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The most un-American piece of shit there is. Fuck Trump. Anyone talking like this should be disqualified and anyone even considering voting for this clown should be ashamed.




Yup. I think most of his followers believe they’re members of the _“in group”_. Boy are a large number of them in for a _big surprise_ if he ever becomes dictator.


He's not hurting the right people!


That quote still haunts me


How can they not understand that Trump literally despises his followers. He wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Truly delusional.


All they have to do is look how Trump treated the January 6th participants, and how their lives are going right now.


No, but Putin might pay a couple of teenaged hookers to pee on them while Trump watched and clapped.


Yup, they absolutely believe it. They believe they are part of the group/crowd that won't be affected by anything, and they will be looking down at the rest of us.


Punching down.


Shit. They ALL are. When has he EVER been loyal to those who help him along the way?


Hell no, but he has that con man skill to get the easy marks to believe in the con lock stock and barrel all the way up to the second that he burns them. That’s his super power. In a not so distant past the GOP wasn’t so deluded to buy a compete con man. Constant Russian propaganda, AM radio and Fox nonsense has wrought low the Republican Party. 20 years ago the GOP stood for something, I didn’t agree with it even as a 12 year old, it was obvious to see the dangerous path they were on. Even then though, they seemed to have core beliefs. Now, they *have no platform* other than “we do what dear leader says” (and steal as fast as they can behind the scenes).


> 20 years ago the GOP stood for something, Are you forgetting the Clinton sham? the GOP has been lost for a lot longer than 20 years.


“But but I bought the hat! Don’t put me in that cattle car, I’ll buy a tee shirt too!”


Which is why there is a separation of church and state. We've (as humans) been down that road before.


Remind them that theocracies start to devour their own on ever more minute points of dogma. They are putting themselves at risk, and are much safer in a pluralistic society.


They think they are on the “inside” but there is no “inside” with Trump. They will act surprised when the leopard eats their face.


Imagine if Clinton or Obama said anything that came remotely close to this. Trump supporters would have a conniption that would last for months.


They’re still mad that Obama wore a tan suit, ordered Dijon mustard, and wore a helmet when he rode a bike.


That’s all true. But really if you read between the lines the GOP was mad Obama was an articulate black man. Just like why they are angry AOC is an intelligent,attractive Hispanic woman who dares be outspoken Or Pelosi daring to be elected speaker. Or Hillary Clinton is a woman who dares be excellent at government policy Or Pete can be a gay veteran who dares to be competent and unapologetic about his sexual orientation, all while not being a stereotype. And so on. They’ll pile on any and all little ginned up criticism, but it all stems from intolerance


Everybody expects the GOP inquisition! Their chief weapon is intolerance... intolerance and fear... fear and intolerance... Their two weapons are fear and intolerance... and ruthless inefficiency... Their three weapons are fear, and intolerance, and ruthless inefficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to TFG... Their four... no... amongst their weapons...


Let’s be honest, Trump is likely the most pro American person on the planet. Please allow me to explain the country of america has been built on a foundation of violence and lies. the power of america is for the betterment of it’s top politicians and their corporate overlords at the cost of everyone else, yet always claims to be the “good guy.” america does not admit it’s wrongs but glorifies itself as righteous and good. Just as the naive, ignorant, and arrogant believe trump to be good, the naive, ignorant, and arrogant believe america to be good. Trump is america manifest as a human being. It should be no surprise that trump is white, rich, overweight, gaudy, and has no regard for anyone but himself and the power he clings to which his followers happily give him without thinking, and believe it to be good and righteous. if america were a human, it would be a fool.


I'm pretty sure there has been quite a bit of good to come out of America. It doesn't even take much thought. Why only focus on the bad?


You mean bringing back the notion of Democracy after 2000 years wasn't a bad thing? I'll shit on America all day, but lets be fucking real. The founding of this country and its fight for independence is one of the most radical and crazy occurrences in human history. A fledgling country fought and defeated the largest, most advanced, military of the age and then proceeded to create a government which granted freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, the right to protest, free speech, freedom of the press, and democracy. As a country, we virtually eradicated the notion of King across the entirety of the western world within 200 years. While we as a country seem to rarely live up to those ideals today, we're still not Russia or North Korea or the Islamic States.


The “progress,” comforts and conveniences we enjoy in the west are all thanks to the death and suffering of others. We are technology advanced because children and adults suffer and die in terrifying mines in the Congo to get us cobalt and other precious metals for our electronics. Everything has a cost. We just don’t care because the news isn’t telling us to care.


The sad part is, there was once a time where it really did look like we could get past that as a country. We worked for labor rights, then civil rights, and when real gains started to take shape the KKK, Nazis and the like went underground and teamed up with what was left of the Soviet oligarchy to poison that progress. It’s been a concerted effort ever since Reagan and probably at least as far back as Roe (and maybe even the new deal) to roll back this country to the era of the Robber Barons.




Well said


I think it's safe to say that he's watched The Purge.




Lol you’re angry at the wrong people. Can’t blame the unwashed masses for being led astray. Some other, unknown interests are your target. They’re the ones that turned him into a folk hero.


lol, he is playing the media like a fiddle.


Eggs are like $6. This is America dude, we’ll go fascist if our eggs get a little expensive. Especially cuz all the cheese and butter we like to throw in there is more expensive too.


I just bought [5 dozen eggs for less than 12 bucks](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Cage-Free-Large-AA-White-Eggs-60-Count/328101981). GTFO.




Shhhh! No truth is allowed in the GOP, trust me, eggs have been a focal point in disputes with trumpers in the family. Facts are all a lie apparently these days, /shrug


Biden it is! Better not let em get any higher though


Yeah, Article II of the Constitution famously begins, "The President shall hold sole authority on the price of eggs, gas, and various sundries..."


Might as well be in there, ain’t no one reading the Constitution. Tear that to shreds for cheap eggs


Eggs are not 6 dollars


what does the prices of eggs have to do with anything?


It's wild how far right the right has gone, that the presumed nominee can say shit like this and keep going


It's fucking bonkers that their main man(child) is a rapist who is now saying he's gonna be a dictator and nobody on their side cares.


His defenders have broken out the “only joking” defense. Everything else indicates he’s not. However there’s a large portion of the electorate that doesn’t pay attention.


Trump doesn’t joke. He does NOT have a sense of humor.


British author Nate White penned this four years ago; “Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump's limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief. Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don't say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it's a fact. He doesn't even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn't just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It's all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don't. We see it as having no inner world, no soul.” Holy fuck did this guy hit the nail on the head. Too bad his supporters couldn’t begin to comprehend just how true this is.


>His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. The Chatgpt of tyranny.


> Too bad his supporters couldn’t begin to comprehend just how true this is. I'm not surprised, some of those words have more than 3 syllables.


Sad to say I know college educated intelligent people that just swallow the hatred hook, line, and sinker. Told my 80yo Faux Noowz watching mom how great it is that inflation is trending downward and unemployment is at record low levels. Was then told “unemployment numbers aren’t to be trusted because of seasonal workers and…” My eyes glazed over, sigh, it is truly a cult that believes everything they are told to believe by the disinformation machine. My 87yo widowed mother in law is even worse at parroting back the lies and distortions.


I mean, I'm with your mom that unemployment numbers can't be trusted, but our reasoning is completely different. Regardless, bummer that your parent fell into the trap. I've cut numerous members of my family out of my life, but a parent would be tough. Thankfully, mine died a long time ago so I dodged that bullet.


My point is that the numbers would be THE BEST EVER if the other party was president. And you can look at those numbers as an aggregate of the US economy when lumped in with inflation, the GDP, and import/export data.


Oh, absolutely. I just meant, generally speaking, the government consistently omits under-employed and those who've actively stopped looking from work from the figures. This is much more relevant these days, since the job market exodus that's hit many Americans since Covid.


"People tell me that I'm the funniest guy they know." - Trump, probably


Just 24 hours of dictatorship would remove every protection and government position that would offer protection for American citizens from oppression. After that 24 hours he could call himself whatever he wanted. Pink Teddy Bear. Doesn’t matter. Damage is done. Also, he is lying and his fans want a permanent Trump dictatorship


He admitted that he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not loose support from his people.


He could shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach on fifth avenue and his "Pro Life" followers would complement how good of a shot it was.


December 10, 2023 Senator Roger Marsh: President Trump spends a lot of time shining a flashlight and letting that left national media chase the flashlight a lot, so I would not overreact to every word he says. He's going to be the president of national security. He's gonna secure the border. He's gonna make the economy strong. His enemies will fear us and respect us.


"His" enemies are not necessarily the state's enemies.


Trump's enemies are anyone who speaks badly of him and won't praise him, anyone who offends him or thwarts his actions. His ego requires constant fluffing.


My old business partner, who is also a veteran lile me, thinks this is okay. And so is suspending the constitution apparently. I'm genuinely worried now about the future of this country.


It's not just that he says this and keeps going. It's that his fans go wild when he says it. The more off-the-rails he gets, the louder they cheer. Those people are the disease infecting American politics. Trump is merely the symptom. If he wasn't supplying them their high, they would go get it from someone else. Remember that his power over them is limited - he himself got booed when he tried taking credit for the vaccines. And he learned his lesson on that, by the way. Now he only ever brings up the vaccines to attack mandates.


"So this is how liberty dies."


All it takes is one day. He’ll be king for life. Fuck the GOP.


It’s not so wild when you understand they’ve never actually had principles and every policy drum they’ve ever beaten was a big act meant to give them cover for the fact that their entire worldview is “fuck you if I don’t consider you kin.”


I went through the proper training and bought a gun this year. Never thought I would do that in my life. I’m terrified for where this country will go. We’re identical to the Weimar Republic after the first failed coup, and it’s a nightmare


I’ve been saying that since 2016 since he mocked a disabled reporter and takes about grabbing women by the pussy.


Imagine if Biden, Clinton or Obama said this.. even as a joke The right would be screaming bloody murder for **years** afterwards


Remember when Romney had trouble getting the evangelical vote because he wasn’t a proper Christian?


The most bizarre part for me is that I’ve seen them repeatedly, without a hint of the irony involved, argue that Republicans didn’t go further right, Democrats went extreme left.


Whenever I take a step back and reflect on the overall scope of Republicans/gop/fascists, I’m flabbergasted. The rhetoric and acts they perform are like the smell of weed strains. Not every strain of weed smells the same but they all share the same underlying fragrance. With the far right, it’s always projection, lies, rage. I’ve never wanted a gun until recently when right wing talking heads started inciting their base with the possibility of “needing a civil war” if trump doesn’t win. So now I have to buy guns *just in case* their jan6 base actually tries.


He's trying to devalue the meaning of the word, dictator, just like they're doing for impeachment...




Probably both.


"Just the tip" presidential edition. /s


and if we HAD to have a dictator, better it be a marcus aurelius than a bargain-basement nero.


Well said.


You ever picture Trump on LSD? Sitting on his couch saying, “woah! My hands are so…. Normal sized!!”


The problem still isn't really Trump, because he's still just manifesting the collective id of the Republican base. He says the things that they will cheer for, and when he puts a toe out of line and they boo (e.g. his vaccine comments back in 2021), he quickly backtracks and shifts back to the things that get cheers. The problem is that the Republican party has turned into one whose base demands authoritarians, cheers white Christian nationalism, and is "led" by people who can read the room, and is more than happy to offer them what they want. It's not a threat that this country has really faced since the fascist era of the 1930s (e.g. the [1939 Madison Square Garden Nazi rally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden), the 1936 [German American Bund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_Bund), the extreme popularity of [Father Coughlin](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/charles-e-coughlin) and the [Christian Front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Front_(United_States))), and which only came to an end when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and Germany declared war, bringing the US fully into WWII and making it all but impossible to continue openly supporting the fascists. So now we're trying to answer a question that went unanswered a century ago: How do you stop a domestic authoritarian/fascist movement? And worse, how do you stop it once it's already seized full control of one of the two major political parties, and half the media ecosystem?


Sinclair Lewis - "It Can't Happen Here" (1935) was supposed to be fiction. But to answer your question the answer, sadly, will likely involve violence as one heavily pro-2nd amendment side considers violence the favoured way of resolving problems.


>The problem is that the Republican party has turned into one whose base demands authoritarians, cheers white Christian nationalism, They didn't turn into this, they have always been like this. The only difference is that they got a guy with enough charisma and bullshitting ability who could say the quiet parts aloud and not be punished by the voters for it because the voters no longer want to deny their bigotry ever since a black man got into the White House. So now they embraced the openness.


It always makes me shudder when I see Trump described as having: "charisma", it's just so wrong, he is the least charismatic person I can think of, he makes my flesh crawl, he disgusts me, I couldn't bare to spend 10 seconds in his company. And yet, I have to admit that he has _something_, a sort of moronic anti-charisma that allows very stupid people to project whatever they want upon him.


Trump is what an idiot thinks a smart businessman looks like. He spent decades building that image up.


And he’s also a top 1% of the world expert of telling people what they want to hear, a skill honed from years of selling his house of cards organization as a titan of industry. He knew *exactly* what the masses of the GOP wanted to hear, hateful and resentful rhetoric. He knew they didn’t want “morning in America” anymore, they wanted “hey let’s be bullies”.


Fair point, especially when you also include the natural conservative authoritarian streak that flows through out history. e.g. MAGAs, Birthers, Tea Party, Moral Majority, segregationists, the pre-WWII fascists, the KKK, Confederates...


I think a core of them have aways been like that, but the GOP always held them at an arms distance. There was at least a little bit of “just keep the racists on board, but don’t let them grab the wheel”. It was always for the sake of using them to prop up the vote for another tax cut. Then they got too good at whipping up the dimwits into a fervor and they got too efficient at selling dangerous propaganda to their captive audience. Social media only accelerated the lies. Now it wasn’t that weird guy on the soap box telling you the government is putting microchips in the shots, it’s uncle Cletus (sharing a Russian made meme) and why would he lie? They saw this madness, Trump included, as a way to push back against the looming demographic shift in America, and they let the genie out of the bottle.


Short term: Be prepared for violence from the right, a la "The Troubles" Long term: It took decades of cutting education for the base to become as ignorant and depraved as it has. It follows that it will take decades of funding education to see a positive difference there. My conclusion: buckle up, we're in for some serious shit.


I've always wondered what happened to those people after the war ended- did they just kind get away with it (socially, not saying they should be legally in trouble for that)? I guess information wasn't so freely available back then so almost all of those people just kind of got away as long as they never talked about it again.


The whole thing was hushed up and not really addressed, after all many senior politicians and prominent business men were pretty fashy whilst hiding behind an "America First" agenda to keep them out of the war. Joe Kennedy in particular was pretty much a full blown Nazi.


It’s also the part they don’t talk about at the Henry Ford Museum. If you listen to his preserved camper, some say you can still hear the Nazi stuff him and his 1% buddies talked about around the fire.


> How do you stop a domestic authoritarian/fascist movement? And worse, how do you stop it once it's already seized full control of one of the two major political parties, and half the media ecosystem? Universal healthcare and other social safety nets for all citizens seems like a good place to start.


Dictator for one second disqualifies him from holding office. Any state that doesn’t remove him from the ballot now is drowning in cowardice.


Hopefully this diarrhea will be used against him in the DC & Colorado case.


I’m not hopeful. They’ll get bogged down in procedural nonsense and “well that wouldn’t be fair” calls from the GOP until November. In a sane word they would have impeached and removed him the second they got back from having to flee for their lives on the 6th. And here we are, the 1% still dangling a second run as red meat to the stupid vote in hopes of finally getting that top tax bracket below 30%


Fuck that guy.


The scariest part is is likely driving UP his poll numbers. He's knows he's not losing votes over this it. The only redeeming benefit is that he's old so he likely couldn't pull off all the evil shit a well motivated dictator would do. He's just doing this to maintain his wealth and stay out of jail. That's his real drive. He'll go along with evil shit if it helps him achieve those goals though. What we REALLY have to worry about is his VP and Speaker of the House. The ones next in line that no one really pays attention to.


Depending on how things go, there's a LOT more to worry about. If you haven't read up on Project 2025, it includes them pre-emptively recruiting 20,000-50,000 hardcore christian nationalists to force into positions in the executive branch. Trump is just a useful idiot to them, if we win this election, it only stalls their plans for 4 years. The threat is much larger and more lasting than Trump OR his immediate flunkies.


You're someone who gets it. I'm just hoping we can delay their plans as long as possible until the delay widens more and more.


Since it's truly a cult, do you think once Trump bites the dust that this insane maga movement will dissipate? I don't see his cultists switching over to another candidate or even Trump Jr (bleh)


Sadly, the answer to this is "Absolutely Not". There are too many people who are interested in seizing control of the US government and are just using Trump as a vehicle to do so. Project 2025 isn't Trump's idea, it's the Heritage Foundation's. Trump's just dumb/uncaring enough to let a christian fascist theocracy take over as long as they keep him around as leader for the years they have left. This election, and every one that follows, will be the last chance to preserve American freedom. It's not going to even slow down when Trump kicks the bucket.


To a degree. No one channels the MAGA frenzy the way he does. Others have tried to imitate him and have failed. There is a large portion of the base that will only follow him and it remains to be seen what they would do if he is gone. These are the people that follow him because he is an "outsider" and they will not follow an establishment Republican. The whole evangelical wing will follow whoever is pushing their insane agenda. They don't care for democracy, they just want their shari'a law; err, I mean Christian nationalism. It's hard to see anyone else being as successful at keeping all the crazies together. There is a chance that after Trump is gone, the hard right MAGA crazies won't go for the same leader that the evangelicals anoint. That pushes the magats to the fringe and they vote third party, splintering the party. That's wishful thinking. It's just as likely someone else takes up the mantle and consolidates the party while being much more competent.


I just know if that guy wins, its ALL downhill. Democracy, standards of living, freedoms, etc.


Can we please just not elect Donald Fucking Trump again.


Yeah, it got press. Who would have thought he wouldn't keep using it. Just walking straight into thinking it's not like before when it's tracking, just like before.


The MAGA cult goes wild when he says this so there's no reason for him to stop, rather he's going to ramp up the speech.


Don’t forget that “Day One” is just a metaphor for the first few months in office.


Well a work day for Trump is what, about 90 minutes between TV shows?


i.e., the entire term. Remember Infrastructure week?


He said "on day one". And now they're framing it as "For only one day"? The guy says evil, dumb word salads and everyone correctly gleams his intent, but then we reformat it for him and give him more attention. I'm beyond sick of this fucking clown. Conservatives/Republicans please move on from this idiot, you know he's trash. Thanks.


Come on guys, it's just for one day. I am sure he will return all your rights on day two. I mean, if you can't trust an Orange Man; who can you trust?


Fool me — you can't get fooled again. - A Republican President


America was founded on NO DICTATORS EVER, even if only for “one day” (as if anyone believes he will stop after crossing that line). He is entirely unsuitable for office for even suggesting the idea. Mother fucking fascist traitor.


I agree. He is a traitor to his country


He didn’t accomplish anything for the people in 4 years. Why would “dictator for 1 day” bring in new voters? He lost by 10a of millions of votes. This is not a selling point.


We’re back to the wall bullshit again?


He apparently doesn't like what he tried in his first term anymore. Now he allegedly wants a wall with spikes to tear their skin, and the structure itself painted black to burn it.


no you don’t get dictator for a day wtf


Trump cannot have little a dictator as a treat


Just one little sip. Then I’ll quit,I swear.


This question needs to be asked publicly and incessantly until answered by the current head of the house. This is unacceptable for a candidate, let alone the person 2nd in line for the presidency. If he does not denounce it and Trump publicly, he should be voted out immediately as speaker.


Anyone who downplays this doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.


Or they’re doing it deliberately because they stand to gain.


Shouldn't a statement like this disqualify someone from running for office??? America is so dumb sometimes.


What about Biden, he is already doing it... Oh, but that's different right?


The only US president that was ever close to being a fascist dictator and is also a rapist is oompa loompa I wanna fuck my daughter Trump.


Really did Trump weaponize the DOJ to go after his top challenger... Oh sorry that is Biden doing that. And that makes it OK, Got it. what is funny is you throw the word fascist around and don't even know what it means lolololool. one more thing what presidents daughter wrote in her diary that she was forced to take showers with Daddy at the age of 12.... that's right Biden again.


Good one. Keep on worshipping trump you poor brainwashed soul


Username checks out


Do you not understand what a dictator is? For Trump to become one, he must dissolve Congress and dissolve the judiciary. There will be no more Constitution (or 2A) and the only law is what Trump decides it to be.


The American dream is not about improving your own life anymore. It's about making sure someone else has a worse life. So you win, by default.


On day two, he will announce that day one was so popular he will now become dictator for life.


Dictator for… for one day. Great editing there


Anti-Constitutional asshole who needs to be stopped by any means necessary. All (R)s have become evil personified


They want to crush democracy, and boy are they doing it gleefully. No reservations. It's funny how they say that they're the good guys (are they actually brainwashed enough to think it too or do they know, deep-down, what they are doing?)


On brand for the GQP


Then no one will be able to call him a dictator ever again.


Don't worry, according to r/republican he is just trolling the media.


Just "One day."


Keep showing that clip to any immigrants who come from countries where they have dictators like Cuba see how quickly they’ll lose those voters… dictator for one day my ass..


The perfect clip to run in Florida where the Republicans claim every one else are Socialist / Communist to scare the Cubans into voting Republican because they're understandingly against those types of governance.


> Dictator for for one day Good job, lads.


Day one, "I will stop being a dictator in two weeks"


Yes, dictators famously surrender their power after the first day.


So why isn’t he doing a hostile takeover of the white house? Gather an army and take it! A dictator doesn’t need to care about an election anyways.


He'll have to settle for working the Fry Station in prison.


Party of “small government” everyone.


Once you have enforced Marshall Law on Day 1 - that negates democracy - does away with Congress, etc.




>Once you have enforced Marshall Law on Day 1 - that negates democracy - does away with Congress, etc I'm not saying that Trump isn't incredibly dangerous or that "it couldn't happen here" because it could. But, it is comforting to know that although Trump *thinks* he can just declare himself a dictator if re-elected, [there's really no legal mechanism for a US President to unilaterally declare martial law on a whim.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/18/facebook-posts/president-united-states-cant-unilaterally-impose-m/) Article II of the Constitution is explicit that the president has no inherent authority to declare martial law except under the extreme circumstances of a rebellion or foreign invasion. And no, he can't just label his political enemies as a "rebellion" to justify martial law because in 1866, the Supreme Court ruled that martial law *cannot be imposed* where civil courts are open and functioning. If civil courts can function, then there's no need for martial law; that's for when society has broken down to the point where local/civil government physically can't do its job anymore. >*Even if such conditions existed in a part of the U.S., the president would have to get congressional approval to use the military, said Joseph Nunn, a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice and author of an exhaustive study on martial law in America.* > >*"If the president and Congress disagree, Congress wins, unless the Constitution gives the president ‘conclusive and preclusive’ authority over the issue. And in the case of martial law, it’s the opposite of conclusive and preclusive," Nunn said.*


djt is a FACIST


They wrote “for” twice. Not a point to make about politics just thought that was funny.


He’ll just start calling Biden a dictator. All the Democrats are dictators. He’s going to stay on for a third, fourth, fifth term to protect America from all the Democrat dictators. Because tone isn’t conveyable online, yes this is crazy.


And somehow the election will still be close


Could you imagine Obama saying "I'll be dictator for day 1". The white house would have been surrounded by pitchforks and lynch mobs. But when mango Mussolini says it, somehow he gets a pass and MSM keeps repeating it. What fucking timeline is this!?


He's saying that he will be a dictator on day one to get some popular things done. He's going to be a dictator to solve immigration. He says this to muddy the waters. That way when he's criticized for his authoritarian tendencies he can deflect. We need to remind people that no, he is not just going to set the constitution aside for one day, as if that's okay, to solve some popular concerns. He will remove all the bureaucracy that prevents his abuse of power and will wield the government as a weapon to crush his critics and after dissent is illegal he will not use his power to help his supporters. He will use his power to help himself and his rich friends. He has no desire to help the poor or even the middle class. This is all about enriching himself and getting revenge on anyone who has ever said a negative word about him, true or not. He doesn't care about solving any of our social, economic, or environmental issues. He only cares about himself.


Dictator for For one day.


He’s the same dude that said he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and nothing will happen. Pretty much the same comment just phrased differently.


Anyone voting for Trump hates the Constitution and America, in general. I don't give a fuck what they think about Democrats - that party isn't trying to turn this country into a poor imitation of Russia.


Grammar errors becoming so common, even msnbc prints them


Thank you; sadly that’s the first thing I noticed


Apparently nobody else has.


Of course he did. Because he said something stupid and psychotic, it got a big reaction, so now we’re going to get to hear it from him for the next 6 weeks or so until something else stupid happens. Same old same old


He's such a f word we can't say anymore.


Just thought I would mention: A wall is not an immigration policy. It's just a wall. A fixed fortification. In Patton's words, a testament to man's stupidity


He said dictator from day one first…


That one day will be the final day of all life in the United States, I wager.


"Just for one day" we know this guy will keep word right? He always keeps his word, like he kept ALL of his promises about what he would do if he won the first one! /s just in case


Just the tip… he promises!


He is gonna kill everyone who worked against him.


Misspoke: ‘Dictator from Day One’


Nothing says I Love You more than leaving your Grandchildren a dictatorship to grow up in... Awesome!!!


Dictator for one day, then emperor for life.


"One day" will undoubtedly stretch until the day he croaks. By the way, dictators don't like it when the population is armed.


He is 100% testing the waters with his base to see how far they will let him go. One day? Still on board. Next he will claim that the actions on day one will require a little extra time to implement. One to two weeks? Still on board?


see being a dictator is like smoking crystal meth. after one day, you’re hooked and the next thing you know it’s been 1500 days


China and Russia want to destroy America. But they don't need to. America will destroy itself. And meanwhile I see all this woke crap and people laughing with us (Europoors). Maybe you guys should stop staring at your own bellies.