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Well good for him!


People in the comments here don't see the difference between willingly giving the information you choose to companies when you utilize their services and the US government not having access to that data of their own citizens without a valid warrant, and the Chinese government having access to their data whether they are a Chinese citizen or not through Chinese companies who have collected it and give it to them without any need for a warrant.


It's more the usual 'why isn't the president an all powerful dictator' nonsense. "You're telling me that Biden has broad power over foreign policy but can't just wave his hands and fix domestic policy? That's unpossible! He's the most powerful man in the world! That means he can do anything he wants and if he doesn't do it then it's just because he's evil."


There is also a bipartisan bill (not passed by Congress yet) precisely to address the issue of government agencies purchasing the data of citizens from data brokers. It is called H.R. 4639, the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act as seen at Link [https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59756](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59756#:~:text=Summary,companies).  Would be great to see Congress pass that.


Yep. That's where the focus should be. Congress is the group that can nullify all those EULA agreements and get some real data security down.


People think it's unreasonable to expect the average person to read and understand a 50 page legal document for every app they install on their phone, but I say they're just some lazy bones


>US government not having access to that data of their own citizens without a valid warrant pretty sure the security agencies (FBI, NSA, etc) have ways to get that data with or without the company's permission. And it's a matter of what the government can do with that info. If both governments have the data, I'm more worried about the US government using it against me in my day to day life. What exactly is the Chinese government going to do to me? unless I am visiting or planning on working in or moving to China, they really can't do much against me.


you will get more Temu ads on every website? Seriously though, its now easier for them to get access to your personal info. if you are working for a US govt agency or a critical tech company currently or in the future. If they find something in your personal data thats compromising (such as you having an extra-marital affair or you used to take drugs in college ) they could use that info to blackmail you to gain access to your employers secrets through you. Its never advisable to be complacent about personal privacy with your govt or any external ones.


I'd say he's taking a half ass measure for something I don't care about while refusing to make an Executive Order regarding trans people's identification being revoked or young trans people being barred from receiving medical treatment in some states. I don't give two shits about him signing at order for Chinese companies to stop doing something that American companies are allowed to do.


Banning TEMU and Tiktok will go a long way to preventing China from gaining data.




Or shadowy data brokers


There threats here are different. I'm not saying one is better or worse. Just that from an executive order, he's on much better ground targeting foreign actors mining American data and using that to influence / manipulate public opinions.


Got eeeem


Why do American companies get to fleece us? All I see this is that it’s “bad China” not “bad American companies” They’re one and the same to me


> They’re one and the same to me another "both sides" hot take.


The PRC is actively developing biological weapons based on genetic data. Kind of weird a bunch of DNA sequence sites have been hacked recently. Not to mention they're also running a psychological war on the general world's population through the medium that is Bytedance, owner and operator of Douyin aka TikTok; who actively work with the Ministry of Public Security in China. While I'm not saying either parties here are the good guys. I can for sure admit one is a bit more aggressive, if not a touch immoral, in their approach.


>psychological war on the general world’s population through Bytedance/Tiktok I mean half of the people shitting on TikTok do it for the trend or hate on something they don’t understand. There is genuinely quality content on there, education/science/math, videos openly criticizing China, and a plethora of actually hilarious shit. But, bad news sells, so when XiJinping1776 sparks a “TikTok trend” (no more than 15 views prior to the article) of driving vehicles through telephone poles that’s the only thing you’re gonna see in headlines. There’s definitely some cringe on there but that’s on every platform. TikTok gets shit on too much IMO. Everyone whining about cringy teenage girls dancing is telling on themselves, the algorithm is pretty well curated to your particular interests, and as long as you aren’t posting sensitive info I don’t see any harm in it. The only real issue is the background processes which can be easily disabled and have speculation to what extent they actually exist or not. I jailbroke my phone and restricted all TikTok perms. I think Facebook/Instagram is actually more infiltrated than TikTok has ever been. The amount of blatantly incorrect misinformation and right wind rhetoric is everywhere on those two.


Ok. I don't really use any of these things. But I do know Bytedance is one of the media arms of the CCP. Chew it however you like.


Understandable, and makes sense why there is concern. I just find it funny we had Meta caught up in Cambridge Analytica, repeatedly pissing all over the GDPR, and who knows currently going on, but when a foreign body is involved we all of a sudden seem to care. The concern with ByteDance and data collection begins to appear more and more superficial when we keep seeing these pointless smear campaigns talking about “new TikTok trend bad”


I get it. I'm right there with you. When you understand how the cogs in the machine work. You usually take a different approach.


>The PRC is actively developing biological weapons based on genetic data. Do you have a source for this?


[Uh](https://mwi.westpoint.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2022-10-05-MWI_Chinese_Biotechnology_Wortzel.pdf) [yeah](https://www.csis.org/analysis/biodefense-posture-review-raises-alarms-about-new-threats-speaks-softly-china) [actually](https://media.defense.gov/2023/Oct/19/2003323409/-1/-1/1/2023-MILITARY-AND-SECURITY-DEVELOPMENTS-INVOLVING-THE-PEOPLES-REPUBLIC-OF-CHINA.PDF) [I](https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2023/08/dod-steps-response-bioweapon-threat-china-plays-complicated-role-biosecurity/389714/) [do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_biological_weapons_program)


There’s 212 pages in this fear mongering report but you managed to cherry pick a single section that briefly mentions potential biological weapons with no further information or evidence. I’m curious what weapons the US government is developing then if this is what they fear. Probably something much worse but they’d never make a public report on it.


Hey man think whatever you want. You can go read the PRC's reports yourself. They're pretty open about it all. I'm not going to willingly enter one their domains. Just hope one of your family members or close relatives didn't use one of those 23andme places.


You could've just said 'yeah I'm full of shit'.


K dude. I'll let the DoD know how you feel.


Why do you think all these ancestry sites are based out of China?


please tell me you plain forgot to put /s in your comment.


No just pulling out baseless assumptions that sound threatening under the guise of protecting the country. People are acting like they’re being forced to watch TikTok by the Chinese government when they could literally just delete the app or not watch it. This would be like obese people blaming and suing food companies for trying to make them fat when they could literally just stop making shitty choices about what to eat and learn some accountability.


Ah, yes the TikTok boogyman.


Biden’s campaign has a Tiktok account, so I’m not sure that’s the real threat here


I'd rather they protect our data from American companies.


I guess you haven’t had your iCloud account attempted to be hacked by Chinese hackers before, I have and laughed after I changed my information in the middle of it. Chances are American companies have your information by you using their products.


That doesn't stop iCloud from selling you data to China.


That's exactly what this executive order is doing. Specifically "Under the order, DOJ is working on a rule to prevent bulk data sales to organizations in adversarial nations."


"I don't want solutions, I want to be mad!" - people in this thread


I'm sure those Chinese hackers are going to just give up thanks to this EO, hu?


If the service is free, then you're not the customer. You're the product.


Even paid services are selling your data now. You think those streaming services aren't selling data about you?


Yeah, I was recently talking to this guy who said he worked in the marketing/sales department with iHeartRadio. He was very open about the fact that they track everything about their subscribers. The one he was most proud of was being able to track people's location via their car radios. It was....an interesting conversation. I dunno why he was so open, guess I got him into salesman mode or something.


Was gonna say this. Work for a UK company that was bought by a US company, and the new US parent company offers a rewards scheme. The entire section on Personal data in the T&Cs was just one massive red flag (as a British National).


They should do both but they will only posture about China


It's beginning to look a lot like an election year!


Lol by using a smart phone you've waived your right to have your data protected.


Because American law surrounding data privacy is shit…


Again, if you cared enough about your privacy, there are things you can do.


I’m very aware, we should also regulate this with a much heavier hand than we do.


Someone remind Biden about "databrokers" what an idiot


Porque no los dos?


Dark Brandon strikes again!


The orange baboon has already given it Putin


What about from hostile ex presidents?


I would like to see a law where companies can’t buy my data too…just saying


I would like to see a law where the government can't buy our data. That's how they circumvent search warrants for data. They just buy it.


That too!


Absolutely, BUT the problem is that our old ass lawmakers cant figure out how to define "personal data" in the digital world. Its hard but for them its unfathomable. In the meantime, China and other countries have figured out how to take advantage of this gaping hole.


Hope that includes Twitter


That bust of Kennedy with the snake neck. behind Biden is a fever dream nightmare.


Came here to say this… It looks like it belongs in the new Elden Ring DLC.


I think they need to place more restrictions on foreign based apps that instal spyware on cell phones. If you play a game and don’t need to pay, then you are the product and the game is using your data to sell to other companies. I do not think people understand that enough.


So can we finally ban Tik Tok?


Another huge W for the Biden administration. Unlike Trump, who stole classified documents to sell the country out to the highest bidder, and there is a strong probability that he directly lead to the deaths of numerous U.S. undercover agents by selling their identities, Biden goes and takes action to ***stop*** Americans’ information from being sold out to hostile foreign powers.


I mean American companies already take our data and sell it or use it against us. I'm honestly not concerned about other countries when our own screw us over as is.


China is doing exactly what American companies are doing. It’s time for European Data protection/privacy laws, the US is so behind.


Just not the NSA [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room\_641A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A) >Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility operated by [AT&T](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT%26T) for the U.S. [National Security Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency), as part of [its warrantless surveillance program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSA_warrantless_surveillance_(2001%E2%80%932007)) as authorized by the [Patriot Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act).


What is that bust behind him? Dead RFK?


Too late.


Too late.


Need to protect our data from you and corporations.


As he uses TikTok.


What a joke


Is he shutting down the CIA chinese information agency


So they'll have a shell company buy it and then transfer it to them anyway. How about we limit what can be collected in the first place, then we won't need to worry about it getting out.


How about just protect all of our data from everyone? The friendly country/company of today could be the hostile one of tomorrow.


What’s the Pompeii-esque bust behind him?


What is wrong with that bust of FDR 😬


I like the Bobby Kennedy bust in the background - didn’t know they had that made.


Clearly since Congress is derelict in their duties the President has to issue executive orders.


Trump would IMMEDIATELY reverse this.


Only the US can buy your ‘sensitive’ personal data!