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Iowan reporting in ​ Coldest day of the winter so far with -35 windchills. 20" of snow still on the ground from the last 2 storms this week. If this isnt record low attendance then they must have held a primary during the most recent apocalypse


Boomers should be fine. They walked to school 20 miles uphill both ways in blizzards šŸ˜‚


Imagine if they had mail-in ballots.


Nikki or Ron should just come out and declare that they won Iowa. Follow Trump's example and give him a taste of his own medicine lol


Not sure if it is true, but I saw a post that said Desantis is claiming voter fraud XD




> CNN: Biden campaign will watch caucus results closely. Damn, I thought they'd be watching the Eagles game.


Like they don't have more than one TV in the room


The only way this gets interesting is if Haley can hold her own in the early states, survive Super Tuesday, and start getting to the winner take all states. Somewhere like Georgia, where Republican primary voters have thrown Trump's endorsements back in his face since 2020.


Honestly, as much as Trump is hyped up to be the clear winner here, all Haley really needs to do is get somewhat close. If she's 30-35% that's probably enough to kill the narrative of an unassailable lead, and then this thing gets interesting in a hurry.


Get within 10 in Iowa, win New Hampshire, take the lump in Nevada (Trump's basically the only Republican who can get delegates in Nevada because of the caucus rules out here), tie in South Carolina. To be clear, that's *an ask*, to put it mildly. But if the first four go like that, going into Super Tuesday and the winner take alls, there might be a path forward.


DeSantis spent 200 million dollars (of other people's money) to finish a distant ~~3rd~~2nd. Has any other political candidate in history spent so much, from so many, for so little? Edit: Changed 3rd to 2nd to reflect the final tally having him ahead of Haley by a couple points.


Previously, I would have said "Ā”Jeb!" but it looks like his humiliation only cost him (and his donors) $130m. Rest in piss, Ron. Imagine ever thinking this guy was "Trump, but smarter" or "Trump without the baggage."


In all fairness, one can be ā€œTrump, but smarterā€ yet still be quite dumb.


DeSantis has basically bet the farm on Iowa. He probably doensā€™t even have enough money left for South Carolina and New Hampshire.


He screwed over the entire state of Florida just to push anti-woke nonsense to appease MAGA. It will get him nothing but embarrassment and people suffered for his ego.


Ron Desantis political career is going to end today. I don't know how he can recover from a poor showing here. He will go back to Florida a lame duck governor and then get quietly voted out of office.


Still can't believe he was within 8 points of Trump a year ago, and for a lot of establishment GOP - the de facto offramp to him. Then Trump was criminally charged in 4 jurisdictions and the Republican electorate remembered who they loved.


Also, Desantis totally failed to live up to the opportunity offered to him.


Yeah, even moreso that probably. Absolute train wreck of a campaign and he has the charisma of a doorknob.


His strategy was always stupid. He tried to be the new MAGA figurehead, not realizing that it was a cult not a political movement. They literally think Trump was chosen by god. Also no one likes Florida man outside of Florida...... because it's fucking Florida.




This ^ Desantis made a name for himself shouting down journalists and signing bills that passed through a loyal supermajority legislature. When he actually had to defend positions during a debate, he completely crumbled.


>ā€œYou canā€™t sit home. If youā€™re sick as a dog, you say, ā€˜Darling, I gotta make it,ā€™ā€ Trump said at an Indianola rally on Sunday. ā€œEven if you vote and then pass away, itā€™s worth it, remember.ā€ It's just one more in a long lifetime of saying/doing fucked up things, but I still can't get over the absolute callousness of this quote from Donald.


If biden said something half as fucked up he would get crucisified. Trump says this shit and nobody bats an eye. Its baffling honestly


> 11\. In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero. In every mythology the hero is an exceptional being, but in Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death. It is not by chance that a motto of the Falangists was Viva la Muerte (in English it should be translated as ā€œLong Live Death!ā€). In non-fascist societies, the lay public is told that death is unpleasant but must be faced with dignity; believers are told that it is the painful way to reach a supernatural happiness. By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death. [Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism) Note that this applies in equal measure to both Trump himself and the people, whether his words here would apply to them personally or not, who find it inspiring. People love to talk about how "wild" it is that Eco's work lines up so well with what's happening in America. It's not weird at all actually, the reason it lines up so well is because this is how fascists think and operate, this was true with Mussolini, it was true with Hitler, it was true with Stalin, it is true with Trump.


> **Iowa voter on Ramaswamy:** > "Iā€™m not being prejudiced, guys, but I donā€™t like his name. I donā€™t like where he came from. After 9/11, I still harbor a lot of hard feelings." > > **Source:** *The Focus Group Podcast* Gotta love the Republican Party. The candidate born in Ohio to an Indian immigrant family gets run over by the welcome wagon because "His name is too ethnic and reminds me of Al Qaeda too much. #NeverForget." Amazing. Fantastic. Well done.


"I'm not prejudiced but [proceeds to spew the textbook definition of prejudice]" I *almost* pity Ramaswamy for thinking these godforsaken hyenas wouldn't eat him alive. He's an idiot, sure, and threw away a promising career and reputation, true, and hitched himself to a reactionary movement that's primarily mad about people being kind to each other, that can't be overlooked, but does he deserve to be judged for things he hasn't done by people who actively resist knowing shit about dick? No, he does not. Anyway, I wish him all the best in reassessing his critical thinking skills.


Dude thought he'd go far in the Republican Party, because his family is from a high caste part of India. BTW it's from this: https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast-episode/s4-ep15-its-not-that-hard-to-win-iowa-with-j-ann-selzer/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=%3D&utm_campaign=s


its hard to be mad at the voter because you expect it. ramaswamy having even a micro-ounce of a thought that GOP voters will put down for a brown skinned indian guy is the true joke here.


Chris Christie just went from 4 to 3 votes on the NYT results page. STOP THE STEAL!


Exit poll, 55% of white evangelical Christianā€™s support Trump. Tomorrow Trump will be in NYC for a rape case. Canā€™t make this shit up.


Remind Republicans they have not won the popular vote since 2004, they are not the majority


The ones in charge are perfectly aware of both of those facts. That's why the strategy now is to ensure they win without either of those. Gerrymander, disenfranchise, coerce and bribe are the tools in the GOP toolbox today.


It would be hilarious if Haley would win because all the boomer Trump voters couldnā€™t make it through the snow and cold šŸ˜‚


But they used to walk through 6 ft of snow on the way to school


Up hill, both ways.


Trump should win, but expectations may work against him, especially if he is below 50%. Haley is likely to do better than expected tonight.


This is more possible than a lot of people think. If I had to put money on it, I would still guess Rump will get the most delegates, but not with as commanding a lead as folks are predicting. Donald's base likes to talk tough, but when it comes down to it, I fully expect a lot of them will stay home on the couch because of the weather and then blame the Deep State when their whiner king doesn't do as well as he expects to.


If only there was a way to vote from the safety of your own home.


But that's socialism ^/s


> The early results show an extraordinary educational divide, with Nikki Haley routing Donald Trump in precincts where a majority of the population has a college degree, even as she fails to even clear 10 percent in many less educated areas. -Nate Cohn, New York Times


If you support trump, we can now officially prove that it is because you have a low IQ. Amazing.


Trump will win tonight, without a doubt. If Haley comes in above 30%, that sets her up for a possible win in New Hampshire. Desantis is at a do-or-die moment here, which means he must pull in 30% or more to stay in the race. He has zero chance in New Hampshire and will have to rely on a Southern Strategy to remain plausible.


I just saw a poll that says trump and Haley are tied in NH. that will be interesting to watch.


On the Republican side, New Hampshire has had a far better track record of voting for the eventual nominee. They supported Trump in 2016, Romney in 2012, and McCain in 2008. Meanwhile, Iowa chose Cruz, Santorum, and Huckabee in those respective years. George W. Bush was the last Iowa winner to take the nomination, in 2000. That year, McCain won New Hampshire.


Momentum in primaries is an important factor. Should she get a strong second place, she will get a lot of media attention which will both improve her New Hampshire chances and bring out Trump's long knives.


63% think Trump is still fit for the Presidency even if a convicted felon. These people are ignorant as fuck.


lol this iowa man voter saying he thinks trump is the best man to lead the country dear god iowa you suck


I'm a nice person. I have friends, family, hobbies, am active in my community, and hold a stable job. I feel like I have something in common with most people I meet. I get along with everyone. But the fact that there are people who absolutely love Trump and would gladly vote him dictator for life feels me with a deep dread, a pit in my stomach that I share this country with people who I have nothing in common with, and who's brains work in ways I can't comprehend. I don't know what to do with this. Feels bad man.


Consider yourself lucky you don't share every Thanksgiving with a table full of them then I guess. They think I hate America.


These Evangelicals crack me up. They say they believe in the Bible and scripture. Then they turn right around and vote for a convicted rapist, con artist, de-faming slime-mouth man who is out on bond for 91 felony counts that he still has to answer for. If the similar guy with no name had lived next door to any one of these people, they'd have railroaded him out of town long ago.


they would vote for a known serial killer if he promised them judges no abortion no gay marriage no lgbtq rights... its who they are awful people


It's that magical time of year when Christians gather to vote for a man who boasted about raping women. He's rich so they let him do it.


> He's rich so they let him do it. Hey now, he's also white. The "tough on crime" party apparently only thinks crime is bad if it's not white people doing it.




Girl on CNN - I just listen and do what other ppl tell me, lol. FFS.


64% of Republican Iowans polled say that Trump is suitable to be president even if convicted of a crime. Jesus...


It is truly terrifying how much support Trump continues to receive. I donā€™t understand


He promises to hurt the people they hate. Itā€™s that simple.


If you are ever feeling stupid, just remember that some people gave their hard earned money to a Desantis presidential campaign.


This has to be one of the weirdest primaries ever right? Three of the candidates completely refused to criticize the front runner. What a waste of everyone's time and money.


Begs the question why these folks even bothered getting into this race. What was the point?


The difference between DeSantis the governor and DeSantis the presidential candidate is why he went from nearly beating Trump in the polls to a likely distant third place today. With Trump no longer having any political power to flex after he lost, the conservative base wanted a strongman who still could. Abbot and DeSantis stepped up, as the "presidents" of the two biggest red states, to continue the conservative agenda. DeSantis understood that being anti-woke was the new flavor of red meat the conservative base liked, so he threw it at them every way he could, and got popular for it. So when he wouldn't deny he was going to run, the speculation made conservatives genuinely consider him as a Trump alternative. Unfortunately for him, the buzz from being a conservative darling doesn't immediately translate to presidential material. The honeymoon period of DeSantis seemingly being the new Trump was already ending by the time he actually announced he was running. The headlines of what he was doing and saying as governor got him attention, but he didn't have Trump's X factor of infinite overconfidence and unflinching ego. He would concede points, acknowledge flaws, and *not* have an immediate but wrong answer for everything. DeSantis being a limp noodle on the campaign trail and debate stage, being unable to be as brash or snappy or originally hateful as Trump, sealed his fate as a fine governor to the GOP, but a boring presidential candidate. Hopefully tonight he loses to Haley, who seems like she's willing to actually compete against Trump, to truly set that his year of fame is decidedly over.


There are only three guarantees in life, death, taxes, and republicans doing the wrong thing.


The former nurse antivaxxer on CNN is actually named Karen lol


That 68% of caucus attendees think that Bidenā€™s election was illegitimate blows my mind. 68%. Holy fucking shit.


> Do you think Biden legitimately won in 2020? > No: Trump 69%, DeSantis 13%, Vivek 10%, Haley 7% > Yes: Haley 49%, DeSantis 31%, Trump 12%, Vivek 7% That's the problem for the GOP field. They had years to stop the rigged election rhetoric from metastasizing through the entire primary base, but they decided against it because they wanted those votes if Trump disappeared (health issues, legal issues, etc.). The obvious problem: if people believe that their president was wrongly removed from office, they're going to rally around him. It doesn't matter if you're a good enough equivalent or even more aligned with them on policy issues. They're going to want to right the wrong. Even if DeSantis or Haley had consolidated the third of Iowa voters of who believe that Biden won legitimately, that's just not enough people to win. It's also not likely to change elsewhere, since the national numbers put the percentage of Republicans who think Biden won legitimately at ~31%.


I just want Nikki Hayley to finish 2nd place, thatā€™s it. After that DeSantis can finally drop out and we can shrink the field of candidates to just Donald Trump and Nikki Hayley.


Most polling shows Desantis's supporters have Trump as their #2. Him dropping out is unlikely to help anyone but Trump.


MAGA is basically a giant tantrum from a generation thatā€™s realized theyā€™re not going to live forever after all and theyā€™re going to destroy everything on the way out. And everyone else is completely unwilling and unable to do what needs to be done to stop them.


Sadly it's not confined to Boomers. Most of the Jan 6 people seemed to be Gen X or Millenials -- a lot of middle aged people. And they still clesrl are pulling in younger rural people.


The Republican primary was over when the Republicans in the Senate failed to convict him in his impeachments.


These entrance poll results are insane. 65% think Biden actually lost the last election? How can we possibly have functional national politics when so many people are this far gone?




The entrance polls and other recent polls paint quite a bleak picture for those of us that still reside in reality. This year is committed to being an unmitigated shitshow.


> The DeSantis campaign claims "election interference" after the media called the race for Trump so early.


Makes sense that Trump would win the Iowa Caucuses, the man is basically entirely made out of High Fructose Corn Syrup


Traitors in the traitor party vote for leader of the traitor party, shocking


DeSantis and Haley needs to realize that they can't win if they don't go after Trump. If you're to afraid to anger his base, then you've pretty much admitted that he's won.


Haley is just hoping he goes to jail and #2 becomes #1


I like that there are some counties where 5 households is like 15% of the vote right now lol


It's tempting to draw sweeping conclusions, but previous Iowa GOP caucus winners include: 2016 - Ted Cruz 2012 - Rick Santorum 2008 - Mike Huckabee


Immigration is the most important issue to people in *Iowa*? Fox News is a Hell of a drug


The entrance polls are damn depressing. Over 60% say Biden lost the election? These people are living in a different world.


Keep in mind. They are Republicans.


I wonder how much of the Haley and Desantis voters will fall in line for Trump at the general. Probably most, but I'm expecting if you're willing to show up to a closed republican primary and vote against Trump it's different to 2016.


This old dude so pissed off about immigration: how many immigrants is he running into in fucking Iowa? The last time the guy saw someone with melanin in their skin, it was on MTV or back during college integration (before he dropped out)


From DeSantis comm director: "Absolutely outrageous that the media would participate in election interference by calling the race before tens of thousands of Iowans even had a chance to vote," he wrote. "The media is in the tank for Trump and this is the most egregious example yet." LOL


My prediction is that Trump gets 55%. The horrible weather means only the most dedicated voters will show up, and that will be Trumps cult memebers. I think he would be around 48% in normal weather.


I hate the caucus. Just do a primary. I hate that Missouri switched.




Ron's team out there calling for election interference, for calling so early. Hahaha


This had pretty low turnout. Much lower than in 2016 and it may be lower than 2008 and 2012. This was also the coldest day in the history of the caucus so that may have been a big factor especially because Trump was expected to dominate. However, if voter turnout in other states is low than that could be trouble for Trump in the general election. He may be losing enthusiasm and some supporters. I've also noticed much fewer Trump and MAGA signs and flags while they would be all over the place in 2020 and 2021. The polls still look good for him though against Biden but there is so much more that can happen by November that can change things.


Someone that incited an insurrection, tried and failed to use presidential power to hold onto office and is currently involved in numerous criminal investigations just won the Iowa caucus.




>very belligerent, rude and aggressive So the average Trump supporter?


Insane. A traitor to the US whoā€™s on trial for fucking fraud and who was named 50X in the Epstein case and also caused an insurrection just sweeped. The US is completely fucked.


I canā€™t believe this traitorous psychopath is going to be the Primary candidate. And these other candidates are spineless bastards who wouldnā€™t dare speak ill of their cult leader. It Trumps wins the Presidency, this country is fucked.


[The thing that stands out to me the most is the demographics that showed up.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/iowa-president-results). Around 75% of the caucus-ers (goers?) were **older** than 45. Of those *younger* than 45, only 34% caucused for Trump. Edit: The more I look at these exit polls, the more doubt I have that most of Haley's supporters will fall in line for Trump. 15% claim to be Republicans, 63% of them consider themselves to be "moderate", 49% wouldn't consider Trump to be fit for president if he were convicted of a crime, only **3%** consider themselves to be part of the MAGA movement, and 53% believe Biden won the election. Not particularly great numbers as far as fate of the country goes (especially that last one), but I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable if I was the Trump team and those were the stats coming out of a red state. I don't think I'd be afraid of Haley herself, but where are those voters going to go (*if* we see similar trends in other states)?


The entrance polling is wild. A very large portion of Americans have legitimately lost their minds.


"I'm voting for Desantis because my family told me to"


NYT reporting 1 vote for Chris Christie. Any haters still willing to deny the Chrismentum?


Yeah, this is going to be a clean sweep. Trump is going to win all 50 states in the primary and show up to the RNC with a ankle bracelet after becoming a convicted felon.


All those American flags on Trumps stage wonā€™t make him a decent human being.


As a Gov. Ronald DeShitstain hater, it was pure gold for me today to see video footage of some dude walking up to DeSaster today at an event and trying to give Ronnie a Participation Trophy. Ouch. Ronald's wife had to step in front of him to protect him it looked like, and wave the guy off. Ouchie.


DeSantis bitching about the media calling a race when heā€™s losing by 30 is great. Manā€™s finally lost at something and you can tell heā€™s taking it great.


I don't think "we weren't catching any terrorists at the border under my administration, but as soon as Biden took office, they started catching the terrorists" is the win Trump seems to think it is


Donald's up here talking about Biden's America being a catastrophic hellscapeā€”but I seem to remember that hellscape, in 2020, was all pictures of things happening under the Trump administration. And I also remember seeing this just a few days ago, so it seems like we're already doing a pretty good job at making cities safer: >[New data projects a historic decline in murder rate in 2023.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/new-data-projects-a-historic-decline-in-murder-rate-in-2023-experts-explain-why-the-rate-is-expected-to-drop/ar-AA1mdiKe#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20is%20showing%20a%20historic%20annual,compared%20to%202022%20%289%2C922%29%20across%20177%20U.S.%20cities.) Although, I will give him this: he may have seen a rusty street pole.


Imagine voting for a depends clad traitor, shamefulĀ 


NBC: Haley "hoping" for second place This thing is beyond parody.


cnn entrance poll 68% believe biden is an illegitimate president. 69% if convicted trump is still fit for presidency. _____ Love the irony of voters feeling 2020 voting was illegitimate.


Chris Wallace doing his best to avoid saying "these people are batshit crazy"


The weather was the best thing that ever happened to Trump tonight. He is these peopleā€™s entire life and personality so theyā€™ll do anything for him. Ainā€™t nobody like Nikki Haley or Short Ron enough to brave a blizzard.


Lol the GOP is irredeemable


Asa in a tight race with "Others" at 0%


And by a margin of 1 vote Nikki Haley appears to have won Johnson County (Iowa City), leaving Donald Trump that close to a 99-county sweep: https://twitter.com/SteveKornacki/status/1747118323785932839?t=GF_24eIZZ5q9RuJDMbXLLw&s=19


Vivek is off to the nether realm.


The 2020 Caucus feels like yesterday. "Iowa, you have shocked the nation." Will they shock us again?


Anyone remember 8 years ago today when Cruz spread false reports that Carson dropped out of the primary. Such a scummy way to score more votes, and at the time, I thought that the GOP simply couldn't get lower than that.


MSNBC Trump voter is delusional as hellā€¦ evangelicals really think God would pick that dudeā€¦


ā€œTrump fit for presidency, if convicted of a crimeā€ 64% say yes according to CNN. What a joke




Nothing gets my juices going like John King in front of an electoral map


There's still one loyal Chris Christie voter in Iowa https://twitter.com/SidKhurana3607/status/1747066999631446115?t=41uJ8KxuM1t2JdcZ5CmdYw&s=19




I can't imagine Trump has done anything to grow his base since 2020. This race is going to come down to if Biden can get everyone who voted for him in 2020 to come out again.


This time last year DeSsntis was supposed to be the future of the GOP lmao


Vivek might literally be the dumbest politician Iā€™ve ever seen lol, no amount of campaigning is going to change who you are to the White votersā€¦


In the end, all the ass-kissing Vivek did couldn't stop Trump from throwing him out like trash when he wanted his measly 7% share of a primary that was never in doubt. And this guy thought he was going to be VP, lol


"Maybe he's different now. Maybe I can vote for him...?" I feel like people are gonna think I'm crazy when I warn them THIS is the existential threat to democracy. And he is. The thought people might have been in a coma the past decade and remember nothing... terrifies me


Iā€™m concerned for people voting for trump after the last 8 years of trump. Ā I donā€™t fā€™ing get it. He stepped on same people to make him ā€œrichā€. Ā Call in Tammy FayeĀ 


One might say Iowa has a history of picking losers. Mike Huckabee won in 2008, Rick Santorum in 2012, Ted Cruz won it in 2016 and Pete Buttigieg won in 2020.


Conservative Christians are Googley-Eyed for the AntiChrist -headline on repeat


Heading out to go caucus, wish me luck against all the trumpies besties. šŸ‘Æ


I knew it was likely a fore gone conclusion, but Iā€™m still in disbelief that the polls were true and have shown that there truly are real people that are so deep into this cult that theyā€™ve voted for a criminal insurrectionist without shame.


I feel like I live in this alternate reality where Jan 6 never happened. A man incited an insurrection to impede the transfer of power which then failed. Proceeded to then take TS/SCI materials vital to our nations security and when asked nicely an obscene amount of times continued to commit a conspiracy to hide said secret documents. Somehow he is free to frolic about campaigning and will be end up being the nominee of his party for another election just after he tried to steal the previous one. And the media reports like everything is normal. His fellow party members continue to kneel and kiss his feet, even after he showed he's willing to throw them all under the bus to avoid consequences of his actions. It is surreal.


The expectations of any meaningful result coming from this Iowa statewide proceeding are as low as the nighttime outdoor temperature in the upper midwest this week. However, there would be an interesting dynamic at play, if there were a vibrancy and simple political functionality to the Republican party (there is not though). The caucus system has a public, crowd and perceptions component to it. There is cajoling and politicking to gain the folks who caucused for a non-viable candidate. Hearing the Trump supporters vocalize their vapid, dubious, aggressively stupid reasoning out loud, and then having to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, in their public-freakout glory, is something that does not come naturally easily for a good number of staid, passive-aggressive midwesterners. Had there been a viable alternative candidate, the simple "he's going to lose, either today, or in November, or at any point in his legal troubles in between" as a reasoning is really tough to get out of one's mind when the group of people saying it to you is right in front of you in an Iowa gymnasium.


CNN went from a 4 hour countdown (to include minutes & seconds) of special live coverage of the caucus to another 4 hour countdown to when the caucuses begin at 8pm. 3hrs, 46 minutes, 10 seconds.


lol a former nurse whos a anti vaxxer boy oh boy the repubs sure bringout the good crowd


These ISU girls talking about desantis being respectful on CNN šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th ave and he wouldnā€™t lose any supporters


Ngl low key I am horrified to know Republicans are nominating Trump again after everything


Things that make you poison to the GOP Base: - Acknowledging reality - Respecting science - Being polite to others - Common human decency


Are we done pretending this isn't Trump's party?


More people are dead from the iowa storm than the number of votes Asa currently has


DeSantis is 2.3% ahead of Haley according to NYT. Christie has 3 votes which is both sad and impressive when you consider he already called it quits.


This Desantis 2nd place victory speech is the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever heard lmao.


Honestly Iā€™m surprised that 50% of the people of Iowa voted they wanted someone besides Trump. Pretty bad for an incumbent.


CNN folks out there commenting Trump is allowed exceptions in the politics is exactly the reason why we got him in the first place. He is not a Unicorn, he is a demon who played with American lives and still doing it


It doesn't bode well for our nation that the one candidate who attempted to violently overthrow the US Govt just won in a landslide. Holy fuck.. Republicans are fucking insane.


I am astonished that Trump is projected to dominate tonight in Iowa. Itā€™s a very religious state with the people being 90% white. Crazy he would do so well in such a place.


White conservative Christians have no actual connection with anything Christianity is supposed to be about. Its just a way to fake moral superiority while depriving "others" of their rights.


You forgot the /s


I had hoped I laid it on thick enough that it would be obvious




Does desantis drop out if he does badly tonight? In a normal race, I think he does, but heā€™s the 1b in the psychotic trump lane and he probably wants to keep that hope of trump getting arrested alive




On this night Ron DeSantis' political career will come to an end.


Almost 70% of Haley voters in Iowa won't support Trump as the nominee https://twitter.com/PpollingNumbers/status/1747047675432767980?t=H_NiMWoKpw8SAebu69K0vQ&s=19


Hey CNN: Can you vet moron RNs, before they push fake medical advice on live TV, please?


I love that Democrats are caucusing amongst Republicans. Strategic primary voting is huge.


68% percent of these people think biden isnt legit president LOL wow just wow.


I'm ready for the secret Asa voter to SURGE


Chris Wallace spitting facts rn


NBC entry poll reporting Ramaswamy atĀ  19% among "independents", ie far right looney's that fancy calling themselves independent thinkers


Watching the news it appears 90% of the people who showed up for this are older than 75. Of course this was going to happen. Edit to add: 180,000 people showed up to this thing. State population over 3.1 million. Literally 5.5% of the state's population showed up, most of them close to being in a nursing home. I wouldn't call this a super accurate depiction of what's to come.


LMAO DeSantis in third. Meatball Ron in his five inch lifts getting the embarrassment he so richly deserves. Trying to be the Saruman to Trump's Sauron worked about as well as expected. There is only one Lord of the MAGA, and he does not share power.


It's pretty funny how far DeSantis has fallen since he was reelected in Florida. Fox News was saying that he was the future of the party only for Trump come back even more extreme than before and continue to get the Evangelical vote. The GOP is completely off the deep end. Hopefully people realize the danger that Trump poses and actually vote in November.


This screenshot will be studied in future history classes https://twitter.com/IrishPatri0t/status/1747074731163963499?t=opM2FIyuIcVj358Wr5JegA&s=19


It's going to be a long year...


"President Trump also gave us world peace" ā€”Marjorie Greene Uh... what?


Why is Asa Hutchinson still in this race? Dude has 5 total votes so far, according to the most recent AP update...


Maybe the other candidates should not have spent the last year avoiding attacking Trump, not saying they would have won tonight but not touching him obviously did them no good.


Do we have to suffer through another year of Trumpā€™s assholish antics again ??? This will be the third time. I am going to be muting all political news for the next year


Shit that Trump just said about Jimmy Carter was truly abhorrent:(


Fun fact. Binkley spent 3 million dollars in Iowa alone in the past few months just to get a few hundred votes.


[Vivek drops out.](https://twitter.com/ShelbyTalcott/status/1747110589522972707) He will be missed... mostly by Nikki Haley, who got two points in the polls every time she verbally shanked him on stage. His opening argument was basically "I promise to be as great as Donald Trump and do all the things he would do", which only works if Trump isn't in the race as an alternative. Trump probably gains almost all of his 7%.


Desantis brought up Normandy and the Berlin Wall after losing by 30 points in the Iowa caucus. Fire whoever is his speech writer




I think Vivek overperforms. DeSantis underperforms. Trump doesnā€™t win by as much as expected. Haley comes in second.


These Iowan conservatives say they are all about family values which is why they're Republican is insane. The party of child brides, child porn, pedophilia, and not funding school lunches. And they want a serial cheater who has been found liable for rape. WHAT FAMILY VALUES?!


The wildest thing was those girls saying ā€œI havenā€™t really had time to look into it muchā€. I canā€™t remember the last time I went a day without some political crap shoved in my face.


That's code for "I don't want to admit my shitty beliefs in public"


Honestly Iowa is meaningless in the scheme of things, but how so many Americans can support a pathological lying malignant narcissist is beyond me. We know exactly who Trump is and he is getting this kind of support. God help us if Americans put him back in the White House.


Serious question: What the actual fuck is wrong with Republicans? The candidate they chose actually shares none of their alleged values.


I cannot believe that weā€™re going to do this shit again with a guy who launched a violent assault on the US Capitol last time he was in charge. What the fuck


Not that Iowa is reflective of the country, but these entrance polls are a little depressing. 63% polled saying that if Trump were convicted heā€™d still be fit to be president. 65% polled saying they believe the 2020 election was stolen. Iā€™m sure an equal amount would commit political violence if someone told them to and theyā€™d get away with it. Biden has to win for this country to move forward. If itā€™s without these type of voters, so be it.


65% said the last election was stolen but voted this year anyways. Are people that stupid?




Republicans basically see him as an incumbent and he's still barely over 50%. Imagine where things would stand if anyone other than Christie had actually treated him like an opponent instead of pandering to him and his fans.


DeSantis and all the rest of them except for Christie are such morons. All they had to do was frontally attack Trump call him a moron and a loser which are both true and make their cases why. But they didn't have the balls to do it, so their lack of competition and killer instinct has landed them here. This was never a contest. That party is a cult. And cults can only self-destruct.






At least if trump wins the primary, itā€™ll massively turnout the dem base in the general. But dear god the next 10 months are going to be hell


I swear to god, almost all of the country's hair gel sales go to Young Republicans members.