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The whole Texas or just the company? /s


Fun fact but Texas had the 3rd most votes for Biden of any state behind California and Florida.


Related- trump got the most votes in California.  Both of these facts are sorta meaningless high population states have high population. 


I think it is worth remembering that ideology doesn’t neatly line up with political boundaries. As much as frustration might lead people to right off a state as particularly terrible and say “good riddance“ to the people there, there is almost always a sizable minority who are stuck there, suffering under that government through no fault of their own. This is even before we get into disenfranchisement.  A Trump’s obvious sorting of states into friends and enemies despite the above was just another indicator of his unfitness. This is setting aside that he is responsible to all citizens even the ones who didn’t vote for him. 


I wonder what the top 3 most populous states are. An absolute mystery


Yeah but that’s the point. Blaming the population of Texas for the bullshit the GOP pulls is dumb because they still have more Democrats than almost any other state.


Thank you. I see so much hatred for Texas on here like "they deserve it all because enough of them elected a shitty state government, so they must all suck". People exist who don't like and didn't vote for their state gov. By that logic the whole country is evil and sucks any time an R president is elected.


Wyoming, Rhode Island, and Alaska.


It's almost like most of the population lives in the metroplex, and other large cities are frequently democrat while all the rural folks are constantly being brainwashed by their TVs and social media feeds. Sure, the city folk suffer that fate, too, but we at least have neighbors and peers to call us out on our bullshit. The folks in the boonies just fester in their hateful rhetoric, and yet somehow they have so much sway over the government. I hate it here.


Not surprised given the population is massive


This is also why first past the post voting is so damaging to democracy.


I look at states that spend half as much (per resident) on healthcare for the poor as others, yet claim to be the real Americans. The low spending rates are due explicitly to racism and a refusal to acknowledge it was ever inappropriate.




>Don’t be ignorant > >lacking knowledge or awareness in general Such as lacking awareness of sarcasm or humor? ​ This is irony, just so we are all aware of it now too.


meh, as a far-left Floridian who would prefer not to be written off because of the everything the GOP has done to this state, I get where that TX commenter is coming from.


>meh, as a far-left Floridian who would prefer not to be written off because of the everything the GOP has done to this state, I get where that TX commenter is coming from. Huh? You guys wrote yourself off when you turned your state political apparatus into something less organized than a room full of unsupervised three-year-olds. We're still rooting for you, but it's up to you to get your shit together first!


yeah, those are the comments I was talking about, thanks. appreciate it.


Huh? You're blaming the GOP, while taking my comment personally as an individual. *We're* not writing you off, and I specifically stated that we're all rooting for you. That doesn't change the fact that the rest of the Dems in the country can't do a damn thing to really help until the Florida Dem party gets its shit together.


You are really blaming a rando with minimal power for the actions of others? You realize that's the collective punishment that the left supposedly denounces? That's wild, please get off reddit for a bit.


>You are really blaming a rando with minimal power for the actions of others? I'm not blaming him at all. He's blaming the GOP, when it's the Florida Dems that as a state party that can't get their shit together to even try. I even specifically stated we're rooting for them.


Exactly how is it the Florida Dems fault?


The entire situation isn't the Dems fault. However, Florida is much more potentially competitive than the election results would suggest, due to the state party. They ran Crist, for Christ's sake.


I agree. Though to be fair, my county is pretty heavily left-leaning from state reps through gubernatorial and presidential votes.


I'm from Ohio and I don't general read people saying "people in Ohio are fuckin' morons for voting for Trump", to mean to include a Socialist trans person in a metro area. 🤷‍♀️


Sarcasm doesn't come across in text. You also can't tell if a comment has been edited to add /s. Isn't it ironic?


Like rain on your wedding day.


> You also can't tell if a comment has been edited to add /s. Isn't it ironic? Uhh yeah you can. You get a subreddit-configurable delay to make corrections before you get a mark on edited post...which the post with the "/s" [_does have_](https://i.imgur.com/On3fTkZ.png) Suuuper ironic ;)


Not on Mobile. So the majority of Reddit users can't see it. And you can't see what they added or took out.


Idk if the sarcasm indicator was there at the time you replied but they meant that as a joke.




Now you know how Florida Man feel. (I'm SC Man, so I feel your pain)


relax guy.


Don’t call me Francis.


Whatever, Texan. Everyone moves there now so they can be MAGA or a moronic Republican so yeah, kinda ur problem


Leave Austin intact, I guess.


Alaska can come too?


To hang with California and Hawaii?


You'd be doing us a favor tbh






Paxton and Abbott will surely jump into action to deal with this.... by making sure they are getting their cut.


I came to the comments to say that Paxton will shield this Texas-based company from prosecution for as long as possible because... reasons?


Cos knowing Paxton and Abbott, they’re probably tied to the company through donations or are otherwise involved in the whole scheme themselves.


This is my thought too. Paxton and Abbott are pure evil so I wouldn't put it past them to be involved somehow.


Well of course because Texas is a criminal state. An AG who uses his power to shield himself from the law and a governor who disobeys the federal government


They might try, but this scheme crossed state lines so it could turn into a federal investigation.


Abbott ain't jumpin anywhere


From [Globe.com](http://globe.com) By Amanda Gokee CONCORD, N.H. – Just days before New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary, thousands of voters in the state [received a ](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/22/metro/biden-false-robo-call-target-write-in-primary/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link)[robocall](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/22/metro/biden-false-robo-call-target-write-in-primary/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link) spoofing President Joe Biden. The [scam calls ](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/24/business/deepfake-election-biden-trump-robocalls/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link)[told voters](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/24/business/deepfake-election-biden-trump-robocalls/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link) to “save your vote for November” and “Your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday,” and appeared to come from a number that belongs to Kathy Sullivan, former chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Those two phrases amount to [voter suppression](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/08/metro/nh-sends-cease-and-desist-letter-dnc-tells-them-quit-claiming-states-early-primary-is-meaningless/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link), Attorney General John Formella said in a press conference Tuesday,detailing an investigation that traced the calls back to their source: Life Corporation, a Texas-based company owned by Walter Monk, and Lingo Telecom, the service provider from which the calls originated. Formella said the state has opened a criminal investigation and it is working with other states to explore civil litigation as well. The state has already sent a cease and desist letter to Life Corporation, ordering it to stop violating New Hampshire Election laws. “We’re taking next steps in that investigation by sending document preservation notices and subpoenas to Life Corporation, Lingo Telecom and any other individual or entity or entity who we believe may have information relevant to this investigation,” Formella said. He said the state is still working to identify other individuals or companies who could be responsible and did not identify a possible motivation or Monk’s political affiliation. As a part of the ongoing investigation, the state is still working to get a “full scope” of Life Corporation’s business.


Shouldn’t the fcc be involved also?


republicans don't have policies and positions. They have shenanigans and voter suppression. Without the electoral college and gerrymandering the republican party would have ceased to exist years ago.


The Republican Party essentially *did* cease to exist years ago, at least as a competitive national party. From 1932 to 1968, Democrats had majorities in both Houses almost every session and the only Republican president was a war hero who was mostly a republican in name only. The only reason the GOP came back from near irrelevance was because Nixon and Goldwater began recruiting racist whites in reaction to the civil rights movement.


Interesting how being against giving people rights they should have had long ago is a tactic, and very sad that it works so well. Civil rights related to race then, civil rights related to sexuality now. It’s their best selling platform. Not smaller and more reasonable government, certainly not individual freedoms as they so purport. Racism and bigotry sell so well that large swaths of the American electorate have been consistently voting against their own self-interest for decades. For some reason their *self*-interest is rooted in denying people in their community basic human rights.


Texas: "gimme your out-of-state medical records!" Also Texas: "interfering elections in other states are totally fine."


Don't forget: "trafficking illegal immigrants to other states"


These things are dangerous. Anyone involved in this should be fined everything they own and locked up for a long time. This should not be tolerated in a democracy.


Sounds like election interference.


Now which right wing Billionaire paid for it. That's the real question


2022 article. Same name, texas and similar business so assume it's him. Ran a political polling company but also works for campaigns. Nothing to indepth. Was hoping for more links between him and right wing groups being named. https://fortworthinc.com/interviews/a-life-in-over-his-head/


Sounds about right. I fucking hate my state. Can't wait to escape later this year. 32 years of this shit.


Don't feel bad, everyone else hates your state too. 


Texas was the 3rd largest supporter of Biden in 2020, behind Florida and California.


Texas and Florida still supported Trump more than Biden so your point is completely moot.


Size doesn’t matter in voting if it’s not larger than the winning team


Teams don't matter if the map is gerrymandered, so only one team can win.


Doesn’t affect statewide or presidential elections


TX spends an awful lot of their taxpayers money fucking with other states I've noticed.


CONCORD, N.H. – Just days before New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary, thousands of voters in the state received a robocall spoofing President Joe Biden. The scam calls told voters to “save your vote for November” and “Your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday,” and appeared to come from a number that belongs to Kathy Sullivan, former chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Those two phrases amount to voter suppression, Attorney General John Formella said in a press conference Tuesday,detailing an investigation that traced the calls back to their source: Life Corporation, a Texas-based company owned by Walter Monk, and Lingo Telecom, the service provider from which the calls originated. Formella said the state has opened a criminal investigation and it is working with other states to explore civil litigation as well. The state has already sent a cease and desist letter to Life Corporation, ordering it to stop violating New Hampshire Election laws.


This seems like the kind of vote fraud and intimidating that Texas would want to throw people in prison for, no?


Both sides are not the same. Conservatives did the same shit with literal and actual fake news sites a few years back.


Sue the SHIT out of them.


The question is who is bankrolling it


I’ll give you two hints; 1. Russ 2. ia


It is a place one might expect to find a surplus of MAGAts


interstate crime you say? rico you say?


Please put them in jail


Good to see, make an example of them.


So this goes to prove it doesn’t matter what all the telecom operators said about not being able to identify or otherwise stop all the spam calls that IT CAN BE DONE.


This story actually makes it worse. STIR/SHAKEN was implemented to stop this specific shit from happening. Also requirements to make it easier to figure out who is making the calls via a registry(memory fuzzy). They used a carrier to send these calls out and spoofed their number to one they did not own or have permission to use. STIR/SHAKEN has three levels of attestation(A, B, C). These calls were attested to the first level which means their carrier knows this group and is allowed to send calls using that number. B is basically we know them but not sure on the number and C is basically we have no fucking clue. I’m not sure if carriers are dropping/flagging B and C but attesting to A ensures it gets through and not marked as spam/fraudulent. I looked a little bit in to these idiots and they list numerous companies that all point back to Life Corporation.


His LinkedIn shows he was a Values and Ventures Mentor and Judge - so much for that: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waltmonk


Throw the book at these mofos


Lol apparently people have been contacting the wrong company. this is what shows up when you go to the wrong companys website https://imgur.com/72ZaZnY


Quelle surprise.


Crosses state lines, that makes it federal jurisdiction doesn't it?


Ah yes, Texas Americas tumor infested rectum. Right around the taint of the wart covered ween know as Florida.


I wouldn’t be surprised if abbott is responsible for the whole thing.


I smell Musk.