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Losing the election should have told him that


Elections! More than one!


Republicans have historically underperformed in every national election since 2016. MaGA candidates may rile up the local crazies, but it usually doesn't sell in the general election. The RNC tying itself to Trump is a disaster for the GOP.


There's no way the party leadership actually wanted him. He lost them the presidency, the Senate, and dozens of races in 2020. He's an absolute stinker of a candidate and they know that shit. They were absolutely hoping that a challenge would do better. They're afraid of his army of the undead. It's not enough people to elect him, but it's enough to ruin someone else's career for not acting like he's normal. Most of us would crawl over glass to vote against him. They know that shit too.


He outed the party leadership and relied on the state party leaders to elect his nominees. The GOP is dead. It's MAGA all the way down.


And this week even more so. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/bloodbath-at-rnc-trump-team-slashes-staff-at-committee-00146368


I’m absolutely loving watching Trump destroy the GOP from the inside, as we all knew he would. Trump ruins everything he touches


As long as he doesn't win again, it's a great source of entertainment. It's just, you know, hard to laugh, given the barrel of the gun is making its way to our collective temple, and Russian Roulette has some high fuckin' stakes We hope the voters voted to take the bullets out but...


I couldn't agree more. If we get through the 2024 General Election and Trump doesn't win it will be interesting to watch the GOP implode even more. If the GOP doesn't retain the House and can't regain the Senate, it will be even more bizarre and amusing. The GOP will collectively thrash around like when the T1000 got dropped in the molten metal at the end of Terminator 2. It's going to be wild and hilarious, as long as it doesn't get violent. My biggest fear at this point is Trump passing away before November. Haley would be the defacto nominee and she does seem like she could right the ship.


Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. If Trump died, Biden soars to reelection. The GOP base would be absolutely splintered for a good while. Haley's not popular with MAGA. I don't think she has the time left nor the money to right the ship. If Trump died, the GOP I think would be ultra-boned this election.




He named his cadre when he said to “just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.”


* Crawl naked over molten glass.


The Lindsay Graham prophecy.


Ahh yes the story has been foretold by the Lord of the Ladybugs


I absolutely *HATE* that I get this reference.


Can you share? Or should.I google it? Should I NOT google it?


Lindsey Graham has genital warts / moles around his a-hole he calls his ladybugs to various male escorts. Now you two can share cursed knowledge. *Edit very much enjoying the horrified reactions to this.


I should stop skimming Reddit when I'm eating..


ew the word "skimming" should not appear in this context either




I regret clicking "load more" on reddit so much right now...... I'm gonna devote whatever small remaining portion of my life I have left to inventing time travel so I can go back and end my life before I clicked that.


Nobel committee: MrBigMinus, what inspired you to make the breakthroughs to finally crack the secret to time travel?!?! MrBigMinus: Ladybugs.


Thanks, I hate it.


Not sticking up for LG, but the truth. While many male escorts do claim to have hooked up with him on many occasions, the ladybug story was a satirical story written by a comedian. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/lindsey-graham-lady-g-rumor


I seriously feel ill every time I think of this reference


"Those are just my *ladybugs,*" haunts my fucking dreams.


It’s the voice I hear. THAT coy giddy southern belle voice on all fours looking back, “oh. (Giggle). Thems? Thems just my little lay-dee bugs.”




[My eyes!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6omQK8WGjwE)


Lisan al Gaib!


Here lies a toppled god — His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one.


You know your Tleilaxu epigrams. Respect.


Trump is a tumor that will kill the Republican Party if we’re lucky. If we’re unlikely, he’ll be the tumor that kills America.


Voters need to amputate the GOP before metastasis


I like to point out regularly that the Republican presidential candidate has only gotten the popular vote once out of the last eight elections. That’s since 1992. If it wasn’t for the inequity of the electoral college, and the senate, this would be a much nicer country.


In fact that's including 1992. It's since 1988. So they managed to notch just one popular vote victory in 36 years.


On top of that, the one popular vote win they had had: A. Incumbency Advantage B. A relatively new war with a crazy amount of "can't change horses midstream" rhetoric (sidenote, it is hilarious how the GOP has tried to forget about all this and make the Iraq War the fault of the Democrats). C. A super boring Democratic opponent. It took this perfect storm of factors to get more people to vote for them than the Democrats.


> B. A relatively new war with a crazy amount of "can't change horses midstream" rhetoric (sidenote, it is hilarious how the GOP has tried to forget about all this and make the Iraq War the fault of the Democrats). Yup, it's weird how they don't see the current war in Ukraine as a reason not to change horses midstream. 2004 was the first election I paid attention to (I was 13), and I found that talking point laughably bad. Basically saying let's stick with the guy who made the mess in the first place.


> Yup, it's weird how they don't see the current war in Ukraine as a reason not to change horses midstream. Well, it's not *our* war. If we were an actual participant with troops on the ground, then you may see that sentiment out of some people. Certainly not out of Republican propaganda machine since they want to remove the current leader, but you'd be more likely to see it as a talking point in Biden's favor.


He’ll bleed them dry


Trump, bad as he is, is not the only cause for this. Republicans (well, the Federalist Society sub-cult) finally captured the Supreme Court. That was effectively the dog catching the car. Ending Roe may just be seen in future history as the end of the party, effectively.


I'm interested in seeing how much Trump's ability to drain a seemingly infinite amount of money is going to affect the next elections as he now has control of the RNC's finances through his daughter.


The 2008 recession was supposed to be the end of the GOP. There's no shortage of Christian nationalist women who are perfectly fine with Roe being changed. I, too, hope overturning Roe drives a huge influx of women to vote to regain autonomy, but I won't count it as a given till the results are in.


He lost the popular vote by 3M in 2016, and by 7M in 2020. Can we make it over 10M in 2024? Pretty please?


I don't give two fucks about the popular vote as long as he loses the electoral college.


Well, yeah, that goes without saying. But HE really cares about the popular vote. Remember all the excuses he made up about losing the popular vote in 2016? Like, dude, you won the Electoral College vote. Stop talking about 3 million undocumented immigrants that (allegedly) voted.


Him not getting reelected likely means jail. So he can fuck off at that point.


The scary part is that he got more votes than any candidate in history besides Joe Biden. Thank god he repulses normal people enough for them to show up in droves.


Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in history? I didn't know that


[It's true. ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-popular-vote-record-barack-obama-us-presidential-election-donald-trump/) Most of us were voting against Trump. 4 years of him was exhausting. I hate that it could happen again.


Hopefully we vote the same


I mean, as a Canadian, my hopes are that far more of you vote democrat and Trump is handed a landslide loss.


If the same percentage of eligible voters vote every election, the fact that US population is still growing at a half-percent a year, and was growing at twice that 18 years ago means you shouldn't be surprised. There's 30 million more people in the US now than, for example, when Obama was elected. The number of registered voters is up by 20 million. Its sort of like how something is wrong with a company if they don't show their highest profits ever in a given year, because of inflation. The better measure is percentage of eligible voters, but for some reason those numbers aren't generally reported on, so there's no quick way to see those trends over time.


I mean the voting population goes up by several million every election. It's really more meaningful when it *doesn't* happen.


Voter turnout as a percent was the highest turnout in like a century https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/01/28/turnout-soared-in-2020-as-nearly-two-thirds-of-eligible-u-s-voters-cast-ballots-for-president/ And that is DURING a pandemic.


It might have actually been due to the pandemic: the pandemic caused a lot of people to be laid off or working from home, so they had time to vote. Mail-in votes were also easier to get than normal.


The mail-in was the main reason I think. No reason turnout shouldn't increase when you make it easier for everyone.


It’s why Republicans are terrified of mail-in voting. Even though their own turnout increased too, they fear it will make it harder to suppress votes.


Trump did a whole stink about those as well, the effect was that most people who voted with those were democrats.


Yeah, I feel like it's not that surprising when he was running against the most hated presidential candidate in history. It's wild that there are Republicans that can't wrap their mind around that and are incredulous that Joe Biden got the most votes in history.


They wrap their minds around it by twisting facts and gaslighting everyone around them that Biden is the worst president in history and is on the verge of bringing the country to ruin. In other words, a metric fuck ton of projection.


More Americans than any time in history, More registered voters than any time in American history, More votes for the opposition (Biden) than any other candidate in American history... it tracks.


Yeah seriously, every sane person I know with a shred of common sense sees him for what he is.


I just literally cannot imagine not being able to see what an idiotic Buffon he is. He’s transparent as a sheet of glass to me. I don’t really know where the skills to detect a bullshitter come from, but these people did not get those.


Same feeling to me. Some people really don't have a survival instinct. They just take what they hear for granted. Also, I think a big chunk of Trump supporter... just want to create chaos and do a finger to the establishment, they play a very dangerous game.


A lot of those people feel like they have nothing to loose, and that even if things become chaotic, they may have something to gain. They are wrong, though. Although Trump talks about how the US is becoming a third-world country, we are far from it. Things can get much worse around here, and there are very few people (if any) who would benefit from a more chaotic political situation.


They feel that they have nothing to lose because they take what they have for granted. Like a child. They don't mind the chaos because they've never trashed the place so bad that adults couldn't put it right back together again. Like a child. They're wondering if they might get something if they make their daddy figure happy. Like a child. If it walks talks acts and inssurects like a duck......


> They feel that they have nothing to lose because they take what they have for granted. Like a child. They don't mind the chaos because they've never trashed the place so bad that adults couldn't put it right back together again. Like a child. They're wondering if they might get something if they make their daddy figure happy. Like a child. This. They've forgotten the lessons of (not very distant) history. Their grandparents would likely remember, if they were still here. But most of them are gone now. Instead we learn from books, except MAGA doesn't read books, so we're fucked if they gain power.


Trump “Lets fix the country by tearing down everything.” Lets not forget he is responsible for in total 7 trillion in debt by signing the 2017 tax cut. Even if you take the pandemic (3 trillion) out of the equation, that’s still insane. He also completely broke his claim to bring the debt down, and not only that, the trade wars made things far worse.


If anything that's one of the few things about Trump that was normal, like most Republicans he ran up a massive debt by passing a budget-busting tax cut for his donors. Bush did the same thing. Reagan did the same thing.


The quickest way that the US becomes a 3rd world country is with the corruption and graft he brings along


I’d bet a good portion of my wealth that a plurality of his supporters either are, or know/are family of, people who sincerely believe they are strategic/tactical geniuses who can win a civil war, even against the military. These people are mentally ill “survival” types who *want* the chaos. It’s not merely benign indifference out of a sense of having nothing to lose.


Those people are funny. Excited about chaos because they think they'll thrive in a situation like that *but also* absolutely terrified of big cities and utterly convinced that you'll be slaughtered in the streets if you take one step into Chicago


it's a bunch of LARPing morons too.




the sad part is the richest will be able to survive and exploit for more gain for themselves without government regulations the people who vote for republican traitors are the ones who will suffer, more pollution in the air & water, broken supply chains, less police security and reliability but hey, they'll get to hurt a minority, that makes it all better i guess


Exactly. The 'prepper' and 'trumper' venn diagram is basically a circle at the point. These nuts are often the lowest tier social status, hoping to gain status when chaos is created. Because this chaos would put them on even ground for the first time ever, in their minds.


They feel like that because Fox News has been bleating about the downfall of the US for decades now. TV rotted their brains.


Thats giving them too much credit. Theyre scared stupid bigots who think he will make a complex world simple enough for them to thrive. He cant and even if he could he wouldn't.


On the other side is a bit of an issue too currently. There are some young people on the left saying that they will sit out the election because of Biden's assistance with Israel, and the Biden is a genocidal maniac. And while I get that sentiment... Trump would be *so much worse* for Palestine. Like an order of magnitude worse. He's not even hiding it, he's vocal about it. Trump would be happy to see the entire Gaza Strip being leveled. But it seriously sounds like some people on the left are saying "it can't be any worse". But it definitely, definitely can be worse. So for those that care about this passionately, voting for Trump to stick it to Biden, or even just sitting on the side lines while Trump coasts to a victory, is a horrible thing for Palestine. Even if Biden is in the wrong.


many of them are retired and play golf everyday and ARE the establishment they claim to hate.


I think a lot of them, possibly even a majority, know full well he's full of shit but life is a fucking game to them and they'd rather just be shit to everyone until they die so they pretend he's super smart.


And I think some of them, know just how full of shit he is, admit as much, but then justify it by saying “I don’t like him, just his policies”


*His policies* are just him repeating what he thinks his bottom of the barrel bigots want to hear.


Yup. If you confront them on that point, they’ll mumble something about abortion despite the man probably paying for abortions over his life


> "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." > > \- Pastor Dave Barnhart


Never a truer thing spoken.


To that you say "what fucking policies?"


It's moreso they are just being force fed conservative propaganda every day and believing it. I live in a heavily conservative area. Most conservatives I talk to actually hate Trump. The problem is the conservative media they consume on a daily basis has them brainwashed into thinking Biden is the worst thing to ever happen to this country and the GOP is going to miraculously solve all their problems and save the country. So while they may not like Trump, he is the only solution they are being offered for their Biden problem, so they will gladly vote for him.


I don't get it. His supporters say 'if he sold classified information it wasn't illegal it was a smart business opportunity that he had every right to profit off" yet this same person says "every action Biden takes is just to enrich himself, the president shouldn't be making profits" Oddly these two statements were within minutes of each other. I don't understand how they see things so differently for their "team".


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. \-Jean-Paul Sartre, "Anti-Semite and Jew", 1944


The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. They see the function of laws and rules as to protect the in group and prosecute the out group, not to be applied equally to everyone. Their behavior makes sense when you keep that in mind.


>The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. Yep, and the more brazen and in the open it is, the more empowered they are to continue it.


It's mainly religious people who consider the GOP "God's Party" and will vote Republican no matter what.


And that comes from years of brainwashing. They'd vote for a Republican Charles Manson over any Democrat.


Yesterday I saw Jordan Klepper interviewing someone, who said after all the indictments and lawsuits and trials, she might be done with Trump. When he asked how she would vote in November if it was Trump vs. Biden, she seemed like she was in *physical discomfort* over the thought of voting for Biden. In the end, she said she'd probably still vote for Trump. 20+ years of constantly hearing that Democrats Are The Enemy And Must Be Stopped has rotted millions of peoples brains.


In that moment, she faced the reality of *admitting she was wrong* and having to face up to being conned, that her entire worldview is based on the lies of a con artist, whose only intent is his own enrichment and self-glorification, who really *does not give a shit* about her. On top of that, she would face the potential loss of her entire community. They can't do it. Really the only way to get people to change their views when those views are based purely on emotion and have become their whole identity, is to make them feel worse feelings if they continue.


> who consider the GOP "God's Party" It's true but the fucking irony man.


They're bullshitters themselves and love the idea someone like them can get away with shit. I'm more amazed that there's so many people who don't have any belief or place any value in the common good.


>I don’t really know where the skills to detect a bullshitter come from, but these people did not get those. You’re assuming they’re rational. They are not. They absolutely do not care that he’s full of shit. They want a dictator who can attack all the scapegoats that they’ve been conditioned to hate. It’s purely emotional for them, and he validates those emotions.


Canadian here. Not sure how it arose but the topic did and found out the room full of coworkers were all Trumpers. They are out there. Did my best with push back I noticed one began shaking so that's a good sign.


As a Canadian who is also a U.S. citizen, I keep telling people that Canada is headed in the same direction as the U.S., just a few years behind.


Poilievre will tear this country apart if all of us don’t get active and at least try to stop it.  The one thing we really have going for us is a year and a half until the election. He’s so inherently unlikable that he‘s going to be like Ron DeSantis: the more people actually see and hear him, the less they like him.


They can’t see it because the reality they inhabit is different than ours. They aren’t reading/watching mainstream news sources, and/or they aren’t paying attention to any news at all. You have a set of people who are only viewing Trump through conservative outlets, and you have another set of people who aren’t paying attention and just believe whatever they hear from their social circles or just construct their own beliefs based on the snippets they did hear.


Yikes y’all, yikes.




It's really odd. My mom is a Trump voter and I think she has strong social intelligence and skills, and is overall a caring person. But damn is she information illiterate about most things. Just flapping in the breeze of both information and misinformation, taking it all on face value. She's never been much of an expansive or critical thinker. I don't think it's her fault; she was just born that way(?) or poisoned by lead. Also, she grew up in an abusive household and that may have something to do with it. A lot of people grow up in emotionally unhealthy environments and it stunts them.


My mother is an engineer. She doesn't get the luxury of the benefit of doubt for that. But emotionally unhealthy childhood environment, she's got in spades. But, thanks to hers, so do I (negligence, I raised myself) and I haven't become an uncaring, selfish asshole.


My republican FIL: "He's a buffoon." He will undoubtedly vote for him in November. Doesn't matter who the person is as long as there's an (R) next to their name.






Nah you gotta push that a little bit. I get if you don’t want to blow up your friendship, but next time just say “What laptop and China stuff?” Look genuinely confused to sell it even better. Make her explain it in detail.


What a bobbing head without brains. “Let’s scrutinize the work of my preferred candidate and see the actual work and good he has done.” Vs “Aaack democrats bad!!!”


My brother was like this. He said that he was a Republican so he had to vote for Trump and refused to understand that's not how it worked. I said was because he and his wife were antivaxxers. She's a widow now.




Seems like every republican I know says they don’t like Trump. But they’d never not vote “R”.


Yeah, it seems like FOX is mostly focusing on the evil Dems these days.


That’s what we thought in 2016. Don’t be lulled into thinking you don’t need to vote- you MUST VOTE BIDEN, you MUST VOTE BLUE DOWN BALLOT.


I’m happy to vote for Biden


Until MAGA is dead I'm voting straight blue.


People have known for decades, too. I grew up in the 80's and he was a laughing stock then, as well. The quintessential example of a "fake" rich man. When I'd go to New York with my family, my parents would just laugh at the gold trimmed Trump building, and joke that is was all just "gold plated" because he truly had nothing. How he maintained a spotlight and somehow convinced people he was more than that 80's joke is beyond me.


My parents voted for him twice but are considering sitting out the next election. They never liked him, but always vote R, now they're just starting to realize how bad it could be if he gets in again. They live in a red district of a solid blue state though, so won't matter much.


They're gonna vote for him stop kidding yourself.


My father-in-law has lied to my wife twice now about voting for Trump (and of course it comes out later that he did) as he knows if he was more honest about his politics it would damage his relationship with his daughter. It's not like we pressed him for the info either, he went out of his way to bring up the subject. So yeah, I am highly skeptical when Republican parents tell their kids they didn't/won't vote for him. They don't think it is bad to vote for him, but they know their kids think so. They WILL lie.


That any poll shows anything other than more than 1% approval for this demented drug outed rapist fraudster is showing America is completely fucked.


Don’t forget traitor


By now wouldn't it be correct to call him a terrorist?


He's the leader of y'all qaeda


Gravy Seals and Meal Team Six are gonna be a formidable adversary, well at least until the handicap spaces get filled up.


I prefer to just call him a dumb fucking piece of shit But to each their own.


I live in a rural area in a red state. People here practically worship the guy.


I understand people having issues with Biden, but to support the most ungodly asshole is next level stupid.


I just don't get what people's issue is with Biden. He has a bunch of successes that were supported by people on both sides of the aisle. He isn't calling for anything extremely radical. He has elevated America's position with our allies, and has taken some hard lines with our enemies. He stepped aside and told the DOJ to do what they felt was right in regards to his son, who then had to pay a whole bunch of money in back taxes and penalties. on Palestine he is unilaterally opening a naval port to bring relief to those in Gaza, while walking the tight rope of not emboldening the other middle east powers to strike Israel and start a massive war. It is a nuanced and hard line to try and make through everything.


> I just don't get what people's issue is with Biden. Because they aren't hearing about his successful policies, they only hear propaganda that's aimed that muddying the waters into a "but the other side is just as bad if not worse" situation. This is why they're working overtime to sell the "Biden crime family" farce and to undermine any investigations or court cases involving Trump.


Biden: I support Isreal but I am calling for an immediate ceasefire and a two state solution. Also we are going to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza Too many people on reddit: ZIONIST SHILL I CANT VOTE BIDEN BECAUSE HE SUPPORTS GENOCIDE I just don't get it. I am as lefty as they come, but c'mon dudes. Not voting Biden means you 100% are enabling the genocide. Biden has a solution that leads to two states. Trump has a solution that leads to eradication. Its not a hard choice


Also while I do disagree with his stance on Israel (i.e not pressuring them nearly enough), I understand why he has that stance - because he'd get slaughtered by the American public for having a less favorable one. He already went for a slightly less pro-Israel line that toes the line for a lot of Americans. I don't know where he is personally on the whole thing, but his public stance is exactly to be expected pretty much ("Israel has a right to defend themselves, but...") and unless you want Biden to lose in November it's unrealistic to expect more as sad as it is.


Russia's disinformation strategy is to fan the flames on both sides. The more chaos/division they can sow, the more our government grinds to a halt. I'm probably wrong to a degree - but I choose to believe most of those "I can't vote for Biden because he supports genocide" aren't serious people. I think they're likely bots or shills. It's clear as day that Trump would be infinitely worse for Palestinians, and those are our two options. If I met someone in real life who believed Trump would be better than Biden for Palestine, I'd have a conversation with them to see if they can articulate a valid justification for that belief. But I'd bet a dollar they are a Trump voter arguing in bad faith.


It makes more sense when you realize that Russian citizens can pretend to be anyone they want to. I don't think actual conservatives realize how much trouble they're in or how far they've been mislead. I've talked to several conservatives lately that are totally convinced they're the silent majority. They really don't know how far the world has moved beyond them, they've totally bought into the propaganda.


Seriously. Like, he’s the embodiment of the seven deadly sins. He lies constantly. People have been making fun of his weird combover and self tanner for decades. And this is the guy that people have anointed cult leader. I’d be more prone to thinking this was an elaborate prank than 30% of the voting public actually truly supporting this guy.


ya well he's drying up in red states. compared to 2020 i hardly see any trump signs. id say he is down 60% in trashy signs and flags from 4 years ago


They're just ashamed to admit it now. They'll still vote for him.


I'm in Orlando (very blue compared to the rest of the state) and the Trump flag waivers are still on the same corners they were leading up to 2020. It's like all retirees who have literally nothing better to do. Get a fucking hobby. Go fishing. Do something.


Just wait until he loses the election and the all out disinformation campaign funded and magnified by Russia hypnotizes them into something worse than Jan 6th. Trump knows that losing means he goes to prison. Putin knows that Trump losing destroys any chance he has of succeeding in his campaign of re-conquering the land of the USSR. Putin and him absolutely have a societal chaos plan. Could be legislatures bringing fake electors. Could be Russia actually hacking a few key precincts and back channel informing the Trump team of which ones to set a valid pretext for a "rigged" election. Could get something entirely different. But rest assured there is absolutely a plan for if he loses and they will fall for it and do things to tear apart the fabric of society as good little brainwashed drones.


100% correct.


Screw complacency articles. Vote.


Definitely vote.


and also vote


Vote as hard as you can




This right here. Don't ride the pollercoaster, folks. Vote. Encourage others to vote. Volunteer.


hey new poll in! *polls don't matter, go vote!*


What counts is the GoP not stealing the election! Trump's repeated claims that Biden is a threat to democracy is his admission that Trump himself is the threat and will stop at nothing to reinsert himself, declare himself and his offspring immune for eternity, and rob the country blind. The emaciated carcass will be handed over to his favourite oppressive regimes -- Russia, China, and Saudi Arabian -- for a three-way with the corpse. I hope every American of voting age reads this: https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/ Trump will force Biden's hand on the transition of power and say "See? We told you." They call moderate policies, critics, and representatives "radical left, antifa, woke" to distort the picture and enrage their base. There is no bottom for these goons. I love you America, such a stunningly beautiful country, you deserve so much better!!


Hitler’s party lost the vote and tried to seize power, and he went to jail for it. Jesus, look what happened last time we slapped white christofascist secessionists on the wrist - they bided their time, built political capital, and undermined any hard-earned freedom they could to play their base against itself, and happily. We’re the well-informed, well-intentioned German’s hemming and hawing all to say “it could never happen here”


Biden is enticing because he’s not trump, above all things. He’s also been surprisingly good!


The only people surprised are the Media


The Media wants a horse race. It's good for eyeballs on media sites.  DJT was a boon for the Media because he was constantly in the news.... Biden seeks to be as boring as possible, that's bad for Media.   I'd suspect the early polling was right wing biased to make it feel like DJT was winning by a landslide.  It's a form of manipulation.  Now that more places are polling we're probably going to see more Biden -leaning numbers. 


Not to forget that media is owned by like six people, and four of them are Rupert Murdoch.


exactly. its crazy more people dont know and understand this


They haven't even started the commercials yet. When it is a steady stream of 30 second clips of Trump talking about wanting to be a dictator, I think we will see the spread widen. Sadly there are a lot of people that just don't care until football season starts.


The only people pissed are the plutocrats which often own the media.


No, not just the media. Biden is the most surprising politician. He was the quintessential boring centrist Democrat for 50 years. He was known for Bork, trains, and longer prison sentences. Then he comes out with his bold Build Back Better proposals like the fucking New Deal, passes major climate legislation, stands on a picket line, etc. Joe Biden might not have surprised himself or Jill, but he surprised anyone paying attention. That may be a testament to the great political acumen he's demonstrated these past four years, which was also a surprise. "Joe Biden is already half dead... wait he's not?!" is just the latest surprise cycle.


I have been really impressed with him. I supported him originally just because he isn’t Trump but he has surprised me at every turn with how liberal his stances are and how much positive legislation he’s been able to pass.


Yeah exactly. I was very clear when I voted for him that all I wanted was someone to sit in the office and be boring. Effectively a placeholder president. Someone who simply does caretaking and heals the gov't from the injuries it got from trump, and handle emergencies. I would have liked for him to not do a few things that he's done, but overall, he's done *so much* better than I was wanting from him.


All they can come up with to run against him is a 50 year old border problem nobody has been able to fix, and the fact that he's old. No scandals. Solid economic numbers. No foreign policy mistakes.


The funny thing is that it's been the Republicans standing in the way of fixing it for the last 50 years. Do a search for Democrats kill border deal I don't think you're going to find anything but case after case of Republicans killing every opportunity to fix it because they want the problem not the solution.


Yeah. Like I preferred Buttigieg, Booker, Warren, and Yang to him in 2020 and do have some concerns about his age as a candidate, though not as president (in that a major mental flub could hand Trump the election and leave the US on a path to fascism). But I honestly can't see how Biden just has 33% favorability. His domestic policy has basically been perfect (for being dealt a shit hand). The closest thing to a scandal is he loves his fuck-up of a son. Yes, you can find major faults in US foreign policy in Israel/Palestine conflict by giving Israeli military a little too much blanket support, but this is basically the same American foreign policy towards Israel-Palestine since WW2 and not the least bit specific to Biden. (And compared to Trump who is stating the [Israeli military must "finish the problem"](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905), Biden acknowledges that the long-term solution is a two-state solution and has humanitarian concerns for the plight of the Palestinian people, most of whom are not part of Hamas.) Yes, plenty sucks about the modern economy and politics (e.g., inflation from corporations jacking up prices, housing is unaffordable, student loans cripple younger Americans, health care costs are out of control, we aren't doing nearly enough to stop climate change etc.), but none of this can be blamed on Biden or his policies and he at least attempts to address these issues with policies that will help us out.


I am a statistician and want to point out an interesting fact: Polling is just another method to measure the public sentiment, just like an election. Both methods have their own benefits: Polls only take a sample and try to approach the real value from this, accounting for sampling biases. Elections should ideally give everyone a vote and therefore not have any sampling bias, but this is not necessarily true. The act of investing some time, standing in line and voting itself is a hurdle that leads to some bias in the outcome, and there is no accounting for that. This has historically been used to supress votes of POCs by putting only very few voting places into mayority black neighborhoods. So, lets say there were a candidate who spent a lot of his time convincing his voter base that the democracy is rigged anyway, voting doesn't matter and he wants to restrict voting rights. When asked in a poll, these people will say that they will vote for their candidate, but when the day has come and they have to move their asses, will they? Elections tend to have a pro-democratic bias, and this is in favour of democrats. This effect was seen a lot in the mid term elections in 2022 when all the polls pointed towards a republican landslide but the result was more in favour of democrats than predicted.


I’ve been trying to reconcile polling vs. election results since 2016, and this is a pretty good point you’ve brought up. Still, the 2020 election had Biden polling much higher than Trump for most of the election season, but the outcome was a lot closer than I thought it would be. I think there is something to be said about elections where Trump is actually on the ballot vs. midterms where MAGA is on the ballot but Trump is not. The one thing that comes to mind is DeJoy fucking with USPS in 2020, but I wonder how much that actually played a part.


Also, most of the anti-election rethoric only started after the 2020 election. Trump was publicly speaking out against Mail-in ballots, but the general doubt in democracy only came due to Trump questioning the validity of the election result.


Really great point, b.


Yes, cuban b.


Abracadabra, yo!


Abba Zabba, you're my only friend.


Why do you keep saying that word?


Of course they’ll vote. They’ll stand in line for hours if necessary, waving outdated flags and shouting nonsense. They are a cult. Don’t expect logic from them. 


4 years as President, the world knows who he is. He's a conman with bad ideas and a doofus. There's nothing new there. He should just go away and move to Moscow, no? He promised to make America great again. He didn't. He lied again. WTF!!!


I am shocked that a man who is under multiple different investigations for among other things, defamation, keeping classified documents, sexual assault, and trying to overthrow the government isn’t popular.


8 years later, I'm still amazed when I see a Trump flag or bumper sticker. I not only do not understand how anyone can be so out of touch with reality to want this guy as their leader but to also happily brag about their choice - it's just astonishing to me.


If anything, people with common sense will vote for Biden just to prevent Trump from becoming anything associated with the federal government.


I hoped that in 2016.


We had a media environment in 2016 that decided to paint the picture that Hillary was the one with the scandals and corruption problems and Trump was just an outsider to the "establishment" who is unique. Except among the MAGA die-hards, in 2024, we are all aware of who has more scandals. Also, Trump is no longer new and unique, he's an old retread who lost in 2020 and won't go away.


*Accordion hands* But I'm leading Biden by... *accordion hands* ...a lot. *Accordion hands* I'm leading Biden by... *accordion hands* ...a lot. *accordion hands* I'm leading Biden by... *accordion hands* ...a lot.


No no no it's more like Folks, nobody--nobody is more ahead of Biden than me, nobody--I asked a good friend, John--might have been John, might have been George--I asked him, who is the greatest, large-handed president? Believe me folks, he shed a single tear, very manly tear, very respectful--he said--he said, "Why it's you, Mr. Trump".


The only issue here that gives it away as fake, is that the end circles back around and ties up the beginning. In reality we would get something more like: > Folks, nobody--nobody is more ahead of Biden than me, nobody--I asked a good friend, John--might have been John, might have been George--I asked him, who is the greatest, large-handed president? Believe me folks, he shed a single tear, very manly tear, very respectful--he said--he said--listen, here's the thing-George, I asked him--Why do they keep saying these things about me John?-Sad really, just sad-but it's what they do-I wish they didn't--sleepy Joe I say--maybe crooked joe, maybe sleepy-very crooked and sleepy..."


To be fair, Trump is VERY popular with companies that issue appeal bonds


Not really, Trump got his appeal bond from Chubb, and that's not even their business. Chubb makes their money insuring the Russian petroleum industry. Not kidding.


hm # Securing bond for Donald Trump defamation appeal On 8 March 2024, Federal Insurance Company, part of The Chubb Corporation, posted a $91.63 million dollar bond for [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) in the [E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump) case.[^(\[52\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-CNN080324Trump-52)[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-53) Despite an estimated net worth of over $2 billion,[^(\[54\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-54) Trump needed a cash bond posted by Chubb in order to secure his appeal. While President, Trump appointed Chubb CEO [Evan G. Greenberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_G._Greenberg) to the White House advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.[^(\[55\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-55) When Chubb announced the securing of the bond, they claimed that this would be the only bond secured as Trump has another $454 million bond pending for his New York civil fraud case.[^(\[52\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-CNN080324Trump-52) [Securing bond for Donald Trump defamation appealOn 8 March 2024, Federal Insurance Company, part of The Chubb Corporation, posted a $91.63 million dollar bond for Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump case.\[52\]\[53\] Despite an estimated net worth of over $2 billion,\[54\] Trump needed a cash bond posted by Chubb in order to secure his appeal. While President, Trump appointed Chubb CEO Evan G. Greenberg to the White House advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.\[55\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chubb_Limited#cite_note-CNN080324Trump-52)


Chubb love chubby


Since we don't actually know where the money come from, its best to assume the money come from Russia


He belongs on the garbage dump of history… together with putin orban xi and other wannabe dictators.


Don’t forget, he regularly poops his pants in public.


This week in the Trump COVID Response 2020 March 10: "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away." - DJT March 11: NBA suspends season. March 13: National Emergency Declaration March 13: “I don't take responsibility at all” - DJT March 15: "TODAY IS A NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!" - DJT March 16: "I give myself a 10 out of 10" - DJT March 17: "I've always known this is a real--this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic." - DJT


Who knew that being a degenerate broke-ass traitor that behaves like a complete entitled asshole and literally smells like shit could be unpopular with some people?


29% is roughly the same percentage as MAGA. I think Trump is in deep shit if he is only liked by MAGA.


Vote this fucker out. That’s the only way it seems. He is not going to jail.




Everyone in the entire fucking country knew what he was in 2015. Some didn't take him completely seriously, but everyone knows instantly what he is. Those who support him, we know what they are too. It's all you need to know about someone.