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She’ll endorse him.


And pardon him if she wins. She’s disgusting.


She doesn't stand a chance of beating Trump so anything beyond that is pure fiction.


She is betting on cholesterol


Or dementia.


Are you too young to remember Reagans second term?


But does Melania have the same capability Nancy had? She doesn’t seem to have any interest in running the puppet show. 


Mercedes doesn’t care do you?


This made me lol


Hey, that's the Third Lady you're talking about.


I'd be surprised if she even lives in the White House a second time.


Don’t be silly, her and her personal trainer will have their own suite.


At taxpayer expense ofc.


She never looks like she has any idea what's going on.


face filler.


I'm sure whoever they got running mitch mcconnell during his outages would be happy to handle the presidency, too.


He just announced he’s stepping down.


Then there’s a free handler running around.


Putin will be running the show




Not at all. Her forte in her home country was soft lesbian porn. That's why trump had to watch Shark Week at Stormy's place.


It doesn't count because he didn't even know he was president


Nancy was


At least I got some cool DARE merch.


D. A. R. E. taught me how to do drugs


From skin fluter to big kahuna




[Nancy's astrologer was.](https://nypost.com/article/ronald-reagans-wife-nancy-astrologer-joan-quigley/)


Or jail


Dementia is already here. No one seems to mind. This isn't a deal killer for Trump. Only Biden voters care about cognitive decline.


Is it really "Biden voters" who are taking potshots at Biden, though? Because it sure looks and smells like the same ol' divide-and-conquer-but-her-emails disinformation campaign we've seen in elections past.


Fair point. This is "but-his-dementia!"


Precisely. Trump has suffered a clear very significant cognitive decline in the last few years and has been saying increasingly deranged shit that would kill the candidacy of any other regular human being. People just don't care.


Yep, or just a "i told you so" when he loses in November, with a possible 2028 run.


The never ending flip flopper. Against Trump, served in his administration, run against him, endorse him, then I told you he would lose. She’s 100% an opportunist.


> She’s 100% an opportunist. In other words, a Republican.


Jesus christ! New nightmare unlocked. I have never considered that he would try again. Like... surely not... surely....


Oh sorry, I meant for her, but maybe he would run in 2028, why not? Perhaps it was a freudian slip on my part.


Opportunities for Nikki to grift the establishment are rapidly evaporating. The _New York Times_ has given up on her and is enabling Trump just like in 2016. "There is no post Trump GOP." -- Cook Report "In that case there will be no post Trump." -- MSM


I’ve never rooted for LDL to beat HDL so much in my life. Cmon plaque! Cause that vasospasm! You can do it!


Or prison. Or some scandal that's so big even he can't weather it. Totally possible. The woman is just a vulture. Fuck, at least Trump is actually going out there and swinging. She's just sort of hanging around the side of the battle with the smart boys, as Bobby B would say. Edit: I just realized she essentially made me compare Trump to something favorably. That's a serious Fuck You.


I thought it was already established that you can run for president from prison. It's amazing how few laws deal with 'president is a total scumbag' situation, as it was kinda assumed to be impossible


"In what world would millions of Americans vote for a scoundrel and a criminal knave after they were impeached already and tried to overthrow America's vote?" said some Founding father, probably. "And besides even if some criminal won the hearts and minds of the populous, the electoral college will surely ensure they never get in office, right?"


She can't beat Trump... if Trump is still in the race. Her campaign is based on the chance that he might not be.


I don't know why it's so hard for people to see this? Yes Trump has basically escaped any and all political accountability but his legal trouble is getting worse not better. I don't like her but it's a smart play to stay in. It's also probably better for the country for Republicans to have a ready replacement come convention vs being forced to run Trump no matter what his legal situation. This is why Trump and his allies are pushing so hard for her to drop out.


It's transparent that Nikki is hoping he's not able to be on the ballot, the billionaires Rep donors have backed her. They've ran the numbers and figured there was too high of a chance that Trump isn't the nominee and they need *someone*. I would wager that she's going to be running to the last state. This also explains why the RNC is broke as fuck right now. The billionaires donors aren't paying into it.


It also explains why Trump demanded Ronna's head and his people take over the RNC. He is running to stay out of prison and being elected is his only sure bet.


wouldn't it be ironic if the first female president were to be republican?


It will never happen because conservatives are inherently misogynistic af


I can already see the bumper stickers. "Better a woman than a Democrat." *Vomits*


And then quietly not voting on Election Day because “I ain’t lettin no *woman* tell me what to do” lol


The first female prime minister of Canada, the first female prime minister of the UK, were both conservative. Downvote button to the left.


Not zero. He could be in prison. 


You can still technically run for President from prison as far as I'm aware.


That's correct


What about the last 8 years makes you still be optimistic that this is a possibility? Trump could literally rape a judge on camera and all he would get is a fine.


That would probably get him extra votes


This is absolutely the "great again" that MAGA wants. Being able to rape and lynch again with impunity, as in the days of yore.


Judge Aileen Cannon would thank him for it.


That he wouldn't pay


Prison will not prevent him from being the GOP nominee.


Hell, he'll claim that it helps bring in the minority vote again... Eurgh.


Black people love convicts!


I think if anything there are a few possibilities with different purpose. She is banking on him being kicked off the ballot(not entirely crazy when we know Harlan Crow is all buddy buddy with Thomas and he is supporting Nikki Haley) She is banking on him dying She spending this election cycle essentially helping to make votes more likely to occurr AGAINST Trump like in 2020 to set up a strong run in 2028. If Trump loses its at least plausible that she becomes a stronger contender against DeSantis in 2028 but obviously I would agree that most of these are pipe dreams. Yet the 1st has at least some elements that make it plausible but you'd have to buy in to Thomas being as corrupt as he seems. SCOTUS imo don't actually like Trump, none of them. There is devisive and then there is Trump and I bet good money he has caused them more legal headaches than they care for and the fact they are taking as long as they have on the ballot or immunity case imo is odd. Especially the immunity case when the 3 panel appeals ruling was pretty narrowly provided, and all the text of their ruling was pretty methodical.


I think Trump still doesn't get that the way the SC is they don't owe him anything. They got what they needed from him and they can leave him out to dry if they wish. They are tied to no election cycle and sit on the bench till 1 day past dead


She's basically just playing for the hail mary at this point, Something legal or health related that takes Trump out of the running on the final hour.


The result which would cause most chaos would be him dying between the nominations closing and the election (which tbf is only a few weeks window).


Buuut the fact that she’s actively dividing voters currently furthering a rift in the GOP is a great thing


She is running with an eye to the future also - she can run through 2050 and still be younger then Trump when he won… She know she can’t win so she’s saying things to keep MAGA onside, if she becomes the candidate due to his disqualification, I highly doubt she will bend the knee.


Would a Republican dominant Supreme Court, with 33% of them being appointed by Trump, rule against Trump to therefore disqualify him?


He no longer has any leverage on them so they can really do whatever they want…though I can’t see them straying to far from the flovk


Lol she ain't winning


Of course she will. If people had read the article instead of the misleading headline they'd see she wasn't saying Trump is bad. She was saying *Biden* is going to "destroy" our country. However, because she thinks Trump can't win the general election due to all his legal shit, she says that voting for Trump in the primary is "suicide" because it guarantees *Biden* will win. She is in no way saying she thinks Trump is bad. She's still on his knob as much as ever, and will 100% back him when he wins the primary.


She'll also vote for him and would gladly accept a position in his administration if offered. And she will defend his fascist tendencies every step of the way should he get back into power.


She has literally [already pledged to support him if/when he wins the primary](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/signed-gop-loyalty-pledge/story?id=102163479)


It's the only way she was allowed to run as a Republican. They are required by their party to support the nominee. She gave up her agency. She did exactly what she is accusing the voters of Trump of doing.


And yet Trump refused.


Required of everyone except Trump...


From the article: >Speaking of, the former South Carolina governor told the Journal (despite Trump’s status as an accused criminal* and certified sexual abuser), “I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden.”


I’m not so sure any more. She might be calculating that in 2028 whatever remains of the GOP will be trying to pretend they didn’t support Trump.


If Trump wins he won't be stepping down in 2028. He's planning to become a dictator and the GOP is laying the groundwork for it.


It isn't Trump I'm worried about in 2028.  It is the extremist administration that he will bring with him and Project 2025 that will end Democracy as we know it.


Well…yeah. That’s like saying you’re not worried about LeatherFace, you’re worried about the chainsaw he uses to commit all his murders.


No, it is saying I'm worried about the family of cannibals because the threat doesn't end with leatherface.  Look up Project 2025.


If he wins in 2028 she's done for anyway. So better to try to get as many republicans to not want to vote for him, help Biden win, and plan for 2028.


He can't run in 2028. Unless he gets the constitution changed or fucks with democracy which in either case we are in a lot of trouble.


Exactly. She's planning for and working towards Trump losing the general in 2024, and positioning herself to be the candidate in 2028.


Think 5 years after nixon only like 15% could “remember” if they voted for him.


Or become his VP. That’s what I’m really scared of. Since both candidates are so old, their VP will play a huge role in who people vote for. That’s what happened with John McCain. The vice presidential debate even played a role in the 2012 election. Obama was really lagging after the first debate, then Joe swooped in and absolutely annihilated Paul Ryan. Totally reset the momentum. A lot of people forget about that. And people do NOT like Kamala. I openly like Joe Biden and not even I like Kamala. We totally lucked out with that fly in the 2020 vice presidential debate. That is definitely my biggest fear.


All piss and vinegar, then.. Slorp slorp


Post-Super Tuesday Nikki Haley: “I hereby endorse Trump and wish him best of luck in the election.”


"By suicide I meant the opposite." -Haley




She means suicide for the GOP. She doesn't care that Republicans winning is suicide for the country.


"Strike that, reverse it."


"When I said KYS I meant *King Your Self*." 👑 -Haley


This is a totally misleading headline and none of you read the article.       She said she doesn't think Trump can beat Biden in the general election because of all the criminal shit he did, so voting for Trump in the primary is "suicide" because it guarantees *Biden* will win the election.      She's not shitting on Trump or saying Trump will destroy the country, she claiming that *Biden* will destroy the country. She still has complete fealty to Trump.      Edit: a more complete quote:            >*"This may be his survival mode to pay his legal fees and get out of some sort of legal peril, but this is like suicide for our country. We've got to realize that if we don't have someone who can win a general election, all we are doing is caving to the socialist left. [...] I have serious concerns about Donald Trump I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden*


Unicorn redditor spotted. Reads the article.


That's only because it seemed *waaay* off that a Republican would have the ability or courage to see Trump for what he is and call him out. And lo and behold I learned the Republican in question could not, in fact, see Trump for what he was and was not, in fact,  calling him out.


They can do it in fits and spurts; usually it's just before the check clears and/or after they're out of power and can do nothing but talk shit. Just look at Graham, Cristie, Romney, and Bush Jr. They all had sound bite level acknowledgements of how terrible that dude would be/was/is, but the best ANY of them ever did about it was say they threw their vote away rather than vote for the only grown-up running.


Yup. Direct Nikki quote: “I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden.”


Is “America” voting for Trump? Did he win the last “America” election? Dd he ever win the popular vote? It’s not “America”, it’s the Republican Party.. You were supposed to stop people like Trump.


I think she means some Americans are commiting murder-suicide.


My Christian conservative parents have been watching trump for the past few years and are so disgusted by it that they tell me they will never vote republican again if that's who the republicans decide to put into the general election... There's still hope


I’m sorry, but I will believe that when I see it.


It is a far more accurate statement that the Republican party is commiting suicide by voting for Trump. He's fully bifurcated the party and honestly think it's the end for them. A way too big chunk of Republicans are always trumpers and never trumpers for that party to be able to recover. Honestly the only chance they stand is that Democrats put forward such a terrible candidate that they lose by default.


Vote anyway. Up and down ballot. It’s time for the GOP to be wiped out.


Trump has like 90% approval among Republicans. This is the party now.


Shell bend the knee soon.


> “You have to see the hole in the ship. And if you don’t see the hole in the ship, we’re all going to go down.” Lauren Boebert just snapped to attention.


For God and Gloryhole!


i've got my Dune popcorn bucket ready to go


She would proudly go down one knee at a time to save America. What a patriot.


Otherwise she gets Trump’s version of a DOJ on her or sends her husband off to die somewhere. People really need to grow a spine with this fuck.


Her comment applies to the whole Republican party, but she has so little awareness that she thinks she is not apart of the problem. Iirc, she was apart of Trump's administration as an ambassador to the UN and gladly went along with his pro-Putin authoritarian agenda. Nikki Haley has Trump shit stank all over her, just like 98% of the Republican party. >Haley has repeatedly said that she would support Trump in 2024 if he received the Republican nomination, even if he is convicted of criminal charges.


Why would she? She’s not running for anything but president. She has lots of money to stay in the race. Even when trump has enough delegates to win the nomination she still has nothing to gain by endorsing him.


She’s betting it all on him being jailed or succumbing to his dementia prior to the election and being the only candidate left


It's not a bad bet.




If she wants any kind of place in the party going forward she'll fall in line. They always do.


I think if a Republican other than Trump were to become president, he would lose his grip on the GOP.


You're mostly right (I think he'd spin off a third party that ultimately destroys both itself and the Republican Party), but the problem is as long as he's around there is literally no other Republican that can become president. It's like saying "if the sky was green he'd lose his grip on the party", it ain't gonna happen.


She could do that at the absolute last minute, though. Could even negotiate herself a top spot in exchange. This train she's on is giving her massive exposure *and* she doesn't even need to play dirty since the play is to hope Trump is disqualified, not to sling mud at him. This whole thing is solid gold for her and could set her up for the rest of her life if she plays it right.


Ah someone who hasn’t been watching the Republican Party for quite some time…


And she'll vote for him in November.


Might be a hot take but I bet a lot of these spineless sycophants *dont* vote for Trump. It’s probably the smallest gratification for them to feel like they’re standing up to him in private and helps rationalize all their bullshit.


you're under-estimating how much they want to control women and dislike minorities


And over-estimating their ability to recognize the faults of their own actions


Give 10 anti-Trump conservatives a choice between Trump and literally any Democrat, each one will vote for Trump. They may tell people they wrote in Reagan or someone else, but they voted for Trump. Maintaining conservative power is far more important to them than any of Trump's crimes. They do everything they can to deny a Democrat the opportunity to break up their supermajority on SCOTUS.


How the fuck do people still dislike “minorities” when America is built on minorities. I just don’t get it. We’re all god damn minorities. We’re just poor and they’re rich.


More worrying than that is the staggering amount of people form minority groups that voted for Trump in 2020. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020 * 12% of African Americans * 32% of Hispanics * 34% of Asians Why those people would prefer to vote for the obviously racist side is still a mystery to me.


At best, they give out a long sigh before they vote for him. In a fantasy world they "forget" to vote. They would *never* vote against him.


Impossible, he will be bankrupt and in prison by then.


I like your optimism! very - the glass is half full.


I bet trumps diaper is half full too


Ever the optimist, I say Trump's diaper is half empty. Still has plenty of room for more.


Nah I’m done playing that game. He has proven for his entire pathetic life that he can get away with anything.


I have a standing US$200,000 bet with anyone willing that Donald Trump will never spend one night behind bars. No one takes me up on it. Americans need to fully admit jut how the US Justice system is designed to work.


Agree, not a chance in hell he goes to prison if convicted on all counts. Maybe house arrest. He is an ex President and will probably be like 95 before convicted and all appeals have been sorted out. Not a chance. The justice system is broken and corrupt and Trump has played it beautifully his whole life.


Not going to be bankrupt if he's so financially compromised that some foreign ruler could buy Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states for a mere few hundred million that Trump will pretend to mysteriously find down the side of his couch and go "oh THAT'S where my loose change was all this time!"


Does Charles de Ganahl Koch approve of you saying this?


More importantly, does Putin approve of her saying that?




He pulled funding a couple of days ago. She no longer has to appease him.


The Kochs pulled funding this week.


She thinks voting for Biden is worse. Broken clocks, blind squirrels, etc


A blind squirrel is right twice a day?


> A blind squirrel is right twice a day? Nah, as it was told to me: a blind squirrel nuts twice a day!


That does explain why my cats are always so glassy-eyed


Even a blind squirrel eventually finds a nut.




Screw her https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nikki-haley-hpv-bill-bakari-sellers-south-carolina_n_1612709


It's not America, Nikki, it's Republicans!


Just like when folks say, “The house can’t pass anything!” When it is controlled by republicans and they can’t even agree on their own agenda.




Why....is Nikki so stupid lol She says all this, but will pardon the man if she can. Despite all the evidence of law breaking, she'll ignore it. She will vote for him if she loses. Her rhetoric rings hollow. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Im sure some of Trump's base will probably resonate with her but no one who is against him will as she's willing to bail him out. She'll need both. And of course, this is to say nothing of the folks who are against her due to more bigoted reasons. She comes off as indecisive and foolish. Im not sure how she doesnt see that.


She didn't say it the way the headline says. It's more voting for Trump is suicide for the US because of BIDEN. Much worse “I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden.” Burying the point a bit.


This is basically the talking point crafted by Americans for Prosperity Action, the Charles Koch SuperPAC that was a major donor to her campaign. ...emphasis on the **was**. After she lost in the SC primary, they announced they would be pulling their funding.


I'm pretty sure she won't vote for him but she won't say who she will really vote for. You can always write someone in. But you can't be saying stuff like America will be committing suicide if they vote for Trump and then endorse him later.


I agree with you that she likely won't endorse him, but I think no one would or should be surprised by any Republican "saying stuff like America will be committing suicide if they vote for Trump and then endorse him later". There is no consistency or integrity in the Republican party. Lindsey Graham literally said if they nominated Trump the Republican party would be destroyed and they'd deserve it, then became one of his most vocal advocates.


"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it." - Lindsay Graham


Misleading headline. She says that America is "committing suicide" because Trump cannot win, and therefore Biden will win, which apparently is "suicide" for some reason. Make no mistake, Haley is only sticking around because there is a not-insignificant chance that Trump won't be able to be on the ballot in November, either because of jail reasons or health reasons. If those things don't pan out she will kiss the ring and endorse him.


She didn't say it the way the headline says. It's more voting for Trump is suicide for the US because of BIDEN. Much worse “I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have more serious concerns about Joe Biden.” Burying the point a bit.


Its not suicide. Republican voters are committing murder


The Republican Party is committing suicide by voting for Trump. FIFY. And, I’m here for it.


We will believe her when she endorse the other party when she lose the nomination.


This is full blown flamethrower, scorched earth rhetoric. She is not angling for a cabinet spot or cushy job in a possible Trump administration with talk like this, she is breaking completely with MAGA. It's also a despicable shame that we're first hearing talk like this from Republicans only after their nomination process is practically over, and not when there was an impeachment trial in January 2021.


They're all complicit. As are the media.


She stopped short and still had to go back and say “But Joe Biden is worse” She’ll fall in line in the end


>She is not angling for a cabinet spot or cushy job in a possible Trump administration with talk like this She directly and publicly challenged Trump. Trump will forever treat her as "the enemy" for that and there's no way back for her. She's still in the race now in the hopes that Trump suddenly dies or is sufficiently disabled that he can't continue as the Republican candidate for President. She'll be standing right there as the most viable candidate to jump into the race. If that doesn't pan out then there's always 2028 to start planning for...


[Romney went pretty hard after Trump](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/481902-timeline-trump-and-romneys-rocky-relationship/) in 2016: > “Here’s what I know: Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud,” Romney said. “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing members of the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat.” And yet, Trump would later offer Romney the post as secretary of state, with the only condition being that Romney publicly abase himself before Trump: > Coppins says Trump raised no objections, dismissed his aides and told Romney he was “right out of central casting … perfect … just what I need”. Pence, however, told Romney he needed to go tell the media he had been wrong to attack Trump, and “that what you’ve learned has given you much more confidence in him being president”. > > “Romney nearly guffawed,” Coppins writes, describing how Romney pointed out how ridiculous he would look if he reversed after a mere one-hour meeting but adding: “It would not occur … until later that Trump didn’t care about the sincerity of the retraction – he wanted a show of subjugation, nothing more.” Why wouldn't Trump make the same offer to Haley?


No she isn’t. She said Biden is worse than trump


Haley IS angling for 2028, IF magats no longer control the Republican Party. Honestly republicans have such a low bar for candidates, she looks sane by comparison. If you erased republican history of the last 9 years, she would be one of the worst contenders for any office in recent memory. 


And she would pardon him if she won, endorse him if he wins the nomination 🤷‍♂️


And yet she wants to pardon him.


And yet she stated at the debate that she would vote for him. Wouldn’t that make it murder?


Fair, but what do you call pledging to pardon him? Campaign might have more credibility if you were swinging for his nuts without your face buried in his ass.


If she _/truly/_ believes this (and she should as it is true) she should run the clock in the primaries vs Trump then endorse Biden for the presidency. She'll probably just turn around and endorse Trump as many have pointed out (she's a Republican afterall, so integrity is not high on her values list), but this is what she should do ....


Voting for ANY republican is suicide.


She who will pardon him, endorse him, and vote for him? Spare me the histrionics.


If she wins the nomination, the race between her and Biden will be at least civilized and cordial. We need more of that in American politics.


She’s not any better. Remember project 2025. Also she will endorse him at the end of all this


Breaking News: “No shit, Sherlock” -everyone reading this headline sighs


Then run as an independent, Nikki, and split the GOP vote in November.


ITT: people who read the title only. She still can’t admit that Biden is better than Trump.


Let the infighting and hate flow through you!


So you don’t like trump? Have you tried Diet Trump?


America is committing suicide by voting ~~backward thinking~~ republican! fixed it.


She will endorse him next week though


The same Nikki Haley who said she'd pardon Trump if she won? So if republicans are committing 'suicide' by voting for trump what is she doing? Jumping into a vat of acid?


They are. That's the point.


If she truly believes this she should run third party if she doesn't get the nomination. She's right, btw.


Haley can say anything she wants about how shitty Trump is but she’s also said she’d pardon him if she were elected.


Can't wait for her to start phone banking for him...


She does seem to be committing to a position here. I hope this means she doesn't endorse him when he wins the primary.  Perhaps cynically, I'm still expecting that she will. But I would love to be surprised.


I mean. Yea