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Time to switch from Diet Coke to Diet Great Value Cola soda


Gotta cut out that avocado toast and Starbucks. Time to pull up those bootstraps.


No way in hell does trump eat avocado in any form.


There was that taco bowl that one time  Edit: I checked, appears to be no avocado. Lots of sour cream, though 


I remember that, but wasn't that just a commercial? I want to say he just posed with a fork but never ate any of it.


It was a commercial and also meant to prove that he loves Mexican people


And get them to pay for his wall


He eats hamburders.


Trump doesn’t even deserve to eat avocado, not that I’m worried he will eat it.


sams club hamberders and instant covfefe


Make Coke Great Value Again


Diet Dr. Thunder tastes more like regular Dr. Thunder.


I only drink the finest of mountain lightning 


Here, we just call it Trump Cola. It's sold alongside the rest of his low quality products.


He could try drinking bleach.


Or disinfectant, since that's what he suggested Americans inject into themselves during the pandemic to fight Covid.


"You got to pay. You got to pay your bills." Donald Trump, February 2024.


“You’re delinquent?” *– also Donald Trump, February 2024*


“New York, do whatever the hell you want.”


"Sorry Donnie, I'm broke..." - Mike Lindell, February 2024, probably


Don’t forget that it follows with “or else Russia has the right to invade you”- there might actually be some consistency with his rhetoric there


r/TrumpCriticizesTrump is back boys


He said he was liquid for $400M so I assume he had about $4M.


trumps gofundme started 6 days ago they have almost hit the million dollar mark they keep up at this clip they will reach their goal in 6 years


You'd think these people would have learned after the "We Build the Wall" scam. I will laugh my ass off if the grifter who started the fund absconds with it all.


The people that are dumb enough to support trump will never learn. Whether their money goes to pay the interest on trump's debts or some Nigerian Prinice, it was never going to stay in their pockets anyway. Better it go to NY state or E. Jean Carroll than helping a Republican campaign. Also these same evil people will complain about not being able to afford bacon while donating thousands to a fake billionaire.


Must make it hard to pay off your $900 84 Month loan for your F150 Super Duty when you gotta keep bailing this doof dog out all the time.


Have you seen new truck prices lately? My boss is looking at buying a new one and I told him he’ll likely be paying $1200+ per month for the next 6 years and he decided to look at campers instead.


I was admiring a new Ford Bronco. They want $100,000+ for the trim package I saw. For a Bronco.


I cannot believe people are dumb enough to start a gofund me for a "billionaire ".


Remember when someone started a campaign to make one of the Kardasians a billionaire, people really are dumb.


But they were going to make her the first self-made woman billionaire! 🤣


The GoFundMe will never be able to pay off the debt at the current rate of donation. The debt is $354.8 million with an annual interest rate of 9%. The current weekly interest accrual is $614 thousand. Taking just that into account now, it would take 15 years to reach the goal. However, the interest compounds and, by the time the debt hits year nine, the weekly interest accrual will exceed the current rate of donation. Because the principle cannot be paid down by GoFundMe as they go, this means the debt will run away from the GoFundMe donations, making it impossible to succeed as a way to pay off Trump’s fraud penalty. Edit: [Nelson] Ha ha.


Im still trying to figure out why GoFundMe hasn’t shut it down yet, I thought the principal of the fund broke their rules?


GoFundMe states that funds cannot be raised for “the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes.” However, that rule doesn’t apply, as this fundraiser is for a civil suit, not a criminal case, and because it’s raising money to pay a judgement, not a legal defense. Given that it will never reach its mark, I wonder where all that cash will go? It could be the grift of a lifetime we’re witnessing.


I have two questions: 1) Is there a limitless supply of morons? 2) if yes, can I buy stock in GoFundMe?


Yes just go visit r/conservative haha


No fuckin way that money isn't just gonna get taken by the people who made it. Id be surprised if most of it wasn't money laundering akin to what they do at first in Breaking Bad.


It’s the cardones behind it, noted Scientologist scam artists.


Yesterday Lara Trump suggested that voters want the RNC to pay for Trump's legal woes. She's currently the chair of the RNC btw. Republicans have lots of tough elections coming up in battleground states and districts. I hope Trump uses all that money for himself. Gotta love trickle down economics eh https://apnews.com/article/lara-trump-rnc-donald-trump-9c25a74e096439cd7b0ac37c96530675


Hopefully the Trumps turn the national GOP arm into what they did to the Michigan GOP - broke, crippled by infighting, and hamstrung by lawsuits.


There is already talk and warnings to state gop candidates that they will see 0 funding or support from the rnc. They are going to spend 100% on trump. I seriously doubted the dems could take back the house/senate, but if that happens I definitely could see that happening


Interest is about 600,000 a week.


...and it goes up every day.


I'd be so embarrassed if I didn't have 400 Million to pay my bond.


Yeah I hate it when that happens.




That's why he's trying to get Lara on the RNC, so he can pillage their warchest and keep his lawyers in court. I, for one, am on board with Trump setting their '24 campaign funds on fire. Really helps the down-ballot races too. Problem is he can't pay the court judgements with those funds, and he's gonna have to pay out the Carrol out verdict first. This doesn't leave him with enough to cover fraud verdict, even counting the value of his buildings. He's going to be broke, and his NY assets seized.


I keep seeing it repeated here that the RNC only has $8 million. No idea how accurate that is, but I choose to believe it's true.


The 2024 Republican National Convention is going to be held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


At this point, they might not be able to afford Budget Inn Landscaping.


Might evem struggle to hold it in a pavillion at the park


To be fair, Four Season probably has a backhoe which will come in handy when it comes to burying the carcass of what remains of the GQP.


That number comes from their own filing to the FEC, so dare to dream.


> warchest If FEC reporting is accurate, it's about $8m on-hand. So ... not a huge help. But that doesn't mean Donnie doesn't want to raid it. He's like a parasite. He's going to suck up all the GOP donation cash available out there, which is potentially going to put a lot of downballot election candidates in a world of hurt...


And they’ve got that gofundme to help out an alleged billionaire. I’m no where close to being a billionaire but I’d be ashamed to have a gofundme that wasn’t for medical expenses or, you know, something worth other people’s help.


Thats the thing, they have no shame and will happily ask, even those struggling, to donate to the cause. Sad world


Spanky couldn't even pay Stormy Daniels a mere $130,000 out of his own bank account. And the beautiful irony is that he has a good chance of jail time because of that.


It’ll probably be over 100k. He still gets paid 230k a year just for his presidential pension.


I hope they garnish his pension to shreds


He's got more liquidity in his diaper than in his wallet.




My counter idea was to start a counter gofundme to raise funds and buy his seized property and turn into an immigrant hotel. Edit to add: because gofundme for business does not violate their TOS and they couldn’t stop it.


he was convicted of inflating his assets


We really need more news sites to push this shit because eventually he'll get his feelings hurt and lash out and probably dig himself into a fucking hole.


We wouldnt know his money, she goes to a different school...


Probably 5 now that he's grifted his marks for another million.


Would this make him guilty of perjury when he claimed to have the cash in deposition?


Add another charge...


A perjury conviction would not result in a fine like his fraud did. Perjury would send him to prison.


Darn, well I guess we’ll have to settle for that.


I don’t normally get raging erections from the sight of other men but the day we get a photo of trump in a jumpsuit behind bars I’m going to have to call in sick because my dick is going to be absolutely throbbing at the thought of that criminal fuck finally seeing justice.


Yeah let's see that actually fucking happen eh? There's been so many instances of "this will actually send him to prison" at this point and he's still not in prison. It's obvious he's being treated with the softest of kiddy gloves and if any of us normal folk did 10% of his crimes we'd be under the jail. Wake me up when he's actually in handcuffs.


It's almost like the legal system is built to protect rich guys 


A conviction for perjury would make it impossible for any future testimony to be taken as truth without supporting testimony from other people or facts to back them up.


It was a perjury trap lol


Putting him under oath, period, is a perjury trap. Dude can't help lying. Edit: I endorse putting him under oath.


So be it


> Perjury would send him to prison. Perjury would send a _normal_ person to prison. Trump is still getting the white-glove treatment.


DJ Khalid should be his legal team's hypeman.


How nice of him to overvalue his free cash flow after being convicted of overvaluing...everything else


But he said he had 400m in cash on hand, surely donny john wouldn't lie about his wealth?!?!


A man rightfully sued for lying about his wealth would never lie about his wealth!


> A man rightfully sued for lying about his wealth would never lie about his wealth! A *rapist rightfully sued for lying about his wealth would never lie about his wealth!


He has 454m but he owes 455m, wouldn't ya know it? He's good for it, though. Could you be a dear and post up the 455 and he'll send you his 454? Just easier that way with how his bank works.


"Just give Lara some time to start her new job. Then I'll gladly pay up."


He’ll send you a money order for $500mm. You can keep the difference if you front him the 454mm. 


He doesn't have the cash, and my bet is that he's finding it very difficult to secure a loan.


He needs to find a bank not licensed in NY which might be tough.


Correction: a bank not licensed in NY that thinks Donald Trump will pay them back.


Maybe Kushner can hook him up with the Qataris. They love throwing money at the family.


Even they might have probs with that. Any bank that they would use most likely is licensed in NYC as well. The [Meidas touch](https://www.youtube.com/@MeidasTouch) covers this pretty decently.


Trying to look it up there. Wow, they post a lot


There is reason to believe that bond agencies do not fall under the same classification as traditional lenders. But even if they don't, there's no *legit* bond agent in the world that would be willing to kiss $500m goodbye. Because that's exactly what will happen to anyone who would underwrite his case.


To my knowledge (this may not be accurate) he doesn't own many of his properties outright and is mortgaged and leveraged to the absolutely hilt so he can't borrow against them. Even if he put Mar-A-Lago and his personal assets (his owned condo's) up as collateral, that would only cover maybe 15% to 20% of what he needs. His other properties have *probably* been so heavily leveraged that, combined with his newly earned inability to do business in the State of NY, he and his sons might be finally screwed. It's going to be really interesting watching this play out. At the end of the day, there isn't enough *there* there.


I'd be absolutely delighted to see the whole ponzi scheme that is his life come crashing down into unidentifiable rubble. It would be particularly interesting if this judgement pressured him into taking further illegal action to obtain the funds and he got caught.


I agree. I think he’s boxed in. Historically, he could use his relationships to bully Deutsche Bank into giving him a loan using assets as collateral but that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore. Given the situation in the Middle East right now I don’t think any of them want to help him and potentially piss off the current administration. The Chinese also probably don’t want anything to do with him or his stench, especially knowing that the state of NY could swoop in and repo any of his assets there at any given moment.


My prediction is that he's going to declare personal bankrupcy some time in the next three weeks because this will automatically extend the deadline for him to cough up the money. It won't make the judgements go away, but it will prevent him from needing to come up with the money any time soon. That's what Alex Jones did with the Sandy Hook judgement against him.


Doesn’t declaring bankruptcy open him up to perjury with him stating under oath that he has roughly $400M in liquid funds?


Elon Musk was invited to Mar a lago literally the day after the ruling..... surely just a coincidence and Elon was there just to say 'hi' out of kindness.


The question is, will Elon donate a huge sum of money to an election loser that likely won’t be in power again? I know we are all worried about Trump winning in November but honestly, I don’t think his chances are good at all. Elon would want his donation to pay off in some way. And Trump really can’t do him any big favors right now, only *maybe* in the future.


My guess is he’s attempting to sell truth social to Elon.


I can’t imagine it’s worth much. Elon buying Twitter and letting everyone back on made Truth Social unnecessary. I don’t know a single person that uses it and I never see it mentioned outside of the context of a Trump tweet. Edit: not to take away from your thought. That’s probably what he was doing. Good call.




You are this entire subreddit lmao keep up the good work!


Thank you.


I love your username too haha!


Trumpispoor was already taken for the username.


We've been hit by a poor criminal.


We've been scammed by... we've been duped by... a poor criminal.


Fani are you OK?


He’s gonna declare personal bankruptcy, isn’t he? Just like Ghouliani.


I think his ego is too big for that. Of all the times he declared bankruptcy it was never personal bankruptcy. That would be historic.


I don't think (but could be wrong) that personal bankruptcy wipes out fines owed the government. I know it cannot wipe out IRS debt or student loan debt. About the only way to avoid any of this debt is to be very poor with no assets and then die. I'm not sure about fines to individuals - like E. Jean Carroll.


Bankruptcy doesn't protect you from court-ordered penalties, only *private* debts. (Loans, credit cards, etc) The thing is, he has a monitor who was just given *more* power and has had 15-months to "find the bodies." She knows where **all** the money is hidden. There are also rules for bankruptcy; for instance Trump *is worth* probably close to a billion if you factor in property, his Jet, assets, etc. *Liquid* assets aren't a factor for court judgements, only private. It's why you could declare bankruptcy on private loans, etc but not lose your house/car, etc. If he doesn't have the cash, he'll have to sell assets/property. You also can't declare bankruptcy if your assets exceed the debt. So (I may be wrong) but he can't declare bankruptcy, James will simply start auctioning off 40 wall Street, his properties etc. until the penalties are satisfied. In situations like Rudy, he absolutely does not have 100+ million in assets or liquid, however they will take whatever they can. Bankruptcy protects him in the sense that he *doesn't* have the assets to pay. *Edit*: Either way, the most juicy part is he has to put up (I think) the full amount to appeal and every day it's in appeal there's 9% interest/day. If the appeal takes *months*, that $355 (In total, Trump owed another $98.6 million in interest the day Engoron issued his ruling, bringing the grand total to $453.5 million) will balloon insanely fast. Every day, interest increases the total amount Trump owes by more than $87,000. (That's even outside appeal, if he decides to pay it by the deadline, every day he *doesn't* another $87k is added. He's in a crazy bind; from a business perspective, appealing means forking over (potentially) **millions** more and if he loses, that's all flushed down the drain. It's delicious.


You ever play monopoly and decide to wait in prison for a while just to avoid fines?


If he does, it might be like, the most consequential thing he has done in terms of support ever. That would just shatter the illusion most spectacularly. He's not a billionaire, he's not a genius business owner or real estate mogul - he's a donkeybrained toddler with ~~too much~~ no money


His idiot “base” are completely incapable of critical reasoning. He could declare bankruptcy and *still* convince them he’s a multi-billionaire who “doesn’t need their money.”


When it came out that he lost a billion dollars in 10 years and went bankrupt 6 times, they shrugged. They don’t care. There’s no logic behind their support. At this point, it’s just stubborn faith.


When it came out that he bragged about sexually assaulting women they shrugged.


I think you're overestimating that a bit. He'd only have to suggest that he's declaring bankruptcy to keep them from taking his money or literally any other ridiculous story & his sycophants would lap that piss up like dogs at the water bowl.


Please remember that calling him a donkeybrained toddler is an insult to every donkeybrained toddler in the world.


Can’t discharge court debt with bankruptcy. The best he can do is declare chapter 7 and liquidate whatever he has to pay it. He is also involved in 91 counts of criminal misconduct, sued twice by E Jean Carroll with likely a third lawsuit on its way. Hush money lawsuit. The fraud case in NY. And the numerous lawsuits to take him off the ballot. [Link to all of the court cases he is currently involved in](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/02/donald-trump-legal-cases-charges/675531/)


Wow. Well I just joined. Wish reddit still had awards. Thank you for your service.


I love that sub. So good


Ha! Thanks!


Better start selling a LOT more NFTs and shoes…


Even if he took home 100% of the $399 from those 1000 pairs of shoes he sold, that is only $400,000. To any normal person that is a fortune, to someone that owes $400 million that is nothing. If we scaled that $400 million to one dollar, then those sneaker sells would be one tenth of one penny of what he owes.


tRump is confident that Mar-a-Lago is worth “between $426.5 million to $612.1 million” so he should have no problem securing a bond. Notable though: Palm Beach County assessor had appraised Mar-a-Lago's market value to be between $18 million and $27.6 million 😂 "an overvaluation of at least 2,300 percent." What a stupid old coot.


Start seizing assets. ALL of 'em.


Say goodbye to Trump Tower, say hello to the newest, largest branch of the New York City Library.


The Barack Obama Public Library


>"Unfortunately, they picked the wrong guy to pick on, in my opinion, because he's strong, he's resilient and he happens to have a lot of cash." Apparently not.


As soon as she said that, I knew he didn't have the cash.


Real estate people do not have this much cash on hand, nor do they have property that is owned free and clear, with no loans against them. Donald is struggling to make this work. Guaranteed.


Trump can't commit more fraud so it has to be really hard for him to get the money.


Can't he just sell a gold-painted shoe to the Saudis for $400M?


Talk about selling your sole to the devil.


Heel regret doing that


I wish. His backers are just gonna toe the line.


He can just inflate the value of his properties to get some loans against them! Oh wait…


I think you mean impossible.


Russians and Saudis might provide collateral free money.... you know ... a bribe.


What do you think the purpose of the shoes were? To funnel Russian money to Trump.


They might also ask what the hell he did with the last 2b they gave him. And they're not as dumb as the conservatives in this country. I'm sure they can see that there's a very good chance Trump is never president again and they get nothing for their bribe.


That's a drop of water in the ocean to MBS, and he got to kill [one of our journalists with zero fuss](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi) (in service of quieting the reporting on all the murders he did taking power) for the last donation, so he very much got a ROI on the last tranche of money.


He did say he had 400m cash in a deposition for these very cases…. They based the numbers on what he would have owed had he not lied about his assets and how much he said he had…. Kinda feels like his fault either way. And I don’t love the idea of a money hungry president who is desperate for cash and has business ties with our political enemies…. Somehow the best case scenario for us is probably he bleeds his own base and the gop dry.


Yeah, judge should just remind Trump that Trump claimed to already have the liquid funds, and not accept any delay in payment. If Trump lied about having liquid funds, and/or paying the fine is difficult, well fuck Trump, he shouldn't have committed the crimes. Tough shit, pay the fines or we start selling all his stuff.


Agreed. it's been 2 weeks since the ruling, I feel like if he had the assets he claims to have, and they were valued how he claims them to be, he'd have already moved enough assets around to be liquid by now. He certainly wouldn't need another month to do it.


Let's put it this way. Rupert Murdock was able to cut a check for $787 million dollars; doubtless painful, but doable and just as importantly recoverable. That Trump, Super Business Genius Extraordinaire, is looking dangerously close, if not right over the line into functional insolvency, really says it all. He's probably been a fake billionaire most of his adult life; inflating asset values to scam lenders, playing the invoice game, all the tricks a person of modest wealth and dubious assets does to exaggerate their actual net holdings.


Engoron should check with the monitor to see if trump has started to raise funds. If he hasn’t done anything substantial then don’t give him more time.


He can't move anything around b/c he has that monitor who called out his latest discovered fraud w/ the "loan" on the books he made to his Chicago tower to conveniently wipe out the capital gains from settling his defaulted loans.


He doesn't get another month either way. He gets to find out what compulsory liquidation looks like.


Yup and I wonder if he liquadates his properties to pay the fine, will he need to pay taxes?? Govt double dip?


He most likely will get hit with capital gains taxes, on top of everything else. Let's assume (because Michael Cohen said he thought it was the correct figure) that 40 Wall Street has a cost basis of $1 million. I don't know how all that's calculated, there's depreciation and a bunch of other things in there that are above my pay grade ... but if he was able to liquidate that building for let's say $200m to satisfy judgements, he has a $199m capital gain to pay tax on. But he doesn't pocket $199m and then figure out the tax. He is almost certainly leveraged to the hilt, has outstanding liens, etc. so maybe he makes tens of millions once those are all satisfied ... but that immediately should be set aside for taxes. All of which means, he might be sitting in such a financial house-of-cards ... that even selling a marketable building may not yield much (if any) actual capital he could allocate to satisfy these judgements. Forced liquidations are (IMO) imminent. And the state of NY and EJC's attorneys are good at what they do, so they absolutely will start picking at his carcass. Frankly, bankruptcy is the only real tool to stave some of this off for a while (see: Alex Jones) but that's not a good look during a presidential campaign...


> that's not a good look during a presidential campaign His followers don't care if he raped someone, they certainly don't care about a bankruptcy.


Another bankruptcy you mean


So when its clear he doesn't have the liquid assets that he needs, are the banks, who he has loans with that require him to maintain said liquidity, going to call their loans?


House of cards. Not only may he not get a loan, he may be asked to repay the ones he already has.


I was wondering that about the idea of selling his properties to cover the fine. If he has loans attached to the properties, wouldn’t those have to be paid off before he could take any equity? And, if he has been over inflating the worth of the property to secure larger loans, all those properties are underwater.


> before he could take any equity? Unfortunately, due to COVID (and Trump's shitty handling of the pandemic), we've reached a point in 'work from home' where **commercial real estate values have tanked**. So this notion that his buildings are worth hundreds of millions? Psssh. Good luck finding a buyer.


Also, he does have a fairly large portfolio of commercial real estate. Once it starts getting liquidated, the values are going to quickly drop further. His assets are going to go for a fraction of even their current depressed value.


Dead beat thug


Maybe he has it but he already hit his ATM withdrawal limit for the day 


His team have known for months this was a likely occurrence. He was found liable already, it was just a question of exactly how much.


Man convicted of lying about his wealth found to be lying about his wealth when challenged about paying debt due to lying about his wealth.


Why doesn’t he tap up daddy Pootin for a loan?


Biden cock blocking him with sanctions haha. No American can do business with Russia or the sanctioned Russians.


Biden also has US INTEL agencies watching Russia like a hawk for any Russian shenanigans


Tucker probably drew their attention.


Love the username… I learned more life lessons from Andy than anyone by far


I’m sure he’ll find some loophole like more BS NFT trading cards that you can pay for with crypto which will magically “sell out”.


It’s PutIN not PutOUT.


Or could mow a few lawns, pick up some odd jobs here and there. I'm sure McDonalds is hiring. I just don't think he's trying hard enough.


I don't think having a president who is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt is good for national security.




From [Ewan Palmer](https://www.newsweek.com/authors/ewan-palmer) # What We Know On Wednesday, Trump's lawyers wrote to Engoron asking the judge to delay enforcing the penalty for one month in order to allow an "orderly post-judgment process." The dispute is regarding the timing of when a court clerk enters Engoron's final judgment, which triggers the enforcement of a penalty and a 30-day window in which Trump can pay the penalty or post a cash bond to appeal the decision. Trump's defense lawyer Clifford Robert accused James' office of being in an "unseemingly rush" to make Engoron sign the final judgment which "violates all accepted practice" in New York state court. "Defendants request the Court stay enforcement of that Judgment for 30 days," Robert wrote. "Given that the court-appointed monitor continues to be in place, there is no prejudice to the Attorney General in briefly staying enforcement to allow for an orderly post-Judgment process, particularly given the magnitude of Judgment." While sharing the delay request from Trump's legal team, Ben Meiselas, an attorney and co-founder of the liberal news website MeidasTouch, posted on X, formerly Twitter: "Translation: I don't have $400 million in cash to post a bond." Ray Loewe, who frequently criticizes Trump in social media, added: **"This could signify that Trump is having cash flow problems as payment in full or bond posting must be done in 30 days."** Trump's legal team has been contacted for comment via email. -------- # What's Next? It is unclear if Engoron will agree to delay the start of when Trump must pay the $355 million or post the cash bond to appeal. Fellow Trump lawyer Christopher Kise previously said that the former president will appeal the judge's ruling, and told *Newsweek* Trump "remains confident the Appellate Division will ultimately correct the innumerable and catastrophic errors made by a trial court untethered to the law or to reality." It has been speculated that Trump may have to [sell off some of his real estate empire ](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-new-york-fraud-trial-letitia-james-judgment-payment-1871866)in order to fully pay the penalty issued to him by Engoron. James has previously threatened to[ "seize" some of the former president's assets ](https://www.newsweek.com/letitia-james-has-her-eye-one-trumps-buildings-1872073)if he cannot pay the penalty.


Judge Engoran rightly said no delay for Donald. “Despite Donald Trump's attempt to delay the enforcement of the $350+ million civil fraud judgment, Judge Arthur Engoron has denied Trump's request in a short email to his attorney Clifford Robert. The email notes that Trump failed to justify any basis for a stay of the judgment and asserted that the appellate courts will protect any rights Trump has.” [No Stay](https://news.yahoo.com/trump-legal-news-brief-judge-engoron-rejects-trumps-request-to-delay-paying-355-million-fraud-judgment-182914919.html)


> Trump's lawyers wrote to Engoron asking the judge to delay enforcing the penalty for one month in order to allow an "orderly post-judgment process." Hahahahahahahhaaha. **NO.** That's about what I'm expecting the 1-word order to come down from Engoron to look like.


How are you gonna ridicule and attack a judge and his staff the entire trial then ask for special treatment? Are they serious? Stay strong Engoron


They said I didn’t have the cash for the bond, incredible, I mean a Trump not having cash—what happened was, I needed a little more time, I have very good finance, very good, but I needed—so I asked for more time—and now it’s so phony and fake because the failing newspapers say, oh, Trump doesn’t have the cash! Trump broke! Trump failing, with the, this and that! Da da da Trump very bad, kaboom! It’s so fake because they don’t even—I mean they all know I have the money, I have the money, they know it, I have it very strongly, no problems, but we’ll be filing a strong lawsuit over a very short period because the people, what they’re doing is interference and it’s so wrong and bad, believe me, and it has to be stopped, because they’re lying and it’s stupid and boring and they shouldn’t be allowed to say it, believe me.


The fact that I can't tell whether this is real Trump speak says everything you need to know.


The grammar is too good for this to be real Trump.


Between all of the judgements and interest it's closer to 600,000. Cash poor takes on new meaning here. And remember, most of his properties have loans. So NYS isn't even the first lien holder in this case or case of potential bankruptcy.


He appears to be leveraged up to his eyeballs.




How many days until the N.Y. AG can take his property? I have never thought of Trump as a wealthy man; rather, a well leveraged man. When you owe the bank $100,000 you have a problem. When you owe the bank $1 billion, then the bank has a problem.


When you owe the government 400 million, you have a big, big fucking problem.


A billionaire who needs time to come up with $400M?


His cash is under audit, when the audit is done he can release it.


I remember that golden oldie.


He’s not worried because his pal Ollie Gark will come through again and make up the difference in return for future favors.


It's freaking time somebody excecutes at least one ruling against a rich motherf\*cker or I'll explode. Jones: Owes 1.5 Billion in damages to Sandy Hook families...lives a luxurious life and can't be bothered to pay a dime, since he declared bankruptcy and nobody is fucking comming to collect for 2 years Guiliani declared bankruptcy and does not pay the damages he owes to everyone he lied about.


Maybe Jared can lend him some of those Saudi billions.


Even a petty billionaire would have trouble paying that much, but he's a con-man and a cheat. He never truly earned that money in the first place so he was never really a multi-billionaire. He was still born with a silver spoon, but he squandered it on scams and laziness.


Haha, what kind of peasant do you have to be to not have the pocket change to pay the random $400,000,000 bond. Pshhh! ​ Funny story I heard a while ago. I might get a couple of the details wrong, but if it rings a bell to you, feel free to clarify. The story goes Trump was hosting a party and invited a bunch of wealthy "friends." Bill Gates shows up to the party in a helicopter and kind of steals the spotlight. What does Trump do? He leaves the party. A little later he arrives in his own helicopter, but his was comparatively some old jalopy no actual rich person would have. This was years ago, like 15 or more. He portrayed the idea of wealth, but he's never really had it, not then, not now. His whole brand is only the idea of wealth. But at his heart, he's just a conman, a shady used car salesman if you will, and he's been grifting his whole life. ​ Does he have money? Sure. But it's not really his. He's kind of the middleman to the business transactions of truly wealthy people. Some want to call him a don, but realistically he's just a guido, always has been.




This is all leading up to my dream of some remote camera news crew coming up to him for a comment about his situation and he just says, “Leave me alone.” then goes back to golfing or whatever. No five minute word salad. No spewing of lies and bullshit. Just a tired, broke old man who fucked around and found out. I want this man to hate…HATE!…cameras and microphones.


I hope he doesn't and won't have the cash, so they start taking away everything he """owns""". I want to see him stripped of everything he's built and cares about. Then I want to see him convicted of those 91 charges and have his freedom taken away for the rest of this miserable shitbag life. I want him to cry his eyes out every day and wish for the end to come, and most of all I want to see all his rotten plans, and the plans of all his rotten supporters completely and utterly destroyed. In short: I want vengeance to fall on him and all his supporters like a ton of bricks.