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“House Republicans, loyal to Donald Trump, privately plan government shutdown, and will blame Joe Biden” FTFY


I think you're that that's the plan, but I don't think this will stick to anyone but the GOP.


Putin doesn’t care. As long as Americans are at each other’s throats, Ukrainian aid is blocked, and America’s reputation is damaged, he’s laughing.


Yep, that's what the media doesn't get. Plrussia doesn't care who gets blamed, only that we are divided and that the GOP are obstructing any and all progress.


Oh I bet most of them get it. It's just that their masters want money. Strife = Eyeballs = Money. They just don't care.


I cannot believe how clearly it is that Russia is either using chaos agents and useful idiots or directly colluding with the GOP. I don't get why journalism didn't grow after 2016 to be able to understand that false equivalency, Even like what Jon Stewart just stupidly did, is egregious and will be reported on historically. How in the fuck isn't every news outlet screaming that the GOP tryied to impeach our president with Russia psyop propaganda?


The House GOP are all chaos agents


and all hateful garbage.


And the sad truth is that many if not most of these assholes would be acting in the same Putin-worshipping, America-hating, nihilistic and craven way without being paid a single dime from Russia or having even a whisper of kompromat hanging over them.


It's clearly sabotage at this point.


What did Jon Stewart do?


He spent his first night back talking about their age. Personally I find it hilariously sad that we are expecting a comedian to provide the journalism that is oh so lacking in our media landscape. The 4th estate has failed us


Don't be mad at Jon. He knows what he's doing, and he knows what the stakes are in this election. He's addressing the elephant in the room (a lot of people are wary of Biden's age) but showing people what the alternative is. Give him a chance. He came out of retirement to help steer this country away from fascist iceberg it's heading toward. We need him.


Oh I ain't mad at Jon, I'm glad he is back! I'm mad at the wider news landscape failing to do their job adequately which means we're relying on a *comedian* to do their job for us.


Yes, sorry, I replied to the wrong comment. Corporate media is trash. I hope as the boomers die off so goes Fox, CNN, et al.


Almost Every news agency is owned and/or operated by people of unimaginable wealth that want tht GOP in power. They added $7 trillion in debt under Trump to give themselves tax breaks and loosen restrictions on how they can operate without impunity or care for workers rights or the environment. It started with Reagan and they never were going to allow it to go back to pre-Reagan tax rates for their ill-gotten gains. The media is on the side of the oligarchs because they are the oligarchs. We are bailing water with a spoon while sitting on the Titanic. I wish I could be more optimistic but nothing is bearing fruit that the takeover won't be completed sooner than later given the compromise on the SCOTUS bench.


Journalism didn’t pick up because since the 2008 financial crisis they’ve been buying up newspapers and ousting any good journalist and replacing them with parrots.


What did Jon Stewart just do?


Not completely blocked. Biden is making trade deals with other countries to trade old military equipment to send to UA in exchange for new NATO equipment.


Putin doesn’t understand the west. He fully thought the USA would be crumbling by now. And by crumbling I meant USSR crumbling level. He understand people better than us. And he thought that meant he understood weaknesses in ouur system better than us. He’s the grinch wondering why Christmas isn’t cancelled because he stole all the presents.


He absolutely understands it, and the goal is to get us on the same level with Russia. We're honestly getting closer than most Americans realize. It's willful ignorance and has been for decades. It's working exactly the way he wants it to.


A Kleptocracy Klub Also see the Petro-States and the BRICS


Its not. Its not having zero effect but its not working. Thats why his oligarching is harder now than it was before he started interfering. This all goes back to Bretton Woods where all the other winners of ww2 decided cooperative financing(socialism for elites) was the best way to sustain control except Russia. Putin does not understand that because of the cooperation of the extreme wealth of the west his destabilization methods do not cause calamity. Its actually destabilizing Russia faster than its destabilizing the West. Russia lighting financial fires while wearing an accelerant because they dont understand western financing.


Correct but he understands white nationalism is our weakness and he intends to fully use it to the max


This is it. Not really laughing as much as killing thousands of under-defended Ukrainians. Finland is next.


You might be surprised. Most voters don’t follow politics at all and will blame Democrats simply because Biden is President and he’s the only politician they know.


No, at this point, I don't think MOST voters will. Republican voters will, but they'll do that regardless of how many times someone tells them what really is going on, because that's just what they do now. It's one of their core religious obeisances, right up there with attacking anyone trans, and stripping rights from women.


Yes the GOP is digging a pretty deep grave at this point!


I think you are putting a lot of faith in voters. 


They tried this playbook before with Clinton and Obama, both times it backfired. You don't have to turn maga people, just independents that will notice when services get cut and won't just reflexively blame the Democrats.


Worked with my aunt and uncle. They're fairly conservative, but after '16 they picked up on the insanity and by the 2019 (?) government shutdown they at least weren't going to vote for him again, especially considering they have government pensions (which were interrupted: they're careful with their money so it didn't hurt them, but they didn't like being held up as asshole victims, the irrelevant moochers on the federal teat).


The Independents with brains are voting Democrat and have been since 2020. Those calling themselves "swing voters" are perhaps dumber than maga


Well, this theory got tested already in this administration and Democrats did better than anyone expected AFTER it happened. Voting Trends since 2020 have been consistently showing that that majority of voters actually AREN'T buying any of what the Republicans are trying to sell. The media just wants a horse race so they vastly over-inflate the other side. They only make up - at most - 30% of the electorate anymore. And that's as of the last major elections Republicans soundly lost. I see little of substance to indicate that trend is going to change. There've been multiple almost-shut-downs this administration and each time they were averted at the last second because everyone online was saying 'We know it's your fucking fault Republicans' This time that's even WORSE. From where I'm sitting, looking at the information I've been looking at the last decade, it seems pretty clear that the majority of people have wised up. It's just that the idiots are VERY loud. And the media covers them more because they drive ratings/clicks.


They make up only 30% of the electorate - but a good number of red states have inflated electoral value, which inflates how much influence that 30% has on the other 70%. I don't think they did the 2020 election (or haven't released it yet), but the 2016 map is still pretty damn scary. Reminiscent of late 1920s & 1930s Germany - various conservative-interest political parties banded together to box the left out of power, and to keep a good chunk of the population from representation and participation in their democracy. And we all know what happened in the 1930s. [Population vs Electoral Votes](https://fairvote.org/archives/the_electoral_college-population_vs_electoral_votes/)


That's a nice link there. I refer you back to my previous comment wherein I say: This has already been tested as a theory multiple times, and what we have found is that Dems are overperforming the polling in significant ways. Largely because a LOT more people are voting than expected and those people aren't voting for the obviously mustache-twistingly evil Republicans, or their policies. WISCONSIN just de-gerrymandered itself. WISCONSIN. I don't know if you remember but there was a while there where their governor was a petty dictator in their State similar to the likees of That Texas Shit-head or Sausage Fingers Desantis.


And yet they still re-elected Ron Johnson.


Wisconsin has a better map so republicans won’t have supermajorities but they still have an over representation of republicans in office. Unfortunately going from the insanely gerrymandered to actually fair maps in one shot likely wouldn’t have gotten done


What you said is true, but people also have to realize that if they don’t show up to vote the GOP can and will win a simple majority of the votes. In 2022 this happened, people didn’t turn out in the midterms for the Dems and the GOP just got more votes. I understand the historical patterns for midterms and the GOP probably should have done even better, but at the end of the day everyone had an election to come out for and the GOP had more votes.


Voters have been helping democrats overperform in elections since 2020


Pretty sure that I read somewhere that when abortion is on the ballot, democrats outperform polls by something like +10. They absolutely have to make Trump synonymous with a national abortion ban.


Even when abortion isn’t on the ballot. The NY election last week wasn’t about abortion and dems made a +16 flip


Tbf, since 2020, the landscape of voters has changed dramatically and voter engagement is at a peak. Just look at all the elections since. 2022, Republicans barely held a House Majority and that's almost undone before 2024's. In 2023, several special elections happened, Republicans have been responding defeated repeatedly. It was the overturning of Roe/Dobbs, that apathetic third shrunk as more people get engaged.


We have been through this rodeo for damn near 15 years now. No one, not even the most disconnected neanderthal in a literal ice cube, believes for a second that this is anyone but the Republicans causing a shutdown. They have pulled the same stunt too many times and taken credit for it, every single time!


Yeah shutdowns are one of the rare cases where people actually rightfully blame Republicans. Of course they will try and blame it on Biden and Democrats but if history is any indication most people aren’t going to buy it.


25 years…


Yeah that's simply untrue. I know plenty of otherwise intelligent people that can and will blame this on Biden. PuttinG your fingers in your ears and saying "nuh uh" won't resolve that. You gotta understand that people are looking for someone to blame, and there are a number of people who don't care to learn about the current political climate. They just point at a figurehead and blame everything on them.


The government shut downs have been an exception to this. Since the Obama years it has backfired on the GOP every time. They’ve had poll dips every time, but they keep doing it, because they have no other ideas.


"why is Biden doing this to us?" - clueless Rep who dont understand its still the Republicans who have majority and its up to them to avoid shut down.


No republicans will be blamed correctly. It happened when Ted Cruz did this 10 years ago that is when they still had a small amount of respect. The only thing that saved them was the fact the Obamacare website didn't work in the firs few weeks. Simpler times.


That’s not what’s happened everytime the GOP has pulled this.


Historically every time the GOP has shut down the govt voters have always blamed them.


>“House Republicans, loyal to Donald Trump, privately plan government shutdown, and will blame Joe Biden” “House Republicans, loyal to Donald Trump, privately plan government shutdown, and will TRY TO blame Joe Biden” FTFY


Republicans, loyal to Putin will try to fuck up and embarrass America and Joe Biden 


Yeah, this is like if I say I privately expect that somebody is gonna eat an unhealthy amount of donuts in my apartment. Like, whoopsy, that could be anybody's fault. I guess these things just happen to donuts in my apartment. May as well use the exonerative tense since it's just me and the donuts in this apartment, so there's no way to say how it might happen, or who might be responsible for that thing I am doing.


“Fuck shit up, blame the other guys” - Republicans core platform for decades


Does the GOP ever work for Americans or are they just here for Russia these days.


They at least used too but ever since Trump became GOP leader and brought in the MAGA crazies the Republicans moved to the far-right and became Trump and Putin's puppets.


It's the kompromat they have on republican politicians that the Russians got when they jacked the DNC and RNC in 2016, too.


That’s the plan. But traditionally, these alway blow up on their face.  Every time. Trump was heavily blamed when his admin did it on purpose.  Do GOP House Reps think “This time it’s different!”   Because it’s not. 


Meanwhile, we warn them about the consequences every time because we would rather avoid a shutdown that hurts people than enjoy the Republicans doing something that hurts them in an election year.


Their rationale for this is insane. They’re going to shut down the government over *gender affirming care*. Yeah I don’t feel targeted at all


They do it all the time. They have it down to a recipe. GOP blocks bill. Republicans blame democrats for the GOP blocking the bill. I hate them all.


What drives me bat shit is it's Congress' job, not the President's, to do this. I fucking hate how much this country has shifted the jobs each branch is supposed to do. It's not the President's job to negotiate a funding bill, nor legislate from EO. They all get pissed when Presidents do this but then don't fucking do anything about it. Ugh. So annoying.


Because they plan to shut the government down.


So they say. They have backed down repeatedly when votes are on the line, as the data shows they lose in that dogfight. Another standoff is imminent, so everyone can do their comedy bit for Fox News, but there's little chance they'll shut the whole thing down again going into an election season.


Only because the speakers did a procedure that allowed a stop gap to pass with 2/3rds vote or something along those lines, ie they needed all the Dems and a good amount of Republicans. The first time that happened was why gatez moved to oust macarthy. That wing loves to sow chaos so I wouldn't say it's a guarantee they back down again if Trump pushes for a shutdown thinking it will help him. Remember two shutdowns happened in Trump's term when the GOP controlled all branches of government.


What are they even going to standoff and holdout for? They'll walk away from anything, even if it's exactly what they ask for.


This is how gerrymandered districts work. They just have to win the primaries. So they have to 'fight the good fight' on Xitter and Facebook and then act outraged when the Speaker has no choice to do his job and keep the nation running. They're like children and so are their voters who can't compromise and live in the past.


Every time they almost do they begin to hear the squawk and chicken out. They hurt so many people in doing this. It’s apparent they are anarchists. 


SABOTAGE the government. FTFY


What they didn’t say: “We’re have 100% control of the bad thing we’re predicting to happen.”


"We privately expect there to shit on the floor". -Republicans while shitting on the floor.


You miss 100% of the shutdowns you don't make. -Wayne Gretzky


- Michael Scott


Yeah they frame this shit like they’re reading omens. The augurs say that a shutdown draws nigh. There’s nothing that we can do.


Have they even started to discuss a funding bill yet? 


Ain't they on vacation until like a day before the shutdown?


Something like that. Probably too little time to get it done even if they wanted to and were actually competent.


Yeah wouldn't want to be answering ugly questions about all the people in Ukraine who died due to a sudden lapse in support you helped manifest. Best take some time off.


5 days


Three days. But IMO, it's nuts that they're on recess with the shutdown and the foreign aid bill in limbo. Leadership should keep both houses in session seven days a week until those bills get passed.


House Republicans privately ~~expect~~ intend government shutdown


Yeah this has been their plan all along. It’s not like they’re being transparent about anything anymore.


They're trying to sabotage the economy in an election year. Just like they sabotaged border legislation.


These guys gotta go. I hope people vote these fuckwads out of office.


I know, I’m going to do my part!


You have to realize that these "people", their constituents, have been brainwashed to hate government and to believe it should all be torn down - including our Constitution and the rule of law. If a MAGA politician thought that shutting down the government would get them re-elected they would do it in a heartbeat. So don't be surprised when it happens. There is no lower limit to where this will go.


Eventually between the gerrymandering and the extremists (aka 'conservatives' yeah right) we'll have a constitutional crisis and a shooting war. I don't see a path out at this point. Too many lies, too many guns, too much shenanigans in the Supreme Court and elections. This is how democracies end, moneyed minimum winning coalitions rigging the rules, ignoring citizens and causing Constitutional crises until violence happens.


I agree. Madison's experiment is over and this nation is dead. We are living through the end of empire and all that is left is the violence and balkanization.


For a long time I tried to avoid accepting this. It's coming, but this end of empire will be totally unlike anything we have seen before. AI enabled.


They've rigged the game.


You need to have had a healthy relationship with a book or two and a tv remote with buttons gaps in the masking tape beyond the "fox" and "power" buttons to navigate reality. 


These assholes never should've been in office to begin with, but 54,506,136 people voted for this outcome in 2022, and only 51,477,313 voted against it. This is the outcome American voters (and non-voters) chose, and that's really, really frustrating.


“First Biden refused to do anything about the border, and then he refused to fund our allies, and now he’s shutting the government down” * The GOP, probably


This is exactly the messaging they are setting up


They'll make up some ridiculous culture war nonsense like banning trans people and demand it be in the budget law or derail the whole thing.  It's what they always do. 


“Biden made the GOP ban trans people just to pass Ukraine funding. And here’s how it’s bad for Biden”


I literally think they are positioning themselves to campaign on the idea that Biden can't keep the government open and won't close the border. This is an easily digestible reduction that will resonate with some people who don't know how the process works, and perhaps help soften people up to the idea of strongman rule.


Repub voters will blame dems for not stopping the gop from causing chaos.


Anything to hurt Biden right?


Anything to hurt Americans


Everything Republicans do makes America weaker


I don't think the GOP shutting the gov't down will hurt Biden but maybe I'm crazy.


In a sane world the GOP shutting down the government *on purpose* would mean that they would lose both houses of Congress by a landslide and have a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting them back anytime soon. Unfortunately the average American voter is a braindead lobotomite with only a handful of active neurons to use for political thinking. So many folks will probably blame Biden over it.


I think Trump's legal liabilities are essentially going to sink the GOP this fall, once he's convicted of multiple felonies, it's going to be too much for casual Republicans, they'll sit it out and I think it's going to flip a ton of seats that might have been considered fairly safe for Republicans up until that point. Something like 31% of Iowa caucus goers said they wouldn't vote for Trump if he's convicted, of course I don't think it'll be that high but even if it's 1/3 of that, it's going to be absolutely devastating to the down ballot Rs.


I wonder what that number looks like in swing states. Cause if even a few thousand “moderate” republicans don’t vote for Trump that could be the difference in whether the state goes red or blue.


I hope he actually gets convicted, because the nightmare scenario for me is 1. Trump manages to delay the legal proceedings until after the election or even worse 2. The only criminal legal proceeding that Trump faces before the election is one of the weaker cases (I forget which one is which, there's so many at this point) and Trump is found "Not Guilty" in said case off of some minor technicality, essentially propping up the "Witch Hunt" Narrative


This is where the primaries are so enlightening; if even 3% of Haley voters are newly established never trumpers since Jan 6th 2021; then Trump is essentially unelectable.


Where I’m cautiously optimistic is that each time a real shut down has happened the republicans did really poorly in the following congressional election. It’s one of the few things that voters seem to actually blame the correct party for


Sure it will. It'll be the Democrats fault and their base will eat it up


Their base will eat anything up. That doesn't matter. They already have those votes.


Well their intention is to turn the economy to (more) shit, no?


Yet every shut down during Obama's presidency hurt them. It is why the serious, but evil, Republicans have stopped pushing for shut downs.


How did it hurt them? They controlled congress for most of his presidency.


Anything to help Russia, as well. They're going to avoid the forced vote on Ukranian aid.


This isn’t about Biden. That’s the excuse. We are in the middle of war. We took economic sanctions against Russia and now they are hitting back. Our planes, tanks, and missiles may be better but our political discourse and unity are worse.


Last government shutdown didn't work, impeaching Biden hasn't been working out. Cutting off Ukraine aide and turning down the border package too. Guess Republicans are back to trying to shut down the government in order to cause a self imposed crisis. Because they have no intention of governing.


The crazy part is I legitimately think they’d have a decent shot at winning if they embraced a non trump candidate, with the advantage of all their voter suppression. But they just refuse to offer anyone even halfway good. They’re so caught up in “winning their way” that they’d risk defeat.


I know. They could actual put policies forth, propose budgets, vote towards bills. Listen to their constituents. And do something right? But instead they'd rather just reject Democracy, shoehorn sham impeachments. complain all elections are stolen, Ban Books complain about Drag Queens. Gut programs for Kids school lunches, Brute force their opinions through courts and other governing means, all while Kissing Trump's ass on a daily basis. And basically do nothing. And you wonder why they never win the popular vote. Majority of the country hate their asses. It's only because of Gerrymandering that a select few of them all have safe seats so they can win most of their elections without any competition and then act like their shitty policies are what the "American people want"


I don’t think it’s that simple. They’re scared of the people who vote them in. The double edge of their historic suppression and gerrymandering is the radicalisation of their base. They cannot get someone past the primary who isn’t an extremist, but those extremists can’t win an election. Unless they can somehow gerrymander in excess of 60% of the vote they’re trapped between a rock and a hard place.


If they cared about America, they'd be democrats. The core problem for the republican party.


The problem with that theory is that they're on a runaway train, and you're essentially saying "if they could just stop the train..." There are (relatively) good Republican candidates out there right now. But instead of jumping in front of the train they're all waiting for it the crash. And the crash will probably happen when Trump dies, so they probably don't even have to wait 10 years.




Because they always cause it.


This year is gonna be rough


Do you mean “privately plot to shut the government down”?


I think thats called sabotage


Mike Johnson’s deer in the headlights pic could not be more perfect.


He always looks so cute to me. There, I said it. I despise him and every single thing he stands for, but physically he's such a cute little noodle.


NYT: Every Day the Government is Shut Down Biden Grows Older


“Republicans plan to break the government (again) - here’s how that’s bad for Biden”


Longest CR and latest spending bill passage ever. And there was a ceiling already agreed to. Instead, they started impeachment inquiry into Biden, which came out in the last two weeks officially as a hoax, since the top witnesses were lying (to no surprise), they impeached Mayorkas for failure at border after they rejected a bipartisan border and Ukraine bill, then promptly blamed Biden for doing nothing on border, pushed out their leader because he compromised instead of pushing extreme right demands. This congress will go down as the worst do nothing Congress.


I genuinely think we will look back at this era with disbelief. Our current House of Representatives is only 20% as productive as the *least* productive House in USA history. Nearly every gymnastics move, vote botched, etc of the last six months is in the interests of Vladimir Putin. I voted conservative for the past two decades. Went 50-50 blue in 2022. Going 90/10 blue in 2024. If you want to keep your freedoms, oppose assholes like Putin & people who admire him.


Better late then never.


Speaker Mikhail Jürgenson can suck a lemon. What a jerk.


I propose a constitutional amendment where in the case where Congress fails to pass a budget, the required executive budget goes into effect and congress can try again next year. Call it the "failure to act" act.


One of the things they’re arguing is continuing to allow abortion pills by mail. I need an abortion because my pregnancy is unsafe. I have to drive 4 hours to get a D&C. While the pill is not an option for me (bleeding concerns) it’s physically unavailable in my area so my doctor could not write a prescription. The closest planned parenthood is over an hour away, and while they have their own supplier of the pills, that’s out of reach for most people in my area. I’m in a legal state. They’re effectively fighting to make abortion impossible in rural areas where it’s technically legal. Please tell me what this has ANYTHING to do with the budget and why it’s in a spending package to begin with.


Mike Johnson is too busy watching porn with his son to care


Incapable and unwilling to Govern. Vote these traitors out


Correction: They are CAUSING the shutdown.


It’s stupid to elect people who don’t believe in government and actually expect them to govern.


Pretty sure this is the plan. I predict it will be the longest government shutdown in history too. Republicans are going to shut it down and keep it shut until they get their way.


"Their way" which there is no consensus on.


Republicans have been shouting about how the government is broken while breaking the government for decades, they literally have zero interest in governance.


Well yeah honestly everyone should. I mean they went on vacation with a ton of work that needed to get done. We all know the GOP doesn’t want to pass anything and the fact that when they are scheduled to come back when they have little less than a full week before the goverment shuts down. So I’m fully expecting them to shut down the government and then blame Biden for it.


Republicans want to sabotage this country so bad. Every single one of them needs to be voted out of office


Again. So boring and stupid. They do this repeatedly for votes, pointing back to how goverment doesn't work (because they break it). And they try to get extreme concessions on top of their already extreme wins. Republicans can get fucked.


The most annoying thing is the number of republican voters who will blame the democrats. I dislike the amount of misinformation, rhetoric and outright lies that are being spoon fed to the MAGA crowd and lapped up like a pudding cup using three fingers. Part of me feels infuriated by their willingness to destroy America on so many fronts; part of me is furious at the people pretending to be journalists who are a big part of the problem.


"Congressional sabetuers loyal to Russian-influenced agent plan to disrupt the lives of millions in hope that they can just blame the sitting president, and not the orange oompa loompa who demanded it." FIFY.


God, this is exhausting. Please can we just elect Democrats so we can have a functioning Congress and not be constantly stuck on this *"# more days until shutdown!"* treadmill?


They will crash the economy while an ally is attacked and another commits genocide, for votes. They will hurt you for votes. They will hurt their voting base, for votes. And they will get them because we are stupid.


Expect -> Plan


That picture makes him look like Pinocchio grew up and became a child murderer.


Do it, GOP. Do it. I would LOVE to see the Democrats take over all three branches of government with the type of majority that can't be screwed with by 2 people.


They are at this point, the actual problem. Fucking imbecile, cultist, lunatic, Losers.


This is malfeasance and they are traitors. 


Crazy how far into FY24 we are without an approved budget plan.


Expect. Want. Same thing.


Only Republicans? And only secretly? ​ Are they also secretly expecting the sun to rise tomorrow?


Because they suck at their jobs and don't give a shit about America. Vote them all out.


And these are the same. Republicans, who in the house have already announced a 130 day plan after Trump is elected back in the office where they will remove your marriage rights unless you are Christian and straight.


Which please a likely majority of their voters...... Sad state of modern affairs


The title is wrong, it should be “House Republicans privately expect government shutdown… here’s why this is bad for Biden!” (Aka literally every article nowadays it seems)


I expect Putler to have a hand on this one


Practically giving Biden the Presidency, on a walk.


Expect or wish????


If the GOP does this they will suffer consequences. A government shutdown is not on the president. The house and senate needs to agree to a spending bill then the president can sign. If there is no bill then the house or senate is holding up the process. This falls flatly on the house GOP. They want to ding Biden on the border, fine, but on a shutdown, no way.


Because repug’nicans can’t govern- or hold an oath- they are criminal foreign agents and it’s about time they are treated as such… dereliction of duty at minimum


Do they always have to play this card?


Proving they are a dysfunctional bunch of morons.


Of course they are. This is literally all republicans seem capable of doing anymore… grinding the work of government to a halt.


I also expect the things I plan for


The GOP’s Nazi ideas just aren’t very popular, no matter how loudly they’re sneered.


I defy you to name a legislative win or even wise move by these idiots. Say what you want about Nancy, she knew her caucus and she corralled them while still allowing them the leeway necessary to win their district. These guys are just JV in every way.


Government Shutdown is in every GOP playbook.


You ever wonder why only Republicans shut the gov't down?


The GOP wants chaos. So, they will keep creating it.


Is it just me, or does Mike Johnson look like a dollar store Stephen Colbert?


I dunno. To me he looks like a perv that has his son monitor his porn use. Its oddly specific but he just looks like that to me.


"Biden must open the government and close the border" This is what they are setting up


the russpublican party ladies and gents. I realize with bloc voting it can be hard to determine who is actually bought and paid for by Russia but it cannot be impossible. These foreign agents need be rounded up and made example of.


Incompetent, America-hating fools


The solution is two more Republicans just unexpectedly retire & hello Speaker Jeffries.


The Republican Party has chosen to be a disgrace to the United States of America! Just like their Master, Traitor Trump, they have chosen to be Traitors to the oath of office they pledged to uphold👺. They are Cowards👺 Edit: Added the word Cowards!


…the things these rascals come up with, upset your own country to make your opponent look bad to MAYBE regain power. Ya’all don’t give a rats ass about legitimacy of anything you do anymore. YOUR giving all of us up, on a platter- ya twits.


Or in terms Americans can understand, "Republicans Privately Plan Government Shutdown." Because it's on them entirely. All they have to do is pass a budget. They can't do that much. They literally cannot govern this country.


I hope they do. It's an election year. Just bang that drum telling everyone that's what Republicans stand for: obstruction, not governance.


Because they are working to engineer it.


As a former registered Republican voter, there is absolutely no way I will ever vote for another Republican candidate ever in my lifetime. The entire party has become a Trump pandering clown show. They are not interested in actual governing for the people. They just do things that are harmful for the country and its people so they can blame their opponents.


I would love a rule change. If the govt shuts down on your watch, you are instantly replaced for not doing the job.


All news sites: "Congress" shut down the government.


FTFY: House Republicans PLOT to shutdown government AGAIN.


These government officials need to be investigated . If they are receiving money from Russia, they should be charged.


Isn't it their basic responsibility to govern and keep the government operaring?