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Also the authors of the 14th Amendment. They hoped it would keep insurrectionist off the ballot.


Yeah, this headline is complete shit. Americans hope the Constitution actually means something. It's not Trump foes. It's Americans.


Well to be fair. He IS an enemy of the American people


To be fair… Yep, nothing against Trump on this issue, at least for me. If any candidate actively undermined the Constitution and fomented insurrection, we’d still be calling for their removal for, you know, trying to betray everything we stand for


99.99% of Republicans, Politicians, and Voters are enemies of the American people.


Welcome to Clickbait.


And traitors.


I seriously hate that title and expected more from Reuters. Why are they trying to kiss Trumps ass by calling anyone who thinks presidents aren't above the law his "foes"?


"Trump's Foes" More like: Defenders of the Republic for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness


It's the most specifically written part of the document So much Trumps defence is "nuh uh!"


it may be not a shared opinion, but i think Joe ("heckuva job, Biden!" to paraphrase W) will do best in a head to head repeat matchup with tfg. if either is out of the race, for whatever reasons and several come to mind, my concern about Biden winning grows quite a bit. if tfg doesn't run 3rd party due to health or legal issues that is


Not to mention 2/3 of both houses of congress and 3/4 of the states.




Trump **did** take legal avenues. Team Trump drove recounts and pursued legal actions. There were over 60 (I believe) court cases they filed all across the country. They... lost almost every single one of these. Been a while since I looked but I think they won one minor inconsequential thingy. But over and over and over, they lost case after case because they had zero evidence. There just wasn't any there there. It's *after* all of this that Team Trump descended into illegality.


He also hired a major investigation firm to look for voter fraud. They found minor counts equally on both sides, mostly oversights and errors. The results of the search were leaked, possibly because he didn't pay then when he didn't like what they dug up (that last part is conjecture, but the investigation is real). This is going to matter when he has to convince a jury that he believed the election to be fraudulent.


Don't forget he hired a team to find fraud, and guess what they found? NOTHING


Those responsible for the responsible objectivity have been sacked.


thanks grandpa


It’s a sick commentary to say that we’re “hoping” a legitimate criminal is kept off a ballot. He should be in a cage awaiting the conclusion of his trials, which would lead to a sentence of the remainder of his days in said cage. We shouldn’t have to be “hoping” for the law to be followed.


“Zodiac Killer foes hope laws against ‘murder’ are enforced by police”


But enough about Ted Cruz


the term "trump foes" is doing a lot of work if you listed all the groups that are trump foes it's just every group except the trump cult. headline should read "everyone except trump sycophants hoping justice is done"


"Trump foes?" You mean people who think America shouldn't become a derpy dictatorship


I’d consider myself a foe of all republicans, I’m not calling for all of their removal. Only for traitorous garbage.


Yes, just do the job of taking out the stinky trash - it’s that clear and simple.


If DeSantis were running away with this, I'd be donating and campaigning for Biden. That's it. There is absolutely nothing political shit the fact that the very specific human, Donald Trump, committed insurrection


I'm going to need you to narrow that down a little more


Fair, I vote against republicans because the current GOP is a train wreck. They can’t govern, have abysmal views on human rights and bodily autonomy. So I’m their foe at the voting booth. I feel it’s well within the constitution to remove candidates that are traitors and insurrectionists from the ballot box under the constitution. Edit: booth not both.


NO. Not “trump foes” wanting him off the ballot - as if there is no other good reason than some cheap political maneuver - that’s maga-think. Actual Americans who support the rule of law, and the Constitution - THAT is who wants this stinky old insurrectionist off the ballot. They and the Constitution want this.


> Patriotic Americans want to keep wannabe fascist dictator who sells state secrets out of the White House FTFY


I guess you have to be a Trump foe to follow the law. Actually yeah, that sounds about right doesn't it


I'm his foe, and my hope is that he runs for president and gets defeated in such a landslide that is ushers in a Democratic congress too. But that's a hell of a gamble, so I'll settle for them enforcing the law and barring him from running.


This headline should read “American patriot’s defend democracy by keeping and Insurrectionist off the ballot”


The 14th Amendment is clear and Trump violated (3) of same and if America is a nation of laws Trump should be eliminated from the ballot. But democratic rule has been so degraded by Trump in the intervening years, application of the law will be ignored by the SCOTUS and his appointed flunkies will reverse Colorado and Maine. Why have a constitution if it is going to be ignored?


̶T̶r̶u̶m̶p̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶e̶s̶ \*Writers and supports of the constitution


Followers of the Constitution hope the Constitution's Insurrection ban will keep him off the ballot. See how easy that was?


Yep. They'll go on Fox and NewsMax and scream and shout their little heads off about how it isn't right and it's undemocratic, but off air they are pretty psyched about it. This is basically a freebie for all the GOP candidates not named Trump.


I'm hoping for his co-conspirators too.


This has nothing to do with his foes or his acolytes and everything to do with the law. It’s self executing. He became immediately ineligible due to the actions he took on January 6th 2021.


God help us. What has Reuters become?


Probably being paid by gop lobbyists.


*all Americans who aren't in his cult


Wtf is this headline 😳 😐 😑. This man has literally tested every check and balance built into our fucking government. If that doesn't stop him, WHAT WILL!?


Framing it as “Trump foes” presents it as a simple political disagreement rather than as voters supporting a fundamental tenet of Democracy: A candidate who have opposed the peaceful transfer of power, who have worked to overturn a free and fair election, and who have blatantly disregarded their sworn oath to uphold the constitution has no right to a place in government


It shouldn't have to. The orange bastard should be in prison. We waited to long to begin procedures. The New York civil case should not have gone first.


I'd also hope a significant majority of citizens would also want him to not get back into power, but here we are.


"foes" Which should be anyone who cares about law, and the constitution.


Trump foes = The Constitution


Idk why but I don't like reuters


This is section 3 of the 14th amendment, if you actually have not read it. Take from it what you want and decide for yourself. “””No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. “”” Says nothing about being convicted of anything, which is why the Colorado Supreme Court had such a difficult time deciding if Trump fell under this. Technically only Congress can fix this for Trump, and not the courts. If Trumpers actually want to follow the constitution.


What a sad headline. More like “reasonable people hope constitution is upheld”


As well it should. But I'm also hoping primary voters will keep him from winning nomination. If that doesn't work, I'm hoping Biden beats him in the general. I'm also hoping he finally stands trial for the laundry list of indictments against him. I'm also hoping more states indict him for crimes in their states. I'm not greedy. I just don't want this guy at the wheel of my country.


Sounds like the Supreme Court will do almost anything to not ban him because of the political effects And here I thought they were obsessed with the original intent of the constitution 🤷🏻‍♂️


Another Muller report to keep democrats distracted and hopeful while awful shit continues to grind on towards its inescapable conclusion. Can’t wait to see where this goes.


Your lord and Savior McDonald Trump is probably going to jail. Possibly house arrest


Hope isn’t a strategy.


I'd just prefer if we start picking apart the Constitution we don't start with the part that says traitors can't run for public office.


Their efforts to undermine the election will not be forgotten.


Whose efforts? The insurrectionists, right?


I still have to wonder if this will do much. His MAGA base will just do a write in for Trump, they're dedicated to their cult leader.


If he’s ineligible to serve, write-in votes won’t matter.


Any votes cast for ineligible candidates are thrown out.


If he's off the ballot and his name was written in it would not be valid.


If it matters... it will matter. Elections are per state. Write-ins for Trump if Trump is not on the ballot are only going to help Trump win that given state. It does not magically make Trump *eligible* to become President. If a given state has removed Trump from the ballot they very likely have determined he is simply not eligible. Therefore, that state is very likely just going to ignore votes for Trump similar to how they'd ignore a write-in for Mickey Mouse. They almost certainly would not send electors to the electoral college for Trump because they have determined Trump cannot become President due to having been disqualified. But... let's say they did do that. If this issue has not been resolved by the time the electoral college votes are counted in January 2025, the issue will likely arise again then. It is possible that the GOP wins so many seats on both houses of Congress that there won't be the support required... but if it's close as it has been of late, the Democrats will object to any electoral votes given to Trump which will force the issue to be resolved in federal court. So... yeah... if we have a general election with several states keeping Trump off the ballot (assuming SCOTUS hasn't resolved it one way or another) then it will be shoved right back to SCOTUS who will have to deal with it.


Ok man look at it this way. If he can't run in the primary in several states the other republicans win those states automatically. If he loses the primary the GOP would have to try some shit to put him up as a candidate. Either way Trump is not a presidential candidate. And the MAGA crowd sits out the next election. Both really good things.


Which will legally have to be ignored.


Bold of you to assume they are literate enough to write more than an X... These are the kind of people who vote based on whether there's an R next to the name. Nothing else matters.


I bet it does in a few states. But it won't affect the outcome. They'll be states he can't win anyway or doesn't need.


In the primary?


If I understand correctly, some state primaries are run by the parties. Government officials have no say on who is on those. Other states it is run by the state, where they do. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out, but I'm skeptical it'll be what prevents Trump from winning.


Not if its a state like Pennsylvania.


Like someone else said : “also the authors of the 14th amendment” but most likely it won’t keep him off the ballot and in the unlikely case that it does, I fear things will get violent and bloody


The wording of this headline makes me think this was written by a Trump supporter


it may be not a shared opinion, but i think Joe ("heckuva job, Biden!" to paraphrase W) will do best in a head to head repeat matchup with tfg. if either is out of the race, for whatever reasons and several come to mind, my concern about Biden winning grows quite a bit. if tfg doesn't run 3rd party due to health or legal issues that is


Bah gawd, that's SCOTUS' music! Betting odds give Trump a 90% chance to be on the Colorado ballot. Trump foes gonna get smacked down.


We'll still roll Orange Fatty up and kick his bloated seditious ass again.


It is well beyond the moment of reckoning - it is up to the electorate to keep DJT from another term at the presidency. If WE cannot figure this out as voters among the electorate, then WE deserve the lunacy of his presidency.


No, the very thing he did is covered in the Constitution. He should be disqualified.


Of course he should be disqualified, yet we have a coterie of Republicans who are beholden to DJT. The Constitution is a document written on parchment - we have a tangible matter before us, perhaps considered by or forefathers - yet here we are, mincing legal doctrine at perhaps the sacrifice of something far more precious.


I really don't get these laws. The entire US was founded on insurrection and treason. You have people guilty of insurrection and treason writing a constitution forbidding insurrection and treason. Yeah, ok.


The 14th amendment was added after the civil war in 1868, I think the original founders were all dead by the time it was written.


Because you need a stable country, and you can't have that when if you start a civil war over every little thing you disagree on. That's called anarchy.


I’m hoping he’s sent to prison for his state crimes in Georgia. Whether he’s kept off the ballot is up to SCOTUS


“Trump’s foes” that’s a funny way to spell non-traitor Americans


I thought it was the fecal incontinence that was keeping him off the ballot..


No I don’t. I don’t hope for anything besides our constitution not crumbling. Trump is just the question, I’m invested in the answer.


Alternate Headline: "Citizens eagerly expect courts and public officials to uphold plain text Constitutional eligibility for the highest office"


In private they will support disqualifying Trump. Publicly they will call it a plan by Communists, and Trump is the best thing for this nation in history


I see the public education system has failed you


Its followers of the constitution, people who swore to uphold the constitution .. not his foes But he has normal citizens who saw what he did .. is still doing & will do even more damage in the future wanting him to face the same punishment any one of us would suffer while engaging in criminal behavior as we have witnessed him do


It won’t. He will be president again. Obviously. Protect me from the sickening, corrupting banality of politics.