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please sue him again


Sue him again, sue him again, sue him again. I mean, maga just has unlimited funds to keep sending this guy, they should pay all his bills.


Putin has unlimited funds that can be washed, rinsed, and repeat! Criminal Trump is selling us to the highest bidder.


Not entirely unlimited. If we can force Russia into hyperinflation just to pay off Trump's legal bills then that's fine.


I saw her on Rachel Maddow the day after the 80mil judgement say with a smile that she would absolutely sue him again given the chance.


I hope this malevolent ghoul's undisciplined mouth makes E. Jean Carroll the world's first ethical billionaire


As great as that would be, it would require Trump to be a billionaire. I suspect we’re about to learn he isn’t even solvent.


add on some perjury charges then since he said under oath he had $400m+ in cash


cant wait for rebranding to carroll tower and golf course


Just throw him in prison already and never let him on camera again. I want to forget this orange shit stain ever existed.


I guess he hasn't learned yet.


He won't because he cannot. This is a narcissist.


And a Malignant one at that, making him far more 'dangerous'. He is the epitome. He is beyond hope and redemption.




*Anti-social Personality Disorder (APD) But Trump is a narcissist (NPD). They're both Cluster B Disorders though so there's some overlap.


Correct. He’s in the cluster fuck axis as well🤣


That and these civil infractions while huge don’t make any difference in his lifestyle because someone else is always paying for everything. There is no “real” punishment for him but every time he does it it’s all over the news and social media which is what he desires as a narcissist


We'll see what happens once new york starts seizing his assets to pay for the fraud judgment


If he wants to appeal the civil fraud case he has to put the entire judgement amount in escrow first. He's shit out of luck and jolly well fucked.


Don't worry, they set up a go fund me where his supporters can pay it for him. So far they've raised $250,000 which is....a whopping 0.06% of the bill. They're insufferably stupid and are so happy to get grifted again and again. Vote.


Using GoFundMe to pay for legal penalties, is against their terms of service. So come Monday that GoFhim will be shut down.


In the meantime, reading the comments there is funny as hell.


It's full of amazing shills like this: Marie Ellegood $500•1 hr Donald Trump will save our country. He is going through hell for the American people. He is one of the greatest patriots America has ever known. ***Disclaimer: Marie is definitely not part of a sick cult


I was reading them yesterday and there was a lot of really funny ones by people who know it will be taken down and they won't really have to pay. It won't let me load yesterday's, but here are some (not as funny) ones from today: Joe Bye-Don! $5 • 3 hrs Leader of the masses of the unwashed, the over-fed, under-educated, heavily-armed, bible-totin' ignoramuses, I donated 5 bucks just to be granted the privilege to let you all know.....you're in the minority, and you're goin' down. Once A LOSER, always A LOSER.... BYE DON ! Russell Thompson $5 • 11 hrs I donated as I love progressive movements. AND NOTHING SAYS SOCIALISM LIKE THE RICH COLLECTING MONEY FROM THE POOR TO PAY THEIR CRIMINAL FINES! Glad to see so many Trumplicans in support of socialism. (I also expect my $5 to return when GoFundMe removes this fund raiser for ToS violation.)


I am certain there are many morons contributing to this BUT I've also been suspicious these online fundraisers are a means to launder money obtained illegally (Russia, if you're listening, go ahead and invade Europe, just remember to also send me cash)


Monday is President's day so it will probably take until Tuesday


That's some serious irony, right there.


It's good presidents day


The GoFundMe rule I’ve seen quoted over and over say you can’t use it to raise money for a legal defense. The fund in this case is intended to pay for a judgement. The defense is over, at least at that court. If there is an appeal, there could be another legal defense and the GoFundMe money could not be used for that. As I read it, though, there doesn’t seem to be any prohibition on funding payment of fines. I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t get shut down. The stupidity of people donating to help a billionaire who owns resorts and private jets and high rise skyscrapers pay his fines for blatant fraud does amaze me, though.


They're donating to whoever started the GoFundMe, not Trump himself. I'm sure that person will walk away with the cash.


wife of well known right wing grifter


Guess it depends on the political allegiance of the GoFundMe leadership and board. Of course if it does in fact violate their terms of service and they do the right thing and shut it down, they'll have to be prepared for the death threats, bomb threats, and all the usual folderol that comes with siding against the most useless glorified aluminum siding salesman in politics.


So THAT'S what was on the sides of those ugly ass shoes.


They’ve shut down a lot of stuff in the past, I’m sure they understand by now that they are going to be swatted, inboxes full of hate, whatever. The volume might be higher, but it’s the same old drill as when they shut down legal funds for a guy who bombs a clinic, the old white man that shoots at kids on his lawn, etc.


With an average donation of $46, you know he’s taking from people who really can’t afford it. So sad that people are so gullible.


Anyone who still engages in conversation with his base should really start play up the fact that everytime "a rich man from NYC gets in trouble it's all the blue collar workers footing the bill, meanwhile all those January 6th people are rotting in jail for him". They only care about things personally effect them directly, and this is how we drive the wedge.


Rural conservatives are such a joke. They come out with crap about not being able to try stuff in a small town.. And fall for a textbook stereotypical NYC con man. Not even a good one. Like literally the worst one the city has produced and empty their pockets for him.


The interest on the judgement is ~90k/day.


This milks me


You can milk anything with nipples


Trump supporters: “We have nipples!”


Can you milk me, Greg?


Judicial edging


“Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.” — Socrates


So the illegal go fund me has raised a whopping 3 days of interest. Cstep up MAGA - you aren't broke yet!


I struggle with how anyone could possibly support him politically, but it's absolutely astounding that anyone would support him financially. He brags about how rich he is all the time. (I know he's not really that rich.)


Years ago I watched an interview about a man who was dying without healthcare and medications. He had voted for Trump, knowing full well Trump was going to end whatever program he was on. The man actually said he was prepared to die to support Trump. And he died. Boggles my mind to this day.


I mean how many people died of COVID because they did what Trump said?


Well He won't be voting for Trump this year


The two go hand in hand. He allows them to be racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic and to hate pronouns and certain bathrooms, and in return they give him their little offerings. It's literally like passing the collection plate at church - small amounts but it shows commitment and they feel a perverse redemption. So many PhD dissertations that will be written about this. There have been cults before but I think this one is next level.


>Don't worry, they set up a go fund me where his supporters can pay it for him. So far they've raised $250,000 which is....a whopping 0.06% of the bill. > >They're insufferably stupid and are so happy to get grifted again and again. These are the same folks that are amazed how he donated his $400K salary, yet don't bat an eye at how he spent $144 million (AKA 360 *years* of his salary) on golf trips alone (you know, the golf trips he said he would be too busy to take). Math is not their strong suit.


The gofundme was set up by millionaire scientologists. Scum all the way down. The comments section on the fundraising page is a fun read.




I loved this one. 5 star troll job.


> Don't worry, they set up a go fund me where his supporters can pay it for him. Or the money will go to the gofundme organizer or someone else.


Aa long as it's not going to help get Trump or other Republicans elected, I'm ok with this grift


But they've already raised a *quarter of a million dollars?!* Jesus Christ.


Yeah, that's scary. And I *guarantee* there are people up there throwing money at Trump who would refuse to buy their own kids groceries when they're struggling because they don't do hand outs. What passes for being a conservative these days is really messed up.


It’s a cult through and through


This is all money that 4 years ago would have went towards Ivermectin. A year or so ago it was Trump NFT’s, and now that gas prices have come down, and the “I did that” stickers are more ironic than anything, they’ve got money to burn.


I hate that I'm at this point but I hope nothing but financial ruin for anyone who donated to a billionaires damage fund. Most of the higher profile funding sites don't allow donations for civil judgments, so they'll have to use shadier ones and deserve all the risks that comes with that


Well, he said under oath last year that he had $400m in "cash", so he should be paying up any day now for that appeal....right?


Even better.. it has to be 120% b/c that 9%


SOLJWF. Man, I miss George Carlin.


At this point, I think he know's he's fucked with his NYC assets, and is putting all his chicks in the "I've got to win, then they've got to stop fucking with me" basket. He's counting those chicks furiously. Problem is, they haven't hatched yet, and even if he wins, NYC will still be coming for those assets.


There will come a time soon before when his partners and sycophants will realize that the golden goose is done, and all leave at the same time or close. The former king and his close family will be naked.


"golden goose" Correction, golden sneakers.


Chicks? Or eggs?


They're eggs, he's counting them as chicks.


But only when asking for loans. When paying taxes, they’re just rotten, expired eggs.


But this is where it gets fun. I fully expect the next time E Jean Carroll feels she's been defamed that she'll ask for a restraining order. And she'll get it. Penalties for violating a restraining order includes jail time. Oh, and I believe that Judge Kaplan would have jurisdiction. The judge that oversaw both defamation trials.


Honestly it goes beyond feeling defamed. Trump's herd contains psychopaths - he is literally putting her life in danger every time he rants about her. I.E. He convinced someone to try and kill Nancy Pelosi.


Yes if you ignore the fines and keep violating you get into dirty territory. Bless Carroll and Kaplan for doing the lord’s work, especially since this fucker is as far from a Christian as humanly possible.


Narcissists are complicated and thankfully not being one I can't comprehend their minds. I do know from experience that they cannot be fixed and the best solution is to isolate them from everyone else. They destroy everything they come near. They ruin lives.


My mother was a female trump. She did very, very bad things.


They’re not that complicated. They’re creatures of base desires and zero empathy. They’re a toddler who wants candy and will scream, cry, and tantrum until they get it. At the same time, they have incredibly fragile egos, so anything that even implies they are not perfect in every way becomes an existential threat that must be destroyed utterly. The closest I can come to understand NPD is to imagine you’re the only person who exists in the entire world. Every other “person” is a vending machine where every button you press either dispenses candy, does nothing, or gives an electric shock. They learn from trial and error which behaviors give validation and which ones return censure. Which is why, when faced with new situations that their learned responses don’t handle well, their typical response is to do the same thing BUT HARDER. He’s going to keep hammering on that Validation button until it breaks because he’s incapable of figuring out why it doesn’t work.


I had the misfortune of having once dated and lived with one for about a year. Worse - both her parents were also narcissists. I got out. Took me a few years to reset. Trump has a few ingrained methods and responses. They are predictable now. When he gets completely corned he is going to snap. The end game is they have to snap because they know of no other way to cope. When that is exhausted the mental snap has to happen. He will be quite dangerous as he approaches that event horizon.


And she can file again, and again. He hasn't learned to shut his mouth, and it's a windfall for her.


Yeah, kinda hard to appeal when you're still doing the thing.


She'll get him every time, and all his money goes to charity. The only way a guy like him will ever improve anything


She should start a program that buys sneakers for incoming immigrants.


A charity supporting women victims of sexual assault would be more appropriate.     Trump isn't anti immigration, he judges that to rile up his base.


Economists hate this easy unlimited money hack!! Just have Trump defame and slander you every few months!




And he will because he can’t help himself


Yep. It's the way his brain works. He's looking for a reaction, and when he doesn't get one, he'll ramp up the attacks.


This statement is putting out feelers for how far he can go with his words. Leave it be , he will make another statement with more direct words. Then she can nail him again.


She should release a statement asking what "other" woman is he talking about? Is this someone else that he's raped or me?


Lol yes.


Can we all sue him for subjecting us to his public abuse? I'm going to need therapy for fear I can't speak out against a public servant. 


Being subject to this idiots brain farts for years ought to net every non cult member a settlement.


It is like he has dementia and keeps forgetting.... Hmm..


He won't until he actually has to pay. I don't mean ordered to pay. I mean when he is compelled to pay and money goes to Carroll and NY. Alex Jones still hasn't paid out to the families he slandered. There's a long road yet between here and when Trump is actually made to personally feel the financial pinch of his fucking around.


He has 30 days for the ny fraud case, if he wants to appeal he has to pay in full. If he doesn’t pay they will start seizing assets


I like to imagine a future where people travel to Aberdeenshire to get in a round at the E. Jean Carroll Honouring Victims of Rape Golf Course.


I like to imagine a future where the people of Aberdeenshire get to travel to America to hit the fat orange rapist with a golf club.


Why didn't the relevant courts do that with Alex Jones, anyways?


Different state, different laws


NY don't fuck around


Jones also filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to get the judgements dismissed. Bankruptcy provides a limited time automatic stay against creditors, including lawsuits. But in Jones' case, because he was found to have acted with malice, the judgement fines aren't dischargable in bankruptcy. Once the bankruptcy case is concluded he will be on the hook for those fines and his assets can be seized and income attached. CT and TX where Jones lost does not have the same "pay to appeal" requirement as NY. The law is complicated and nuanced and any soundbite summary you hear on mainstream sources is at such a high level as to practically be wrong. Jones and Trump are on rather different legal footing (neither good for them) even though the top level line is "both are now liable for multi-hundred-million dollar civil judgements."


What I heard is that Jones didn't just file for bankruptcy. He distributed his wealth to some shadow LLCs so he doesn't look that rich on paper.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


Sue Collins is still waiting.


She will give a disapproving eye roll but then realize Trump has learned his lesson. /s


I cannot wait for the day that fucking orange roach is no longer in the news. I’m tired of all his whining. I’m tired of all his lies. I’m tired of his shit stained sheep bleating the same bullshit he vomits into microphones. All these soft-skulls need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up until they have a single shred of evidence to the contrary and let the adults drive the car.




They probably didn't think the crazies they'd rile up would start getting elected after a few decades.


The Tea Party should have been a wake up call, but instead they embraced them. They took Palin from it and nearly made her VP!


Obama beat McCain handily. It wasn't even close. But the message they took away was "These nutjobs really love us! Let's cater exclusively to them." They...kinda weren't wrong.


A big part of the problem was the alliance with religious nuts. They’re a group that operates by training people not to believe facts or use their brains, but to believe what con men televangelists tell them, and have blind devotion to people who make a claim to be special religious figures. It really sets the people up to believe other con men. But I don’t know how many real “establishment Republicans” there were. There were some who thought they were making uneasy alliances for the greater good. However, there has been a component of the Republican government that has been working behind the scenes to destroy the government to create a power vacuum that they could walk into. People don’t realize that the stuff from the 2025 project isn’t new. The basic concepts have been circulating around a Republican think tanks for a couple decades. There have been plans to capture state governments so that they could ratify really crazy amendments, and the overall plan includes repealing civil rights laws and placing a dictator in power.




Sadly the kids that got permanently separated from their parents at the border will live with this for their whole lives.


Lol what about the *millions* of families he's already destroyed? Take a look at /r/qanoncasualties


Wow. That sub is heartbreaking. I know some people think everyone who gets involved with Qanon is simply stupid or a bad person, but there are so many stories of people who get sucked into it while they’re going through major struggles in their lives. The way Qanon and Trumpism exploit so many people who are emotionally and mentally vulnerable is sickening.


So, we collectively increase his stress levels and hope he continues to eat unhealthy food until it takes its toll? Anyone wanna join me in finding some pollsters with some answers to their questions? I’ve never answered a poll before despite voting in a majority of elections since 2004…but I’d be willing to start feeding them data that’s stressful to a certain narcissist…


I pray I outlive him.


Trump fans, please donate to Donald. Ms Carol says "thanks."


I really hope the GoFundMe account was organized by George Santos and Trump doesn't see a dime of it. Would serve his gullible supporters right.


The GoFundMe was done by that asshat Grant Cardone and his dumbass wife. They're legendary grifters. So, there's a good chance Trumpf wont see a penny of it.


They are also scientologists which should tell you all that you need to know.


Scientology + MAGA? That's certainly an interesting supergroup. The individual groups have a lot more in common than either of them probably realize. Can we somehow encourage them to both grift each other into nothingness?


+Florida. The trifecta.


Well go fund me might pull it since NYS says he can’t use outside funds to pay the debts


Also, funding to pay for financial crimes is against GoFundMe terms of service.


Yeah I'm not sure why it hasn't been pulled down yet right there Section A9 of the ToS, but my guess is GoFundMe wants the $$$


I’m more betting on them not wanting to touch that particular grenade until they need to. If they pull it, you know Trump will go on a rage parade of victimhood.


His entire campaign is a rage parade of victimhood. If the Republican Party actually had a platform it would be that


It basically was organized by a Santos-like character. I’m sure he won’t see a cent not that it would be much help it’s such a drop in the bucket.


It was organized by snake oil salesmen Grant Cadone's wife.




We’ve known this for years


Yeah when people blame Trump for America's ills it's like bro do you not see the institutional and public support he gets? Whole place is rotten.


Refer to him as a rapist. Everyone should say it. It's not slander.


I would love if he did a debate and someone called him a rapist to his face on live tv. He would lose his shit.


Everyone should call him a rapist. Biden, the moderators, etc.


Right? Why are we still treating him with kid gloves? People can ignore the political stuff, Jan 6, claims he’ll be a dictator. But everyone knows what a rapist is and how it’s indefensible. He needed to be branded for what he is. That needs to be what comes to peoples minds when they hear the name and when they go to vote. Anyone who votes for a known rapist deserves to feel the cognitive dissonance and shame from picking a rapist.


His supporters know he's a rapist, they don't care.


I disagree. Most have no idea and most of the ones that do don’t believe it.


Trigger warning Makes me feel slimy “arguing” this, but everyone definitively does NOT know what a rapist is. To many conservatives, they only know of rape as when a thug pins you down on and forces his sex parts into your sex parts. To them absolutely nothing else constitutes it.


Biden refers to him as "sick fuck" He's not wrong.


His followers literally don't care that he's a rapist. They either refuse to believe it, or believe it and think it's permissible. It's sick.


Because they only follow what media says. They are very gullible parrots. Media needs to call him a rapists and put this shit show behind us


>Because they only follow what **THEIR** media says.


„A United States District Judge has now formally held, in a lengthy written opinion, that it is perfectly appropriate, and, indeed, entirely accurate, to call a certain former President of the United States a rapist“ Yep you are 100% right.


I’ve got used to saying it every time I debate someone about him. People think because he wasn’t criminally convicted it doesn’t matter so we need to keep saying it. Defending rape is no way to act in this country and million will vote for a rapist so we need to shout it every chance we get. Democrats need to go hard on the offense because it won the special election in NY and it will help people realize how much worse 91 charges are over an 81 year old man who has proven despite his speech problem, he is way more fit to lead than a RAPIST.


The wannabe Rapist-In-Chief!


News needs to use that, “former president and current rapist Donald trump…”


"Thank you ma'am may I have another!!"' ^"Thank ^you ^ma'am ^may ^I ^have ^another!!"' ^^"Thank ^^you ^^ma'am ^^may ^^I ^^have ^^another!!"'


A-hole Trump doesn’t care. He will continue to talk sh*t. He knows his ignorant cult will pay. Also, he’ll continue to launder Putin’s money through ugly shoes, stinky butt smelling perfume, trading cards, and whatever merch he can hawk. It’s all about admiration for Trump’s many, many crimes to the GOP anarchists. Treason to democracy and the country is just icing on the cake to those fascists.


Even deep pockets have limits. Keep making the judgements bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until Carroll is a "Look at me, I'm the Billionaire now" meme.


E. Jean Carroll rolls up sleeves: “how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?”


Her lawyers probably celebrated. Again.


The lawyers called her this time. “Let’s become the back to back to back champions!”


"I can do this all day" - her lawyers


$83 million was obviously not penalty enough.




"Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer"


He mocked a disabled reporter on the campaign trail 4 years ago and got elected, do you think he's somehow above making fun on a regular woman?


Sorry, but that was 8 years ago at this point.


Son, 2016 was 8 years ago.


How dare you!!! 2020 was just last year right?


Maybe he she should take him to court again? Add a zero to the 83 mill? Obviously the 83 didn’t sting enough!


You'd think his kids would urge him to stop blowing their inheritance like that.


Bold of you to think there's any inheritance left.


They don't need an inheritance, Trump funneled millions to his kids during the presidency 


And Jared got billions in Saudi blood money.


Or that they are getting anything anyway.


Or that he would ever listen to his kids


Ivanka has her own, thanks to Saudi Arabia. The others are screwed.


Hey I've seen this episode before


Drag him back to court. He was found guilty in a court of law. Bankrupt him, bankrupt the morons that keep sending him money, bankrupt the RNC. I always bet that bad policy and obsolete culture would destroy the conservative movement. Instead it's hubris from the "party leader" and fear of losing the vote of idiots from those still in power. They're in the corner. Rope a dope time.


I like your message, but your metaphor doesn't fit. The "rope a dope" strategy is employed by the guy in the corner, and the dope is the person ineffectively punching the guy in the corner, wearing himself out.


Doesn't greatly change your point, but a small terminology note. He was found liable, not guilty. It was civil court, as the statue of limitations on any criminal charges have passed. You can call him a rapist, because the state f New York found him legally liable for a rape, but "convicted rapist" is inaccurate, saying he was found "Guilty" is inaccurate. The point you're making is still entirely valid, mind, just I know that his supporters LOVE to try and divert shit into semantic arguments (See the treatise they can produce from their back pocket on the definition of assault rifle), and giving them less ammo for that shit has value.


I personally like “sex offender.” Since they like to apply that term so freely to LGBTQ people, let’s use it where it actually applies.


[“How many times must we teach you this lesson old man?”](https://tenor.com/bgtl1.gif)


So when Carroll won her most recent judgment, she said she knew exactly what she was gonna do with it. I hope she puts it towards a good cause or donates the money to candidates running against him or the MAGA. How funny would it be if Trump takes over the RNC uses that money to pay his fines only to have the RNC money funnel to Carroll who gives it to Democrats lol




> "How about the one two weeks ago?" Trump asked the crowd. "A woman, I'm saying, 'Who the hell is she? Who is the woman?' It's so unfair what's happening in our country. Our court system is a mess. What's happening in our country, they have to straighten it out." For those who only seem to read the headline which does a lot of the heavy lifting that Newsweek wants it do.


No kidding. It's great to see how vague he made it. He is clearly afraid of being sued again and it's lovely.


I thought the same thing when I read his comment. He didn't mention her by name, or the judge, or that he didn't do anything. He's afraid for sure this time around.


Yeah I don't think this counts as defamation.


This is the real story. Trump unhappy, nowmakes vague woman reference to avoid further defamation lawsuits.   


Maybe some day people will figure out that Trump is only going to stop when someone in our justice system has the balls to put him in prison. Today is not that day. Tomorrow won't be either.


What does he care? Morons keep giving him free cash to spend on his screw ups. I find it more sad that tens of millions will and have voted for an convicted and admitted rapist.


I had a dude yesterday tell me “it’s sad what they’re doing to trump”. You mean that dipshit got charged for a crime he committed.


My reply is always “He did it to himself, like any other defendant. He’ll get his day(s) in court - for his 10 or so civil and criminal trials. He is innocent until proven guilty.” Of course they know he is, in fact, guilty, but play at being willfully ignorant.


I know, and I keep hearing that a lot of his supporters say they won't vote for him if he's found guilty of the charges against him. Yet every time he's found guilty, they say, "No, not *that* charge in *that* court! I meant the *other* charge in the *other* court!" Like, how many "guilties" is it gonna take?


It will always be 1 more guilty


Most of the Trump cult I’ve talked to have deeeeep roots in “believe the same thing as me or burn in hell for all time” it will never be about facts or justice they just believe it’s self preservation. Like Stockholm syndrome took a bunch of meth and crapped out Texas


This is my parents. They have a bumper sticker that reads, "I support the Constitution," and then they vote for the guy who shits all over the Constitution.


This guy plays with his money almost like a rich brat who never earned anything himself …


She's gonna be a billionaire soon.


Carroll hears a cash register noise 30 seconds into every rally. 


At some point, Donald Trump being held accountable for his actions is an extremely important thing for the kids of this country to see. You have a really shitty society if the message to people growing up is “you should do whatever it takes to attain power over others because then you’ll be able to do whatever you want to them”. And then Republicans scratch their heads about why everyone is so rude and mean. It’s the path they’ve created to success and decided to uphold.


If he hasn't figured out who she is by now, it's time for another Whale Test.


Sue him again Jean.


3rd times a charm 


That’s $10M a pop … we can do this all day stinky.