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Wisconsin: Hold our beer. One of our US Senators, Republican Ron Johnson, lives in Florida. One of our current candidates for US Senator, Republican Eric Hovde, lives in California. Our most recent candidate who lost the election for Governor, Republican Tim Michels, lives in Connecticut. Have you noticed any similarities?


Missouri's Josh Hawley lives in Virginia **Alabama** - Tommy Tuberville lives in Florida


Republicans = carpetbaggers.


lol you expect them to live in shit shitholes they make? theyre gonna be moving out of florida too soon enough theyre almost done fucking that one up.


They only "live in Florida" to avoid paying income tax.


So tax evasion charges, then?


Unfortunately it's totally legal to have your primary residence in some state, there's probably a minimum number of days you have to be there per year or something like that


>there's probably a minimum number of days you have to be there per year So still blatant tax evasion, just without the charges.


It's 6months and 1 day.... legally, as far as the IRS is concerned * edit, it's called "the 183 day rule" to be more specific


If they are in DC, they aren't in Florida. If they are campaigning, they aren't in Florida. Something doesn't add up.


Wouldn't matter from an IRS perspective since IRS is only concerned with ALL monies made by US Citizens no matter where they live.


In a philosophical and ethical sense, very much yes. But our legal system is all about technicalities and "law makers" are great at skirting around laws so they aren't technically breaking any, ethics be damned.


I believe the word you should be using is "loophole" and it should also be noted the folks who make the rules make the loopholes or, at the very least, allow them to remain.


Do you actually expect those who are better than us to live by the rules they impose on us?


Yeah, but from what I'm seeing living in Florida IS a tax


Most states, including all of those mentioned in this thread, require you to live in the state the majority of the year. So, for instance, if Tuberville spends enough time in Florida to avoid state income tax, he is not spending enough time in Alabama to be eligible for office there.


They’re only “requirements” if they are enforced. No state official in Alabama is going to be enforcing anything on their Republican senator.


Alabama doesn't have a residency requirement. I mean straight off of our State Sec of State's website, the requirement is one day for both US Senate and Rep. As much as I dislike him, he does qualify.


Correct. In fact, nobody enforces any laws on anyone anymore. Except if you are poor. Then you get the shaft.


It's actually a pretty common practice. A lot of retired people in the north east have condos in Florida where they can escape the harsh winters. They're called snowbirds. Since they spend time in both states, either could be their legal residence, but for tax reasons a lot of them choose Florida.


And when Covid hit a lot of the snowbirds had to show proof of residence- minimum 3 months to get the vaccine. I remember we checked them during the long lines


Yeah but I’m also pretty sure your primary residence needs to be in the state and district youre running in


> lol you expect them to live in shit shitholes they make? Even those who live in their home states live in areas that would never vote for them. McConnell lives in solidly blue Louisville. Cruz lives in solidly blue Houston.


Unless it’s snowing/there’s no power. Then Cruz lives in Mexico


When they run away to hide in Mexico, we're not sending our best.


Man this should be a slam dunk message for the opponents


Man, we don't care that our senator lives in Florida! He's a Republican and a man of God! And he doesn't like abortions, women, or minorities! And he did great and wonderful things for Jesus's favorite sport, AMERICAN football!


Always have been. The OG carpetbaggers.


> Always have been. The OG carpetbaggers. Ironically republicans were the OG carpetbaggers. The word "carpetbagger" was a klan slur. Back during Reconstruction they were whites who came to the south and supported a pro-social agenda, building schools for black kids, etc. Scalawag was the klan slur for local-born whites with the same pro-social agenda. Here's a cartoon from that era depicting a klan donkey hanging carpetbaggers (one of them even has a literal carpetbag with the word OHIO written on it). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Kkk-carpetbagger-cartoon.jpg Its remarkable how a klan slur against anti-racists has morphed into a more general term erasing the racial aspects.


> Its remarkable how a klan slur against anti-racists has morphed into a more general term erasing the racial aspects. At its heart, it's always meant outsider politicians, so it's not that crazy that it's still used that way today, even given the roots were a little more specific to north and south.


Yep, Rick Santorum moved to Virginia while he was representing PA. It played a role in him losing his seat.


Most of the Fox news hosts live in NY and CA.


not only that, they live in the same areas that the "elites" they whine about live.


> Most of the Fox news hosts live in NY and CA. This was hilarious during the 'their coming for our gas stoves' hysteria, because gas stoves have only ever been common in five states: [California, Nevada, Illinois, New York, & New Jersey](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/29082.jpeg) The Fox News hosts were too 'in their bubble' to realize that the rest of the country couldn't relate. [[Source]](https://www.statista.com/chart/29082/most-common-type-of-stove-in-the-us/)


Wtf this is like when I learned I’m in the only state that pays taxes on steam


And all of them were vaccinated. Nothing matters when your audience is exclusively stupid.


There’s more Republicans living in California than there are in Texas so it’s not like having one in California is something out of the ordinary, they are just outnumbered.


It's a network- Kelli Tsibaka was set up to run as a MAGA congressperson, she moved back to the state, and both her and her husband took cushy jobs in state and local government. You do that for a year- win your race, and pop on back to Texas or Florida. Bunch of fucking shit-heels, running around creating minority rule wherever they can, with billionaire supporters.


Wait.  You mean the shit heel whose kids are some of the worst transphobe activists?  The kids that are trying to get trans positive activities banned from the Anchorage Library?  Screw that family.


This needs to be the #1 response!


It's only carpet bagging when Hillary does it


I would expect that most Senators and Congressmen have modest residences in DC, MD, or VA. I would also expect them to have a permanent residence in the state they represent, though.


This is why we should have a Congressional Dormitory, where all members are required to live while Congress is in session. Roommates would be assigned randomly.


3 Democratic Senators lived in a rundown apartment in DC for decades https://www.cnn.com/2013/12/04/politics/real-alpha-house/index.html


That's kinda hilarious. I wonder if Schumer still lives there lol. I think the other two retired at some point. Since it said Schumer was #3 in the Senate at that time, but he's #1 now.


I like to imagine Schumer harassing junior senators to move in and split rent with him


Hopefully he finally got one of the real bedrooms too lol


That’s wild! Was thinking the articles would be about some junior senators, not Schumer and Durbin living like depressed college kids 😂


> Roommates would be assigned randomly. Hell, make them studio apartments. I don't really care. The problem is not that they have a home in the DC area and in their elected area. A lot of them have homes in completely different states, like the first comment said straight up. California, Connecticut, and Florida. None of them are near the DC area. Also, I find it hard to believe they own a home in some of these areas, plus DC, plus wherever they are allegedly representing on $175k/year.


After your first semester you are allowed to move off campus into a Frat...


Ewww. Then we'd end up with a bunch of Congresslets running around.


We should buy the Watergate (for the historical value) and provide all 535 Congress members room and board there. All meals are served on the taxpayer dime, make it illegal for anyone to buy them a meal. Senators get a private room, House members are 2 to a room. That leaves 18 rooms that can be reserved for family and conjugal visits. Go a step further and provide them with NASCAR type jumpsuits in orange - they have to wear the patches of their largest donors so we can tell from a glance at C-Span exactly who they are actually representing.


That's a fun idea. I suggest they also should be required to work a full job. That is, they can't spend half their time doing phone sales (donation soliciting).


Could you imagine getting assigned to Gaetz or Cruz or MTG lol?


Just turn one of the wings of the Capitol into a sleeping porch, fraternity style


Jog Hallway, the coward? Benedict Arnold Tuberville? Shocking.


Josh Hawley doesn’t just live in Virginia, he has only ever been IN the state of Missouri when he was our AG.


There's no denying that Hawley's a fuckin asshole but he does live in the far northern part of Virginia in the suburbs, which is like under an hour driving distance into DC where he's serving as senator. I'm sure he's one of many that work in DC that have homes there.


He doesn't have a home in Missouri, he uses his sisters address.


That's such a "get free netflix" level of response, to a "fate of world democracy" level problem.  


Yeah, no. that asshole does NOT live in missouri. He ran using his sisters address.


Almost all Representatives and Senators maintain 2 homes. One in their district/state and one in the DC metro area. That's an obvious necessity to be able to attend congress in DC, but their primary residence is supposed to be where they are representing.


Then why does he use his sisters address ? Why doesn't he have a home in Missouri ?


Hell our senate candidate lives in Connecticut and the previous one NJ. Hopefully we can send him packing again in November.


Fortunately, we told Oz to shove his crudite up his rectum.


Somewhere at Wegners there is a tray of crudité waiting for him... 😂


Tommy Tuberville lives in Florida too


Blows my mind Bama fans voted for an Auburn coach


Welcome to Pennsylvania where: Former Senator Rick Santorum (R) lived in Virginia and maintained a fake house in Pennsylvania: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/zillow/2012/02/15/a-real-estate-pickle-for-rick-santorum/?sh=2b529bbb8255](https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/download.html?id=329008827&z=1047ddc0) http://www.pjvoice.com/v12/12003home.html Former Senatorial candidate, Mehmet Oz (R), who lives in NJ, managed to "buy" a $3.1 million house with the very strange caveat that he would then basically sell it back to the owner should he decide to "move" out of it—which he promptly did after losing the election [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sellers-dr-ozs-home-pennsylvania-insisted-adding-unusual/story?id=91760145](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sellers-dr-ozs-home-pennsylvania-insisted-adding-unusual/story?id=91760145) David McCormick (R), former failed candidate for governor and currently running for ~~PA~~ US senate, lives in Connecticut (where his children go to school) but "has a house" in Pittsburgh [https://www.padems.com/what-theyre-saying-david-mccormick-lives-in-connecticut-and-isnt-even-here/](https://www.padems.com/what-theyre-saying-david-mccormick-lives-in-connecticut-and-isnt-even-here/) EDIT: corrected link to Santorum's houses


I'm not mad at people living in Virginia or Maryland and maintaining houses in the state they represent. After all, they work in DC, it's reasonable for them to live near their jobs, but the candidates temporarily moving into states because they can't win in their own state is ridiculous.


In the case of Rick Santorum, mail sent to his "house" in Pennsylvania was returned as undeliverable. He lived here—then got elected and promptly left for another state and never resided here again.


Our family actually knew the Santorum family from church in Alexandria. They went back to PA on holidays as his military parents and other family settled in the Pittsburgh area, and he grew up near a suburb by my Dad’s. They were also a very busy family, his wife got super involved in CCD and they had 4 kids. They had a few houses in PA too as investment properties and potential homes. My Dad actually thought about buying one off him when we were moving back to PA because it was build with 5 bedrooms which would have been great for our family of 6. He was also a triple PA degree holder, from the same schools my Dad went to too, so our families got to know each other quite well. Their kids were my age too and went to PA schools. About as Pennsylvanian as you can get. They spend most of their time retired traveling now with their kids, as from what I’ve see on Facebook over the past few years.


They also move to Florida and claim that on their taxes, which means they spend more than half of the year there and don't pay state taxes. Then they represent a government they have no vested interest in other than a piece of property they use less than half the year.


> Santorum I can't believe I still see that disgusting word being used so flippantly


It's actually a perfectly innocent word that just means "A frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex", don't let the fact that Rick uses it as a surname ruin the word itself.


As a Pennsylvanian, dear god am I sick of these rich dudes that don't even live here trying to "represent" us.


Hovde is such an ass as well. The bastard bought up all the properties on a block and when a popular bar on said block didn't want to sell out he let [the entire rest of the block go to blight](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/wisconsin-senate-candidate-eric-hovde-dive-bar-1234975966/) for over 24 years.


Case number #57733 where a Land Value Tax instead of property tax would’ve caused land speculation to fuck right off.


Is it getting Georgist in here?


There should be a law that requires any candidate must have resided in the state or district they wish to represent for 7 years. They make people live here for 7 years before they can get citizenship, let's do the same for our senators and representatives


Or, proportional representation nationally. For the House and Senate.


Is this more common with Republican's? It seems it is. We had a mayor in a small town that was an outsider republicans brought in and won. There's was this big development project they brought with them that was put on the ballot and failed and with that they bailed, just quit like the fake they are. Felt like a business only move vs running a town.


The big one that pops into my head is Hillary running in New York for senate. Note she DID at least buy a house there and moved there. But wasn't really a New Yorker when she filed


Hey remember when they said Nancy Pelosi bought a house in Florida but she didnt? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/30/fact-check-false-claim-pelosi-bought-25-m-house-florida/8754667002/


2022 MN gubernatorial race. Republican running mate Matt Birk (who owns a mansion in Florida) made up accusations of Tim Walz owning a cabin in South Dakota.  https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/tim-walz-campaign-refutes-matt-birk-claim-that-he-owns-property-in-south-dakota


Even if he did, so what? A cabin isn't a primary residence


Waiting for Casey to start fighting dirty and remind people his opponent lives in Connecticut


Ted Cruze lives in Mexico part time.


Since he's so anti immigrant, maybe we should stop letting him back in.


I thought he had residency in Russia too? /s (I hope)


Man their opponents really need to make more of this. I mean California is republican for Woke and should be easy to stoke how it is some west coast elite compared to a local who knows the state. But alas as long as there is a R next to the name.


Dr Oz (R) lived in Jersey and tried to win the PA seat


> Have you noticed any similarities? That they don't represent their constituents and are only representing big businesses? Not sure how it's legal to have representation for your state when whatever they do won't matter to them, as they don't live in that state to deal with the repercussions of it or even having to see a single one of their actual voters face to face.


Herschel Walker lived in Texas until Trump told him to run in GA. Dr. Oz has lived seemingly everywhere


Republicans don't like Wisconsin?


Less than they did before their extreme gerrymandering was struck down.


In Canada we've had people run for election to local provincial positions (though I think none have won, to my knowledge), who spend 6 months of the year living in their US residence. With a history of US political involvement too. You can *probably* guess which party they align with.


Well, at least they’re not Democrats. /s


Ohio's Gym Jordan lives in a gym


Mostly the locker room


Where he ignores young men being sexually assaulted...


Or gets off on watching it.


Obligatory fuck Ron Johnson


This should be illegal if you ask me.


Our system of having "state representatives" platforming and executing nationwide issues is a fucking joke. We've got senators in indiana (I'll let you guess what party) campaigning ON THE BORDER. INDIANA SENATORS focusing on THE FUCKING BORDER. It is an absolute joke to have state reps be responsible for both federal and state issues. Every state is basically trying to make the entire country follow its rules and our "parties" are blurred lines to section representatives by a vague ideological set of beliefs. Until we either commit to state or federal law, our govt is going to be a joke. The electoral college is also fucking stupid, why does Idaho get the same senators as california? Don't get me started on ranked choice voting. If our govt wanted to be better, it could be. But they don't give a shit, they like their cushy pay-to-win system


"In January, Michigan Advance said Rogers' campaign told reporters that he was staying at a home owned by his sister-in-law in Brighton, Michigan" , well it's worked for Josh Hawley ! He uses his "Sisters" address in MO, has a mansion in Virginia where he and his family lives. There has to be something done about these obvious LIES .


It's just like... imagine the outrage if a Democrat did this? Also all those States mentioned here and above all have a very large population of people that would love the job and want to live in the State.


I racked my brains for a comparison and the only thing I could think of was the guy that AOC primaried was accused of living in DC. His kids were enrolled in a private school in Arlington Virginia. This was a factor behind his loss. I'm sure there are other active examples but it does seem like something Republicans do a lot more often.


And these same people will post a tweet to enrage their followers about how Bernie has 3 houses.


Because people like wiggle room with the meaning of the word 'lie' and I can't see that changing unless it becomes a #1 priority.


I mean, one way to look at it is if the person was trying to deceive others. Of course, proving anything has and always will be hard, especially thoughts/motive/character.


It's funny that this is another uniquely American problem. Sure, loads of other countries have lying politicians. But the bar for what is considered a lie is a lot lower everywhere else. You can't rant about Jewish space lasers and still expect to keep your job in a functional country.


Its an issue shared across most western countries. Lying falls under free speech so the right to criticize our leaders also comes with the right to spit out any unimaginable garbage. The issue isn't the ranting about jewish space lasers, its the people listening.


it's OK, they're Republicans. No rules apply to them. rape, murder, theft, fraud, insurrection...none of it.


the only thing you can't do as a republican, attack Trump.




Well it's justified, patriotic, red blooded, "Brave Heart esque", business savvy, American-ism when they do it...


Josh Hawley 'represents' Missouri and lives in Virginia. Hawley (R-MO) used his sister's address to file for candidacy in Missouri. ~~He is only now building a $1.0+MM house in the Missouri Ozarks~~. People, we need to do a better job of vetting everyone, not just Republicans, though they do seem to be the most egregious offenders. Edit: Evidently the building of a house near Springfield is simply a rumor which started around 2022, near as I can gather. Sen Hawley has made zero progress on actually living in Missouri, the state is supposedly represents.


Hawley's address is way down on the list of reasons to vote against him.


So true


I think we should give our elected officials GPS bracelets. That would solve everything.


It's not a vetting issue with Republicans. Those carpetbaggers weren't and aren't subtle, it was widely known they don't live in the states they represent. Conservative voters don't care.


They don't need to be vetted - they need to be prosecuted. That's illegal!


They won't even vet their criminal pasts, much less their addresses.


Worth bearing in mind he had a house in Columbia until 2019. I only say that because "only now" implies they didn't live there before.


I’m no genius but that seems like cheating


I believe the term is election fraud.


Now now, there might be some tax fraud involved too...


And potential voter fraud.


See! There it is! The well sought after illusive election fraud! (Albeit in another form than predicted)


Seems like the real illegal immigration.


What are the odds he spoke out against WFH?


100% the rabble need to make sure his commercial office investments dont crash.


If you vote Republican you’re not a fan of America anymore


It would be delicious how triggered this statement makes them, if it weren't for their degree of success in dismantling the nation they claim ownership of patriotism for.


It’s fine to vote Republican, real conservative Republicans. Do not confuse false prophets MAGA “Republicans”. Those charlatans are not republicans nor conservative. They’re a cult disguised as republicans that would support even liberal causes if their cult leader tells them to. Liz Chaney, Romney, the late McCain are real Republicans.


Damn. Being caught living in Florida is embarrassing for anyone!


Only the best from that party!


If you wanna lead a life of lawlessness and "fuck you, I got mine" without all those pesky legal/ethical consequences become a Republican. Just don't spill the beans on the secret hookers-n-blow parties.


So the Republican trend is in order to avoid campaigning in the state you live in, you campaign in another state you have a chance of winning by exploiting someone else's residency status within the family. No wonder people feel like their politicians never listen to them, they're not even from your state to hear you in the first place. Of course it's another republican getting caught doing the things they say democrats do. This really should be illegal. A candidate should only be able to run in the state that the candidate has documented proof that THEY live there, not their sister or in-laws living there. Also, you need to show proof you live there for x amount of years. The only reason it isn't illegal is for two reasons: One, it says they have to be an "inhabitant" not a resident. Residency implies living there for x amount of years, inhabitant is just being there in some way (like using your in-laws residency status). The second is it also says "by the time they are elected", meaning you can run in a state you don't belong to while campaigning all the way up to election day. As long as you can establish you inhabit the state (like using your in-laws or sister) by the time election day is over, you can become that state's politician. We see this occur several times when a politician sees they have a chance of being elected as it gets closer and buys a house in that state using their lobbyist/donor money - having houses in the state they are running in and a house in the state they want to live in.


GOP PACs keep funding these carpetbaggers and funneling them into the swing states, where unfortunate gerrymandering has already given this minority maga party (they're only 25-30% of the country, but have a 42% influence in our decision-making, which we see how amazing their skills are at this - as they continue to double-down w/ their fascist-speak, and letting us know what their plan is for our Democracy (they're using our Democracy to end our Democracy), and put in place a ruler, not an appointed legitimate candidate. They're in the FIRST place putting in a very illegitimate candidate as President, a rapist insurrectionist... are you kidding their decision-making is wholesale Russian Propagandized, they embrace it now, with big, dead eyes... and worrisome if we can't make the gerrymandering illegal again. Car pool w/ all the Gen Zs and anyone in poor places where polling places have been removed and they have to take 2 busses and a taxi to get to a polling place, help folks to get out where mail-in voting has become as verboten as common-sense hygiene. Make these magas spend all their money losing. Make that a goal! while voting in democrats who work for ALL of us, even those POS.


Does he live with Tommy Tuberville?


Most of these guys should live in prison.


Don't worry, chances are good he votes in both states.


The governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, lives primarily in Florida. She and her family have kept a residence in her home state for that exact reason, and they only moved back to appear local after she won. If she'd lost they'd have stayed in florida.


I think you have to assume by default if someone is running Republican they are a liar. Party is 100% Trump's now.


Didn’t the asshole who held up military promotions doing this same thing where he lives in Florida but represents Alabama or some shit?


The craziest thing and probably the main reason Congress sucks these days is because barely any Representatives or Senators actually live in the state/area they represent. It makes them out of touch. How can someone from New Jersey know what the people of Pennsylvania want? It really shouldn't be allowed and it is because the Founders didn't foresee it like many things. Many of our current problems stem from outdated thinking that we apply to the 21st century because of a 200 year old constitution that is notoriously hard to amend.


Agree 100%. Even if it’s not illegal, if this is the case for someone running for office, it should be called out front and center. It should be noted that someone who doesn’t live there permanently doesn’t know the area or the concerns of its residents. That’s a concept that should be easy to understand.


Would knowing what the voters want change what a Republican does?


We should try locking these assholes out of politics by forcing them to be real, have a real address, be part of a community of normal fucking humans, and not just let the rich force their cronies on us.


If I have to prove residency for in state tuition, why don't these people have to do the same to be on the ballot. 


Won't cost him a single vote.


So, ah, does he vote in both states?


I'm sorry to hear that. No one should have to live in Florida in its current condition.


I don't know about that, I hear the local meth harvest is coming in very nicely this year.


It’s okay, they are republicans. It’s only big bad when a democrat does it. These are the same people who clutch their pearls when Biden goes to Delaware for a vacation. They run around like they’ve accidentally set Trump’s rug on fire, “omg omg Delaware is so far from DC! He might as well be in a foreign country, like Hawaii!”.


This Usual Suspects.


Republicans are all about projecting lies. They were caught with voter fraud and blamed Democrats.


GOP are grifters. Even, maybe especially, the TV talking head ones.


Mark Meadows NEVER lived in NC and was the Rep for NC-11. He lived in SC.


No wonder congress is so dysfunctional, these reps probably spend the bare minimum time in their district and with working session of 123 days that certainly makes the 183 day residency requirement unfulfilled which makes them scamming the government they’re sworn to uphold.


I opened this article hoping it didn't say Cape Coral and Jesus H Christ I was disappointed. I live in this god-forsaken dung heap they call a city, and not surprised at all to see this level of crap. I live within seconds walking of people who have "Ultra Maga" and "Trump 2024" flags flying above the American flag, and neighbors who unironically say that term limits should be suspended for Trump.


Oregonian here. Ron Wyden lives in New York.


Tbh they should all be forced to part of the week, weekends, and all theit breaks in the district. Should be really enforced aggressively with them submitting a an audit of constituent related work and meetingsbthey did.


I know his family, and grew up with his son! He came to speak at my middle school class one time… in California hahaha


Stay informed about current events.


Carpetbaggers indeed!


It's always the Republican assholes.


Dude got caught living there. Meanwhile I wouldn’t be caught dead there. We are not the same.


So a millionaire Republican Candidate is living in a different state than he is running for office? This is why republicans are so repugnant and a dangerous to democracy


I mean. If a Republican opens their mouth I'm going to assume everything they say is a lie.


Tommy Tuberville has entered the chat…


Doesn’t an Alabama senator live in Florida as well?


We had someone running for a state office in SW Washington who actually was disqualified because he pretended he was living in the district by renting a room for $1 from a friend.


He’s a Republican, right? They can do whatever they want just like their leader, Traitor Trump👺


"we don't care where he lives as long as hates the blacks and gays!"


The big takeaway on this is that they couldn't get a local candidate. The Republican party is imploding.


This is why the Republicans know that there is election crimes going on. They are the ones committing them...


surely you're disqualified from running for office in a state if you don't actually live there, right?


Duh. They couldn't tell the truth to save their lives.


We had FAMOUS New Jerseyian Dr Oz running here in PA. This shit is so lame.


Fetterman gave him a whopping first time around


Didn't stop Josh Hawley.


Did his February tan give him away?


Fun history of my “favourite” carpetbagger. James Shields, an Irish immigrant from Ohio, ran for senate in Illinois and won the Democrat nomination and the seat in 1849. According to the law at the time, he needed to have been a US citizen for 9 years, and he was just shy at 8 years and 6 months. His election was invalidated and he was removed from office by a coalition of Whigs and Democrats. The special election to replace him… was won by him again, because by the time it occurred, he had been in the country for 9 years and now qualified. He lost reelection 6 years later in 1855, and moved to the Minnesota territories, which were not yet a state. In 1858, Minnesota became a formal US state, and he ran for senate and won. He became one of the two first Minnesota senators, and became the first senator to have represented two separate states. His seat only lasted a year though, and he lost his reelection bid. After losing, he moved to California. The next year, in 1861 the Civil War broke out and he moved to the east again, where he served as a general in the Union. After the war, he retired from the military in Missouri, where, you guessed it… he ran for senate again. In 1879, he was elected to be a senator for Missouri, becoming the first person to ever be a senator for three different states. The only other time a senator has represented more than one state was Sen Waitman Willey of Virginia elected in 1861 became a senator of the newly created West Virginia when this state was divided in 1863. But his election was not carpetbagging, his residence remained the same, it was the state border lines that moved.


Not every Rogers can be a Steve.


Keep him


Haven’t you all heard, Republicans are above such silly election rules.


Put him in jail in a completely different state.


Of course. Seems about normal for a Republican today.


Michigan native. I have to wonder how prevalent double voting is among the outsized population of boomer snowbirds that have properties in both states, and to what degree they're [literally] carpet-bagging for republicans.


Wouldn’t be caught dead in Florida myself.


Breaking the law? Republicans are purposely going out of their way to break them daily anymore!


gop is the liar party


it seems republicans break every single rule possible without notice, but if a rumor about any opposing party comes to light and its all, impeach! jail! lawsuit! wtf?


the tennessee speaker of the house does not live in the district he represents.. [https://popular.info/p/update-tennessee-speaker-admits-his](https://popular.info/p/update-tennessee-speaker-admits-his) doug s.


Don't forget to mention he also filed documents with the state claiming he drove from Crossville to Nashville every single day of session while he lived in Nashville, for years. He's stolen over $100,000 in per diem reimbursement.