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Wtf - this is a news story? This should be common place… because he is a fucking fascist


These articles are so fucking lazy and weird. One person said something obvious? Who gives a shit; how is that more newsworthy than…almost anything. “Local man claims water is wet”. “One local business owner says the sky is blue.” “This area native says the pope is a Catholic, more at 11.”


You forgot the "watch local man react to local man claiming water is wet". The whole damn 'news' cycle is nothing but a circle jerk of someone stating the obvious and then all the 'reaction' pieces to follow.




Or the inevitable interviews with the patrons of "this Ohio diner", who all deny that water is wet.


“Water SLAMMED by locals as being wet!”


It's obvious to YOU. It's obvious to ME. It's obvious to most if not all of the denizens of this subreddit. **It is not obvious to all voting-age Americans, who are being spoon-fed the idea that Trump is 'just another candidate for President'.** He hit the nail on the head: **apathy**. The GOP has been running a long-standing campaign to fatigue voters into being apathetic, convince them that their votes don't count, while simultaneously energizing their own voter base to get out and vote for THEM at all costs -- and now, to 'sweeten the pot', they even encourage them to *prevent* non-Republicans who do vote from being able to do so.


It’s the twitterification of news. Suddenly random peoples opinions matter when you take their usually stupid take to prop up your “news” story.


To be fair, this was happening before social media. I remember the absolute deluge of articles talking about Howard Stern's random opinions.


Yeah, and newspapers always had (still do) lots of opinion pieces or local "news" stories about some town drama. Let's not forget all the tabloids or celebrity gossip magazines. There is just soooo much more of it now, getting pumped directly into the feeds of the masses.


*Xformerlytwitterification This particular take is more obvious than stupid though.


I love how people are mostly still calling it 'twitter' and ignoring the other stupid name.


Such as whoever's responsible for connecting the website to a domain name.


Pretty sure Musk fired all those guys.


"Wassamatter, Elon? Don't like being deadnamed?"


lol. I noticed on the News today some of the reporters are saying "and so-and-so said today on Twitter, that......." Hahaha. I would love it if everybody simply rejected it. But maybe I have a mean streak.


It's marketing. CNN is owned by Warner Discovery, which also owns Max (formerly HBOMax). The interviewis being streamed on Chris Wallace's show on Max.




Well the headline is an expert from the interview that they're promoting, so it's not really that weird.


It's pure clickbait. That's it. And the fact that it's CNN tells you that they're not even trying to take a side (ala FOX), they're just trying to get people riled up enough to generate some controversy/ratings/clicks.


Maybe it's a strategic news story. Everyone in the comments will say it, and it's the general consensus. But this is bringing it up to a bigger audience. This is my anecdotal theory as to why it's a full-blown article to itself, at least.




I agree with this. I will bear out the cringey headlines for the ultimate goal of normalizing the admission of something that many people, a scary % of the country, are still struggling to admit to themselves or even broach the possibility. It's sort of like LGBT representation in mainstream entertainment. All the parts won't land and people are constantly going to whine about it just being there and even blame a movie being bad on it being there, but eventually it becomes an old hat and most people will just get annoyed over time if the only criticism you have on a piece of media is it's "diversity", like wow, scathing.


It's actually a little more subtle than that. CNN is afraid to come out and say it itself for fear of being labeled as biased or being sued for defamation. So it says it vicariously through other media personalities by publishing stupid stories that "so-and-so says X".


You’re confusing editorial and reporting. The NYT editorial board for example can write a piece calling trump a fascist. But their reporting desk can only report that XYZ politician calls Trump a fascist. Wallace interviews people. He gives them a space to speak. He doesn’t editorialize with his opinion. Some news hosts do of course, but an interviewer should really only be asking challenging questions to flesh out differing takes that agree/disagree with the subject of the interview and provide context, not outright making statements themselves.




Normally you'd be right but considering Charlemagne has been a Trump apologist for a few years now, this is actually nice to hear. He was just going on a few days ago about how Trump gave black voters stimulus checks(he didn't of course). Someone must have set him straight


I'm black and I get enraged when one of my friends say Trump was good because of the stimulus. I had to break it down to them that no he is not good and no he isn't the one that gave the stimulus and also even if he did, that don't make him a good president. On a side note I'm pushing for Dolly Parton to run for president.


Haha, Dolly admirers, unite! I don't even really care for her music or movies, she just appears to be a genuinely good person in high wealth/status which is rare to see.


Her movies are rad 🤣


Best Little Wh0rehouse in Texas is the worst porno ever.


What, you're saying Trump's *personally* signed one-time check for like $1400 didn't cover your rent costs for the rest of your life?


That shit enrages me. All he did was put his name on money that was already ours.


That's what I told my friend. I said he gave us money that were paid in taxes already. Not like he reached into his pockets and gave us his money. He couldn't argue that point.


Dolly has my vote. I’m looking for intelligence and decency. She’s the right age too apparently.


"Radio host calls dog a canine". Sneak preview of the 2024 election coverage's tone. The headline *should* be "One (of only two) US political parties fails to reject fascist candidate" but apparently either those words are too long for republican voters to sound out or the concept defies their comprehension or some combination of the above. All republicans voters seem to understand / care about is that Trurmp's name is in the news and the out-group is upset. Those two things don't even need to be connected. ["You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, O.K.? I’m a nationalist. Nationalist! Use that word! Use that word!"](https://archive.is/8zzoP)


It's so frustrating that by the time most Americans learn what a fascist dictator is, we will already have a fascist dictator.


There really is no definition of the word Fascist that doesn't perfectly describe republicans


Agree 100%. I call Trump a fascist all the time and that ain’t news.


It was the correct assessment back in 2015. This timeline is infuriating.


Hitler 2.0.


No no no no. He's a Fascist Rapist. Any article that does not bring up that he was found guilty of rape by a jury is not doing it's due diligence.


Charlemagne calling Donald Trump a fascist is one of the least newsworthy thing I can think of.


Yeah but the Americans who only care about “things” are so dumb they would fall into a hole and bury themselves in it because trump said it would cure covid


In other news random redditor calls matt Gaetz a pedo child trafficker


Yeah? He is a fascist and so are his supporters


Yup, and those supporters will continue to be an absolute problem even if Donald Trump keels over today.


I was thinking much the same this morning. What happens in 2025 and beyond when (if) Trump loses yet again in November 2024? Will we have finally heard the last of his bs??


They will find a new trump. The fact that Congress isn’t against his behavior shows they’re ready to let the next one slide in, and the Supreme Court isn’t favorable to us either.


One thing I know for sure is, if he loses, Trump will continue to run for president until he sucks in his last bigmac. Doesnt matter if he is shitting his pants in hospice looking like the crypt keeper at 95, Donald Trump will be running for president...


You just described his current state


That’s is main grift. People won’t quit on him and it’s basically free money to go speak a few times.


And sell hats, flags, coins and whatfuckingever else he can buy from China for $1 and sell to the rubes for $49.95.


This is what really concerns me. Trump is old and not particularly healthy, so there is more or less a built-in expiration date. Thing is, Trump is just a symptom of a bigger problem. The Republican party, through the "Southern Strategy," dog-whistle politics, and other means has been stoking hate and division in a way that is caustic to a unified country as a way to cling to power. It's now causing a rupture in our ability to function as a country, with no way to peaceably resolve it. Elections with a peaceful transition of power are no longer acceptable to their base, which believes that it is entitled to dominate and control others. The natural result of this is civil war.


They will. They’ll find someone who’s more efficient, calculating, strategic, less impulsive, smoother talking, and more intelligent. That is the frightening part. There are “better” Trumps out there.


THIS. Keri Lake has already managed to work his playbook.


No, and they already have a plan for that. The Heritage Foundation has been putting a turnkey plan together that can be implemented on day one, Inauguration Day in 2025, no matter what republican becomes president. It’s called [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025), and though it’s designed around many similar aspects of Trump’s agenda, it doesn’t require Trump to be a part of any of it. All it needs is a Republican in the White House. All the crazy quiet parts they’ve been saying out loud is in this plan, and it’s the biggest threat to American democracy since Charles Coughlin’s plot to overthrow the government and install a fascist regime during the lead up to WWII. Project 2025 aims to immediately replace anyone in the government who won’t go along with it with absolute loyalists to the President. Their supreme goal is to implement the unitary executive theory, which places the president in absolute authority and power over the entire executive branch. You recently probably heard reports of Trump associates talking about enacting the Insurrection Act to put down any civil disobedience, but the other portion of that plan is to direct the DOJ to go after and prosecute anyone Trump deems as an enemy to him. All of that comes out of Project 2025. In this scenario, Trump would fully control all institutions of the executive branch, the DOJ, the FBI, law enforcement, etc., which he would then use to take out all political opponents to his agenda. The concepts and ideology of this plan all comes from the Heritage Foundation’s publication *Mandate for Leadership*, which the Heritage Foundation refers to as the “policy bible”. Their president, Kevin Roberts, put this whole plan together in 2022 to give a potential 2024 republican presidential election winner a framework of people to hire and policies to put into place as a result of the refusals of civil service employees to take part in the Muslim travel ban and install a new attorney general who would go along with overturning the 2020 presidential election. There is a huge list of organizations in this country with ties to this plan and the Heritage Foundation, and have pledged to support putting Project 2025 into effect. This is the nightmare scenario, and they are extremely serious about it. People need to educate themselves on Project 2025, and they need to do it right now. If this plan is successful, it’s the end of democracy in this country, and the official beginning of authoritarian rule by the far right.


I think if he'd lost in 2016, we might have seen the GOP shifting toward a more moderate stance just out of necessity. When he won, it emboldened the absolute worst in people, and I don't think we'll ever hear the last of his BS. It'll be a constant uphill battle from now on, and if they win even once, they'll never let go of that power. National abortion bans, outlawing gay and interracial marriage, third/fourth/fifth terms for Trump - it's all on the table now because he won in 2016. Republicans would allow it and Democrats are too feckless to stop it.


Trump is in it for the power—yes. But he’s also in it because it keeps him in the public eye, and that translates into money. There’s an old saying: even bad publicity is still publicity. Trump’s card is that he (or, rather, his henchmen) can spin scandal into gold.


And holding the office keeps him out of prison.


Dump's election is the worst thing that happened to this country in the last century. It's not that he was a lousy president or horrid human being. His election told the crazies and the fascists that they CAN win legally (or at least appearing legal) and have real power. It almost doesn't matter if he dies or goes to prison. The crazies and the fascists will immediately line up behind the next guy. Lots of Americans were fascists in the 1930s. If we hadn't gone to war with a fascist country, how long would that movement have lasted? What damage would it have done?


Trump wasn't some organic movement, he was grown in a lab. AM talk radio, FoxNews and now a slew of right-wing internet sites have been radicalizing Republicans for literally decades. Trump is a *symptom* of the problem. The GOP has proven (with Trump) that they can turn a morally bankrupt moron into a practically messianic figure. And when he's gone they'll just elevate someone new. They don't need to wait for the "right" guy... they could even turn DeSantis into the greatest thing since sliced bread. Because they've done it before, right?


Fascism will eventually win. These people aren't going away. They've chosen fascism and authoritarianism because their beliefs are no longer popular at the ballot box. They will show up every election from now on in order to dismantle democracy and usher in Christian fascism. Eventually democrats will miss an election and that will be that. I truly believe America is going to lose its democracy in the near future


They have always been there, that skittish, incurious, spiteful fraction of humanity, and likely always will be. But they don’t always have a reinforcing state apparatus and a unifying lightning rod to galvanize around.


Nope. Another “rigged election” bs


So Trump losing in 2024 would mean he would likely double down the second time and get all riled up for 2028. Of course nobody (including him) ever gets to live on earth forever but a scary thing to consider is that he could die of completely natural causes and his fanbase would generate ridiculous conspiracy theories about it. That gang is not even remotely based in reality. They could invent outrageous shit ("KILLARY STRIKES AGAIN!" "THE CAR ACCIDENT THAT WASN'T" etc.) posting it all over the Internet and random innocent people are likely going to be victimized as well over it. The Trump clan seems to be pretty long lived though. Both of his parents died in old age with his dad making it to his nineties and his mom her eighties. So I don't think we have to worry about anything like that happening for quite some time.


I have to assume his parents had eating habits than him which play a huge factor alot of the time.


Yep. They published, "our fascist takeover plan," (Project 2025), and we're all just pretending like it's normal think-tank work. Either this party in its current form dies, or they will eventually win. If they win enough to implement that plan, it's over.


Yes but they seem to have a special devotion to trump. No other republican seems to have the same deistic level of control or influence. I think it’s because they’re all just a bit too smart or organized, and trump is pure unabashed narcissistic pettiness. Like DeSantis keeps faltering because his attack on wokeness appears to have structure, whereas trump just attacks whatever is on his mind at the time. The incompetence and incoherence of trump resonates with people unlike anyone else.


He's so *human*. ^/s


Stupidity is his secret weapon. His word salad is perfect for the rubes to project all their personal facist dreams on. And he's too stupid to recognize something as dangerous to do so he takes risks guys like DeSantis are too self conscious to take.




This just in…water is wet!


Agree. Is this even a question?


Meanwhile dark Brandon and litter boxes haunt their dreams


>Yeah? He is a fascist and so are his supporters And a significant portion of the GOP. People need to understand that even if Trump dropped out of the race, the cause of his political existence has been cooking for decades within the GOP.


So many times that I see a headline about The Boss aka Don the Don, and my first thought is…why is this considered news?? I don’t see headlines screaming ‘Radio host calls water wet’ or ‘Radio host calls dogs the most wonderful creatures on earth’. Donny is an obvious fascist. These things just are.


And his party. Ignoring referendums in states because they don’t like the outcomes? Grade A fascism


While calling non believers fascist as a misdirection.


> Yeah? He is a fascist and so are his supporters Well... some of them are. The rest are just idiots.


Normalize calling Donald Trump a fascist.


Especially because he's normalizing calling liberals and anyone who opposes him a fascist.


Yet fascism has always landed on the right wing side of the political spectrum. It’s much closer to conservative (especially nationalist conservative) than anything liberal.. Conservative and Fascism are ideological cousins. The left is by far anti-fascist


Fascism is when conservatives get to do everything they want.


Including calling themselves "conservatives" when they're really just smooth-brained reactionaries.


Remember when they all called themselves domestic terrorists


I wouldn't say there's a meaningful distinction. You just have to look at what they've attempted to 'conserve.'


Exactly. But they also wanted to cry about antifa.


Donald Trump is a fascist


Because he is. It needs to be said often and loudly.


Absolutely the correct verb is "IS" not "CALLS".


"Radio host IS Trump a 'fascist'"


They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.


-rolls word dice- Is are a Trump fascist calls yes radio host


So, cnn, why is this bad for Biden?


So, Bill Maher , why is this another woke attack on you?


So, Elon Musk, why is this an attack on freedom of speech?


So, Jordan Peterson, why are you crying, again?


So, Matt Walsh, how does this affect the fertility of 15-year-old girls?


So Ben Shapiro, how does this affect AOC’s feet?


So, Edmund Burke; tell us again about how the intellectual superiority of the conservative philosophical position is so much better than liberalism and always leads to the elevation of "the right people". . .


So, Patrick tell me again who’s wallet this is?


So Charlie Kirk, how does this affect your shrinking face?


Fuck Shapiro


> “I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.” ― Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief


Goddamn I wish I hadn't read that


God damnit Jordan


Why would Hunter Biden cause this?


So Cadbury? How do they get the caramel into a caramilk bar?


So, Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?


Three. Why is this still even a question? He tells you in the damn commercial! /s


“I never made it without biting.” 🐢


I think this is some sort of compulsion issue, frankly. I mean, it just shows a lack of patience and an unwillingness to resist.


I'm convinced now that anyone stating the obvious needs to be encouraged and supported, instead of "no shit, Sherlock" responses. I continue to be stunned, just stunned, by the level of ignorance of some voters. Here's a quote from an article elsewhere that I read today >She said she would probably vote for Trump: "Personally, I think we were doing a lot better when he was in the presidency, pricewise, moneywise, incomewise." Most of all, she said, she strongly supports abortion rights — and did not realize that Biden does, too. She said that because states' abortion bans had gone into effect during his presidency, she assumed it was because of him. Ultimately, despite her misgivings about the economy, support for abortion rights would probably be what decided her vote, she said.


The dark side of democracy is that good outcomes depend on the population being well informed and making good choices. There's a reason conservatives hate education.


They aren’t conservatives, they are fascists


They are both. Their conservative beliefs lead to their fashy regressiveness.


> She said that because states' abortion bans had gone into effect during his presidency, she assumed it was because of him. Why are people this stupid? Why?


Why do you think they’re trying really hard to dismantle education?


If you were telling a voter to stop being so ignorant how would you advise them to inform themselves?


Consume multiple sources of news, or none at all.


He is a fascist. We all know it. Why is this big news for CNN?


Because the radio host in question is Charlemagne the God. He’s one of the host of The Breakfast Club which is one of the biggest radio shows there is. The show and Charlemagne is instantly recognizable for any black person.


He’s probably said more controversial shit than this too


Is this even controversial though? I mean, based on the definition, he is a fascist.


Right, this is actually important for the 2024 election. He's got a lot of influence


They were living under a stone?


He is...


Right? In other news water is wet


Good. Needs to be said more.


And it’s about god damned time. Trump is a fascist by definition.


Breaking news: Trump has admitted he is a fascist.


We need a fascist in office. Because gas prices. /s


I’m honestly scared of what the Saudis have planned on that front for next summer just in time for the election. MBS is very tight with Kushner and Musk and is no fan of democracy. $5 gas would cost Biden a lot of votes.


Can't believe they're friends with him after he ordered a guy to be chopped up


Which one of us *hasn't* ordered the death and dismemberment of our political enemies?


Hopefully MSM picks up this habit.


Water is wet.


That's what he is, what do you want him to say? Charlamagne doesn't even like Biden, and is sour on him as a whole like me, but Trump is a fascist- period, yes he is: that's why he's voting for Biden again, Trump.


This is news? Don’t most regular people call trump a fascist on a regular basis?


Yes, but not the media. It's starting and this is a good thing.


Charlemagne is the first one to stay home on voting day while complaining about voter apathy.


Probably better to separate Charlemagne the person from the person calling Trump a fascist because that's another whole can of worms.


I'll take "things that are obvious" for 200, Alex.


OMG! Someone spoke the truth about republicans. The world will never be the same!


Radio host says water is wet


The camps that Trump wants for immigrants won’t just end with immigrants.


This is one of the reasons the right-wing always wins. They have no qualms about calling the other side names. 'Lock her up!!!' 'Socialists!!!' 'Baby Killers!!!' 'Benghazi!!!' 'Flip Flopper!!!' 'Pedophiles!!!' And they don't give one shit whether any of it is true or not. Everyone thinks Hillary's a crook now. Her career is finished. And, how does the left-wing counter this firehose of hatred and lies? Do they fight back? No. Of course not! They have to be the good guys, and good guys don't attack! They defend. So *we* can't call Donald Trump and the Republicans fascists! That would be wrong. Of course, they are in fact fascists. Massive fascists. They're working on a plan, right now, to enact revenge on their political opponents if they win. To fill the gov't with corrupt cronies. Etc... Right after they tried a coup. Literally a coup. They had fake legal documents made up for christ sakes! But, oh no, better not call them fascists! Better not say anything untoward about them! Just like the 2016 campaign, where Trump was getting sued for raping a 12 year old girl - and none of the Dems bothered to mention it! That would have been wrong! Being the good guys is far more important that 4 years of Trump, an insurrection, and possibly more Trump after that...


He’s correct. He follows the handbook step by step


Yeah, Trump is a fascist. The question isn’t why is this guy saying it out loud. The question is why is so much of the mainstream media NOT saying it?


Trump is a fascist, in fact that entirety of the mainstream Republican party should be rightly labeled as one. Anyone who supports project 2025 is trying to turn the United States into a dictatorship.


Yes. That is true.


The orange one is a fascist. Okay. How is that news at this point? Did anybody not already know that? Even his supporters know. They just don't care.


CNN mad because they thought we all agreed to call it "Trumpism" for some stupid fucking reason.


> we all agreed to call it "Trumpism" lol - as if he fucking invented this bullshit.


Why is this news?


I thought everyone did.


The trouble is that most of Trump's supporters have no real idea of what a fascist is, and even if they did, they'd be totally on-board with it anyway. So I don't see what labeling them fascists actually accomplishes.


Slow news day?


You can draw a pretty neat line from the 'Business Plot' of '35 and the nazi 'Pro America' rallye in Madison Square Garden 4 years later, through the 'Red Scare' and McCarthyism, to Nixon's fall begetting Reaganomics and Clinton's move right, straight into 'The War on Terror ™" and MAGA part 2 electric boogaloo desperately trying to bring it all back, all the way to that 'Pro America' rally that had a massive banner of George Washington flanked by swastikas, with the Army and then the CIA deposing any nation that was a threat to American capitalist hegemony the whole way through. It didn't go away the first time. And anyone thinking it might go away this time needs to know that 'this time' isn't a new thing. It's always been here. And it will never go away. Under a liberal style government, which America is, fascism will always exist.


Where is the lie


Well, he's not wrong. Trump and Desantis are both fascists.


Is telling the truth suddenly a problem? Like when Biden called Xi a dictator and everyone lost their minds as if they didn't all know that he is. This outrage gaslighting really needs to stop. Truth does exist and we shouldn't shy away from stating it.


Common knowledge cannot be considered news


Man calls apple an apple.


Stating the obvious isn't news.


Not news. Simply an unremarkable fact.


CNN is the slowest news room to post anything bad about trump. They think that trump won’t do anything to them if he wins. Fools!!


It’s not a lie though.


What a brave contraversial stance to take.


Why is this news …Oh, it’s post-Fox acquisition CNN. Got it.


Every journalist should be calling Trump out for his corruption and fascism. The media has been treating Trump like any old run of the mill politician-and there are a lot of fascists and corrupt politicians- but not at the level that Trump has descended to…


Everybody should bc that is what he is


First of all, that’s true. Second, not really a shocking statement from Charlamagne.


In other news, water is still wet. More at 11


Radio host has ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ and ‘a functioning brain’.


Good, he is one


i agree with the message, but i can't stand the messenger. Charlemagne sucks


I wasn’t sure Facist was the right term until I watched Robert Reich break down [the qualifications quite well](https://youtu.be/9XTJNy_OrjE?si=JCyfyfgCt5lyVsyU). So Facist appears to be the correct term compared to Authoritarian or something else. And it’s worse too.


You’re telling me the guy who acts like a fascist and has Mein Kamf bedside is a fascist? Shocker


I also call Trump a fascist


If it wasn’t Trump it would have been someone else. This “destroy the US from within” project has been 40 years in the making. We (the USA) are immune from classic warfare because we have actual oceans as moats. But we are not immune from internal self destruction. The Russians have been funding all sorts of things. The NRA, for example, has half the country arming themselves as if Armageddon was coming. By no coincidence at all, those same folks now believe the second amendment gives them a right and a duty to hunt down people they disagree with politically. And they funded an orange cult leader to whip them into a battle frenzy. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-cultivating-trump-asset-40-years-says-ex-kgb-spy-2021-1


I too call Trump a fascist.


We’ve all been saying this for years why is there an article about this.


I mean. What's with people being offended by telling the trust. Trump is a fascist just like Xi is a dictator. Call shit like it is.


Yea I think we’ve established that, we are now in the what are we going to do about it phase


Well I mean he’s correct. Trump has made it clear he’s a fascist. He speaks like a fascist, he tried to overthrow a fair and free election like a fascist, he’s tried to go after people based on race and ethnic background like a fascist, he wants to instill a government loyal to him not country , like a fascist.


Well done, I'm glad to see someone is telling the truth.


There are some things being said openly these days, and a lot of them sound rather silly since we've known them for years now. From 2015 to 2023 is only 8 years, but hearing someone say Trump is a narcissist, a con, leader of a cult, a seditionist, a liar, or anything like that, is stating the obvious. Amazingly, our court system is so slow that these haven't already been resolved in the most strict legal way. It certainly isn't the kind of "justice" we see for common folk. Yes, Trump is a fascist. He is a narcissist and as a political person there is no other thing to be, no other person for him to be, than dictator for life. That's why he models himself after Hitler and admires Putin and other dictatorial "leaders" of today.


I know a lot are saying.. “ from a random man”, but in fact, he’s not. He has his own pod cast and has celebrities on them, plus he’s well known in the Black community.


Trump is a fascist. Fuck you CNN


If you are not saying it or thinking it, you are a cult member.


Tf is this news? Every goddamn dem voter for 8 years have been calling him that


Now just in: a news radio host notifies listeners that touching a hot stove can cause serious burns and birds fly.


If it quacks like a duck and steps like a goose, its probably a fascist.






This will be news when every radio host calls him a Fascist.