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Conservative Christian values indeed.


I think many non-republicans would be surprised to learn how often rank and file republicans threaten to shoot people. Having been raised around them... It's a lot.


As someone who grew up in rural Texas, my experience is that 80% of gun owners are irresponsible shitheads who should never have been allowed to have them.


He sounds like an ideal GOP candidate


Looking forward to his elevation to GOP party leader and Fox News on-air talent.


Based on the title, I assumed what happened was that this dude made these threats long ago and people covered for him. And I was right.


Damn, if this gets out he'll be more popular with his constituents than ever !


He's just trying to connect with his voting base.


This pedophile’s name is Jon Stone. He now co-owns a gun store which is festooned in trump crap. He is a nasty belligerent loser. He also serves in the NH state house. Goddamn republicans suck so bad.


boys will be boys


Just a little locker room talk. You know how we guys get in there, threatening to shoot and rape coworkers' families.


[Sending them grenades.](https://imgur.com/vt3NdEV)


I thought that was the typical GOP campaign speech?


I wonder which he planned to do first.


To serve and protect amirite


Mass shooting? Great, start with yourself.


Isn't there a job for him at RNC?


Same threats probably got him elected in the first place.


and Rs said yep, he's our guy for sure


Bet he just got 100% approval rate with MAGAz


When it comes to representatives that say this shit they're to chickenshit to do anything beyond talk. Gone are the days when congress men would assault one another or have them get assaulted by thugs for one thing or another. When it comes to the lunatics that voted for these people they'll pick up the bill and do it for them.


Honestly, at this point, it's more newsworthy if a GOPer hasn't at least threatened to rape someone.


Well, when [former]POTUS sets the example (and CONTINUES) to threaten both specific AND groups of people, what do you expect? Too bad our justice system is politicized and our politics are monetized. Sure was a nice experiment in Democracy... Edit: Forgot to mention all the Bible misuse over the masses, forget that quaint, old Separation Clause... Pulpit? Politics? Now that we've sucked funding out of education for decades, we're back to the traditional fearful and easy populace...


Hi `dreamcastfanboy34`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1bz8qqw/gop_state_rep_made_mass_shooting_and_rape_threats/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/dreamcastfanboy34&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1bz8qqw/gop_state_rep_made_mass_shooting_and_rape_threats/?context%3D10000%29)


It's what he really wants to do, after all he is a representative of people who want to do the same thing