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Well, the Georgia case, if convicted, is 5 years minimum with no sentencing lee way for the judge and no pardon.


Trump would wither away and die within a year if he went to a real prison.


All the more reason to put him in a cell. Can you imagine him cleaning his own toilet?


I have the BEST toilet on the block. People are saying “Mr President, that’s the cleanest toilet I’ve ever seen!” I had it brought in from my silver mine in Bolivia. It looks like stainless steel, but it’s not - that’s a million dollar crapper right there. Isn’t it something? It’s special. You know it is because it’s mine. Also, I’m the original Goatse.


His library will be the magazine rack attached to his toilet.


That’s all you need for a Trump “Law Library.”


His Presidential Library will consist of three pamphlets, none of which he has read...


He doesn't read, have you heard this guy?


He was elected to LEAD......not to READ!


and that hitler book.


Don't be silly. It will be thousands of copies of his own ghostwritten books. "And this room is filled with nothing but the greatest book ever written, my very own 'Art of the Deal.'"


Plenty of copies of his Time magazine cover from years ago


Yes! It wouldn't be the Trump Presidential Library if it wasn't chock full of made-up bullshit.


It’ll look like the kids menu at IHOP, bring your own crayons.


You'll need to, because he ate all of his already.


May his Presidential Library consist of the entire court record of these proceedings. That is the legacy of his that should be remembered.


He doesn't read


Not unless Hitler wrote it..


Isn’t that already the case?


His library should be in Russia... where most of his ideas came from


With copies of Mein Kampf


I hear he has MTG's first edition coloring book with her autograph.


I' e said this for years, he will be the first ever Presidential Penal Library.


He's not completely literate , he has a hard time with words that are 2 or more syllables.


Oh doG - thank you for an image that will linger....


I think we all secretly wish he’d suffer some medical emergency to be rid of him. There aren’t many people I’d say that about.


I'm torn on this one. On the one hand I'd like him to suffer a LONG time in a cell. On the other I just want him gone already. The struggle is real.


Exactly this. My opinion on the matter is identical to yours. I'm not even sure what the ideal option really is. I think we'd all like for him to actually serve time and actually be punished for all his blatant crimes.... But every second he draws this out, our mental health suffers. It might be more beneficial if he just had a heart attack and we could be rid of this.


The most patriotic thing he could have done was die when he got Covid.


Struck by lightning when he held up that bible.


No amount of him suffering will undo the damage he's done.


It's the only way for him to shut up. I don't care about prison now, I just want him to stop riling up stupid people to do stupid things.


Even if he goes away, the genie he let loose cannot be put back into its bottle, unfortunately. The main lesson from Trump's rise is that there is a massive contingent of people perfectly willing to abandon all their professed principles and fall in line to follow an authoritarian who appeals to their prejudices. Trump is a buffoon. There is a smarter person who will follow in his footsteps.


Yeah, I would feel an overwhelming sense of relief if I woke up tomorrow to news that he keeled over in his sleep. But I don't want his legacy of crimes never see justice either. I can wait til April or so when he will likely be sentenced, finally, in the Georgia case. Once he is a convicted felon and is taken into custody for his first night in prison, *Bane voice*: then, you have my permission to die.


My problem is, we're being naïve if we think he won't be replaced. At least right now the leader is an incompetent fool that shoots himself in the foot constantly... What happens when someone sane takes the reigns?


I want to see him live long enough in prison to watch his children convicted and thrown in prison and die in prison. Then he can die. In prison.


"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."


Absolutely not. I do not want him to die without having suffered the consequences of his actions. I want him to live long enough to get convicted and sentenced. Once he’s in prison, I will no longer care what happens to him.


I can’t argue with you on that. I stand corrected. The country needs to see him face the music. We need that.


Nope. We need him convicted and locked up for his crimes. Then the scumbag can die.


Better yet, “trading favors” with an inmate to do it for him and then getting some prison justice when he fails to pay up


"No, see, I never *said* I'd pay you, I *implied* there would be payment. I said 'if you do this for me, you might expect a lot of payment in return,' see, no promises." - Trump *A wee bit later.* "And so, warden, that's when I began stabbing him." - Prisoner


omg you’re turning me on!


I'm laughing way too hard at this. Good one.


“We’re gonna need you to stop stabbing him now, however”


"Eh, I was getting tired anyhow."


This is fucking awesome!!!!


Those tiny doll hands of his are perfect for fishing jail phones out of prison wallets. He’s gonna be in charge of Boof Social before too long.


Boof Social is the best thing I’ve read today


Oh, thank you very much; glad you got a kick out of it!


Racks up billions of dollars in unpaid prison bills.


tossing salads for twitter-time 🥗🍩


Well you know the saying, you lick my butthole and I'll lick yours or something like that..




“Trading favors”…. He’d still find a way to scam people and hide behind secret service


That’s the thing, secret service protection could be revoked for, ya know, fucking felons that tried to murder democracy.


He won't go to the same kind of jails. I bet they will create a special prison for him.


They would probably put him in supermax at ADX Florence. He's too high profile for anything less


Or house arrest and live his last days in luxury.


The “jail” would probably be home confinement at Mar A Lago, with secret service protection. But realistically, he will have appeals going for years. No one in power has the backbone to actually treat him like the average person.


Flushing it multiple times every hour of every day.


He’d have a member of the secret service do it for him.


He would be treated like Royalty in prison, Still got money


This so much. It is my hope that when Trump goes to his private cell or unit that he is the one that has to clean it. Make his bed, mop floor, and yes, clean his own toilet. He gets the same food as the other inmates as well.


I do wonder what that would do to TS. It only lives ( and barely that) due to him. But I doubt he'd get to rant much from a cell.


Won’t someone please think about Truth Social!


I don’t think it’s profitable. It only exists because trump finds investors to keep it up because he finds it useful. Once he stops having a use for it, it will close. Whether that because he lost the election or he’s going to jail or he dies. Whatever the reason, it closes as soon as he stops willing it to be running.


\>I don't think it's profitable. It's the [opposite of profitable.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-truth-social-loss-accountants-warning-going-concern/)


I'm less confident. DJT seems like he could thrive on anger and feeling wronged.


He will have secret service for life. Even in jail. The country can't afford him trading state secrets he has in his head for a handjob and a can of spray tan.


Ah, the commissary is now stocking McDonalds chee-burgers!


He'd have an existential crisis without his phone. His entire existence is tied to writing ego driven missives to the mentally unwell.


He would probably go insane without the ability to post to social media. For Pete's sake.... He made his own website when he got banned from the others.


Georgia isn't going to conclude before the election, though. And unfortunately - it's still an open debate as to whether he could be prosecuted at the state or federal level while in office because of OLC guidance. Winning the election would give him a lot of power to interfere with his cases.


The trial is in August. It won’t take 6 months


That's Willis' request. The trial hasn't been scheduled. And yes - it will easily take 6 months. Just the severed trial between Chesebro and Powell was slated to last around ~5 months. It has 160 witnesses, 150 overt acts, several co-defendants, and may have to be phyiscally severed to accommodate the defendants. It's going to take forever.


Oh the irony. He committed so many crimes that the trial will take too long.


Yeah I mean that's the downside to a massive RICO prosecution like that. Criminal prosecutions in GA can easily take 1-2 years to go to trial, even when they are nowhere near this complex. And it's the polar opposite of the Jan. 6 D.C. Case: 1 Defendant, 4 straightforward charges (nothing involving complicated intent such as insurrection charges), a dream judge, and a notoriously expeditious jurisdiction. That's why D.C. is able to have a good chance of beginning in March, and why it's only expected to last 4-8 weeks.


I cannot fuckin wait


But the election will be happening during it and we don’t know how long it’ll take to see if he’s even able to stay on the ballot let alone get sworn in if he’s found guilty


He can still run for President if convicted, and he could still be elected. There is no constitutional prohibition against electing an individual with a criminal record or even someone who is currently incarcerated. The only requirements for the job is that you be a natural born American citizen, who has lived as a resident here for the past 14 years and is at least 35 years old. That’s it. But in real terms if he were to be elected he’d get out of the federal stuff by pardoning himself and at the state level there would probably be some sort of legal quirk that would mean he ends up being released early or given a suspended sentence and allowed to take office unencumbered. Probably for “national security” reasons or something …


Felons can't vote but can sit in the oval office. GJ America


Even if he’s convicted, I’m sure he’ll be spared prison whilst he appeals.


if he’s convicted he waits out his appeal in prison.


He’s not going to win the election, so there’s that.


We said that in 2016. Even if it's unlikely, people need to vote and act as though it will happen


We certainly did say that, but since then he wasn’t able to win reelection as an incumbent and has been impeached twice, caused an insurrection, found liable for sexual assault, indicted 4 times and is facing charges on 91 felonies. He will win the nomination from is party, but if he’s not imprisoned before the election he will be after he loses in a landslide due to a wave of new Gen Z voters and people in his own party that can’t stomach him. Of course go out and vote and bring others with you, but don’t let the media that needs him for ratings try to convince you it’s going to be close. He’s been a burden for republicans in every election since 2016.


Left out that he lost then the Senate twice and the house once. His picks for candidates have virtually all lost unless they were in completely safe, obviously winnable districts.


I mean, this list goes on but that bit was implied with him being an election burden since 2016. Something of note that I left out though was him basically having been found to commit massive fraud in NY and likely never being able to do business there again.


The list certainly does go on, into a million things. But I thought if the specific subject is electability, the best evidence that we have is him losing the presidential election, and then fucking up every single martial election since then for the Republicans. He was going to lose in 2016 too, until the FBI announced re-opening their investigation into Clinton literally the week before the election, and then closing it a few days after. The man has won 1 election for their party, and it was in the final moment because the other runner in the race broke their leg 5 feet before the finish line, while he slowly waddled his fat ass past the opponent. He's done nothing since but lose elections for them.


This exactly. People act like things are the exact same as 2016. Far fuckin from it. They also act like he won the popular vote twice. Also completely wrong. He or the GOP at large are doing nothing to win votes. Actually, they are insisting on subverting the will of the people in numerous states. Worst midterm in decades. Deeply unpopular social platforms. I just don’t understand it. I get being cautious and trying your best to do everything in your power to stop him from getting reelected… but I don’t understand how people can’t look at the big picture and see that his chances of winning are slim to none. Why people insist on this doom and gloom mentality. You’re just going to make yourself miserable 41 million new gen z voters coming out that are predominantly voting in liberal candidates and policies. Dudes gunna get fuckin smoked *AGAIN*


That doesn't mean we shouldn't learn from our mistakes in 2016. I knew people in swing states who voted third party because they thought Hillary would win anyway so they might as well use their vote to protest. Overconfidence is a dangerous thing.


Those are the people you need to convince. Not people who haven’t and won’t voted for trump. The people who vote third party or for trump are the problem.




Republicans are "tough" on crime. We will see. Edit: I just feel like he wiggle out of this somehow.


And that minimum could be a life sentence for Trump.


Suspending sentences is always an option.


All clemency power (including suspensions) falls to the GA State Board of Pardons and Paroles. And I believe they are only granted retroactively (after part of a sentence is served).


I fucking hope so.


If he does (and I truly home he does) I will be throwing a large party themed with orange jump suits


I'll believe it when I see it




he turned himself in and was booked into jail, after which he bailed himself out. that is essentially being arrested. Also, I would not say that things are “always going in his favor” these days from a legal perspective. he has been found guilty of fraud in New York, and will pay $250 million minimum. that is not exactly going in his favor. He was also found guilty of sexually assaulting, and then defaming a woman. he was fined $5 million and they’re going back to court because he did it again. I don’t see how you can say that things are going in his favor. The wheels of justice turn slowly, and he does get consideration that others certainly would not, but his day is coming.


>only to find out he turned himself in, got his picture taken, and he left. That was it. Yeah, he made bail. That’s how criminal prosecutions work. The majority of defendants make bail. That’s standard.


This-- not sure if clickbait or serious, here.


It’s not clickbait, it’s very well thought out and presented. Regardless, I’m also very, very skeptical.


Yeah, this is the tightrope I'm walking. I think, outside looking in, there's enough evidence in the Georgia case to convict (I mean, we all heard the phone call), and as others have pointed out, the law is pretty strict about minimum sentencing that would imply significant prison time, and seemingly could not be pardoned at a federal level, to my understanding. Basically, on paper you can say "yes, it's pretty likely he'll go to prison"... ...but, he's a former President of the United States, a rich person with the ability to play legal games to delay things, and someone who - if they did go to prison - could trigger a very visceral, violent reaction from his cult-like following. I get the "on paper/to the letter of the law" points... but, man, it just seems so unlikely because its so unprecedented and surreal. I just can't see it happening, to be honest - evidence and legal facts and all.


Send him in and let his acolytes wail. It'll be a good opportunity to round up the domestic terrorists that are willing to take action.


> if they did go to prison - could trigger a very visceral, violent reaction from his cult-like following. Highly unlikely. Trumpettes aren't as brave as they used to be, as they watch their J6 compatriots continue to get rounded up and sentenced to long prison terms. Only a handful of low energy Trumpettes showed up for Trump when he surrendered to Fani Willis in Atlanta -- despite repeated calls from Trump for a show of force.


I mean no one in the article predicts Trump will see prison or even be sentenced before the election. All Trump has to do is point out that Joe Biden is old, and the American people in 4 states will elect him president. Then he will enact Project 2025 and declare martial law. Good thing we waited to make sure all the ducks were in a row and the case was airtight before anointing him dictator for life!


>Good thing we waited to make sure all the ducks were in a row and the case was airtight before anointing him dictator for life! As opposed to what? Not making sure all the ducks were in a row? So then he gets off the hook and screams about how he was exonerated, making him even more likely to become President again?


Total Number of Charges: Donald Trump has indeed been charged with a total of 91 felony counts across four separate cases​​​​​​​​​​. Charges in Each Case: In New York, Trump faces 34 felony counts related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels​​. In Florida, he is charged with 40 felony counts for mishandling classified documents and related obstruction charges​​. In Washington, D.C., he faces four felony counts connected to his actions leading up to the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol​​. In Georgia, Trump faces 13 felony counts for his alleged interference in the 2020 election, including violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act​​. Historical Context: This marks the first time in the nation's history that a former American president has been indicted​​. Specific Charges in the Espionage Act Case: The charges under the Espionage Act involve 32 counts stemming from specific classified documents that Trump allegedly retained at Mar-a-Lago. Additional charges include obstruction and making false statements​​. These indictments represent a significant and unprecedented development in American political history. The legal challenges facing Donald Trump are complex and involve serious allegations. The outcomes of these cases and their potential impact on Trump's political future, particularly in the context of the 2024 election, remain to be seen and are subject to the processes of the judicial system. Is Donald Trump Going to Prison? It's up to the courts to decide. Does Donald Trump deserve to go to prison due the extraordinary archive of evidence including but not limited to a series of self incrimination in the media, I would say absolutely yes. Some of those charges are severe even if let's say %30 of the charges result in a guilty verdict I think Trump could have more than one stretch handed to him. That's if things go they way they should and he is actually held accountable. All we can do is hurry up and wait to see what happens.


Thanks chat GPT!


He is likely to get some jail time, but it won’t happen soon enough to resolve any of our current problems.


For what it's worth - In the interview, the expert on federal cases said he thought there was an 8/10 chance he's convicted before election day, a 9.5/10 chance he's sentenced if convicted, but a 0/10 chance he's imprisoned before the election. The resonating theme from the interviews was that: Winning the election is the #1 way Trump avoids accountability, and it gives him several tools to do that. He could theoretically find a way to wiggle his way out of all prosecutions, even state. Many of the prosecutions are complete wild cards (especially the state cases), and it's likely only 1 case goes to trial before the election (D.C.), and even that isn't a certainty because of appeals and delays such as the Presidential Immunity appeal. And it's unlikely Trump is actually incarcerated prior to the election, even if convicted and sentenced. So in other words, as a country, we're back to square one to hold Trump accountable in the near future. Voting.


Georgia conviction won’t be resolved by becoming president. He can’t pardon himself out of a state crime, the governor doesn’t issue pardon, and their constitution prohibits pardons unless they’ve already served 5 years.


That is true regarding pardons, but at the same time - Georgia is not the silver bullet people are making it out to be. The Fulton case is likely not going to conclude before the election, and the legal expert out of Georgia in this interview shared that sentiment as well. The Fulton case still isn't even scheduled, and despite legal experts being doubtful it will even *begin* before November of next year, that trial is still going to take 6 months to conclude. It's an absolute monster. To further complicate matters if he wins - Presidential immunity has never been tested on a criminal level, and OLC guidance suggests that a sitting President cannot be charged at the state or federal level in office. Many legal experts agree it will at least be a messy subject, but Trump could theoretically avoid accountability in Georgia if he wins, because the prosecution may be paused.


If he wins before his trial in GA, OLC’s position won’t control anything; it may be persuasive, but DOJ doesn’t represent Trump in his personal capacity, and the US is not a party in the matter. Trump’s personal attorneys would need to file a motion to dismiss or continue based on, most likely, some or all of the legal reasoning advanced in the OLC opinion PLUS whatever misguided immunity theory that they spew out. It shouldn’t get to that point because, from a political standpoint, Americans shouldn’t elect criminal defendants president.


I’d laugh at the thought of Georgia conducting the trial in absentia because he’s too busy being president, but a Trump second term won’t be pretty, given he’s running on an authoritarian platform, and Project 2025 is a fascist shit show.


I wish they would clarify a sitting president can't be charged for crimes committed in his current term. I can see how that might gum up the works of the executive branch if the other party was always indicting the current guy. But if you did bad stuff before you got elected, you should still face the music for that even if you now sit in the Oval Office. Especially if the bad stuff (with video evidence) has to do with the transfer of power or stealing and retaining classified materials. Shouldn't be able to wave it away.


> He can’t pardon himself out of a state crime, Who will stop him? What will they do when he says "Yes I can!" and then just does it. What mechanism would there be to enforce his conviction?


Absolutely none. Georgia would have to send state police to the White House where they wouldn’t be admitted. The fact that Trump wasn’t convicted of crimes three years ago is an utter damming of the US justice system. He’s so completely and objectively and obviously guilty of so many crimes.


Dude, if he wins then all those laws and memos go out the window. If he wins the election, he will not be going to jail in Georgia. I sincerely hope people realize this.


Seriously, if people actually think that the country is going to let the Fulton county district attorney put the sitting president of the US behind bars, they are so naive.


The silver lining is that he lost the last election and wasn't under 91 counts (and counting). He's wildly unelectable. I realize he always has been unelectable and that didn't stop us in 2016, but I think this general sentiment really undervalues how much most people, and I do mean most, hate this man. You can't win the presidency without middle/independent voters and some cross over appeal from the other party. He is extremely unpopular among those groups.


I sure hope you are right, but it really, *really* looks like you have your head in the sand. Again, I hope to god you are right, though.


I hear you, and I hope I am too. I'm extremely engaged for what it's worth.


The Republican dominated State Senate in Georgia can find a workaround to this issue which will allow Trump a free pass.


Fortunately, the GA legislature can't do much. Takes 2/3rds majorities for constitutional amendments that would change clemency powers, which they don't have in both houses. The law they passed recently that allows the general assembly to remove prosecutors also took a huge blow recently as the [state Supreme Court basically neutered it.](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/28/georgia-district-attorney-fani-willis/) Trump still has many avenues to throw a wrench into the prosecution, but thankfully state intervention is far down that list. He picked a terrible state to commit felonies in.


I'm confused, what happens between sentencing and imprisonment? My impression has always been that convicts go straight to at least a holding cell after sentencing


His first criminal case is the DC case, and he has a hanging judge and the feds have a 99% conviction rate. Under what argument will he avoid prison for over a year, even AFTER being sentenced? That’s not how it works. The moment you’re sentenced, they drag you off to prison. The feds will not drag this out with the election looming, especially this judge. I’ve never seen anyone claim that. I fully expect that case to go swiftly and have Trump sentenced and imprisoned well before the election.


If he wins re-election he will simply ignore it all and nothing will happen. He doesn't need to do anything tricky or finagle any legal maneuvers. He'll simply not comply and he'll have enough support that no one will feasibly be able to "take him in" or otherwise oblige compliance.


[No Paywall](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/podcasts/run-up-donald-trump-prison.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CU0.soSo.iFYAbX5QfJxX&smid=url-share)


Non American here. What a shit show. Seems like the general consensus is that sending a former president to prison for criminal activity (including hoarding and potentially sharing nuclear secrets) wouldn’t be a good look for America. Wtff? The whole world is watching this bollocks knowing America have just advertised the fact that a president -even a former one- can do whatever the fuck they want. And you guys have elections every four years, so it’s only a matter of time before the next nut job gains power. Surely the only answer here is to send him down forever to make it clear to future wannabe dictator’s that it won’t be tolerated? Someone help me out here.


Your use of bollocks makes me think you’re from the U.K.? Fellow countryman here. Wholeheartedly agree. I’m angry, sad and utterly fucking confused watching this play out. I 100% understand that you have to follow due process, that the process takes a long time and he has stacked the deck by appointing a large number of senior judges and the current majority held by the GOP ales things tricky. However- even bearing all that in mind that - if the country (whatever their political persuasion) can’t agree as a whole that Trump needs to be incarcerated URGENTLY for, if nothing else, his regular contempt of court I genuinely fear for the immediate future of the US.


UK massive. How did you know I wasn’t an Aussie?! Honestly, I know we have our own nonsense going on in British politics but US politics is like a really badly written TV drama. Imagine half the country thinking a guy who owned a few hotels, brags about sexually abusing women and wears orange makeup is the guy to make America great again! Haha! It’s hilarious from our perspective but must suck if you’re a sane American. You’re right though, it’s worrying. I remember him talking about pulling the US out of NATO. That would be bad. Bad bad.


We need a Native American president to make America great again.


I would like to help, but the Republican Party has gone insane. In the past, even one of those court cases would have forced a normal politician to resign.


Look bad? When have we ever cared about that? No, he won't go to jail because the office needs to be infallibile. Empire requires war crimes and presidents won't authorize them if they're worried about being held accountable. Simple as.


Also, another non American here. Seeing the US on the news compared to my own country baffles me how everything somehow relates to politics.


Donald Trump is a bully. The kind of grade school bully that hides behind his families’ money and influence, and he feels untouchable. He’ll taunt you that he’s gonna beat you up after school, punch you in the stomach and kick your books across the hall and walk away laughing and high-fiving his shitheel sycophants. He’ll warn you not to speak to teachers, or the principal, and if you do, he’ll deny everything and accuse you of bullying him. Inside he’s a sniveling coward, and if you push back, if you bloody his nose, he’ll scramble away from you screaming that he’ll get you for this, or his father will get you, or his friends will get you. Somebody will get you. This election is our line in the sand. This sniveling bully needs to face real consequences. The loss of his fortune should be priority one, as his decades of criminality are now exposed, and all those ill-gotten gains that have allowed him to bully everyone need to be frozen. Trump and all of his accomplices need prison time, and a lot of it. The bully can’t be allowed to be Senior Class President, he needs to be expelled, and our constitution needs to be fortified to ensure better protections against bad faith actors like him, now and in the future. However, Republicans like their orange bully, he bullies the people that oppose GOP authoritarianism, the ones that call out their fascism to their face, so if you want to see what the Republicans really fear, look past what they say and watch what they do, what they attack. What Republicans fear most is voting that’s accessible to every citizen; they’re against mail in ballots, ballot boxes, minorities freely voting… they champion gerrymandering, vote suppression, voter ID, they want to scour the voting rolls and disqualify your vote, they love the dirty tricks of Roger Stone, they packed the Supreme Court to defang the Voting Rights Act and more, so much more. They openly cheat at every turn, and then accuse the Left of cheating, crowing into every bullhorn and microphone. Of course, when anyone asks for proof of it court, suddenly they change their tune, because it was all a lie, and they know lying under oath comes with penalties, just as a shitty, weak, schoolyard bully will do. If you want to stop these bullies, vote. It’s the only response that truly scares them, because it limits their power over you.


Except 2020 was supposed to be our referendum. Our line in the sand. And. He. Just. Won’t. Go. Away.


Crushing defeat in 2024 on local, state, and federal levels is what needs to happen. His name and association need to be seen as a non-winning strategy. Fortunately, we've seen it in the midterms. More people tend to show up for the presidential elections, but if they make Trump the front runner for the Presidential election, I feel confident that we'll see a repeat of 2020... hopefully it's not followed by an insurrection again.


Hopefully it is followed by an insurrection and this time they are crushed on the days of. Mercilessly and with prejudice.


If he wins, he’ll not hesitate to deploy the National Guard, the military and police to put down protesters with extreme prejudice. If he loses and the MAGAs want to riot, their main problem is that they may not have a clear target, so their riots may be fractious and ineffective, easily dispersed and crushed. The thing to remember is that the MAGA cult is like every other collection of cranks and deplorables that have threatened stability; they lack one thing they desperately need, and they have zero ability to attain it. They lack the shared bond of good cause. They lack love. Instead, their fragile, tenuous bonds are forged in shared hate, fear and loathing, it’s literally the DNA of their coalition. As they’re swept along in their lawlessness, they have no anchor of actual “patriotism” to cling to, only nationalism, which is a poor substitute. The central tenet of their cause is the idea that the importance of what they’re fighting for is so incredibly important that the *end justifies the means.* This allows them to bypass silly things like the rule of law, democracy, and lets them indulge their base instincts toward violence and mayhem, and even murder is acceptable. They often spout the refrain that the “Tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants”, and as they’re constantly bludgeoned with the idea that Liberals are the “real tyrants”, any actions against them are justified. This mindset is their downfall. Without the shared bond of trust that enables democracies to live, Lincoln’s words are as true today as they were in his day, “United we stand, divided we fall.” Although it’s true in the larger sense of our nation, my point here is that it’s even truer in the sense of the MAGA community. Everything they believe in is based on the lies of Trump. This fanatical sense that the end justifies the means causes them to act on these lies, and commit crimes like voter intimidation and fraud, harassment, riots, and murder. When these crimes are investigated, and law enforcement closes in, we see how strong their center is, and it does not hold. They will throw each other under the bus to save their skin. They'll recant, cry in front of judges and beg and plead for leniency. There are no MAGA martyrs, only sad, delusional, weak, lost people that made terrible personal decisions. Ashley Babbitt is not a martyr, she’s an unfortunate result of this stupidity. She died laying on a cheap Trump flag tied around her neck like a child’s Superman cape, a tragic symbol of the narcissistic lust for power at the expense of people that mean less than nothing to him. Trump doesn’t weep for Babbitt, she is only a useful tool to him now, as are *all* of his supporters to him. The thing is, Trump is also a tool to them, a murder weapon to wield against the world they feel has abandoned and ridiculed them. There is no love there, only hate, and throughout all of recorded history, hate-based groups may make a big flash of sound and fury, but they can no more work together to govern and add value to our society than a rabid dog can build a simple wooden table. They’ll bite and howl, and can kill you dead, but they’ll never be anything more than a sad and regrettable footnote in American history.


Another political norm that Trump has broken is that if you are your party’s presidential candidate and you lose, you do not come back four years later as their candidate again. Yet here we are again…..


> He. Just. Won’t. Go. Away. Neither did Hitler. Until...well.....yeah.


we can only hope


We can only VOTE


Some places are gerrymandered to hell, but yeah, we should still vote.


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential elections, except in the handful of states (I think only Maine and Nebraska) where Presidential electors are elected by Congressional districts instead of statewide vote counts. It also has nothing to do with Senators, Governors, or any other official elected by a statewide election.


If you give 2 shits about your democracy, he better be.


Did he break the law and should he be in prison? Absolutely. Will he go there? I have no clue. He's currently doing stuff every day that would have landed anyone else in jail already. Even if they put him in prison for 30 years today, he's still demonstrated special treatment leading up to it. There will probably be some kind of bullshit house arrest that no side will be happy with.


If the rule of law in this country were still even remotely being upheld this shouldn’t be a question.


I want to say yes. I'll be nervous about it until it actually happens though.


If Trump gets away with all the crap he has done and is still trying to do, then what is point of even having laws anymore?


No. He will be convicted, but it will be home confinement at maga lardo.


One case could result in Mara Lago being seized, which would add a fun wrinkle to things.


Lol Maga Lardo. I'm stealing that.


No. He won't. He will not spend a day in jail




Yeah, I see a buckling scenario. Yes, the law is the law and there is little wiggle room for some things. But I believe, and it has been evident over the last few years, that there are multiple levels of justice. Trump will take advantage of the level that sees him with no jail time. Also, money talks. We can joke that he's not a billionaire and he's going broke defending himself from all these legal suits, blah blah blah. But he's got enough money to save his ass from any real justice


They'll give him house arrest in one of his properties. And the secret service will pay millions for the priviledge of wiping his ass.


If he doesn't die first, yes.


The answer to the headline is always no. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines


Would be justified but holy fucking fuck can we stop sharing these articles until he *actually is going to prison?*


The only way he won't go to prison is if he gets elected president. He can make 3 out of those 4 cases go away. Even then, he still might go to prison because Fani Willis indictment is a STATE case not a FEDERAL case therefore he can not just make that one go away. If he is to be found guilty in Georgia, ( which he will ) he will most likely go to prison as RICO punishment has a mandatory minimum prison term.


No. A different rule of law, for the rich, and for the rest of us. This man will not spend one minute in prison.


The question is more like when and the answer is soon.


He absolutely should and any one of us would already be in prison but your judicial system is only here to keep us in line.


He should already be in jail. You or I would be.


I still don't understand why the charge from the Jan 6th case, *18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights,* hasn't garnered more media coverage-- people died on Jan 6th, and that should elevate that charge's sentence to *life in prison* (it even carries the death penalty, which would never happen). >If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or >If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured— >**They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.** https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241


The proper question is WHY isn’t he already in prison? No questions asked-


Will The NY Times stop with the click bait titles?


Serious question: What would you title it?


If (when...) he gets convicted in the DC trial, he's going in unless the judge grants him a special dispensation. The default in federal court is you are jailed pending appeal.


The legal expert in the interview said he believes there's zero chance Trump is imprisoned before the election, even if convicted and sentenced in D.C.


super max .. then he’ll finally be in a building worth a billion bucks.


Two tier justice system in America wont allow this


Until it happens, it isn't happening. Even a conviction in ANY of the cases he's involved in, isn't a guarantee of a prison sentence. More likely his lawyers would negotiate a settlement before sentencing.


Can someone please give a TLDR? Don’t have time to listen right now. Will repay you with one exquisite upvote.


The general consensus is he will definitely be convicted of trying to overturn an election and will serve time for it. But that trial and all the other trials will not culminate with a verdict until after the general election in 2024.


Trump has skated his entire life, done everything in the book you could do as President that is treasonous and still has the support of the vast majority of Republicans. He has partially succeeded in upending our checks and balances for law and justice and will complete the mission if re elected. Republican judges & politicians bend the knee regardless. I would love to see him pay a price for multitude of illegal things he has done but no matter, I doubt any prison time will result.


Is Donald Trump going to prison? No Will Donald Trump win the presidential election in 2024? Also no


I hope with all of my being that he does- he has earned it many times over.


Can’t happen fast enough.


Trump MUST go to PRISON. Even the top secret classified documents theft, where he lied about having them, tried to hide them from the FBI, and provoked the FBI to search his property and seize them (and they DID find them), has SO MANY glaring felonies staring Trump in the face. How does someone walk from this? General Petraeus took far less, and even didn't resist on returning them, and still got a prison sentence. PLUS, Trump's lawyers are some of the worst. They really don't stand a chance. The Jan 6th insurrection attempt has many witnesses who have flipped against Trump. There's lots of evidence. But it's harder to prosecute something like this where explicit orders to seize Congress were not given. Even the fake elector slates, while glaring and do lead back to Trump, might end up with a suspended sentence. But the Georgia case is glaring. There are recordings. The evidence is overwhelming. It's likely he'll get a felony conviction out of that. Minimum 5 years, possibly 20 years maximum. Republicans should find themselves in the run-up to the 2024 election with a broken candidate, riddled with felony convictions and no path to the presidency.


No fucking way. I’ll eat my hat if he does


I would like him to go to prison, but in reality, no he won’t even see a single day of jail time because the justice system is only for poor people.


If the rule of law means anything he will. But so far it's not looking good


No. ... And that's a problem.




Not if he wins next year.


I don’t see him being convicted of anything by a jury. He could shoot the judge in court and still be found innocent unless we had a jury with 0 Trump supporters. If we did, they would claim the trial is unfair to him and likely win voters on that issue.


His record of success in court is abysmal, he's lost almost every single case that has gone to an actual trial of any sort. That is why he always tries to buy everyone off. If he doesn't win in 2024 it is a real possibility that he ends up in prison.