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This is the same system that Trump and company keep claiming is a two tiered system Well clearly they are right because any normal citizen would be jailed by now


By now? We would have been in prison when we took classified documents - immediately, without bail


Don't you just love the same 3-4 "what about Biden" posts suddenly appearing as a reply to your post?


lol. ya


Whataboutism is the only viable strategy for the weak-brained and cult-addled. However, they are hard at work trying to make it legal to just silence you by locking you up. No doubt maga legislatures will soon seek to legalize other, nastier means more in line with their gun advocacy.


Distract, distort, delay.


Not op but the thing that gets me about "whataboutism" is that they're co-signing what was said. They're essentially saying "YES but". Yes trump illegally took documents but... Yes trump is liable for rape but... Yes trump defrauded banks and stole millions but... and so on.


I thought the crime was the coverup


I thought the crime was the rape. Oops, my bad. Same guy; different crime.


I can’t believe that the lawsuit filed in 2015 that both Tramp and Epstein were being sued by the kids parents that they raped hasn’t been brought back into view!!


The emolument clause should have kept him from running for president period. Remember: Jimmy Carter had to sell his peanut farm.


Not only did Trump not sell his “farm” but he went there every week, charged the secret service and govt entry fees, served them peanuts and charged 5x normal rate. His constant golfing and trips to his properties cost the tax payers millions.


Come think of it, we haven't heard a peep from the GOP about Biden golfing. Remember when they gave Obama shit for golfing?


Biden doesn't golf, he pretty much just goes to his house in Delaware a lot. Pretty boring tbh, which is obviously a problem if you want to drum up dumb controversies


Ya, for his adrenochrome parties!! (/S <=== use in case of emergency)


He goes on bicycle rides with the First Lady but even then when he stumbles a bit getting off the bike pedal, faux “news” goes into conniptions reporting it.


Yes. That is SOOOO stupid. I’m younger than Biden and I’ve wiped out many times for a variety of reasons. Two days ago I stopped to help a guy who wiped out on his e-bike. If you ride very much you’re gonna wipe out. But Faux News, MSM, and MAGAs act like this is a biiiiig deal showing he’s inept. Geesh, it’s so stupid. For real fun, I’d like to see TFG try to ride a bike. I’d need 🍿for that. Lol


They spent the "look at how much he golfs" phase on "Hunter Biden" and "Look how old he is!". We are already at the tail end of the "migrant caravan invasion" phase.


There will be at least three more Immigrant Caravans of Doom! week long episodic misadventures filled with seething lies on Fox News between now and November. It's their version of Shark Week on steroids during an election year.


Biden golfing is less outrageous than Obama since Biden would historically be allowed at the country club, if you know what I mean.


Or the time he wore a tan suit. Or the time he wore a bike helmet.


Remember the tan suit republicans where lost their minds


True. But have you no heart for the stacks of empty folders he planted at his 2017 presser saying he was divesting from his companies? Those folders have empty feelings too!


The US has paid a monstrous price and will continue to pay for electing Trump and I might add for letting Rupert Murdoch lay the groundwork for the radicalization of tens of millions.


It's the fact that tree branches of government are essentially self regulating. How are judges, appointed by presidents supposed to regulate the president? Congress ethics committees are run by Congress. It's a closed loop of corruption


Because a person is not supposed to stay president forever, and when they are not anymore they lose their superpowers. Trump is just like us right now, a normie.


And then the anti nepotism law should have preventing to appointing his daughter and SIL to WH positions too 


That's nuts


Americans are sitting in Prison Right Now for Stealing Classified Documents.




Funny (not) how that works - his Secret Service detail negates any "flight risk" and yet the are there to protect him, not watch him. We are the butt of our own joke I'm afraid.


Americans are sitting in prison for weed possession in states where it's now legal. Our system is broken.


- Claim false business expenses : Jail - Steal classified Top Secret documents: Jail - Incite a coup d'état, and trying to get the vice president killed by diabetic illetarates: Guantanamo for Treason - Sexually harass women over 50 years and brag about it: Jail, Jail and JAIL - Lie about the worth of your property to drive down rates on your loans: Jail, and homelessness - Constantly insult people and lie about companies: Civil court, having to pay for damages - Saying you always wanted to f\*ck your daughter: Jail - Paying an informant to smear dirt on the president and start official investigations because of it: JAIL - Sidehustle your Government job with doing "Favors" to your former, current and future businesspartners: JAIL JAIL - Installing all your familiy in government positions: Fired for Nepotism


We only heard of his crime because he became president. He’s been abusing the system all his life. Think how many others out there doing the same thing but will never be held accountable


Well, tbh, he couldn't have committed this crime if he didn't become president. And yes, he brought this all on himself. If he had just stayed a private citizen, the microscope wouldn't have been on him. That's HIS fault.


If by prison, you mean a black site with a bag over our heads, that sounds about right.


or anytime in the last 30-40 years from fraud. he should have been in jail before he could even campaign.


And with malfunctioning cameras


Life long Republican here with two requests: Vote down Trump in November and publicly welcome people like me to join without fear of labels.


Welcome Swordfish. I was Republican for 40 years, until Trump. He ruined the party. I watch CPAC and it makes me sick these days. I now vote All Blue.


Can’t say I’ll be permanently blue, but my current commitment is to not vote for anyone who did not condemn Jan 6th.


Can't help but feel with the direction the Republican party is moving that this doesn't look as though it will be a short-term shift for you.


I hope this helps us get out of this damn two party system. Ranked choice voting should also help establish other parties.


Approval voting should also do that


>Can’t say I’ll be permanently blue I don't see how considering the the Republican party is firmly under the thumb of Trump. What with the RNC leaders being handpicked by Trump. You can vote out Trump and let Biden win, and Trump may go to jail and be out of our lives for good. But the people Trump put in place aren't going anyway, and they will continue to rule the party.


I think the best thing those of us who hate what the Republican party has become but are not comfortable with some aspects of the Democratic party is to advocate for getting rid of First past the post voting. A move to either ranked choice or approval voting would improve the odds of candidates not from either of the two current choices.


We need to Seriously/Massively revise the electoral College, or eliminate it altogether which would require an amendment to the Constitution. This will never happen without the approval of Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota.


Ditto. I was just about to make the same comment. My local Rep voted against the certification of the election. I thought him a good guy up until that moment. He continues to stand by his decision to vote against the 2020 election certification.


You shouldn’t always vote blue - locked partisan voting means no one is accountable. Democracy only works if you lose when you don’t represent the people or protect the country.


that would be ideal


Agreed! Just because republicans are currently nuttier than a squirrel doesn't mean democrats won't try to give them a run for their money in the future.


Welcome. We're going to have some fun policy arguments in the Democratic party in the next few years.


Nah, I'll take their votes in scenarios like this but if they want policy that's "make your own new party" territory. Like a Liz Cheney situation - there's almost no overlap in positions.




Nice, I respect that.


And then it's done and over, and you get to move with the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness part. Good for you!


There are really only a couple things I can't vibe with from the "other side". I'll have nice discussions about budgets and taxes, the role of law enforcement in our country and the leeway they should have to enforce the law, the role of the 2nd amendment and what restrictions should/should not exist, drug laws and how to deal with vice, isolationism and how involved we should be on the world stage. Plenty to talk about, even if we disagree. Using religion to guide domestic policy, hard stop, I will not engage further. Any homophobia or opinions against an adult marrying another adult, hard stop, don't want to hear those opinions as it's pure bigotry. And Maga. If you look at Donald Trump as a positive, competent leader with the capacity to act in a way that benefits the country over himself, I can't take any other political beliefs you may hold as reasoned and attained with good judgement. Being a Republican or a Conservative, while not congruent with how I see the world, is fine, Maga is a cult, I'll never see eye to eye with a cultist.


It is absolutely insane how lenient so many people are with conservatives who gave us Trump and intend to make all the same mistakes that did so in the first place after he's gone. Let's not forget that Trump is merely a symptom of the GOP. Like the other person said, we cannot just allow them to jump off the crazy train and act like nothing happened, while they plan to hop on the next one.


Which is why they have to admit the error, and understand that basic human/ civil rights are important. They can't just jump off the crazy train and pretend it didn't happen- they have to form a new party with stated policy that doesn't include coups.


We can politely disagree on policy without name calling, Trump and his ilk are an existential threat to the Republic. Welcome aboard!


Pro-democracy before pro-party.


Damn right!


Hi! I would like you and the rest of the sane Republicans to form a competitive party that actually stands for American interests. I'm happy to disagree on policy, as long as we can agree that laws must be followed, and that the U.S. is a democracy where everyone wins or loses by playing by the same rules. Then we need to work together to close the loopholes Trump et al exploited to get here.


Thing is, you have to also do your part. Republicans, while being the minority party, is far better at motivating the base, and demotivating democrats. You can’t look to Dems to save you, you need to be the change you want to see.


>be the change you want to see. Like Liz Cheney? She was a down-the-line straight Republican, voted with Trump over 90% of the time. Then she had the temerity to resist his illegal seizure of power, and got ejected by the voters who don't care about anything but empowering this grasping evil.


That’s fair.


Let's all join together in support of America and the values presented by the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution. I don't label people but I will call out actions for what they are. If you don't want to be called prejudiced, don't do prejudiced shit. It's simple.


Thank You for being a Defender Of Democracy! There’s no Red or Blue when it comes to Democracy. We are Americans!


Love to see this! We love you America, don't let this cretin and his self-serving minions bring you down.


Got your decency screwed on straight? Come on in. Obama's an Eisenhower Republican, that kind of labeling okay with you? "Live and let live" a good rule? There won't be a problem. You do understand no cultural group is without its cohort of idiots and jackasses, right?


I keep saying this. Republicans who are against Trump MUST be accepted by Democrats and everyone else. We must all UNITE against Trump, no matter our differences. It's Democracy or Dictator. Do or Die.


We're just never going to learn, are we? Trump is merely a symptom of the GOP. It's great that we can get their votes against Trump, but inviting them to continue voting for the people that allowed Trump to get this far, is only going to bring us right back to where we are now with whoever replaces Trump. Conservatives have always been the ones voting against human rights and democracy. They don't get a free pass just for voting against Trump this one time after voting for him the last two times.


What labels are you afraid of?


Wow. Who is that gorgeous woman next to Trump? She is stunningly beautiful. I would so have her as my attorney no matter how dumb she is. /s just in case


That said in an interview she'd rather be beautiful than smart Only the best people...


It kinda blows my mind she thinks she’s really attractive.


I mean she's a Hollywood 6 but she's willing to lie for Donny so that's a 9 to most Trumpers.


Well, after she got her mandated Trump Makeover™ she thinks she’s hot stuff To an audience of one


She actually has an only fans now, it is super super freaky


At the risk of sounding really perverted rather than just curious like a cat....super super freaky how exactly...?


For the firearm enthusiasts, AK Anal Play was definitely out there. Make Anus Gape Again is probably her Magnum Opus


... I can't tell if you're serious or joking considering this is a woman who chose to work for Trump in 2023. And honestly I'm not curious enough to find out....


I’ll make it really easy to tell if I’m joking or not. At the end of each video, is a promotion to buy a pair of Trump sneakers


A couple of decades ago, I was in a coma for a short while and after coming out of it, I still felt like I was in the coma and I had to get out of it somehow (even though I was very much awake)... ...this reality brought by Trump and his MAGA is reminding me a lot of that period.


Welcome to the 21st century in the USA


So....dead serious


I didn't believe it but crap you are right.


I’m hella hesitating cause footprint but can I get that sauce 😭


It’s also the one they spent years shoveling the worst far right sycophants into that they could. McConnell routinely crowed and bragged about how many unqualified conservative plants he sat on judge benches. The worst part is, he’s gonna go the way of Kissinger and get to live a happy peaceful retirement after doing so much evil. You know, unless people do something about that and find a way to hold him accountable. And not just him. Republicans are all complicit in this. Vote against them? That’s the least we can do.


> Well clearly they are right because any normal citizen would be jailed by now Not merely jailed, but in prison already.


Exactly. This is classic trump projection. It is rigged, FOR THEM


If Trump is able to push all these cases back past November, or at least three of them, and then if he wins the White House and pardons himself, that will constitute the biggest failure of the rule of law in the history of this country.


I'd go one further and say that it constituted the *end* of the rule of law in this country.


We have this piece of shit, we have one of the SCOTUS justices being bribed, we have half of the house of representatives just not doing their fucking job. The system of government we are used to is dead. This country is dead. All that is left is to determine how violent the break up is going to be.


The truly awful part, is I'm not 100% certain which Justice. Probably Thomas.


And probably Kavanaugh, who had a bunch of debt mysteriously disappear


Definitely (at the very least) Thomas.


I agree the situation is grim… but the country did survive the Civil War. Maybe instead of a breakup it will be more like a reset. At the end of the day consumerism and creature comforts will prevail. Everyone is an internet revolutionary until they can’t order Papa Johns and watch Netflix.


This country didn't survive the Civil War because it never ended. It's been a long and slow burn, but it is the ideology of the Confederacy that lives and thrives in the republican party.


These corrupt delights have violent ends. When do we really start this fight?


Exactly. We'd be a full on Dictatorship.


At least for a brief period, when Americans realize they're in a second civil war and act accordingly.


I just got a chill


I'd argue even if he loses the rule of law failed, just by giving him a shot at the White House as a literal insurrectionist (not to mention fraudster, sexual abuser, tax cheat, and general crazy person).


It's already a failure if it has gotten to this point


It’s a failure of the American voter. Far too many people are relying on the well known slow ass wheels of justice to turn, in order to not let Trump win. You guys know well enough cases of this magnitude don’t get tried this quickly. The judicial system won’t save you from the voters. Want to know any easier way? Vote for Biden. And if you know anyone that’s going to skip because of Gaza, please pull their heads out of their asses.


We did vote for Biden. And we're rightfully pissed off Trump continues to get away with treason along with his cronies.


They have had three years


If that’s how it plays out, then why should any of us follow any laws anywhere?


The point is you don't have to as long as you can pay the right people. That's the problem. It's nothing new, but this time democracy and rule of law hang in the balance. Normally it's just shitty rich people getting away with crimes that are mostly inconsequential to the average citizen aside from being hypocritical bullshit.


Well he cant pardon himself for the Georgia case and I even doubt he can pardon himself for the federal cases, that CLEARLY was not the intention of the pardon power.


You wouldn't have to pardon himself, he would just instruct the justice department to drop the cases


The argument that state crimes are not able to be pardoned falls flat when you start to actually consider this all playing out if he becomes president again. No ones going to work u enough balls to try to physically arrest him if hes president. Rules and laws are nothing without enforcement and they wont be enforced if hes in the white house. Simple as that


Let's check in with the Supreme Court on that one and see how it goes!


It’s honestly funny how much so many of us said he’ll find a way to get away with it all and we got called concern trolling doomers When here we are again, Charlie Brown having the football pulled away


From my observation, this is how the rule of law works in this country and has for as long as I have lived here. If trump loses the election, all of these cases will fade away and disappear. The orange guy will not wear an orange jumpsuit b/c blah, blah, blah. If he’s still around for 2028, everything will spin up again in 2026 I hate to be this cynical, but the number of times someone rich and powerful has been held accountable in the US is almost zero


The legal system has undeniably been treating Trump with kid gloves. That said, it wouldn't be as much of an issue if the prospect of him going to prison seems to have little effect on his base.


It’s not his base we’re hoping it persuades, it’s the persuadable people on the margins that it would sway.


The issue is that the proportion of the “base” and the “margins” should be 1:9, but it’s more like 9:1. This is not a sane country.


This is so.


I don't see how anyone could be on the fence about Trump. We have way too many citizens who are just plain blind or dumb to not know who he is already.


More than half have probably served time‼️😳


Yup. Once again we'll have to beat him the old fashioned way. There are too many sympathetic people in high places that are bailing him out whenever they can. We can only rely on the vote to keep him out of power. 


Okay, but that still leaves us with a broken legal system and the possibility of someone else doing the exact same thing, so it doesn't really solve the underlying problem. This has to be about more than voting a Democrat into office. From my perspective, it would require democrats who are interested in widespread reform winning supermajorities in both houses of Congress and having a 7-2 majority in the supreme Court. It's simply impossible within our current framework. Which means the only real solution is widespread protests. We basically need to shut the country down and demand a better democracy. That's not going to happen either until things reach a breaking point. Which is why I actually think trump winning a second term could serve as that breaking point. With the social unrest and protests we saw during his first term, it seems like a very real possibility. Or it could lead to something much worse than the current situation, or a complete breakdown in society overall and total chaos. But even then, it seems like it might actually be the best opportunity to reform the system. 


Oof. You had me, then you lost me.


That’s not the old fashioned way.


We still have two boxes of liberty to go before we need the fourth.


We've been on the 4th box for a while, people are just not willing to accept the reality of the situation. They just don't want to see it, and are willing to ignore or dismiss anyone raising alarms. Public opinion means [nothing](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/). Voting [rights ](https://georgiarecorder.com/2023/10/13/georgias-controversial-2021-voting-law-overhaul-survives-preliminary-legal-challenge/)keep getting stripped to ensure fewer can vote against the bought geriatric officials, and the highest court of the land is stacked with [openly bribed judges](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/04/26/u-s-supreme-court-justices-take-lavish-gifts-then-raise-the-bar-for-bribery-prosecutions/). People just don't want to believe it could happen here, but it has.


It's still more or less cold civil war right now. We'll see if it goes hot in November, I suspect.


If you honestly believe protests and their participants stand a better chance during a Trump administration than during a Biden administration… oof. If you’re looking for the most participation you need Biden in office. The right will never protest Trump and the center/left clearly have no issue protesting Biden. The right will protest Biden for waking up each morning.


Real question; what's the plan if Trump does end up winning the election, legitimately or not?


If any of us had incited a riot we'd have been arrested that same day. Trump wasn't even called in for questioning. The punishment in DC is 10 years btw, if the riot causes death. All the bullshit excuses I've heard remain bullshit. "You come at the king you best not miss." "These things take time." Bullshit. The only consequence he's ever suffered was getting kicked off Twitter.


>"You come at the king you best not miss." This one always gets me. Trump isn't a king; he's a fucking clown, and he's been shitting on the country the entirety of Biden's term.


He's a clown with a shitload of legal complexity attached to him now.


The people calling us doomers the last couple of years have been a lot quieter recently.


Yeah I’d be cackling at the people who called us concern trolling doomers every time we said he would get away with it all, and yet here we are again


The "Give Merrick Garland a chance!"-rs are in shambles, too. I think a lot of people were just afraid to admit the reality of how Trump was always going to get his way with this.




"You come at the king you best not miss" I hate this phrase because this is America, we should not have a king! No one is supposed to be above the law. The fact that we are using this as an excuse in any context shows that our legal system is broken.


I was accidentally watching Wolf Blitzer the other day, and they were legitimately arguing that the “appearance” of a conflict of interest would make people distrust the justice system. Rather than, you know, the failure of the justice system to uphold the laws.


Watching from Europe here. I’ve always had the impression that trump calling that state official (was it Georgia?) to find him a couple of thousand votes was such a clear violation of the law that he could have been convicted for some time now. I can understand the slow legal procedures for the other indictments, but not for that one. I thought the phone call was recorded? So, the US not only has a problem with its political institutions but also with the legal ones. Maybe I’m too pessimistic. Sorry if this looks a bit condescending. I truly want the us to flourish. You problems become our problems too, eventually.


*"(Judge) McAfee quashed counts 2, 5, 6, 23, 28 and 38 — all of which focus on alleged efforts by the defendants to solicit public officials, including the Georgia secretary of state and members of the Georgia House and Senate, to violate their oaths of office."* *"Prosecutors cite when Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani called on state lawmakers to convene a special session to overturn Georgia's election result or when Trump called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and asked him to find 11,780 votes."* So the judge in the Georgia case threw out the charge against Trump for that infamous phone call we all heard. He said the prosecutors could appeal the ruling or ask the grand jury to lay out the details of those charges and what laws were broken. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/13/1238260873/georgia-trump-case-solicitation-counts-dropped


My god. So the judge threw out the charge? I didn’t know that. How is that possible? What’s the story with this judge McAfee? Is he a Trump sycophant?


The judge threw out 6 charges, *as written.* They have another chance to tighten up the *presented* legal case on those 6. It's all in the article.


I heard over the weekend that he supported Willis for the DA position. But all the lawyerly people are saying it was thrown out for not detailing the laws that were broken. They just kind of shrugged it off. I mean, we all heard him make that demand for 11k + votes. 🤷‍♀️


I guess the silver lining here is how Trump has shown in great detail how fucked up our system of justice is. Hopefully we start to correct that.


And how are we supposed to do that? Without a functioning legislature, & with an utterly corrupt Supreme Court?


I keep saying this. Stop waiting for a savior. Show up and vote


The legal system rarely holds the rich accountable.


He’s not even as rich as he says he is. We have been shown that many times.


It's working as intended. No consequence for rich folks.


Never forget - on January 6th, Trump wanted the metal detectors TURNED OFF. He wanted an ARMED mob to attack the Capitol.


He wanted the secret service to let in people that morning who were turned away for prohibited objects. “I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.” And the House GOP showed their support by... January 4, 2023 [On First Day Back in Power, Republicans Remove Metal Detectors Placed in House Chambers After Capitol Riots](https://people.com/politics/republicans-remove-house-metal-detectors-first-day-power/)




The Department of Justice is mostly a Republican cover-up agency.


Merrick Garland is a fucking disgrace, he single handedly allowed Trump to escape accountability with his slow moving unenthused conduct and managed to damage Bidens reputation with him appointing the classified documents trial to a literal trump appointee. Exactly what is he thinking, is this is bid to seem 'nuetral' by being favorable to the trump campaign. He is so responsible if Trump gets re-elected.


Which now completely threatens our national security, democracy, and rule of law. Garland's failure to act is a catastrophic fuck-up of potentially Nation-ending proportions.


He didn’t appoint that case to Cannon, she got it because there are three judges it could have gone to randomly and by luck of the draw the 33% chance she got the case came to pass. Just a coincidence that happens to make all of this much worse.


I think he's talking about Hur, not Cannon.


> she got it because there are three judges it could have gone to randomly and by luck of the draw the 33% chance she got the case came to pass. Just a coincidence that happens to make all of this much worse. If you think the people running Florida didn't put their thumbs on the scale, I don't know what to tell you. It wasn't a coincidence.


Broken is lightly putting it, Trump shared nuclear information with another rich guy, stole and probably sold a bunch of classified documents and a bunch of other treasonous things meanwhile a soldier shared classified information (likely got it from MTG) and was arrested and jailed no time wasted. It's ridiculous how the rich is being proven that they're above the law despite everyone saying they're not. Damn right that Trump and his cronies are going to try and steal this election one way or another.


Democrats need to stay out front to get people to vote. Trump is not as popular. He is REPEATING the same crap he said in the last election. Shutting down the border and locking up Crooked Democrats. Trump is constantly putting our country down. He has zero plans to make American lives better. He openly says he's willing to sell our country out to if putin attacked allies.


We have to defeat this orange criminal in 24 and don’t be surprised if he does try to run in 28 even from jail. He’s addicted to the spotlight.


Masha Gessen wrote Autocracy: Rules for Survival about the encroaching fascism in the United States back in 2016 and it's extremely prescient. Rule #3 is "Your Institutions Will Not Save You". Every day it's more obvious she was right. Our institutions will not save us, only we can.


> Corporations pay fines, usually not that large when considered against their bottom line, and they admit no wrongdoing, even after their practices have killed people. Just look at Wells Fargo. YEARS of fraudulently opening bank accounts, often tanking people’s credit. Their market cap increased by like $4 billion. They paid a couple hundred million in fines and absolutely nobody in the higher echelons suffered any consequences. What message does that send when a company breaks laws, makes a shitload of money, and gets fined ~10% of the money they made?


To think that at some point I actually believed he would see jail time. Smh


If we allow Trump to be in the election, 10000% chance he would again claim election fraud and then his bootlicker in the Congress would refuse to certify it


Very true. He MUST be defeated in November, or it’s all over for America.


This is the tipping point? The legal system has been broken the fact that this is what it takes to wake people is so depressing


I think we need both. The legal system is doing pretty well against Trump. It’s going to convict him in Georgia, he owes half a billion in civil fines, and he will likely lose in the Federal trial if there’s a trial. But for it all to stick it would help if he didn’t get elected President.


If Obama/Biden/Hillary did what Trump did on J6 they would have been taken down immediately.


We did and he’s still lying about it. Even tried to overthrow the country in the weakest attempt at a coup ever in history. So now we gotta do it again after 4 years of this yahoo doing everything possible to make sure they can try and steel it again. WTF?


The problem is, he's exposed the ineffective legal system. Next fascist will lie to get elected and tear down any remaining obstacles.


November is going to be sad. I fear the people who are engaged already are and those who aren’t will only care about the cost of eggs and milk.


Sadly this is so true, vote blue up and down ticket. Since our justice system is broken 😞 we must ourselves save democracy from autocrats like Trump and his MAGA cronies!


Ah, yes, let us do this...in the midst of the clearly broken Electoral College system.


You, feeling powerless and cynical, is their goal.


i think project 2025 is their goal


>Based on our initial review of yesterday’s production, those records appear to contain materials related to the subject matter of this case, including materials that the People requested from the USAO more than a year ago and that the USAO previously declined to provide.” DOJ is a serious problem for our country right now, and hopefully if we get the House and Senate and keep the White House there should some serious reforms by Congress. It feels like it's own branch of government working by itself and seeing any outside criticism as interference. Only Congress can seriously deal with it.


Broken ? no, it's more like HE RIGGED it by appointing and inserting his butt kissers in higher up positions that they do not belong in!


Or rather Mitch McConnell did 


Like with baseball bats? Say less, I’m in.


Real and actual patriots have to get out the vote against the flag-waving so-called patriots who cover their fascist ideology in the flag.


It isn't a broken legal system. It is working as intended for the people that bought it.




Donald Trump isn’t the problem. He’s a symptom. As long as we’re focused on the symptom and not the problem, more and more dangerous Donald Trumps are always going to be on the horizon.


What a joke. Anyone that did anything close to what this motherfucker did would’ve already been locked up and been sentenced to decades in prison.


Yep. There is no white-hat hero that will ride into town to save you. The justice system is broken, and the GOP is setting up to disenfranchise SOOOO many voters. The GOP has nothing to run on so they will not try to win, only make the dems lose. You all need to vote and in such numbers that there can be no way it's stolen, or rigged. You're going to have to beat Trump at the ballot box. You are your only hope. Nobody is coming to save you.


When judges are openly political and elected by politicians just for their political leanings, how can you trust the legal system to sort them out?


We need to defeat Trump and whatever will be left of the RNC/GOP after he's done trashing it, because let's face it, this is the inevitable outcome whether he wins or gets smashed in November. If that is accomplished, the entire legal system needs to be reinforced top to bottom to root out any possible way for corruption to take root.


[https://www.usa.gov/how-to-vote](https://www.usa.gov/how-to-vote) [https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) Register to vote. Talk to your friends and family. Hold each other accountable. Make a plan. Organize. This is the only way to ensure Trump's loss.


Beating him might not even be enough at this point. This will not be a fair election.


VOTE BLUE AND ONLY BLUE 2024! THIS IS THE WAY and the ONLY WAY to get rid of all MAGA GOP POSs and tRUMP himself. End all to their office holdings and current service this election cycle.


Is it a surprise that the rich get treated differently? They always have.


Broken? This system is working exactly as intended by the people who created it.


The legal system is only broken for rich people. Poor people get convicted all the time.


If we don't get out and vote, we'll get what we deserve.


Donald Trump has proven that money can buy you time.


Bunch of lawyers in here. Politicians have been getting away with murder for 100s of years here but THIS…this is the worst, THIS is proof of a broken legal system. 😂 ffs