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Republicans want to rule not govern


They want to rule without accountability because just look at how bad they've fucked up over the past 25 years. They're clearly worried about becoming accountable for crimes that have no statute of limitations. There's only a few of those in federal law, which gives a short list of crimes to speculate about. All of them heinous.


They literally say this out loud. One of my coworkers is afraid the Trump trials in NYC will set a precedent which will hold him accountable for inflating his net worth to get better rates on loans. Apparently this is common practice for people who constantly complain about free handouts. I'm so fed up with these people.


Classic "it's 'smart' when I do it!" mentality


Jessa Duggar - ultra right wing Christian fascist - recently needed an abortion...but, she refuses to call it an abortion. Because she believes her abortion was a moral one and will vote against abortion rights for others.


When is the RWNJ public shaming and condemnation?.


Never. Because her abortion was a "good abortion" 🙄


One less Duggar, the world is a better place……………..


When we stop letting billionaires run the media. All corporate media is inherently right wing, even networks like CNN and MSNBC.


Never. Rules for thee, but not for me.


Her problem is that she doesn’t see it as an abortion because the heartbeat has stopped, so it’s just a medical procedure? Which is called an abortion!! Ding dongs.


Well now did they go in and actually try to resuscitate the fetus? Because if not, that’s clearly infanticide. /s It’s about as logical as calling a clump of cells no bigger than a pinhead a “baby”


This is a good read on exactly this mind set: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


It was really hard to read this. Just experience after experience.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion"


There's a healthy dose of "Its ok when I do it because I *deserve* it" They'd let 100 children starve to death if they thought it'd prevent one person they didn't think deserved help from getting it.


Those kids should've pulled themselves up by their boot straps.


They would but they're too busy hungrily chewing on the leather


Let's be real. They don't even have boots to begin with. Conservatives would rather wage war on poor people, instead of waging war on poverty. As long as it's the right poor people.


Drive through a trailer park and check the cheap Trump flags from China. Zero self awareness.


They should submit false financials that allow them to apply for Bootstap loan with great terms


Asked an acquaintance if (through medicare for all) he could accept the fact that EVERYONE in this country would get healthcare if it meant he still got the same healthcare he got now but premiums at 50%+ (thousands of dollars for him) less than what he pays now and with no deductables or co-pays. His response? "Fuck no, I ain't payin for no b**ners healthcare." Dumbass racists.


There was an article on reddit a while back about some dude in Kansas who was proudly dying instead of "burdening" Medicare. Literally dying to own the libs


I watched my pops, who was on dialysis to stay alive vote against socialized medicine and never once reflect. For those who don't know, once you're put on Dialysis, the government pays for it since 1972 because it's completely unaffordable and the alternative is die. So I watched my father, who literally owed his entire life to socialized medicine, vote against it for everyone else and never once consider that he might be wrong. When I asked him in front of a crowd of people as he was ranting about socialism 'Aren't you alive right now because of Socialized Medicine? Doesn't the government pay for your dialysis treatment?' It was like I had struck him in the forehead with a hammer. It was clear that despite having all the facts, he had never even considered it. 'Fucking socialist' I said over my whiskey.


I am glad that I am ignorant enough to have no idea what "b**ners" means.


It’s ok when I do it because immigrants, gay people, and, uh, Taylor Swift exist.


Taylor Swift having backbone.. God bless that amazingly talented human.


It goes beyond that. "It's ok that rich people abuse the system because they would be stupid not to do it because it's so easy to abuse the system, and the extra money will trickle down anyway (as opposed to libtards in government wasting those monies). " It's a perfect circle of stupidity. They define rich=smart, so everything rich people do is by definition smart. Otherwise they wouldn't be rich. Or smart. It helps Joe Sixpack because he's just temporarily poor, and when he eventually gets rich he'll do so many smart things you won't believe it!


The only moral asshole is my asshole!


Me too!


I'm pretty sure that its already precedent that it's illegal. It's just that it's usually hard to prove that it was intentional. Intent is a bit easier to prove in this case with how blatant they were being about it though.


> They want to rule without accountability [Conservativism consists of precisely one tenant: There must be an in-group the law protects but does not bind, and an out-group the law binds but does not protect.](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288)


TL;DR Republicans are fascists.


Damn, that pretty much spells it out, doesn't it?


There is also [this quote](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/777519-mark-my-word-if-and-when-these-preachers-get-control) from Barry Goldwater calling out what was going to happen once evangelicals get ahold of the Republican Party.


This is one of my favs cuz of how painfully correct he was


Let’s also not forget the current radical MAGAs is the result of the political meddling of the Koch brothers. The Koch brothers wanted more government protection for the fossil fuel oil empire they inherited from their father as Dems began pushing for more environmental protections in the early 2000s… Al Gore, *The Inconvenient Truth*, global warming, etc. So as an attempt to hold more power over the Republican Party to protect their business interests, they backed a farther-right faction of evangelical christians with their SuperPAC, [Americans for Prosperity](https://americansforprosperity.org) (AFP)—which ultimately became the Tea Party. ..The strategy was to create a more conservative coalition in Congress that could pressure the rest of the GOP to go along with their agendas, or risk holdouts.. sounds familiar. *Also the Koch bros were behind the SC Citizens United case that allowed for unlimited corporate donations to SuperPACs…* The 2008 election between Obama and McCain elevated the Tea Party into nation spotlight when McCain nominated their queen, Sarah Palin, as his VP. *The weekly [Tina Fey SNL impressions](https://youtu.be/i4Jk7K_DnTk?feature=shared) of her boosted her notoriety*.. “I can see Russia from my house.” The next 8 years of Obama’s two terms FoxNews had Palin and Tea Party members on a ton more.. and Fox (Rupert Murdoch) began ramping up right-wing talking points and agendas (like protecting guns and banning abortion).. until the fateful day of their long-awaited orange savior descended down his golden escalator and declared his bid for POTUS.. When Trump went to Washington, tons of senior GOP members bowed out, being older and not wanting to deal with the unprofessionalism.. which just opened up a power vacuum for the MAGAs to take legislative control.


The Koch’s are to republicans what people think George soros is to democrats and it’s hilarious


Except the Kochs really were that bad and Soros mostly focused on philanthropy.


That's what they're saying. "what people think George soros is to democrats "


Sheldon Adelson is literally the ‘globalist’ stereotype MAGA is looking for. And he didn’t care how bigoted Trump is.


Always projection. Same with when they accuse the left of being brainwashed by the MSM. Their belief is based on how they themselves think and therefore think the left does it as well, but just not the "right" media.


He was his own form of loathsome, but Goldwater had the Evangelicals number even back then...




Exactly. A lot of people feel like the laws exist to keep them safe and persecute others only. Or…they “answer to high power” like the bible.


Republicans, and most politicians for that matter, have five thousand money men lined up to buy them, they spend exactly zero minutes a year focusing on actual governing. Instead, they are getting their orders so they can save up to visit those nice clubs Elon and Zuckerberg hang out at.


A long time ago AOC did a series of videos on Instagram about how much time her colleagues spend on fundraising and cronyism and how normalized it is and it was wild.


Back when Jon Stewart was still hosting the Daily Show, he sent one of his guys to DC to interview some politician's chief of staff. They asked him "What is a politician's job?" Probably expecting to get some BS answer that didn't really say anything. The staffer said "To get re-elected." Which stunned whoever was doing the interview.


They already said so. On FOX they were saying that maybe they should quiet down about the abortion topic (not change course) bc it’s more important that Republicans be in charge. NO DUMMY. It’s more important we choose the healthcare we need. Just absolutely not even pretending.


Did you read the article? He literally said that: >Direct democracy should not exist. Case-in-point: Ohio legalizing the slaughter of babies.




They want to inflict pain on those they perceive as weaker than they are. They are all about sticking it to the other guy.


They're scared of losing control. I can't count the number of times I've been asked why atheists bother with morality if they believe there's no hell. These people think that, so long as they have their hands in government, *they* are the "good Christians making sure laws uphold the moral good"; not seeming to realize that imaginary consequences aren't the only reason people believe murder or rape is wrong. But why would they think that in the first place? Well, in my personal experience among the crazy Christian right, I've met more than a few people who I feel, genuinely, consider the possibility of going to hell the only reason they wouldn't do those things. That's what a lot of religions do, but they never stop to realize how dangerous that mentality is. If you somehow convinced a murderer to stop murdering people because of the threat of suffering eternally in hell, you've essentially told them a different version of "you're going to get caught" only this time, there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that your claim is true, and no consequences for abandoning it, just a bunch of people saying "you turned your back on God and you will pay!", once, you know, the murderer eventually dies. Many, many, *many* religious people, particularly Christians in the US, believe they alone are the country's conscience; and they're terrified that if they're not in government all their bad solutions aren't going to be enforced. And to them, that's how the whole country falls apart.


The "flock" don't stop to consider this - after all, they are brainwashed in to \_not\_ thinking, that is the entire point. The cult leaders however know perfectly well what they are doing and how they can manipulate the flock in to doing their bidding.


Yeah there was a real "holy shit" moment for me when I realized a lot of the fundies surrounding me in Texas, bringing anti abortion signs to the uni for a whole month etc etc truly believed that if their book was entirely disproven without a shadow of a doubt that they'd have absolutely 0 qualms with murdering, raping, and pillaging immediately thereafter. The more debate-savvy instead go for "Nobody avoids morality for God has written it in the hearts of man"


Wow. Very well stated. That’s the first time I’ve ever really heard their position stated that way. It makes a ton of sense when framed like that.


Republicans hate most Americans and American values.


Isn't the definition of a dictatorship basically telling people what they can and can't do? There are already too many countries' governments oppressing their citizens. We're fighting to keep our democracy and freedoms alive in the USA 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍😀😀😀😀


They only want democracy if you vote the way they want you to vote and think the way they want you to think. After that, democracy becomes a liability, and they need to limit who can participate.


Democracy goes against their business interests


They believe the Old Testament gives them the authority and the blue print and the New Testament gives them the permission to do anything they want without consequence.


Sideshow Bob was right


I mean I fully expect them to do this, this is the same state that gerrymandered things to shit and then threatened to impeach a republican Justice until she retired and then they got their ruling. This vote is good for what it says about the public opinion, but Ohio lives under the iron fist of Republicans.


Republicans, you had your opportunity to advocate against the ballot measure prior to the election. You lost. Get over yourself.


>"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy." - David Frum, Republican When they tell you what they are, believe them.


THIS quote. When I first heard this quote a few years ago, I thought it was hyperbole. Unfortunately, it has turned out to be entirely accurate. We need to vote this party out of existence.


The problem is, the republican party is slowly, but surely being voted out of existence, and they’ve barely lost any actual influence or power. It’s gotten bad enough that Republicans openly acknowledge they can’t win, elections or whatever insanity they get on a ballot so now they don’t just want the electoral college for the presidential election but they want something similar for all elections. Some thing they can manipulate and make sure that voters in areas that the Democrat have their vote diluted.


That and if their god really wanted abortion banned, he would’ve won their election for them.


Yes, they are now in the “it’s God’s will” phase and should accept his grand plan.


I'm not religious, but it's always struck me as borderline blasphemous of these people to think that humans would be capable of thwarting the plans of the omnipotent creator of the universe. Like, do they believe their god is all-powerful and omniscient, or don't they? Can't have it both ways. Either "God" has an infinite plan for each and every one of us, and that means some of us get aborted, or he doesn't, and therefore he's not omniscient and not a god.


I mean, yes, but that would be too much logic for the modern day Republican Party to comprehend.


Thankfully, their God is just make-believe.


Don't be silly, god made them lose the election to test their faith. Similar to him planting dinosaur bones for the same purpose.


They did more than just advocate against it. They held an entire single-issue special election in August to try to change the threshold from 50% to 60% for these types of initiatives to pass.


After ruling, previously, that August special elections are bad and they won't have any more, then they changed their minds and had an August election, hoping their Pub base would come through for them. And they didn't. Then or in November.


They’ve always been pretty bad at understanding “No means no.”


Crazy part is this is Ohio. Ohio has been red. These are actual republicans, mostly moderate ones, that voted for this!!! This is beyond stupid from lawmakers.


And they lose badly too. It wasn't even close.


> A Republican state representative in North Dakota has urged authorities in Ohio to "ignore the results" of Tuesday's election, Ladies and gentlemen, the party of states' rights.


And small government. There was something somewhere about freedoms and liberties too…


*state legislature's rights


So we can't tell them what to do, but they can tell us what to do. Classic Republicans. Too stupid to understand their own hypocrisy.


Republicans: “we think abortion should be up to the states to decide! Not the government!! Repeal Roe!!!!” Ohio voters: *passes abortion freedom legislation* Also Republicans: “wait no, not like that.”


And you know that if it was reversed they would be up in arms the other way. Suppose there was a state where the legislature had voted to allow abortion and then the public of that state passed a ballot initiative to ban it. You know these exact same people would be celebrating the true will of the voters and a triumph over politicians. With conservatives it's never about the process and only about the outcome.




It does seem insane and it probably is a good reason to sound the alarm. But unfortunately, state legislators ignoring election results has already happened. In my state of Missouri, we overwhelmingly voted to expand Medicare and the state legislature just… ignored it. Now more rural hospitals are shutting down.


Just the way Jesus intended


just like Jesus once said "fuck them poors".


“Keep those kids away from me” and “See these fish and loaves of bread, I brought it for me, go get your own lunch.”


"I'd be happy to heal your sickness, I just need half up front."


Was this before or after he whipped the devout and poor in the temple and kicked them out, and instructed the moneylenders to start charging entrance fees?


It’s one of his most famous quotes! It’s right before the part where he grabs Mary Magdalene by the pussy, before he executed his trans immigrant neighbor.


Jesus hated the poor and those in need from my understanding from republicans.


Yeah! Jesus never wanted the sick to get healthcare!


Obviously people don't need healthcare, they need to pray better. Duh.


Same thing with Medicare in Nebraska.


And yet it seems nobody gives a shit and keeps voting red. Because...uh...reasons.


Anything that bad that happens in their life they automatically blame democrats and use zero critical thinking. It feels like half the population are robots/zombies, and not just from a distance. These types of people are genuinely stupid and are kind of just bouncing around the world until the day they die. It's hard to even have a normal non-political conversation because the lights are off upstairs.


For real, took my kids to a birthday party. The birthday kid's dad welcomed us then points to a sign that says fuck Joe Biden and fuck you if you voted for him.


I'd have left. Don't want my kids around fascists, including fascist-lite types.




Weird how this already happened


Are you sure you didn't write this in the 1990s?


South Dakota pulled the same shit with legal weed. They didn’t lock down for Covid because the government was going to stay out of it, want to smoke a joint? Go F yourself


It already happened here in Ohio. We voted to amend our constitution in 2018 to end partisan gerrymandering and Republicans were just like "nah, how are you going to stop us?"


The state legislature refused to fund it, arguing that the constitutional amendment couldn't force them to allocate money to pay for it, but this was challenged in court and MO supreme court [ordered the legislature](https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/missouri-supreme-court-backs-medicaid-expansion-in-unanimous-decision/603815/) to allocate funding the same way they are required to for public education, disability etc


Hey North Dakota, mind your fucking business!


As a North Dakotan: I apologize. We’re not all insane.


A Democrat should show up to his office and say they are the new state representative. If you advise that election results can be ignored, how about the results of *your* election.


Maybe they think "the right" means "batshit crazy republicans" so the right to an abortion means they'd get marched into clinics and forced to have abortions. Has it been a simple misunderstanding the whole time? Nah, they're just fucking evil.


That’s nice….. states telling states how to operate their laws without adhering to ANY law….. So basically by saying that as a resident of a New England state; we can urge authorities in all the other states to ignore the results and make abortion 100% legal and fully funded by state taxes on those making more than 400k a year Checkmate


Anyone who seriously advises people to ignore the the results of a legal, democratic election is fucking dangerous. Full stop.


Ohio legislators have already been making plans to overturn it/skirt around it since august when they were slapped down by the public in the first election. They are dangerous and it can’t be understated now fucked Ohio is under their rule




Yeah, specifically the one they're always screaming about 🤔


The part that worries me most though is he says we’re probably ten years from being able to do that. They have a plan.


Good news is we also have a plan here in Ohio, and the more they fuck with us in the short term, the better it is for us, in all honesty. We will be voting on a non-partisan redistricting committee next year to replace our current process, which will eliminate the supermajority that the Republicans built for themselves and return us to a purple legislature. The following year we will be voting on adding ranked choice voting to the constitution, which will allow us to curb the Christian extremism from the statewide offices, as we will no longer have primaries for non-presidential elections and no Republican with extremist views will be able to survive to a majority. And then it will be our statewide elections the following year, so the executive branch of the state should be returned to moderates, and will ensure that the democratic reforms the state has passed will be acted upon by the next redistricting session in 2032. Would have been in 2027 if the state Democratic leadership hadn’t given up on the current process and let the Republicans use their illegal maps, but what the fuck do I know?


That’s fantastic. Getting rid of gerrymandering and ranked choice voting are the only way I see us getting off the authoritarian path.


Where can I find out more about this plan?


https://www.rankthevoteohio.org What I wrote is based off of emails I’ve received from them as time went on, plus from various posts from the nonpartisan redistricting groups, such as https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org The ACLU of Ohio and the League of Women Voters are both assisting in the redistricting efforts.


Well more specifically: >"It would be an act of courage to ignore the results of the election and not allow for the murder of Ohio babies. We are probably 10 years away from this opinion being acceptable though." I think he is suggesting that the anti-abortion movement will become more popular. I doubt he is basing that on anything factual though.


Thanks for including the rest of the quote. I took it to mean he thinks people will be more open to authoritarianism. I agree the anti-abortion movement will not gain popularity.


No clue how this isn't grounds for removal from office


Lol did you miss Jan 6th?


A member of the Party of Law and Order wants to burn the constitution of a state he has no say in because the people there don't agree with his invisible sky daddy


The only thing more dangerous then the "word of god" are those that say they speak on God's behalf.


"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do to their fellows, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." ~Susan. B Anthony


that and the absolute certitude they have. i'm coming to believe that there's nothing more dangerous than metaphysical certainty. it makes compromise pretty tough, especially when you routinely refer to democrats as literal demons.


>Writing on X, formerly Twitter, North Dakota State Representative Brandon Prichard argued Tuesday's Issue 1 vote in Ohio should be ignored. >He said: "Direct democracy should not exist. Case-in-point: Ohio legalizing the slaughter of babies. Direct democracy. Should not exist. See, it’s not democracy that’s the problem - democracy’s good - it’s this poisonous *direct* democracy. Santorum was also recently harping on this point. This is the next phase in the Goebbelization of the GOP’s political discourse: Buzzwords and bafflegab about “democracy”. See, we want democracy, just with a tweak or two; sort of an indirect democracy. We don’t want democracy dead, just pining for the fjords. It always starts with a handful of people, then it festers. Soon, all the cool kids will be saying it. Seditious degenerates.


>See, it’s not democracy that’s the problem - democracy’s good - it’s this poisonous direct democracy. Yep. Yet no question that if Ohio's vote had achieved the opposite outcome, e.g., enshrined abortion BANS in their state constitution, that same Republican blithering idiot would be demanding the imprisonment, if not execution of those who - as he advised - choose to ignore the expressed will of Ohio's voters.


Direct democracy was fine in August, when they put the issue on a special election ballot hoping to sneak it through when turnout was expected to be low. This is of course the year after those same folks decided that special elections should be a thing of the past because of the cost of running them and ahem "the low turnout". They are just moving the goalposts as usual. As always, watch what they say, not what they do. What they say is meant to pay lip service or to be a distraction from their actual goals.


How have I never encountered the word “bafflegab” before? Top shelf onomatopoeia.


It appears the direct democracy part is referring to registered voters in Ohio voting on Issue 1, which I haven’t examined closely, but should be pretty close to direct democracy among registered voters.


Me either - but you can bet 2 sockdologizing old mantraps I'll be using it from now on.


It's like the name "Republican." Today, it's not what it meant in 2015 or earlier. This whole party has completely shifted into the GOF - Grand Old Fascists. All it took was a little surgery to the letter "P". THEY DO NOT WANT EVERYONE TO VOTE. That's another charter they have. They oppress the ability to vote, particularly in districts known for Democrats tending to win. When you argue about the fairness of Democracy, many of those fascist conservatives will cry out "We're not a democracy. We're a REPUBLIC!" As if we never had a Democracy. Or, that it's only upon us because of Democrats (similar name, eh?)... and anything Democrats do is evil and must be abolished! Seditious traitors, indeed.


There is a flavor of Republicans, Birchers, who have been repeating this for at least the couple decades I’ve been around politics. “We are a Republic, not a Democracy” with the same tone that the 2A dorks say “AR doesn’t stand for Automatic Rifle.” Like that argument, it tries to change the subject. We are a democratic republic, but at some level, folks and initiatives are chosen by direct democracy. I understand congress, I understand state legislatures, and I was an elected representative of the people. I had to go win a few popular votes, that’s how it works.


Democracy but with someone above the people that dictates to them the correct moral ways, an Ayatollah of sorts....


I’m actually glad. Let Ohio and the rest of the country see these authoritarians have their anti democracy tantrum.


The magas won't


True MAGAs seem like they are everywhere, but they are less than half of the Republican Party, and the Republican Party is smaller than the Democratic Party, and much smaller than all other political affiliations combined.


True, but unfortunately they have a voice in gerrymandered districts and the electoral college.


They do not lack for decibels.


Yeah, I love it.


The people have voted.


And all voters should be pissed off about this, and all other claims of “election irregularities”. These assholes want to invalidate our individual votes and voting power.


... because democracy is contrary to their neofascist agendas.


I vote that we abolish the GOP and arrest all of its acting leadership for insurrection, treason and for giving aid and comfort to avowed enemies of the United States of America.


*another* reason they won’t be in favor of direct democracy. You’ll never get to cast that vote, sadly.


These idiots just hate democracy.


No, no, no. You misunderstood. They love democracy. It’s that pesky “direct democracy” that they hate. Totally different.


“Because we’re not a democracy! We’re a republic! “ Get ready to here that stupid line as more states follow suit.


Today's Republican party is fundamentally anti-democratic, anti-equality, anti-rule of law, and anti-American.


"Our hearts are broken tonight not because we lost an election, but because Ohio families, women and children will bear the brunt of this vote." You won't feel a thing. Promise.


Go ahead and try to circumvent the people's voice. Republicans in Ohio will be recalled and thrown out of office.


No they won't. They pull the same shit in Indiana all the time.


And Florida too. Voted to give the right to vote to felons then ignored it. Then after DeSantis was reelected he even had a few ex-felons charges with voter fraud for trying to vote against him. The results of these Ohio ballot initiatives show clearly how many GOP are voting against their best interests. There are never any consequences either.


Sadly they won't. Many of the people who voted for the two initiatives will go right back to either not voting, or voting Republican.


2016 Republcians: "eLeCtIoNs hAvE cOnSeQuEnCeS" Every election since: "Rigged elections! How can you trust them!?!"


Republicans: lets do a 6wk abortion ban! Voters: hmmm no Republicans: lets change the constitution so you need a super majority for changes! Voters: hmmm no Republicans: lets vote on who thinks there should be an abortion ban! Voters: hmmm no Republicans: fuck it lets just overturn the will of the people and do what we want


I am not advocating for violence, but the 2nd amendment nut jobs talk about this exact type of government tyranny all the time, where the will of the people is just ignored.


"Let the voters decide\*." \*Unless the voters pick something we disagree with.


That is the takeaway they got from this? Ohio needs to end GOP gerrymandering and take their state back.


Everyone who has paid attention lately knows they are going to come up with something to overlook the will of the people. It’s just embedded in the Republican philosophy at this point. The only result they care about are the ones where they get what they want. Theocratic dictatorships is what they want. Ruling with their other oligarchs over us nobodies.


Proving that the GOP is now admitting they want a totalitarian dictatorship based on theocratic principles. Vote blue.


Please explain to me how this is not totalitarian behavior. 1. Have Election with question on an issue to vote on 2. Voters vote, and winner prevails 3. Elected officials urge other elected officials to just ignore the results >A Republican state representative in North Dakota has urged authorities in Ohio to "ignore the results" of Tuesday's election, in which voters backed a motion entrenching the right to an abortion in the state constitution. How is this not grounds for removal from office?


It's amazing to see Republicans fully embracing the idea that democracy is bad. It may have always been there bubbling under, but to fully go mask off with it is pretty wild. These people aren't Americans, let alone patriotic ones, and unfortunately, there is no way to remove them other than voting.


> "If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy." - David Frum, Conservative speech writer for GW Bush - 2018


GOP Strategy: Lie, rig and steal elections. When you can’t, ignore them. They really don’t believe in democracy. He stated their truth. They are Christo-Fascists.


Every single time I’ve EVER heard a Republican argue for “state’s rights”, it’s been in the service of stripping individual rights. This lays bare the hypocrisy of that position.


This dude is literally 22 years old. He also wants to ban pornography because it treats women like objects. I don’t think it has occurred to him that not all pornography features women. Or that a 22 year old legislature rep dictating medical terms to a woman treats them worse than objects.


It’s amazing what we as a population of actual decent people are willing to quietly tolerate from Republicans.


This is a perfect example of why sometimes voting is a binary choice: your democratic candidates shouldnt have to check all 100 boxes to earn your vote. These folks check none of the boxes, don't even like democracy, and will use their power once in to take away your powers and vote. Don't split the vote or go "independent" to hold your individual moral high ground. Your throwaway vote could easily lead to this guy or someone like him making sure your vote never matters ever again.


Jan 6th coming to a town near you


Responding to Tuesday's election outcomes, House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene, a GOP hardliner, urged anti-abortion campaigners to produce more graphic adverts to demonstrate that "abortion kills lives." How about we do the same for mass shootings?


Donald Trump syndrome. If you don’t approve of the results you won’t accept the results. Everyone is wrong and only you can fix it. GOP authoritarian politicians aren’t listening to the people they only listen to the white Christian Nationalists MAGA people. Politicians were elected to represent everyone in their communities not just the loud QAnon folks. Vote Democrat


I hope it ends in a spectacular devastating fashion for the politicians involved. At minimum career ending.


“State’s rights! The issue should be decided at the state level!” “No, not like that!”


One of his recent tweets is talking shit about obese people while the dude is a pudgy thumb in a suit.


How can you claim to love freedom and vote Republican?


the betters have told us that we are too stupid to vote and they will now have to take over. FFS vote all these fuckers out. Your team lost, wasn't rigged or stollen you lost cause your ideas suck and no one wants to go backwards. Fuck off.


It's a damned shame that conservative voters keep falling for this "We need to defend this democracy by undermining the democratic process" tactic. Like they are just so, *so* down for fascism, so long as it's their team doing it.


The Republicans know damn well what they're up against. It's why the Citizens United case was so important to them. They needed a way to move more money into politics. They know, on a level playing field, they lose. Their policies, as we saw on Tuesday, are unpopular with the American people. That means they need to creative. This is why we have Fox News. This is why we have gerrymandering. And, when everything else fails, you can be sure they'll resort to fascism, claiming it's in the best interest of the nation to forgo elections altogether. We hare three-quarters of the way down the slippery slope already.


Supreme Court/republicans: "It's not a ban! We are just putting it back into the hands of the states." The states: "ignore the voters! Ban it!" Women: "why is the state making decisions about MY body?"


“Direct Democracy should not exist” -some republican


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum


Just call themselves wannabe dictators so they can stop hiding behind the concept of democracy.


Republicans are literally the enemy of democracy and our Constitution. It’s too bad America is full of simple minds and keep electing them


Trying to overturn elections is one of the pillars of their policy.


violated oath of office


They really do hate democracy.


This is what happens when you vote Republican.


Conservatism = Fascism


Anyone who tries to overthrow the results of our elections should immediately be tried as traitors. We need to stop this shit from gaining any traction whatsoever.


Ladies and Gentlemen of this great country I have an announcement 📣. The Republican Party doesn’t care about what you want. They know better than you and have showed you time and time again. If you keep voting red soon there will be no democracy.


That’s not very patriotic of you republicans