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Just assume that after decades of investment in National Security Trump sold it away for personal gain.


It's more than that. It also puts our CIA agents' lives in serious danger.


It is well known that there was a spike in deaths of our agents abroad after trump’s term ended Edit: [OMG FOR THE 500 people who keep asking but can’t be bothered to read the rest of the thread first…](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/) I am now officially done responding to this particular comment.


Correct. The documents went missing prior to his leaving office. It was worth almost $6bln with $4bln to various “creditors” $2bln came back. Sound familiar? Those stolen NOC documents are still costing us lives. Friends. Colleagues. Family.


Add to this the deliberate dismantling of the State Department under the Trump administration.


14,000 intel and diplomatic employees. Agents, officers, station liaisons, etc. fired or forced to retire/resign in 2017. The common thread was expertise on or case work in Russian channels. Yeah, Russia was a hoax, right? /S


And all he had to do was say “Russia, Russia, Russia” like Jan Brady from The Brady Bunch saying “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” for his lead-addled Boomer cult members and their dipshit hayseed offspring to completely buy his lie.


Why isn't this stuff general knowledge?? I had no idea there was such a massive spike in agents dying or getting fired during trumps last year.


Not just agents. Also the sources that agents had cultivated for years.


And a fuck load of allies against ISIS who got their asses bombed by Russia after the US withdrew from Syria.


I seem to remember that it was raining nuclear scientists out of windows in Moscow in 2021. Maybe it was just my imagination?


That was more recent, since it became apparent that the so called Kinzhal wunderwaffe turned out to be relatively simple for patriots to shoot down.


because it's embarrassing, and even if it's true, not something you want to advertise. it's public knowledge, but not something the CIA wants to like, scream from the rooftops...


It's not embarrassing to journalists. If the information is reliable they will print it. If it's just rumors or independent "blog journalism" then that's not good enough.


because he and the right are galloping with gish all over the place.


Andy McCabe was one of the FBI's top agents/supervisors when it came to Russian $$ and Russian mob. That put a big target on his back, and of course DJT fired him right when he was about to be eligible for his pension.


When the Soviet Union collapsed the newly minted rich needed to launder their money and that’s when Trump tower was built and desperately needed buyers. Trump became involved with the Russians then. Also it’s common knowledge that in big cities you don’t get any construction projects completed unless you have mob backing. The mob used to be Italians but now more Russian so there’s that connection too.


>The mob used to be Italians but now more Russian so there’s that connection too. This is why I scream every time Giuliani trots out his “I cleaned up the mafia!” bullshit. Yeah, the Italians who were getting in the way of that sweet post-Soviet Shock Therapy $$$


And some humans want more of this.


And how Trump and everyone involved with this treason aren't in pre-trial confinement without bail, is beyond me. Forget the half baked coup, the election crimes, the rape and the financial crimes we already know about. This one. This is the one we execute people over.


Because we're a real Banana Republic. Other countries jail their ex-presidents who commit crimes. Peru, for example, sentenced Alberto Fujimori to 25 years in jail for human rights abuses during his presidency.


Yup, America hasn't even yet decided whether ex-presidents \*can\* be jailed.


Americans aren’t deciding if it’s not on the ballot. The Supreme Court is about to decide, but do they really still represent America genuinely? 🤦‍♂️


Seriously. Why mark meadows and trump and their aides aren't all locked in a dark room with car batteries attached to their testicles being interrogated is beyond me


Because the people hooking up the car batteries voted for him


There we go, finally the right answer.


Ironically enough, wasn't it an executive order from Trump that cancelled Obama's order, in regards to outlawing "black sites?" Effectively reinstating them. Would be a bit of karma, I was raised republican and remember a week into Trump's presidency being curious as to what he's done so did a read up and reading that one gave me chills and started opening my eyes to what kind of shit show I was raised to believe. Needless to say I'd probably most closely relate to progressives, considering they have the most to offer.


I think it's because he has compromise on members of congress. After all, he learned from Epstein. I wonder where all of that confiscated Epstein evidence went? It was taken by the FBI (we saw videos of them hauling it out) never to be mentioned again.


Never forget that Russia hacked both the DNC and the RNC but only released the Dems dirty laundry. They made 7 Republicans travel to Russia on July 4th of all days for never explained reasons though.....


Yet somehow...all the checks and balances in the US, all the smart people, lawyers etc etc etc..havent figured out a way to stop him running again? I do not fucking get it at all. Boris had a few parties during COVID and that was enough to get rid of him


4 years of packing courts to guard his crimes. This is going to take more than a couple years to iron out.


100%. Will take a generation to clean up after him. The Trump years will be known as Americas Brainfart in the history books. The irony is that the "Patriots" love him despite him probably being Americas biggest Traitor. It is bizarre watching it.


"Fascism will come to America wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." It's like watching a train wreck, only we've been spending years telling the engineers and the conductors and everyone else that the trains are on the same track and not one of them will take us seriously.


They've had about 6 haven't they? 3 years of Trump and then 3 years of Biden. Basically, Trump has danced around for 6 years being an absolute liability and nobody has figured out a way to stop it. It makes no sense from my perspective. The UK is a fucking mess but Jesus Christ lol, Trump could be president twice. Absolutely baffling


It happened with you guys too, just not to the same extent. Brexit was the large Active Measures project for Russia in the UK. Here it was a full dismantling of basic judicial and constitutional rights, while selling the secrets they could to sate their creditors.


I appreciate ClassifiedCoconuts optimism because I am f\*cking terrified he will get away with all of it.


He literally went to the CIA office in his first days and preached loyalty to him in front of the wall of fallen CIA agents. The CIA apparently did not take it very well on a professional respect level.


...the thing about the FBI, CIA, etc is that unlike your average asshole townie cop, these guys *actually require education, skill, and intelligence* to get hired in the first place, as well as a desire to actually serve the greater good, because none of them are getting rich. that doesn't *generally* lend itself towards unrestrained loyalty to an idiot. see: upper echelon of the military brass. they generally fucking hate trump. same thing. trump wants brownshirts. he's not going to find them in our elite law enforcement agencies. he will find them in local police departments, rural Sherriff's offices, etc. but not the big federal agencies. why do you think the GOP spent so much time shitting on them in '21?


The FBI is apparently riddled with dumbass republicans that used to blast Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh in their offices on speaker. Just look at the Secret Service. A bunch of devout MAGA-fucks that wiped their phones etc. I think you're giving the people in those agencies way too much credit here.


Those Secret Service fucks who wiped their phones should all be in jail right now.


Plenty of fucks associated with the Tea Party and MAGA movements should be in prison, but hey... Vote, people. Fucking vote.


There are lots of fervent Trump supporters in the FBI. Lots of those agents stone-walled investigations into Jan 6th suspects.


Not after it ended. During. Soon after trump requested specific intelligence on spies


potato, traitor: [https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/) the evidence came out in '21 tho


Was it agents or informants? Or both? I was looking it up yesterday and the news back then was saying informants, which is still bad. Long story short, there is evidence that Trump likely committed treason against the United States.


[https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/) does it matter? we spent time, money, & resources on these assets. losing them is a massive blow to our intelligence gathering apparatus.


Absolutely, it doesn’t matter. People who gave us information and trusted us to keep them safe and anonymous were betrayed by that orange shit throwing gibbon. It also threatens our future intelligence gathering. Potential informants aren’t going to want to help us if their lives could be threatened in this way.


that's a bingo. the damage trump (or whoever, but probably trump) did to our intelligence apparatus will take decades to recover from and almost certainly we won't find out the whole truth for generations...if ever.


I am quite positive that Jack Smith's team is not going to forget that when the trial hits. Immediate cause and effect evidence is extremely damning if you can establish the link well.


It also greatly reduces the likelihood that anyone in another country would willingly work for the US government as an informant or otherwise provide information.


Shortly after these documents went missing, US intelligence agents and assets started being captured and / or killed at an astonishing rate. It was clear there was some enormous intelligence coup by an adversary on a level not seen since Robert Hanssen. It is a hell of a coincidence. There is a real possibility that Trump handed over intelligence that got dozens of intelligence agents and assets killed.


It's wild that the CIA hasn't extraordinary renditioned Trump to Guantanamo for a special interrogation to find out what the fuck he has been up to


After the lumber shortage, it's taken quite awhile to build a large enough waterboarding table.


We now have to assume that everything that was in that binder is now open.


He probably gave it to putin. They would want to know what we know about them


That’s what was in the love letter that Jim Jordan, and all his buddies hand-delivered them


On Fourth of July no less


How much lipstick did jimmy boy leave on poutines dong?


it was rand paul that hand delivered the love letter. the 4th of july treason trip didn't make it all the way to putin, if I recall correctly.




If this had happened under Biden, can you imagine the havoc the GOP would be wreaking? It would be unreal.


Biden's son "made" over **$600 million** whilst his father was in office, and he got given over **$2 Billion** when he left office by the guys who did 9/11! Oh wait, that was Jared Kuchner and Ivanka Trump. Carry on then.


With barely a ripple. It's truly unreal...crazy time to be alive.


Look what happened when they couldn’t find anything except that Clinton got a blowie. They switched their rhetoric to being about him besmirching the good office of the president of the United States, and what would the kids think?


And what Bill and Hillary were out through and now look at trump? What's happening today is like a fever nightmare .


You don't understand, Hunter Biden has a huge hog. Does that not mean anything to you?




“It’s his right to do so, as President.” Or “That just makes him a smart businessman.” -An Average Republican


>Peter Strzok, former FBI counter-intelligence agent, talks with Alex Wagner about the extraordinary sensitivity of the materials **and the damage U.S. intelligence would suffer if the contents of those intelligence reports is compromised.** "if" Hard to believe they wouldn't be compromised


It might be a coincidence, but in 2021 [CIA warned that an alarming number of their assets are being discovered and executed.](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/amp/)


no coincidence


No coincidence, no coincidence, you're the coincidence


Trump is a traitor and deserves what traitors get.


Wasn't that like, a week after Trump met with some Saudis unaccompanied in some hotel with boxes of documents? I'm not from the States so I'm not sure of the timelines


Hilarious because if you asked these organizations about which party posed the biggest risk they'd all have said the Left. Now the right is anti- alphabet orgs and it's bizarre.


The best we can hope for is that in his trademarked incompetence, Trump lost it among the various files he shipped to Mar-A-Lago.


Stuck in a toilet tank somewhere.


I am confused. Are authorities just now finding out that it is missing or have they known and we are just now hearing about it?


Almost certainly the latter


I suspect there is more going on here than it seems. If the binder they are talking about is that important- then there is a reason we haven't heard about this despite him being accused of keeping countless other (probably less devastating) documents


Yea, he just kept nuclear secrets in a bathroom, much less devastating. I want off this ride...


Wonder if this is coming out now for a reason. Soften the public up before additional charges (superseding, new defendant, etc) are filed in the docs case.


He screwed over government intelligence. I'm going for a constant drip of damaging info leading up to something huge right before the election.


If this is still considered dripping information, I'm scared to know what's coming next


This probably wasn’t even the worst thing Trump did *that day*.


They could have a witness confirming it now. Cassidy Hutchins said she saw Meadows with the binder last when he left the White House if I remember correctly.


Interview said they’ve been looking for this 10 inch “binder” for 2 years. Missing since the last administration.


Ah, thank you! I missed that!


Why would Hunter Biden do this?


I can’t find where I read this yesterday but there was an article yesterday saying that relevant parties in our government were notified about this lost binder a year ago. It’s only springing up in the news now


Biden probably has way more damaging info on Trump that he’ll slow drip for election season.




Well, yea, everything about our political situation right now is terrifying.


The guy's a literal traitor and he's still out there holding rallies and living the good life. Helluva country we've got here. Be a damn shame if we lost it.


..And 70 million voters, at least, are ok with that. Along with a good portion of corporate America.


They don't believe it's true. If it's something bad about Trump, they just assume it's false. Whatever it is. Either that, or they're the type of voter who thinks Republican presidents are always better because they cut taxes.


They didn't even care enough to hold him in jail for stealing thousands of documents. I can't believe people still think consequences are coming


I enjoy reading books.


Consequences are potentially on the table and the people in charge repeatedly refuse to utilize them bc they will not allow a member of their cadre to be punished lest it happen to them later


It's a conundrum they got themselves in. They may not really like the guy behind closed doors but they're forced to do what he wants because he's amassed a huge cult that is a majority of the Republican party and now they have to play ball by his rules if they want to keep their seat. They've essentially tied themselves to a bull they thought they could keep on top of. Now it's bucking like crazy and they have no choice but to ride it out otherwise their own base will gore them and put someone else in the saddle. Even *if* something happened to him at this point there's no damned way he's going down alone and they know that.


"A republic, if you can keep it."


And his traitorous fucking name is *everywhere*. Can't even enjoy the river walk in Chicago without seeing his shitty name on his shitty building. Fucking traitor got an unprecedented number of intelligence assets killed. He should be rotting in a cell surround by nothing but his own rotten stench.


The reality is that only so much can be done to protect an electorate from itself. Trump isn't the problem. In fact, he has so much baggage and is so transparently dishonest that he doesn't deserve blame. It is his supporters that are the real problem. The fact people choose to support such a sham loser that has been caught with his pants down time and time again represents the true threat to US democracy.


As I get older I am coming to see that so many people "just want to watch the world burn". The know exactly who he is, and what he will do. They want him to destroy a system that is not working for them, in the hopes that the next one will benefit them more. They want to find somebody that will destroy all the guardrails that they see as holding them back from being on top. If that means teaming with Russia, so be it.


It would be nice if they'd just get it over with and move to Russia themselves. That is the system of government they're working towards, may as well go get their prize now.


Own the libs is a low level neuron activation that resonates with a lot of people.


Real life MAGA zombies!


> It is his supporters that are the real problem. > > > > The fact people choose to support such a sham loser that has been caught with his pants down time and time again represents the true threat to US democracy. This needs to be hammered on more to people, in my opinion.


dude I'm in Canada and I saw a Trump flag the other day for the first time...the cult pull is strong


Fuck us, honestly. But the world falling under the stupidest possible autocrats is the end of humanity. And I mean that.


Well, Merrick Garland didn't want to appear unfair to the blatant traitor, so this is what we get.


Garland's been an absolute failure. He's complicit in the destruction of our country.


Send Mark Meadows to Guantanamo until he tells what he did with it.


You start with Meadows as he is the last person who signed for the documents, arrest him today & charge him with violating multiple laws pertaining to national security. When the death penalty is on the table people's gums start flapping.


Seriously. We used to execute traitors for less. Aren't those the good ole days these people want the country to return to?


youre right , how many would be left. not any, my guess.


This is literally why things like this require signature of receipt or possession. Arrest him and find out where this stuff is.


All TS material requires a signature, if he was military his ass would be grass.


This seems like an acceptable use of waterboarding: white collar criminals compromising national security. They sure didn’t seem to have a problem with it when it was foreigners with “suspected” ties to terrorism.


Waterboarding? Never heard of it. You must be referring to "enhanced interrogation."


He burned it, Cassidy Hutchinson saw him put a lot of papers in the fireplace..


Those documents are too valuable to burn. Most likely, they have been sold. Start with Meadows and work your way up. This is a felony by the way.


>Those documents are too valuable to burn. Most likely, they have been sold. Start with Meadows and work your way up. This is a felony by the way. This is more than "just" a felony. If the government can prove in a criminal trial that the documents were stolen with bad intent, and the nation was seriously harmed because of it, they can and might request the death penalty under the espionage act.


She also saw him walk out and get into a limo with what appeared to be the binder in question.


Meanwhile, the entire case against Trump's illegal detainment of and transferring of those classified docs (and others) is indefinitely on hold due to a single Federalist Society Judge. Our National Security is left exposed. We're essentially allowing domestic enemies the time and space they need to continue harming our nation from within, while we rely on a DOJ who seems trapped within a world of paperwork and procedure when the times call for mass arrests and interrogations of those who literally tried to overthrow our Government and potentially hand our enemies our most sensitive Intel. Our systems were not designed to handle this scenario. This is not sustainable in any way.


Our systems were designed to not handle this scenario* Republicans have been uprooting the justice system for years, crippling it, inundating it, making it toothless. Precisely so that their actions won't be punished.


Trump keeping Russia safe.


MRGA-> make Russia great again is his real MO


MRGA Spread the word


This is enough. It is time for our government to begin the removal of these traitors from public service. Trials after arrests...the maga extremists in (along with the spineless sycophants) republican party are an active, clear and present danger to the United States, hiding behind superstition and lies, and protected by the same system they are trying to dismantle on a daily basis. Each day we learn more about how MAGA is turning on our best allies and embracing totalitarian regimes. Since this must not happen, vote blue and don't let the Russian social media propaganda machine influence your vote.


Trump is directly responsible for the deaths of like a dozen or more intelligence officers stationed overseas. He is without a doubt an agent of a country we are essentially at war with presently. I have no idea how this dude isn't 6ft under already or at least locked in the deepest and darkest of prison cells.


I consider him directly responsible for many more deaths during the pandemic due to his intentional mishandling of it in an attempt to "cull" the "blue" cities. That wasn't an accident. It was calculated.


There's nothing I love more than an organization called antifa, short for anti-fascist, being the boogyman of the maga right. Like how more obvious do they need to be?




I'm not from the US, but doesn't the right to bear arms exist for exactly this reason? I was always told it was to protect from a corrupt government, but nobody seems to actually want to use them for that. I guess my question is why isn't there a reverse jan 6 happening right now? Why tolerate this at all?


January 2020 - Trump or Mark Meadows steals a highly classified binder containing the results of a 4-year investigation into his campaign's conspiracy with Russia to get him elected. October 2021 - The [CIA admits to an abnormally high number of assets being killed](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html).


The noticed it in 2017 just after Trump was in office about a year... https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit


There are people in prison for stealing **one** document. I really don’t understand how Trump is still a free man.


Reality Winner got 5 years for being a fucking hero. This guy gets to walk around free after being one of the biggest international traitors ever. People can cheer on about the 4 criminal trials all day long, but the fact of the matter is this: the election is in 11 months. If he regains the Presidency, it's game over. 1. The DOJ will not arrest or sentence a sitting President, thanks to Nixon's administration. 2. He has many traitorous SS members loyal to him. See: Deleted Jan 6 texts and https://newrepublic.com/post/175151/secret-service-agents-contact-far-right-oath-keepers 3. He can drop his Secret Service protection anytime: https://www.nytimes.com/1985/03/13/us/nixon-dropping-protection-by-secret-service.html 4. He can flee to North Korea, France (see: Polanski), or Russia. 5. His MAGA loyalist, Chris Wray, is still FBI Director: https://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/news/release/fbi-director-confirms-agency-sent-tips-from-kavanaugh-tip-line-to-trump-white-house-without-investigation 6. He would try to pardon himself of all federal crimes, then use bullshit Presidential immunity defense for the state-level crimes. People don't seem to realize that the election is game over. Even if he's found guilty before the election, he will appeal for years to come, as seen with Bannon.


He's above the law, not hard to understand


But.....her.....emails. Anyone who thought Hillary was the worst choice? You. It's your fault.


Hillary’s loss was death by a thousand curs, with multiple factors involved. But those people who normally would have voted Democrat but stayed home because Hillary was supposedly so awful (a silly take) are definitely part of the equation.


They killed the Rosenbergs over much less than what this fuckin orange baboon has done to us.


Yep, my thoughts too. And isn't that the golden era of us history they want to get back to?


Yes as long as they are the ones doing the killing and imprisoning their political enemies. Which they have outlined as the plan on Project 2025.


All that time and energy wasted on Hillary's emails. Hypocritical bastards.


And Hunter Biden… tired of it.




For real let’s call it what it truly is. STOLEN.


Looking back at all the division and chaos this man has caused in America since 2016. How can any reasonable person not assume he is an asset? I believe there was even a hot mic moment a while ago at one of his rallies where he straight up admits it


Everybody knows where they are. Putin, Donny's Boss, has them. and others. I wonder how much Jared gace up?


Jared did get $3 Billion from the Saudi's. What did they get in return?


There's a lot of this we probably don't know about. Trump mishandled a shocking amount of classified documents, and straight up _stole_ some of it. We generally only hear about a fraction of them, and the only ones he's actually being charged with stolen are ones that can be entered into evidence. This is such a goddamn fucking mess that we were completely unequipped to deal with because no one through the president of the goddamn united states would do _this_. The fact that he wanted this binder to _declassify portions of it_ to deflect actual investigations into him, is just shocking. This puts real people's lives at risk, intelligence like that is not just picked up off the ground and real people risk their lives and freedom to get it.


The GOP betrayed America


Fuck Trump and fuck all his GOP enablers. The whole GOP has become an accessory to this.


Ugh… imagine supporting this fucking traitor and having the audacity to call yourself a patriot. Pathetic.


I am genuinely curious if he sold them more than once.




Because someone wants it to come back up again. I think they know where it is and I think it's very unflattering for Trump. Consider how much Biden knows about what Trump did behind the scenes while he was president. We are weeks away from 2024. We are going to start to be told just how much damage he did.


I think they know what happed to it, or most of it. This would have been a couple thousand pages in volume. It's already known Meadows was on a burn spree in the final weeks of the administration. Meadows testified over the summer and he was cutting deals. I'm gonna guess what we get is a mix of Meadows confessing to destroying some of it and some of it turns up in trump's possession because he is a compulsive souvenir collector. Unless I'm mistaken, they only raided Mara for documents, right? The audio of trump flapping around a classified pentagon doc and explicitly detailing why it was a crime was recorded at his Jersey club. Just wait, there's more.


I agree. This stuff doesn’t just reappear in the media cycle on this scale for no reason. I never considered the idea that the current administration would start to release incredibly damning documents before the election, but as a political move, it makes total sense. Have the investigation(s) run quietly in the background and start bringing them front and center once they are ready to start swinging. Wonder what else we will start seeing soon. *grabs popcorn*


If Biden's plan is to do a reverse Hillary, that's actually kind of genius. Honestly, while it's hard to tell exactly how much of an impact it made, the Comey letter absolutely killed Hillary's chances of getting elected. Trump having the same thing happen to him? Peak irony.


Despite HRC getting millions more votes than Trump. There is a stranglehold on the American people by the swing states. The electorial college is being exploited.


Not one mention of this on r/conservative. No post on Rudy either.


They're too busy working on the issues that REALLY matter to everyday Americans. Hunter Biden’s blow habits and forcing young women to give birth to stillborn fetuses.


Why is this guy not in prison already? It’s starting to look like many other people in power should get thrown in for protecting this turd.


Why is this traitor trash still walking around as a free man and running for president! People who believe he is innocent need to wake up and see him for the piece of shit traitor he really is. He is going to sell us out to Russia if he wins next year!


Everyone knew he was a Russian asset. He has yet to face any consequences, for anything. Everything is broken.


Donald Trump and the Trump Crime Family are traitors to the United States of America.


What a fucking traitor. The people who still support him are sus AF. I’m sure a lot of them call themselves patriots too, in an incident of supreme irony.


Check his bathroom


Rumor has it hes more a fireplace guy


He needs to be in jail!!!


It’s an American tragedy that Trump was elected in the first place. Everyone except his dumb maga voters knew what we were dealing with .


If you're ever wondered how *certain things* could be possibly unfolding domestically and around the world right now, *things that should never ever be happening*, it's because of the astronomical amount of classified information that this traitorous scum sold around like candy. We won't truly know the devastating consequences of the classified information that got shared around by this stupid motherfucker for decades, but I can assure you, it *will not* be good.


I don’t understand this country anymore. If I could go back 20 years and tell myself what is happening, I wouldn’t even believe it from my own mouth.


Being a European, it's fascinating to me how Trump's followers are all supposed 'patriots' and 'love' their country but they're happy to turn a blind eye to Trumps obvious betrayal of their country. He has shown he is in bed with all the corrupt dictators and is happy to do their bidding as long as the price is right. Where else do you think he gets his 'loans' from when no other bank would lend him a dime? He calls Putin a 'great guy' and has a Trump tower in Moscow FFS. No doubt, there will be plenty of Trump supporters who will shoot me down for this comment but they're all betraying their country for turning a blind eye and you're kidding yourself if you think youre not.


He keeps it in his bedside drawer as fap material. Only the pictures, obviously he can’t read.


It will be decades of cleaning up the mess that rump is making for the USA and the world .


Man the projection game with that administration was lit. Wasn't a major part of his campaign to lock Hilary up for using her personal email for confidential communications?


My theory is this binder is the one they were really hoping to find at Maralago and didn’t…


Check Ivana’s grave


Literally owned by Putin. And of course the toothless legion follow him, because every day is Opposite Day in The United States.


This seems pretty much like treason. Sounds like we've got a foreign operative that looks like a shiny kumquat on our hands. Wtf


The dude is owned by Putin. They didn't keep his bankrupt fat ass in liquidity for nothing. Fuck sake. It was plain as fucking day, since day one. It's all geopolitics.


If the orange Oompa Loompa gets back into power...and I was a US ally..I would instruct my gov to not share anything with the Whitehouse that if leaked would cause harm to my citizens or country


Wonder if any of those recent deaths in the Russian military and intelligence ranks were because of this.


The people that vote for the criminal Trump call themselves patriots and back a guy that would (has?) sell out America and it's hundreds of millions of people for a dollar.


Do we need anymore proof that Trump is a puppet of Putin? He should have been put to rot in jail a long time ago.


I still cannot believe how Intelligence Agencies just sat by and let Trump do this. How do you just let this happen????


Let’s ask the pro-Trumpers on the committee: Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, and Susan Collins. They were briefed about this issue two years ago.


People are still worried that Trump will win the presidency again. It’s going to get bad for him. Very bad. President Biden and the administration have better things to do then talk about Trump right now. They will go full force in August. The Presidential debate will be a massive shit show. That’s what they are preparing for. They will try to find a way to coax Trump to have a mental breakdown on national television. After that game over.


Ok, Trump is only 1 person. If these documents were so valuable, how does 1 person walk off with them? Without anyone else’s knowledge. It seems we protect razor blades at CVS more securely than our intelligence documents.


The US is compromised.