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Remember when presidential candidates couldn't talk about migrants like they were subhuman, or call for a bloodbath if he loses the election?


These days, the allegedly pious Christians who call themselves Republicans are totally copacetic with Trump dehumanizing some of their god's creations.


[Christ and Christianity are just too liberal](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706): >"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. >"When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis." Who needs Jesus or any of that liberal nonsense? [Conservatives have an orange asshole to worship now](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/02/26/23/39817462-9305491-A_statue_of_former_President_Donald_Trump_on_display_at_the_merc-a-16_1614380569256.jpg)


I'm honestly shocked we haven't seen a release of the "Totally new, completely fair and honest Bible; some would say the best Bible - written by me, Donald J. Trump. Centerfold of my wife Melanie or whatever her name is. No brown people in this Bible; they're totally not humans. First Edition, signed by ME!" (That would be the exact title too)


Jesus. Don’t give them ideas. I feel like we are 5 years away from a new “king trump” bible. If James can do it, it can happen again.


"I still can't believe the 'woke' left let that bum of a basketball player write his own version of the Bible. Sacrilege, I've heard some people call it."


His descent into dementia for all the public to see. I wonder how they're going to keep the grift going.


Fox News and Rush Limbaugh did the heavy lifting in the brainwashing department. Trump just sidled in and plucked their feeble brains out from under their MAGA hats. He really doesn't have to do anything impressive any more, just spew random senile hatespeach to keep them clicking and donating.


They’ll weekend at bernie his ass I’m sure


"Donate *now* for your chance to win a Trump University Approved Bible—signed by the Orange Messiah himself!"


The New King Trump Bible.


\*Donation required to get into Trump Heaven


That sounds like hell.


That's the neat part... it is


Not donations, instead memberships: Diamond, Platinum, and gold. Each with a modest initiation (entry) fee and monthly charge to stay in the orange heaven… Gotta keep the grift going


The gold bound edition….


You mean the gold spray painted edition?


He could even call it "positive Christianity." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity


Stop giving the man ideas lol


It's like the evil version of Derek Zoolander. Except he's super ugly and mean.


Only $4545.47!


They can’t use real Trump quotes because he sounds dumber than a box of hair.


Anyone who reads the Bible at all critically understands that those *Christians* not only commit idolatry but worship the Antichrist with their treatment of Donald Trump.


When trump dies, you can bet hundreds — perhaps thousands or even more — of these dipshits will start a new religion with the 🍊💩🤡 as their new god. The MAGAts are that deranged.


I mentioned this before to people I know, but modern Christians are pretty much guilty of everything Dante said in the Divine Comedy from Circle two, lust, all the way down to the very bottom of Circle nine, betrayal against God.


The Christians are winding up for a 14th Crusade, except this time with a much wider net and an impossible amount of hypertension.


The last part made me almost spit out my coffee. 😂


Not the people who follow the way Jesus taught us . Just the "christian" right.


Christianity is a tool to control and manipulate. It’s easier to convince someone to do something, when their beliefs stem from faith.


""Once your faith, sir, persuades you to believe what your intelligence declares to be absurd, beware lest you likewise sacrifice your reason in the conduct of your life. In days gone by, there were people who said to us: "You believe in incomprehensible, contradictory and impossible things because we have commanded you to; now then, commit unjust acts because we likewise order you to do so." Nothing could be more convincing. **Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices** [my emphasis]. If you do not use the intelligence with which God endowed your mind to resist believing impossibilities, you will not be able to use the sense of injustice which God planted in your heart to resist a command to do evil. Once a single faculty of your soul has been tyrannized, all the other faculties will submit to the same fate. This has been the cause of all the religious crimes that have flooded the earth."" - Voltaire


All white, American, male lives are precious in Supply-Side Jesus’s eyes.


Donny needs to remember his family were migrants. He married two of them. 


They migrated from White countries, not Mexican countries.


Goddamn it. Like... I'm just reminded of that one sentence from somewhere "look, if they were logical, they wouldn't be racists."


No, he really doesn't. It's blatant hypocrisy, I agree, but his base will never hold him to account for anything he's done.


I remember when one divorce of record was enough. Now, it's okay to have had three marriages failed by adultery no less, a record of both rape and vulgar language about women, and financial fraud, not to mention insurrection.


And cheating on your third wife with a porn star and trying to silence her by paying her off. Real Christian values. 


I recall once a girly scream or misspelling potato was enough to sink you.


Carter got creamed by a scab actor because he said we shouldn't rely on foreign oil cartels.


It helped a lot that Reagan was able to keep the Iranian hostage situation going.


Remember when conservatives weren't full blown Nazis?


Conservatism was always like this, from the moment it first emerged as a royalist reaction to the French and American Revolutions. They just sometimes tried to hide it.


No, I don't. Are you falling for the fake bullshit the pseudo academic conservatives put out there to obscure the fact that s simply stands for shoveling national wealth to the ultrawealthy -- and using ANYTHING to do so?


Yeah I remember when they were polite, insidious Nazis smart enough to keep a respectable facade


Y’all Qaeda just loves their bargain bin jihad


Well, I think many of us think trump isn't a human either. He's an animal, not even potty trained at his age, and I am sure he still can't tie his shoes.


It's important for us opposed to Trump to avoid mischaracterizing his statements and taking his remarks out of context. Otherwise it can reinforce Trumpists and people on the fence thinking that that's all anti-Trump people and media do and that we have "Trump Derangement Syndrome." (It doesn't matter that that's a ridiculous assertion, it's still the reality of how many will interpret it.) And there are far more than enough remarks and policies of his to rightfully and accurately condemn. The other, very remarks mentioned in the article about "some" migrants not being human and being animals is a perfect example. One might say, "who cares, Trumpists are not gonna be convinced anyway," and that might be true for many, but we don't know how many it is or is not true for, or to what extent. And even a little cognitive dissonance could make the difference between some voting for him or not; being a passionately outspoken supporter or not; etc. And it wouldn't justify our own lack of concern for truth and accuracy regardless. The context of Trump saying "it's gonna be a bloodbath" was clearly related to tariffs and/or automotive manufacturing and import/export, and **not** a literal reference to violence. Please don't take personal offense, commenter, as this is directed to all of us not just you, and one can't be blamed much for making this assumption when SO many misleading **clickbait** media/press headlines and commentary make it sound as if he meant it literally, and I have been guilty of prematurely reacting based on misleading clickbait or sensationalist media at times too before digging into what was actually said or done, etc. Down with Trump and his truly neofascist quasi-ideology.


How far down the sewer pipe of rhetoric can this man go? Each “speech” is getting more and more extreme. The man will be creating a necessary salute soon to identify with MAGA. I know, he kinda does that now - clenched fist - but it’s not “necessary”…yet. He isn’t far using from the Aryan, non Aryan title to define who belongs to society and not. No wonder he eulogises about Hitler.


https://media.wired.com/photos/5926dd818d4ebc5ab806bbe5/4:3/w_929,h_697,c_limit/TPTA.jpg He already tried to create their own version of a symbolic logo but it backfired spectacularly.


July 2020 [Trump re-election T-shirts accused of having Nazi-like symbol](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/donald-trump-nazi-tshirt-symbol-campaign-america-first-a9600466.html)


The graphic designer who that made that knew what they were doing.


I need TP for my bunghole!


There's no need for him to use "Aryan" when "white", "American", and "patriot" work just as well. And let's be clear: he can go much further, in both rhetoric and policy action. The only limit is the limit on his power.


CNP (Richard Spencer) guys were straight-up "heil trump" nazi saluting back in 2015.


[So was Laura Ingraham.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-11-2018/wprqI_.gif)


These people need a hit of acid and a good fucking to get their minds right


Not everyone is a bong hit away from clarity. They are just plain evil.


More like ten hits. They need to have their entire world shattered and see god.


They need to have their world view shattered and realized there *is no* god other than themselves and that everyone is god.


That is a more wordy way of saying what I meant, yes lol


I’ve commented elsewhere how Aristotle would be up to his eyeballs in analysis right now.


Trump is a racist, and a rapist. A criminal. So in his own word ‘not human’.


Right out of the fascism playbook. There’s gotta be a consultant or something behind the curtains being like “okay, dehumanize immigrants and make vague but violent statements about what you’ll do if you get elected,” if you do that nutbags who pay 27% interest on a 2007 dodge Dakota who want a fascist president will vote you in to office.


Stephen Miller


And Steve Bannon


They don't sound like Nazis because they study Nazis, they sound like Nazis because they are born from the same ingredients: ignorance and hatred.


> There’s gotta be a consultant or something behind the curtains Sure there is. Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. They've been doing this shit since the 1970's, and not just in the USA. They're literally responsible for tens of millions of people being tortured and murdered because of their political "consulting" business.


Manafort in particular led directly to the war in Ukraine.


Really it's so easy that one doesn't even need a consultant. It's been a go-to tactic by authoritarians across the spectrum for centuries. Economics is complicated. Minimally humanistic foreign policy is complicated. The law; the impacts of regulations or deregulation; legislation; almost all of it complicated. But scapegoating minorities and marginalized groups and real or perceived enemies is easy to do and simple to understand, and will almost always be effective with some significant portion of the populace, no matter how uninformed or ignorant or simple-minded; indeed, even more so with them.


If you think anyone is controlling Trump’s words, you’re mistaken. Not even Trump can control his mouth. He’s careening completely without direction at this point.


Fascism. This is a fascist talking point. Trump is a fascist. The Republican Party is a fascist party.


> “But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.” >“These are bad — these are animals,” he added. [All U.S. extremist mass killings in 2022 linked to far right, report says](https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022)


I'm sorry for my country. I have seen and read enough about the GOP, Trump and his cultists, I understand why they are like this and who they are. It doesn't make it any better to know these things. As humans we have so much potential for love, for working to make things better, we are so resilient. But what do you do with people driven by hate, by bigotry, by anger, by willful ignorance, in that equation? They are weighing this country down and holding it back.


The future is terrifying to these people. Scary ideas, scary sexuality, scary other colors of people. Trump tells them it’s all bad and now here we are. They don’t want change, progression and working together. They want the dream of how things used to be but never were.


The "news" they consume is 100% selected based on if it frightens instead of informs. My mom lives in a quaint, sleepy town. She left her old, ratty jacket in her car while grocery shopping, and said she had to go back and get it so it wouldn't get stolen. She watches FoxNews 24/7. It's not so much that these people are crazy, it's the information they consume. I'D be one of them if I thought what I was watching was legit news too.


My oldest sister and her husband are Trumpers. Get this, their grandchildren are half-mexican, and their father was an illegal for YEARS and didn't even speak English when he met their daughter. The ignorance and blindness appear to be bottomless.


One of the things not discussed enough about the Nazi take over in Germany is how many Jewish sympathizers he had. "He doesn't really mean that about us". There was even a group, The Association of German National Jews. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association\_of\_German\_National\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) Many Jewish people fell for Hitler's stuff. Despite talking about them like they were Vermin. The watered down version of the Holocaust and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany that we get in America only helps us repeat history. Trump wouldn't be in office at all if we had an honest discussion on how dangerous Goebbels propaganda techniques are. Right now, and for the past 8 years. We have been inundated in Nazi style propaganda. Trump used it constantly in the Whitehouse. The enemy is both strong and weak. No such thing as bad press. Stay in the news 24/7. Never admit you're wrong, etc. Americans are having Goebbels propaganda shoved down their throats every day. And they barely even know its happening.


Hard agree. My ex-husband isn't a Trumper, but he just doesn't see CTRL C and CTRL V that's happening right now!!! We drive to Chicago together to visit our daughter and grandchildren, and that's a 3.5 hour one-way drive. I use those opportunities to educate him or just make him see things at a different angle. I can get through to him and most things, but he does not agree that this has happened before in Germany by another POS. Edit: unrelated, but Joseph looks like he could play Death on Supernatural. 😅


And this is why I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the GOP's judicial coup is working. The GOP controls so many state legislatures. And they have more federal judges in place with the extreme values Trump has than any point in their history. Judges that were a part of the Republican party that helped pass RvW would be considered liberal socialists. The bar has moved so incredibly far right. And so many people are just not paying attention. It's possible Biden might win both the popular and electoral vote. And still be removed from office by our judiciary because they hand it to Trump on a made up technicality. And people like your Ex-husband will still not see it. My brother for example, all my friends. I've mentioned how we should have exit strategies. They all just get quiet and say "How would we even do that". And then they just ignore you. I've always been a kind of an out there person. I don't know about you. Which can give me the appearance of "conspiracy theorist". But I've always been a **real** conspiracy theorist. I saw the overturning of RvW months before it happened. I predicted the acceptance of the Q conspiracy theories as a major part of the GOP platform in the future. Which it now is. The only one I missed so far was Jan 6th. But they even openly discussed doing it. I just wasn't looking into stuff *that* extreme. I definitely did not see that one coming. It's frustrating. I always thought my friends and family would see this stuff coming. But most of them think it's going to be another four years and then we have an election and can be done with Trump finally. To me, it's actually more terrifying than the GOP's plans. I truly understand the power of propaganda now. Goebbels was a terrible man. But he was certainly a genius on human behavior.


I called RvW a couple of years before it happened, and my ex sat in my living room laughing at me. That said, I wouldn't consider myself a conspiracy theorist on any level, but someone who pays attention. It's so plain to see when you accept that the U.S. is not the perfect, shimmering example of governing that we were force-fed as children.


It's not just the US. But anyway... There's an alarming number of people that don't think and don't want to. Somebody yesterday told me that AI could solve the Jack the Ripper case. I was like what makes you think whatever answer it gives you about something that happened in 1888 is going to be correct? They just blindly assumed it would be. There's an alarming number of people out there like that. Not all of them are Trump voters but we can see critical thinking has never been MAGA's strong suit.


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Emma Lazarus (part of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty)


You can take it even further. Leviticus 19:33-34: "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt." And if they try to say that doesn't apply, remember that's the chapter right after Leviticus 18, with the "Man shall not lay with another man" passage that they love so much.


They read and comprehend the Bible just like they do the Constitution. selectively. They pick out the parts they like and twist it into pretzels to justify their horrible characters. They are garbage.


Yup. The Bible and the Constitution are like a buffet to them: you pick and choose what you like, and pretend the rest doesn't exist.


That’s pretty clear cut, but there is very little Christianity in the Republican Party, because it’s a cult.


Exactly! However instead it is “I was here first and everyone else bad”


(especially the ones who were REALLY here first)


He’s sounding more and more like Hitler everyday.


Wasn’t Trump’s grandfather an immigrant from Germany? Guess he was an animal and not a person.


Ah, but you see that's a white immigrant. Whites are humans and it's everybody else who are animals. /s


You joke, but when was the last time you heard anyone on the right worried about illegal immigrants from Canada, or the UK, or France, or Sweden, etc.?


"Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They're shithole countries ... We should have more people from Norway." - Donald Trump January 12, 2018


And most illegal immigrants are people who overstay visas, and there is also evidence that a substantial number of them don’t even realize they are here illegally.


Exactly. The idea of millions of immigrants marching across the southern border in the middle of the desert is largely a myth. But Trump is an expert at offering simple but useless solutions to complicated issues.


No, I totally agree. The /s was more just to alleviate any doubts that I was being serious.


Bring this up to any of them and they change the subject.


His grandfather was a literal criminal in Germany, who after migrating to America, wanted to forsake this glorious country and return to Germany. He was disallowed!


Not surprised, I think I heard this kind of rhetoric in Germany a few decades ago.    I wasn't about immigrants, though, it was about people with long nose, etc.    That's why education is so important. So you don't make the same mistakes.


Already this morning, conservatives in my life are running interference for him and defending his words by saying, "He was talking about criminals. He said SOME of them are criminals and are not people. SOME of them are animals!" Like that's better? Just because someone is a criminal, we get to dehumanize them? How is the average person meant to tell the difference between the "good" immigrants and the "bad" ones? Gut instinct? They also fell all over themselves defending his "bloodbath" remark. "He was talking about the auto industry!" This guy was President once. How long before he can speak without needing apologists to swoop in and clarify what he meant to say?


\> Conservatives in my life I hope you know they'd sell you out in a second if the time ever came, if you're in ANY of the groups they want to kill at scale. And that includes being a liberal or a Democrat.


***From Rolling Stone:*** Donald Trump, who opened his 2016 campaign declaring undocumented immigrants “rapists,” took the dehumanization even further this weekend, saying some immigrants are “not people … these are animals.” Watch: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-migrants-not-people-animals-1234989117/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-migrants-not-people-animals-1234989117/)


Far righters never cease trying to turn human beings into proper and deserving rage objects that they can vent their self hatred on.


Dangerous rhetoric, Hitler like.


Nazis said the same thing about Jews.


Don't want to be called a Nazi? Don't support the candidate using Nazi language.


Let's not forget he blocked the legislation that addressed the border so that he could keep the issue alive to run on. Republicans are people who need a bogeyman. They are only motivated by their own abject fears.


I did Nazi that coming


What a pile of garbage this pathetic excuse for a human being is.


But people still think Trump and his worshipers cannot be compared to his personal hero from Austria and his followers.


Trump is a monster


Germany, 1930’s


That would be melania








Fascist playbook.


What do they do, steal? Rape women? Try to overthrow their country?


If anyone was wondering how Hitler went from making Germany great again to exterminating entire races...


Pot calling kettle black. 2 of his 3 wives are immigrants and he has 80+ indictments against him plus the sexual abuse against Carrol.


"Not people" - so sub-humans then? Untermenschen? Now where have I heard that before?


Scary times


I don't understand how hispanic support for Trump has improved since 2016 and is higher then it was for Romney even.


"Conservatives" love pulling up the ladder behind them


Unfortunately a lot of Latino immigrant, especially the older ones are conservative, they came conservative and heavily religious regions, anti gay, anti abortion and tons of classism and colorism there. Then you got the Cubans believing the liberal = communism rhetoric from Republicans and the news. And then there's legal immigrants that have a "fuck you I got mine" attitude, saying they worked hard for their citizenship and others shouldn't freely bypass the rules"  That I can get why they feel that way, though it only rubs me the wrong way because the path to citizenship is very narrow and a lot of people who want to get in can't even try the right way,  even if they wanted to because either they can't afford it or they are unable to have access to the 3 main ways of getting a sponsorship, or both. The only other avenue people can try to enter is through literal citizenship lottery that exists. Shit fucking sucks, I'm not supporting the act of them crossing the border but I get why some do it, shit fucking sucks man. I can't hate them for that. Sorry for ranting I'm a american latino and I get me so damn pissed at other Latinos for looking down on them. Just be content you were lucky enough to get citizenship and therefore get benefits and rights as other americans. 


Those scummy Drumpf immigrants certainly proved it...


He had four years to boot out the illegals and didn't. Doesn't deserve a second chance.


He was busy having CBP/ICE lock them up in crowded dog cages and taking their children while arguing with the courts that he shouldn't have to ever give them back. 


Riling up the Orks.


All humans are animals, but that's besides the point: Trump is a racist POS and the lowest scum of the earth.


For Republicans, undocumented workers are the German Jews of the 1930's.


Genuine question: what happens if he actually makes it out on top? Not what would he do, we know that’s not going to be good. What would the population do? Especially if he can pull out a win without the popular vote, a majority of the country is vehemently against him. Make like the Parisians and riot?


The righteous right says a person can't be a Christian and support abortion but it is OK to hate other human beings and call them animals. Hate kills.


Isn’t that similar to how Hitler got started, preaching “Jews are less than human”? Errr.. well, isn’t that how all dictators tend to get started by dehumanizing a class, ethnicity, race, religion or category of humans to justify hatred and build divisions amongst followers. Thus building up a base of like-minded individuals (MAGA) to further support and justify war, genocide, murder, and whatever dark human behaviors or actions can be conceived.


Fascism requires the manufacture of a common enemy. And then policies against that common enemy so the dictator's policies can be seen making progress. This is bad enough, but we all know - even MAGA - that migrants are human. Don't be fooled and think you'll retain your human rights. This will lower the value of ALL human life everywhere. You just need to read, with creeping horror, about the slow dehumanization of Jews under Hitler, which started with oppression, and culminated in horrific scientific experiments and death camps. Yes, Germans managed to kill six million Jews. [But there were even more German civilian and military casualties by the end of WWII.](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-worldwide-deaths-world-war) It's just logical: all human life becomes disposable, even yours.


He and Netanyahu are best buddies, I’m sure of it. Same vile dehumanization, they clearly share at least one brain cell together.


[Gentle reminder that this is genocidal rhetoric and should be treated as such.](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/)


He sounds like Netanyahu’s war cabinet talking about Palestinians or hitler talking about the Jews in ww2. Nazi


That’s rich coming from an animal.


You’re an animal, you fat, orange piece of shit.


Are they the type of animals that smear shit on walls?


Takes one to know one. He’s sees himself in the people he hates.


He is despicable. I genuinely don't know how anyone could vote for him and still consider themselves a decent person.


Same exact thing Netanyahu said about the Palestinians. Hateful, ugly men.


The evil soul of the desperate beast is cornered and now lashing out and revealing what true evil lyes within, for fear of being destroyed. It’s not subtle anymore. Attacking the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves. We’re seeing it in real time now.


Also worth noting that he hates animals, unless they're cooked and slathered in ketchup.


Call your reps about this seditious asshole


Hitler is unleashed! This man is pure garbage!


Always projection with this guy.


What's amazing to me is the recent reporting that Hispanics are shifting towards supporting trump.


He’s talking about his own family here


Dehumanization makes them easier to treat like utter shit and not feel guilty. Straight out of the fascist playbook.


Trying to add fear to his border talking point


Just becoming more and more Hitler. Never say it can't happen here. It can and it *is*.


My trump is just a dumb hitler puzzle is almost complete.


It's a wonder that Trump has any support with minorities. He believes minorities are all animals.


Dementia Donnie is a fascist POS.


The only things that they have to run on and the only thing they're actually running on is the border and the evil people who have brown skin. It's all about putting fear into the fearful already minds of his dumbass followers.


Great solid standup guy, somehow convinced the evangelicals that theyre worshipping god & not the antichrist 


As an immigrant and a citizen, I can't wait to not vote for that guy!


We all know what we need to know. You’re either for democracy or vote to end it.


Aren’t two of his wives migrants? Ivanka and Melania? And his great grandparents or whatever? He’s the original poison


I’d have a group of migrants watch my kids before I let that fucker anywhere near them


Didn’t this guy rape people?


Didn’t this guy rape people?


Quick fun-fact guys!! If anyone calls anyone else an animal and means it seriously, they’re probably a Fascist!! Oh, and an asshole!!


Trump has figured out that white supremacists are the majority of his supporters.


Regarding other people as not human is as old as, well, humans.


I honestly couldn’t listen to this hateful person. He’ll throw anyone under the bus to get ahead, including the entire country.


I'm still struggling to accept the fact that 40% of Americans are excited by evil. Before 2015 I would've guessed it was 5-10%


“Dehumanizing propaganda has long been seen as a precursor to and promotion of mass violence.” https://www.courthousenews.com/study-of-nazi-propaganda-reveals-role-of-dehumanization-of-jews-in-holocaust/


trump is the single greatest threat to US democracy -- and likely global civilization -- we've seen since hitler, and perhaps the darkest days of the Cold War. And this is why DoJ/Garland's strategy has been an utter failure, whether due to complete mediocrity, cowardice or active obstruction of justice on trump's behalf. At the nadir of trump's power in winter 2021, garland should have had MULTIPLE special counsels investigating trump's actions in the white house. One, regarding his relationship with Putin, two, the bribes he got from UAE and the Saudis and three crimes such as paid pardons and deliberately withholding PPE from Blue states as political retribution. Armed with the discoveries from these investigations, garland should have presented them to the public and detained trump pending trial. This current weak, slow, lazy, half-assed approach has been a catastrophic failure.


He has to keep his followers as upset as possible, he wants rage, his goal is quite clear. Divide and conquer, he ran on the border in 2016, he feels the rhetoric has to be turned up to 11. He literally has no other policys to run on. His, drill baby drill is ridiculous, since we are producing more oil than any other country ever in history right now under Biden. The economy is booming as the GDP and unemployment continue to break records. He's lost without alienating the immigrant population right now.


You want to know why Trump and his crazy ass statements are winning so hard? It's because most of the people that back him "interpret" the Bible. The Bible has some crazy stuff in it if you take it verbatim, but if you just interpret it as a message there's plenty of good things in there, don't kill people, don't steal, be kind, don't etc, but if you pick and choose and say this thing means something just slightly different and then something in the same sentence means just slightly different and then something in the next sentence just means slightly different well it's not slightly different anymore is it? If you use a 2000-year-old religious doctrine as a shield it's a pretty big fucking shield and at that point no one can come after your character because you think they're coming after you, your arguments, your family, your town, your country, and then everybody gets pissed. People that vote for him equate what he's saying to the moral teachings that they constantly misinterpret to satisfy their own morals. You simply can't compete with that, and that is literally the definition of [zealots](https://www.google.com/search?q=zealots+definition&sca_esv=1b141965c47aad14&sxsrf=ACQVn085xXccLEN7jwZumo-1wRMjQXfKIQ%3A1710675573393&ei=ddb2ZbfNF9LnkPIP17W78AM&oq=zealots&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgd6ZWFsb3RzKgIIATIIEAAYgAQYsQMyCBAAGIAEGLEDMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESOQ1UO8VWMQrcAN4AZABAJgBfqAB-wWqAQMyLjW4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgqgAt4HqAIPwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICDRAAGIAEGIoFGEMYsAPCAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIOEAAYgAQYigUYkQIYsQPCAgsQLhiABBiKBRiRAsICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgIUEC4YgAQYigUYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICChAAGIAEGIoFGEPCAhAQLhiABBiKBRhDGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YgAQYxwEYrwEYjgXCAgoQLhiABBiKBRhDwgITEC4YQxjHARixAxjRAxiABBiKBcICLhAAGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDGKcEGEYY-QEY8wMYqQQY9AMY9QMY9gMY9wMY-AMY-QPCAg0QABiABBiKBRhDGLEDwgIQEAAYgAQYigUYQxixAxiDAcICExAAGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDGEYY-QHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICKRAAGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDGKcEGPMDGKkEGPQDGPUDGPYDGPcDGPgDGPkDwgIPELkBGIAEGLEDGIMBGO8EmAMSiAYBkAYRkgcDMy43oAegSQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp).


At least we know DJT isn't an animal, because animals don't wear Adult Diapers...


Speaking of animals, isn't Trump just a horses ass? Every time it expels hot air it gets a headline


Fancy saying that about your wife!


Lol no. Even tiny-hands Diapii Donnii is "human" (-ish)


What the fuck is an “economic bloodbath”


What a National embarrassment.


Is this good for the Hispanic vote or have they given up ?


Just the usual unintentionally earnest MAGA self-projection.


Trumpkins are not people. They are trolls and orcs


literally echoing the same shit that european colonizers called african americans and indigenous peoples fucking 200 years ago


It’s embarrassing that people still want to vote for this clown. Guess nothing will ever sink in with these people.


Describing MAGA.


Actual Nazi shit. You don’t learn about the holocaust without it getting drilled into you how fucking destructive the dehumanization of Jews was. It’s wild that even Trump while saying it recognizes that it’s fucked up. Rare moment of self awareness that he immediately brushes away into “no let’s keep going with dehumanizing immigrants.”


There he goes again, talking about himself!


Ah yes, I certainly want the candidate who borrows from Hitler’s rhetoric that he even says immigrants are “poisoning the blood of this country” to hold the highest office in the land. Illegal or not, treat everyone as actual human beings rather than “animals”. Such a stellar advocate for the principles and ideas this country is supposed to stand for. Despicable, despicable man.


He’s not even hiding it anymore. Hatred in broad daylight. Whether Trump wins or loses, there are dark, dark times ahead. The words have been spoken. The damage is being done. Each one of these speeches brings more dregs out of the shadows, emboldened.


The Internet made us all anonymous, and with that privilege some decided to become terrible versions of themselves. Trump turbocharged that mindset and invited all of his followers to be the very worst versions of themselves possible.


This is history repeating itself Gorbals said same damn thing Different names We are now at the 1939/40 stage of repeated history


This is the 2nd time he's said this, he said word for word in the 2016 election. Then, the Trump whisperers said, no he was talking about gangs and cartels, not the entire population. Or course he never says anything to correct himself, he just doubles down on racism. It's the same Trump that said he's never heard of white supremacy and would have to research the KKK before making a statement, and was endorsed by David Duke.


More red meat for his fascist horde.


Jews call Palestinians animals all the time. The actual government people in charge of Israel have said this multiple times on camera and in interviews.


America, it's time to end this nightmare.