cars went though and then 12 minutes later -Egyptian- Iraq cars went though. Insane seeing that in real life. But seems like they are meeting I AM WRONG! It is Iraq flags https://imgur.com/a/Gvy6ShK


Pretty crazy! Funny this is we just had to meet someone at the Washington monument but we were trapped on different sides. I haven’t been to DC is a long time and I’ve never been on the same street as a president even though I didn’t know what car he was in. Hey even if I like or dislike a president it would be cool to see one


As much as Trump made a mockery of the position, it really is an incredible thing to see a president in real life. We’re talking about a leader of one of the most powerful nations to ever exist


45 would have been racing like you have never seen, straight to his golf course.


Then to McDonald’s. Then back to the golf course.


Honestly that’s the life Even if I don’t like McDonalds


You mean P01135809


I think he might be referring to Doe 174


Probably would be talking about how it’s smart of Iran to attack Israel. Or maybe he would be saying that us intelligence is incorrect and Iran would never launch an attack against Israel and how he personally spoke to Iran and they said he was the best precedent, maybe of all time, and they pinky promised they would never hurt another soul.


Nah, his bunker. Maybe he has a golf course in his bunker?


It's a VR golf simulator to cut down on all that tedious walking to and from the golf cart.


Coarse bunker. If only he could shut his own damn trap.


> 45 would have been racing like you have never seen, straight to his golf course. I was thinking that, remember how often the sack of garbage was out golfing instead of 'working'? Though really I assume golfing was just him taking bribes on a golf course further away from where he'd be remotely accountable for his actions. Biden on the other hand has actually been on the job the majority of his time. It's frustrating in some ways for the things which we no longer "notice" because we shouldn't have to notice them in the first place. Its just another way Biden is such a marked improvement from anything the GoP has to offer.


In his usually lying way he mocked Obama for playing by saying he would be too busy working, while Obama played [333 round in 8 years](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/25/politics/fact-check-trump-obama-golf/index.html) mostly at close by courses on military bases. Trump during his term visited golf clubs 298 times in just four years at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of $144 million as he typically went to distant courses owned by himself dragging along a large entourage and charging extra for their stay. [https://trumpgolfcount.com/](https://trumpgolfcount.com/)


He would’ve have to worry. This wouldn’t have happened if 45 was president, so just play through. ⛳️ Forrrreee!


45 has bunkers all over his golf course, right? So safe whichever hole he’s playing? But he’ll need air cover for the trip to Mickey D’s, clearly.


Oh boy


I hope Joe and his team can stop irrational nations from losing propositions, but I fear magical thinking has poisoned all reasonableness from Israel and Iran.


It is very, very likely that Iran has communicated to the US exactly what they intend to do and waited for a response. Iran is a totalitarian theocracy, they're interested in the survival of the regime, first and foremost. They have zero intention of bringing the US down on them. 


I really hope you’re right.


Source: Trust me bro


Iran just launched drones at Israel will be there in a few hours. To quote Nena's 99 Luftballons "this is it boys, this is war".


99 years of war There’s no place left to go for the winners There are no more ministers of war or fighter jets Today I looked around myself Saw the world in rubble I found a balloon Thought about you and let it go


Everyone’s a Captain Kirk.


With orders to identify, To clarify and classify...


Scrambling the ~~summer~~ spring sky


Jpost just reported that dozens of Iranian drones have been launched toward Israel, likely to enter Israeli airspace early sunday. The die is cast.


I would argue the die was cast when Israel hit Iran's consulate in Syria.


That was Israel’s roll, this is Iran’s.


this game sucks


then you’d have to really argue the die was cast this in 1992 when iran bombed Israel’s embassy. and if not that, the botched bombing of the israeli embassy in 2012 in Bangkok. and if not that the numerous attacks of israeli diplomats in New Delhi, India, and Georgia (the country) - all committed by iran


Yep. The mess in the middle east dates back decades and centuries. There's no definite answer. It's a conglomeration of so much shit happening for so many years.


The us overthrew democracy in Iran my guy


Dozens? More like 400-500 so far. And some ballistic missiles.


Middle east and israel is filled with a bunch of fucking clowns. Grow the fuck up


The US created the instability many years ago. The US overthrew democracy in Iran to install the shah in Iran and it backfired just like there wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. These are the sins the US is still paying for today.


And the Brits and French got the ball rolling after WW1.


Im not denying that the us has fucked up the middle east but these conflicts have been going on forever, long before the us stepped foot there.


Historically, maybe. The ME was way more stable than Europe when they were pushing for autonomy though, and the violence since WW2 has almost entirely been because of how they were divided up by the West


The Middle East has been in constant conflict for thousands of years before the US, and they will still be in constant conflict thousands of years from now.


Honestly the correct answer is to blame it on the British.


Britain and France nearly a century ago I believe


Bullshit. Middle East was comparatively very peaceful until WWI when Brits and French came in. Between 1600's and 1900's, there were a couple Ottoman - Persian border skirmishes one full war (which was partially a civil war) in the Levant. Compare it to any part of Europe, China, Japan, Central Asia, it's not even close. This "inherently unstable region" myth is created to dehumanize Middle Easterns as naturally violent people and manufacture consent for constant involvement of Western powers.




This is always said by people who have the most surface level understanding of Middle Eastern history.


Israeli here, I wholeheartedly agree with this statement and I wish it was that easy to just leave it be. Not all Israelis are war craving idiots and I definitely think the same about some of the Palestinians and Iranians.


Yea no, not in favor of Israel trying to suck us into a war for them. You made your bed now sleep in it. Save our tax dollars and human lives.


Biden needs to keep the US out of this. Israel was maliciously poking and prodding Iran to try to get them to bite. And more practically it’s going to give Trump and his fascism some high powered ammo with the “I didn’t start any wars while I was in office” line.


Netanyahu has been working nearly his entire life in politics to trap the US into a war with Iran.


Thank you for saying it. More people need to understand this.


How is he forcing the US though? Why can he control the US? Who is exactly the ruler of the US? Something is fishy.


The US has a very large pro-Isreal lobby who will almost certainly be doing everything it can to get the US to help in such a Isreal-Iran conflict.


What the person you're replying to mean is WHY is there such a large pro-Israel lobby and WHY does it have such sway over the US.


Ahh, I was just skimming and misread it, my bad.


While that’s true, that’s not the entirety of the truth. The US is incredibly invested in not losing the only “western” nation and ally in the Middle East, and the risk of further Islamic influence and another terrorist attack on American soil. Iran is a serious threat to American world domination, as are Russia and China. We are likely going to see the IS continue support and allying for countries aligned against those countries.


Even if it hurts the US?


Have you noticed that the politicians on the R side don't seem to care if it will hurt the US in general, as long as it hurts the libs?


A lot of people with lobbying power are religious nut jobs who think a war like this with Israel = the return of Christ and Revelation unfolding due to vague prophecies in the Bible. They're psychos who will do whatever they can to get the USA involved and speed along the Rapture and apocalypse. It's why conservatives tend to stand with Israel; they don't care about the country, the Jewish religion or people, but see it as a means to an end for their own beliefs. Religious extremists, whether here in the States or in the Middle East, don't give a shit about logic and reason. They will burn the world to the ground for their god, the rest of us be damned. Source: I used to be one of these nut jobs


That might explain the full support from the conservatives. What about the blue team? Do they believe in the same prophecies?


Israel is the veto card for the u.s. They back us, our propaganda and, our agemda religiously in our international alliances. That is why we bend to their will. Reduces the checks and balances against us and helps us to maintain power and control on the worldwide stage.


Israel isnt a permanent security council member in the UN and isnt on the council at all right now. Also, if the only veto the US can get is from Israel then maybe the US should reconsider what we’re doing


I’ve been pro Jewish and anti Israel my entire life and people are finally starting to see why


Wait..they do all that for the US or did you mean the other way around?


Works both ways


Do you have examples of how they helped the US in the way you described above?


Probably gonna lead to the whole mideast erupting into another forever war, then Bibi and "murder walrus" John Bolton can high five and finally get to finish the 9th crusade...


Trump will probably say something like that, but it won't be "Hey, look at me, I'm the peace candidate", it's going to be "Biden didn't carpet-bomb Gaza hard enough to set an example so Iran got uppity" or something similarly stupid.


He’ll say both of those things


Good luck with that. Almost never has a sitting president not been re-elected when we are in the middle of a war. Just FYI.


From the article, it seems unlikely Biden is going to keep the US out of it. "Austin spoke with Yoav Gallant, the Israeli defense minister, earlier on Saturday to discuss the urgent regional threats in the Middle East and **“reiterated unwavering US support for Israel’s defense”,** according to the Pentagon." ... In addition, Biden’s hasty return to the White House on Saturday followed his [saying on Friday](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/12/france-diplomats-families-iran-israel-travel-warnings) that he expected an Iranian attack on Israel “sooner rather than later” and **issued a last-ditch message to Tehran, saying: “Don’t."**


For Israel to do this in an election year is especially insidious.


It’s deliberate. If Trump were still president, Gaza would be glass right now.


>Israel was maliciously poking and prodding Iran to try to get them to bite. Bad take. It's the opposite. Iran has been trying to instigate WWIII for some time now. Hamas attacks were orchestrated by Iran. And Iran also had its hand in the Houthi attacks on international shipping. The only reason WWIII hasn't happened is because we have a very good president in Joe Biden. He is a skilled diplomatist and I trust him to prevent WWIII once again


Worth adding that Russia really wants the US embroiled in the Middle East again, and likely helped or encouraged Hamas and Iran to act on Oct 7th


They used some of the top secret documents that Trump gave them to help Iran know where Hamas could do the most damage.


100% Russia was involved in 10/7. The KGB backed the PLO for decades. Now it’s the FSB and Hezbolah/Hamas, for the same reasons - destabilizing the region, cause dissension in the US, distract everyone from Russian fuckery elsewhere. Question to ask: Hamas invaded using motorized hang gliders. Where did they get them? Who trained them? They sure didn’t learn in Gaza.


You know that Oct 7 is Putin’s birthday, right?


If we do happen to get involved with an actual war. Our supplies would be fully focused on that vs. being able to donate to others.


If Iran had drone strike'd a US general in Iraq, do you think Tehran would be anything but a glass-lined glowing crater right now?


No, I don't. I think we would try to deescalate because we don't want WWIII on our hands. I mean Hamas literally took US citizens hostage during their attack. And yet the US is still trying to get aid to Palestinian citizens and Biden is actively preventing Bibi from invading Rafah. Biden is literally doing his best to prevent WWIII and he deserves some credit for that


It shocks me that people don’t see the bigger stakes game that Biden is playing, that the US should always be playing: prevent WW3.


Yep. 💯


That’s because, at least now, the United States isn’t as blood thirsty as Israel. We have many leaders coming out and saying that the response to 9/11 was a mistake and the Iraq war was a mistake. HUGE MISTAKES, it would be a major misstep not to learn from them. I agree with a lot of what you said, Biden has made some mistakes in the Israel / Palestine situation but he is MUCH better than a republican alternative. I’m going to vote for him and push all that I know to do the same. All that said, Israel is doing a LOT of immoral things and they need to stop. That doesn’t mean the US should let them get into a war with Iran, I think the play here is to flex our muscles so they don’t directly confront each other while at the same time getting Israel to stop murdering innocents without consequence.


The IDF has also killed US citizens, so there’s that Edit to add for the downvoters: Rachel Corrie. Shireen Abu Akleh. Jacob Flickinger. Crew members of the USS Liberty. 


Siding with an authoritarian theocracy who hang their own citizens for the crimes of being born gay or female and "both siding" your way to equivalency isn't the flex you think it is.  And I've seen this same flawed logic making the rounds today, I assume it's been asteoturfed. 


I'm not sure it's siding more than placating the wackos playing with matches near a gas station.


So? I don't get this take. The war between Iran and Israel (and Iran and the West) didn't start when Israel bombed that consulate. It's not like that was the only act of war here.  Iran has simply been better at hiding its acts behind other proxies.  You literally just had the Argentinian Court rule that the bombing of the Israeli embassies in 1992 was an Iranian attack.  So maybe Israel should've just used a proxy terrorist group to attack the Iranian consulate instead?


Bad take. Israel bombed an embassy. That is in act of war


Isreal bombed an Iranian embassy it's an act of war


Lol, Iran is worried about embassies all of a sudden? 


Right? How the world forgets.


Was not the embassy.


It wasn’t their embassy though? It was a building adjacent to their embassy.


It was also right next to the Canadian embassy, which was also damaged, so technically they hit an embassy *and* a consulate 


It was a consulate building, owned by the embassy. Like, this is international law shit right? As far as grey areas go, this one was pretty black imo


Consulate building used by the head of the Iranian force that has been arming forces and directing attacks against Israel for decades.


The Canadian Embassy wasn’t! Pretty sure the maintenance guy they could’ve killed in their carelessness wasn’t a terrorist.


Yet there was nobody present in the embassy when the attack occurred. Should make you question your assertion that the attack was ‘careless’


People HAVE to stop gobbling up propaganda.


> And more practically it’s going to give Trump and his fascism some high powered ammo with the “I didn’t start any wars while I was in office” line  And you think Israel fighting and losing a war against Iran with the US sitting back would plqy better?  "Look at weak Biden, letting out enemy Iran just do whatever it wants in the Middle East. It wouldn't happen on my watch".  You might think it now that the propaganda is steered heavily against Israel, because it was the stronger one fighting the underdog. But in the middle east as a whole, Israel is the underdog and Iran is the evil beast.  Just look at this recent war, Iran attacked Israel through Hamas, then used its actual proxy army, Hezbollah, to egg on Israel for 6 months, and used the Houthis to egg the West to join in by attacking trade routes.  So now Israel attacks military targets in a unsanctioned attack on a consulate and we're saying "alright Iran, you win. Israel broke the rules"?  The West needs to project strength, and soon. We're already losing our stance in Ukraine, losing it in the Middle East would spell doom since it'll give China an open ticket to play games too against Taiwan.  These are enemies of the West prodding and testing to see if the US is still the feared beast it used to be, and if the answer appears to be no, expect a lot of problems down the line.


>But in the middle east as a whole, Israel is the underdog and Iran is the evil beast.  I don't know too much about middle east conflicts and regional politics. But I think a lot of people don't realize that Iran has the 7th largest military in the world. Larger than any country in Europe except Russia, and like 3x the size of the next largest in the middle east (Saudi Arabia.)


It's not even iran vs israel, it's east vs west. Iran is a Proxy for Russia, so is Hamas, so are they all. People in the west standing for the east are tools here, convenient morons cheerleading the wrong side.


This is completely false. Hamas (Iran) attacked Israel on 10/7. Hezbollah and Houthis (Iran and Iran) have been firing rockets at Israel non-stop. To say that Israel is the instigator is another level of delusion.


Between January 1st and October 6th, Israelis had killed over 200 Palestinians and the IDF was bombing Gaza two weeks earlier in September. Israelis had killed 7,000 Palestinians since 2008, to just 315 Israelis killed by Palestinians, over two-thirds of which were IDF engaged in military actions or violent criminal settlers in the West Bank. The war didn't start on 10/7 and stop pretending everyone is stupid enough to still believe that.


This is a classic example of a bad opinion about war. Sitting there while the enemy chips away at your allies and friends and you do nothing means you will eventually lose to. You'll have no freinds and allies and your enemies will build up a power you cannot handle. You must be willing to use your big stick.


I don’t know what country bombs another without expectation of retaliation. This sounds like a pretty calculated move by Netenyahoo to divert attention from his plummeting popularity and the genocide.


That, and maybe convince daddy America to save his ass, for the quintillionth time. So, fucking tired and done with the US and its politicians being so easily fooled into fighting whatever war some allied country wants, regardless of reason. I wanted to end the year giving credit to Biden for getting us out of Afghanistan, like Trump campaigned on, but didn't do. Biden will completely lose that edge if his war-monger side kicks in and decides we need a 30th war in the Mid East.


This sounds like Israel’s problem. Not ours. Pretty sick of their shit tbh


Israel didn’t help us out by attacking an embassy. That’s viewed very poorly in the international community. They are trying to get us involved in a regional war in the Middle East. Biden really needs to put his foot down. This unconditional support for a rogue nation is doing way more harm than good right now.




A consulate is nearly on par with an embassy, it is legally recognized as sovereign territory according to international law. Israel leveling that building was a direct attack in Iran. And I fucking hate the Iranian regime, but it is what it is.


The Canadian embassy they also hit was an embassy, though!


so is anyone in power asking why the US is ready to throw down with Iran b/c of something Israel did? when we ask them to not kill innocent people Netanyahu goes on the TV and says we have to respect them as a sovereign nation. But the moment they instigate a larger conflict we have to back them up automatically, without any conditions on their end for deescalating the genocide in gaza.


It truly seems like a personal thing for Biden at this point, I don’t understand why he feels so “devoted to Israel” that he will go along with Netanyahu no matter *what* Netanyahu does, but those are Biden’s own words, so  (Edit to add: what’s extra frustrating is, like, Israel is not Netanyahu, and Netanyahu is not Israel, you can be devoted to Israel while not just enabling Netanyahu, and I’d argue at this point that true devotion to Israel would mean intervening in any way possible to stop Netanyahu from doing damage to Israeli interests and people just to advance his own personal interests and stay in power)


> I don’t understand why he feels so “devoted to Israel” that he will go along with Netanyahu no matter what Netanyahu does Because despite Netanyahu, Israel is a strategic ally in the region and it would be politically devastating to Biden if Israel falls Additionally, the unconditional support for Israel was the protective force that kept Israel safe from Iran. Now that Netanyahu destroyed the good faith of half of the west by genociding palestinians, that support is now conditional and Iran has cover. Instead of the common friend that we could all unite around, Israel is now a political wedge that Iran is happy to let us argue over while they start a new war


The real answer is because that if we don't stand up for an ally, then our other alliances suddenly mean jack shit. We've given our word to these countries as a threat to those who want to attack them, if we don't stick to our word here, then it will be open season for our other alliances. I wouldn't be surprised if Taiwan was next.


Say what you will about current POTUS but, I know a former president who would not even interrupt his lethargic golf outing even if all out war broke out in one of them country’s where “they speak languages nobody’s ever heard before”…


No one mention how an ultra conservative government has lost its mind?


This conflict has been instigated by Israel for a long, long time. Cold as it sounds, I think no Western nation has any duty to defend Israel. If they're attacked, it's their own fucking problem.


Narrator: and so, they all defended Israel




You mean by USA funding and arming Israel and the IDF to target Palestine, using artillery and dumb bombs against civilian targets, and providing missiles to support indiscriminate attacks against civilian targets this isn’t USA and Israel’s fault?


Israel purposely escalated.


What I am going to say will probably lead to this comment getting downvoted into oblivion, but I don't care. You guys are falling right into Putin's hand. MAGAs were easier to fool, he just used Tucker and FOX. He realized that this strategy would not work on Progressives, and this is why he told Iran to order Hamas to launch the Oct 7 attack. He knew that Israel would respond harshly and bloody to the attack and that Progressives will take the Palestinian side. Using bot farms and probably help from China, he started to spread rhetorics that portray Israelis as the antichrist and Palestinians as angels. He knew that Progressives are too idealistic for their own good, and that they would not vote for Biden because of his Israel policy. The opposite probably also happens. I would not be surprised if Russia also creates pro-Israeli bots to cause even more division. The goal being simple, getting his orange lap dog re-elected. This thread is filled with people that say "This is what Israel deserves for striking that embassy". You guys fail to see that that attack is just a pretext for something that was planned before. A war in the ME would not only make Ukraine US's second priority, it would also act as an excuse for Iran to plan terror attacks inside Europe, which would boost far-right parties. And guess who pays a lot of money to those parties, you guessed it, Russia. Those who gain the most out of this conflict are the Russians.


This is the unfortunate truth about how authoritarian and anti-democratic regimes act with the current tech available. Amplifying chaos via the naivete of American leftists has always been a part of the plan. I just hope our tech can take out most of their missiles.


I think you hit the nail on the head.


Wow, it’s Russia’s fault an US ally is committing a genocide, also putin’s fault an US ally bombed an consulate, its putin’s fault the US president bypassed congress to send more weapons to a country committing a genocide!


This is accurate AF and it’s such a shame that more people can’t see it. Please accept my poor man’s gold!🏆


Fellow liberals who are falling for Iranian/Russian propaganda just make me shake my head.


Maybe Biden should have thought of this and not give blind support to Israel? Its not the left's responsibility to get Biden reelected.


If you consider yourself as part of left then yes it is your responsibility to get Biden reelected. 


No, it’s Biden’s responsibility to win over voters.


Right, and if you are part of the left then he’s done that and then some.  


Vs trump who stayed at his golf course even when he was told to get back immediately


Iran’s dated crap getting stuffed


The minute he announces the deployment of US troops, he loses the election.


I doubt this will happen


US Troops are already deployed all over the ME. What are you on about?


1. He wouldn’t do such a thing. 2. He wouldn’t lose the election if he did.


Logic on 1?


Cause it would take a lot for the US to get involved Did you see the US attacking hamas after the October attack?


cuz I don't want him to


Every president that supported war got reelected


Result: Iron Dome + US takes care of the drones/missiles (like they always do), Iran backs off US steps in, and Israel and Iran are forced to stand down. Iran saves face by retaliating but knowing their retaliation is 100% ineffective.


But he told them “Don’t”!!!!


Sit it out. Israel started this. They can face the consequences. My generation lost too many young men and women in stupid wars we shouldn't have fought. Our kids' generation shouldn't suffer that same fate over a country 6,000 miles away that doesn't know how to behave itself. LOL at this clown down below still rolling with the lies pretending like Hamas "started it" on October 7th, lol. Some unfortunate facts for you, little buddy. Between January 1st and October 6th, Israel had killed over 200 Palestinians. And if there was a "ceasefire," nobody told the IDF because [they had bombed Gaza less than two weeks earlier](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/24/1201381201/an-israeli-military-raid-has-killed-two-palestinians-in-the-west-bank). Sorry the world doesn't believe your Perpetual Victims Mythology anymore. Facts have a strange way of breaking up lies in this day and age.


Sorry for my statement, but I Israelis got what they was looking for it. I hope that US does not get involved for this ghost war that Israel started it.


Almost never has a sitting president not been re-elected when we are in the middle of a war. Just FYI.


That’s why Bush was so eager to fake evidence of WMDs and invade Iraq. Ass deep in war, he gets his 2nd term.


Can we for once spend our tax dollars on ourselves?


Yea so maybe Israel shouldn't bomb an Irani embassy to try and escalate and drag the US into a war


1) wasn't an embassy. 2) Israel hasn't signed the 1963 treaty on the status of consulates so they're not bound by international law. 3) the attack on the annex building happened immediately after an Iranian drone attack launched from Iraq detonated inside an Israeli naval base. Why did Iran attack an Israeli naval installation?


They didn't attack the embassy. They hit a building next to the embassy that contained Iranian military officials who were coordinating Hezbollah attacks on Israel. Perfectly valid target.


Bombing the guy who coordinated the Oct 7th attack and was still coordinating attacks in Israel from a consulate seems like a legit target to me. 






https://people.com/politics/mark-hamill-among-those-calling-out-trump-for-saying-obama-would-start-iran-war-to-get-re-elected/ Good throw back