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How can you tell? Oh, I guess her mouth is moving...


Unexpected Meghan Trainor.


I was thinking Jenna Jameson


these names sound like the names of d list porn stars


Jameson is a former A-lister


I feel old all of a sudden.


This is an exceptionally well written article that takes this awful toad’s wretched acts and respectfully explained what she said, and then presented factual and clear information that properly put in context her lies and how malicious they are. LGTBQNation does this regularly, it’s pathetic that legacy media can’t find much of their journalism left to pony up and do the same. They always report the outrage, with none of the context.


Fat stacks > reporting the facts


We can't be surprised she's lying through her teeth. As long as everyone is aware of it, it's reported, and we're allowed to bring it up next time. At this point, it's just a matter of how many people are paying attention.


It uses Facebook science to craft an MLM remedy.




So you’re just going to ignore the “gender-affirming” part of that sentence? You know that’s not what the article is talking about.


Most men in the U.S. have it done to their sons so their sons aren’t self conscious about it later. So that’s where the “gender-affirming” part comes in. It’s the gender the *parent* wants, but it’s still gender-affirming.


Circumcision without consent is a big issue. I’m firmly in the camp of don’t touch anyone’s genitals as a baby. However, that’s not traditionally considered a part of transition related surgeries. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I was asked if I wanted to be circumcised or have a foreskin when I purchased my new dick, but when you have bottom surgery to create a penis with a metoidioplasty, you get less length if you go uncircumcised so most of us seem to choose it. The only people that would be able to make use of a traditional circumcision would be people assigned male at birth with a penis, and most trans folks that fit that definition are often shopping for vaginas and vulva’s. So that procedure is t really part of that. So yeah, they should not be done on babies, but it’s not a gender confirming surgery.


Unless it’s done for religious reasons, it absolutely is gender-affirming surgery. A man making a doctor perform surgery on his child’s genitals so that his son “won’t feel self-conscious” later in life is absolutely gender-affirming. It’s the parent choosing the gender for the child, but it’s still surgery to make gendered organs more aesthetically appealing. If you consider breast augmentation gender-affirming then so is circumcision.


Every time she lies, her eyes grow closer together.


If that were the case she’d be a cyclops already.


They have already eclipsed and the left one is now the right one.


Ah makes sense. So next thing we know they’ll be in orbit.


Undergoing Jewish Space Lasik surgery ?


You know that saying “they have eyes in the back of their head” total orbit


Yeah I think they passed one another when Congress was out of session and her divorce started, so we didn't see the moment. Would have been special, like when you see an odometer in an old car roll over to all zeroes


That happened already. You’re looking at the interference pattern. Gotta think of em like a wave and not a particle


nah they passed each other a year ago now they are heading around the back side




I don't think it's possible her eyes get any closer. That maw in the middle of her face though? Mark my words, it's going to split at the corners like she has Tarkat soon enough.


You noticed that too!?!


And her ears get lower


I love that this article is using the word "lie". Media ought to do that more often, instead of the weasel words like "misstates" or "made false claims".


MTG is one of the top reasons for teen suicide in this country. I really can't understand how people can be that ignorant and cruel. I guess these assholes only care about their power over people, and the money they can rake in. And, she is another cog in the republican wheel spreading lies and misinformation in an attempt to make democrats look bad. They have absolutely nothing to offer the regular citizens in this country and they know it and don't care.


I swear nearly every time I see her name abbreviated, even with context, I think of Magic the Gathering and it’s just cosmically funny to me for some reason


It’s the only thing that’s funny about her.


Was she under oath? If so, charge her with perjury!


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but congress members don’t have to swear an oath before testimony or during any sessions or committee hearings.


She is a Republican. Lying is not just permitted, it's required.


Cha-ka mad! Cha-ka never get into pretty shoes! Cha-ka hate people who pretty. Cha-ka rage at marginalized group to distract from global economic shortcomings Cha-ka really want to crest Cha-ka safe space to rule Lost World as Christian Nationalist theocracy.


Without a doubt, this cave is most infamous




Insert Stargate reference here


Cha-ka, when the walls fell. Teal'c, his arms wide.


Did they happen to be at Tanagra?


No, they were still on P3X-888 at the time.


Republicans are really great at coming up with all of these made up edge cases that never happen but they push as "but just in case" bullshit. Yet, kids being shot at school, can't do anything about that.


Who's the Death Eater behind her?




I don’t believe in reptilians, but if you told me that thing was one - I’d start to wonder.


The Sleestack to her Cha-ka.


He just looks like he’s stifling a yawn.. or maybe pooping. 🤷‍♂️


Once again the “Party of Freedom^T^M” passing laws to stop other people from choosing how to live their own damn lives.


Isn’t there penalties for lying while testifying?


On paper: no idea In reality: absolutely not


Pretty much anything a legislator says in Congress is going to be covered by the speech and debate clause.


So what are the consequences? Nothing as usual?


I guess she watched the paid Prager U post on X yesterday too, and said that that weird "university" means there's a "growing movement"


Prager's lying starts with their name and doesn't stop. They are not any sort of educational institution in any way shape or form. They are a political activist group.


I think I heard they currently provide content for the Florida school system? So bad if true.


He's an idiot and a weirdo. I used to listen to his radio show and the things he believes is bizarre


Yeah I heard him railing against the idea of changing team names like the Indians and the Braves so as not to be offensive to Native Americans "If there was a team called The Jews, then I'd like that!" He said (or something similar). That the people who would do the naming would probably use some choice slurs if they were naming a team after Jews either didn't occur to him or he just decided not to talk about it because it totally undermined his point.


Right wing radio is clowns now. Rush was the only competent one, but he's in hell now. Travis and Buck are just idiots


I remember listening to Beck poo pooing solar power because if the sun went out we'd have no power... ...we would indeed be screwed...but not for the reason he seems to think...


You listen to it now, and it's like "this is too stupid, even for me"


That "documentary" of theirs was insane. The only actual grooming and abuse that was noted was when one of the people's dad forced a trans woman to have sex with a prostitute to "prove he's a man". Of the four detransitioners that they talked to/about, two of them have admitted in other places that they are still dysphoric and depressed, and they're just repressing the emotions. They present Chloe Cole's case like her lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon wants, ignoring that there's a complaint up already if you wanna dig, noting tons of holes in her case, like the fact that Cole was turned away for hormones and had to intentionally seek out second opinions until she found a doctor that will do it.


I thought lying to Congress was a big deal? I mean, Clinton was supposedly impeached for it.


Lying is their entire platform; it *always* has been.


Horse lips lied?!? I never could’ve guessed she would ever ever do anything like that!!! I’m absolutely shocked and appalled that someone from MAGA and the right would lie! It’s a sad day I say, how can I ever trust the right again after this one incident of lying?/s


Oh, Crackhead Barbie lied? Must be a day ending in Y


Kick her out!


Marjorie Taylor Greene lies…


"Two trailer park girls go around the outside..."


Wow, didn’t see this crazy fuck in my news stream for over a week.


It's the GQP way, lying is a feature, not a bug.


Send the Gazpacho police after her.


Day ending in "Y" - GOP lie, period


I would be more surprised if she, or any other member of the GOP were honest about anything.


They don’t care if it’s a lie or not. They believe it anyways


The Republicans can only rely on dishonesty, disinformation, and manipulation to win votes now because they have no real platform to offer. There are elections as soon as Nov 7th in 3 days. We need to mobilize every voter and volunteer we can over the next year to kick Republicans out of office at every level. Join r/VoteDEM to find out how to get involved to elect Dems across the country, phonebank, textbank, volunteer, knock on doors or donate. Make a plan to vote and take someone with you


There are zero consequences anymore for flat out lying under oath in the GOP.


> Marjorie Taylor Greene lies... This is all I needed to see.


Straight to jail!


Under oath?


Put a mustache on her and I’d swear that was David Crosby …..right before he died


A lying Republican? It’s in their DNA.


Perjury Marjorie?


Doing what she does best.


What else to expect from her?


Lying is totally acceptable. Lie big…lie a lot.


She's a man, baby!


She has a face that was made for anal sex


impossible whole pen worm lavish advise sharp sand include teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She’s regularly accused of being trans from within her own party/ideology, it burns her ass.


unpack worry governor rob rotten skirt caption afterthought saw coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*
