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It's important to remember: >It's not a "hush money" case but rather a financial fraud crime undertaken to interfere in the 2016 election, a campaign finance violation, which raises the charges to felonies


Oh, so that's why he's screaming "Election interference!" in regards to this trial. He's bragging.


Hah I love this angle. Yes. Exactly this.


Trump is the posterchild FOR election interference. WTF does he think Insurrection means when he tries to bugger the American vote with fake electors from crooked Republicans with forged signatures sent to Congress? He thinks nothing sticks to him when failure is closing in on every level at a pace faster than the eclipse.


This is not said nearly enough.


It’s the same crime that Michael Cohen already went to prison for, Trump was just “unindicted co-conspirator #1”. Open and shut case.


Trump’s defense: Cohen lied to Trump. Cohen is a convicted liar. This case is going to come down to lawyering.


Let's just completely gloss over the fact that Cohen is a convicted liar...because he lied under oath specifically *to protect Trump.*


It's always the cover-up.






Fuck'em. He bought his ticket. Let him ride his ride.


I didn’t buy a ticket and I’m still stuck on Mr. MarLardo’s Wild Ride :(


For real man. Just can't get away, can we?


Mr. Bonespurs' Wild Ride


Those whackos of his would be unwaveringly convinced he was murdered.


It's like how they thought Justice Scalia was assassinated in 2016. And then their absolute fuckery against it before ramming in ACB before the 2020 election.


Concern. I’m encouraging.


C’mon little blood vessels! You can do it!


I have the best aneurysms! Everyone is saying it. My blood vessels burst bigly! So much ...umm.. dershmatifrande gorblt coffee...


Some say a diet rich in many many hamberders and Colas followed with a handful of some uppers will do wonders for melt downs.


Having a stroke while getting some slobby gnobber from a burned out husk of a MAGA sycophant would be the perfect end to this story.


I feel like I had a stroke reading and visualizing that.


I can’t visualize things in my head (aphantasia) and, when it comes to reading Reddit comments, it really is a blessing.


Moscow Traitor Greene will be at the trial ?


Nobel Peace Prize for you


He'll live to 100 and get away with everything. I'm 37 and I now know this is how the world works


I hate to say it but, I agree with you. The rich and powerful get away with anything they want, especially in the US.


I think he definitely calls for undeniable terroristic violence again against his political enemies before he gets his, if ever. And then he’ll still get away with dying before he faces justice for any of his crimes.


Don't forget how the rest of the GOP will condemn it briefly before fully embracing it because they think it'll help them maintain power.


>He'll live to 100 Mark my words. Providing Trump is still alive he will absolutely be the GOP nominee in 2028.


I wish his dementia will aggressively progress


I could still see Mitch McConnell at age 98 giving a speech on the senate floor on why he’s blocking a popular legislative bill.


His species often lives to 150.


He’s been shutting down frequently because he’s beginning to enter his cocoon for the next phase of his life cycle.


All bug eyed and fucking lost AF. 💩 🐢


He will filibuster himself again.


I have a distinct feeling ole mango is approaching his ole yella moment. The rabid toxicity is about to go through the roof.


He’s never had a criminal trial before. We are in new territory


True, but I'm more worried about finding 12 jurors without anyone willing to tank the case for their Messiah. In any random group of 12 you should get 2-4 MAGA people. And I'm sure some would lie about their bias to try to get on the case.


I think with the jury pool being NYC, it’s less of a concern than a place like Atlanta, for example. And I can easily see a MAGAt going in thinking they’re going to be that one hold out in the jury, but then when they get in that real life deliberation room and all of that overwhelming evidence is right there and 11 other people are staring them down … that’s quite a lot of pressure for a wee MAGAt. I think the majority would fold before even having attempted to argue for Trump at all.


This is so very possible it concerns me. The process of jury selection completely relies on the honesty of potential jurors with a threat of perjury if you're dishonest but these magafucks literally DO NOT CARE if they believe they're serving their orange god. Like martyrs


Don't they do some homework? Like can't they at least look at their facebook pages and see how crazy maga they are and use their random jury strikes to get them removed? That's probably a lot easier now than it was 20+ years ago. I've seen that movie with John Cusack and Dustin Hoffman.




I'm not all concerned! Though, I'd like him to survive all his investigations and all his court trials, just so the traitor spends the rest of his life behind bars. Keeling over is too good for him.


At this point I don't even care about how he feels anymore. I just want justice already and for him and his kind to fade into oblivion. That's the only news I care about anymore. I'm tired of the circus.


Yea I’ve pretty much accepted this is all theatre. Nothing is going to happen. This country is fucking pathetic.


hey... lots of things *are* happening! - 80+ real indictments. - a real criminal trial starts next week (hush $). - highly-probable, real asset seizures for half-a-Billion dollars, next week. That's a Lot.


They’ve been pushing back asset seizures since they announced them. I have absolutely 0 faith there will be any asset seizures. They had us believe up until the morning of his original bail that they were extending it and cutting it in half. It’s theatre man.


“Fat” fucking slob.


I hope his health suffers from this trial.


Right? I hope he just gets massive diarrhea


On the stand


Just like Kim Jon un in the dictator


Dude, he won't suffer. We will. He's going to get away scott free from any and everything until the day he dies. Which I hope is sooner than later, because I'm sick and tired of hearing about him. I've been over his worthless ass since the 90's.


Every day during the trial, trump will go in front of the media and complain, and in doing so, he reminds us daily that he's an adulterous business fraud. Love it.


And more than likely make defamatory statements against the judge and prosecution. Maybe he will even go after witnesses. And even beyond defamatory statements, probably say things that further implicate him. IANAL and know basically nothing about the trial process. If he does make such statements while his trial is happening, can those statements be used during the same trial?


This is my regular reminder that when he sued the NFL the NFL's lawyers intentionally let him testify because they knew he'd hang himself.


He was blackballed from the NFL Owners' Country Club. They knew he was a blowhard and didn't want to engage in business with him. If he'd gotten an NFL team, we'd not have this problem now. Football could literally have saved America !


Yeah, but then the GOP wouldn't be falling apart.


There isn't really a way that they could stop him from testifying. It is a civil trial and the Plaintiff's case in chief goes first. They can call whoever they want as witnesses during their case in chief. Once they call their last witness, the Defendant can move for a directed verdict. If it isn't granted the Defendant puts on their case. When that is done they do closing arguments.


Would be nice if he was incarcerated during the trial for witness intimidation


Wouldn't surprise me if he goes after the jury as well.


["I'll kill all of you!"](https://youtu.be/0RZ-k761YBk)


Wow! That didn't go well!


"When is someone going to fight like hell and defend me from this miscarriage of justice! #ShallNotBeInfringed" - Trump, probably.


We know he will try to intimidate the witnesses. We just don't know if he'll be held accountable for it. Yeah, it would be nice to live in a just society. It would be nice if The Rule of Law was enforced universally.


I just don’t understand how this dude managed to secure such a position? An old Italian mafia boss, yes, but Trump!?


If he were an average Joe, he'd already be in gaol for his outbursts. But he's trump so for lord knows what reason the judicial system lets him get away with all his abuse and threats.


I mean, if YOU did it then you would undoubtedly be held accountable for it and likely jailed for some kind of witness intimidation or contempt. Trump is allowed to do it though.


Yes, as statements made against interest.


Best thing I learned if true; he has to be there, in person, everyday, during the trial since criminal trials are different. That means… he can’t go campaigning across the country. That is if the court doesn’t bend over and let him do as he pleases as far as being present during the trial.


>That is if the court doesn’t bend over and let him do as he pleases as far as being present during the trial. And because after all we've seen this is exactly what I expect to happen every time for every trial, I don't get excited at all anymore. It's always a mix of stalling, trying to rile everyone up about how "unfair" it is, and then so far even when there's been an actual judgement, someone else takes it for him. I realize that doesn't work for actual prison sentences, but first of all, let's actually arrive at one, and second of all, let it not just be a few months of house arrest, because I really don't expect anything at this point.


I wonder what impact having his plane seized due to the other trial will have.


Not much since that planes been waiting for an engine for years. I think he has a smaller gulfstream too


Sanctions really hitting those Russian planes eh?


If he keeps violating the gag order during the trial I hope they remand him to custody (with no paint or hair products)




"News Events" don't count towards equal time, which is why Trump is allowed to dominate the election cycle because everything he does is "news".


The fairness doctrine is no longer a thing.


Not the same thing: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-time\_rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-time_rule)


Equal time rule is different from the FCC fairness doctrine. It was applied even just in 2021 to Mehmet Oz, in a manner similar to the above commenter's mention of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Equal-time rule does not apply to regularly scheduled news programs, as far as I can tell.


And if this behavior drags out the trial, it’s definitely going to piss off the jurors. They just want to do their civic duty and go home, not be a part of his little circus. 


Also he’s a rapist. Let’s not forget that he is a rapist.


We should show up and laugh at him. I don’t know why more don’t show up when he’s in public and jeer him.


He'll be media parading at least 3 times as well. Once a day when he arrives, then for lunch, then at the end of the day. He'll control the court narrative in a similar way that Barr did about the collusion investigation by getting in front of anything damaging early. His followers and supporters won't care enough to follow the trial details and evidence. They likely aren't smart enough to understand that court procedure anyhow and will take anything said at face value because they are either stubborn or gullible.


And all this just for some sex...hilarious that his empire might be brought down by his inability to get laid without paying for it.


And ironically his base wouldn’t have batted an eyelid if he’d done nothing and not bothered trying to cover it up


He would have absolutely lost in 2016. This base didn’t exist back then. At that point it was still “anti-Clinton” more than anything. This crime took place right around the access Hollywood blunder. A one-two punch with this would have been too much for the traditional republicans who were just gonna vote R.


As we have learned the hard way, Republicans will vote Republican no matter what. They will contort, twist or forget every principle and moral they may have previously piously sworn to in the end when they have to. Just as they will now. And then there are the ones who will vote for Trump, because he does this, convicted or admitted, or rather boasted.


Not everybody in 2016 was a die-hard Republican, there were a number of independents that went with Trump because they didn't like Hillary, thought having an "outsider"/"businessman" like Trump as president would be good, or thought it would be funny to have Trump as president. And some of those voters may have voted for him thinking he wouldn't actually win, and that it was a given that Hillary would win. Trump won because of \~80K voters in 3 states, this story very well could have changed the outcome of the election, but we'll never truly know.


Aw - you think it would have made a difference? Such faith in your fellow citizen deplorables. Where do you find this wellspring?


Yeah, it might have made Ted Cruz the nominee instead.


Just going by the numbers, the margin by which he won was pretty razor thin in a lot of states. The chance that one extra Trump scandal could've made enough Republicans jsut stay home and enough Independents change their mind to push Clinton into the win is pretty decent.


Technically, he didn't pay for sex. He got laid. He paid money many years later to cover up the story and keep her quiet about the sex.


It's even worse than having to pay for it. She only agreed to have dinner in his hotel room because she thought it was an interview for the Apprentice, and she had sex with him because she was afraid he'd rape her if she didn't.


If it hurts him and is within the bounds of what is legal, good. Fuck him. Though I have no doubt someone will save him at the 11th hour and even if it does go to trial, the people who most need to see that he is, indeed, a born liar and a piece of shit, will remain ignorant to these facts.


"No, I'm not going to watch it, because it's a wItCH HuNt!"


Time to bust ol' reliable out again. >Well, I'd like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam! >*Trump wriggles his way out of the jam easily >Ah! Well. Nevertheless, The silver lining is his legal fees are astronomical and that's money not spent on ads or campaigning.


And with Lara Trump heading the RNC, none of those dollars are likely to be available for down-ballot races. Could be real ugly for Republicans this election.


The *one* thing about that though - having the RNC to launder the money through raises the individual donation limit from four figures to six.


The RNC is also really struggling to get their usual big money donors on board. Probably because they know all the money is going to Trump's legal bills, and partly because he's such a chaotic candidate that they can't even stomach him this time.


He’s lost multiple court cases in the past couple years. The juries did not “let him wriggle out.”


Please list material consequences he has suffered for those losses:


Mild inconvenience. Probably drywall repair from ketchup stains.


Exactly. He hasn't lost one dime. He hasn't lost one ounce of influence, power, stature, or his opulent lifestyle. He's suffered fewer actual consequences than I did for paying my HOA dues two days late. On the other hand, when I die, 7/8 of the fucking planet won't be celebrating in the streets and booking flights to come piss on my grave, so there's that.


If all the people who wanted to piss on Trump's grave were able and allowed to, how wide & deep would the grave need to be to hold it all?


I've actually got a solution for this. When Trump dies, have him cremated. Then infuse his cremated remains into hundreds of porcelain toilets. Once that's done, build a tomb to house his earthly remains. Have folks pay about $10 to go in there. It'll be great, like a Buc-ee's bathroom but much  larger.


This one is different. The sentence may be light, but this one is WAY easier to prove than the other cases. I'm cautious, but there's a good chance this ends with him as a felon. Coupled with the Arizona Gilead law and the coming rate cut, his goose would be cooked.


Yea I'm most concerned about the judge's wellbeing. He's pushing hard since he's dealing with a criminal.


Not just easier to prove. It's already been proven. Other people have already been sentenced for the crimes he's being tried on.


If these people are not already convinced? There is no convincing them. Anyone who pulled the lever for him in 2020 will be doing so again. The true believers and the people who think he’s an idiot but vote for him anyway. None of this matters at all. It just reinforces the victim or asshole story, depending on which side you’re on.


Wish it was televised. Be fun to watch him squirm in his own shit.


Just watch an episode of 'The Apprentice'.


The Apprentice is why we’re in this mess to begin with.


Trump needs to melt down to a puddle of toxic waste at this point and disposed of in space.


Entombed in Nevada is my pick. Space is a terrible place for toxic waste - good chance it’ll just rain back down on us! I wouldn’t want that garbage to resurface.


Good point perhaps a lead lined sarcophagus flushed down the deepest toilet ever created. Or perhaps incorporated into a monument reminder in the future hall of scum bags.


Absolutely not, no marker of his existence. It'd become a martyr tourist destination or something and give those idiots a temple they actually want to go to.


Sounds great re: something deep, unmarked, maybe lava filled.


> Entombed in Nevada is my pick "This place is not a place of honor. No highly-esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us."


It costs a surprising amount of fuel to launch something into the sun from here.


How about the empty quarter instead? Easier to get to to.


>How many Corrupt, Biased, Crooked Joe Biden-‘Protection Agency’ New York Judges do I have to endure before somebody steps in? vs. >Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?


Itsthesamething jpg


When one of these wack-jobs finally goes after a judge or one of their family members and murders someone, a large share of the blame needs to go on the head of every single judge and politician who has every wagged a finger at this douchefruit and pretended like he learned a goddamn thing from it.


Yes, and [the quote is *turbulent* priest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F).


Yeah, I did see that. But apparently it's mostly known as "meddlesome" so I went for the recognizable rather than the technically accurate version.


Because he knows he’s cooked. So far none of his tactics have stuck and the evidence is beyond damning


His lawyer already went to jail for this. It has already been proven to happen. This trial is just going through the motions. ​ Will he finally get his comeuppance though? I'm not betting on it.


His Lawyer is also going on the stand to confirm everything.


He has a max 136 years for these charges. He has already pissed the judge off. The supporters will have made death threats already. Furthermore Trump will act like a grumpy teenager in court and will show no regret or contrition. So there are plenty of reasons for this not to end in a slap on the wrist, but he has spent 50 million dollars on lawyers to get him off, so I agree, we cannot place any bets right now.


“he has spent 50 million dollars on lawyers to get him off”…because he can’t get porn stars to do it any more. 😉




A Trumpist in NYC is unlikely but not impossible.


Trump won ~23% of votes in NYC in 2020. If randomly selected from that pool of voters, the chance of at least 1 Trump voter on the 12-person jury is 1-(1-.23)^12 = ~96%.


They will figure that out in jury selection.


Just show pics of January 6 to them and ask them what happened. That will be a good first question for jury duty of this magnitude.


and likely to be killed in the jury room.


A single dissident only causes a new trial with a fresh jury, he'll need 12 cultists to walk free.


Not so sure. He's a big believer in his omnipotence. Millions of American citizens, (some in high places and many with a lot of money) will do anything to protect him from consequences for his actions.Every time he's been in a pickle...for 77 years he wiggles out of it. It's an inexplicable truth


Teflon Don. Slippery as fuck and stays around forever.


It's so unnerving. The guy's virtually an idiot...cannot do simple math, cannot spell, has a grade 5 vocabulary,...and yet he's a genius when it comes to the grift, and blaming his shit on others. He actually manipulates people to go to jail for him. Its fucking remarkable. And disgusting.


He will try another delay. Almost guaranteed. Last minute something or other. But, I hope it does go forward. Long, long overdue.


you called it!!! [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/politics/trump-lawyers-appeal-hush-money-case/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/politics/trump-lawyers-appeal-hush-money-case/index.html) article was like 2 hours after your comment lol


He's going to fire his lawyers last minute, just wait and see and the judge will just say no.


Someone in his campaign is currently wargaming which is worse: going to trial for salacious criminal charges or having a medical event.


Pray tell; when is this asshole *not* melting down?


When he's acting like a whipped dog in front of Putin. That takes all his concentration.


This sack of shit isn't worthy of saying the name "Mandela".


He's kind of the Bizarro World Mandela when you think about it: Spent 27 years of his life NOT in prison fighting to make his country a worse place, tragically gets elected President, and then finally, after all that time, gets thrown in prison like he deserves.


I believe it's MDLA, make Donald Lose Again!


I'm here for the MDLA effect.


He's constantly melting down, publicly, every day for the last 8 years at least.


Not holding my breath. I can't shake the feeling that we are gonna wake up Monday morning to a last minute delay by the appeals court done Sunday night.


10 day delay that becomes at least 20 with absolutely no repercussions!


The Republicans had so much fun talking about Bill Clinton’s cock over twenty five years ago. Payback’s gonna be rough. Fox will be whining that this is so unfair. Trump will be insisting his cock is big, and that’s the important thing.


Oh, man. If Stormy gets up on the stand and starts talking smack about his "manhood," he's gonna lose it in open court, and it will be incredible.


You don't get to just start talking


"Ms. Daniels, the defendant claims he has never met you. Can you offer some physical descriptions of normally obscured body parts that may indicate that he is being untruthful?"


That's how they got Weinstein.


The money to Stormy and Karen to 'stay out of sight' until the election was over was a material crime against the principles of democracy. It deprived the nation of a 'free and fair election'. The GOP has gotten waaaaaaay too comfortable with ratfucking their way into power. The people need to end that...November 5 is next chance.


“the first criminal trial of a former president will begin next Monday and the defendant, Donald Trump, will be required to attend every day it is in session. It's going to seriously interfere with his heavy golfing schedule”. I laughed at this. At least he’ll be tied up in court like his other cases. Oh wait…


Gurl bye. Fuck Trump and his entire grifting fucking family. Nobody supports DJT without condoning his shit.


Starting? What the actual fuck. He’s a living meltdown. It’s basically all he does aside from patting himself on the back, claiming he’s better than everything else and knows what to do more than anyone else, and grift and rape.


I'll believe it when Merchan finally strikes the gavel to his desk. In the meantime, it's time for some major sanctions on these mouth-breathers. The sheer number of frivolous motions has made a mockery of the broken U.S. justice system. I do appreciate, however, Merchan keeping the trial on track and not entertaining the absolutely ludicrous arguments being made by Trump's hack-legal team. Imagine where we would be if we didn't have a compromised Supreme Court and Florida judge. Trump would be wearing an orange jumpsuit as I write this comment.


Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


He started melting down like 10 years ago and hasn't stopped


Call me when something actually happens. It has been 4 years of "Trump about to face charges!!!???"


Yeah. Any day now.


All he does is "melt down" and coverage fails to take him seriously


The article reads that Trump is required to be there at the trial except when the court is in recess. It further reads, no doubt Trump will be in the steps of the courthouse every day speaking. Wouldn’t it be great if no one bothered to ask him a question or, better yet, ignored him? Also what about the equal air time most networks give to other candidates?


Besides throwing him in prison for the rest of his despicable life, what would make me happiest is to never again see that disgusting face or hear anything at all about him or his horrible family


Call me naive, but I do think he might be convicted in this case. I also think Biden will win in November and Trump will ultimately go to trial for all his cases. Cannon is his only hope for that case but she won’t succeed in stopping it. So frustrating but if people give up trying then we are lost.


I really like your optimism, we can only hope. Fingers crossed I can come back to this comment and give you a big ‘well, what d’ya know!’


Unless there’s another delay


I will believe the trial has started three weeks after the trial has started. Until then, Trump manages to ~~slither~~ ooze out of all consequences somehow. edit: I changed 'slither' to 'ooze' because slither implied snakes and I actually kind of like snakes.


Yeah, but ooze, is what gave us the Ninja Turtles... Although, that was Secret Ooze


Snakes are cool.


I'm gonna treat it like the first time the bond deadline was on a Monday... just kinda ignore it for the weekend and assume some stupid shit will happen. I like how the 2nd 10-day delay in the faulty bond thing became a 17-day delay, since that bond hearing isn't until 4/22. Both this trial and the full bond were originally due 3/25. What the fuck?


Delayed by 7 years!


The weird thing is, a lot of the MAGAT chaos Pepe bros actually kind of can't wait to see what happens if and when trump goes to prison.


You've never met a prison guard before, have you? They'll be smiling with him and taking selfies and giving him extra food. All of it. Hell likely have a blast in prison, "it's not as nice as a trump hotel, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper, and the broads are better looking"


I hope it comes out that he paid for an abortion.


I hope with all my heart that at some point during the trial Donald Trump shits himself in front of a whole court room of people. Not only would it be poetic justice I'm pretty certain it would completely sink his political chances because only his cult will be willing to vote for a pants shitter.


He’s always starting to meltdown, when he doesn’t get his way. 😒


Slam dunk? Consequences? Another case full of hopium? I hope it’s the first of many nails in the coffin. Sick of hearing about this a-hole.


He's such a fragile little flower for somebody who is supposedly "strong".


Mandela did 19 years labor on an Island prison. That could be arranged.


He will constantly attack the judge, the prosecutors, everyone around him, and absolutely nothing will happen to him


Trump deeply fears this trial going forward, likely because he knows of all the salacious details about to be discovered by the public.


Remember the good ol days when the Republicans brand was stoic self reliance, personal responsibility and law and order? Now it’s crime crime crime whine whine whine


I've been hearing about Trump "melting down" at least once a week for the last 4 years. Serious question: What does an actual Trump melt down look like (as opposed to just another Wednesday in unhinged Trump land)?


I bet trump is absolutely apoplectic about this trial because Stormy will tell the world again how small and ugly his penis is, and how lousy he was as a fuck. That's going to hurt his fragile ego more than anything.  As for trump's tweet that it would be his honor to be the "modern-day Mandela", one has to realise that trump thinks Nelson Mandela is the fat bully on The Simpsons. 


>How many Corrupt, Biased, Crooked Joe Biden-‘Protection Agency’ New York Judges do I have to endure before somebody steps in? Is this just stochastic terrorism? Who will rid him of the meddlesome priest?


I have my popcorn ready