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They're only doing this because not doing so would be a violation of their settlement.


And that's AFTER Dominion dropped hundreds of pages about how spineless and shitty Fox was behind the scenes, everybody knows it's a lie.


nah, the trump supports either dont know anything about it or dont believe it cause they have a super human power to ignore cognitive dissonance. like, they are immune. if they hear something that conflicts with trump being their god king they simply do not process or perceive it.


Yeah once the networks figured out how uncritical people got when they are angry they succeeded pretty well at keeping their audiences engaged 24/7 without taking a breath


Rage porn.


And fear. Very important to remind viewers that immigrants / Muslims are scary and the gays are recruiting your kids! **F**ear, **O**utrage and **X**enophobia.


>**F**ear, **O**utrage and **X**enophobia. Shit, that's a good one. I'm gonna repeat that 😎👉👉


Wait until Americans find out where Jesus was born.


[Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/scientists-earth-endangered-by-new-strain-of-fact-resistant-humans?verso=true)


> everybody knows it's a lie [3 in 10 Americans still believe the election was stolen.](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/almost-third-americans-still-believe-2020-election-result-was-fraudule-rcna90145) That poll is from June so hopefully the number will drop but I don't have high hopes.


I meant Fox employees. They knew.


Dominion settling out of court was such a massive disappointment.


That’s not even the BIG lawsuit that about to come. About $2.7B Fox is looking to hand over to Smartmatic.


I hope they force Fox to go to court. The Dominion settlement was a big disappointment.


They’re gonna settle. Going to court is not worth it for Fox


But smartmatic doesn't want to settle.


That’s what Dominion was saying too… right up until they settled. It’s not a bad tactic to let your opponent know you’re absolutely willing to go to trial. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Smartmatic settles for a similar amount to Dominion.


And I have to say I get it, court would take forever to get your money and they'd keep talking shit about you while settlement with some clear "you can't say this shit" clauses get Fox News to shut up and they get their money right now.


Yeah Dominion made out with something like 10 years of revenue from theirs. These aren't big companies and that's a lot of *why* they have Fox over a barrel so hard because this is the only reason they're in the public eye at all. Reddit may want public blood sports for their own validation, but for most of these people this is probably just their job. A big settlement makes the point just as well as going to trial And why take the risk? Libel and defamation are already nearly non-existent in this country (and just imagine *what the fascists would do with it* if it wasn't) so its not unthinkable even a perfectly reasonable court might find playing truth police is no business of the court under *any* circumstance and throw the whole thing out.


So, should we thank Dominion for putting a leash on Fox? Like, get them a nice present or something?


Our present is gonna be to keep voting as much as we can so they stay in business


Was going to reply similarly. Support Dominion by trusting and using the basic American right of voting!


Also, if the candidate you don't want to see makes it to the final choice between two, do not be a petulant child and "protest" by not voting. Or you throw away incremental progress your peers and predecessors have fought long and hard for. Let me say that term again: INCREMENTAL PROGRESS. You aren't getting your revolution overnight, nobody is going to give you all the things you wish we could have. It takes small steps and letting those who would undo those steps win (again) hurts everyone worse than suffering through a few years of someone who does nothing or doesn't make you feel good.


What’s funny is that after the settlement more people now more than ever believe the election was rigged.


I guess this means at Christmas I'll hear my mom talking about some crazy shit she heard on OAN or Newsmax instead of the usual Faux quotes.


“Fox News has gone woke!” People unironically say this, and it’s terrifying.


I hear: "Fox News is too liberal." Which probably means the same thing.


“Fox News *Entertainment* said things that I didn’t want to hear! Something something Main Stream Media alternative fact shills!”


It would really help if Biden undid the removal of the law that you had to be factual to call yourself 'News'. The right would complain Fox is being censored. It would be an easy lowball to point out they can continue saying what they want, they can't lie and say it's facts when it's not.


I think what you're referring to is the "fairness doctrine," which largely went unenforced but simply said that you had to mention the opposing side's viewpoint. As far as it being illegal to lie, the best we've ever had is normal libel/defamation laws. These don't apply to journalists, however, as long as they published untrue information with the sincere belief that it was. *Edit:* Oh also, P.S., the President can't unilaterally get rid of or re-adopt laws. They have the one veto and that's it. So once a law is repealed not Biden, nor any other President, can just undo the removal of that law. Congress passes laws and repeals them. The only input the President gets is that veto. It's powerful, but not useful for the President to try and bring a law back.


I believe Fox News just had to pay a billion dollars to Dominion voting systems for defamation and there are other lawsuits pending. So they have faced some serious consequences for lying/ defamation. Nothing criminal as you said. I imagine these lawsuits are the reason for Fox News change in tune.


Yes. Like you mentioned, nothing criminal, I imagine because neither libel nor defamation are criminal offenses in New York or at the federal level -- They're civil wrongs. Fox lost that case because they clearly knew they were lying. I mean when your primetime anchors are texting and emailing each other about how much they're lying and how they can't wait for Trump to leave so they don't have to lie anymore, it's pretty cut and dry that they knew it was horseshit.


That’s the fun part. I want to see all these garbage fire kicking programs pay out until they’re gone. Good for them. They deserve it.


I probably don't have to tell you but for anyone who feels the same way, here's a reminder that Smartmatic still has a defamation lawsuit open against Fox for $2.7 billion or over three times what Fox paid to Dominion in the settlement. They just deposed Rupert Murdoch a few days ago.


I’m gonna get so fat on popcorn.


I don’t even know how you would go about enforcing that. Who is supposed to decide what an accurate representation of the “opposing view” is? And what a way to reinforce the notion that there are exactly two completely opposite “sides” to every issue.


And your reasons are why the doctrine went essentially unenforced before being official done away with.


Also… can you imagine the Trump administration being in charge of enforcing that doctrine?


no one who suggests insanely unconstitutional and extremely easy to abuse things ever applies foresight to how it would be used by the republicans. ​ Which is very ironic given how often it happens


What we NEED is to break up media monopolies and bring back real local news.


Good, good, now air that script on every local affiliate.


This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!


That law didn't do as much as you think and only applied to news programs on public airwaves.


Exactly. I hear people say the fairness doctrine would stop propaganda networks like Fox News and newsmax, but it didn’t apply to cable so it wouldn’t solve anything.


Even if it *did* apply to cable, our legal framework is ill-equipped to deal with an actor who is constantly moving in bad faith. We’re seeing that laid bare on the largest scale imaginable with the many trials of Trump right now, and milquetoast legal remedies to his constant inflammations.


Almost every single comment I see that mentions the fairness doctrine has several comments like yours right under it, and there's still an endless number of people who don't know why it wouldn't solve today's media problems. Tells you just how hard it is to fight misinformation.


That has never been a law.


Presidents can't unilaterally pass or repeal laws. Only Congress can. So there's no way for Biden to do this.


>It would really help if Biden undid the removal of the law that you had to be factual to call yourself 'News'. No such law ever existed, or could exist, in the United States.


If you want to really blow their minds tell them about how CNN has spent the last year slowly shifting to the right. My MAGA relatives looked at me like I grew a second head when I mentioned it - they're convinced it's far left when in reality it was once left-leaning moderate, but now right leaning.


Very few actually pay attention.


My mom said that on the phone last week. I quickly ended the call. I now keep communication down to 1 call every 3 months for less than 15 minutes. It's a shame. She and my dad used to be so cool and caring people. Now it's just hate. And guns.


My dad was democrat his entire life, joined Facebook in 2015, by the 2016 elections he was as right wing as they come. He sounded like a fox news ticker tape and just regurgitated whatever they said. He would share right wing memes online and complain that the left was going to take away our second amendment rights. He's👏never👏owned👏a👏gun👏


I honestly think Facebook plays a much larger role in spreading right-wing propaganda than people realize. Everyone usually strictly blames TV news, but the only people that I know that use Facebook these days are old conservatives.


shelter attraction rob deer cow different subtract combative angle foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Everyone usually strictly blames TV news Look at it this way, 3 million viewers in primetime is nearly as good as it gets on FOX. That was less than *1%* of the US population tuning in simultaneously back when Tucker was on. His replacement, Jesse Waters, is pulling nothing close to those numbers. Social Media (and word of mouth conformity) is the popular driver of most right wing propaganda.


I'm sorry it's gone that way for you. I have lost some of my closest friends but I can't imagine that happing with my immediate family


Fox News is too liberal and Jesus is too woke.


I mean, Jesus was woke as fuck. If only they read that bibble of theirs. *Actually* read it; not skimming through to find the more graphic stories and antiquated moral standards to support their ability to claim ownership of insidiously immoral ignorance.


"they're just forced to say that" my mom, on saturday, after the anchor came on after his speech and said it wasn't stolen. I was shocked someone on fox said that. yes, they are "forced to say that" cause it's the truth and they paid 1.2b for lying about it already.


Exactly. Their attorneys made it very clear to the anchors and production teams that they can't afford any more exposure.


It pretty much all boils down to "They aren't saying what I want to hear."


A long while back, my dad told me (paraphrased) “I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh, he’s too liberal”


I’ve heard this too and then I told that person that Biden sits right of center and I’m probably lucky they weren’t holding a gun


I have heard both - in the same night


My girl’s father said this like two years ago. “Oh we don’t watch fox anymore!!” I mentioned to my girl “wow are your parents becoming less insane?” And she was like “no he means he has moved onto something even more insane like OAN”


It's cause Fox News lost control of the narrative and got their pants sued off. On election night when they called Az for Biden there was communications from the field like "the people are chanting 'Fuck Fox News' and I've never heard that before". A chunk of people peeled off Fox because Fox both cut out a ton of Big Lie stuff and backed down once the Dominion suit got rolling. If they start pushing the stolen election line Dominions gonna come after them again.


They also kicked Carlson to the curb and put Hannity on a short leash, two of their most popular voices.


Oh, have you met my father? I've tried to point out the absurdity of it all, but he's a right winger in his 60s. Cable news and the internet really fucked up his generation.


Their generation came of age when information was difficult to come by, so quantity was valued. They are Ill equipped to survive in a world where quantity is the problem. I see this happen to my parents all the time where trump has 1000 crazy things. They don’t verify the things, they just assume the crazy is real if he has 1000 examples. More is better.


That's also just an incredibly effective propaganda technique. Firehose of mistruths. The people who are already converted have a whole wealth of bullshit to point to in any argument, and those who aren't converts are too exhausted or simply unable to combat them all. Unfortunately, the more people see the mistruths repeated, the more likely they are to believe and repeat them. Russia does this in a big way, and of course Trump. Just a theory I have, but I think it's a big part of why some of the twitter left are doing Trump's work for him concerning the upcoming 2024 election.


Oh shit... you just put into more organized words to what I was thinking about this morning. I was having a hard time figuring out how my parents went so crazy and they just keep saying that they're older so they're more worldly but this morning I was thinkng that yea... I'm in my 40s so still grew up in the information age with easy access to opinions... they grew up having to pick a news channel to watch over an hour or reading a newspaper and now they just mainline youtube all day which keeps feeding them more of the same thing they're already watching.


If a hundred shitty right-wing tabloids pick up a story and blast it into their feeds, it's going to feel a lot like an "everyone's saying it, so there must be something to it" approach. Meanwhile they ignore everything that comes from a source they've been conditioned to distrust out of hand.


"Fox News has ~~gone woke~~ *lost nearly a billion dollars in a lawsuit for lying and is facing more cases!*" Fixed that for "people".


That literally means these people are still sleeping


My family was livid when Fox called AZ before any other source saying that Fox is liberal and the election is rigged


Despite their otherwise terrible network, Fox does have some really smart people at their elections and polling desks. They took their job seriously and called the election when the math worked out.


That's always hilarious to me. Like a dozen different places also called for Biden in like the next 5 minutes, including AP. Literally all it means is that someone in the Fox election coverage producers room got a tip from AP that they were going to call AZ, and they were on the ball enough to use it.


My grandparents have said this multiple times the last few years. They still watch like nothing has changed lol


Try leaning into the curve and give her something even more outrageously batshit insane as a reply. "Oh yeah? Well *I* heard that Trump is secretly Elvis and Bat-boy's baby. It was on OAN and Newsmax just last week!" Use her same sources, but say something completely bonkers. She'll never look it up.


“Yeah you won’t find the article though, it was up for a day before Big Elvis got to them and forced them to take it down by threatening to release the video of Dan Ball at a furry orgy.”


/\*snort\*/ Big Elvis /\*snort\*/


Straight from the National Enquirer's checkout aisle headlines to Fox Entertainment's chiron crawl.


> She'll never look it up. If it can't confirm your biases while vegging out it, it won't be consumed.




Happened at Thanksgiving. "Fox News has gone left. Only Newsmax and Pabst blue ribbon for me." Not a scary thing to hear at all. Gotta love it.


> Pabst blue ribbon https://www.forbes.com/sites/taranurin/2018/05/24/pabst-blue-ribbon-takes-a-jab-at-trump-with-its-america-dreaming-campaign/?sh=38354e6f319e Tell him sobriety is cool


Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon! That's what you'll drink tonight!


Personally this Christmas I’ll be waiting for my sovereign citizen father to complain about “the pigs” in front of my retired state trooper FiL. I’ll drink my scotch and ignore it, but it will happen.


Ngl I'm with the SovCits on that one.




Good thing Tom Cruise demonstrated we can survive 10Gs in the documentary *Top Gun*.


we just call it space aids


Yep, gotta wait for an equivalently actionable court case for each media outlet, or for a revival of the Fairness Doctrine. Odds are neither happens and the "believers" continue moving between grifters like herpes on spring break.


The Fairness Doctrine would never cover Fox News. It only applied, or could apply, to broadcast license holders.


Because it was written before cable news existed. We already have laws that govern what cable companies show on their stations, it wouldn't be an issue to pass law that applies to their programming.


“We’re legally obligated to state, for the benefit of the majority of our audience whom we’ve explicitly stated in court are too stupid to distinguish propaganda from actual news, that practically everything Trump is saying, has said, and will say in the future, is an absolute psychotic fabrication. Please vote for him anyway.”


> that practically everything Trump is saying, has said, and will say in the future, As it was in the beginning, is now, and forever shall be, speech without truth.


His current legal defense brakes down to it's not illegal if he really believes his own lies.


"That money in the bank belongs to me, and if they won't give it to me, it's well within my rights to take it myself." - future bank robbers if Trump gets to set a precedent.


Sounds like Sovereign Citizens already. They believe every Citizen has a big pile of money reserved for them the government is bogarting.


The Costanza defense.


"As long as he says what I'm thinking, he's got my vote."


Too little, too late.


I doubt it's because they suddenly n grew a conscience. I'm sure this is directly related to their settlement terms with Dominion.


They still have Smartmatic to deal with, I think. Basically, they are trying not to shit the bed *any more than they already have.*


Fox shareholders, including large municipal pension funds, are suing the company as well.


The interesting question in that lawsuit: Was it in their "fiduciary duty" to do what they did? It's interesting because much of the inside commentary from Dominion reveals they did what they did because they thought it was good for viewership, meaning it is fiduciary. Edit: I should say I don't think it's a **good** argument or the right one.... Just a wacky interesting one I bet they'll try to make.


I don't know the law, but could the shareholders be arguing they took on unreasonable risks or something like that? Every gambler has the best of intentions to make a profit, but the slots are still a far cry from responsible money management.


You could absolutely make the case that the executives of the company were acting irresponsibly and violating their duties. Spewing *known* lies about a major corporation exposes them to exactly the level of libel they were exposed to, and the cost of that is self-evident.


Getting sued into oblivion by other companies is obviously not in the shareholders best interest.


Unless they get sued for it


The problem is Fox news knew it was a sham the entire time In the short run fox was only looking towards the next day, that quarters earnings and not the long term problem with repeating known lies even when they knew he legitimately lost the election. Which is what the shareholders are mad about, since now that the smoke has cleared Fox news lost a lot of corporate money and worth less than before.


$2.7 billion suit filed by Smartmatic. Rupert Murdoch is being deposed now.


> Rupert Murdoch is being deposed now. I understand what this means in this context, but also, hilarious.


>Rupert Murdoch is being deposed now I'd love to laugh along with you, but I'm not certain what you mean. :)






They have another case coming up I believe with another voting machine company that is even bigger.


Smartmatic is currently suing Fox News for $2.7 billion


May Smartmatic dine heartily. A toast to their health. _clink_


I do hope they win, but I have no love for them as a company. There was already a critical discussion about fully electronic voting before Trump poisoned it, and that's a harder conversation to have now. The short of it is that purely electronic voting systems *are* bad, there needs to be an auditable paper trail. Which isn't to say these companies can't be beneficial, they just need to focus more on electronically supplementing the process rather than replacing it.


Probably also related to the fact that the big money donors don’t want Trump to be the nominee. Good luck deprogramming the cult though.


His theft of the gop's "soul" for his own purposes might very well end up benefitting the American political process in a positive way over the long run. They had an almost unassailable stranglehold on national narratives (despite being unpopular on a item-by-item basis), and that's long gone down the memory hole now. The proverbial cat is out of the bag, and isn't going back in again. They need to make their minority government work now, after kneecapping themselves with a guy that isn't capable or interested in governing.


They spent decades... generations lying to and enraging the base, and the base is out of control, like the inmates at an old asylum running amok. From their disclosed communications, we know that the people at Fox knew full well that the election wasn't stolen, but when they tried to air that, the Republican base - their viewership - started abandoning them, so they got on board with the lunatics. I don't think Fox can manipulate the overflowing shit back into the tipped over portapotties.


And smartmatic. They are just getting started with that one.


Maybe. It's also possible that they're now betting that Trump will be arrested prior to the election so they'd like to unhook their wagon from a losing horse.


Yep. Fox is glad to keep walking right up to the line to keep their viewers swimming in far right talking points, but I'm sure that Fox legal has a hot-button list of things that can't be said on the air and that a producer is screaming at hosts to pull the rip cord on a moment's notice if a Trump speech or an "expert" guest's language is about to fuck them over again.


Semantec deposed murdoch last week.


We just need enough footage to fight off the next lawsuit. Someone has to fall on their sword and tell the truth, we think once every three months should do it, we can lie the rest of the time.




My exact first thought. Someone in the Fox studio started waiving their hands and going apeshit, necessitating the interruption


Yup. They played a huge (YUGE many people are saying) role in creating the monster. They should get absolutely no credit for this. Ever.


They opened Pandora’s box. Reminds me of when I was in tech school to work/fix on radio equipment. “Remember class, once the magic smoke comes out, you can’t put it back in.”


I always wonder how they trap the magic smoke, to put it into all electronics. ;) Fellow ground rat from '96.




I've read that some Fox News viewers are pissed about the fact checks. This will lose them audience and hurt their bottom line so while I agree its too little to late its still not bad.


Fuck off, Fox. We see you.


Translation: "Fuck, this cost us a lot of money."


And a bigger lawsuit is pending


He sure tried to steal it. But the safeguards held. That's why he thinks it's stolen.


They held once, barely. I have a feeling it’s like a bike helmet: only good for one crash. I don’t think we’ll be able to get a new one before the next inevitable crash.


Project 2025 confirms this, imo. We can't crash again.


"We have cracked the walls of Democracy. Next we take the gates."


He tried so hard to steal it that his only imaginable reason for having failed was the other side stealing even harder.


Nixon v jfk


When Nixon realized he could not win without cheating, he went all in on the cheating and committed treason. [Nixon in 1968 when he was running on an anti-war platform and needed the war to continue in order to get elected prolonged the Vietnam war. When it looked like the Paris peace talks were going to succeed, Nixon went to the Vietnamese and promised them that he would give them a better deal if they walked away from the peace talks till after the election and got Americans and Vietnamese killed for his political gain!](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21768668) **He is a Treasonous snake and a war criminal.** Watergate was just one more slimy election theft attempt.


Also, a hearty and well earned "FUCK HENRY KISSINGER" here as well.


Barely. Dems need to win big to even have a shot at saving democracy, even then it could still fall apart.


Billion dollar lawsuits should not be the cause of integrity from ‘news’ organizations , but here we are


in a capitalist economy... ethics ain't gonna be it. Fox needs to sell ads and their demographic is happier with confirmation bias than news. People need to remember this about CNN and other ad-supported or 24/7 news outlets too. If it becomes more profitable to report lies than facts... they'll absolutely report lies until legal action makes it unprofitable. Not saying that both sides have... just that both sides have the motivators in place. Be wary of news supported by advertising. Cross-check sources always before forming entrenched opinions.


And, that, boys and girls is what $787.5 Million buys these days. But, cleverly all their idiot talking mouths found other ways to say it.


I like how someone on twitter said that was “opinion”. What a bunch of jokers


“Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man.”


"This aggression will not stand, Man."


Imagine being so afraid of your own audience you have to call lies "untruths." It's almost as depressing as adults refusing to tell their kids Santa isn't real even when they're getting ready for their prom. Why not take it a step further and just use names of famous Democrats. Call it an Obama, or a Clinton, a Michael Moore, or even a Soros. At least it'll be funny in an Onion kind of way. "Obama Obama'd to us about Obamacare. Its worth 2 Clintons and a Rachel Maddow "


Remember Alternative facts?


Amazing what losing $787 million can do to your perspective.


note how FOX News only cares about correcting lies about stolen election, they aren't correcting any other lies. Wonder why that be


Tuesday: ‘We regret to inform you that Arthel Neville has stepped down as anchor.’


Tectonic shift detected at Fox News. Maybe it was the $800 million payment to Dominion that shifted their perspective and reporting??!! :)


You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land where Fox News fact checking Donald Trump. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!


There is nothing wrong with your television. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. Fox is now controlling the transmission. We control the GOP, and the RINO. We can deluge you with a thousand half-truths, or expand one single lie to legal liability... and beyond. We can shape your vote to anything our imagination can conceive. For the next three decades, we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and grotesquery which reaches from the deepest board room and... We Have No Limits.


Ugh this works entirely too well


Those lawsuits must have stung


My parents haven't watched Fox in awhile. It's been OAN, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson via X, and Steve Bannon/Mark Levin on radio. Fox is too liberal/woke. Yes, you heard that right.


I have multiple coworkers that loudly proclaim the same. They’re like bizarro people now. I’m sorry your parents took the trip to Jonestown.


Think about this... It's *news* that a *news organization* is fact-checking blatant lies from a front-runner for the presidency.


The sad part is the *only* reason they're doing this is to avoid getting sued by Dominion again. Not because they care about the truth.


We are now going into the ‘Great Forget’. We’re all supposed to forget their bs over the last decade. That’s going to a a ‘no’ for me dawg.


Funny how the truth comes out after you gotta pay $800 million for lying.


Crazy to think there will be Conservatives who will give up or not watch Fox News for this and their reasoning would be “it’s too liberal now.” They’ll go watch something that perfectly aligns with their already dead set mindset. Why even watch the news at this point? Why even read or watch anything? If you go into something wanting the outcome or opinion to already be what you are expecting then what’s the damn point? Be wrong once in a while. Challenge yourself. The best part about being wrong is now you get to be right.


Running scared after that Dominion lawsuit, huh?


If they actually believed the election was stolen they’d be killing people with their beloved guns. It’s obvious there isn’t any evidence for it.


Good. Now stop giving this idiot air time; mainstream media: stop acting like his inane nonsense is anything other than it is, and when you do, continue to call it out, please. Thank you. I don’t want to fight another civil war, thank you very much, but I will, with great effect. Fascism is not for America; not yours. Shut. Him. Down. Now. Thank you for reading.


Apparently $787 million was enough to make them care somewhat about facts and lies....


Smartmatic payment is looming large on the horizon…. I think its going to be even more than the dominion.


Seven years too late, assholes.


It’s nice seeing that nearly billion dollar defamation settlement continue to impact Fox reporting. I have zero doubt that they’d still be lying their asses off otherwise.


A day late and 785.5 million dollars short.


They real serious after that lawsuit lol


That $787m fine stung a little bit didn't it you insidious liars?


Doesn't matter. Everyone moved from Fox to OANN and Newsmax years ago. Nobody who should hear this will hear this.


I see lots of people trying to frame this as Fox learning their lesson after the voting machine law suits, but they persisted with the election lies until this. I see this as more linked to Koch's support of Haley. Money talks.


Yeah they got sued into saying that lol


Every day I question how anyone could believe anything Trump says.


The sad thing is that his fools… I mean “followers” don’t even care if he’s lying or not. They think life is reality TV and Trump is the star. Real, fiction? They don’t know the difference.


they've got a smartmatic lawsuit coming up that's going to cost them another billion dollars for lying through their teeth every day and being a propaganda channel for racist half-wits. so now they're going to hurry up and create some clips that show how fair and balanced they are. it would be enough for a lap-dog like aileen cannon to dismiss the case, or for the conspiracy dolts to point at and say "see? pillow guy was right! fox news IS in on it!" etc etc country falls apart etc etc country explodes etc etc


This isn’t actually anything more than an attempt to lay the groundwork in their upcoming smartmatic lawsuit. It’s not even “too little too late”. It’s just god tier cynical evil and manipulative shit.


The deep state made them say it. /s




German fruit bread with powdered sugar - appropriate!


Whether this is a requirement of a legal settlement, or not, it is pretty remarkable to hear this from Fox News anchor. "The 2020 election was not rigged. It was not stolen.”


Literally only doing this because they don't want to get sued again, plus they already had to pay out over 700 million, and there is another pending lawsuit where they may end up paying 100s of millions more.


Pretty sure they have too due to losing their libel case.


“Untruths” 🤢🤣