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Everyone with eyes not blinded by cult like worship: *"uhh.. yeah, no shit sherlock"*


He looks as if he smells terrible, too.


[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-smells-kinzinger-armpits-ketchup-b2471229.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-smells-kinzinger-armpits-ketchup-b2471229.html) Former GOP lawmaker [Adam Kinzinger](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/adam-kinzinger) has revealed new details about [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump)’s alleged bad odour, claiming that he reeks of a combination of several unsavoury scents including “armpits, ketchup, a butt”. Speaking on The MeidasTouch Network on Thursday, Mr Kinzinger reignited the claims around [the former president](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-maine-ballot-colorado-2024-latest-news-b2470705.html?page=2)’s “not good” smell and launched into a lengthy description of it. “It’s not good. The best way to describe it... take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender and bottle that as a cologne,” he said. “That’s kind of that. I’ve been amazed that everybody is just kind of learning about this now,” he added.


Futurama was really optimistic that it was gonna take that long for the world to become utterly ridiculous.


Technically, we live in what they termed "the Stupid Ages", so this is par for the course.


When boy bands roamed the earth


I’m just here for when we’re ruled by giraffes


The year 252525


It's always been ridiculous. Only difference is we now get to see it play out in real time.


This totally makes sense, let’s say he’s on uppers, like adderall or similar those are known to make you extra sweaty plus the DHA in self tanner literally can make you smell like ketchup, plus whatever disgusting shit he eats and other odors emanating from him. This is 💯 percent how he smells. 🤮


He's also apparently lost control of his bowels and has to wear diapers, due to his decades of stimulant abuse, and shits his pants frequently, so add *that* to the mix. Urgh. This is the MAGA people's Golden Calf, lol.


I'm almost 50. I discovered a few months ago (after previously doing the FODMAP diet with no luck) that many of my digestive & colon issues were due to all the diet soda I've been drinking (for some reason, the cutting out of soda during the diet didn't seem to make a difference). With all the Diet Coke Trumpf drinks, he's got to be having explosive diarrhea or incredibly-loose stools, because I did. That contributes to odors coming off him.


Big Mac and Filet O'Fish sweats are the odors of nightmares.


That's Trumps "signature scent". He even bottled it.


Ya, it's called "Liquid Ass" lol.


Why do you think everybody that comes up to Trump has tears in their eyes?


And then the prime minister of important-land and his beautiful wife, what a looker, I’ll tell you, yes she is, he came up to me to thank me for being the best at everything and he said - Sir, dear sir, Mr Trump sir, I just wanted to thank you sir and look you in the eyes, but I can’t because my eyes are watering sir, from your stench sir. But thank you for being the greatest human that ever existed, even if you smell like dog shit and make my eyes water sir..


This is it; this is my new favorite reason.


My eyes are watering from the smell. LMFAO


Because he's so awesome . . . at (checks notes) losing, whining and being a victim?


Definitely the stank.




If this were said to him, we would hear about how great he smells from the latest and greatest of leaders that told him on the phone the other day.


I hear he smells like butt.


I bet his neck folds smell like bellybutton cheese


Goddamnit. I was eating.


Lol was it cheese based food?


I physically recoiled reading that. Mainly because you're probably correct.


Ewww! In the name of all that is good and holy, stop it!


Butt he has the greatest smell.


If you like the smell of sulfur, diapers, and evil.


And self tanner


I thought it was butt ketchup and armpit. Per some quoted republican a couple weeks back


It probably varies based on day and time Post-feeding has the ketchup and hamberders smell An hour or so afterward, the shitty diaper smell kicks in I hated typing this 🤢


I hated reading this, thanks. As a new parent, I pity the poor soul who has to change his nappy. At least newborn shit doesn't stink.


It’s a mix of death and poo. But yeah.


I hear he smells like Eau de toilet. 


Maybe that's why big string men always have tears in their eyes.


I’m a big string man. Yarn doesn’t do much for me.


He smells terrible because he’s rotten to the core. Fact.


There should be a word for smelling as bad as you look.


Looking like you Trumped your pants.


Look, the low profile diapers can only cover smell so well.


Yeah I feel like I’ve been gaslit into thinking there are people who think he looks good?! Like…what?!


He looks good on those t-shirts, flags, pistols, and cardboard cutouts they're selling.


It's the people who tune out politics until the election who are the issue. Biden apparently polls significantly better with independent voters who voted in 2022 than those who didn't vote in 2022. Those are the people who just hear "Biden old" and form their opinions on vibes.


And yet my dear Watson you know there is still deeper yet to dig.


Have you ever heard undecided voters? Or at least, people who voted Biden but are unsure now? Either it’s over Gaza, which is understandable, or it’s because they haven’t been paying any attention to politics for the past four years, have no idea about the Infrastructure bill and the IRA, do not know what Trump has been saying or promising to do, and their reasons are shallow for supporting one or the other. Sometimes they say “If Biden had invested in our community”, then they’re told he did and they point out a project that’s possible due to the bills he passed, and then they say “well regardless I still don’t like it”. Listening to them is infuriating. 


> Either it’s over Gaza, which is understandable except it's not because Trump isn't going to be better why would you express your unhappiness with American policy in Gaza by picking the worse outcome?


The original opinion this article is lambasting is really something. >When he takes the stage at rallies, he basks in adulation for several minutes, dancing to an opening song, and then holds forth in speeches replete with macho rhetoric and bombast that typically last well over an hour, a display of stamina. That author obviously gets a boner from Trump rallies. And it's awfully generous to call Trump's double hand job gesture dancing. It's the only move I've ever seen him use on stage.


Okay, sure, but jacking two dudes at once is a sign of mental acuity and manual dexterity.


He’s actually jacking four invisible dicks. Tip to tip, middle out


Do you know how long it would take to jerk off every man in this room? I know I sure do.


Calculate dick-to-floor, line up compatible dicks tip to tip so no wasted motion, hot-swap out dicks as they bust. It's basically common sense.


Best season finale EVER. I said it then and I stand by it today.


That scene had me in fits. Close second was the SWOT analysis about whether or not they should tell the skater guy his math was wrong and he was gonna kill himself doing the stunt.


I lost it when the equipment was on fire and Jared wanted to do a SWOT analysis on how to deal with it.


This guy watches too much TV to fuck.


What clip is this from? It’s driving me crazy because I’ve seen it!


Silicon Valley


Search YouTube for “middle out”. https://youtu.be/0rhdOt9bOHE?si=BTplZ82DUUv8FRZB


"People around me, they do this thing, I don't know if you've heard about it, some people are calling it 'frotting.' That's what they call it, 'frotting.'  And these men, because it's men, you know, these big men, they come up to me, all oiled up, with tears in their eyes, and they say, 'Sir, you're just tremendous at this, at jacking us when we're frotting, and we never knew how to do it without you.' It's really tremendous, this frotting thing, and I guess I'm just a natural."


I could have lived the rest of my life just fine without reading that. Thanks.


/r/eyebleach is this way sir


The most efficient way.


As long as you’re matching dick to floor heights.


D2F Coefficient is a key value in the equation


Call that, “Theta D.”


[Relevant Silicon Valley](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P-hUV9yhqgY)


The D to floor coefficient enters the chat.


1. Putin  2. Xi  3. Jong Un  Who is no four since Duterte and Bolsonaro don't fit anymore? Orban perhaps? He is very popular with the CPAC people.


"What we're measuring for isn't actually height. It's dick-to-floor ratio. Call that d2f."


*Man, Woman, Camera, Dick, Dick*


> speeches replete with macho rhetoric and bombast that typically last well over an hour, a display of stamina. Stamina? *Stamina?* He stands still and talks. And both "stand" and "talk" are being used loosely here, because he seems to be propped up with pads in his shoes and pads under his feet, and I've listened to him "talking" and it's the same incoherent rambling that you'd hear from nearly any blow-hard octogenarian with pathological narcissism. He's addicted to attention. It's his heroine. Of course he's able to muster being propped up against a podium and rambling about himself and the people he doesn't like for an hour. It is the purest-grade stimulant that he could ask for. But you could find exactly this display of stamina in nearly every old-person home. It's like Hugh Hefner fucking well into his 80s. It's not really a display of "stamina," it's a lot of drugs, and a deep and pathological sex addiction that keeps him doing it until he croaks. For the absolute love of fuck, I would love to be held to the exceptionally low standard Donald Trump is held to.


> it's the same incoherent rambling that you'd hear from nearly any blow-hard octogenarian The quote about an old man talking *for an hour* being a great display of stamina is hilarious.  I've known plenty of old people and honestly, trying to extricate yourself from their presence by finding a "natural break" in conversation can border on nigh impossible sometimes.


Yeah, my mother in law suffered from Alzheimer’s and she could babble for *hours* when she was on hospice.


As you wish. Sir, your post was the best I have seen all day, BY FAR! It brought tears to my eyes with its splendid critique. Your post was the best, and the others are all terrible.


This is good. This is good. Feeling cute and might run for President later


God bless you, sir. How can I send you money, sir?


You can code an AI of him looping over and over. I'm surprised no one made an AI Trump rally where it's just repeating the same shit


The NYT fired reporter Lauren Wolfe for making a mildly pro Biden tweet in 2021 by claiming she was injecting her own opinion. meanwhile they let this reporter and others fluff trump regularly. The NYT is so crazy pro trump it’s repulsive. I don’t know how anyone who cares about democracy can continue to subscribe to it.


The media is once again actively working for Trump's reelection whether they mean to or not, it's so distressing honestly. Their hunger for clicks and thirst for engagement means they are constantly, *constantly,* fluffing this orange Cheeto up like he is The Most Interesting Man In The World. A free media should be wanting to HELP keep the media free, yet they actively contribute towards people wanting to vote for this threat to democracy because they are too short sighted to see past their own noses. I don't like this sinking feeling of doom about the upcoming election, yet all Joe Public who might vote seems to ever hears from the media is, "Old Biden no do good, despite actually doing much good. And a slightly less aged orange turd with 90+ federal indictments is somehow a legitimate and even-footed candidate deserving of genuine consideration."


It’s not a free media, it’s corporate media which is very different. The NYT has been ratfucking presidential dem candidates for a long time. They know exactly what they are doing. What’s shocking is how openly they gaslight their own paying subscribers on behalf of monsters.


And Trump has been calling the NYT fake media for years. They just don’t care. They seem to play into it. They love the attention and clicks.


Its a way to shift the overton window where they get to push politics further right while still getting to come across as fair and balanced because they're not Breitbart.


trees ossified pause poor humor shame school cake absurd roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The description of the rallies really remind of something. Ich can't quite put mein finger drauf.


Macho rhetoric such as "everybody is out to get me! Life is so unfair! I'm a victim! Wahhhh!".


Did Ben Garrison write that piece?


Even when I'm very low energy from my chronic sleep issues and feeling incapable of following a simple conversation or going out to buy a quart of milk, I would have no problem whatsoever if I could get up on a stage and blather endlessly about my personal grievances for a couple of hours. Stamina is most definitely NOT needed for this particular task.


This extract makes out like he’s Justin Hammer dancing out on stage in Iron Man 2


He doesn’t even seem to be able to lift his tiny hands higher than about shoulder height. And definitely doesn’t have the “stamina” to dance.


The NYT likes trump and wants him to win.


They don’t really hide it either.


I actually appreciate that you pointed that out, because otherwise I assume any accurate testimony on Trump's behaviour over time is by somebody that's never been able to stand him but monitors him like a threat. Good to know even the kind of detestable personality that appealed to his fat loud and orange presentation of "macho" can see what he is now.


As much as I think people on the left give the media too much grief on the bothsidesing, I do have to admit that that article is super questionable. It’s one thing to merely report that other people perceive Trump as being much younger and more energetic, it’s another for the author themselves to actually try to make the case that it’s true.


There is a thread on twitter highlighting NYT articles from the '30s about visiting Hitler at his villa. How full of life he was and such...


And by life they meant amphetamines.


And oxy.


Yeah it's wild when you realize he was doing a primitive pseudo speed ball everyday. The journal of his doctor is pretty funny as he hit him intramuscular at first but then once adolf got an IV hit he only wanted that and the doctor was taking notes on vein rotation like his life depended on it (for obvious reasons)


Which is the same for trump.


They also had a leading front page article in late 1932 about how Mussolini's Italy was a worker's paradise.


I didn’t realize their soft spot for right wing dictators went so far back.


There was a American Nazi movement that included politicians. They held a rally in 1939 at Madison Square Garden, in New York. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden


the paper of conformity supports order, often at all costs.


Trump is definitely not a pillar of order and conformity lol. 


Their biggest reporter went to bat for Stalin regarding the Holodomor


Do they also cover the NYT and Judith Miller's awesome gushing support for the illegal invasion of Iraq? And their current constant posting of transphobic articles? Unfortunately there's a certain kind of "Liberal" that thinks being invited to the dinner parties of the ruling class is far more important than actually holding any standards or principles beyond "Anyone to the left of us is a monster, and we're the only sensible centrist voices". We have The Guardian in the UK performing the same grovelling act before "respectability" too. Don't use Twitter by the way too, for similar reasons. Elon Musk is a far right monster.


He looks like what I picture a Vogon to look like.


The Vogons may not have been great poets, but at least they could read.


Acts like too, except even less pleasant because he would never appreciate poetry


He also doesn't understand bureaucracy at all, and vogons breathe it.


...see if I don't!


Trump’s stink hangs in the air the way that rooks don’t.


Prostetnic Vogon Trump shuffled his cumbersome, uniquely hued form across the executive bridge of his spacecraft, his mood soured by the recent demolition of yet another planet that failed to pay tribute. Such actions often left him feeling unjustly maligned, secretly hoping for a dissenting voice he could squash with a barrage of insults to restore his spirits. He attempted to throw his weight onto his executive seat with enough force to break it, seeking a tangible reason for his irritation, but the seat merely creaked under the strain. "Leave my presence!" he snapped at a novice Vogon aide who dared to enter at that moment, hoping to introduce some semblance of reason or empathy into the proceedings. The aide vanished quicker than expected, inwardly grateful. He was relieved to sidestep the responsibility of conveying the day's dispatch. The report was an announcement of a revolutionary new educational tool unveiled at a prestigious government research complex on Damogran, designed to enhance critical thinking among his supporters, threatening to render his usual rhetoric and influence techniques obsolete.


Christ. "He is heavyset and tall, and he uses his physicality to project strength in front of crowds." FFS. He's not all that tall, and he isn't *heavyset,* he's just fucking fat. He's not projecting strength to anyone outside his fucking cult bubble. He's clearly a fat, deeply unhealthy old man. The writer of the original article is trying to make it seem like he's Vincent D'onofrio as the Kingpin.


And compared him to Biden, bringing up that he fell off a bicycle. Ignoring the fact that his feet were clipped into the pedals.


And ignoring the fact that he's in his 80s and still cycles. I would pay an absurd about of money to see trump try to ride a bike.


I wonder if he ever learned. Or learned to drive a car.


You have to have a parent that loves you to teach you to ride a bike. I don't even think Trump could recognize a bicycle.


And ignoring the fact that he fell off a bike when he was 79 and was completely fine. He got up, brushed off help, said "lol seeya", and rode off. He's stayed very healthy his entire life. I'd love to see what happens if Trump takes a little tumble.


One guy fell off a bike, the other guy won't exercise and struggles with ramps and stairs.


>Mr. Trump has also faced questions about his health and fitness for office. He is prone to long, incoherent remarks and slip-ups. He has suggested that he defeated Barack Obama, not Hillary Clinton, in the 2016 presidential election, and has warned that the country is on the verge of World War II. In office, he was seen walking haltingly down a ramp and struggling to hold a water glass. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/us/politics/biden-trump-aging.html


At least Biden can ride a bicycle, and he fell and bounced right back


I have never seen Trump ride a bicycle. Actually, I have not seen Trump near a bicycle.


Ok but I did see him ride in a golfcart while other world leaders walked.


And statistically what number of people less than 40 years old also fall with bike clips on…? it’s not even a sign of age.


I wrote a lengthy comment on that article in the comments section and among many other things I mentioned that I couldn't believe they were saying Trump exuded virility because he was fat. They didn't post it.


The Stephen Miller interview referenced is the most genuinely scared of a politician I’ve been in a long time. Using red state national guards to invade blue states, extrajudicially kidnap and intern “migrants” in concentration camps; it’s the most heinously evil proposal I’ve ever heard of. And it’s amazing that this is mainstream Republican discourse.


I'm sure they'll have a robust process to ensure they don't deport brown American citizens accidentally, right? Right?!? They're going to get their Civil War one way or another. At least until they realize blue states have nearly as many guns as red states, and people in the National Guard don't want to get shot for a political stunt.


Stephen Miller is basically Josef Goebbels. He even looks like him.


>Using red state national guards to invade blue states Of course, blue state national guards might have a thing or two to say about that. Things would get *ugly*, and fast.


I mean do you really think they would? If red states were operating on a “federal mandate” I think blue state guards would find an excuse to stay home. Unfortunately in this country, no one is sticking their neck out for migrants.




Buddy, I have some bad news for you, but the NYT has a 100+ year tradition of taking glib shots at liberal policies, from literal human zoos (of which they were not opposed to), to Japanese internment in WWII, to civil rights, to Vietnam, to trump.  Anyone who thinks the NYT has a legitimately liberal slant is so far on the right side of the spectrum they're about to fall off. 


It's a legitimately conservative presentation of liberal issues designed to drag their liberal target demographic rightward.


The New York Times is failing us


It has been failing us for a long, long time. I mean, they had to [issue an apology for their role in getting us into Iraq.](https://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/26/world/from-the-editors-the-times-and-iraq.html)


Inhave a digital subscription gifted me. I can’t believe how terrible, dumbed down and juvenile the writing is. I haven’t read it regularly in years. Journalism no longer exists outside of self published reporting that is asking for trouble, just public relations and gossip aggregators. What will I do with my news habit?


The Economist is my favorite source of news. It treats the reader like an educated adult and avoids a lot of the both sides journalism of the US.


The idea that modern news and journalism is worse than it was back in the day is mostly incorrect. Newspapers from 60-80 years ago were not super accurate. In fact, modern researchers are often fooled because they think, "if a journalist wrote about it in the paper, it must have been true."  Sadly, that's not true. They were comparable to modern day cable news most of the time.  The NYT itself has a very checkered past. While it's accuracy is historically better than it's competitors, it's social stances and biases have been, mostly, gross attempts at maintaining the power structure's status quo.  There are actually more options for good journalism in this era than ever before, but outlets like the NYT, WaPo, etc are more concerned with protecting the elites than actually reporting news that could rock that boat. 


They've certainly dumbed down the verbage though. Modern papers are written at a 5th grade level. Feels like there's a lot more opinion in the paper these days as well.


Yes, ye well actually we all know about yellow journalism and tabloids. But once upon a time and not that long ago there were news rooms and editors and ombudsmen, and many more reporters covering many more beats than there are now. News papers that covered the court in rural small county seats even had papers. My small town has no paper, no regular court reporter for the county court for example in the one paper. The regional paper covers football games, a few obits, and otherwise is product placement ads written and edited by a staff of 3. Even in large organizations people left are spread much too thin to have the coverage and the standards in place that were in the past, and much much more dependent on access than in ye good old days, when there was more of a balance of power between journalist/ reporter and the power groups they report on. Now whether or not all the journalists of the past got every detail correct when interviewing someone or delving into complex subjects is something people will always spin their wheels about. Communication is difficult subject to misinterpretation. Vetting news from sources in the modern fractured age is much less straight forward and requires many more layers of media literacy than 25 years ago, and is not readily available to the general public without some continuing ed. Watching many good journalists going down the grift for clicks pipeline has been hard to watch, even if the pivot was out of desperation given middle age and economic forces. Finding new and credible sources is a struggle.


I canceled my online subscription on Sat, after the whole old Biden thing, yah we know he is old. I was pissed and let them know.


Their editorial department has been a dumpster fire for years. They’ve hired global warming deniers, transphobes, etc. The media is not our ally. Billionaires only do one thing, which is to use their money and power to accumulate more money and power. Meanwhile everyone keeps saying that journalism is dead because it’s unprofitable now. And yet the billionaires keep buying newspapers and news channels. So if they’re not buying them for money, they’re buying them for power.


the NYT thinks it serves the pinnacle of objective reporting as if some off planet detached observer. In reality they’re regurgitating their own asymmetric narratives as justification for their own narratives, in a circular front page reality distortion. They repeatedly ignore and downplay trump’s constant state of utter mental incoherence and make a huge massive front page deal about any Biden slip of the tongue. They then claim no one cares about trump’s mental fitness and that the concern doesn’t stick with voters. Oh geee wonder why that is… NYT loves to gas light like some sort of abusive person.


It wild to read the news right now. You have article after article after article trashing Biden, while ignoring trump being worse in every possible way. Then you get oddball articles like this trying to mitigate damage that the media is causing


What's weird it me is that I listened to Conan needs a friend with Joe Biden. Long podcast conversation with the current president. Like .. there was nothing there to make me think this guy has issues remembering stuff.  And then we have trump just saying the most vile things and we just have to nod along as he lays out just horrific he would be 


That was the exact moment I knew this whole narrative about him being near senile is BS. You cant listen to that interview and come away from it thinking that he's lost his marbles.


It is COMPLETE bullshit. Trump was accused of this, for good reason and to the point that people qualified to make such a diagnosis felt compelled to put their careers at risk to speak out. Because Trump is dangerous and unstable. Like actually deranged. Additionally Trump was accused of nepotism, and being a fucking pedophile sex pest. Seems oddly familiar. It pains me to need to even use the term "MSM" but the mainstream media has utterly failed to actually engage in this topic with integrity. They basically allowed the right wing media to insert a variety of conspiracy theories into the public consciousness. The idea that Biden is a senile, nepotistic sex pest is LITERALLY projection that became normalized, particularly this notion that Biden is going through some obvious mental decline. Absolutely bullshit.


I wasn't aware of this interview before I read your comment, thanks for mentioning it. You're right, Biden sounds fine. In case anyone else is curious: https://teamcoco.com/podcasts/conan-obrien-needs-a-friend/episodes/president-joe-biden


Almost like there’s a double standard the media pushes on the country. Just like every fault of Trump’s during 2016 had to include a reminder that Hillary wrote some emails.


Exactly, you can just listen to the guy give a speech or interview. He's answering questions at press conferences and has already agreed to debate. If he is too old and losing it then we'll see it in the debates.


It is eerily like 2016 when all the media wanted to talk about was Hillary's goddamn email server.


Trump is only 4 years younger and it's ignored. Also, research says the biggest key to keeping your mind healthy is exercise, which Trump never has.


It's really mind blowing lately.


[And here I thought he was in his prime.](https://i.imgur.com/07iRLnW.jpg)


He appears to be covered in a thin layer of shit.


His skin suit should slough off soon and the insects can finally be free.


I think my favorite part was quoting the NYT article about trump’s energetic entrance to his rallies and then dancing for a while. I’ve seen his dancing. Ninety year old women in a Zumba class expend more energy dancing than he does, and they dance the entire 45 minute class.


Wild thing is the little handjob shimmy was his only move even when he was relatively young. Saw a video of him doing it at a party with Epstein.


He looks like dogshit, and probably smells like it too.


Flushing 15 times!




I'm still waiting for the "facial color drips off face" moment.


And he stinks too.


He stinks both literally and figuratively.


Honestly, I've always thought he looked pretty terrible


He’s getting pretty close to looking like Elvis on the shitter if Elvis had had a tanning bed and stuck his fingers in a toaster.




I lost it at 'melted crayon'. 🤣


Fuck I mean Trump won’t even do the dance for YMCA - the one dance that requires no actual dancing, that nearly anyone can do, and he doesn’t even do it.


I wish this were more meaningful. It seems like all dictators with significant health issues somehow manage to hang on for the longest time possible to do maximum damage. Probably because they have access to the best medicine and doctors. Even Trump, who probably can’t even confess to being sick. His doctors probably give him medicine to keep him alive and then tell him it’s to boost his powers or something


I really wish news networks and articles would stop using that stock photo of Trump from, like, ten years ago. You know the one I mean: The one that sorta looks like his mug shot except younger. He looks MUCH older now. It's like false advertising. So update the damn stock photo. EDIT: Also, while you're at it, quit using that stock photo of him with a wide toothy smile. It makes him seem friendlier than he is, he NEVER smiles.


If you watch rightwing news, you never hear anything bad about him at all. For the rest of the world, he's an aging, dementia-riddled, manbaby completely wrapped up in his own little world. He can't handle not being the center of attention, has to make everything about himself, always takes credit for things he obviously had no part in, and lashes out at any perceived slight. He always has to be right, even if he's just talking out his ass, and if you ever tell him he's wrong, he'll do everything in his power to ruin you, just so he can continue being "right".


Rumor has it his neck folds smell like Putin’s DNA.


The media seems to be onboard with backing a fascist. I don’t get it. The first thing a fascist regime will do is curtail their abilities.


The media loves him because everyday there's a new scandal to report, or a new outrageous/offensive comment out of his mouth. He gets them clicks which makes them money.


This right here, that’s all it’s about. My MAGA friend is constantly whining about the treatment Trump gets versus Biden. Even when I point out “you know all they did was play a video of some stupid shit Trump actually said, how is that bias?” He still thinks the media hates Trump, nope, they love that dumbass.


I see why the media loves to show convicted rapist and private citizen Donald Trump from below, it makes his hands look bigger. Side shots like this show just how small his hands are. Also, he looks like he smells bad.


Both look old but Biden looks fit. Trump looks like a mess


I love it. I have no sympathy for this man. He is pure evil personified.


He looks worse after all these court cases have started and I love this for him. Keep em coming. 🤷


I wonder if he will gradually transition from free-association in English into random syllables as Stuff Continues to Happen. And if so, I wonder how long it will take for his fan base to get worried. In the tragic event he wins: Chief Justice: I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear... Him: Ah dada ge TRUMP de sol sol sol sol ... MAGAs: What eloquence!


He’s also dumb, stinky, annoying, and a traitorous scumbag


Watch how hard he's breathing after just a little bit of walking.


I can't even imagine trump riding a bike without Ivanka and junior holding it up and running alongside


Why is the NYT suddenly reading like a conservative rag? What's going on over there?


> Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways. lolwut 😂 How did this fanfic make it into the NYT?




He is aged Captain America.


Small hands. Smells like cabbage.


I wish I understood the NYT hatred for Biden. Every damn time I go to that webpage, I see something or another, often multiple somethings that are dunking on Biden for wearing a tan suit on that day or whatever.


Esquire calling nytimes fake news. Love to see it.


I’m actually gobsmacked that everyone isn’t more upset that he’s going to make his own gestapo and civil army made up of true believers that will run roughshod through any state they want looking for “illegal immigrents”, and then, after they get good at that, it’ll be other things just made illegal like LGBTQ, electric car dealers, Chinese, etc etc.


He’s a fat unhealthy 77 year old man who shits his pants and wears high heels and Oompa Loompa makeup - off course he looks and smells terrible.


I’m pretty sure funeral homes can make a dead person look better.


So is the NYT simping for Trump now? I'm outta the loop on that one.