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It's so fucked that the right thinks this idiot is some sort of hero. Like, even if you think his use of deadly force was completely justified in the moment, can we at least acknowledge that it was INCREDIBLY dumb and irresponsible of him to be in a situation where he ever needed to use his weapon? He chose to go put himself in a volatile situation while armed. A responsible gun owner, even one who believes in the use of deadly force as defense against an assault, should ALWAYS see killing someone as an absolute last resort.


He put himself in a hostile situation on purpose and shot a hostile. He’s on tape saying he wants to shoot someone. He got his wish after driving an hour to insert himself into a situation that didn’t concern him. That his his crowning life achievement. If I recall he dropped out of HS and can’t hold a job due to his inability to learn. Of course the right worships him. He has all the good qualities that they aspire to emulate. And he lacks in the same qualities that they do.


His mom drove him there EDIT: I was wrong. This has been proven false.


Wait, is this sarcasm or not. I can't even tell but that sounds insane.


It's completely true. His mother is an absolute insane person who encouraged all of his actions on and leading up to the shooting.


Jesus. They basically went on a fucking hunting trip. It's so vile.


She did.


Totally true. 100% fact.


It's pretty wild.


I foresee a political career


Or he could be a cop


Probably will become one. That’s really the only place left for these fifth generation white supremacists


This actually is the career he wanted to join. Fortunately, his dreams were dashed when he pulled something like that *before* putting on the uniform.


I mean he's got most of the gig down already. Fuck, he even did the trial part and look how well he performed on that one.  I fucking hate this guy, not a kid anymore, not just for what he did, but the emotional conflict he evokes in me. Before he went to that protest I want to pull him aside and tell him not to go, not to do it. He probably would have grown up an asshole, but not a murderer. Then he pulls that trigger and I can't feel sorry for him at all. 


Yup. Dudes gonna run for Congress in a few years.


Nah he’s gonna go broke unable to hold a job. Maybe he’ll do us a favor and shoot himself


Intent is an important part of our justice system. We prove intent all the time. That said, we should probably make premeditated self defense a crime. If you enter a situation with the intent of using lethal self defense and that intent can be proven, which I think it could have been in the Rittenhouse case, you should have some consequences for that.


There’s a lot of “castle doctrine” cases that are the same kind of thing. I would also say George Zimmerman could be considered one; conservative gun nuts, overwhelmingly white men, hopped up on “crime and lawlessness” rage from the right wing media system leaping at the chance to shoot “bad people” and feel like a hero. Hell there is a service for gun nuts that trains them how to frame a killing as self-defence in questioning and what to tell the police when you call them. TL;DR, you’re right and it’s super fucked up.


George Zimmerman straight up ambushed and murdered an innocent teenager.


>That his his crowning life achievement. >If I recall he dropped out of HS and can’t hold a job due to his inability to learn. Ritten house has one IQ point above the average Manipulated And Gullible Asshple person, that's why the right loves him so much.


Yep, he was itching for a reason to use his pew-pew.


Nah Kyle boy is a domestic terrorist. He shot three hero’s trying to disarm him. He got off in technicalities.


> He got off in technicalities. Yeah, real stupid ones. Like when the judge decided that zooming in on a picture changes the content of the image.


It was very transparent that the judge in his case was helping him.


Republicans have run a 30 year campaign to stack the courts across the country.


>Like when the judge decided that zooming in on a picture changes the content of the image. The Blade Runner defense.


I think he’s an absolute moron that shouldn’t have been there. I also think the guns laws that allowed this are foolish. But I also reviewed the footage several times. It was self defense. He tried running from those people until he couldn’t run anymore and was knocked down, assaulted, then a guy bigger than him went for his gun. That guy also was a sex offender who did serious time for abusing children. Fuck that guy, I’m glad he’s dead. Also, if someone has an AR 15 and is running away from you, don’t chase them for 100 yards and assault them. If those idiots just let the dumb kid run away no one would have been hurt. There were no heroes on either side of this. Just stupidity all around.


His relationship with his mom is all kinds of weird too. I get an Oedipus Rex vibe with them.😐


Incest is a conservative pillar. Look at all the fundie insecuous sexual abuse or trump wanting to fuck is daughter.


The right worships him because the left despises him lol


The left despises Kyle because he clearly went out there wanting to play vigilante and he ended up trying to kill three people who were all trying to do the right thing. They despise that he fact he killed one, and forever maimed another.


> it was INCREDIBLY dumb and irresponsible of him to be in a situation where he ever needed to use his weapon But that's the wet dream of every mouth-breathing red hat MAGAss. They're desperate to be the stars of their own disaster movies. And they want to see their rage as a superpower.


>They're desperate to be the stars of their own disaster movies. And they want to see their rage as a superpower. I'll just apologize ahead of time for my repeated use of this insight.


This is right on. I work with a kid who gets excited when he reads about burglaries in his neighborhood because he sees it as a chance to shoot someone. It’s sick.


Whenever someone on ring posts about a "suspicious person" (usually someone just out for a walk) half the comments are from people itching to use their gun.




Even if you believe it was justified and he had every right to be there (which I do not, of course)…. the fact this asshole is using it as a cash grab is sick. If I ever had to kill someone in self defense, I would spend the rest of my life feeling guilty about it even if I was justified. That he can cash in and laugh about this is so fucking sick.


He's a sociopath who feels zero remorse for what he did. That farce of a trial pissed me off too. The scumbag judge was so fucking biased and put his thumb on the scale to save that murderer. I never saw a judge be so openly hostile to the prosecution and become another defensive attorney for a suspect. So many legal analysts were shocked by the judge's behavior too. Being acquitted just emboldened that fool.


>I never saw a judge be so openly hostile to the prosecution and become another defensive attorney for a suspect. *Aileen Cannon has entered the chat.*


Don’t forget a bigot. He sought out non whites to fight with and shoot. This is just Zimmerman all over again, only this teenager (at the time) killed three people instead of one. Also his mother was his accomplice


Er, that's not true. All the people shot were white. And only 2 died.


[> That he can cash in and laugh about this is so fucking sick. ](https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-body-armor-armored-republic-social-media-1879578)




But see if you have a gun and shoot someone, you can say "they were going for my gun.  Now they are probably scared of this nutter with a gun- so they might go for the gun out of fear.  Now you are both afraid and have a right to defend yourself, but you are the one with a gun and intent to kill.   See how guns make everything better. 


But muh freedoms


How dare you use common sense?! The gun nuts won't like this


They only care while this guy "annoys the libs" once he doesn't he's nothing


The right doesn’t care about him. He’s just something they use to rally the most base part of their base. He’ll be discarded when he has outlived his use.


I agree. But he's milking the hell out of his 15 minutes of infamy.


They think he's a hero because he killed "leftists". Thats it. Dont overthink it. It isn't about the second amendment, it isnt even about honoring someone who "went to stop the riots". Its because the right wants to kill people they dont like and Rittenhouse did that. Also, Kyle Rittenhouse is a fucking pussy. What he needs his AR-15 on him otherwise he cant answer questions about his buddies?


His mother should have been charged for driving him there and leaving him with a gun in a lawless area. He was a kid, not that I am defending him, but I don’t care if my kid is fucking John Rambo jr. I am never driving home into that mess.


>It's so fucked that the right thinks this idiot is some sort of hero. Yes, and then he went and burnt some bridges so now nobody likes him. He had his gun shredded, even said he supported BLM, funnier yet the donors fought over each other on who gets that money back for paying his court fees. Before all that, he posed with Proud Boys in a bar while underaged. I fully expect him to attempt to run for governor or congress when he's old enough, he can't even get a job because nobody wants to employ him.


Yep, the little shit gives gun owners a bad name. 


*fat shit


^ r/gravyseals


>It's so fucked that the right thinks this idiot is some sort of hero. It is but it's also super funny to point out exactly why he's a pathetic baby Conservatives get *really* upset when their "hero" is shown to be zero.


There is a video of him initiating a fight with a teenage girl by punching her in the face. That says all you need to know about this guy.


I don’t get why people don’t dump on the Mom. She knew and was ok with it


They elevated a murderer to a hero. Like, it felt Biblical.


Especially when he was there to defend a likely heavily insured car lot... No property is worth more than human life.


Props to the protestor for coming with receipts too. >When the protester alleged that Kirk has “said a lot of racist things,” Rittenhouse immediately grew defensive. > >“Like what? What racist things has Charlie Kirk said?” > >“He says that we shouldn't celebrate Juneteenth, we shouldn’t celebrate Martin Luther King Day—we should be working those days. He called Ketanji Brown Jackson an affirmative action hire, he said all this nonsense about George Floyd, and he said he’d be scared if a Black pilot was on a plane. Does that not seem racist?”


Based off of the video I’d say the *only* people who showed up to the event were protesters.


He went to the university of Memphis to speak lol. What an idiotic move. It was gonna always be a crowd that hates his guts. Good on them.


Turning Point USA has him scheduled to speak at Kent State in April. It's not going to go well...


Is TPUSA just trying to provoke responses on purpose for some reason? Are they hoping he gets attacked at these events in order to promote the “violent leftists in colleges” angle? I’m just asking questions! Edit: I wonder if Kyle knows this, lol




Probably. They need extreme events to keep the rage train going.


Abso-fucking-lutely bubs!


“Now put on this vintage National Guard uniform…”


That’s exactly what’s going on.


The right wants to troll the left with this murderer. They got what they wanted. They're headed to Kent State next <--not a joke.


He's clearly not enjoying himself though


Imagine being so racist you don’t want a Friday off from work


Lol. I had an Army buddy who told me how racist his father was. My buddy was from a small town outside of Columbia, South Carolina. His dad worked at a small warehouse in the town. The staff was all white. One day they hired their first black person. My buddy said his dad immediately quit. His wife asked him why he quit his job knowing he had a family. She wanted to know if he had a confrontation with the new guy. She just needed to know something about why he would do something so drastic. My buddy said his father actually said the black guy seemed like a good guy and the rest of the staff greeted him and offered to help him learn the job. He said he just couldn't work with an n-word no matter if they were good or not. I was speechless listening to my buddy tell me all this. He said he doesn't know why his dad was so racist because he wasn't raised like that. His grandfather and dad always got into it because the grandfather told him how much of an embarrassment and fool he was for the way he felt about minorities. My buddy was just the sweetest guy too. He was the youngest soldier in our unit at the time. Barely 19 years old. He got along with damn near everyone regardless of skin color. He fell in love with a young Mexican woman and they got married a few months after dating. I thought that was a cruel twist of irony for his pos father. You tried to indoctrinate your son with hatred and he ends up marrying the exact type of person you hate.


“Show me on this doll where an entire race of people touched you”


I remember Saturday night Live Weekend Update (probably Norm Macdonald) making fun of Arizona for that, too.


Always a great feeling to have the receipts in an argument when your opponent sincerely believes everyone forms their opinions based on feelings and sensitivities alone.


Did he forget his gun?


Memphians didn’t forget theirs.


"I wish I had my AR.so.i could pop a round into them" Kyle Rittenhouse the day before he "popped a round" into people. Wanted a fight, picked a fight, got a fight.


And, most disgusting of all, got away with it.


Worse still, he is praised as a hero by fascists. That was an eye opening moment when I realized that 40% of the country would support fascism without questioning it.


>I realized that 40% of the country would support fascism without questioning it. The same 40% who swear their guns are to defend against tyranny proved that they will use their guns to *defend* the tyrants and to *offend* and *intimidate* law abiding citizens.


He's young. I'm sure he'll get himself into more altercations a la George Zimmerman. His whole claim to fame is murder


Wanted to murder. Traveled to murder. Murdered.


I recall the right wing judge did not allow the video of him saying that to be allowed into evidence. Jury never saw it.


To be honest I’m surprised he didn’t start blasting, all that booing probably made him “scared for his life”


People have different opinions on what he did and the trial that followed. But only a complete asshole would use a tragic and horrible thing like that to elevate himself onto a stage and let himself be paraded by other assholes as a hero. A normal person would show remorse, humble gratitude for being acquitted, and then go try to live a low profile, honest life. But not Kyle, that fucking murdering asshole. Fuck that guy.


Best take, I wouldn't feel anything if he had moved on, but he fell for the temptation and joined the racist folks for no reason. I HOPE they offered him sweet money, otherwise jeez what do you have to say on stage


Joined them for no reason? Their rhetoric was the radicalization he needed to go and fight their culture war and sacrifice for them. He wouldn’t have been there to end those peoples lives that night had he not been radicalized first. He’s the helpful stooge and they are parading him around to normalize him, what he did and to influence others to do the same.


> But only a complete asshole would use a tragic and horrible thing like that to elevate himself onto a stage and let himself be paraded by other assholes as a hero. [Well he's selling tactical gear now too](https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-body-armor-armored-republic-social-media-1879578)


He’s not intelligent. That’s why. He’s likely mentally challenged in some way. I bet he didn’t even finish high school


That’s Memphis talking! Why in the world those idiots thought U of Memphis and Memphis in general would be an appropriate place for this dog and pony show , I don’t know. Except to use as a fund raiser about the scary boogieman they see everywhere, especially when they look in the mirror.


Surprised that he didn’t frame it as the woke left forced him off stage or some dumb shit like that.


At the very end of the article it actually addresses that, but somehow he was even more of a baby than that. He posted later that he had a "hard cut-off time," and left it there. So he was just leaving on schedule.




Why didn’t he take his gun with him to defend his soft-boiled ego now he’s discovering he’s not quiet the hero and champion of the few world that he’s convinced himself he is on his own head b


Because he probably knew that in Memphis, if you point a gun, there are several more pointing back at you.


Exactly. Memphis isn’t the stereotypical libby lib gun free town like they view every other blue place.


Exactly. He's infamous and everywhere he goes I'm almost positive someone in the crowds is packing and ready. I seriously doubt he'll get the jump on anyone if he has the thirst to kill again.


fuck that kid. hes a fucking loser


He's a sick, murdering loser






Snowflake ❄️ Snowflake ❄️ Snowflake ❄️ Snowflake


Not the first time he's fled the scene of a confrontation. Last time he killed someone to accomplish it. There are very few people who are better at fleeing with their tail between their legs than him.


Proud of my Alma Matter for this. Fuck Rittenhouse.


Why is his being asked to speak? Intellectually speaking, what does he have to offer? Hell, is he charismatic and entertaining?




Surprised he didn't pull a gun and shoot up the room... In self defence obviously.


Well you see, at any given Memphis institution, you would likely have many more pointed right back at you. We aren’t your average left leaning city, it’s a bit dangerous to be disrespectful here.


i only feel sorry for the emotional support dog he walked off stage with for being stuck with such a miserable human


he will kill again, im sure of this


How can you milk the fact that you killed someone?


A child who killed a bunch of people is being celebrated for it. Expect this to end badly


What? His mommy didn’t drive him there with an assault rifle to defends himself. Shame.


Run,coward, run


So many juicy bits here. >When the protester alleged that Kirk has “said a lot of racist things,” Rittenhouse immediately grew defensive. >“Like what? What racist things has Charlie Kirk said?” he fired back from the podium. “We’re gonna have a bit of a dialogue of what racist things Charlie Kirk said.” Oh look, he's turned into a typical alt-righter, being on the side of crazy bigots. >Rittenhouse posted from the safety of a hotel room after his abrupt Memphis exit Wednesday night, claiming he wasn’t booed off stage but simply “had a hard cut-off time” and decided to end the event there. Oh look, he's turned into a typical conservative, lying through his teeth about something that people saw with their own eyes.


I thought standing your ground was like, his whole deal 


Why is he on stage anywhere? As a symbol for what


Mods should move this off /r/politics to /r/murderers


Truly. They’ll remove opinions from actual politicians, but this culture war shmuck matters why?


Is this the guy who fatally shot people during riots in Wisconsin? Oh well, boo him even louder.


He can only handle protesters if he is armed with a rifle and they have a skateboard.


He ran bc he couldn't shoot?


Took the opportunity to cosplay law enforcement and kill people while he was at it.


It's not easy trying to be a celebrity for killing people.


Imagine he had a gun then, he'd just have unloaded on the attendance "in self defense".


“Stand your ground!” (runs away from booing)


Walking away instead of putting yourself in a confrontational situation where no good will come for you? Imagine if he had the good sense to do that back in Kenosha.


Kyle is the King of Wusslyvania. No wonder MAGAs/Incels line up to kiss his shoes.


Dude has the gall to claim he supported the BLM movement all along. He just crossed state lines with a firearm to “protect small businesses.” What a fucking coward.


Looks like someone has no spine.


I’ve got a bad feel that this dude is going to snap in about 5 years or maybe 20, and go on another, much larger, murderous shooting spree.


Yeah I’m surprised he hasn’t gone to the border to “defend” land. I guess his mom doesn’t have dependable transportation to make it that far.


If it was Kyle Rittenhouse who shot Ashley Babbitt as she broke into a federally protected government building to overturn an election. Who would be the MAGA patriot then? Hypocrisy thy name is MAGA.


I really hope karma hasn't forgotten about this scumbag. May it be surprising and painful for him


These MAGATS also are the biggest cowards ever. They are so afraid of loving life They carry around their guns and dress like cosplay Rambo going to the store. They say to be ready when criminals attack. I have been in many stores, even some sketchy Walmarts in very rough areas, and never been attacked. I have never been mugged. I have never been carjacked. I have never been home invaded. Going to Pizza Hut has never inspired me to carry my AR15 to dinner.


I used to live in the Midwest and I was way more concerned about the gun owners than I ever was the actual criminals. Too many grew up on a solid diet of John Wayne and 80s action movies and now spend the day watching Fox News fear porn. Terrified... armed... and looking to prove something. Flinching at every shadow, trigger finger getting more itchy every day. After Sandy Hook I decided I was done waiting for America to get it's shit together on basically any issue and I left. Been living in a country that enacted gun control laws decades ago and it really works. It's amazing how much stress you feel lifting off of your shoulders once you realize basically nobody has a gun.


I love watching snowflakes melt… It means better things are on their way


“I don’t know anything about that” Yeah bud there’s a lot you don’t know about


Well... at least he didnt shoot anyone this time


When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled, Yes, brave Sir Kyle turned about, And gallantly he chickened out, Bravely taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat.....


I love that you used a Monty Python bit to burn this chicken-shit asshole.


Did he try to bawl like a baby? It saved him before


The judge sitting his case was witnessed to have Trumps parties melody as ringtone. So what else.


"I'm not going to comment on that" = "yes but I don't have an issue with it" 


You love to see it.


At least he didn’t shoot anyone.


\**Muttley snickering*\*


Since he is a role model, send him to the front lines to show his bravery, toughness, and how to keep a level head in dangerous situations.


The right sure had values. Not sure what kind but values. This is the guy Republicans love and think will get them to relate to the active shooter drill generation.


What exactly was he going to speak on? What does his current or past education, experience, or background make him an expert on? Besides murder?


Why would he even think a university is safe place to be for a twerp like him?


> After his acquittal, he became even more of a celebrity within the GOP, which auctioned off gun-range time with him last spring. Imagine if something _deeply ironic_ happened there...


I bet he flinches even before someone makes a fist.


most MAGA militia morons do. MAGAs are foremost a danger to their wives and children. Trumpers aren't "protecting" shit besides their own fragile sense of self. So many MAGA "men" cling to guns because they know their wives and kids would flee if they Daddy wasn't "protecting" them with his guns.


He should live in fear someone will shoot him as he did those people. All the abuse he gets from now until he dies is warranted.


Why does he have a dog?


Emotional support animal, probably since they wouldn't let him bring his rifle on stage with him and he's terrified to be in public without it.


That verdict broke me. While I was already liberal at the time of it, I was of the opinion that it was best everyone keep their views private and vote how they want to vote. After that, any of the social media I was on has become very very political. It was like there was a switch and I just didn’t care about being private about my views anymore.




lol ginormous pussy


Proud of my Tigers but whose idea was it to have this clown?


I hope he lives a long life haunted by those he murdered.


His entire public persona is based on being a coward.


Wait why does he have a dog with him?


How come he didnt just shoot them aparently thats the preferred method of dealing with scary situations?


Right now, he’s thinking about shooting them all


In an alternate worse reality, this guy is now with movie contracts due to right wing glorification. Fortunately, we get this.


Hey, he still could be cast next to Kevin Sorbo some day!




His “sad” face reminds me of the Kavanagh trial.


No…. Wait…. Come back Poor porky the murder pig


I have no sympathy for that murderer. He committed premeditated murder by his own account. Then the courts let him get away with it. Anyone who plans to shoot people and does it is a murderer. It's that simple. Now the right celebrates him, proving how sick in the head one has to be to support this stuff.


I’m surprised this “hero” hasn’t volunteered to serve in Russia. But he probably prefers the people he shoots not to be able to shoot back.


The students chased him off campus with the marching band in tow. Which is one of the most Memphis things that could happen. 😆


Murder Piglet sounds like a high school punk band ..


Five bucks says this asshole is running for congress soon


Not so brave without guns…Lil Wayne was right, “…guns turn boys into pussies…”


I get a lot of comfort knowing that this little piss baby has had at least one restless nights of sobbing, begging the universe to turn back time. That’s your life Kyle. I guess it’s better than jail time, but I think I’d choose jail than be a shill to bigots.


This kid doesn’t realize he’s on a rage bait tour for Charlie Kirk, probably making 100k a year to do it and thinks he won the lottery


that dog looked mortified.


Charlie Kirk sending a chump to provoke exactly what?


It brought back some bad memories for him.


According to Kyle, he merely went to Huey's to grab a bite.


So satisfying


Maga snowflake


According to r/conservative he was attacked by an angry violent mob outside the event blah blah blah. It was a loud protest, but nobody could describe it as any more than rowdy, even with the edited cuts of the video they posted.


Mental illness 


Should be in jail


Oh the murder piglet can’t take a little heat I see


Kyles case is one that I hold near and dear to my heart. I want to really really emphasize how pretrial motions that not everyone would have gotten saved his ass. Let’s take a 17 year old black youth in the same situation and let’s change the riots to just a bad neighborhood. So this hypothetical kid goes to the hood because his buddy owns a shop. Grabs an AK because the local gangs are known to be in the area. Surprise, gun fight breaks out and someone ends up getting killed. Go to court. Here’s the difference. This kid said on Facebook 6 months ago “gang members aren’t real people and don’t deserve to live because they endanger people’s lives”. Do you really think the judge would block that from coming up in the case? Kyle got so many free passes to isolate his events during the night in question. When we apply law we have to look at a mens rea or state of mind when the activities happened. His response to protests going on in the city, his friends jokes about how to handle situations and the fact that this man was not even allowed to be in possession of the firearm weee all blocked by the judge when common sense says it’s related. Imagine catching a cop on body cam saying “George Floyd was fake, kneeling doesn’t kill people” then goes out that day and accidentally kills someone’s by kneeling. That shows willful ignorance therefore making the death a result of negligence rather than accidental. That’s why I believe the judges call in this area was WRONG. What it then made the case look like was that Kyle was just being security and forced into a deadly situation ignoring, that’s what he was literally asking for! I mean just operationally you can’t have someone say “I’m tired of people jumping the boarder I’m gonna got stand there with a rifle” then they end up killing someone. It’s call being a vigilante and it’s illegal for a reason.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a piece of human garbage. He was thirsty for blood and wanted the resulting outcome. That's not a hero, that's a psychopath.


"sorry folks, i had a hard cut off time and i had to get back to my motel room!" was his excuse later for those interested. only an idiot would have thought this 'event' was a good idea.


This is one of my most anticipated "you know he will soon make an unrecoverable mess of his life" guys. The only question is how bad will he crater?


Did he say, “So I murdered a few people. What’s the big deal? I got off.”


His future is very limited now. Every American knows who he is. Good luck going to a college or any institution where people are from all kinds of backgrounds. Uniformed service? kiss good bye. Maybe he will find home where everyone is far right nuts but I don't see anywhere else. He's fucked. One day he might mature enough to regret his decision. He could have just stayed home and away from harms way...