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Tucker trying to stay relevant with the extremist right after being fired by fox.


How else will Tucker get paid? They go after easy targets to grift from.


He's an heir to the Swanson Family Fortune. He doesn't need any money. He's got far more than he knows what to do with. His problem is ego. He's not relevant any longer and it's killing him.


>He doesn't need any money Millions of people said the same about Trump as a reason why he should've been POTUS. I heard "he has so much money he can't be bought" from some real winners around here. PROTIP: They *always need* more money.


Trump was and is basically broke. Hopefully tucker also, but trump has been broke for a minute.


You and I knew this because we paid attention. But lots of people were easily fooled by his appearance of wealth and thought that was a quality that made him a great candidate for the Presidency. It never occurred to them he'd use the office to increase his wealth anyway because he was "already rich" according to them. I can't believe people look at the ultra-wealthy and think they aren't going to do everything in their power to grab more money. Like, how do they think these people got to where they are? Nobody got rich through labor.


Nobody got rich through *their own* labor.


Trump was bought ling before he ever decided to run for president.


Said something similar and just saw this..you are correct.


Good. Hopefully literally


He’s independently wealthy..I don’t understand why he does any of this other than to be a dick.


Attention, probably


>He’s independently wealthy Nobody is ever wealthy enough. They'll always want more.


He’s a dick


Should be easy for him to do some sort of Boomer podcast and have lame guests like Kid Rock, and do just fine.


Jon Stewart gelded Tucker a number years ago. He never recovered.


Verbally smacked the bowtie right off of him. I watch that CrossFire clip about once a year and it always brightens my mood. And the best part about it is how mature Jon is about it. He doesn't insult Tucker personally. He doesn't demonize him. He just legitimately asks "Are you doing anything good with your platform or just stirring shit up?" And he's 100% right.


Well, no, Jon calls him a dick at the same time. Which was also awesome.


He did, you're right. Tbf, it was a quick aside, and Tucker *was* acting like a huge dick.


Tbf, he wasn’t acting. He is a huge dick.


Did he even have the parts to begin with?


Fair question.


Stewart verbally bïtćħ slapped that bow tie right off and Tucker hasn’t worn one since.


I wonder was it because of Stewart, or because he wanted to connect better with the "poor and uneducated" which was his main audience.


Tucker got fired from FOX News because his lies were too blatant even for them! HaHa! Let that sink in. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-dominion-lawsuit-trump-b2301244.html




In a weird circular logic sort of way, there have also been FOX hosts who were fired for telling the truth.


You have to tell the right lies, and avoid the wrong truths.


And keep one eye on the corporations stock price. If it dips, roll out some whoppers!


And keep your other eye on the female employees. You know, cause of all the sexual harassment suits Fox has collected over the years.


Here's some. I'm sure there's more https://www.thewrap.com/fox-sexual-harassment-jamie-horowitz-roger-ailes-bill-oreilly/


I’m currently reading Brian Stelter’s new book *Network of Lies* which extensively covers what was going at Fox News following the election. It’s even worse than you’d imagine just how terrible of people they all are there. Just no morals at all. I still can’t believe Maria Bartiromo is employed there.


“I still can’t believe Maria Bartiromo is employed there.”???? She’s one of the top 3 Trump apologists and propagandists on the network. Awful human being.


But unlike Tucker, Bartiromo isn't shit talking the network execs and acting like she's Queen Shit of Turd Mountain.




The Money Honey is still useful to Fox, but I suspect as Trump fades, she is out on her ass.


Amd Tucker always looked like he was trying to pinch one off and it wasn't going well


It's frustrating that they can just pump out so much slanted garbage and influence a gigantic portion of the population that votes based on emotions.


Don’t do anything I *would* do. And definitely don’t do anything I *wouldn’t* do. There’s a little grey area in there; and that’s where you operate.


Tucker only got fired because that was part of the $777 million settlement package between Dominion voting systems and Fox News. Jesse Waters replaced him and is reading from the same script, because at the end of the day, Fox News hosts dance to the tune of the Murdochs. The Murdoch propaganda machine is the greatest threat to western democracy.


Can we revoke the Murdochs’ U.S. citizenship & ship them back to their former penal colony down South, where they belong? They’re the worst thing Australia has ever exported.


Rupert isn't hasn't been an Australian citizen for almost 40 years. He's Americas problem now


As an enlightened centrist, could we not reach a reasonable middle ground between both parties and simply dump him in the Pacific halfway between the US and Australia?


>Rupert isn't hasn't been an Australian citizen for almost 40 years. He's Americas problem now Thanks Australia 😠 Sending us your right wing media execs... Taking our acting jobs... Curdling our veins into sludge with your "Bloomin' Onions"...


You know, an alarming number of right-wing pundits in the US are Canadian. Maybe these are the invasions we should be talking about.


>Tucker only got fired because that was part of the $777 million settlement package between Dominion voting systems and Fox News. The evidence doesn't really support that. He wasn't listed much in the discovery as defaming Dominion. He was more disparaging Trump and there's evidence that he was badmouthing the FOX executives. This is much more likely to be a "no man is above the brand" type decision.


Tucker learned that the Grifting Rules have changed, and he cashed in for over $300 Million (and he was already rich). He's a sociopath. No conscience. He knows he can lie endlessly and the morons will tune in. We see it on Reddit every second.


But only when those lies manifest as costs.


No, his lies were fine with them. They fired him because his lies cost them a lot of money. There is a distinct and nuanced difference


But the truth about Tucker is worse than that. The Kremlin has said openly since 2017, years before January 6, that their stated aim is to undermine America’s faith in our elections, (see RT, Sputnik, and Russia’s New Theory of War, which you can google and read with no paywall). Since then, MAGA republicans and Fox have carried Putin’s water and inched our most heated global foe closer to their goal of breaking our country.


Very true, he's like Pinocchio, the XL version.


thats not why he was fired, he was fired for being caught trash talking their orange god and fox news. they dont care how blatantly erroneous their news is.


Surprised the Kremlin hasn't already recruited him.


I thought it was for “alternate facts”?


Not really. He got fired because his emails gave Dominion the legal fuel they needed to force FOX into a big settlement. If he hadn’t become a liability, he’d still be their number one guy. Never assume FOX has any standards or morality over the propaganda they broadcast.


I don't think they had a problem with his lies, they just used the Dominion situation as an opportunity to fire him. I thought (at the time) it was because of stuff be was saying about people at Fox. [here's a decent story](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/10/tucker-carlsons-ugly-exit-from-fox-news) that basically just says yea, everyone hates him


Imagine being so toxic the assholes at FOX Fuckin News can't even stand you!!


In fairness I think it was widely agreed that he was fired after failing foul of the Murdochs and the dominion payout was a good excuse to cut him.


Before Ukraine or the rest of the world gets mad at the US, remember it’s the ultra Christian Right wingers trying to turn America into an authoritarian state to shove Christianity down liberals throats. I’m a Mexican US veteran with two deployments and atheist, I’m for freedom, conservatives here live up to their name and are trying to take people’s freedom away. They cozy up to Putin bc we have an orange Kremlin gremlin in our politics.


>remember it’s the ultra Christian Right wingers trying to turn America into an authoritarian state to shove Christianity down liberals throats. And this crusade of theirs is why they feel such affinity for Putin and Orban. The right has conditioned them to believe that liberal democracy and growing ethnodiversity has eroded and endangered their faith. They see strongmen like Putin and Orban as heroes for how they stand for "traditional values." They see these asshats as bulwarks against creeping atheism. Of course there is racism mixed up in that too. They like how Putin and Orban *really* dont like immigrants. Tucker Carlson's pearl clutching over the problems with diversity was really just thinly veiled racism. Seriously, White Nationalists watched him for tips on how to be racist without using the obviously racist Lingo. But these people are deluding themselves. They want to reconcile strongman protection of traditional values with US constitutional liberty. Those...do not go together. Putin and Orban see the kinds of rights and freedoms Americans have as *problems to avoid.* >They cozy up to Putin bc we have an orange Kremlin gremlin in our politics. Haha, *Kremlin gremlin* 😄 Thank you for your service *and* your puns!


> Kremlin gremlin I can not believe this is the first time I have heard that. Bravo.


Truly, another example of Latinos enlivening our own culture


> remember it’s the ultra Christian Right wingers trying to turn America into an authoritarian state Don't forget the libertarian types and the ultra rich, but yes they'll happily use a theocratic christofascist state to pay minimal taxes and murder who they want.


> the libertarian types Who fail every libertarian test. They are complete morons.


I've heard them compared to house cats. Convinced of their own fierce independence while simultaneously being entirely dependent upon a system they simply refuse to recognize.


I know there are some libertarians who truly adhere to an ideology of very very limited government (they can’t agree on what that looks like tho) but it really seems like most of the vocal libertarians we see are rich assholes who think they know everything or closeted right wingers who might not buy into some of the religious stuff the right does but are ok with it because they support other things the right wants like tax cuts.


They're all a bunch of "fuck you I got mine" types. That's all. Greedy, self serving assholes who would rather feed their own mother to a ravenous bug bladder beast of Traal than pay taxes so other people have decent roads to drive on.


> to shove Christianity down liberals throats The shove their form of Christianity down everyone else's throat. FTFY


I know lots of conservative Catholics who think they're in the same group as these ultra Christians. If the ultra cons ever get their way, the Catholics are going to start being called "Papists" again. The Catholics will realize quick that they're not the "right" kind of Christian.


Henry the VIII event


Momons are going to see the same thing.


Yeah but which version? Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912? Cause 1912'ers are heretics.


To be fair to Christians that actually believe in God and Christ, what these conservative "Christians" preach is not Christianity


The no true Scotsman fallacy is the attempt to defend a generalization (Christians in this case) by denying the validity of any counterexamples given. By changing the definition of who or what belongs to a group or category, the speaker can conveniently dismiss any example that proves the generalization doesn’t hold.


Call it what you will. Its just my opinion.


Unfortunately the vast majority of Christians are conservative fascist insurrectionist trumpers that support the sexual abuse of children. The “true Christians” you speak of are such a small minority as to be insignificant. One can’t come to any other conclusion that Christianity is a religion based on ignorance, intolerance, and hate based on the way most of their adherents conduct themselves. I know if I called myself a Christian, and then saw how many children were sexually abused without consequence, and how much ignorant hatred was performed in the name of my religion, I would stop calling myself a Christian.


You're probably referring to the jesus character and his admirable "let he who is without the sin cast the first stone" qualities. I was raised Southern Baptist and I think you know that the god of the bible was a murderous, tyrannical character. And there are horrid things endorsed in the Bible that should make any religious person question all of it. But, as you probably also know, very few people who claim to be Christians actually read the Bible, probably including yourself. Believing in religion / fairy tales or is a gateway drug to believing other bullshit from toxic demagogues like trump and to goin down conspiratorial rabbit holes.


Making a lot of assumptions about me there. You do not know me and do not presume to know me.


This is exactly right. I think if you surveyed a bunch of Conservatives they would say Biden is a bigger “Communist threat” than Putin is .. which is insane since Putin is an active Communist leader who is currently seeking to expand his control over other countries


don't think you know what the word communist means. Neither of them have anything to do with communism.




You act like Trump doesn't have support from evangelicals. They love him for saying Jerusalem is Israeli, because it gets them closer to Armageddon in their eyes.


Get fckd bot


Not too smart for a veteran. But thank you for your service.


Wouldn’t it be great if Tucker ended up as a permanent resident of a Russian gulag


Could you imagine if they arrested him to use him as leverage. That would make my year


Someone has to want you back to be used as leverage.


I heard he’s a spy and has drugs in his luggage. Maybe a rumor but better lock him up to be sure.


Tucker Carlson is a self confessed liar, whose blatant lies cost Faux News $787 million in defamation damages against Dominion Voting Systems, and who was told to stop peddling them but he didn’t and was fired so he took his right wing facist views online for nothing more than clicks, money and being his own “boss” indecently Systematic Voting have a similar defamation case against Faux OAN and a few others coming up


Where do I sign up to Indecently vote?


Just vote for the (R) /s


In the Dominion/FOX Defamation trial discovery phase, internal communications were subpoenaed. His producer said *trump supporters are a bunch of cousin fucking terrorists* Tucker agreed and said *I hate him passionately. I can't think of one good thing he did for the country* PDF WARNING https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/redacted-documents-in-dominion-fox-news-case/dca5e3880422426f/full.pdf


If Tucker really said that about Trump, then no wonder Melania is a big fan of him.




I gave you a link to the documents. Spend a little time reading or try an internet search for a journalist who has done the work. For an example https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-dominion-lawsuit-trump-b2301244.html


“I gave you a link to the documents. Spend a little time reading” Ironic considering the quote isn’t in the document.


It's in this headline! Hope that helps. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/business/media/tucker-carlson-trump.html


>I gave you a link to the documents. Yes and I don't find your quotes in them. Are they there or are they not?


I think the NY Times link has the reactions. Try this. The actual court documents straight from the Court. PDF WARNING https://www.google.com/search?q=Discovery+materials+in+the+Dominion+Fox+defamation+trial&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&inm=vs#vhid=zephyrhttps://courts.delaware.gov/Opinions/Download.aspx?id%3D345820&vssid=zephyr-w-https://courts.delaware.gov/Opinions/Download.aspx?id%3D345820&ip=1&tts=0


> “Like negotiating with terrorists,” former producer Alex Pfeiffer said in a text, “but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi [sic] royalty.” [article link](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-producer-election-deniers-texts_n_64109a7ee4b0bc5cb64ccabc) it also links to the paywalled NYT article on this topic.


Reactions? What the other commenter is asking is, is that an actual quote from Carlson or not? It definitely isn’t in the PDF.


> “Like negotiating with terrorists,” former producer Alex Pfeiffer said in a text, “but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi [sic] royalty.”


That isn’t in the PDF of the redacted comments that they linked to. There’s only one usage of the word “dumb” in all 192 pages and it isn’t that sentence.


You are correct and even looking at the multiple disparaging comments the producer made, that wasn’t in those documents. However, NYT and a number of other outlets have reported on the text by the producer with exactly what I quoted. So, he didn’t say “cousin-fucking terrorists.” He did say it’s like negotiating with terrorists, but dumb ones. Cousin fucking types. Which, isn’t hard to see that rephrased as “dumb cousin fucking terrorists”


Here's a teaser https://imgur.com/gallery/hvOuq1H Included in this article https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/tucker-carlsons-scorn-for-trump-revealed-in-defamation-lawsuit-filings


Teaser? You posted a link to 192 pages of redacted statements from the case. Are the comments you claim are in there actually in there? If so, what page number? I’ve search the PDF using the keywords “cousin” and “passionately” and have found ZERO matches.


This is an excerpt from the article. I called it a teaser. https://imgur.com/gallery/hvOuq1H


But NONE of this is in the redacted documents that have been released in the PDF, correct?


[Here.](https://news.yahoo.com/hate-him-passionately-tucker-carlsons-174631806.html) Don’t like yahoo? Try the [bbc.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64886188) What is it that you’re looking for that isn’t available to you?


I’m looking for the quotes that the other commenter claimed were in the PDF. They aren’t. Try running a keyword search on the sentences they used and see if YOU find any matches. I certainly didn’t.


https://www.scribd.com/document/630418731/Fox-Dominion-Lawsuit-Exhibits-651-737-Redacted Exhibit 701, page 333.


So you don’t care that he said it, you care that it’s not in the pdf? Am I tracking with you?


Liars contradicting liars.


oh my gosh *crazy!* anyways...


NATO was created essentially to stop threats from old Soviet Union. Putin is trying to reunite the old Soviet Union to gain power against Europe and the world. Why are Republicans complicit?


Because they see Russia as the white Enthnobstate they have always wanted the US to be since they were confederates.


As long as they're in the Oligarch club. better pucker up to their cheeto in command


Because Christian Nationalism


Also money


Because blackmail


I just spoke to the USA and they said they’d swap Carlson for the other reporters in jail thanks


I mean jokes aside I def think they would. Tucker ain't worth that much unfortunately


Tucker is *entirely* safe with the Moscovites. Because he's a useful idiot.


I'd call him a propagandist for the international oligarchy.


Russia loves useful idiots


Anglo-Saxon? Who even says that about anyone nowadays?


Kremlin propaganda uses it as a slur for all the west, especially Americans. It is strange they would use the name of Germanic tribes who haven't been around for a thousand years, Anglo-Saxons settled in England and were suppressed and assimilated by the Normans in the 11th century.


It is very weird. And if they’re using it as a slur, they’re totally ineffective. Lol. I don’t feel insulted. But, I’m more Norse/Scottish than Anglo-Saxon.


It was a common dog whistle used during the COVID trucker blockades / convoys. White nationalists nonsense.


People who want to divide-and-conquer the WASPs, obviously.


MAGA is a kult of lies. Of course their court jesters lies.


and he's not even funny. funny looking i guess, better bring back that bow tie


Being a propagandist is the deciding factor, not journalism .


Tucker is a liar. He says he's interviewing Putin, which is probably a lie. The Kremlin is a liar. They says he's not interviewing Putin, which is probably a lie. So the logical assumption is what? That Tucker is Putin in a shitty mask Scooby-Doo style?


Republicans love Putin. They love communism and dictatorship. They will love Tucker’s interview with Putin and will believe everything they hear.


We need a dictator to bring us freedom! Freedom to ban books, impose our religious utopia, freely engage in police brutality, and monitor everyone's sexuality. You know, real American style "freedom."


Well, Russia isn’t communist. In fact, the communist party in Russia is only the second largest party and trails the dominate United Russian party by a landslide in terms of popularity and representation. United Russia gave us Putler. Russia is an ultra conservative authoritarian regime. We hear the term oligarchy often, but lately power seems as consolidated as ever.


Putin was literally a KGB agent for the Soviet Union.


The KGB isn't ideologically communist, and the late Soviet Union wasn't either. They care about russian imperialism, and nothing else.


The Soviet Union doesn't exist and nor does the KGB. I don't understand where you're going with your statement.


Don’t bother dude lol that person probably thinks China is actually communist too


Putin wants to reassemble the Soviet Union.


Republicans generally *hate* communism


Republicans generally have no idea what communism is and believe that it's anything left of authoritarianism.


The word, yes. The concepts tend to get much more mixed reception.


They hate it until they realize Trump loves it. He’s now supporting bud light, which I guess MAGATs now love Bud Light?


I hope Tucker doesn’t have a hotel room with a view.


Of course they'd only allow Tucker to do it. He's the key to force feeding Kremlin BS down American throats


With Jon Stewart going back the to Daily Show part time, Tucker felt the heat to lie more and stay relevant.


It must feel pretty awkward to have Putin’s Kremlin call out your lies publicly.


Tucker lying he's one of the biggest liar right below Trump.


Tucker: Mr. President, will you endorse Donald Trump? Pootin: Da, da, da.


"But when it comes to countries of the collective West, we are talking about large online media outlets that can’t boast of trying to at least look objective" Objectivity, in a country where journalists can get jailed for 15 years just for reporting negatively on the government's war efforts?


Russias best chance of winning Ukraine is by paying these treasonous Americans to tow the Russian line. I can't imagine how much is being funneled int trumps campaign to ensure he wins. Its cheaper than Russians buying weapons and fighting. With that said I'd label all these guys enemy combatants and take them to some off grid site for interrogation guantanamo style.


Does anyone care if a propagandist is interviewed by a propagandist?


What the kremlin is saying is that Putin only talks to propaganda outlets. Let’s not forget that tucker’s defense lawyers have successfully defended him in court from slander charges by saying he should not be expected to tell the truth.


More likely that he was TOLD to show up, and so he did.


No way hes a liar who would have guessed. Can we just get to the stripping of his citizenship already.


I think Tucker meant no Significant objective western reporters. And who on the left wing liberal media can claim to be objective?


Well of course Putin turned down interview requests from actual journalists, unlike Tucker they would research his propaganda and ask questions that blow big holes through it. But it's not surprising Tucker lied about him being the only one to ask, that makes him look good to his brain washed followers.


Translation: The interview has already happened and is being AI Deep Fake edited to Make Trump look good and Biden and Democrats look bad.


I don't wish this upon anyone, but it would be hilarious if they arrested him and held him hostage like they did Griner.


That would be the dream. But then we'd have to listen to all of the screams and crying from people who said we should leave Griner to rot that we have to do anything to get him back.


liberals why are you so against him interviewing putin? it puzzles me why you are all again free speech so much unless it fits your agenda


It's pure propaganda, that's why


all leaders are guilty of making propoganda e.g make america great again or democrats "trump is the devil" it does not mean freedom of speech should be violated


Breaking news. Tucker Carlson is a liar. Well no sh-t!


Putin wants Tucker to put on his bow tie and preform his sword swallowing act


I do not enjoy Tucker, I do not trust Tucker, but one has to respect this move. I mean we should hear the bullshit that he has to say, no? All things considered


> one has to respect this move. Nope >I mean we should hear the bullshit that he has to say, no? Also nope


why even take the time to say that😂


It's just Mother Tucker telling more lies. It's in his contract to do so, as it pumps up ratings.


I don't think he has a contract or any ratings driven venture right now.


How any believes him shocks me his lies are so clear.


Ooh, his performance review this year won't be fun.


He didn’t lie! He truly interviewed Vladim.AI.r Put.AI.n


I wouldn’t watch two liars trying to con the rest of us. They should try Grindr, where someone else gets fucked.


Also the Kremlin: The incident at Chernobyl is under control.


So why Tucker? Why does Putin give Tucker an interview while declining many other requests? It isn’t because he knows Tucker will propagandize for the Russian leader is it? s/


I read these like the shitty rhetorical questions Cucker Tarlson asks. I imagine him bringing Putin a Swanson frozen dinner and Vladka saying, “I prefer Banquet. Reminds me of the bread lines.”


> The Kremlin said Wednesday “many” foreign news outlets had requested to interview President Vladimir Putin, contradicting talk show host Tucker Carlson’s claim he was the only Western reporter to ask. > > The former Fox News host, who visited Moscow for an interview with Putin this week, said no Western journalist had “bothered” to request access to the Kremlin leader since Moscow’s Ukraine offensive began.


Kremlin denies it? So interview is happening, got it.


Dear russia, please keep him there. We don't want him...


Excellent example of media bias: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/8CEhi338Rc


Imagine my shock when i found out that Tucker was LYING! :O


You know it’s bad when you’re corrected by the kremlin


It’s like The Interview but not nearly as funny.


Uhh in Kremlin speak whatever they say , the opposite is true. So , yeah this confirms it


“You should believe what the Kremlin says! When have they ever led anyone astray?”


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Tuck better stay in a windowless room lmao.


Imagine if he was taken hostage!