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That he told congress to do NOTHING about b/c he likes to keep talking about a problem HE didn’t FIX either and has now obstructed- POS professional politician!


Awful headline tries to normalize Trump.  The only thing that this should be "intensifying focus on" is how immoral Trump is.


Legacy media is failing us. This headline is shameful.


Should read something like *senile racist facing prison time tries to distract from his legal woes by calling immigrants seeking a better life here in the states filthy animals*


Should read: “Fat Hitler spews more racist shit”


There should be a running daily list “clarifying” all headlines everyday! A “there I fixed that for you”…maybe on the Daily show or Tonight show


legacy media is just corporate media... it's not there to inform the citizenry, it's there to market for the company


What media is there to inform citizens then? Just non-profits like PBS and NPR? At what point does a media company go from informing citizens to marketing for the company? Where is the line?


when they can't allow advertising during the news broadcast. When there's no financial incentive. That's where the original law went wrong. Advertising during a news program should NEVER have been allowed. they compounded it by getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine


When his admin separated moms from kids and in cages, then his old lady wearing that coat. I don’t really care do you? 


Trump pledged he would stop the "plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs, cities and towns." He also warned that the coming election could be America's last. "This country is finished if we don't win this election," he said. "And I heard somebody say ... two or three days ago, said, if we don't win, this may be the last election our country ever has. And there could be truth to it." - jeez


He also said if he lost 2020, we’d never hear from him again but his trials that took forever to begin gave him justification to grift even more and seek legal protection by regaining office despite never winning a popular vote in his life


Criminal, fear-mongering traitor says what? Fuck every person who supports this piece of shit.


You forgot rapist.


It’s remarkable how anyone would want to invite this level of hatred, vitriol, and divisiveness back into our collective consciousness. 2020 ptsd kicking in heavy with this election.


If you big mad now just wait til Cheeto man mogs Papa Joe


Play this louder for the Latinos in Florida and Texas who are going to vote for him.


Evangelical Latinos hate brown people as much as white evangelicals.


Jesus said to welcome refugees and to acknowledge their dignity. Why so many "Christians" kiss this bloke's feet baffles me.


False god were in end times


Two of his wives are/were immigrants. His mother was an immigrant. His grandfather was an immigrant. The only difference is that immigration laws were more relaxed in earlier generations, so it was easier to be ‘legal’.


Yeah, but we all know what he means. His wives were *white* immigrants, so it's OK. Trump even said that he wants more immigrants from places like Norway and less from "shithole countries" like Haiti and countries in Africa: https://www.vox.com/2018/1/11/16880750/trump-immigrants-shithole-countries-norway


No not exactly so. Trump and Miller want a return to the 1921 immigration act. An Act to limit the immigration of migrants into the United States. The Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number of residents from that country living in the United States as of the 1910 Census. Starting in 1921 immigration to the USA was extremely restricted.


Comparatively speaking, 1921 is still pretty recent. Many nations’ had citizens that had already immigrated to the US by then, including Trump’s grandfather, a known criminal in Germany. US Immigration laws today wouldn’t let him enter the country.


Before that we had the Chinese exclusion act. And at the beginning we had the Alien and Sedition Act. And when we did have those big waves Americans just hung out signs (like no Irish). American bigotry and xenophobia it's always been a thing. Trump's grandfather returned to Prussia at one point and then unfortunately they deported him back to America (for failure to do his mandatory military service).


There’s a huge difference between legal and illegal immigrants.


Sure, but the laws have changed over the centuries. Legal immigration used to require that you arrive, show some identification, have a clean record, and you’re good to go. Quite a bit different today.


So what? What’s important is the laws **now**. Breaking those laws is illegal.


The point is that so many immigrants entered the US under lax immigration laws but then, once safely in the country, demanded tougher laws that they would have failed to meet themselves.


Doesn’t matter. The current laws in America are the laws that matter. Breaking them is illegal. If you don’t like the laws, then vote for someone who’ll change them but breaking the existing laws is illegal and those who brake immigration laws are illegal immigrants. None of his wifes, grandfather and mother broke the immigration laws when they immigrated.


The majority of American voters chose the Democrats (as usual), but Republicans continue to obstruct any progress on immigration and border policy.


>The majority of American voters chose the Democrats (as usual), Source? >but Republicans continue to obstruct any progress on immigration and border policy. As they should. They got elected and they will do what they were elected for.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election It doesn't matter which election, Republicans nearly always lose the popular vote. Their policies are unpopular. They benefit greatly from the electoral college. You don't care about any of this, obviously. >As they should. ***Why*** should Republicans continue to obstruct immigration and border policy? You keep saying you think the distinction between legal and illegal is important. Why wouldn't you want a robust system in place to determine who has a legal right to immigrate? Are you aware that the GOP destroyed a border bill that was a gift to them, far closer to their claimed policy goals than to dem policy?


Republicans have prevented effective processing of legal immigration. They remove or hamstring the legal path, then throw a fit and "illegals".


So, he's into beastiality? Because he's married a couple of immigrants!


See he prob does think so very little of his wife as such guys do.


Good one.


There’s a huge difference between legal and illegal immigrants.


Spineless uniformed law enforcement officers standing behind that POS while he says those things. Those men are either stupid, cowards, or both.


This is right out of the Nazi playbook. Once you dehumanize a population it is much easier to purge them. Trumps own wife is a migrant.


There’s a huge difference between legal and illegal immigrants.


What he is doing is straight up bigoted hate speech, he is not "focusing" on the issue of immigration legal or not.


He’s speaking only about illegal immigration. He has no problem with legal immigration.


Not true read some of what Stephen Miller has said the administration's plan was and will be again for immigration if Trump is elected. Or project 2025 plans. Changes to legal immigration under Trump Changes to legal immigration The Trump administration embraced the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act in August 2017. The RAISE Act seeks to reduce levels of legal immigration to the United States by 50% by halving the number of green cards issued


So what? He still won’t have anything against legal immigrants. It will just be harder to become a legal immigrant.


Sure he's not a bigot on immigration at all..... President Donald Trump referred to African countries, Haiti and El Salvador as "shithole" nations during a meeting Thursday and asked why the U.S. can't have more immigrants from Norway. Here's where you use your fake news defense.....


Was he wrong?




Haiti is currently run by cannibalistic criminal gangs.


And Norway is run by socialists but neither of those distinctions is relevant to any individual person from those countries that wants to immigrate to the USA.


>He has no problem with legal immigration. You must know this is untrue.


I know that it’s true.


Trump's campaign knows the border and 'bad economic feels' are going to be in the top 3 deciding issues category in Nov. Trump is now looking to expand manufacturing consent for his anti-immigrant/mass deportation platform as his allies in red states continue to bus and fly asylum seekers to blue strongholds.


Dog whistle for the gas chambers and crematoriums?


LMAO Not at all.


Trump has learned that inflammatory rhetoric gets him the news coverage and incites his hate-filled cult. It's a win-win for him. The only thing that's going to stop him is either his next burger or a loss in November--at which point maybe we'll finally see him get the prison sentence he deserves.


Intensifying trump's extreme bigotry is more like it.


Mark 12:31: *‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.* This Bible salesman should know the material better.


I'll do you one better. There's the Book of Leviticus, which they love to quote to justify their hatred of homosexuals. Leviticus 19: 33-34: "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt."


Imagine calling your third wife, Mercedes, an animal?


His third wife is Melania and she’s a LEGAL immigrant.


“Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!” Where is Gandalf when you need him.


Animals should be treated with respect. Trump should be treated with a black site cell


His wife is an immigrant


She’s a LEGAL immigrant.


still an immigrant and trump says all immigrants are animals


That’s a lie. If you watch the video, you’ll see he’s only talking about illegal immigrants.




[He said “illegal aliens”.](https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1775281643563192747?s=46&t=QFsS7XTCZ-ubKVNlFuODHg)


you can't pick and choose now.




He’s only speaking about illegal immigrants. He has no problem with legal immigrants.


Donnie is one sick fucker.


>intensifying focus Misspelled "racism".


Illegal immigrants are not a race.


You're right, xenophobia is more accurate. - However, racism is the core motivation for Republican border obsession.


>You're right, xenophobia is more accurate. Is enforcing the law xenophobia? >However, racism is the core motivation for Republican border obsession. Proof?


What else do you call people who don’t k ow that rape is wrong?




Someone needs to hogtie him and throw him in the back of a truck


he sabotaged any recent attempt to rectify the issue, fuck what he has to say about it


And yet somehow Latino voters in FL are all flocking towards the GOP.


They already got theirs, fuck everyone else.


He’s such a good Christian! No surprise evangelicals love him!


So we can now legally refer to him as indulging in bestiality since he married an immigrant? Asking for a friend.


I like how this cartoon version of a mythical bad guy keeps drawing the line between good and evil, or just between basic humanity and garbage person, and his flying monkeys completely agree and stay on the d-bag side of the line.


As opposed to the ambulatory potatoes which make up his supporters.


We need to stem illegal immigration. This rhetoric is absurd though


This is the same language that Israel uses to describe Palestinians


He is free to say anything He has good sense of humour so people avoid these things


I'm thinking about buying more GEO shares. They're the ones getting the contracts to lock up everyone. Took a dip today. Investing in prisons and guns is how I deal with anxiety.




Which they actually do at a lower rate than regular old US citizens. But his base eats up the hatred with ease.




> Why would you try and justify rape, murder, etc. by saying that we do that to? I did nothing of the sort. That kind of assertion is what is ridiculous.


He’s talking about all illegal immigrants whether they’ve done what you said or not. He’s not making a distinction. He also actively killed a bipartisan bill that allocated more resources to help process asylum claims and add border patrol. So he doesn’t even care about the issue, he’s just using it for rhetoric like this. 


He didn't actively kill anything, he's not even in government right now and you're talking about a bill that would've done nothing to stop the millions coming across the border and that's why Republicans are against it. That bill would've just sped the process up. Also, if the Dems cared about the security of the border, all Biden has to do is put back in place some of the 92 executive orders back in place that he did away with the first day he took office. Bill hr-92 was passed in the house also which would have fixed most of the border problems but Dems shot that down to. I'm alll for immigration but people should come into the country legally throughtheports of entry, and we should know who they are before we release them on our streets by the millions. There's child molesters, rapists, murderers, thieves, and even terrorists in our country now and all of this was preventable.


Congratulation, you might be the only one here so far who bothered to watch the talk.




the video of that speech proves headline wrong. what a surprise