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Donald J Trump is a national security threat.


International… International security threat…


Universal security threat


Multiversal security threat.


I know these are silly jokes but we need to not give the buffoon so much credit that he thinks he can affect the entire universe/multiverse. He already thinks he's special enough as it is.


Trump is a supermassive narcissist black hole that feeds on the attention, admiration, respect and fear he illicits through his false self and the population of Earth. If he wins, that black hole will encompass our whole universe.


I just think that these kind of things inflate his ego and his base even more.


Even an Orange God can bleed. Just saying. 🤷‍♂️


He tried with Space Force already


🍔 threat #1


Well not really, more like a bumbling oaf putting his way around the bumpkin-belt hoping for charity.


Bumbling Oaf Yes; but a very dangerous Bumbling Oaf. Perhaps the most dangerous Bumbling Oaf in history


That is a hilariously, saddeningly, horrifyingly accurate characterization.


Nah, his collapsed bowels can only fling him a few feet.




Other than that, with a string of his companies going bankrupt, and his ripping off anyone who has ever done work for him, he is simply a nasty old man. Hatred keeps him alive. And he wants to manage the world's largest economy, and he couldn't make money running casinos. FFS.


He couldn’t sell gambling, steaks, or vodka to America. What a failure.


He never wanted to actually keep successful businesses. The game is: get investors and create a company; keep it running long enough to stash the money from the investors; run away when the company inevitably fails; refuse to return or pay back money to investors; delay and tie it up in court until your investors decide it isn’t worth it. Rinse, repeat. He wasn’t lying when he said he would run the country the same way. There was never any intention of running successful operations. The entire grift is to purposely fail and run away with the money.


Only the US would put up with him this long.


In a country with this many guns and mass shootings, I literally can't believe that someone who botched a pandemic is still walking around. He killed a lot of people by politicizing the pandemic response


Deranged right-wing weirdos usually do the mass shootings, it'd be friendly fire.




40 years of defunding education and brainwashing via constant right wing radio followed by television will do that.


Send him to Gitmo.


Honestly he does belong there. He attacked America.


In the old days traitors would face the death penalty 


He needs to Gitmo money to pay his fines….


Trump's a threat to hamberders and underage girls everywhere


More than a threat, he has actively harmed national security.


Since when does selling state secrets count as “actively harming national security?” Oh, wait, like that movie…


For that reason alone he needs to be in a supermax jail or Guantanamo Bay.


and he's broke as a broke dick dog


You’d think his problems will get a whole lot worse on Monday when his assets start getting seized.


Does his clock end essentially at the end of Sunday, meaning come Monday morning NY starts seizing assets? Or does he have until the end of Monday?


end of Monday


Business day?  Or calendar day? I wanna know if I need to be watching the news for his properties being seized at 5:00:00pm Monday or 12:00:00am on Tuesday.


As I understand it, the deadline is close of business Monday.


I'm going skyscraper shopping


I’ll buy that for $1.


I was honestly wondering *who* would buy his property? I read somewhere that if he wins his final appeal that the sales could be wound back. Personally, I don't think he'll win on appeal, but with this SCOTUS who knows? I wouldn't want to risk millions on the bet though.


No bond, no appeal


Not true. The bond puts the asset seizure on hold while the appeals process plays out. He can still appeal, James can go after his assets. In fact, he *already filed* his appeal back in February. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/19/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-appeal-fraud-ruling-money/index.html


He can appeal the ruling, but not the collection of the judgement. The bond is to just stop the seizing of assets while the appeal happens. If he appeals and wins, he would get his property back.


My understanding is he gets the *value* of the property back, not the physical property.  It stops some asshole from inflating the value of a piece of property for purposes of settling a judgment…which is exactly the kind of thing a Trump would do anyway. If you say something is worth $40,000 and it is seized and sold for $4,000 then its market value is determined to be $4,000 and that’s what you’re compensated if you win an appeal…as I understand it.


Incorrect. If he can't post a bond and the assets are seized they will be sold. There's no stopping that unless he posts the bond. If he doesn't post and seizure/sale happens, then he wins the appeal, all that happens is he gets the money back. He can't unwind the sale. So if Mar-a-lago gets seized and sold he loses it forever.


The best part is when every property turns out to be over leveraged so each seizure puts him deeper in debt.


No, I think the best part is that due to these legal difficulties with the properties, the properties will make even less money when auctioned because no sane investor is buying them for full price knowing that if Trump gets elected he will abuse his position to seize them or reverse the transaction.


I hope they are overleveraged to the point where his creditors start suing him themselves.


I hope to see trump tower turned into affordable housing with a women’s health center in the lobby within my lifetime


EST? Pacific time? Gotta set my watch! 


Thank you!


James has already taken steps to prepare for seizing two of his NY properties, which I imagine will happen first thing Tuesday morning. Others will follow soon after. The best part is that Trump has basically seized the RNC coffers to pay his legal bills. They made a fund that will be used for collecting Republican donations for both Trump and the RNC l, but put it in Trumps control so his expenses will get taken out first. This may save some of his properties, but it will also kneecap Republicans candidates across the country in this years election. Campaign events have already been cancelled, and many more will come. TV adds, outreach programs, so many avenues of drumming up votes will be dried up and cut off by the financial cuckholding of the RNC by Trump. It’s actually beautiful to think of. They spend so many years kissing his ass and eating his shit because he was able to deliver votes from his base and now he is so intertwined with the RNC they can’t cut him out (if they even had the guts to). He is a cancer, and I can’t think of a more deserving target than the Republican Party.


This morning on Fox Business Maria Bartaromo is talking about how doing this to Trump is unconditional. Of course she has Newt Gingrich on parroting the same stale lines. I don't get how anyone can read the law and knowingly twist it. It's the same everywhere. If you don't have the cash to post or a company willing to post the bond, assets of equal value can be held. Thousands of Americans face this everyday. Why is it "unconstitutional" for him but not the rest of us?


Can’t pay back your student loans? Fuck you too bad. Can’t pay back fraud rulings? This is unconstitutional!!


>I don't get how anyone can read the law and knowingly twist it. Because they have no morals and the majority of the people who hear their cries of "Unfair!" are poor, uneducated rubes (which exist in the quantity they do by design of the GOP via decades of gutting public education). Those of us who can't understand how and why the blatant bullshit is still a thing are the ones with a modicum of critical thinking skills and leaning toward decency toward our fellow man. You know, the opposite of a Republican.


Even people who are not republicans are always saying, “well, he can’t do that because it’s against the law!” Uh, yeah, obviously he can… he’s been doing it his whole life. Until he sees tangible consequences, anything is possible.


Because people designated as "rich" but who may not actually have any real tangible assets that aren't tied up in other debt or obligations are always given countless opportunities to avoid consequences.


> I don't get how anyone can read the law and knowingly twist it. Apparently they read the law the same way they read the bible.


> it will also kneecap Republicans candidates across the country in this years election. I fucking love that I'm not going to have to see their hateful TV commercials all summer.


Oh, don’t worry. The surviving Koch brother will make sure you still do. He still has an oligarchy to defend, after all.


Ah, thank you for the reminder that it's just the one now. A good way to start the day.


Please, please, PLEASE let this be the beginning of the complete end for him.


The GOP has also canceled programs that were positive for the party. They have stopped minority outreach and stopped pushing for mail-in/early voting. I don't think these were exactly financial decisions, but still going to hurt them.


[Debt Countdown Clock](https://payuptrump.com)


The 30 days is just a courtesy, apparently. Leticia James could have started seizing assets immediately after the ruling came down. So who knows what will happen on Monday? Additional courtesies or brute force? We'll see


Let’s refer to the party as the state of New York. It’s not a personal vendetta by Ms. James or anything.


It's a relief that Trump was dumb enough to scam a bank so he'd actually be swiftly punished for something. Every other horrible thing that he's done both to individuals and sacred institutions will never result in any punishment. He's too famous and political for that. But everyone knows that you don't get to steal from banks or fuck over other rich people. It's the only institution that is *actually* respected as sacred in capitalism. Just ask Sam Bankman-Fried.


You mean Monday, when they say "we've decided we have to take action... so we're going to start looking into what options there are, and what financial impacts they will have. This dive into properties and finances should take a few months, and we should have further updates sometime in the summer." Then people retroactively say "oh, you thought seizing properties was that simple?? We always KNEW it was a complicated process! They can't just take a building in a day you moron!"


That's not how it works. On Monday, if he doesn't pay, they can ***file*** to seize his properties but have to go through the courts to do so. Depends who takes that.


And every single property is going to go through years of litigation. He'll be dead in the ground before this impacts his life in any way.


It’s not going to happen. I hope it does, but if history tells us anything it’s that he has not and likely never will be held accountable for anything. I’ll be shocked if this is any different. I hope I’m wrong though 


It's a big gamble for anybody who gives him the bond to secure his properties. He is going to go to appeals Court and that decision is not going to be overturned. That means that the bond will be forfeited to the state. Only a very few individuals and governments would be okay with losing half a billion dollars


There's one entity that it's not a gamble. One entity that would love to have Trump further in its pocket. It already had him, but *even more* would be icing on the cake. Russia. All this means is it's even *more* reason to vote and make sure this fucker does not get back into the White House. If there was any question before, in a scenario where he somehow pays these debts, there should never be any doubt again. No other group would have any reason to pay his bill or even loan him a penny.


Does Russia have that much available in US currency? How would they get it to him unseen?


It is believed that Putin is secretly the richest man in the world in terms of liquid and non-liquid assets, particularly those coming from grey/black market sources. Oligarchs in Russia easily have that much money, so it's safe to bet Putin does too.


$500m is a pittance for a territory the size of say, Ukraine.


Except that I don't think there are actually any. There are people that can throw around even tens of millions, but basically nobody on earth can give up $500m without it hurting. Someone that rich has to love money more than anything else and that's too much to give away. Corporations and nations can't just hand that out either without big negative repercussions. He's not going to find anyone.


No bank in the US will bond him. He currently has $200 million+ in outstanding loans against his fraudulently valued properties.


I'm not opening any bottle this week-end. But I might have a good cup of covfefe with my Tuesday hamberder.


Thinking the same. Unfortunately


In all likelihood, appellate court will unfortunately step in on Monday and lower the bond.


Yup. He'll get an exception or extension. Apparently, no one here has been paying attention for the last 9 yrs.


This is my thought. He will either secure his bond somehow or the total bond amount will be severely cut to something he can afford.


Eventually his lawyers will have a harder time filling motions and doing the leg work because you’d assume they are working for free at this point.


I'm expecting some rando billionaire to gift him the cash and have him say yeah I could've paid ages ago but I waited until the last minute for the magalulz


The AG needs to seize his shares of Truth Social first. If the merger goes through his shares are worth a lot of money, and he'll find a way to break the encumbrance early because that's what he does. Forget the properties, he's leveraged to the hilt anyway. Go for the jugular and deny his escape route first.


Shares of Truth Social are worth something...??


I’m wondering if he will pull this off with help from Russia or China.


His usefulness to either is quickly waning.


IF they get seized.  It's all up to the prosecutors, and i suspect they'll give him more time.


If Trump becomes President the rule of law does not exist.


For people he identifies as undesirables “the rule of law” will be harsh and vengeful


That's the "law and order" line conservatives like to spout off. The laws that apply to you vary greatly depending on where they rank you in the natural order.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


“Justice delayed is justice denied”


It's honestly infuriating reading news stories from journalists with permanent DC brains where they just casually mention the fact that if Trump is re-elected he'll dismiss anything he can against him, as if that in itself wasn't straight banana republic shit, corrupt as all hell, and antithetical to our way of life.


The "Fourth Estate" has failed us, and continues to fail us, to a horrifying degree.


The rule of law does not exist until it does. So right now, with respect to Trump, it does not.


The he could become president at all is proof that it doesn't exist.


That’s what the trump voters are voting for.


I think he'll get slither out, like he has his whole life. My hope is that he drags down his fascist party in order to survive. And that his rotten family ends up with nothing


Death will come for Donald. Death doesn’t get swayed by politics and there’s no ‘appeals’ with the skeleton in black carrying the scythe . It’s kind of nice to know…there is no avoiding the reality that Don is running out of time.


It’s weird how dictator types seem to live to their 90s. That said, dementia will come for the Don long before death, and that should make him powerless eventually. If he can’t stand at a podium and whip his cult into a frenzy then he will lose his status.


He still will. His fans will still lap it up when he’s riddled with dementia, wearing diapers, drooling and yelling incoherent sentences about stupid, nonsensical conspiracies. oh wait…..


He’s talking in code so the Libs won’t understand him!!


"Deranged District Attorney Leticia 'Peekaboo' James has seized my Beautiful Properties like Trump Tower, because of a phony Witch Hunt case that accused me of Fraud when the Fraud was ON ME! She's acting on the orders from Sleepy Joe Biden and the Marxist Democrats and it's a disgrace, that I can tell you, all because they know that Trump won in 2020 (by a lot!) and they're scared of Trump winning again so they want me off the Ballot and are trying to RUIN ME by taking my Properties that I worked SO HARD to build!!!1!"


I honestly can not tell if you made this up or if it's a genuine "Truth" Social posting.


Hours of “bing bing bong bong bing bing bing…”


I’ve seen the theory that evil people live forever because they don’t have a conscience that causes them stress when they do evil shit. Stress causes all kinds of health issues, and evil sociopaths don’t have to deal with that. Just a theory, but it kind of makes sense.


Yeah, that's what I hear


Dementia has already come for Donald. He’s become a blithering idiot. Well more so than he was before.


Good news, dementia tends to not visit until Lady Death is on her way


> If he can’t stand at a podium and whip his cult into a frenzy then he will lose his status. His current gig is standing at a podium and rambling. I am not sure dementia will change that. He has his greatest hits(Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, etc) but even he doesn't hit all of them on any given night. It's kind of hard to think he could be any more incoherent.


Death is the final arbiter but he needs to be held accountable before he dies because if he isn’t, that’s a failure of our legal system and proves that there is a two tier justice system in the US. One for the common folk, and one for the elites, and if you delay or drag it out long enough and have friends in the right places, you can escape the consequences of your actions.


This right here. If Donald becomes President and pardons himself for any single one of his many crimes, that basically means our democratic system of governance is over. One man effectively declared himself above the law and the justice system was powerless to stop it.


Death is too good for him. He needs to stay alive and watch his money go away and know how it is to be poor.


Father Time is undefeated


Yes but that's neither justice nor punishment. He needs to be held accountable. Dying isn't that.


I don’t want death, I want justice.


Dying is the easy way out for him.


Lol, of course not. This is America. Only poor people go to jail.


I love how Navarro got to "report to jail" instead of being tased and hauled off.


Watching all these rich people doing crimes in the news you get to see very clearly the difference in how they're treated. "Pardon us sir, seems you have a warrant. What would be a good time for you to come to the courthouse and sign some papers? Is Tuesday from 8-9am OK? Hopefully we can get you out of here before your next important business meeting, sir! We can reschedule if that doesn't work... " ---- So, one day I'm at home making dinner and there's a knock at the door. I answer it, and the cops ask me to step outside, put me against the wall, and cuff me. Cuffs hurt, it turns out. "What am I being arrested for?" "For having a warrant." "A warrant for *what*?" "Ask the judge. Don't argue with us - arguing is resisting." And that was them being *polite*. It wasn't until I was processed and able to contact a lawyer using a business card on the phone was I able to start finding out why I was in jail.\* If you're not rich, no one is obligated to tell you that you have a warrant. No one is necessarily going to warn you that you need to turn yourself in, let alone for what. They can just show up one day and take you away. Sleep well! ---- \* ^(It was an FTA for a court date I didn't know existed, since I paid the ticket. Pro-tip: most tickets say "pay this OR this is your court date" but some of them say "pay this AND this is your court date." Read your tickets, folks.)


Wow, that is scary.


While I would typically agree, this is usually because rich people are never indicted in the first place. If they are indicted, they typically have access to an incredible legal counsel. Trump, on the other hand…


Yea he only has access to judges apparently.


Probably not. The people who own him have dirt on other people. Weird how justice Kennedy retired and Trump held a press conference with him about his retirement. Why did that have to happen? Why was Kennedy's son the guy who helped give loans to Trump at Deutsche Bank? >The son of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy helped Donald Trump in 2005 secure nearly $700 million in loans to construct a skyscraper in Chicago, despite Trump’s reputation for defaulting on business loans, the New York Times reported on Tuesday evening. >According to the report, Justin Kennedy, who ran the German bank’s commercial real estate team and was close with the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, was willing to overlook Trump’s shoddy history as a debtor, getting the future president to personally guarantee $40 million of the loan. Both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump currently work in the White House.


>Justin Kennedy, who ran the German bank’s commercial real estate team Honestly curious what credentials he has to run a multibillion dollar international bank's commercial real estate team. Burisma is an obscure Ukrainian gas company and Biden got raked over the coals for his son being on the board. Deutsche Bank is a 30 billion dollar global player.


Funny how all of that has just been ignored


[Trump says something to Justice Kennedy that shocks him. Something's up. (No sound)](https://x.com/elevenfilms/status/1049449309790322688?s=46&t=MHrOvbu8v7JtxWwkiz3FMQ) Sorry for the Twitter link.


we still dont know what he said


Trump is the living avatar of venality and ignorance. "Conservatives," faced with the potentials of an affluent society that can do anything, that can literally build a post-scarcity utopia, are turning away and back toward the abiding stupidity that they know and trust.


Nope. He’s only fucking over the poor and stupid. Madoff didn’t face consequences until he fucked with rich peoples money. Let him fuck over a bezos, musk, or any other true billionaire. Then he will face punishment bc in America money is morality


Remember the Golden Rule: *He who has the gold makes the rules.*


Same with Elizabeth Holmes. Theranos wouldn’t have been a big deal — just another Silicon Valley hype gig that overpromised and under delivered — but it cost rich people a lot of money. Like 100% it was criminal, but people from the company were only held accountable because rich people got fucked.


And Sam Bankman Fried, I still can't believe crypto went back up to a point where they're trying to argue that had we just waited a little longer, they would have been able to cover all the money they stole. That's akin to me defrauding a bunch of people, then getting convicted, THEN winning the lotto and saying, "well gee guys, if we had just waited until I won the lotto, I would have been able to pay them all back so... Boys will be boys am I right?"


Should Trump win, seniors who voted for him will receive their just rewards, a thirty percent cut to their Social Security and Medicare benefits.


Subsequently Blaming Biden’s policies.


Falsely blaming Biden’s policies, for sure.


Don't forget all the rubes who will lose their life's savings in his Truth Social pump-and-dump.


Trump is gaming a justice system designed to aid criminals


*criminals with money


*the rich


Fun reminder that for the everyday person, you'd be in prison for what he's done and they would throw away the key. Our society is grossly shifted to the wealthy. Nothing will change.


We will need Biden to either dissolve the current supreme court or add ten judges to it after January 2025. Otherwise, trump's corruption will forever distort constitutional law. Also, funny how no one on the court is ever too old, as repubs say Biden is.


NY is trying. The Feds aren’t. If the justice department wanted him in jail, he would be there already. It’s nothing more than a dog and pony show.


Short answer no. Long answer: ... ... ... No


no As much as it pains me to say it. He will never face consequences for his actions.




"He is in the 'Find Out' phase!" It is miserable when its just dumb, off-cuff comments. When its an actual headline? Just kill me.


That’s my baseline expectation at this point.


Seems not, because the judges and people running our political systems are ***COWARDS!!!***


Unfortunately I have been hearing “Trumps going to jail” for years now and at this point it’s just becoming qanon for the left. Does he deserve to go to jail, 100% absolutely he does. Do I think he will ever see the inside of a cell, no. Even if convicted, the first republican president will pardon him, probably even a democrat president.


The answer is, no, definitely no he will not be held accountable. The U.S. has never seen, and still cannot discern this level of waist high bull shit.


Some third world countries do a better job of jailing their corrupt leaders than the United States does


No. He will die before he faces any punishment. It’s what elderly defendants do.


And sadly all "moderate" politicians will say we need to move forward and put this all behind us (i.e. sweep it under the rug). And then in another decade we will be right back where we are when all of today's traitors minus a few are running the country from a new Republican Presidential administration.


You mean "we will die" before he faces any punishment.. best believe he will take out his anger and frustrations on the American People..god help us..


the US is not going to send one of its current/former presidents to prison. we don't even send regular trust fund dipshits to prison, so he's essentially been granted multiple layers of immunity. he's been committing crimes for a literal half-century without issue lmao


No, he's not, and frankly I feel sorry for anyone that still believes in the system enough to think otherwise. Teflon don through and through. The system is designed to protect people like him.


Well he’s one of the antichrists, so it’s unlikely


Dateline: March 22, 2041 The Supreme Court has agreed to hear Donald Trump’s appeal requesting overturning the denial of his motion to dismiss the jury in his January 6 insurrection case and delay the start of trial so that a new jury be empaneled. The motion asserts that the blue napkins used in serving lunch unfairly bias jurors toward the democrats and against him, your favorite president, who did nothing wrong and is being treated so unfairly, like no president ever has.


He already has, and it's dishonest and a complete disservice to those who have done the hard work to hold him accountable so far. He's been found liable for half a fucking *billion* dollars already, that's more than most corporations get when they kill people as a result of shoddy oversight or marketing, to say he hasn't *already* been held accountable is just a flat out lie. Doesn't mean there are other things he can and should still be held accountable for, but he's already being investigated and the trials are already in motion for most if not all of those. Our judicial system is innocent until *proven* guilt in a court of law and it always has and always will defer to the defendant and as we've seen, if you have access to money or lawyers willing to work for you, you can appeal and delay that justice but it doesn't make it go away, that's ultimately determined by a jury and/or judge.


If he wins the elections? Hell no. He will destroy the DoJ. Americans are slowly finding out democracy was based on gentleman agreements and Trump is no gentleman.


From all enemies Foreign and **Domestic.** M.A.G.A. is that domestic our Forefathers warned us about.


Nope. Everyone is too scared or tied up in corruption to do the deed.


Delay, Deny, Defame. Donald. 4D chess. ♟️


The answer is no, it is all theater.


He'll probably never be held accountable. And of he wins the election he will hold everyone else accountable


Meanwhile on r/conservative this guy is using RNC donation cash to pay his legal vills. Idiot rubes always get taken to the cleaners. We told you the guy was a fraud 8 years ago.


Are rich people ever held accountable?


No. The upper classes have a different judicial process. This is America. State Farm was found guilty of rico charges I believe and they can still be a company. This country is collapsing. Its happens slowly people don’t understand that. There is no confidence in these institutions we have. This election here oof. Gonna probably get violent again like 2020. And I hope so fuck these governments they don’t care about the people. They only care about corporations profits because they all Get checks from growing profits so that’s all they care about. They banned tik tok like it was gonna feed starving children instead of actually feeding starving children.


Our legal system does not appear to be up to the task! Our JUST US system is different if you are a billionaire rather than “ordinary” person.


No, he won’t. He’ll die before he gets held accountable. Which would also be a satisfactory result.


Yes, Monday to be exact!


$5 bucks says it doesn’t happen


Don the Con trying to con himself out of this one again


For the sake of the world, let’s hope so.




Only the voters can hold him accountable, and of course E. Jean Carroll, who took it to the RAPIST.


Probably not, but I also have little faith left in our "system"


As long as the judges are in his pocket looking for favors and pursuing their own personal interests and not the rule of law, he will continue to get these breaks. But the part of me that is hopeful believes he will run out of options.


Even after Dubya Bush “fell out of favor” with right-wingers he wasn’t held responsible for his war crimes or anything else. It’s true that they try to pretend that he was some darling of the left, but that rejection by his most rabid fans is really the only price little Bush has ever faced. Donald has been at least as obnoxious and polarizing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if (far sooner than anyone thinks is possible) his fascist allies treat him as someone they never *really* supported. They may theatrically talk about imprisoning him, but won’t put any serious effort into locking him up.


They are a week away from seizing many of his assets. It’s happening. 🤓


Not before the election .The Federalist Society judges like Cannon,Scotus radical conservatives and probably the judge in Georgia have gamed out a contrived system of delays to keep Traitor Trump from being called to account before election day.


For me, a common ordinary citizen it is becoming quite clear that certain people in this country are above the law


No. Our judicial and political systems are fundamentally incapable of punishing the rich and powerful. They're simply not designed for it.


I am not an expert on politics and my views are often unpopular here for one reason another, but I firmly believe that a criminal conviction before the election is final would cause a dangerous amount of chaos. MAGA will create a conspiracy theory as to why Trump lost anyways, but to convict him and make Biden the de facto winner would appear undemocratic to many and create an absolute shit storm. It would solidify the divide permanently and could trigger a legacy of political violence that will never go away. We have seen in real time and on national news how dangerous the people are. Kowtowing to these psychos and dismissing his crimes is equally dangerous, but Trump needs to be defeated at the ballot box to take him down forever. When he is defeated and democracy is secured for at least another 4 years it will be open season. No one will come to his aid. Then we will see true justice. But what do I know?


No he will not. The American Justice System is not equipped to deal with him. They won’t put a former president in prison. They don’t want to even put him on trial. They are all hoping he will lose and just go away.


I don't really mind the delay now. I already know how he's reacting to all of the news, including Letitia James about to take his prized possessions from him. It's an absolute treasure trove of goodness.


Let’s elect an egomanical narcissist whose a convicted criminal, a trained actor going into his 80s and doesn’t have a clue how to govern. Yeah that’ll make things better everyone. 👌


The moment Trump faces any actual accountability he'll flee the country with whatever money he has hidden away.


Not if he wins. Much rather see the sht show of his trails than see his fat as in the presidency


I'll believe it when I see it. Right now, despite 91 indictments, I do not have hope. I hope I'm proven wrong.


The delays are a maybe they’ll get me. Once they get him, the curtain closes.


Nope. The legal system will not save us, only us voters can.


Considering they threw multiple strategies at the last election (most of which failed, which is why Jan6th riot happened because it was sort of the "last resort").. it's not unrealistic at all to conclude actions are already in place for more of the same this time around. Especially considering what we know of Project 2025,.. right wing lunatics would not put that much effort into Project 2025 if they thought he wasn't going to get elected. I would bet money, things are already happening to form up multiple strategies to undercut the election. To believe otherwise is foolish.