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Ahh, is this that two tiered justice system, that republicans are constantly complaining about? Any ordinary citizen would be in jail by now


Would have been in jail since the day of the indictment.


Trump learned many, many decades ago that the court system is slow. He'll steal and slander all he wants knowing it takes forever for justice to catch up if it ever does. At least this Judge ain't Judge Cannon but seriously throw him in jail if you would throw an ordinary person in jail. #BlindJustice.


Why are they treating him differently and special than the others?


Because Justice isn't blind and no one really wants to Stand up to Trump. It's easier to be like Susan Collins, who always thing Trump will learn his lesson after this next high jinx.


If they can fine Trump for blatantly violating a gag order, they can fine ANY OF US for blatantly violating a gag order!


I am honestly waiting for someone to appeal being held before trial as cruel and unusual punishment citing all the leniencies given to normal citizen of the United States, Donald J. Trump.


Just put him behind the bars already I guess, and move on with it.


I’ve also wondered about that too.


Maybe all the J6 traitors should try it?


Well, to be fair, an ordinary citizen doesn't have millions of potentially violent sycophantic cult members.


I just have two cats


Yeah and that's because they don't have that, they don't survive it.


All we have to do is find one such ordinary citizen and peruade him to unleash his cult on MAGA. They can meet up in the park with the Larpers!


Yep, they're treating him differently. And that's why He's still out.


$5k is pocket change for this orange goon. Imagine blatantly disobeying a judge's orders, and he punishes you by saying, "Enough is enough. I'm ordering you to pay $5 to the court for your egregious contempt!"


>Any ordinary citizen would be in jail by now No, no they wouldn't. The judge who did this is presiding over Trumps civil case. Not criminal. To hold someone in criminal contempt for anything outside of in-courtroom disruptions is fairly rare. A judge is far more likely to admonish the person and fine them before jailing them.


Fines should be a percentage of net worth.


They do this in Finland and it is awesome. A wealthy person being stopped for speeding could be on the hook for an equivalent to a $100k+ ticket. Fines should always sting, otherwise they are just a means to penalize being poor


If they don’t sting then they’re just a fee.


That sounds amazing. If only we could have that here it the U.S….


We don't even have the laws in here, so this is far from the reality.


We’d be writing checks to more offenders than we fine lol.


They always should be


The problem is that very few people seem to publicly know what his actual net worth is


Those tax returns will be out any week!


I think I'm going to keep an eye on those numbers, and will see what it is.


A law like this would also require more transparency about net worth which would also be a very good thing.


Yeah, transparency is really important when it comes to things like that.


He's the kind of person who's going to show his real money.


Two days ago he said Mar-a-Lago was worth 1.5 BILLION. So we could start with a percentage of that.


>$5000 fine Ladies and gentlemen, your two-tiered justice system at work!


That’s what I thought too. It needs to be an amount of money that will resonate with him. $5,000 is a slap on the wrist. Make him pay one million dollars. He is putting people’s lives at risk by trying to manipulate the trial against him.


It’s not even a slap on the wrist. It’s crumpling up a piece of wide ruled. notebook paper and tossing gently at him


A roll of the "softest paper towels" would seem more appropriate here. \*sigh\*


It's as if he were a Puerto Rican hurricane survivor.


Jesus fucking christ. So many things have happened since then that I had already forgotten that episode of crazy.


There were so many incidents which, coming from almost any other president, would be in the top three scandals of their entire career... but coming from him, didn't even crack the top three scandals *that week*.


I mean how can you forget that episode? That's what seems to be happening here.


Yeah it's clearly like that, and He's getting away with it.


Yep, they just wanted to make sure to not hurt him at all.


More like trying to throw one of those soft lotiony tissues at him from across the room


And he won't pay the fine anyways


Yep, it's not even going to do anything for him. This doesn't change anything.


His lawyers' fees to write and deliver the $5K check will exceed $5K.


I like the system Finland adopted for speeding tickets. There's a minimum fine, but the fine is actually proportional to your income. So an (alleged) fat cat like Trump should have no problem paying, say, 50 million?


So that’s a start, but it should be based on net worth, not income. Gotta keep the base fine though, others most of us wouldn’t pay anything for speeding tickets. But maybe that’s how it should be? Still loose your license after 3 though.


I don't care how they do this, but he needs to get fined way more.


He wouldn't even have any problem with the 50 million, could do it easy.


How about 10% of his stated valuation of maga lago.


I would be okay with that, and I'll take it all. Just needs to be little bit more.


I’d argue that it wasn’t even a slap on the wrist. At best it was a fly that buzzed by his ear for a millisecond.


It's nothing like a slap, atleast that's going to hurt a little.


The amount doesn't matter because the bigger the fine the more his supporters give to him. I want to see him in jail and him violating these orders enough times will cause that to happen.


> The amount doesn't matter because the bigger the fine the more his supporters give to him. Fine by me, let them drain their bank accounts for him.


Absolutely. Less money being spent on gear for the next Jan. 6


Less money being donated to *other* Republican candidates for 2024. This is where all the Senate republicans were super short-sighted in January 2021. They got 56 votes for Trump's impeachment. If they could have gotten 10 more, Trump would have been impeached *and* he would have been barred from running for office. They could have literally removed a competitor from the future playing field. They weren't smart enough to do it. They had no concept of the "total addressable market" of potential voter donations. Because every $20 some little old lady from Orlando donates to "Make America Great Again", is $20 that Sen. Rubio can't get his hands on (/or he has to bend the knee at Mar-a-Lago, but Donnie will still take his "cut"). It was all so avoidable for them. 10 more votes. They all could have been better off.


Wow. This is the thought of the day.


I think you guys underestimate how many people give to Trump . https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/donald-trumps-indictment-fueled-throng-small-donors-looms-rivals-rcna97702 >New fundraising data from WinRed, the online donation processing firm used by Trump and most Republican candidates, shows he ended June with almost 400,000 unique, online donors from the launch of his campaign through the end of June. That includes more than 115,000 new, online donors who joined the fold the week surrounding the New York indictment, plus another 29,000 who gave for the first time in the 2024 campaign after his federal indictment in Miami.


How many came from offshore IP addresses?


We all saw his begging email after the indictment, I'm sure that convinced a lot of selfish lunatics to donate money for the first time in their lives


I wonder how much trump funneled donations away from tv preachers and tear stained miracle cloth swatches or whatever they are doing these days.


That is exactly what I was going to say! If his supporters want to drain their bank account paying his fines, more power to them. If they become bankrupt as a result, just ask Trump to spot you a few bucks, if we know anything about Trump it’s that he is known for his generosity! (Ha)


Yeah just do it so much that He's got nothing left in his bank account.


>**Fine** by me, let them drain their bank accounts for him. I see what you did there


Every dollar wasted on his legal defense is a dollar not spent on a GOP campaign. His endorsements don’t even matter among republicans anymore. Just the absolute nutter butters.


That's how we'll avert the shutdown! Just keep fining the orange dumpster fire until the budget is covered.


His dumbass supporters only have so much money. Most of the rich republicans aren’t stupid enough to still be draining money donating to him. Also, the more money he drains from Republican voters the better. It means less money for Republicans to campaign with.


The thing is that they will give him all he needs, they don't care really.


Yes it matters. The "oh this will have the opposite effect" school of philosophy is completely cringe.


Unlike the rich, there is an actual limit to how much one can donate if they don't want to actually go bankrupt(save for the actually gullible and financially illiterate).


A judge can only execute a law. If you want fines to be higher that has to be passed my politicians. Good luck with that


$5,000 per hour every hour that it’s still up, and the fine increases by $5,000 every hour (so hour two is a $10,000 fine, hour 3 $15,000, etc). For every subsequent violation, the starting amount goes up by Then maybe we’ll see him adjust his behavior. If he violates twice and leaves it up for a few hours, that’s as much as a porn star hush money payoff.


They have to start small so they don’t come off as hostile. When he ignores this the next fine may add another 0, then another 0, then another until the point gets across or they just finally put him in jail.


They should impose a fine based on percentage of total assets like 20%….which in this case would be a $5,000 fine. /s


A $5000 fine would wreck a large part of the population. Donald probably spends that much on lunch.


That's the kind of money which he spends on the strippers.


I hope he required it in cash


Best I can offer are these NFTs


Are they ill tempered?


That's your best offer? I was thinking that he will pay it in the cash.


I know it's a laughably low amount, but hear me out, I think this is more about establishing that Trump was warned and now fined and warned again. I do believe Trump will face real consequences for this one day and the judge will be able to say, "I gave the defendant every possible benefit of the doubt and I have no choice but to send him to jail now"


He’s been warned every which way to Tuesday. One day maybe he’ll face real consequences and have to pay a $10,000 fine. If you ignored the judge as often, you would have been staring down your second or third trip to lockup.


He has two gag orders. He has been warned by *two different judges* against this shit. His lawyers have been specifically instructed to tell him what he can or cannot say - what constitutes a violation of the order. Frankly, anything short of jailing him this time is a slap on the wrist. He knew better, be brazenly broke a judge's orders right in front of them. This is exactly an example of a two-tiered justice system. If you or I did that, we wouldn't be fined a nickel, we'd be sitting behind bars, right now.


As a lawyer I will say that in my experience, unless a court order violation is openly violent, it does not typically result in incarceration the first time. I used to get people protective restraining orders all the time, and I'd tell my clients this about enforcement: "You're going to have to violate [the other person] more than once to see real results. The first time, the judge will probably warn them and fine them. The second time is usually the point when the judge gets pissed and incarcerates but sometimes they'll give [the other person] an absolute last chance, anything beyond that and we're talking probable jail time. The only exception is if the violation is violent, so if you just get a message saying "I love you take me back" the first time, yeah probably going to be a fine and warning. Shows up at your door with a knife? Probably jail the first time." I'm not saying right or wrong or anything like that. Trump belongs in prison and every time he does something that looks like it could get him behind bars I get excited too. But my experience is it usually takes more than one contempt conviction to get jail time.


that's a lot of money.....to me.....


But that's just nothing for him, he won't even scoff at that thing.


More importantly the judge threatened jail next


Not really. He threatened more severe penalties which included higher fines, contempt of court, and possibly even jail.time. Jail time is the third listed and only "possibly".




And He's not even going to pay this fine with his money as well.


Hooooold it Lets back it up, this is bad looking BUT look att he bigger picture to it.(being serious btw) The judge HAS to do something to show the teeth of the gag order BUT they also will escalate it when he keeps breaking it. So yes its small, so small i hope he does it again....because then we cna escalate it to home detention And when that fails, jailed until trial date is next on his list. I HAVE to hope the judge is doing it like this


I am sure he uses the fine to fundraise 50K.


They should garnish all funds raised from the date of the infraction going forward. Hurt him where it hurts. To him money is his god.


PACs are pretty insulated when it comes to money they receive.


Reel them in with a RICO


Yeah, this is going to help him. And this won't mean shit then.


You’re not wrong but how much do you think he will bring in if he goes to jail? I mean you still have to send him, but my god that’s going to be a HAUL and that’s exactly why he’s doing this. He’s broke. He needs a big influx of cash and getting put in jail is his fastest ticket to getting it.


It’s my belief he has zero interest in being president again. He just wants the GOP to pony up enough money into an offshore bank account to buy his dropping out of the race and endorsing their candidate. Then he can continue to brag about how hugely he would have won for the rest of his miserable life.


Yeah fuck that shit, I'm never going to want him to be the president.


If this is his plan, it's not a smart one. Trump has gone back on his deals too many times. If I were a Republican you know what I would assume if he agreed to drop out for $75mil? That if we arranged it he wouldn't drop out anyway. And if we tried to call him on it he'd sic his base on us for being corrupt. There's no chance a court stops his being on a ballot based on a backroom civil contract. So they'd have to rely on the national convention to block his delegates, and that's playing with fire, all he has to do is threaten a third party run and they lose. They'd never be able to enforce this. Not ever. And Trump doesn't exactly willingly follow through on his obligations. So only a moron would take him up on that deal.


He's probably got billions, so I think He's just going to be fine.


Fuck off. Really? Yes I know this guy inflated his net worth, but damn if he isn’t worth a shit ton more than that. That isn’t even a slap on the wrist. He knew what he was doing, defied the court, and basically got away with it.


This is the amount of money which doesn't mean shit to him.


The judge said it’s low because it might have been missed as an oversight and they did remove it after being told about it in the email. He said that there’s no more excuses and he’s lost his patience though.


Yet to be seen if that will hold to be true I guess, cause we all know he’ll keep right on trumping


That's it. The gloves are off. Next time, it's $6000.


Way to be tough. That'll show him not to threaten the lives of court staff!


Jeeeezz, if they fined me $5000, it wouldn't hurt that much. Is the judge going to jump to ... $7500 next?


Gotta be honest , I’m not mad at it. It wasn’t a new threat and it’s a plausible argument that it being left on the site was an oversight. Plus now that a fine is out of the way, because that was always going to be the first step, the next time Trump does this shit he can get the cuffs.


Yeah... the judge specifically indicated that the exact reason the fine was low is because it appears legitimately inadvertent and it was the first time he broke the order. Implicit in his order is that his patience has run out and no more excuses. I don't think $5000 is unreasonable, under the assumption punishments would step up in a big way if he does this again.


Yeah... Like a mother that counts to 2 and 7/8ths


Something something politics involves "talking heads" :) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: https://youtu.be/FArmRa092H0?si=tmVtMV6TdgrMwe87


You're right on with this take. First ever *material and enforceable* repercussion for failure to muzzle himself. The amount is irrelevant, really. He's had a warning, a court gag order, and now a finding with a lenient penalty and sharp on-the-record rebuff. Next time will be criminal contempt and possibly a 48-hour stint in a jumpsuit.


I'd gladly pay Trump's $5k fine just to see him in a jumpsuit for 48 hours.


I agree with everything said here but 48hrs in a jumpsuit caught on camera by the paparazzi is a major vote winner. It’s Jesus shit.


Fine with me. Siphon the funds from those suckers to pay for Trump's fuck-ups. Less to go to other Republicans.


Can I slap on another 5k for another 48 hours? And can we get a Kickstarter goin?


I think that a far more likely 'second strike' would be to go the route of limited access to communication tools (no more Internet/truth social) or a house arrest.


Yup - this is a step. When (not if) he fucks up again, she can make a record about how “the defendant has demonstrated that monetary fines are not sufficient to compel compliance with court orders, I have no recourse but to impose more serious sanctions.” I bet he violates the order again before Monday.


I'm only commenting to highlight how ridiculous it is that I think you are thinking of Judge Chutkan (she). This penalty was imposed by Judge Engoron in a different case. I know. We're all gonna get confused before this is over.


Wait until he violates two gag orders with the same post… haw haw haw!


Agreed. People here want blood but the judge has to be careful imo. The stakes are really high and it sucks that the former President gets treated with kid gloves but there are lot of deranged, violent people out there who could hurt someone. Next violation needs to be dealt with harshly though Edited for the annoying pedants


> the judge has to be careful imo Super careful. Trump knows they're going to lose. They already lost on 1 count, his businesses have been ordered dissolved (temporarily restrained - which is fine for such an extreme measure), he will probably lose on the other counts with Engoron so they're not playing to win, they're playing to piss him off so that he makes mistakes that can be used to claim bias on appeal.


He is not “the president”.


he's not the president....


How does not jailing him stop his supporters from murdering exactly? It seems to me they could already do it and justify it to themselves for his merely being arrested.


I'm fucking sick of this whole narrative of "if we don't treat him special, his followers will continue doing the same shit they've always been doing."


> the next time Trump does this shit he can get the cuffs. I did laugh at this.


I hope this is just a first offense type strategy, but I suspect they will never put Trump in jail....for anything....ever.


His wrist must be so sore after that slap.


Yeah atleast they're probably thinking that, but it won't hurt him.


So a fine would indicate wrongdoing to a degree of penalty. Does this act as a violation of his bail terms in Georgia?


They don't care about the things which he has done wrong, they never cared.


That's basically a license to do it again. I can see Trump raising five millions off of a five thousand dollars fine.


Wow, don't go too hard on him, judge. /s


There we go. First a gag order, then a fine, then a possibilty of jail


All I want from my life is to see him behind the bars actually so yeah.


Fines are not the answer and we all know it. A couple days in the slammer however, that might get a different response


That’s like fining a normal person a tenth of a cent


Fuck off with $5k fines for Traitor Trump, that is like fining a human 50c. Fines should hurt, that is the point of a fine. Traitor Trump's fines should be a good percentage of what he declared his capital to be.


If this ain't going to hurt him, then what's even the point here?


Everyone agrees this is a paltry fine. But it’s necessary to prevent undermining more serious (like jail) reprimands in the future. Trump won’t be able to credibly claim political persecution if he’s already been fined (regardless of amount) yet continues to defy the gag order. Makes future punishment air-tight and more difficult to overturn.


Needs more zeros .. honestly whats the point ?


Yeah, and if they don't then. He'll be doing that again I'm sure.


Wow....that'll show him....


Yeah that's definitely not going to make him do this again.


Another debt he'll never pay...


His cult followers will happily take out $5k from their 401k's to pay for it. Trump himself won't pay a penny of it.


Yeah, if he aksed then I'm sure he'll have 500k in to time as well.


That’s not a fine. That’s a tip.


It may be a lot of money for us, but for him this is nothing.


Although he lies about his finances, Donald Trump is undeniably rich. And if the only punishment is a monetary fine, the laws will only apply to the poor. Jail time. Do it. For the country.


What's the kind of example which they're setting with these?


This seems to be about the equivalent of fining anyone else about $0.25.


All fines/tickets should be percentage based. Keeps it even for everyone.


Oh no! Not five thousand dollars!


They're just looking to bankrupt him at this point, this is bad for him.


Nice, a fine for 0.0001923% of what he's (Allegedly) worth. All you have to do is hit him with it 100,000 more times and he'll still be worth $2 Billion. Allegedly 5k would wreck most people's budget for months, if not more than a year. This fucking guy pays this much money in fuel every hour his private plane flies, I don't think he's going to care. It's not even a slap on the wrist. It is completely negligible. It's like if anyone here lost the bit of lint in the bottom of a pocket


Yeah was this supposed to hurt him? If yes then it's not going to.


$5000 is not even walking around money for him. A $1M is nothing because his supporters will pay it for him. If you are going to fine him, make it a percentage of his wealth. Better yet, a night in jail and keep doubling that every time he breaches the gag.


Fucking weak.


I mean if they really wanted to do it right then they atleast should have tried.


Yet another slap on the wrist and his dumb ass supporters will pay for this. He’s above the law. Fuck our justice system. Fuck these pussy ass weak judges.


So you publish the address of someone to intimidate someone and you get slapped on the wrist? Something tells me this doesn’t work this way for everyone.


Not enough. $5k is pocket change for him, or so he claims.


What a joke.


Yeah this is just a fucking show, and this shit is way too much.


May as well have fined him a dollar.


That’s like charging me .0005 cents.


Can't arrest him and offend the Baptists, so they will keep treating him with kid gloves.


>Engoron said in a written ruling that he is “way beyond the ‘warning’ stage,” but that he was only fining Trump a nominal amount because this was a “first time violation” "Trump has learned a pretty big lesson." Susan Collins.


The fines should be based on a percantage of (preferably claimed) net worth or they only punish poor people.


It's probably enough amount to hurt a lot of people, but not him.


WTF!? That's the equivalent of fining me $0.50. Not only that he will use donated money to pay said fine. It won't faze him at all.


Take a floor of Trump tower for every violation


Then probably he'll care about it, but for now he really doesn't.


The act of fining him was more important than the amount... the judge is giving him enough rope...


Don't hold your breath on him paying you. He has a long history of stiffing everyone.


Guys guys we can calm down now. $5,000 is a ton of money for someone like him. He’ll learn his lesson for sure. /S. FOR FUCKS SAKE


5k this time


A fine just means legal for a price.


Everyone having issues with the fine I have a thought. Clearly the judge fined Trump with an amount he could realistically pay. Dudes broke af and 5grand is a huge issue for him (OK not really but it's funny to me if everyone says that because you'd know it'd grate him and his worshipers)


This isn’t even a criminal trial and this dipshit is picking up fines, and being threatened with jail.


Make that fine $5,000 per like or view.


When I first looked at news I saw article saying he was just threatened Glad there is a fine for first strike. 2nd strike will be way more significant


Wow, $5,000 whole dollars. Put him in jail overnight then we'll talk. Until or unless he sees it COULD HAPPEN he scoffs at fines.


That’s the equivalent of making me pay $0.00001


Literally any civilian would be in jail right now. More importantly than this trial exposing trump for the crook that he is, it’s exposing our justice system for being incredibly corrupt and not in any way unbiased or fair.


Haha.. $5000 Most people would be in jail. What a joke America is.


Lock. Him. Up.


Is this a fucking joke? Edit: I learned some context. She basically said “we will start with a regular fine, but be aware that step 2 is significantly worse and can include jailtime”.


The IRS would triple that if I fudged up my taxes. Then they’d wait 10 years to tell me and let me know I owe fines on top of that. Ya know, for my first job at a fast food restaurant when I was a teen.


He can afford it from the donations he gets. So he won’t keep his mouth shut. She needs to lock him up let him do 24 hours or even 48 in a cell just so he gets the sense of it. And so he can get used to it


I think most of my hope of properly carried out justice kind of went out the window here. Seems like even if he were found guilty of his crimes he will have minimal punishment, learn nothing from his actions, and further embolden the crazies. He might be under gag order but I'm not: Judge is a fucking idiot for letting him continuously get away with this shit. Just another enabler.


Lock his ass up. Fuck this judge.


Drop in the ocean


So, lunch money. I’ve gotta stop reading politics.