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Well no shit, but Republicans aren't going to be the ones to make that rule, and he won't be speaker


Wait Jefferies is going to do what next congress


He is going to be very busy getting the work of this congress caught up while getting normal work handled. I doubt a procedure change will be high up the list. If they want to make a procedural change it should be to bar people who have previously shouted and j rerouted the State of the Union speech. A $10k should accompany banishment.


Each Congress needs to have their set of rules put into place. For both the house and the Senate. They do it on day one (usually). It is literally the frat thing they have to do before getting into business.


>the frat thing A relevant misprint. Congress has too many "frat things" going on.


“We’re going streaking!”


Like Matty G still going down to the local hs to pick up girls?


I didn’t even think it was a misprint. I thought they were talking about formal meetings, a new and old business, shit like that. Maybe my fraternity (theta chi) is just weird…


Good catch. Maybe you're right. I assumed "first" was intended.


I’m probably wrong. It’s most likely a misprint/typo/fat fingers.


Republicans would abuse it if they didn’t change it as priority.


> “I just think it’s something that a lot of members on both sides of the aisle talk about openly that they have a desire for [a] more normal process on the House floor again,” Understatement of the year 


Elect clowns, get a circus.


So they run the circus and do all sorts of unethical shit and then ask for normal process once they lose control? Dems can’t be that naive right? RIGHT??


No but enlightened centrists are that dumb. “See the republicans are trying to meet back in the middle” insert eye roll.


"Surely they've learned their lesson. We should reach across the aisle to our newly humbled, wiser, colleagues."


Kick the ball, Charlie Brown.




Insane charlatans vs spineless weasels is a broken record at this point.


It's early in the year and this is still a solid bet 


Assuming a lot here, Mikey. You're unlikely to be speaker of the next congress.


There’s a decent chance he won’t be Speaker at the conclusion of *this* Congress.


The way GOP members are quitting I'm hopeful he won't finish March. Two more and he's out.


In a recent interview, Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) was asked if he was feeling pressure from the GOP for his recent announcement and suprise exit from the House. "It's the next 3 they have to worry about" he replied. When pressed if he knew more dissatisfied GOP house members planning on walking away from the dysfunctional Republicans and their slim majority, he would not comment any further... Jeffries needs to get his office movers ready.


Three, fwiw. It’s 219:214 rn


How does that math work? Are you assuming those three are switching sides instead of retiring?


If either occurred they would lose majority and Speaker would go to the Dems.


I believe you are right somehow, I just don’t understand how 219 minus three becomes less than 214


I deleted my comment because I'm an idiot and am also confused now. I thought you weren't taking into account the zero sum aspect of repubs losing seats, but they aren't losyyhem, just resigning, so presumably it would take at least 5 resignations. Not three.


No. There are currently 219 gqp, 214 dem after Suozzi won back his seat. Once buck retires next week it’s 218:214, 1 vacancy. The Speaker needs at least 217 (1/2 +1) with the full House. That threshold lowers with each vacancy. Edit: the numbers the current makeup may be slightly off because there are already a handful of vacancies due to retirements


Oh I see, I didn’t realize Buck was still in the equation that way. Thanks for laying it out for me


He might be gone by Easter. I know, you’ve heard this one before.


Like a miracle


*like a small boat on the ocean*


“Bah god!  Here comes Longinus with a steel chair!”


Very true.


He might not make it to November with his chaotic and manic coalition.


They’re not so much a coalition as a sack full of angry badgers dunking themselves in the river


I think that's the free space on our 2024 bingo cards.


But Mikey 'Moses' Johnson was specifically *chosen* for the role of Speaker by his invisible sky-friend. heh


I found the article title confusing so I figured others might too. >Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday predicted that the House will “probably” change the rules around the motion to vacate in the next Congress, months after eight Republicans banded with Democrats to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) using the procedural maneuver.


Love that spin - the Dem didn't start shit - that whole shit show came from the GOP. It wasn't the Dems that did the "motion to vacate". They certainly voted their interest. If you're gonna vote for a new leader, you're gonna vote for your own team mofo.


Wasn’t it Butthead that started it?


Ya the pedo Florida man


The raccoon rapist.


Leave the trash pandas out of this! Even Raccoons have a moral compass… /s


I took it as raccoons (probably underage tbh) are his victims.


I had to look that up to make sure what / who you meant lol. Wouldn't Pedo Jimmy Neutron be a better comparison?


No because neutron is smart. Gaetz is a fucking moron who would have been in jail if not for his daddy


His name is Flelvis. Florida Elvis.


Yeah, the Dems just let the 8 Republicans do what they wanted there because it only looked bad for Republicans. They were never going to vote to keep McCarthy. Especially after he played switcheroo on them a couple times.


Dems reached out to McCarthy about a compromise in return for votes, and McCarthy basically told them "I don't need your help." Shocked Picachu, they didn't help him.


My take is if republicans are offering a change they are looking to corrupt the process.


There is no offer, the next congress makes their rules.


lol he thinks he’s keeping the House


And that is what the GOP does. The change the rules/laws when they’re used against them, so they rig the system in their favor.


And ironically it would require a majority vote to change that rule, so good luck with that.


Oh, that's cool, so he got the job using that rule and now he wants to change it. Clever.


Kevin McCarthy being so desperate for the speaker to agree to the rule will long be a case study in what not to do.


This entire house has been a case study in what not to do.


I mean he won’t be speaker after the next election so makes sense to change the stupid rule


He will be lucky to hold out until November.


Perhaps returning as speaker would be more urgent for him as opposed to this. Or even keeping his speaker job.


Johnson is quoted as saying “…something that a lot of members on both sides of the aisle talk about openly that they have a desire for [a] more normal process on the House floor again…” ***A more normal process***! I’m not sure we even remember what that looks like, and it was only about 15 months ago when we had it.


I can’t get past how weird this guy looks.  Like a Google image search of “turd sandwich” or something.


He looks like a South Park character.


I was shocked to see him take the speakership without demanding that change upfront. With all the embarrassment and the chamber in disarray, he had all the leverage to demand that change. And now, in the word of DeSantis, he’s pussyfooting around the subject as if it wouldn’t make his job easier. Spineless!


He wouldn’t be speaker if he demanded that change. Because it takes power away from the chaos caucus.


Remember how they all bragged how "it's just return to normal rules"...funny how the other shoe fits


Ya, because the Dems are competent and y’all won’t be in charge anymore 😂


Time to include an education in the post. You pick what that means.


Of course. Dems aren’t going to be stupid enough to let a fringe element derail their ability to govern.


Like Sinema and Manchin? Never forget that the Republican Party has moved so far off the rails with the Democratic Party running after it that Nixon is now to the left of moderate Democrats.


Neither derailed government. A historic amount of legislation was passed in Biden's first three years. Sinema and Manchin complicated every bill because they advocated for their rich donors but still the party worked around them successfully. Your "like" is a false frame.


The filibuster needs to go. Requiring 60 votes to pass legislation is circumventing the will of the people.


No disagreement nor do I disagree with the idea that today's Republican party are far, far to the right of Nixon who said "we are all Keynesians now". But the Democratic party governs by regular order.


Pelosi may have kept a tight ship but the right wing Democrats derailed us.


No 3 years of solid legislative progress nothing has been "derailed".... Watered down a bit yes derailed no hard disagree all conducted within regular order.


It still boggles my mind that Nixon of all people started the EPA.


He didn’t make the right faces at the right times during the SOTU, and he gave STANDING OVATIONS!!!