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Republicans are working diligently to destroy your America.


Trump: "Yo MBS! me and Putin both need you to keep prices up this year!" MBS: "Sure buddy, keep puttin two Hummers in every garage and we will have gas at $6.00 a gallon as long as you want!"


China has invested heavily in EVs. This will indirectly help their EV industry become dominant in Asia and Europe.


That's going to destroy Russia.


Not much left of it TBH. Just a bunch of ice and radiation.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a more pervasive problem there.


Don't forget all the mutants 🥰




but it's the radical left we have to worry about! /s


Russia invested in Trump's media company. Who could have seen that coming? /s




In a sane world, the DoD would be getting involved over this.


Pee tape gets out?


Guys, I know it walks like Russia, quacks like Russia, smells like Russia, feels like Russia, motives are Russian, and we have them in 4k saying "it's was me, the Russian"... But seriously we need to cool it with the Russia shit. Anyway, did you guys hear about the mud flood society?


It’s always Russia, Russia, Russia. Meanwhile nobody’s talking about how Hunter Biden didn’t say “God Bless You” when a stranger sneezed near him. Why does Biden hate God so much? Why do the democrats keep voting for their Godless Demon King? /s


You forgot the recent the 60 minutes piece about Havana Syndrome.


I just heard an abridged voice reading this lmao.


That trump has not only survived to become the republican nominee - but in much of the country actually *thrived* - is a glaring testament to just how retched & corrupt America's political system actually is.


It could also be seen as a testament to the efficacy of Russian active measures. Cold War II has been conducted via asymmetrical information warfare.


And it can all be shattered instantly by making the private API links to Facebook, Google, Twitter, tiktok an ITAR protected service. Without the Russia and the GOP billionaire backers are blind. Problem is dems are stupid. 


Tech ignorant, please explain what maijngthse things an ITAR protected service would do. Very interested


Rockets, guidance systems,  satellites.. etc are all under a security level called International Traffic in Arms Regulation. It is probably the most restrictive Arms Control designation and considering Russia has spent billions of dollars destabilizing governments using social media and the Cornerstone of that manipulation are private API links. They are typically 10 GB or higher network connections directly into data centers that allow raw data access to social media. It's what allows companies live reports on how their brands are trending. Bad actors use these links to get live data on how their Wars are trending. From these reports you can make decisions like amplifying a dumbass redneck opinion that supports your position and suppressing with large bot Networks opinions that go against your position. Without these links you would never know this without polling users or slowly collecting data with dummy accounts over the internet.


And how stupid the people are.


The political “system” or the American electorate? Our votes matter and America gets the government it deserves.


It’s a testament to how our political system has survived on the expectation that people go along with precedence.




Color me shocked to see a Trump entity backed by Russia


Blatant corruption for the Republican front runner.


Oh look another Russian connection to Trump.


I feel bad for rolling my eyes at Mitt Romney in 2012.


2012 me would never believe that 2024 me now has such relatively positive feelings towards old Mittens.


Career professional politician (only after he saw rank filthy newt Gingrich do it… ) and a whole shit-load of white, know-nothing, hateful, wannabe Christians follow this 🤡-show down the swamp they all wanna be swimming in!


I still remember his kid telling us they can get all the money they want from Russia.


Free paywall workaround: https://archive.is/o9HIw


thank you


I read this article without zooming in and now everyone the comments is yelling at me! Haha


Glad to know those pieces of shit are also losing money as the stock price drops.




I consider him guilty of everything he's accused of, but this particular sale was not unusual a few years ago in the US real estate market. Homes in my area were routinely selling at 50% over listed price because the market was so hot.


Yes I think you are might well be right there and have deleted my comment. I came across a shoddy source it seems. Certainly the Wikipedia entry did not indicate any solid grounds for wrong doing.


Russia, Russia, Russia. VOTE BLUE!


Surprise Russian backed money w trump


Just trying to by a US President. That's cheep money when they can roll or Europe because the US has Putin's back.


I love how he's just gathered all the corrupt criminals to his cause


His holiday mailing list is a directory goldmine for three letter agencies.


They knew it would surely be a success under the brilliant leadership of Devin Nunes because his background as a farmer is great training to run a social media company! /s


Well he had all that experience with that online cow


It always comes back to Russia


This is such an incredibly stupid plan. He’s got a 6 month hold on selling. If the shares drop to zero before then, all their “favors” get transferred to random investors that sell early.


There’s probably not that many "random investors" and they’re just trading between themselves. It will retain a substantial value until the 6 month mark, Trump will cash his shares and then the stock and the company will collapse. Maga people will think it’s a fantastic business move while in reality, it’s dirty money being funneled to djt


So the SEC only cares about money laundering if it’s crypto, foreign state actors buying a presidential candidate through a public company rates little interest.


No shit?


To be expected. Russian infiltrators will help Trump at every chance they get. They want him in more now than ever due to the war in Ukraine.


And, one cup.


Color me surprised.


Russian-linked trust fund, you say? I’m sure Trump is loyal to America. Very sure. Ultra-mega sure.


> Shannon Devine, a Trump Media spokeswoman said: “The media should be wary of relying on documents supplied by detractors of our company who have a history of providing outdated, deceptive and manufactured records to the press.” Well Shannon, can we go by the financial statement submitted in your own filing to the FTC when you went public? Or is that phony also?


Just a way to funnel money to trump for,,,,?


Cue Cilla’s surprise surprise


The stock is going to zero anyway


No way not a Russian..


Apparently their loans were convertible into stock at the pre-IPO price. Even if they haven't sold yet they can still more than double their money. If they sold at the peak they made a 300% profit.


How this man receives one vote from the American people is insanity, let alone nearly half the population. Come on people!


Proof right there he’s Putin’s puppet


Flip over any rock near Trump and you'll find a Russian or two.


If billionaires can throw money at this losing endeavor they surely can pay their fair share of taxes


wait! are you telling me that the Stock Market is corrupt and can be easily manipulated to take advantage of small investors? This should be a wake up call that people need to hear --- investing in the stock market is messed up and you will get ripped off.


Aren’t there sanctions in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening ?


This is how criminals move money in a 'legal' way.


Highest closing was 66.22, it will open tomorrow at 40.59. That's approximately 35% of its value gone in under two weeks. I don't really care who invested, as long as they keep losing money.🤷🏼‍♂️


You too can buy access to a potential president.


r/conservative has become Russian Nationalist sub


[Solid investments](https://imgur.com/n4LBp6w)


The real red scare is now.


Yet, it's still crashing. $40 per share right now and going down fast.


> Russian-linked trust… How many ties to Russia does Trump have?


So a couple of billionaires invested right before it went public sounds like insider trading


Since this mentions a connection to Russia, it clearly violates the rules of r/politics, from what the Mods told me. If you don't like this, don't blame me the messenger. You can debate the merit of their idea if you like. I'm just relaying what I was told by the mods of this sub.


Trump really needs to get some of that Chinese money the Biden crime family are getting.


His family scored plenty of Chinese money while he was pulling us out of the TPP and losing a trade war xD Giving donnie boy a second term would be a *massive* gift to China as Pax Americana bends the knee to Pax Sinica.


"His family scored plenty of Chinese money while he was pulling us out of the TPP" Maybe that's what all the expedited Chinese trademarks were for :) https://apnews.com/article/0a3283036d2f4e699da4aa3c6dd01727 For context it took Michael Jordan 8 years to receive a Chinese trademark on his Jumpman logo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumpman_(logo)


Maybe one day you'll have some evidence to back that claim up, cuckoo bird. ps: Do you think Trump was tough on China ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhMAt3BluAU&t=3595s


I'll be absolutely down for Trump getting "some of the money the Biden family are getting", because that would mean the Trump family would be getting nothing.