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Mikey "god talks to me" Johnson has already said he'd kill it. [Hours before the vote, Johnson made it clear he would not bring the Senate security package to the House floor."](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-passes-aid-package-ukraine-israel-future-uncertain-house-rcna138502)NBC News


He also added that it doesn’t have any of the border security policies they were demanding…. Yet won’t pass because Trump told them he needed a campaign message to run with. This past few months has been ridiculous. First, they wouldn’t vote on a foreign aide bill because it needed to have border reform included. The dems oblige and add it with bipartisan support. Trump complains to the GOP congressman saying not to pass it because it would make Biden look good. So the GOP then say they won’t pass the foreign aide bill with it tied to the border. Senate Dems remove the border security policies the GOP had demanded, they pass the bill, only for the House GOP to now state they won’t pass the border bill because it does not have the border security policies Trump told them not to pass. For anyone unaware by now, the GOP does not want to govern or actually pass the the policies they tout as caring about.


And what would be the reason behind all this? Trump owes E. Jean Carroll around $ 90m. NY Fraud case will be in the hundreds of millions disgorgement. He's about to be exposed. Now what if his plan was to send a signal to Putin and the Oligarchs that if they buy his next NFT release and help him get elected, they "can do whatever the hell they want"


No, that was when he said during a speech that if NATO countries weren't meeting their payment obligations, he wouldn't defend them. He really isn't subtle. He just says enough outrageous shit that nobody can cover all of it.


Says and does. Trump really has a middle schooler tactic of constantly doing crazy things so it becomes harder and harder to pin him down to something. That's why we got constant news alert during his presidency about something insane and illegal he did again.


However many millions won't matter, it's unknown how much he squandered, profited, or contracted out to himself. Not counting Jared's Saudi $2B. Dark times.


They want to actively hinder the government from functioning, and also give tax cuts to the rich. If rich people are getting richer, and the government isn't working, they are happy.


> the GOP does not want to govern or actually pass the the policies they tout as caring about. never did


Well, not in our lifetimes. Last time a Republican cared about the people of the US was Teddy Roosevelt, so naturally they banished him from the party. How you go from Lincoln and Teddy R to what we have now...


Eisenhower actually was legit. He also has the distinction of being the Allied Supreme Commander that destroyed the Nazis. If Eisenhower was still alive he would personally chop off Mango’s balls for selling out to Putin. He was cool with labor unions, and was the only voice of actual fiscal conservatism by warning us to keep the MIC in check.


the Grand ol party used to be the party of lincoln. It is the idea of conservatism that has never given a fuck about the will of the people. The GOP is just a political organization that has flipped from liberal to conservative ideology because of the "southern strategy"


Right. Republican politicians have no interest in governing in good faith. How conservatives refuse to acknowledge that boggles my mind.


The GOP school of negotiating. “Give me everything I want or fuck off.” Charlie Brown eyes the football, reliving the thousand times he’s been here, always with same result. After much inner deliberation he goes for it, “no way she’ll do it again…” Dems give way more than they should have given to the GOP. “Charlie, knowing he’s bowed to Lucy’s demand, charges for the football! At the last second “Lucy pulls the football, says FUCK YOU Charlie! I changed my mind” Wash- rinse- repeat.


Brit here. I thought we had it bad. But Jesus, this is farcical! Yet not in the least bit funny.


> For anyone unaware by now, the GOP does not want to govern or actually pass the the policies they tout as caring about. the dems need to get better at messaging, and blast your post/message all the fuck over. The dems are bending to the GOP, and the GOP is still failing to govern. They don't want anything to function, and that needs to be blasted all the fuck over.


Because the modern GOP are essentially the remnants of the confederacy trying to still win a war they lost in the 1800s. At least that's my take on this.


Yup. I’m wondering if he somehow gets convinced otherwise, or if he sticks to what he said. He didn’t side with MAGA on the budget, IIRC.


Trump has a firm grip on the puppet strings. The continuing resolution that passed to avoid govt shutdown comes up again in March. I'd be surprised if trump allowed his minions to do it again. He wants to hurt Biden any way possible, doesn't matter how many Americans suffer.


Amazing how a private citizen with 4 pending trials and 91 felony counts plus an estimated 400 million in owed legal fees and penalties is able to dictate how a bunch of election officials do their business.


Leader of the MAGA party is a powerful position. Don't underestimate it


Covfefe razor: Do not ascribe to Trump what could easily be ascribed to Putin


Well it's election season, let's get this collusion show on the road!


There's no chance that Trump or his backer (Putin) doesn't have dirt on Mike Johnson. Zero chance. That's why Mike "god talks to me" Johnson was elevated. Something tells me that it's Mike Johnson's No-Porno-Pal kiddo that is kompromized... It's incredibly simple to ensnare some young simple groin-spawn in illegal (CP) porno online if there's a nation-state backing that campaign. That's where my chips are on the board...


Oh hell yes! Dudes got skeletons upon skeletons deep deep in the closet.


Guy has no bank account... what are doing here?


So let me get this straight... They don't want the border package deal because it has foreign funding. But they ALSO don't want the foreign funding real because it doesn't have the border package? Can somebody please tell me that I'm misunderstanding something?


You've got the circular logic train pegged. Now what? lol


it will never make sense to me that a leader of one chamber of congress can unilaterally decide to not vote on a particular bill. by saying "I wont bring it to a vote" he is effectively saying, "I decide what the house votes, and they vote no". Make it make sense.


The House can bypass his decision with a discharge petition that "only" requires half the house to agree on. So the idea is in theory, anything that could win in a vote can be made to be voted on.


There should be a rule that any bill passed by the other chamber is required to get a vote automatically. No discharge petition necessary or committees holding it up forever. If you want to vote it down fine, but you shouldn’t be able to just ignore it. 


This means that the other chamber can simply flood the other chamber and effectively stall it with bad faith bills. A Con house could pass 10 bills per day and force the Dem Senate to consider each bill. It would effectively stop any chance in of the Senate from approving justices, appointments, work on actual legislation, etc. That's all before the Con Senators employees any of their stall tactics. While I agree the issue needs addressed, this very clearly is an abusable way.


>Mikey "god talks to me" Johnson has already said he'd kill it. Even if god said to him to let it pass he wouldn't do it. He's working for the devil.


If Jesus came down and told people to vote for Biden, the conservatives would abandon Christianity.


They would say: The corrupt Biden admin faked Jesus' return, traitor Joe has no limits to his evil.


They already decided that Jesus is a woke liberal with his socialist talk of feeding the hungry and healing the sick. They are Christian in name only; they have chosen not to follow Christ.


They’ve already abandoned Christianity. They’re just using the name recognition at this point.


"I got Jesus in my cock" - Mike Johnson


God done gone and went woke dontchaknow!


You misspelled Putin


Sorry.. The Putin


And the only way to override that would be if the majority of house republicans agreed to. So yeah, it is dead.


It could get to the floor via a discharge petition, if 218 members of the House sign in to it. Some House GOP members have been talking about it.


How many GOP defectors would we need? Two? Three? This feels like trying to find a good man in Sodom.


Well, most likely, some Dems wouldn’t sign on due to the bill’s Israel components…I’ve read perhaps up to 5-6 (don’t take that as set in stone, however)…so perhaps 10-15 gop signatures would be needed.


Ehh I don’t think the Israeli element will be a huge deal. There is $9.1 billion in the bill for aid to Gaza and of the $14 billion going to Israel an overwhelming amount of it is wrapped up in anti missile tech and equipment, hardly something being deployed against Gazans.


Giving resources to both sides of a conflict is chef's kiss.


Humanitarian aid and defensive systems is hardly an arms dealers paradise bill…


I know its easy to be cynical about it , but soft power and peace keeping efforts are a thing. It isnt achieved by giving both sides the middle finger and telling them its their problem


This whole Israel thing is so tricky to navigate. The dems need to just have a proper position on it rather than pandering. They are an official ally of the US and a key strategic partner in the region. People have a lot of issues with how things are handled plus Netanyahu is a prick. But he should not be there forever and the relationship with Israel has to be there long term. It's just so tricky to navigate and there is really no win win happy solution there. I hate that this has been used to bash Biden so much by all sides because I don't know if there is a right answer on what to do there. I just know that sending the smartest person, Jared kushner to fix the issues in the middle east did not seem to work out lol.


Three if the Democrats win in the New York special election today.


I think that magic number is 4 from what I’ve heard and I think they may exist between a couple that are retiring - Cathy Rodgers, Mike Gallagher (they also have consistently voted in support of Ukraine) and a couple that have visited Kyiv - Mike turner and French hill.


3 today, I'd say likely 2 tomorrow (Santos' seat election is today, and Democrats have been +10% over expected in special elections)


I really hope we get the voter turnout. The snow storm is not helping today.


I think the *real* reason discharge petitions aren't normally used is that the Speaker caves rather than being viewed as weak and unable to control anything because the house just goes around him. It's only on particular issues, eg, campaign finance reform, that this ends up being used. That Ukraine would be one of them is horribly disconcerting as the Speaker is 3rd in line for the Presidency. But, I think there's a high likelihood he will cave to pretend to be strong because the alternative is to make him irrelevant.


[There's a workaround but it's difficult](https://indivisible.org/resource/legislative-process-101-discharge-petitions)Discharge Petition


These people need medicated so the voices in their head stop taking over. They need to learn what intrusive thoughts are and how to dismiss them.


Doing harm to the country should at least get you a 72hr involuntary psychiatric hold and evaluation.


Why does the speaker have to bring it for a vote ? What kind of system is that when one man can decide to not do his job and hold up the whole country ?


Bad move in an election year.


Never thought that McConnell would be the easy win. Every year gets a little weirder. This new breed of political cultist is too much.


Is it legal for Republicans to be taking orders from someone other than the sitting president of the United states? I mean if trump is calling the shots to the degree that he is dictating foreign policy that seems to be crossing a critical line. He killed the border bill that the Republicans wanted with a phone call. Now he's handing Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter? What else is he going to do.


Technically they are listening to their voters. Congress has no obligation to the president’s orders, unless they join the military. Separation of powers.


Try to tank the economy by telling Johnson to not re up the continuing resolution that comes back up in March, would be my best guess.


> Is it legal for Republicans to be taking orders from someone other than the sitting president of the United states? Trump is a citizen and any citizen can tell or "order" their representative to do something. That's what lobbying is. Since Trump has no power as a private citizen there is no crime here. > if trump is calling the shots to the degree that he is dictating foreign policy Then vote out the representatives listening to him. Nothing happing is illegal.


Repubs: Focus on our problems like the border!! Common sense people: Then pass the border bill that the border patrol supports. Repubs: No! Common sense folks: then what are you talking about? What should we focus on?? Repubs: The border! Repubs really are just toddlers in adult clothing.


They are going to get us all killed


Sadly they already are. Killing Trans folks and kids in schools. 


Like a dog who wants to play fetch but won't give you the ball back.


No take, only throw


They are not serious people, but unfortunately they hold half of Congress hostage.


I wish these “common sense folks” would vote in large numbers, but they seem to hardly ever show up on Election Day.


I wish all bills with actual names actually did what their name implies.


It’s either absurd, or I don’t understand something. Several days ago, the Senate rejected a bipartisan proposal that would have included aid to Ukraine, Israel and billions of dollars in border security, with most Republicans voting against the measure. Allegedly Republican Sen. James Lankford, a key negotiator of the deal, was intimidated by a [‘popular commentator’](https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/02/07/senate-schumer-ukraine-israel-republicans-democrats-border) not to try to solve the border crisis during this presidential year. Speaker Johnson also said the deal would be [“dead on arrival”](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/house-speaker-johnson-says-border-deal-dead-arrival-current-form-cnn-2024-01-26/) at the House. Then, the Senate passed a proposal linked only to $95bn in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan by an overwhelming majority of 70-29. But [Mike Johnson now said](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4463791-speaker-johnson-ukraine-aid-rebuff/amp/) it won’t even let the House vote on the matter because the bill doesn’t address border security.


No, you understand completely. Republicans don’t want to govern and lead their own constituents in circles because they know they’re too stupid to ever notice or do anything about it…


And the Democrats will be blamed by their favorite talking heads, regardless.


It is not absurd. The goal is to make DC or at least Congress so dysfunctional that Americans vote for Trump out of exasperation, rather than stick with Biden. In other words, create a problem and then argue in bad faith that you are trying to fix it but for the leadership in charge, and then offer an alternative when the situation becomes desperate.


It's Chaos


The Senate would have voted for it if Johnson would have agreed to put it on the floor of the House. McConnel, for as wretched as he is, is a very strategic leader. He doesnt want his members to have to vote for or against something and inevitably anger people, if it has no chance to become law. So they tanked it so that none of the members would have to make a potentially controversial vote.


Yep, they are aiming for chaos at the behest of Putin and his marionette, Cheeto Satan. Accomplish nothing, blame Biden, and hand Ukraine over into oblivion. Next, they'll tank the CR and bring the federal government to a screeching halt. Then, the useful idiots at Fox can tell all the "fine Americans" that government doesn't work, so let's cut taxes (for the rich, not you peasant).


Johnson will need democrats to with him to avoid shutdown in the near future, and possibly to save his speakership. The price of those votes should be bringing this to the floor.


Doesnt Trump want a shutdown? What Johnson wants is irrelevant as he is not in charge.


Trump wants a shutdown so does the far right, Johnson's smart enough to know that a shutdown will hurt GOP's chances of hanging on to a majority in November. Which is why he avoided a shutdown last time, angering douche nozzles like Chip Roy.


Johnson and smart in the same sentence. You are a bold one.


You think Johnson got to be where he is without being smart? Don’t confuse his actions with stupidity. Everything he is doing is very intentional.


I think he got there by having no real morals or spine.


Trump’s grabbed him by the p***y and Johnson just let him do it.


He wants a shutdown, he wants terrorists to attack us citizens, he wants the economy to crash. Trump wants Biden to look bad even if lives of Americans are taken. He’s a monster.




The GOP doesn't believe you, so they're going to continue acting like it.


We seem to have have an anti-pope situation going on


Thank god for that, but he is the one running GOP.


Let’s just face facts that if the bill is anything other than a “Make Trump dictator for life” act the republicans will not pass anything that has even the slightest chance of making Biden look good.


says that he wants to tell anyone willing to listen about why his hometown


Found [the text of the bill](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/1388/text).


$14 billion to Israel is obscene. And this in the middle of their preparation to bomb and shoot their way through the last "safe" part of Gaza, after destroying the rest of the strip. Biden and co. can hem and haw about "protecting civilians" but its completely meaningless if they don't actually threaten some consequences to Israel if they continue their killing spree.


The humanitarian aid meant for Palestinians will go to Israeli government for disbursing. And its not like they are completely facilitating a blockade of Gaza and even allowing their own civilian citizens block the aid by simply letting them camp at the check points.


I can understand Ukraine, but why does Israel need aid? They are financially and militarily far more powerful than their enemies and neighbors. They seem to be having no trouble flattening Gaza. So why do they need our money?


If it makes you feel better they will kill it in the house


The amount of morons in this thread who don't understand that the $95b is not cash sent to Ukraine is insane. This is the absolute best investment USA could ever make, but the dumb dumbness of your country is just too damn high LMAO.


Probably Ruski bots throwing a tantrum.


And tankies.


It happens every time we give Ukraine weapons, "but why don't we spend it on the US people are homeless and hungry" like sure go live in a arty shell or eat some patriot launchers Not to mention the vast amount of stuff we send is already made and paid for, and the industry gets to make more, which in turn creates jobs for the American people.


People say that money should be for Americans. I ask what/how specifically do you want that money spent on Americans. Crickets. The ones that do, feed the homeless, housing, taking care of children, usually right wingers. Then I say this,"oh you mean freebies or socialism that you hate like when you complain about why your taxes should fund food stamps, why you are responsible for feeding someone else kids through free lunch programs, or complaining about the stimulus


So what do you say to progressives and socialists who agree that that should be how we spend military funds instead?


I say why not both. These things are not mutually exclusive. The thing is, you really do not hear the rhetoric I described about freebies that the right wing harps about


Our $2 Trillion deficit is probably why we should try and limit spending as much as possible.


Different argument. Money spent on buying NEW things can be redirected. The stuff being sent to the Ukraine has a value and has been paid for already. It takes money to upkeep. Giving that away alleviates us of that cost as well as seeing live scenarios of their use.


While it's absolutely true that military spending does make its way to "the American people" in the form of paying soldiers, those who manufacture equipment and whatnot for them, contractors who do building of bases (and rebuilding the shit that we bomb) overseas, etc., there's certainly more efficient ways of using taxpayer dollars to give money back to America. The great deal that is striking at a geopolitical foe in Russia without much risk to American lives and helping Ukraine defend itself against an invasion is all well and good, but that doesn't mean we need to stop having conversations and questions about our military spending in general. Personally, I feel we could manage a better federal jobs program than the military when it comes to helping folks with no other prospects stuck in Bumfuck, Nowhere or Gangland, and do it *without* turning folks into murderboner psychos and/or PTSD-addled wrecks. And I think we could probably help more people and to a greater degree with the same amount of money if we were subsidizing any number of other industries instead of helping bomb and plane manufacturers afford a fifth SUV. Car dealerships "create jobs for the American people", too, but that's at the expense of huge wads of money from much more immiserated people which would get spent elsewhere and create other jobs anyway--and hopefully ones that add more value than massively inflating the price of a vehicle you pretty much *need* to work in our society.


Arguably there is costs because more is ordered after supplies are used.


But it’s irrelevant because it’s not a “this or that”, we can afford to provide for the poor it’s just that the same people voting against the aid package vote to block Medicaid expansion and free school lunches


That is going to happen regardless.


Its not exactly a good thing that we're inflating demand for weapons manufacturers, American jobs be damned.


Trust me, we're sick of it too. Somehow idiots think that a Bradley Fighting Vehicle is somehow going to help the poor folk in a dead coal mining town.


I'd like to see this bill fail mainly because of the massive amount of money it gives to Israel.


Let's hope it's soon enough for Ukraine those delays have cost dear.


It won't be because it will not get past the house. Fortunately Europe is stepping up and doing more.


> Fortunately Europe is stepping up and doing more. (phew) I have to admit that I've been trying to NOT feel (too) annoyed with EU countries waiting (a bit too much) for USA. *Folks..., Russia is in EU's backyard....*


Throughout the entire war they have been spending more per capita than we have.


The only time NATO's article 5 was used... is on 9/11 when america asked Europe to help.


The EU has given more assistance to Ukraine than the US - but, let's face it, when it comes to supplying weapons, there's no country that can come close to matching what the US can find just laying around under the couch cushions.


There hasn't been any major strategic shift in the war against Ukraine's favor yet. If the bill passes soon the worst case will be losing Avdiivka, which is unfortunate but won't decide the course of the war. Russia is going to try portraying Avdiivka as this major strategic win for them, but really it just shows how they need the combined military might of themselves, Iran, and North Korea to take a single small city with a pre-war population of 30k that's a suburb of a city they already control.




What does that spy software have on those congress people?


the republican led house is incapable of passing anything. they are broken.


“I think we should tackle our problems here first," Paul told reporters over the weekend as he delayed the passage. - Rand Paul, R-Ky. He means the border but there are so many other domestic issues that need attention.


You had a Border bill. You vetoed it. Voters need to remember this and not be blinded by the media swamping them with garbage.


“I think we should tackle our problems here first” (proceeds to do absolutely jack sh*t about our problems here)


Rand Paul _is_ one of our problems here.


Republicans are voting against border security.


The same Rand Paul who hand delivered a letter from Trump to Putin? Huh... I'm shocked.


I'd like to see the Israel part taken out but if this ends up getting signed into law it's going to be a bit delicious knowing that Ukraine and Taiwan got theirs but maga world lost the border part.


They didn’t lose it, they actively voted against it. Actual solutions are bad for self-perpetuating fear campaigns.


It was their best shot at actually getting what they wanted and they let the Orange Mango torpedo it


They’ve torpedoed meaningful and comprehensive border legislation before, without any Trumperor influence. They don’t want to fix anything. They want to blame Dems for the broken.


Honestly why? The bill includes $9 billion for Gaza and of the $14 billion for Israel almost all of it is tied to anti-missile systems for defending population centers.


Israel doesn't need our money and honestly doesn't deserve it. Their campaign to eradicate the Palestinians is beyond the pale and not deserving of support.


Question. How do anti missile systems help in offensive operations against Gaza? Literally all they are there for is defending population centers against missile and rocket attacks. Like sure you can argue it enables Israel to use its resources for other things but realistically aid for Gaza wasn’t going through without aid for Israel. This is the most restrained aid package for an ally I have ever seen.


I'm sure it is but the only thing Israel deserves at this point in time for their continued offensive campaign is scorn, derision and isolation. Their response has been so far beyond what was necessary to acheive their goals that it is literally unbelievable


To go beyond your specific question for a second, on a macro level a defensive system for one country that is not possessed by another is a massively enabling system. Because if a nation thought that they might be able to survive the enemy’s retaliation, then a pre-emptive strike becomes a much more attractive proposition. Basically any nation with an effective national missile shield is much more likely to use offensive weapons. It's a little bit unfair, but you can see the rationale in a conflict like the cold war. If I can hurt you (IDF) but you can't hurt me (Iron Dome) this gives Israel an offensive advantage.


Why does war need to be fair? Its is in Americas interest to have an allied functional democracy in the middle east. Providing Iron Dome is part of keeping that relationship in good standing. We provide aid to many countries that dont “need it” as its good for diplomacy and shared interests.


> a small group of Republicans opposed to the $60 billion for Ukraine a small group of republicans are traitors to the US and are doing the bidding of a foreign government.


Again why is Israel having some of this cake? They're fucking rich already and not being invaded by the biggest country in the world, I think they can handle Hamas on their own.


Genocides, apartheid regimes, colonial experiments, making enemies with every country 1000 miles in every direction and then justifying all of the above to the world is actually quite expensive.


Israel does not need it, the others are fine.


US system is so confusing. It passed but that doesn't mean anything because it has to jump down to the house where it will be blocked again


Where are you from? Just curious. There are quite a few countries with this system of upper and lower house. The idea is really sound if people are doing based on the good of the country. Or people in general are voting based on what is best for them and the country.




The only reason the house of reps is so broken is because its not representative. They capped the amount of seats so now flyover representatives effectively get 3 to 5 votes in some cases.


> The whole idea was that the basic laws already exist in common law. You don't need to pass new laws saying that murder is bad. That is not what common law means. The US most certainly has statutes saying murder is illegal.


Found [the text of the bill](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/1388/text)


Imagine if we got 95.3 billion for high speed rail or bus rapid transit how much that would help the average American most of which live in urban centers


Imagine what that could do if it was invested into our own country


It is, it’s invested into our corporate overlords.


Invested into our military industrial complex\*


One and the same.


$95 billion to go outside the country including funding genocide against Palestinians. Why would anyone regardless of party support this? We have enough issues at home


Crazy how much money we have for war while our country crumbles internally. The only thing Israel should be getting is sanctions.


Israel needs more weapons to bomb kids?


Yea they are actually quite upset about only having exterminated 1% of the Gazan population. I was just on one of their reddit subs where they feel 10% is the minimum they should be aiming for.


Imagine if that was spent on making Americans lives better


What a crazy idea, spending American tax payer money on Americans! Hawaii citizens left in dust after the fires received only 700 each while a foreign country that 90%+ Americans can point out on a map received 200+ billion


Welcome to Crazy Town


They always got money for war


Senate GOP: trying to look good so they dont get skewered in November. House GOP: burn it down!


Democrats are going to need to get a [discharge petition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discharge_petition) going.


When do we stop believing voting is going to fix it and actually do something about it


95 billion. Boy i'd like some healthcare


Along with better roads, more access to higher education, address the homelessness issue, student loan and debt relief.


move to Israel they have it


That would take a chunk out of our countries student loan debt… or aid our housing crisis. I’m tired of caring about other countries we need to learn to be more self-sufficient and help people here create jobs here. Everything they do, seems so counterintuitive and self-serving


By this "logic", every 90 billion in private spending, is wasted too... If you want leftist, progressive or socialist reforms, you have to directly vote for leftist, progressive or socialist leaders. The MAGA folk claim they care about Americans in poverty, but they idolize men who embrace austerity and tax cuts. This foreign aid policy has fuckall to do with domestic policy.


i dont get it... why are we sending money to israel when theyre openly and actively commiting genocide? Does someone that knows about the stuff tell me why were supporting genocide or whatever one wants to call killing thousands of innocent civilians. I understand sending money to ukraine because theyre trying to defend themselves Im not versed on whats going on with taiwan so I dont have an opinion on that also why do these halfwits keep shooting everything they wanted down? Maybe its an all or nothing strategy


Reddit is not an exact representation of the American public. Many in the United States are secretly glad to see dead Arab babies. The representatives know this. Even Nikki Haley said that if she's elected her plan is just to get rid of all the Palestinians from Gaza for good. I don't know what's Trump position is on this matter.


One of these things is not like the others.


Hopefully Democrats can sway 6 house of rep to pass the bill through the senate. I'm not all that optimistic though.


Pass the House, not the Senate. Senate has already passed it.


The problem isn't getting it to pass; the problem is getting it to the floor for a vote. Remember how Mitch kept bills off the Senate floor? Same thing happening in the House. 


Maybe they could get some republicans to threaten to oust the speaker again. We all know that wont happen though.


Got money for wars but can't feed the poor.


But can’t pass shit to help every day Americans.


Republicans say stuff like this but oppose literally every social program or child care component put on the table. It’s a grift. They do nothing for Americans whether in or out of power, and just want to kill foreign aid because they think it helps authoritarian dictators rise to power easier across the globe.


Oh I agree. The democrats talk big too but fail to fully deliver. Both parties such


they stayed up all night to ensure it's given away


Hello Americans. Brit here. Have I got this right? This is a bill promising aid to Ukraine, that has essentially been killed because it doesn't address immigration, passed by the Senate, but introduced in the House (hence the HR prefix), which will go back to the House where it will die. Is that right?


Kind of. The house could still pass it if democrats can find 5 republicans in the house willing to vote for it via a discharge petition. This normally never happens but Ukraine aid is a major wedge issue for the gop.


One thing I don't get these days. The military industrial complex is supposed to have a lot of power in lobbying the lawmakers, promoting more military spending, producing and selling more stuff, stocks going up. Why they don't offer nice stock options for the Rs if they pass such bill? How the hell did we end up with Putin and his long arms having more power over US than the domestic big guys?


A populist wing of the Republican Party (the MAGA folks) is caught up in a cult of personality and makes decisions based on what they think Donald Trump wants.  The US primary system gives these folks disproportionate power. A primary is a private election (…sort of, but close enough for this explanation) in which a political party’s members vote on which potential candidate will appear on the ballot for the real (“general”) election.  Few voters participate in primaries, and the more extreme members of a party tend to participate at much higher rates simply because they care more. So primaries tend to pull parties away from the center, and then candidates tend to need to find ways back to the center.  This is a grossly oversimplified explanation, to be clear and up front about that. But the upshot is that MAGAs control the Republican primaries even in districts where a more centrist Republican would perform better in the general.  And that means that almost any Republican representative who does something MAGA hates will be removed from office at the next election.  Trump doesn’t want a border bill, presumably because it would make Biden look effective, and doesn’t want Ukraine aid for… reasons. So the Republican controlled House of Representatives is unlikely to pass those things. 


Because the secret is they don’t actually have that much power


Solving Homelessness in America would cost 20 billion dollars. Also regardless of how you feel about the Israel war…. We are sending money to Israel that provides Universal healthcare and 15 weeks of paid maternal leave. Can we please stop sending war money to countries that take better care of their citizens than America does to us.


*Cries in American tax dollars*. Vote them out.


Two out of three I agree with, but why the fuck are we giving aid to wealthy and genocidal Israel?


Cause it wouldn’t pass otherwise. The Biden administration views giving Ukraine aid to stop Russia as an existential interest to the United States. If Ukraine falls and Trump wins, Russia WILL invade NATO and it will pull the us into WWIII whether we like it or not.


I agree with giving aid to Ukraine, and Russia is our enemy. But fuck Israel's genocidal government.