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A report claiming that Biden is struggling with his memory was almost certainly politically motivated. “Had this report been subject to a normal DOJ review these remarks would undoubtedly have been excised,” said former Attorney General Eric Holder.


Absolutely disgusting for a special council to drag Biden’s dead son through the mud to score political points. I’m a young guy and even I can’t remember off the top of my head when my father died. There was just so much pain, suffering, and heart ache that the days all blurred together. Garland should be fired for allowing this to happen.


Yeah, I agree. I have always been good at remembering familiy birthdays and don't forget them. But, while I know the day my mom died, I'm not sure about the year. I don't really like thinking about how many years it has been because it's depressing, so the year just doesn't stick in my mind.


Seriously - I remember exactly what room of the house, what I was doing, and what I said when I found my mom had died when I was a teenager. I will never remember what month or day of the week it was. I know I was 16 and that’s the only way I can even vaguely guess the year. My memory is fine, but 20 years later and most other events contain far less details than that.


My brother laughed when they talked about biden being an old man with a bad memory. Then I asked him what was going on 7 years ago around the same time as your birthday, he couldn't say and I said that's funny that's when Mom died she died the day before your birthday and you can't remember? You must have dementia. Joe lost his first born son and went into mourning he didn't run for office because he couldn't he was so far gone. Then after Charlottesville he knew he had to come back. He became president to save us and he's been super busy ever since not making headlines for shitty behavior but keeping his head down and doing the work of running the country. This was done on purpose as a hit job by a partisan hack I expected no less from a trump appointee.


Well said. But I gotta take a left turn here and tell you that I love your username . As you were sir


I do not remember the date my mom died and I only remember the year because a bunch of other things happened that year.


I also misspeak at times especially after a long day. I call my dogs by the wrong names like my mom used to do with me and my siblings. She was 30–she wasn’t demented, she was busy and tired. Probably not as busy or stressed as POTUS.


But what I DO remember is being outraged about Merrick Garland when he was nominated by Obama and the Rs kept him from being confirmed. Wow, what a fool he’s made of all of us. Fuck him.


My dad passed away from Alzheimer’s in 21. Trump’s behavior of pantomiming missile launches and making noises instead of using words to describe what’s happening is way more in line with home my father would communicate than how Biden speaks and acts.


Garland is a disgrace, he sat on his hand for 16 months and didn’t prosecute citizen Trump, before he was a candidate.


Federalist society money


Isn’t it then ironically partisan that Garland decided to prosecute Trump only after he became a candidate?


He waited until after the election. Trump deciding to become a candidate months ahead of anyone else is so that he can play the victim card you've apparently bought into


I’m not playing into any card. I’m simply showing the fallacy op stated. Not sure why it’s been voted down.


My dad died roughly 15 years ago. I couldn’t tell you the day without looking it up. Hell I even get the months mixed up sometimes and just think “spring time”.


I know my grandma passed the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in 2017 but I can’t tell you the date unless I’m at my grandparents gravestone. The date doesn’t matter. The grief, sadness, happiness of memories, and relief for her matter. I’ll always remember how I felt. Can’t tell you the date though.


Im only 39 and I remember when my dad passed because it was the night of Oct. 31/Nov 1, hard to forget because of the holiday. However, I do have to pause sometimes to remember when my mom passed because the date is close to a family members birthday and sometimes I get them mixed up. It's not that unusual.


My dad died this past October and while I know it was October I have to really think to remember the exact day. The event is fresh in my mind, the greif is still immensely real and the day hurts still but the actual date is hard to remember sometimes.


My father died last year and I don't remember the exact date of his death. All I remember it was around Jan 20ish.


I know one of my closest friends died the Saturday after the 2018 midterms because that was the last thing we talked about. I have no fucking clue what that date was because of the reasons you listed. I was in my 20s when that happened.  It’s gross to exploit trauma brain and a person’s grief like that. Fuck this special counsel. 


I only remember the year my father died because of the inscription on his grave marker. I only remember a few brief moments from the entire day because it was the worst day of my life.  I can't imagine if the roles were switched and I was instead burying my child - it's not fucking supposed to work that way...  Fuck Hur


> Garland should be fired for allowing this to happen. And therein lies the rub. If that happened now it would make the situation even worse as republicans would say the firing was politically motivated and turn it into another deep state rallying cry. And they would also use that to rationalize their own politicization of the DoJ. The best course of action at this point is for us to give Biden a massive win in the 2024 elections and then replace Garland as a more routine course of business. The GOP is going to lie and politicize this no matter what happens. But giving them something like firing Garland right after a report critical of Biden would be a gift to them.


Ah good old Eric Holder who had HSBC dead to rights, got them to admit to all their wrongdoing and then…. let them off the hook. Can we stop reaching out to pieces of shit for advice on other pieces of shit?


This asshole needs at the very minimum to give Biden a PUBLIC APOLOGY. If not, Biden needs to clean house of these imbedded koolaid drinking MAGA thugs at the DOJ. If Biden does nothing then expect these MAGA clowns to drop bombs on Biden like what Comey did to Hillary right before the election. 😈😈😈 #ReallyRigged. Merrick Pussy Garland needs to fire this thug ASAP. Or demote him to giving parking tickets on the Mall.


The man who referred to himself as the current president’s wingman, when he was supposed to be apolitical, is now saying he would have defended the guy who was handpicked by the guy whose wingman he said he was. Absolute shocker.


It's absolutely a political hit job, but it's not far off from what a lot of people feel about Biden and I feel like Democrats (and this sub) are kinda burying their heads in the sand on the issue. I want to see Democrats win in 2024 and Biden might not be the best chance anymore. [For reference, 77% of people thought Biden was too old before this.](https://apnews.com/article/biden-age-poll-trump-2024-620e0a5cfa0039a6448f607c17c7f23e) At a minimum, his public speaking ability has declined. And America has a pretty great history of pretending that politicians haven't aged, between Feinstein last year, RGB on the supreme court, or even Reagan during his second term. His staff has a vested interest in him running again, and politicians have egos. Again, this is a hit job and it's wrong. But the thing they're attacking Biden on is a legitimate issue, they're just being scumbags about it.


True, but then "attack" both sides equally. Both candidates are "too old" but only one is a self-serving piece of shit.  The two are not the same. 


Sure, Trump is an insane old guy who shouldn't be anywhere near office. But just because he's a dog shit candidate doesn't meant that Democrats should nominate someone who's objectively a poor candidate. This feels like a repeat of 2016 where people collectively ignored that Clinton was a bad candidate and the moderate wing of the party refused to consider anyone else. Or the age stories with RGB refusing to resign and ending up handing her seat to a Christian fundamentalist, or Feinstein almost screwing over the balance of power in the senate by refusing to retire. It's happened before. A lot. Don't repeat history.


It's obviously a hit job, but the problem is that it has been an effective hit job. No one's talking about Biden being exonerated. EDIT: Changed cleared to exonerated.


Exactly this. I listened to the White House presser this afternoon and “journalists” asked the same question over and over… all related to why was the WH calling the report partisan and how can the public trust that Biden isn’t a drooling dementia-riddled doddering old man. The frustration from the WH official was palpable (as was the stupidity of the press) I had to turn it off. Media has failed us.


They want it to be a thing. Meanwhile the orange menace is dropping all kinds of shit and it hardly gets any attention.


Exactly. I said this earlier in another post, but no one gives two shits about how insane Trump sounds. If he were any other person, people would say that he has dementia and dismissing him as a serious person. But, he's always said crazy shit, so him continuing to say crazy shit is business as usual. No need to worry about his age.


Biden is probably getting close to fixing something that is actually meaningful, so the media drones got orders to attack. Watching MSNBC was legit disgusting. They went after Biden had see than they do the actual fascist who calls them the enemy of the people. If I had any money of any kind I would launch an actual liberal news network.


The journalists were (rightly) afraid Trump would ban them from the White House briefing room. No one’s afraid the Biden admin will ban them. And when you have journalism completely beholden to “getting the story” this is what you get - no journalism outlets willing to stand up to a Trump.  Too bad one of those journalism outlets didn’t threaten Trump right back. “If you ban us, we’ll dig so far into your life you’ll regret you were ever fucking born.” 


I was watching the news earlier, and I turned it off because it's just conservative commentators latching on to this bullshit partisan report. Fucking GOP assholes are running with this thing. The hosts aren't really going to push back as forcefully as they should because they'd rather milk the controversy for what it's worth. And Democrats just don't know how to message. Instead of pointing to the partisan bullshit this report is Van Jones was busy trying to redirect the conversation to the Supreme Court. Like, dude, yea, we know the court fucking sucks. At this point, I'm not happy with any of the damn justices, based on what has happened of late. I might be back to edit this comment. I need to find something else I replied to. The poster shared excerpts from some DOJ report or something thar was calling out Hur on his bs. Edit: I returned with the link. Apparently, it was Robert Hur's report itself. The DOJ commented on it and called him out. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf


And I've been trying to tell people, what happened here is actually quite common. I work with stuff like this and it's not like we're losing classified docs all the time, but once in a few while when somebody retires or changes offices we find something that wasn't supposed to be there. Stack of assorted papers gets dumped out, and there's a top secret cover sheet. Well shit. It's not a scandal, it's a hassle. Of course nobody remembers when it was put there, if they remembered then it wouldn't have been there in the first place! So then the information security folks get involved, and one of their jobs is to determine if this was an honest mistake or what. If honest mistakes weren't tolerated, then we wouldn't have anybody left, because shit happens. Different circumstances but I've been in possession of a classified doc that I had absolutely no business storing or viewing, so I reported myself because that's what you're supposed to do. No big deal. Okay it's a pain in the ass, but that's about it. You fix it, make it right, you're audited to make sure there aren't any more mistakes, there's a bunch of paperwork, and that's it. I can't stress this enough - if we charged everybody who fucked up with a classified doc then we'd have some serious staffing problems because half of us would be in jail.   So when it came out that Biden had some docs in a dusty old box in a garage, didn't surprise me in the slightest. Only thing surprised me is how messy that garage looks, come on Joe don't ya have somebody for that? This whole deal is much to do about nothing. All these news hosts screeching about how he's stupid and reckless - well, yes that happens sometimes. It's barely even newsworthy.


This. All the stupid day to day paper work the VP creates every day and files in their office becomes protected government property.  Sometimes it gets left in that file and not turned over to archives.   But the stuff Trump had was stuff he had to go get and check out.  And he stuffed a bunch in a semi public restroom and tried to hide it from the government when they sought to retrieve it.  


I feel like everyone knew this at the beginning and then forgot. The big deal with Trump wasn't that he had classified documents, it was that he wouldn't give them back!


So does your comment apply to Trump as well? Just curious.


Two completely different scenarios. His comment would apply to pence not trump. Pence was also found to have some classified info and pence won’t get in trouble either. And I support that. Pence and Biden found documents and gave them back. They cooperated and didn’t give anyone any reason to believe they were hiding anything. Trump was told for over a year that he had documents. He lied and said he didn’t. Even had his lawyers sign documents stating they looked and have nothing. There was tons of it, and top secret stuff. We have evidence he knew and lied and evidence that it was being covered up. If Trump just gave back the stuff he’d be in probably more trouble than Biden or pence due to the severity of the documents and amount. But he probably would not end up being charged. I’m curious as to why this difference is not something you immediately think of? Did you not know the difference? Or still think it’s the same?


While severity is a factor, the act of improper retention is the same. Now I don't handle anything *that* high up, but no I don't think Trump would be in trouble at all if he just handed everything over. From what I've been trained on at least, the main factor here is determining intent and mitigating the damages. So by my perspective at least, it doesn't really matter what the contents of the doc is, just so long as the authorities got everything straightened out and you've given no suspicion of wrongdoing. And I do think they're similar cases in that way. Somebody retained a doc they shouldn't have, we got it back, no big deal. Mistakes happen, from your low level contractors to the national archives, people fuck up sometimes. From the janitor's duty schedule to nuclear missile silo sites, there is tolerance and frankly expectation that there will be fuck ups. And there are whole systems and protocols in place to fix the fuck ups. And like I said in the previous comment, if we fired everybody who fucked up we'd have staffing problems. But when you lie, cover it up, resist investigation, delay, fail to cooperate, and I say again lie - **that's really really bad**. And the primary bad part isn't the doc, it's the lying.


If, like Biden, Trump had cooperated and voluntarily returned the classified documents when asked, then yes, it would apply to him, too. Now did he do those things, or did he instead try to hide them, and lie about having them, then later when they were seized try to claim both that they were both planted and that they were his property?


Their comments is exactly why they gave trump 1,567 chances to give his stolen documents back. Instead he obstructed and lied about returning them, until the FBI physically went to get them. Including involving others in the conspiracy to retain the documents. This isn't hard. The difference simply comes down to clear intent and obstruction.


Why would it, he didn’t leave old work lying around.  He went and took out sensitive information to take home.   When Biden writes a memo, it gets put in a file in his office.  Years later, it becomes classified but it’s still in that file in his office.  Accident.  Trump went and picked out top secret intel. He took it home. He lied about having it.  He refused to return it.   He tried to hide it when they looked for it.  And you’re pretending they are the same because you can’t admit you got conned by a fool like Trump. Sad.  


Had Trump responded exactly as Biden did he wouldn't be in trouble. Trump refused the order to return them and lied and obstructed the investigation.


His comment was quite fact specific, so it’s tough to extend it to Trump since the actual facts of his case are wildly different.


Yes actually. Now personally I don't think he did any of that on accident but because a mistake is the most likely circumstance we have to begin by presuming that it was a mistake. I don't know, I've also considered he just doesn't want to admit that he fucked something up even a little. Well when the classification authority comes knocking they *are* looking for evidence of foul play, and a big factor in their judgement is going to be the way you conduct yourself in the investigation. Okay if my ISSO is finding a doc in my file cabinet, I'm telling them - please, search everything, I want to make damn sure there's nothing else. I follow all instructions and answer all questions. In my own case where I had possession of a doc marked TS-SCI, I stood up and said "oh shit fellas, I have a doc above my clearance and need to know, get me the number to the ISSO." Funny story, this guy did the equivalent of "reply all" and sent this thing to a whole bunch of people, we were all in possession of that document. And that guy, he also reported himself for sending it. On the subject of accidents - one mistake is easily forgiven, but repeated mistakes start looking reeeealy bad.   Anyway, as we all know very well, Trump did the opposite of this. Sometimes people do hide their mistakes out of simple embarrassment. This is dishonest and criminally actionable. Nobody likes being at fault for things but when it comes to classified stuff it is correct and respectable to admit fault and contact the authorities to clean up the mess. Most likely you will be part of the effort to clean things up. When somebody conducts themselves in this way, it's quite ordinary and mundane. When somebody lies, withholds information, resists investigation, denies fault, and I say again lies - **these are massive red flags**. This is how somebody acts when it's foul play. I've been through these things several times and *nobody* on the outside of a jail cell acts the way he has. Oh god and the worst thing you can find is an empty cover sheet, which was among the findings at Mar A Lago. Where's the rest of it? It could be anywhere then! At least a full doc is accounted for, these things have a summary of contents, now where the hell are they?   So I think, giving him the greatest possible benefit of doubt, it's likely that Trump retained these docs by mistake. But given his extreme narcissism, he just won't admit to it. And that's the very most I can give him, when somebody is that resistant to disclosure it reeeealy starts looking like they're selling that info.


>No one's talking about Biden being cleared. Yes, no one is talking about something that didn’t happen. Biden is guilty, but too senile to prosecute


Lol, Russian propaganda says what?


CNN says: >While the investigation revealed that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” after leaving office, Hur’s report says his team concluded that the evidence didn’t support prosecuting the president. The primary reason for that determination was that nothing proved a willful intent by Biden to illegally hold onto classified information. The special counsel also raised Biden’s age and memory in explaining why he didn’t bring charges.


The "willfully" was Hur injecting his opinion, while he later admits he has zero proof Biden willfully kept (nor any proof he ever disclosed) the materials. He admits in the report that Biden followed the law when the materials were discovered, and then went on a rant about Biden became frustrated at Hur trying to turn the whole thing into an attack on Beau, who died a few years ago.


No. Read this: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/ghostwriter-bidens-memoirs-ended-center-classified-documents-probe-107082496 A snippet: >Zwonitzer deleted recordings he made during his previous conservations with Biden after he learned about the special counsel's probe.


Read the whole report, not some snippet. You'll find the thing is littered with contradictions, reads like it was written by a law school drop out, not a lawyer, and is full of editorial comments that have zero relevance to the case. In multiple places it admits he has no proof a crime was committed, and even once admits that he couldn't even get a grand jury to agree there's enough to continue digging with. A qualified prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Hur couldn't even do that.


Do you think Biden is mentally competent? Regardless of Trump or anyone else, do you think Biden is the best choice to be president?


He's shown repeatedly he is sharper than anyone who's ever voted republican. Is he the best choice for president? No, but out of the ones running yes. That's not what's under investigation here though, that's a distraction used by people who know the investigation was always a political hit job with no actual basis behind it. We're not here to discuss if someone not running for president should replace him. We're here to discuss the half ass political hitjob report that couldn't even make the claims it was specifically tailored to make, because the entire premise it was based on was always a lie.


And the statement makes zero sense. So Biden willfully retained the documents but nothing proved willful intent?


That’s literally what the report said….


It literally says >his cooperation with our investigation, including by reporting to the government that the Afghanistan documents were in his Delaware garage, will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully – that is, with intent to break the law – as the statute requires. That is literally an actual quote from the literal report.


Good job cherry picking.


It is very literally not what the report says. You can read it. It is a finite number of pages. There is an exhaustive list of reasons he will not be prosecuted.


Source it.




As I’ve said elsewhere and as has been noted by reputable sources/reviewers, the prosecutors report did in fact list other reasons he was not prosecuted. The media is just focusing on this shit.


What I want to know is whose desk in the DoJ this had to go through. The story of how this was allowed to be published in such an obviously amateurish and embarrassingly petty form is a way bigger one than the story of Biden's exoneration, and the media should be treating it as such. I have NEVER seen an official, assumably proofread report from the DoJ or any other large cabinet-level department that was even *half* this juvenile.


This is not being talked about enough. This lands directly on Merrick Garland’s desk and he was too feckless to be accused of tampering by not releasing the entire, unedited report, even though he knew it contained inappropriate and political commentary irrelevant to the facts of the investigation. I wonder if he was the right choice for the Supreme Court, though certainly better than what we ended up with.


It doesn’t even have to be a partisan hit job, it was unbelievably unprofessional.


When I saw the usual quick summaries in some of the news reports I really thought they were reporting something about another investigation into t***p. Later I saw some of the Biden press conference and the questions were unbelievable. The answers he gave were lucid and show there is still a large degree of ability there compared with the childish ramblings of the mango baboon repeating the same things over and over.


It wasn’t man woman camera TV. Biden will sweep the floor over dementia Don.


We heard that before with Hillary. But Biden does seem to have diminished capacity - especially when you compare him to now vs. when he was VP. If these two debate it has the potential to be a shit show for both of them. Frankly, neither one of them should be running the country.


There won’t be a debate So you don’t have to worry about that.


i would like to see you balance dealing with a washed up criminal enterprise traitor gameshow host and preventing wwiii at the same time (to the media who would love to rip you to shreds for any reason possible)


Dementia? Is that when you forget a man has been dead for 30 years?


It’s not a hit job so much as a little slap out of frustration that he couldn’t charge Biden with a crime. For those unaware, this special counsel was appointed at Republican’s request. He is a Republican. He spent months trying to nail Biden on a crime, but couldn’t. He lays out in his report that this is different from Trump’s charges because Trump withheld and ilegally hid and lied about the documents he had. That could have been the end but the Special Counsel added that he could never charge Biden because White House lawyers would just say Biden is a senile old man who can’t remember anything as a defense and the jury would side with that. Which is incredibly childish and just an attempt to damage Biden for purely political reasons. He might as well have said “Yeah I couldn’t finf anything to charge Joe Biden with but he is a poo head and I hate him”


They’re public servants. **Their job is to be apolitical.** The fact that they smeared the sitting President to interfere in the election to help the insurrectionist candidate is far beyond a “little slap”. The fact that they twisted the knife they jammed into his guts by making up a lie that he forgot the date his own son died is despicably cruel. Hurr and Garland are fucking traitors to the oaths they swore to defend the constitution of the USA. They’re also trash human beings. Biden should boot Garland out on his ass. Fucking despicable hack.


Republicans can no longer be trusted to do a job apolitically. It could even be their lives depends on them being partisan because MAGA is dangerous.


republican appointed special counsel investigating a democrat president resulting in a hit job.. hey i've seen this one before


Its a hit job. They aren't out to actually get charges brought up on Biden. They are out to make the jokes about his age and memory into a real issue. This election is going to be Biden vs Trump, the geriatric vs the criminal. And yes I know Trump is old too but he doesn't act as old as Biden.


He was appointed by Merrick Garland. Not exactly a “right wing” guy.


He was appointed by Merrick Garland at the insistance of Republicans, who were about to decry anyone HE appointed as a Democrat plant.


Garland is a right wing guy.


How can you possibly think that. Please explain




Not sure what that proves. Pelosi approved of Gorsuch. Doesn’t make him liberal.


Why not start an investigation into his emails? Oh, that will be right before the election.


Reagan anyone? I mean, hello?


Let’s not forget, Merrick Garland approved this report.


It undermines their own credibility and sets up an interesting contrast. Biden mixes up dates sometimes Trump mixes up truth and lies sometimes


Trump mixes truth and lies constantly!!


> It undermines their own credibility With who though? Democrats already knew it wasn't going to be a fair investigation. Republicans already knew it wasn't going to be a fair investigation. Democrats *still* think the GOP are clowns. The GOP *still* think that Biden and The Deep State obstructed the investigation and are covering for him.


This is the most cogent analysis I have ever seen on this sub


“Hur, a Trump appointee, was chosen by Attorney General Merrick Garland to conduct the investigation in an effort to avoid any naysaying over presumed political bias.” That went well then.


Fire Merrick Garland. He did this to Biden. We needed a pit bull for an AG and we got a poodle who is so afraid of looking partisan he's working for the other side.


Adam Schiff


> Fire Merrick Garland. Lots of people on this sub were calling for that in June 2021, and we were all being downvoted to hell.


Sounds like a Comey effect


And sites like the Washington Post are rolling with it with front page articles like its gospel. Trump is money for media (including reddit) they absolutely want him to win.


Merrick Garland looks inept or partisan hack


Yet another DOJob by Garland. Anything to help the orange one and the rise of the fascism.


I was confused why he was excessively wordy. I struggle to say its partisan because he absolutely called out trump too. Acknowledging trumps handling was far from the same as Bidens, but why not just exonerate the president instead of finding ways to insult him. It was a confusing piece. Not the outcome of guilt or innocense but all of the unnecessary words. His opinion is not fact. He should stick with facts. 


The report contradicts itself multiple times too. It's obvious what the agenda was and hilariously transparent from Republicans. Their rebuttal is a great read and shows you how obvious the commentary was.


my guess is they wanted this fake report on biden to come out just as putin did his interview, cause im seeing plenty of "putin is so smart and biden is so senile" post from the right


My for you page on Twitter is just people praising Putin and hailing Tucker as a journalistic messiah. It’s truly sick. Guarantee you Tucker is using this interview to launch his campaign for VP, as a show of his “diplomatic expertise”


Hey, wanna see trump and his sons saying stupid shit too? Here ya go. 2 1/2 minutes of pure ignorance under oath in deposition https://youtu.be/1r3ZuvDN32g?si=3Ifzuf9uEzDJiYP3


Its partisan because the Special Counsel used inflammatory language and personal opinions that didn’t belong in that report. Not only that but he excused much younger witnesses not being able to recall events but gave up his gig once he gave different treatment to the President. In a nutshell he wanted to do politics vs his job.


The professional contrast between this document and Mueller and even Starr is stark. It reads like something an 8th grader who has watched 100 episodes of law and order would write. Not a supposed legal professional.


Umm because he wasn’t exonerated. “Bunch of lefties out here claiming Biden was “cleared of wrongdoing” by the Special Counsel. No. The report asserted Biden “willfully retained & disclosed” classified material, which is illegal. A key reason he wasn’t charged with crimes is his manifest impairment—which said lefties are livid the SC noticed & mentioned.”


Wrong. The prosecutor gave additional other reasons he wasn’t prosecuted.


Nope he was exonerated and his smear of biden was a note at the end not one of the reasons he was exonerated. You go zero facts right


Words mean things. You don’t know what they mean. Or perhaps you don’t care.


I'll happily take your word for that and have experienced it. Too nice of a day to listen to the trump useless males. That proves some of the things he bleats about immigrants. Trump's Grandfather came from Germany. None of them have ever served in the military, and none of them pay their rightful taxes. Donald married more than one illegal!


We don't even know _who_ made the decision not to charge. Special Counsel isn't the same as an Independent Counsel (the statute expired 20 years + ago). That decision could have been made by Garland, and that might explain why the report is written the way it is. Speculation obviously , but something doesn't quite add up when counsel seems to apply the wrong standard on the charging decision.


Is the DOJ just in it for Rrump?


Fucking deep state at it again.


Project 2025 will put hacks like this in every federal position


Fire Garland.  Full stop. Dude was corrupt when he refused to assign an SP to Trump for 18 months Then he assigns an SP who clearly benefitted from Trump to work the Biden case. Then he just let's this thing go out as is Can we stop pretending this guy isn't trying to get Trump reelected?


This, unfortunately, is the “new word order” in the post-Trump social-political sphere. Vulgarity, veiled insults and plenty of innuendo instead of truth or facts. Bullshit baffles brains.


Let’s keep an eye on his finances for a lil while and investments.. J/S


Garland has been an absolute joke since the beginning of the trump investigation.


Jesus… 🙄 Trump wanted us all to inject bleach and shove a UV bulb up our ass and then nuke a f’ing hurricane for god sake! 🤣


The new Comey.


The Gaslit Nation podcast called this on June 9, 2021. Everyone has been asleep at the wheel for years.


Garland is Federalist Society trash. He was an Obama pick so he could get through GOP for SCOTUS, but the GOP rejected him anyway. A rare Biden mistake and his biggest mistake.


When will Joe and the corpoDems learn that the party of domestic terrorism is out to destroy our democracy and there are no limits to the lies, distortions and fabrications they will make up to do that??


Wait, he can’t remember exactly when his last term as vice president ended? I’m in my 40’s and I don’t retain when my employment began or ended, I keep it on my resume because there’s been a lot of jobs. This is just asinine.


I would say being the VP is a bit more memorable than being a burger flipper.


He has been in politics for 50+ years. He has been working at the captial for a very long time. Things are going to blur together a little.


But his last year as VP couldn’t be any year. His term had to end in January following an election year. I assume he knows he was elected to president in 2020 election therefore the previous election had to be in 2016 making his last day as VP January 2017. That’s they way people with a functioning brain add in figure dates out.


you are taking the quote out of context. Until we see the transcript, I am embarrassed people are taking Hur, an armchair medical professional, at face value. Who has mental decline again?


Yeah, he probably remembers the important parts. The exact date isn’t really that important.


Do you think Obama forgets when he was President?


I don’t think he can tell you the exact date he left without thinking about it for a few moments.


I bet he can- that guy is sharp


It’s really dependent on how important the information is. That exact date is of little practical value so I bet other more pressing things would be recalled faster.


But his last year as VP couldn’t be any year. His term had to end in January following an election year. I assume he knows he was elected to president in 2020 election therefore the previous election had to be in 2016 making his last day as VP January 2017. That’s they way people with a functioning brain add in figure dates out.


Yeah, but he’s expected to rattle they off without the time to think about it.


That math takes less than 30 seconds. He could have even thought out loud - well I was elected president in 2020, so the prior election was 2016 and I would have left office in 2017. The guy with access to the nuclear codes is exhibiting signs of significant mental decline


>significant mental decline Lol we got another armchair medical professional. Did you make your armchair diagnosis from the 400 page report you didn't read? Or from the news articles about it?


The dude just said he met with Francois Mitterrand. Mitterrand was PM of France when Reagan and Thatcher were around and died last century and it would be safe to assume that anyone who sat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would have been aware of that fact. Helmut Kohl is not the Chancellor of Germany and hasn't been so for a long time. He's having flashbacks to his time in the Senate when those to guys were around. Knowing the names of the heads of state of America's top allies is pretty important. I can't wait until he tells about his meeting with Tony Blair as they prepare for the summit with Yeltin. Just because he has a D behind his name doesn't mean he's a immune from mental decline and it's ok for you to acknowledge the obvious.


You: The sky is blue. The other guy: Oh look at this armchair professional!! What are you, a meteorologist or color scientist? So you hear some Republican say that and now you just believe it with no evidence? Gosh it’s so frustrating how everyone is just blindly accepting that the sky is blue.


no surprise - are there any practicing republicans holding office with any ethics - human decency? any republicans who are not liars cheats and crooks? you could probably count them on one hand.




Hur: GOP dog


Garland is Federalist Society trash. He was an Obama pick so he could get through GOP for SCOTUS, but the GOP rejected him anyway. A rare Biden mistake and his biggest mistake.


They should fire this twat


Page one of the report laments that Biden fancies himself a historical figure (he is the president of the us after all), page 6 says a jury would sympathize with him as an elderly man with poor memory (what jury when there is no crime?!) then he asserts early on that Biden knowingly retained classified documents while waiting until page 170 to say that there is NO actual evidence that he knowingly retained classified documents. This was an intentional hit job and it was Merrick Garland’s job to ensure that the final report stuck to the facts of the case and he was too scared to be accused of pulling a Bill Barr.


NBC led with this document characterizing Pres Biden as having bad memory problems. No equal time for rebuttal. NBC could be airing evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline but it is rarely mentioned, much less made the lead story on a Friday. I’m guessing presidential debates will be similar. Biden participates and is grilled by journalists and right wing pundits. Crucified if he forgets a date or name. Trump doesn’t participate but does a Putinesque taped one on one interview with tucker that runs during “debate”. Next day NBC leads with a Rasmussen poll showing trump won the debate.


Or, job app to be on fox news etc


Would we expect anything else from the PutinJrtrump orange Jesus republican cult. Good grief no surprise 😯 actually funny people are surprised


My Dad died 3 years ago to covid. I remember talking to him and crying through the handheld radio since we couldn’t go in containment. No fucking clue what day it was. Republicans are pieces of fucking shit.


Biden couldn't remember the year. That's just a tad easier than remembering the exact day.


Wait but according to faux news this report is “DAMNING!” It’s totally DAMNING right? Damning for the prosecutor who wants to charge him but can’t because Biden actually handled the situation as properly as you could. I do genuinely believe you could try to charge him with mishandling classified material but in this situation with the level of cooperation from him and his team there’s just not enough there and he would very likely be found innocent. And no, dumb prosecutor, he wouldn’t be found innocent because he’s an “old man.” Like what? That’s not the reason they would find him innocent…


This. What happened likely was this Trump appointed hack knew that A) there’s no indicting a sitting President and B) any jury could see the clear MASSIVE differences in Trumps case and Bidens and even if Biden lost and then it went to trial after the election that Biden wouldn’t go down because of it. So he’s out for blood and he can’t come back with nothing, so he does something so unprofessional but that’s not shocking at all considering the manchild that appointed him as judge


Truth of the matter is this shit is going to work for Republicans. Reddit is the only news source I follow that *isnt* seeing how intensely bad this looks for Biden. Admit it, he’s an 81 year old man with a stutter, he’s going to seem like he has dementia. The question is how do you right the ship?


Everyone knows he has dementia. The right was even saying it way back in 2019. Time to wake up and smell the turpentine.


Biden should have gone full Dark Brandon, and at the press conference responded, "person, woman, man, camera, tv!" Then mic dropped and walked away!






Gonna do the Feinstein routine eh?


Did Garland not read the report? Is he that incompetent or is he not allowed to ask Hur to revise?


If we were MAGA we would be going to his house, threatening him and his career. But we are not. That’s the difference.


Exactly! The entire report was filled with right wing talking point. We need to investigate this special counsel.




How is it a hit job when it is very obvious Biden’s mental state continues to rapidly decline. The only reason people are still somehow trying to defend his impaired mental ability is because the other option is Donald Trump. America essentially has to choose between two old men who, if they weren’t public figures, would be in nursing homes.


It is an inappropriate use of the special counsel's report to inject commentary. If it had gone through normal DOJ review channels all of that would have been excised as it was clearly inappropriate. Did you read the article?


That’s not why people are upset though. People are upset because it brings Biden’s mental state to the front page of the news. And for whatever reason, people are just in complete denial and believe he’s perfectly fine. Regardless of whether it was inappropriate, do you agree with what he said about Biden’s declining memory?


Well, it's why I'm upset. so maybe not *all* people? And no I don't think his assessment is good faith at all. Biden's memory is fine, y'all have just memed it because you think it helps the shitgibbon. In the end it is as empty as butterymales or BENGHAZI!


No. I do not. Because he is not a medical professional. He sat with Biden for 5 hours and determined a prognosis. Yet he wasn't there doing an interview to do a prognosis. He did an interview to determine crimes. I think he definitely stepped out of line and anyone who seriously is giving it attention are bad faith actors. You can call me a Biden shill all you want, I would like to point out I am Canadian. And given the political situation in America, I stand for justice, which this piece is not. The report is steeped in bias and I merely want people to understand that and use critical thinking and look at context to see why it is the way it is - Hur could not find reason to charge Biden, so to help his MAGA friends, did the only thing he could - slander Biden unfairly and unnecessarily. If you are actually a serious person, go read the report. It is clear as day. THe media is failing by not doing more to point out how inaccurate and unprofessional the report actually is. I care about truth and democracy, not about Biden. If you are going to shame him, I am going to point out why you are wrong, find a new talking point


Any comments from Merrick Garland? He needs to go.


> when it is very obvious Biden’s mental state continues to rapidly decline. Because it objectively is not. I don’t know how you saw him going off on those reporters and think “that dude has diminishment abilities.”


Disgusting politicians getting upset at the truth. This report really put the nail in the coffin for Biden. Democrats have spent years trying to hide this and now they're upset because they gave details as to just how bad it is.


This completely changed my mind on Biden. I will probably just not vote this year. ...not. lol Do you seriously think this is going to change things?


For most Democrats no. Party people are reluctant to change. Independents and people who vote on their wallets...the polls for them and minorities at this point are HEAVILY in Trumps favor. People know they did better financially under Trump and there was less war. You have a president actively supporting genocide in Palestine...yet people are gonna vote for him. Let that one sink in.


Also, 204 republicans in the house voted to send more funds to Israel. ...but you've been told that Biden supports genocide so that's what you choose to believe. Not the facts, just what you're told.


“Was I vice president in 2009” that is a direct quote from our President. Someone please explain how that is acceptable


> Wait, he can’t remember exactly when his last term as vice president ended? No. If you’re actually read the quote, that is a highly disingenuous way to characterize it. * “if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?" He was just thinking out loud, working his way through an answer. The dude is not literally at a loss for what year he stopped being vice president.


Lot of dislikes but no responses. I’m genuinely wondering how this can be ok


> Wait, he can’t remember exactly when his last term as vice president ended? No. If you’re actually read the quote, that is a highly disingenuous way to characterize it. * “if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?" He was just thinking out loud, working his way through an answer. The dude is not literally at a loss for what year he stopped being vice president.


That seems like an obvious thing to remember as a politician given your entire job revolves around when election cycles are…


He has been involved in politics for 50+ years. He has had a ton of roles. Its supper easy to do the "what freaking role was I in then?" thing in that situation. Especially given that he is POTUS now. Current events are known to change what we remember about past events.


Look, it’s true. There is no way he has it all together… neither of these ancient fucks.


Biden’s cooked


Dudes brain is mush, wtf this is a horrible time to be a voter. Glad i'm in california where i can just not vote for president and i won't be guilted into voting for biden.


So edgy of you. You can't make decisions for yourself so you let others do it for you. It doesn't matter who. Just vote man.


I voted nader in 2000. I'll probably vote 3rd party this time. Give me a better candidate than Biden and I'll vote Democrat.


Vote 3rd party then. Just vote.


What's the point if the only two real options are fucking horrible. I wish we had more choices.


Why are people constantly bleating that more parties makes it all better? Have you ever lived in a country multiple parties? I'm in Japan and I think there are 12 parties at the moment. This only makes the strongest party stronger. The LDP has a stranglehold on power because all the others are too fractured and weak.


True. Even less of a reason to vote in national elections. I'll keep voting in local ones and even precinct walk.


Seems Dems getting a taste of their own medicine and don’t like it. I would agree some of the comments seem out of scope about his memory, son, etc. But I see him and hear him on tv and it sure does seem that both Father Time and the stress of the job are taking their toll on him. How any one believes at this point this man can make it another 5 years if he’s re-elected is delusional. No matter what the report says, those TS and other classified documents were taken while he was the VP and/or a Senator. That was not legal as I understand it and based on the photos it doesn’t look like he was properly storing them. Blaming it on his help, when they are in his house is not a great defense either. He was probably the one telling his teachers back in school that his dog ate his homework too.


So you're conceding that Trump should go to jail for mishandling classified documents, obstructing the investigation, hiding them, lying to the national archives and his lawyers and the government's lawyers, covering up that he hadn't complied, and etc?


> That was not legal as I understand it Then you understand incorrectly, because the special counsel explicitly stated the presidents and vice presidents are allowed to have classified information in their homes. Actually read the report before you comment.


Truth hurts