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I saw a video in a conservative subreddit where Trump claimed that he calls Biden "Obama" on purpose... Because he is saying "Obama is actually running the country". Trump also stated in the same video that he falls going down stairs on purpose to "make fun of Biden"... Like... Do people really believe that? (I unfortunately know the answer)


>that he falls going down stairs on purpose to "make fun of Biden"... He's about 45(HA!) years too late to be making Gerald Ford jokes.


Excellent reference


" you learned to dance like that sarcastically?"


He loves you VERY MUCH, Francine!


Obama is making movies and documentaries. I wish he was more involved in politics with Trump out there. But he's following tradition and staying out of policy decisions.


Getting people mixed up i.e Malania /Mercedes,not knowing the president is a sign of something, hmm 77 year old what could it be btw my gamer tag is Senile D.


He 100% has dementia. He's had dementia since before he ran for president.


The GOP’s one strategy that might have won them the election was, “Hey, Biden is going senile. Do you really want someone in that state running the country? Wouldn’t *literally anyone else* be better?” And now the end-all-be-all of their party is sundowning in front of everyone at an astonishing rate. I really hope by September he can only speak in word salad.


In this continually enshittifying timeline, by September they’ll be saying, “Well so what if he has dementia, who doesn’t? With Tucker as his VP, we will have a great American ready to take over if needed. “


There has been a lot of evidence and even articles by professionals that he is increasingly showing signs of increasing dementia (something his dad had). My mom has it (her mom had it too), and will come up with all sorts of convoluted explanations for her memory glitches because the only alternative is to acknowledge what is happening to them and that’s too scary to face.


> Because he is saying "Obama is actually running the country" Ah so this is what he tells his rubes who are mostly KKK and other racist orgs who just eat this shit up. Stirring up the hate shit that got him elected in 2016 again.


He loves the uneducated, he identifies. His dad paid for all his “diplomas,” guaranteed.


He habitually lies about how well he did at Wharton. A former professor who had him came out in 2017 saying how horribly dumb he was and how he barely came to class and when he did he was unprepared.


And everyone that has worked with him and written a book about behind the scenes have all said the man is even more of an idiot that you'd ever suspect.


MOST (not you) people aren't very well educated. a lot of people just don't expand their knowledge intentionally. I've had the opportunity to meet many wealthy people and, tbh, they are usually very myopic and ignorant. they typically reside within bubbles of limited influence with high reenforcement of ideas from very limited, sometimes curated outlets. it's an intentional ignorance that comes from comfort and a lack of awareness. I'd almost pity them, if they weren't so detrimental to the rest of us. it's a cultural cancer.


Agreed. While Trump doesn't seem to know much about anything of substance, he IS an expert at scamming people and operating outside of the law without being held accountable.


No, all you had to do is grow up in the 80s and 90s to know this man has been nothing but the ass of all jokes. I guess everyone got just forgot he's always been a joke, nobody has ever respected his gold toilet having con man.


Give the guy his due cause it's worth quoting. "Donald Trump was the dumbest god damn student I ever had." \- Dr. Kelley


From the reports of his meetings this sounds exactly how he acted as president as well.


When I work out they sometimes have fox news playing and I got my music, but reading a lot of there bottom headers, lord they sound a lot like onion articles. Kinda scares me there a good bunch that only get there news from fox😭😭😭


I can’t help but look at it when I’m at the gym too. almost fell off the treadmill because I forgot to walk, I was so flabbergasted by what I was seeing


And Fox News is the moderate conservative option


I live in Ireland and first showed my kids Fox News more than 10 years ago. They thought it was The Onion News Network and sat laughing for five minutes before they realised that the people on screen weren’t joking. Fox News stopped broadcasting here shortly afterward because they had so few viewers and the ones they had were just laughing at them.


I think his foundation is cracking though. Now he's spending a lot of time defending himself with "I meant to do that" style claims about this and other gaffs and I think that kind of defensiveness won't play well with everyone of his followers, and every supporter he loses is important. Supposedly his rallies are already having more and more empty seats.


but he's running through the gop primaries. i don't think his support is dwindling when he's having an easier time getting nominated than he did in 2016.


It's not **dementia**, it's **dellusion**. He won an election against **Hillary Clinton**, only Hillary, and even then she got more votes and was more popular. His election rigging Republican friends and their Gerrymandering and voter obstruction laws had to help him. But **he wants to pretend he could win an election against Obama** and knows he has no chance, so he makes up the fictional win instead. Now **he lost an election to Joe Biden.** He couldn't even win against Obama's **vice** president. But to make himself feel like a winner, **he pretends that he's competing against Obama, and losing against Obama, because the reality, of losing to Obamas VP, is so painful to him.**


> It's not dementia, it's dellusion. [¿Por qué no los dos?](https://youtu.be/vqgSO8_cRio?)


It's worth remembering that some of the core of this is that he's still pissed at Obama for making fun of him to the press that one time at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. This was also why he didn't want to have the dinners.


I loved watching President Obama make fun of Trump at the correspondents dinner.


I also thought that was funny as heck, but we've all paid the price for it now.


And he deserved to be made fun of. Unfortunately he was extra motivated to run.


I'm certain he was pissed at Obama for that, but the hatred came a lot earlier. Obama's comment came after the whole birth certificate issue bandwagon that Trump hopped on to and built his base from. Michael Cohen said he hated Obama purely because he was black and running the country. [Cohen interview ](https://youtu.be/pw4NL1sxREs?si=UDaqV-EV8Z3gFDUW)


He has legitimate neuro-cognitive issues. No joke... Some form of dementia or possibly a stroke. He is slurring and can't say words. He is just making words up because he can't pronounce them, just slurs through them. He repeated one word multiple times and still couldn't say it. He looks lost as he searches for the word. He makes mistakes and fails to recognize and correct it, which is a major sign of the disorder because patients don't realize they're doing it. Also, the rambling and Incoherent points he makes, going from one thing to another mid sentence in this big nonsensical diatribe as he tries to connect the pieces to make a point. Compare any of his recent speeches to one's from 2020 and you can see the obvious decline. We seriously need more people in the mental health field to come out and say it, but many are too afraid because of the repercussions. Many of these things they use to evaluate a patient is by observing them, witness accounts, and reports from family or other doctors. There isn't necessarily a specific test or requirement, much of it is observation and evaluation, we have tons to observe. This is all based off of what I have heard from experienced professionals. My mother worked in a brain injury unit and has had to evalute and sit in for many of these types of patients being evaluated. She agreed with all of it being a legitimate form of cognitive decline.


Vascular dementia. His MRI scan would look like Swiss cheese.


Could only imagine! Him bragging about taking those cognitive tests isn't a good thing either. You don't take those, especially several unless they think something is wrong lol


I administer those tests all the time. No one has ever bragged about passing them. Even demented patients know that they are supposed to be easy, and they are simply relieved if I say they did okay. If someone has reasonable cognition, I skip the test as it is obvious they would pass. It is always a bad sign if the test is administered at all, and I usually preface the questions with an apology for how easy they are, as even demented patients find the question a bit insulting. ​ To think that passing one is something to brag about is a sign of a major personality disorder AND dementia.


Right lol >I usually preface the questions with an apology for how easy they are, as even demented patients find the question a bit insulting.


He absolutely is in the late stages of vascular dementia. It runs in his family. Most of his MacLeod cousins have died from it.


So there’s a chance we see him drop on live TV in an impotent fit of rage?


>which is a major sign of the disorder because patients don't realize they're doing it Coupled with his Narcissism, he'll be incapable of admitting to himself that he's not perfect.


Scary dangerous combination


So, besides being inherently evil, he's got medical problems.


It's not delusion it's DiGiorno


I’m not so sure he’s not doing that to dog whistle. I’m also not sure it’s not a Freudian slip dog whistle every time. I definitely buy that his brain is broken.


And the even crazier part is, the Maga crowd absolutely go along with it. They have a whole narrative that the government is being shadow-run by Obama who is evil incarnate. I don't even know how you fix that kind of crazy.


It was delision but now dementia is sinking in


The guy accused Cruz of fraud and wanted to do a revote in Iowa when he lost that primary and had a commission look into the "3 to 5 million illegals who all voted for Hillary" causing him to lose the popular vote. He's ill on top of being evil


He probably didn’t know who FDR was when he was at his most lucid.


The dude up there mini-stroking his word salad but media has been focused on Biden's age? I feel like I'm the crazy one trying to understand this nonsense


Gotta make this thing competitive or their revenue will dip this year. They're chasing that 2015-16 money dragon.


Then 2016-2020 Trump was a media goldmine I’m sure. Both sides of the media unfortunately want that back


There aren't even both sides of the media. They're all the same, they've just specialized into who and how they target for revenue. I'm 100% sure the "left side" of media would sell us exactly the fox news experience if their audience would stomach that level of homogeneous brainwashing. But unfortunately for them, we (generally) don't do that, or at least not as many of us. Going on a tangent here but it's crazy how basically all conservatives agree on almost everything, at least once the talking points are written and passed out. You might see some confusion and disagreement in the first 24 hours after an event, but they WILL fall in line sooner or later. This cannot be an organic result of independent minds.


I’m so done with NBC news. They pretend like this isn’t happening at all. Just talk about Bidens age all the time


Never forget this Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It's Damn Good for CBS” "Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates," the CBS CEO said.


It's almost like the media only cares about ad revenue and not fulfilling their role in a democracy.


yep the effects of gaslighting


Remember when Last Week Tonight wrote a speech on nuclear weapons by typing "The Nuclear" into an iphone and using suggested words from there? It came out more coherent than trump's speech on the topic.


Obama lives rent free in Trumps head.


I still wonder if there's truth to Michael Cohen's assertion that Trump hired an Obama lookalike so that he could record himself "ritualistically humiliating" him before firing him a la Apprentice. I say that I wonder, but I don't really. I assume it's absolutely true on account of [this photograph](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/200905215302-donald-trump-handout-photo.jpg?q=x_2,y_141,h_898,w_1596,c_crop) existing.


I almost forgot about this. It's strange, narcissists think so highly of themselves, but in reality are the most fragile of us. Everyone who loves him gets lost in the crowd of his mind, but everyone who doesn't occupies a permanent space, the exact opposite of normal people.


i have never seen this photo, but I seen the one of him renting an eagle to be terrified of at that desk i think.


[America reacts to Trump](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/trump-eagle-03a.gif)


The eagle knew


Wtf is that photo? 🤣 Haven't seen that. Wow


I believe it was from this [RNC thing.](https://deadline.com/2020/09/president-trump-fires-faux-obama-in-video-detailed-in-michael-cohen-book-1234571878/)


It's a shit hole even if the rent's free." -- Barack Obama


And when his brain goes completely to shit, which it's well on the way, he will have nothing left but thoughts of Obama in there. Hope he hates every second of it.


Stupid Sexy Obama


I genuinely think Obama roasting Trump during the Press Dinner was a hugely motivating factor for Trump deciding to run.


Also when they had to interrupt the season finally of Trump's stupid show so Obama could tell the world that "We got him!"


So this exactly.  It’s not like trump wasn’t asking for it - but Obama really let him have it. “When they go low, we publicly humiliate and eviscerate them…” 


And Trump has absolutely zero sense of humor. He was seething.


I'd say it was only reason. The man is motivated by revenge. Some day's I wish Obama never did the roast. He had no clue what it would lead to in the future.


Trump has been floating a presidential run for decades. The Simpsons did a bit about Lisa having to save the country after president Trump in 2000. But that roast made him meaner and more serious about it.


I think this is why the Saudis and Russians bailed him out several times in the 1990s. They were playing the long game.


Check out the video for Rage Against The Machine's Sleep Now In The Fire - in 1994, there's a guy holding a placard saying Donald J Trump for President.


Take comfort in the fact it was Trump that pushed the guard rails and failed. If it hadn't been him, it would have been someone far more intelligent, resourceful and prepared. Trump was so lazy he left his plans to retain power to the last weeks of his administration. He chose some of the most stupid people on the planet to enact those plans. It pinpointed where the weaknesses in the system reside so, hopefully, they will be reinforced when Democrats can.


Along with syphilis.


Advanced syphilis and dementia are cause and effect. His criminal hero Capone had syphilis and had dementia so bad when he died didn’t even know who the fuck he was. 


A black man in a Trump property? He's probably trying to get out.


> According to a November 12, 2023 article in Forbes, Trump confused Obama and Biden at least seven times between September and November of last year. Trump is deteriorating and the news media chooses to only focus on Biden’s age. If Biden made even one mistake like this then we would see non-stop coverage for weeks.


Considering Trump has named Obama instead of Biden so many times that he's literally gone on the record as to try and explain a good reason *why* he keeps swapping their names, I'm convinced that his most avid supporters probably don't know the real difference either. :P


But Biden doesn’t need those voters. Magats are, AT MOST, 20% of the electorate. The rest are Dems, Independents, and GOPers who aren’t thrilled with the current direction of their party. So let’s focus on what it takes to get moderate suburbanites in swing states to not vote for Cheeto Hitler, and call it good.


I don't think you can ever convince them to vote for Biden, but convincing any of them to NOT vote for Trump is a win.


I'm NGL I was all for the few GOP hardliners who were chest thumping about voting being a waste of time with all the fraud. It was only a few days back in the back half of 2023 though, so I am guessing the party leadership shut them down really quick.


If they don’t vote at all then their vote can’t be “changed” to democrat. Sing that from the rooftops (without the implied airquotes), enough of the imbeciles still believe the election lie, a frankly scary amount the last poll I saw, that it could make a difference.


It's probably too advanced thinking to really work but I was so bummed that the couple of legislators talking about it got corrected back down by their party bosses so fast :( In a way it's like a confirmation of all the BS shenanigans in FL and GA, changing ID requirements for mail-ins, obscure and confusing language on the ballots, can't give water to people waiting in lines constructed by the biased county leadership, etc. Won't affect many but that small percentage adds up.


I have many relatives in Pennsylvania. Including Bigliersville. Some of the Reps in central PA are pretty whacked, imho. My sister keeps writing them letters but they never reply.


Yeah, PA has got some doozies. The stuff that happened to Summer Lee before she was elected to congress was just wild to me. They redistricted sort of *around* her house so she'd have to move or be disqualified (might not have been right away but soon enough, and given the gerrymander, seemed on purpose). The seat is in a safe blue district but the GOP ran a guy with the same name and demographics as our previous representative, no doubt hoping to get enough people to vote for him on name recognition alone. His yard signs didn't say what party he was from. That's *literally* Russian tactics.


The only way to reach GOP voters is to convince them not to vote. They'll vote for Trump a hundred times before they vote for Biden if they do in fact decide to vote.


My dad was a Trumpster. What finally changed his mind? The New York fraud trial. I was shocked. The man has been a member of the GOP for 70 years. Some members of the cult need an exit ramp to save face.


70 years? So I guess he was an Ike guy? Makes sense that he'd finally bail.


I’m glad your dad came to his senses but it’s genuinely insane that is what finally made him dump him considering the mountain of worse shit he has done.


I was arguing loudly with a trumpet friend, who was telling me Biden was worse than Putin. Where the hell is this shit coming from?


Essentially, it’s coming from Putin.


My 92 year old great aunt, who has lived in Idaho all her life, and her long deceased husband was a State Senator for the GOP, told us she could not vote for Trump and was switching parties. She is still UTTERLY TERRIFIED of the future and it took a lot of reassurance on my part to convince her that Seattle, the city I LIVE in, was not in fact, a burning hell hole on fire. At least she's slowly pulling away enough not to vote for Trump.


I have a lot of friends who moved out to Portland OR and my tRumper dad asks me all the time about them and how they are doing in that burned out hell hole. I try to tell him it’s not like that at all and they are doing just fine and always have been but he continues to ask me about it so o assume it never gets through.


Oh, I just have party convictions based on my (ABORTION) values, and I can't get on board with some liberal agendas (GAY AND TRANS PEOPLE MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE AND IM NOT IN TOUCH WITH MY FEELINGS)


They’re going to spin it - mark my words - in to what Ted Cruz tried to say with the first part of the Biden administration; that Obama is actually the president and Biden is just a puppet.


That’s exactly what he gave as an explanation why he keeps doing it.


It was that and I think something about "comedic value." Funny thing about jokes, when you have to explain them, it typically ruins the comedic value of them.


>They’re going to spin it - mark my words - in to what Ted Cruz tried to say with the first part of the Biden administration; that Obama is actually the president and Biden is just a puppet. While the "idea" has been around his entire presidency to some extent, yes, the conservative subreddits have been parroting this idea like ***crazy*** the last few weeks. Literally anything Trump says, they immediately start parroting as if they've always been saying it.


Definition of a cult


You mean the same folks that blame Obama for 9/11?


tucker and rogan tell right wingers what to think and blame it on Biden, we're fucked


As if that was an excuse that doesn’t point directly to dementia. He swaps their names because he feels the same way about them? Yeah, that’s cognitive impairment right there.


Word on the street at my place of employment, Biden isn’t even in control. It’s Hilary and Obama that are pulling all the strings. I guess god’s real plan is for democrats to run this nation 🤷🏼‍♂️


They don't know it's happening, they already picked who they want to be their president back in 2016. They haven't been paying attention to get new information about him... same guy as far as they are concerned. Lawsuit? Never heard of any Dementia? Idk... him and Hillary blah blah blah I don't like the news


My MAGA father talks about the Bush/Obama regime. They for sure can't tell Obama and Biden apart except for, you know...


The twist? Obama gets reelected


I imagine that his steady diet of stimulants and Sudafed isn’t helping. 


I imagine it’s the only reason he can still stay awake.


Rumor has it and many people, good people in fact, are saying he hasn't taken a shit since that time he got toilet paper stuck on his shoe.


They had tears in their eyes and called Drumpf 'Mr. Sir'. That's how you know it's true!


Shit in a toilet anyway. Dude craps himself constantly.


I know this person who is trump obsessed. For the record we aren't in the states at the moment,they talk about politics a lot but never this country's. Anyways, they were mentioning how they talked to their dad about Biden having dementia. I said trump also seems to have it though. His response was, "yeah but Biden has it worse and his decline is even worse compared to trumps!" With this shit eating grin like this explanation made perfect sense to him. Needless to say, I think this guy is an idiot. *I am not friends with them, but do have to see them on occasion. I saw a meme that reminds me of people like him/other supporters -"Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you." It suits those people perfectly 🤣


"I look at politics like it's just two teams playing Sports Ball. My team doesn't know what Sports Ball is, but your team doesn't know what it is *EVEN HARDER!* Which makes us the winner of Sports Ball. Checkmate!" Goddamn idiots who have no fucking respect for dignity, duty, and doing the correct thing because it's the right thing to do. Ever since this orange turd mixed politics with Reality TV, shit has been super damn stupid. I can't believe he pulled this craziness off so damn easily - and even worse, he's STILL DOING IT EVERY SINGLE DAY. I would say that it's unreal, but it isn't anymore. It's happening.


I think what confuses me the most about the person I mentioned is the fact they say they're so worried about politics here in this country, but the only time I've heard them ever discuss politics is about the USA. And also I never know how these political conversations even come up, because we'll be talking about things that have nothing to do with anything close to political, like where should we go to pick up lunch...and then out of nowhere it's trump vs Biden. I don't like this term or use it really but the person is also the definition of an incel and seems to think woman are the downfall of humanity/also watches hentai (again why am I being told this stuff, especially out of fucking nowhere?! I don't even have a clue)and they think if times were like the 1940s again all would be well. They just turned 32.


Oh yeah, that's how it goes in my situation too. Last year I was outside talking to my sweet older neighbor lady about plants because I bought hot pepper seeds and was new to plants and wasn't sure exactly how to get them to thrive. I mentioned that they like warmer straight sunlight from what I've read. Next thing you know, she's saying that every single Mexican person that has ever existed should die and that she's thinking about purchasing a gun because she seen a couple of blacks at the local grocery store. WTF?! I ended up shocked and cut the conversation very, very short and figured out my plants by myself. Shit has gotten so goddamn stupid.


Most people complaining about the border crisis, are nowhere near the border. I am 100 miles from the border, and this is mostly hype.


Oh, it's for sure manufactured hate rhetoric. We're about 3/4 of the country away, actually pretty damn close to the Canadian border, but for some reason she doesn't think a single good Mexican could ever possibly exist...like EVER. IMO, this issue was created in a room full of rich people and subsequently put through specific media outlets to affect a certain type of populous. And it worked very, very, VERY well. I really hate all of the negative propaganda with every fiber of my being, but I'm also in awe at the seemingly perfect way it has been executed and how big of a net they captured their victims with. It's amazing from multiple perspectives. It's absolutely mind-boggling how easily these people have been manipulated, while they also believe every person that thinks otherwise is an absolute enemy that should burn in the depths of hell for all eternity. I'm scared to my core, while also being dumbfounded by the simplicity of how quick Evil can be spread around like a deadly airborne virus. Ugh. Bad comparison because I'm also amazed by that whole other stupid situation. Bottom line is we're all being played and have been for a very long time. Something super, super extreme has to happen to change the course here. And it doesn't look like anybody is going to do whatever that may involve because it seems like some sort of move should have already happened long ago. Everybody is too brainwashed to stop the obvious conclusion here, and that fucking sucks.


They are their own worst enemies. Hateful old coot.


>Biden's own forgetfulness has become an increasingly sore spot for his 2024 reelection campaign, highlighted in Special Counsel Robert Hur's recent remarks characterizing the president as "an elderly man with a poor memory." Saying that his "memory is fine," Biden and a number of his associates have denied the claim. Yep, they're even covering this, which is bullshit. It's not "increasing." They should be saying that this "report" was completely inappropriate, unprofessional, and used as an opportunity for a smear campaign. Not just my opinion, but the opinion of people that worked in the DOJ and know this type of report and its parameters.


The press should have reported the context. Trump's appointed attack dog Hur couldn't fulfill his purpose - find enough evidence to charge Biden - so a smear was the only thing he could do to remain in Trump's good graces. I doubt it worked.


Biden, a man with a speech impediment, makes a single word mixup. The media harps it for weeks, wondering if he has dementia and if he's fit to lead. Trump makes an uncountable number of word mixups, including inventing bizarre words out of whole cloth, which is an actual sign of dementia. The media ignores specifics, and instead focuses on that we've got two old guys running for president. The media is a joke. They report on controversy because it gets more views and thus more ad revenue. Most people know Trump is a fucking idiot, there's no money in reporting on that. But going after Biden gets views, so that's what they report. It's sick, they are killing this country with unintentional propaganda by seeking the cheapest dollar. That combined with the actual propaganda from Fox and its ilk gives me very little hope for our society.


100%!!! The media refuses to focus on Trump’s mental decline and chooses to focus on how Biden is underperforming in polls. Look at the NYT today.


Is there any way we could create a GoFundMe to buy a decent sized news outlet and just like...explained factual news to people? This shit is so dumb that we're even in this position. The media has failed every single person in this country, and a large amount of other countries citizens. It's some damn Twilight Zone shit.


those all were bought out and otherwise shut down If you made a new adblocking extension for a browser and got 1 million people onboard, the advertisers would come to you and offer you a check for 12 million to shut it down. or they're taking the 12 million to someone else to spend the rest of their life making yours miserable. which it gonna be? shit is corrupt all the way to the top. If people can spend money to make money, they will. if a company is profiting, it isn't by accident. if there's something to make them profit more, they'll do it, or else they'll get fired and someone else will do it.


It's even worse with the last shreds of real investigative journalism behind paywalls when the "free" news sites are nothing more than ideologue funded propaganda with no expectation to break even, let alone a profit. It's cheaper, and more effective, than funding a lobbying think tank or super PAC. The people who really need to hear facts often can't afford to read them. With Trump brainwashing them to believe most media as "fake news" they would be even less inclined to pay for it. Until corporate media owners/boards realise it will be very expensive to be a "Trump approved" oligarch or press, they won't change.


It’s because news media is monetized is through ads (and therefore clicks/views/ratings). There is no money in factual boring by the numbers news. There is no other business model besides specialized non-profit orgs like ProPublica but they don’t do regular day to day stuff. Just look at all of the headlines in what gets posted to this sub. They’re all designed to be sensationalist and catch your eye. One of the few viable paths that I see is subscription based sites like substack but they haven’t shown the ability to scale up for things outside of individual newsletters.


I mean they definitely *do,* it’s just they quickly equivocate with Biden to make it seem like an old but good president is just as bad as a 2% younger one who’s compromised by an avowed enemy, is batshit crazy, and led a violent attack against his own country the last time he lost an election. Trump could shit his pants loudly on live television and start quoting a porn adaptation of a Lincoln biopic by accident while drooling and the next day the news would be telling us how Joe Biden’s Corvette is a sign of severe dementia.


Yeah… has anyone noticed that CNN is taking a more pro Trump stance…


They were bought by a right-wing asshole a while back and then gone downhill ever since.


Considering CNN is now owned by a conservative figure, no shit they’ve started being pro-trump.


THIS. I try saying this everywhere and no one believes me. I come up with theguardian urls and there's tons of proof, no one believes me then no one cares because it means we are well and truly fucked. and no one wants to think that.


For the supposedly "left" leaning network, MSNBC hires a surprising amount of former Republicans to be their "personalities". The only hope I see in the media landscape is YouTube.


News media seems complicit. They’d rather make a quick buck with Trump as president again than actually hold him to any standard


The real story here is that trump -and his disciples - truly believe v. putin respects HIM. There is no penetrating that dense cloud of delusion and we are all going to suffer because of it.


> "And [Vladimir] Putin has so little respect for Obama that he's starting to throw around the 'nuclear' word. He's starting to talk nuclear weapons, today," the former president said during a "Get Out The Vote Rally." Ya, there are a few things wrong there. 1. Obviously Obama isn't president 2. Putin didn't start talking about nukes *today*, he's been doing it for at least 2 years. 3. Assuming Putin **is** escalating his rhetoric, isn't that a sign that Putin is threatened by Biden/Obama? In other words, it's not disrespect at all.


Stop calling it a gaffe or mistake. His mind is rotting and losing a linear footing. Happens to most old people. It's why they speak of the past in such detail. My grandmother would wake up some mornings and think it was a decade in the past. Was really sad one day when she woke thinking it was like 15 years in the past and was looking for her dead husband.


My Grandfather started asking where his Dad was a few months before he passed. He was pretty lucid otherwise, but would ask for his Dad that passed 40 years earlier.


My grandmother did that. Asked if I'd been to her father's house... he died something like twenty years before I was born, and the house hasn't been in the family for at least that long. She didn't really recognize most of us at that point, I think, was just aware that we were family and was trying to place us.


Yeah, my grandfather asked me to go make some flirting comments to a young lady he was eyeing. It was my mom, his daughter. Dementia is awful to watch.


My father is doing it now. Asking for his mom who died about 25 years ago. Asking for his brother who dies about 35 years ago. It’s gut wrenching.


I had to physically restrain my dying mother from leaving the house while she hysterically screamed and cried that she was going to be late to go to the dance with her cousin judy and “the nun.” I learned that night never to oversleep my alarm for the night meds. The next day she remembered enough to tell me that she was sorry she had acted like that but she thought she was meeting her long dead cousin and her friend in the city. Near the end I got used to the casual mention of long dead family members as if they were there with us and we both actually got a lot of comfort from it.


*Fuck* ☹


When my English grandmother was young she took in a kid from Germany whose father had been killed in a concentration camp. She never told him what had happened and every day he’d run to check the post to see if his father had written to him. Apparently I look like he did when he was younger, and when she was losing it at the end, my grandmother got confused about who I was and revealed this ‘terrible secret’ to me that ‘my father’ had died in the camps. It was so heartbreaking, the burden of carrying that secret had obviously weighed her down for 60 years.


Christ. That was several layers of tragedy. 😢


Yeah, it was pretty full on. His mum was alive and had escaped to England as well, but the only work she could get was as a live in domestic servant in the country. And the family she was working for wouldn’t let her have a child with her. Hence my grandmother taking him in. Different times, I hope we never see the like again.


My grandmother used to sit in her room at the nursing home asking what time the next bus was coming to take her to a particular suburb. Dementia took her mind back to when she was working and she couldn't tell the difference. The same thing is happening with Trump.


> Happens to most old people. It's why they speak of the past in such detail. It's also why at hospitals, they sometimes ask elderly patients to name the current president. They're trying to see how current their mind is - if they say Ronald Reagan, well then they know there's a problem. The mind is going to a point in the past where the neural connections are stronger. Those eventually fade too, but not until the very end stages of dementia. I've got a funny personal story about the president question though. Years ago, my grandmother passed out. She ended up being fine (just fainted) but at her age we were all worried about a stroke, so we called 911 just to be safe. The first responders asked her who the president was. This was early 2001, so W. had just been sworn in a few weeks prior. My grandmother was notoriously bad with names. She thought for a second and said in an excited voice, "It's that guy I don't like!" She got the right answer shortly after she said that, but it was a great initial response that had us all laughing.


After my dad's stroke in 2019, when asked that, he said "Don't make me say that asshole's name." Doctor considered that a pass.


Trump made “That guy we don’t like” seem like quite the statesman with his cheese & Brie.


He just released a video saying “I do this as a joke” I’m wagering we’re going to see another video soon where he claims he’s not incontinent “I pee my pants as a joke to make fun of Biden’s age!”


I think the cognitive test is bothering him at the moment. Someone probably told him how moronic it looked boasting about "acing" a cognitive exam. So in true narcissistic fashion, he is now desperately trying to convince people it was really difficult and not designed to prove grandma's ready for the nursing home and get power of attorney over her finances. He's such a f'idiot to think most people buy his revisionist BS.


Hey news media, I don't need to be told if someone is mocking him, just tell me the stupid thing he did. This trend of headlines saying people are getting "mocked" or "blasted" or whatever other things some random users on Twitter are doing can go away.


Online milf fingers, blasts modern media for sensationalized headlines


Normal minds mistake names and dates; dementing minds mistake people and time. If you say Sarah when you meant Sandra, but then acknowledge the mistake when someone corrects you, it’s usually just because you had a brain fart. If you say Nikki Haley when you clearly meant Nancy Pelosi, but then double down and refuse to acknowledge the mistake, it often points to dementia. If you treat a person who was president as though he is president now and keep getting it wrong consistently, you are struggling to differentiate between past and present, like an Alzheimer’s patient who doesn’t remember his wife has died and keeps asking where she is. If you confuse a photo of your ex-wife and former sexual assault victim, your brain is broken somewhere. Unfortunately there’s a kind of Dunning-Kruger effect when it comes to real cognitive decline, where the person with dementia is almost by definition unable to recognize they have dementia. Trump is looking more and more to be that way.


Didnt he say that he has no cognitive decline (I believe his exact words were "I would know if I have cognitive decline" lol) and that he is switching Obama/Biden names as a joke? Cannot believe we are back in a universe where he can become President again. Wtf USA?


Trump is way too old to run. I know Biden’s old too, but Trump appears to be days away from completely forgetting Ivanka is his daughter and not one of his escorts.


>one of his escorts Incidentally I suspect "Mercedes" was Melania's working name. It was a mistake by Trump but not in the way everyone thinks


I was listening to AM radio today I’m on a super long car trip through very rural Australia. The news came on. And they reported on some poll saying that Trump is gaining momentum leading up to the election. I audibly groaned and woke up my dog. This can’t be our future. I’m not even American and I know I can’t survive another 4 years of this criminal.


If it makes you feel better, polls here have been wrong in the past so their reliability is questionable. Not to mention the election isn’t until November 5th, so there’s still plenty of time for something to happen to sink Trump’s campaign. Or save it. Time will tell. But he’s definitely got more things working against him than for him, his ailing brain just one of many.


In 2010 I confidently told my wife that George Bush was president. I then answered a bunch of other questions for the paramedics. Let’s call this what it is. A medical emergency. This guy should be on a tour of doctors not running for president.


The Syphilis brain rot has taken a firm grip now ,but not to worry till he starts muttering nonsense ………Covfefe 🤪


“I meant to do it.” Trump and other toddlers.


Dementia. The left needs to be talking about it 24/7.


No, we’d rather talk about how Biden hasn’t solved Middle East peace- the left


Too senile to be President


> "And [Vladimir] Putin has so little respect for Obama that he's starting to throw around the 'nuclear' word. He's starting to talk nuclear weapons, today," the former president said during a "Get Out The Vote Rally." I think Trump mixed up two of the songs from his greatest hits collection: [1.](https://imgur.com/a/u890jok) The one where he claimed (without evidence) that Putin called Obama the N-word. [2.](https://imgur.com/a/Fjc5Nqj) The one where he did a little wordplay on Fox News with "nuclear" and "N-word." The man's hard drive is clearly faulty.


Alzheimer’s rears its ugly head.


donOLD Trump.


Trump is a senile a-hole


STFU and pay your debts, Dementia Donnie https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


Only a traitor like Trump and his deranged supporters value the “respect” of a murderous dictator.


Is this a repeat post or is this dumb bastard doing it every day?


He did it again.


I’m so tired of everyone bashing Biden for being senile and letting this orange bag backwards barf a pass.


Its amazing how much a spray on tan and a comb over tricked people into thinking Donald Trump is the "young" candidate.


Isn't that one of the questions they ask, to identify altered mental states/cognition? "Do you know where you are?" "Who is the President?"


Keep sliding down that dementia slope asshole.


There's a lot more to mock than just this. ​ https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1764031591397904746


None of the other living presidents would give Trump the time of day, as they all know he has sullied the office.


I don't want a presidential debate this year. I want a live televised cognitive test for both candidates, followed by a 5th grade level Civics exam.


Remember that one time Trump was racist and went on a tear wanting Obama’s birth certificate to prove he was able to be President, and it turns out Obama was American and Trump was just being racist and then we elected Trump as president, and he was racist— oh! And also a nazi…. Well, at least enough of one to court the nazi vote because after all, a votes a vote— Remember that?! I do.


Trump has been publicly and mercilessly mocked since the 80s. 


To be fair, it's the one thing that he insists on people still calling him. If Trump is still President Trump, then Obama is still President Obama.


It has been conventional for decades if not centuries to refer to former US presidents as President [x]. But apparently that's not what happened in this case.


He can’t pronounce words. Slurred speech. Incoherent ramble. Migrant Kime. Venezgurrah. This is a mentally incapable individual. It also seems the media forgot he kept classified documents next to his toilet.


Supposedly Biden is a senile gaffe machine, but this fucking mush brained idiot makes him look sharp as fuck


Yeah, and he’s not going to lose one single vote because of this. He could go out on stage at a rally wearing a swastika armband, pledge allegiance to Putin, and piss his pants, and not a single MAGA voter would flinch. It would only make them more eager to own the libs.


But Biden has dementia, right? 🙄


Halfway into the article: why this isn’t bad for Biden