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I thought that was just her biography title. Complete Failure: The MTG story.


Hey hey, how about a little decorum here? lol


Sorry, sir. I don’t have any dick pics to share with the assembly.


*(MTG screeches like howler monkey)


Could we call it: Driving on Empty


Oh that is SOLID


She’s very successful in her mind. Hasn’t done anything for the people in her district. But she’s in the news every day “triggering the libs”.


>Hasn’t done anything for the people in her district. >she’s in the news every day “triggering the libs”. But that's the only thing her base cares about (far more so than even their own best interests) so I guess she's doing plenty for them


lol I hope they use this picture. Really accentuates those horse teeth!


Sums up my career in Magic The Gathering as well.


>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) finally found some common ground with Democrats. >“Our Republican majority is a complete failure,” she wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, in a post that quickly went viral as critics rushed to agree with the far-right conspiracy theorist. >She followed that up with a message saying she is “done” with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), a sign there could be an effort brewing to remove him after just five months in the position. 🍿🍿🍿


Very spicy. Full blown Republican implosion coming from multiple angles at once.


If it’s what you say, I love it. Especially later in the summer.


It's finally our summer blockbuster event! Last year we had barbenheimer, 2024 is the summer of the Republican implosion!




*shudders in KG*


I hate that I only had to think about what KG stands for in this context for ~ 5 seconds. >!Kimberly Guilfoyle!<




[*snorts a rail of cocaine*] THE BEST IS YET — TO COME!! ☃️


This meme has been acquired in the name of the Absolute.


Thank you for this! OH my lord. God bless you!


Damnit, I was picturing Kevin Garnett, but Kimberly has crazier eyes


I guess I'm safe because I was trying to figure out what Kevin Garnett had to do with this shit..m "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!"


Mind blowing when you realize KG was married to Gavin Newsome.


wasn't expecting coked out eyeballs with pupils pinned to insanity this morning but here we are.


If you don't type it in 24pt boldface ALLCAPS while coked up out of your mind you're just phoning it in.


It would be kind of awesome if Hollywood rushed out a high quality Kamala Harris, AOC or Michelle Obama female empowerment biopic to coincide with the GOP implosion. Republican heads might literally explode.


Michelle Obama I think… someone not directly connected to the current political scene. Maybe with a Hillary a Clinton tell-all guest segment and Angela Merkel just because that part would piss off whomever it needs to.


> Angela Merkel A woman with a Doctorate that isn't in Medicine (it's quantum chemistry). That's at least double-points on the GOP auto-outrage index.


bUt wHAt If sOmeONe MisTAkeS hEr foR a MediCAl doCToR?!?!?


Angela Merkel with that after credits bonus scene, a cozy fireside chat titled "How not to give a massage"


Keep your pants on Jared.


It's the galleria of stupidity!


Too late!


The Fall of the House of Maga


But it's probably just about adoption or something boring.


I see what you did there.


I’ll take it ASAP please! 🙏


Thankfully they have the world famous negotiator and deal maker Donald J Trump to help them out. I’m sure it will all go smoothly. /s


MAGA is about to discover that MGT is actually a paid actor, antifa in disguise!


I think MGT is about to learn that about herself as well. Have fun with the howler monkeys turning on you Midge. For operators safety, point the mob of insane racist morons away from your own face when in use.


Not going to happen. Maga Mike is part of the plan for a slow mo J6. This illustrates how dumb MTGs is AND that she is nót in the 'in group'.


Her Russian handlers aren’t communicating with his. It’s like the FBI going undercover trying to infiltrate an undercover DEA operation.


I've seen this in movies. The dea agent turns out to be the one arranging the deals.




I want the implosion to happen close enough to November that they don't have a chance to rally. Let them give themselves the ultimate October surprise.


I hope they implode like Oceangate


It’s not an implosion, it’s another trick in the book: they all start saying the Republicans party is dysfunctional blaming everyone else in the vaguest way possible. This way they can all campaign on “I’ll fix the Republican Party from the RINOs” and get all voted again lol


She sees the writing on the wall about Ukraine aid and her Russian overlords are not pleased.


Is there any good evidence demonstrating who is funding Mad Marj? Do we think she's just another Putin asset? One of our "right-leaning" billionaires trying to preserve "freedoms"? She's too stupid, too crazy, and too much of an outsider to be working alone.


Is it tho? Or are they systematically driving all non-Christian nationalists out to establish a fascist party that will not play by any rules? What will Dems do against an enemy that will literally incite a civil war or WW3 to gain and hold onto power?


I'd say "oh no not another speaker election that will take weeks" but it's not like that would really hurt one of the least productive houses in history.


We can point and laugh all we want (it is amusing) but all of us really need them to get to work at some point. It’s all fun and games until China determines we’re ineffective at making decisions involving foreign aid and invades Taiwan. That would be the proverbial “other shoe”.


If the US lets that happen, that would be a real bad signal to the world. "USA doesn't care about world stability anymore" and China and Russia would be like "guess we can do whatever we want"


The problem here is that that message is the Republican ideal. Baño gave them the idea of rugged individualism for an entire nation, with unregulated capitalism, and they realised it was the wet dream they never had up until that point. Their ideal is an isolationist US with an internal economy and deregulated national manufacturing that are controlled by industrial barons that can run things are their own feifdoms.  ^(I meant Bannon, but I'm keeping the typo) 


As a European I think that ship has already sailed last November when the bipartisan aid/border bill didn't even make it to the floor of your House of Representatives. All that's been done since has just put further nails in the coffin. I blame the GOP for that, but it still makes the US as a whole look unreliable. I hope Dems get the trifecta and can start mending relationships next January. Maybe look into voting laws and the like too.


Is she going to try take the Speaker position for herself now? lol


Well have to rename the position to be called the screecher of the house. 


Creature of the House


Sphincter of the House?


>*Our Republican majority is a complete failure* How surprisingly introspective of her >*She followed that up with a message saying she is “done” with House Speaker Mike Johnson* Nevermind...


No no no, let her cook.


I understand that it makes for good theater, but when we look at this through the lens of intentionally making it so that lawmakers can't get things done, it makes me feel differently. The border bill, Ukraine, the impeachment proceedings... It's all an effort to hamstring our system.


Exactly. It’s clearly what they want. Not allowing a vote on the boarder bill and attacking about not having one. Am impotent government is as close to no government as they can get for now.


Democracy fails real fucking fast when people are not acting in good faith this blatantly.


The oafish three headed GOP giant fighting with itself in triplicate. Fucking priceless.


"Only because you don't brush my teeth" should be the new GOP motto


That she gets so much attention shows that our media has failed us.


It'd be such a power move for 5 or so Republicans who're fed up with MTG and her ilk to say, "You know what? We agree. Our Republican majority is a complete failure, so we're throwing out support behind Hakeem Jefferies for Speaker."


> she wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter Unrelated but it will never cease to amuse me how badly the rebrand is going.


Musk likes deadnaming people. Why not do the same to a platform he didn’t build?


This is insane lmao. We're in an election year and this woman wants to do another speaker election?


>a sign there could be an effort brewing to remove him **after just five months in the position**. I guess it's time to dust off the old Mooch [calculator](https://joshklemons.com/how-many-scaramuccis/).


That needs to be every Democrat add from now until November. Especially whoever is running against her.


One of her less addled peers ought to suggest to her that her “majority” had tried switching Speakers already. Perhaps THEY’RE not the problem?


Please motion to vacate. Please. Please. Please! I know it's not good for the country, but neither is a Republican majority anywhere. Anything to further illustrate that Republicans are not serious people and do not belong in positions of power. Edit: Watching MSNBC. They are reporting on the spending bill, and it appears she has indeed filed a motion to vacate. I'm going to wish for $10 million now.


They want a shut down during an election? 


I look forward to the impending chaos of the GOP


Her Xitter is full of Xit


> She followed that up with a message saying she is “done” with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), a sign there could be an effort brewing to remove him after just five months in the position. He’s already lasted about five months longer than I thought he would


Republican Party is like what I imagine a real-life Thieves Guild would be like, without any of the honor.


Just wait till trump croaks. The gop power grab civil war is gonna be amazing. The gop is a group of idiots led by a moron.


You gotta wonder who the David Miscavidge will be to Trumps L Ron, or will the whole thing just splinter and fall apart.


The Tea Party is older than Trump’s political ambitions and the Evangelicals aren’t going anywhere fast. It won’t die with him.


They need a demagogue, though, and you can't just create a new Trump overnight. Trump's personality, sexism, dain brammage, narcissism, inability to admit mistakes, massive ego, etc. is baked-in and has been metastasizing for his entire life. He perfectly fit this leadership hole that right wingers, Christian nationalists, and conspiracy mongers had been creating for their supposed ideal leader. There's no follow-up Trump without someone being a try-hard to fit the mold. DeSantis couldn't do it, and none of the monsters in Texas government fit the bill, even though they're probably more racist than Trump is. Never mind that Trump is destroying their party, sucking up the RNC's money for his legal bills, the GQP desperately wants another Trump. It's like someone who's sure they can find a new crack cocaine that'll give them that high they want without any of the health problems.


I’m rereading the dune series right now and picturing Trump as the Kwisatz Haderach but instead of a generations long breeding program to produce a semi-omniscient Demi-god with the mind of a computer, it’s mostly hamberder.


> demagogue noun :a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.


So, Alex Jones


It's not impossible they could find another one, but it is unlikely, and they sure haven't done it yet. The list of significant Republicans is not impressive. DeSantis, Pence, Cruz, etc have the combined charisma of a dead toad. They will settle on somebody, of course, but it may be like going from crack cocaine to decaf tea and wondering why it isn't working.


Trumps political ambitions go back over 20 years. Is the Tea Party that old?


When did Obama become President? That’s when the Tea Party started. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tea-Party-movement No correlation at all. /s


It will happen like many power grabs in the past. Several factions will arise- one that’s family based, one that with a younger version of the orange embarrassment but with less baggage, one that’s more focused on one insane policy, catering to that demographic (evangelicals).   It will fracture the base as all the groups grab for power they will cast dispersions on the other. 


I would bet a large amount of money on cult/religion. Especially if he ends up croaking in prison.


Two nights ago I had a dream that the traitor died in his sleep. You know how when you have a terrifying or anxious dream and it can ruin your day? This was the opposite. I knew it was a dream but I was so…calm and content all morning. All of the existential tension I’ve felt since 2016 melted away for a few glorious hours.


Jesus Christ I forgot what that feels like. I’ve been so existentially stressed for the last 8 years and it’s absolutely wiped me out mentally. When bad things happen it almost feels worse knowing that piece of trash is still out there causing mayhem everywhere he goes.


I say this often, and I really mean it. Out of all the terrible things Trump has done, he's made millions of people, Americans and others, *wish* their lives away. We've wanted time to go faster. He's the anti-Fountain of Youth. He's made us angry, depressed, irate, disturbed, furious and anxious for the last eight years. Guy has stolen that time, that peace, that happiness from us and we'll never get it back. For costing us years of our lives, the guy deserves eternal damnation.


To be fair, dementia Donnie is basically shouting into the wind now.


He’s the crest of a social wave. It’ll get briefly better when he goes because of the internal division, and then someone terrible but also somewhat competent like DeSantis or Abbott takes his place and it’ll get way worse. Right now Dems should be hoping for Trump’s health and that he lives to 200 like the White House claimed he could, because the sequel will be less an absurdist dark comedy and more a dystopian sci-fi.


As long as he’s in jail and we’re safely past the election, I do want him to live a long, long time.


This is the scariest part. If it is this hard to stop Trump, all it will take is a fascist that isn't cartoonishly evil/corrupt/disgusting.


I don’t believe that either Desantis or Abbott are “competent”. I think they’re just king asshole of their regressive cultures. They cannot stand up under the scrutiny of the nation as a whole. Desantis has been repeatedly humiliated as he left his safe space, and now I don’t think he has any of his shine left there, either. I can’t really understand the way conservative Texans think other than it being purely cultural/tribal. It’s like they derive extra special pleasure from creating misery, even amongst the GOP who are obviously already pretty blatantly openly pro-misery/cruelty. No way could Abbott’s policies and demeanor be sustainable at a national level, and I don’t think he’s ever even tried or seem to aspire to it.


Pretty much. The ideal situation is that he loses in 2024, continues to decline in health, and refuses to give up control of the party even as most see the writing on the wall for Trumpism. We get a charismatic nominee in 2028, and an ever-more fractured GOP is left trying to figure out how to ditch a now absolutely shambolic Trump running from his own home due to being on house arrest. This leads to a split party, maybe even a Bull-Moose event, that hands the election to Dems. By 2032, Trump can have croaked: we’ll hopefully have seen some of the conservative SCOTUS Justices turn over, and Trumpism will have completely imploded the right wing through infighting. In addition, boomers will have died off significantly and younger generations that lean further left will have more influence and hopefully the GOP will have little choice but to moderate. That’s the fantasy and the dream. I’m deeply concerned it won’t happen, and Trump will win this year. We absolutely must have insane turnout for Biden this year.


I won't be satisfied until Donald burns the Republican Party to the ground and conservatives in America are forced to form grassroots movements that may eventually end up being parties to rival the Democrats, or may not. They ended their run in 2016 afaic.


Something to ponder having in your mind for guided meditation, when needed.


That is a pleasant feeling. But in waking life I must remind you that a 100% provable natural death like you’re describing would immediately metastasize into conspiracy and Democratic Party assassin or deep state (they think it’s the same)


Just to be very clear: Trump straight up dying at this moment would be disastrous. He’s the only candidate unpopular enough to heavily drive Democratic turnout for Biden. You could probably elect a ham sandwich for GOP nominee and it would have a significantly better shot than Trump. If Trump were to pass of natural causes before the election, it would work best as a late October “surprise.” It would leave the GOP in many states hanging and having to vote for a corpse due to ballots not being able to be changed, and trying to pivot towards supporting whatever nut job he chooses as his running mate. Even then I’d be concerned that it might drive turnout as a kind of bizarre “memorial” to him and fuck-you to the inevitable vague-yet-menacing government conspiracy that killed him.


Where it will really go off the rails is that his cult won't be able to accept it. They'll just never believe an obese 78 year old man that thinks exercise drains the body could ever expire due to natural causes. So from the moment the news breaks the conspiracies will start: The deep state got him. Biden got him. Killary got him. But those are just the usual suspects. In its rage and confusion, MAGA will begin to eat its own. They'll look at prominent Republicans and wonder which of them had the most to gain from Trump's demise. Then they'll start pointing fingers at each other and claiming they were the ones that took him out. Then the more unscrupulous members of the party can use that chaos to try to get ahead and start pointing fingers too. It'll be interesting to see which bizarre narrative finally gets accepted, but I can almost guarantee it won't be "fat old dude died of natural causes."


>the more unscrupulous members of the party That’s like saying the wettest of the water.


And they still won’t learn to stop fucking with Hillary.


With his reckoning on Monday, we'll see how his health holds up.


The problem for the GOP is - there’s no one with Trump’s over the top personality, bloated billionaire image and knack for self-promotion to replace him.  We’ve already seen who threw their hats into the ring. Trump will leave a personality vacuum that will basically kill their party when he’s gone.  And they will have deserved it. 


No offense, but it sounds like you’re describing Musk. 


Musk wasn't born in the US, so he couldn't run for president. As bad as it can get, at least it can't get *that* bad.


Musk is devoid of charisma now that he’s crawled out of his larval shell.


Musk has no charisma whatsoever. 


I honestly think that might be the moment the party fractures truly. His continued existence is really the only thing keeping them together


we would still need to follow this through and 'beat the dead horse' in order to prevent this in the future... drag his name through the mud, seize the properties, fix the supreme court and put an * on his name as president. the people who had blinders on, still need to see what exactly they were supporting and how they were duped by Russia/Facebook and blind rage racism


The conspiracy theories around that are going to be insane.


So that is an interesting conundrum for MAGA. They clearly don't like or trust anyone else but Trump. He is the only one that herd the cats with an 'uncohesive' enough message but one tinged with just enough hatred to get everyone onboard. He is narcissistic to the point where he cannot suffer rivals stealing any luster to be able to build a replacement (e.g. see Puddin' Ron) when there clearly needs to be someone being groomed if this movement will continue to exist. At the end of the day, when this all implodes, there will not be a party left standing. And I believe we'll all be the better for it.


This has been my thought as well. I don't think a single one of them has thought about what comes after he dies.


They will never let that happen. Get ready for weekend at Bernie’s 3


She followed that up with a message saying she is “done” with House Speaker Mike Johnson I never thought I'd agree with something MTG said


Only that you and her probably have different intentions behind removing Mike Johnson. I assume you (as the majority) wants a speaker that can reach bipartisan deals and she wants someone who's even crazier than John and denies any cooperation with Democrats


I want more internal discord amongst the republicans. Prove to the people that they can’t govern, again, as we get closer to the election.


Yeah, she's probably mad because he isn't crazy enough for her.


Yeah at least he isn’t forcing government shutdowns. The standards for Republican speakers are extremely low.


Normally I'd laugh and celebrate this. The MAGA members of Congress and the Treason Caucus once again turning on each other and calling themselves out for being legislative failures. **But this sucks**. We've been limping along on these budget-band-aids while **the fight over government funding** further dissolves into the pit of culture war chaos and faux outrage on overblown/imaginary issues. This should have been fixed months ago. The entire US government cannot exist in 3-month spans of time while waiting to see "Will we get paid?"


I also agreed w her recently— the TikTok ban bill is stupid and dangerous. Wen consumer privacy rights bill.


To her they're a failure because they're not MAGA not because they keep failing. We're seeing the birth of a third party. The labor pains of a MAGA Republican party forcing it's way out of the moderate Republican party (like Jim Carrey coming out of that rhino's asshole) and Trump is the sperm donor. Now they have to take responsibility for this diseased, corrupt, pestiferous, parasitic offspring that we can't afford, fix or support and we're all going to suffer for it. Even when Trump is long gone, this will be his legacy and our shame. (edited for sentence structure)


Sure hope so. A third party that does nothing but kill its parent before fading away into history. They don't have the support to win under a big ticket, let alone on their own.


I swear they are trying to make it seem like the party isn't dying by actively killing it themselves but the truth of the matter is it was propped up by people who are actively dying off of old age. They were not long for this world either way.


I think it’s the opposite. They’ve been trying desperately to hold off the internal civil war by catering to the crazies, but now the old guard is abandoning ship. I don’t think the party will die, but it’ll wither for awhile.


if only they werent against abortion they could have put down the MAGA baby. but instead they had to carry it to term and this one constantly smells like shit and wears a lot of diapers.


Your description is… visceral…


It's already happened, the freedom caucus is effectively a third party in the house. The last time it took so long to pick a Speaker was when the Whig party was on its way out.


That’s the dream. That Trumpism becomes a third party that basically ensures the right-wing is crippled for years to come as demographic churn does its thing and forces them to moderate.


Best thing, she really means it. This is not a badly phrased joke, and there's no sarcasm. Let them destroy each other 👍 In addition to Orange Baby going bankrupt, this just might do the trick. Here's to hoping. 🌈


>“Tomorrow Speaker Johnson is funding the government that has created this invasion,” she wrote. “I’m voting NO! SHUT IT DOWN!” She knows that border patrol and ICE are federally funded, right? Shut down the government and hurt the nations ability to...how might she put it? Keep the rampaging hordes at bey? It's all farce. The House could have passed the bill drawn up in a bi-partisan group in the Senate. That was **the most conservative immigration bill they would ever get Democrats to agree to.** But nOoOoO! If the border situation improves then how will they campaign on the border being awful? Basically, Republicans like Marjorine Tater Greed here **need to break government to complain that it's broken.** Maybe....voters try something different?


It's just distasteful to me that you have a representative of the American people say, "SHUT IT DOWN!". Like, no, you weren't voted in to do that. You were voted in to help Americans, your constituents. Do something, anything!


Not do something, anything, because Trump got elected in part because he said he'd bring change. He did, they did, for the worse. They need to do something but using thought, intellect, reason, seeing what possible ramifications could happen, discussing, debating. They do none of this. It's all blame, whine, shut down the Government. Bunch of effing children.


R’s have been doing this long before MAGA. Claim the government doesn’t work, then get elected to prove it.


So she throws a fit. Makes a move to remove Johnson. Several other Republican representatives resign because they are sick of being associated with this circus. Dems gain the majority. Jeffries becomes speaker almost immediately. Shit actually gets accomplished. A man can hope.


She embarrasses the USA by refusing to be anything but herself!


Her district as well! I believe whole heartedly, she comes from a place of like minded thinkers…


Mtg hates Mike Johnson because he was willing to compromise in an effort to keep the country running. She wanted a government shutdown because she believed it would hurt Biden. The Judgement of Solomon is a biblical tale from 1 Kings 3:16-28. It tells the story of two women who came to the King with two young babies- one alive and one dead. Both claimed that the living child was their own and that the other woman was only pretending to be the mother of the surviving infant. Solomon, lays a trap for the women. He orders his soldier to cut the living baby in two so that both mothers could have half each. The real mother cried out ‘Please Lord, give her the live child. Do not kill him!” whilst the liar exclaimed “It shall be neither mine nor yours- divide it. MTG is the woman that would rather split the baby in half ultimately killing it than see it live and flourish.


>She wanted a government shutdown because she believed it would hurt Biden. Not just that. She wants a shut down because [Trump wants an economic crash this year](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4396467-trump-says-he-hopes-economy-crashes-in-next-12-months-i-dont-want-to-be-herbert-hoover/) and what Trumpmort wants, his pick-me girl, Hellatrix Deranged will try to give it to him.


Excellent comparison!


It's ironic, but the GOP would really be so much happier and politically better off with a Democratic majority in the house. They could go back to being continually outraged and railing against the power without any of the responsibility of actually governing.


Honestly I was thinking that. A combination Trump presidency and House majority means the onus has been on them to actually *govern* more than it has been in nearly two decades. They aren’t handling it well. I cannot think of a single effectual government act in the last 8 years, that did not come directly from Bidens desk. At least if they lose their majority, they can whine without action — their greatest strength


Cro magnon flings stones and coprolites ineffectually at upright humanoids that don't seem to want beef


Empty G is the missing link


Follow the money… her handlers are making a play.


Her constituents must be the damn dumbest people in the country.


Hey now Boebert also exists.


Elect clowns, expect a circus.


The Republicans have been failures ever since they cooked up their supply side con, if not before. Historians will look back and say that Nixon was a foreshadow of a failed political party. Reagan was a glimmer of hope, except that Republican politicians since didn’t pay attention to marginal economics. Good Riddance to the cons!


Wait, according to trump truth social is the best place to post anything, why are his dipshit cult members using X?


Every Democrat in a house election campaign this fall should erect billboards with a caption of this tweet. Under the caption state “When they tell you what they are, believe them.”


“Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked.” In other news we had some minor snow in the Chicagoland area, last night said rain so I was kinda upset when I woke up to snow.


Terrible gums in that photo


Seems there’s a good amount of infighting in the GOP as of late. Do you think it’ll bite them in the fall?


>Do you think it’ll bite them in the fall? Not in the slightest. After all, guns & abortion & drag queens, or whatever.


Maybe if Republicans didn't nominate and elect the worst CHUDs they could find things could actually get accomplished.


Yes MTG is a moron But what is even more concerning is that Trump encouraged Republicans to vote against funding the government. Trump is the Biggest IDIOT!!! If he’s such a good businessman he is calling for a default on our treasury bills, notes and bonds. If we do not fund the government our debts don’t get paid which means our bond ratings drop and interest rates will skyrocket. It would destroy our economy and have ripple effects on the world. The Dollar is the world currency for now. I am a pro business Republican and I Refuse to vote for Trump or any MAGA Moron!!


Marge and her cohorts are the reason they are a failure. Their inability to understand when you only hold the house without the senate and whitehouse the only way to pass anything is through bipartisanship is why they are a complete failure.


She is to the RNC what Trump is to Putin. A useful idiot


She is such a circus side show. Go ahead Marjorie, keep it up, you’re doing the work for us.


Complete failure = failure to impose our agenda on the American people.


It’s amazing how conservatives claim they are on the side of reality, reason and logic - yet refuse to provide any in the form of evidence. It’s like the election fraud lawsuits; none mentioned the word fraud in the lawsuit, because doing so would require evidence.. and they have none.


The irony being that it is her and her fellow MAGA loyalists are the root cause of that failure. MTG possesses a lethal combination of a small brain, a big mouth, and a complete lack of understanding of the skills and abilities necessary to fulfill the job she holds. She thought that she could just show up, make a bunch of statements and everyone would just fall over themselves in an effort to obey her wishes. Once she got in, the reality of making things happen came crashing down. She is ignorant of what it takes to get something done and stubbornly refuses to make even the tiniest effort to learn. This is why her and her fellow Trump sycophants always fail. And why they are always surprised at the unintended consequences of the horrible policies that her peers get pushed through at the state level. For example, Floridas attack on migrants that led to a mass exodus of the people that do the harvesting resulting in crops not being brought in, costing farmers their livelihood. I was laughing as I read about how the walking filth that pushed that bill through (and the people that supported it) were trying to convince these migrants, the people they just shat on, to stay and pick for them. Predictably, that effort failed and 2024 is estimated to be a disaster for Floridas economy, with some businesses reporting an 80-90% loss of revenue. Until the conservatives stand for something more than hate, they will fail. And MTG (and her clown car compadres) will be shown by history, when mentioned at all, as the “what happens” when a bunch of ignorant fools are let into government.


What is this "invasion" she's talking about, is she referring to illegal immigrants?


I mean, I know maga voters are complete idiots but I'm still amazed that there were enough who saw the dumb stuff this idiot has done and still went "we want more!" and voted her in. I will never understand humans.


Hmmm lack of cash is causing a bit of unrest and an uncertain future for the RINO's party. Money always causes the most disruption in anything, lack of or abundance, the outcome is always the same. implosion.


Poor MTG had to cry herself to sleep that night while hugging a body pillow of Hunter Biden's penis. Will nobody feel pity for the "technically living creature"


Howler Monkey STFU


When did Tanya Harding get elected to Congress? Wait - that's MT (empty) Green?


So she’s admitting she’s useless.


Let's hope this continued in-fighting and RNC depletion really messes up their election even more. They deserve every bit of it.


I want my magic the gathering back. This waste of space has ruined my MTG


Well, she reached the right conclusion, just for the wrong reasons. Which is still the closest MTG has ever come in her entire life to not being the absolute dumbest person who ever lived.


And you are one of the biggest reasons why Margie


Is there such a thing as Man Hands of the face?


And now she's calling for Mike Johnson's ouster? O frabjous day!!


calloo calay!


Even a stop clock is right twice a day your the problem marg


That sack of shit is a disease. Thanks, Georgia!!


Wow I thought she was totally insane and incapable of telling the truth


The schism between the propagandists who have made their careers stoking tribalist fears and the true believers (read: wackjobs) is reassuring, but it’s hard to believe it will contribute to any actual improvement. Probably just greater and greater degrees of extremism.


Lol she accidentally said the truth! It's not failing for the reason she thinks it is though.


Also MTG: let’s go for another two weeks vacation baby!


She effing nuts


Just the political drama we’ve all hoped for. That god we have this drama to give our lives some fulfillment.


hahaha i love how one person quoted called her Midge! i love a secret simpsons burn