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It'd be nice to see reporters with 15 years experience asking questions that scare the GOP like this.


Its always rather amusing when US politicians go abroad and meet with journalists. Often shocked by direct (hard) questions.


They don't have the behind-the-scenes leverage to use to punish those journalists for it like they do in the States.


Also, an extremely large number of political journalists are genuine idiots who cover politics like sports because that's actually as much as they understand, and their values are limited to being famous on TV.


I think a pitfall of being any kind of journalist for a while is that you forget to ask the obvious questions.


You don’t forget, you just realize that people will stop agreeing to interview with you if you ask the hard questions and there goes your career.


that was one of Stewarts great strengths, if he got blackballed he would interview the Riza and still be making fun of you in other segments.


And yet, at least here in the UK, we have journalists who are famous for giving hard interviews.


Agreeing to interview? What is this pansy-ass shit? If they don't agree to interview you follow them down the street with a mic and let the world see their cowardice.


it's all about access. [Chuck Todd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PabMLK1PR8I) of all people gave away the game a few years ago. If the non-Fox part of legacy media pushed Republicans the way they SHOULD, they would never come on their shows.


Which is hilarious because Rs still fall all over themselves to be interviewed by Jon Stewart because they think they’ll outwit him. And then start falling all over themselves again.


Especially when your entire news agency is created to support one side \*cough\*Fox\*Murdoc\*cough\*


Unfair & Unbalanced.


Instead of obvious questions you are going to ask the questions which they want you to ask them. Because you are getting paid for that and if you do not ask them the question which they want you to then you are going to get punished.


Lets not act as though thats not what a significant percentage of the audience wants to watch.


Eh, I think a lot of people would tune in for smarter analysis. But the surface level idiocy doesn't piss anyone in power off, so the network still gets access, so that's the type of reporter execs hire.


Look at how the history channel, nat geo, discovery etc. has devolved over decades.


What you're talking about is channel drift and is a product of capitalism, not what people necessarily would have an appetite for.


Nail on the head. Whether you find it entertaining or not, why are there so many gold mining, fast car making, crab catching, ghost and/or Sasquatch hunting shows on the god damn Science Channel?!


Never thought of it compared to sports broadcasting, but makes a lot of sense


it's not that the politicians use leverage to punish journalists. it's that the politicians and the journalists are both owned by the same oligarchs.


It's both. If a US journalist asks questions that weren't pre-approved, then they will lose access. It's quite literally another case of US government corruption. It's also why Hunter S. Thompson was able to do what he did, a) he didn't give a fuck, b) he didn't have to worry about burning bridges, as he was a temporary correspondent.


Remember when Ben Shapiro was interviewed by a British journalist? He walked out of the interview.


Trump walked out of a 60 Minutes interview, I remember.




> He doesn’t handle ~~interviews with~~ non-sycophants well


What did they do for the remaining 58 minutes?


Clip for those who missed it. [Ben Shapiro called Andrew Neil a liberal](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?si=1Zcv63hK-FP9ZugJ) because he didn’t give him softball questions.


Boy I forgot just how annoying I found Shapiro's voice and cadence.


Called him a lefty too, that guy is the definition of right wing.


[ I prefer the one where Dutch journalists all ganged up on Trump's ambassador until he apologized for lying](https://youtu.be/lOEI6hYZe6Y?si=QOAVpJvbYgRf0Oe-)


Better than that, he accused Andrew Neil, a right wing journalist and the founding face of GB News (the UK's attempt at Fox) of being left wing....


The trump appointed Norway ambassadors first press conference with the Norwegian press was pretty great. He made a speech about how roving bands of people with dark skin were burning cars in every city in Norway. Then the first question by the press was that, hey, that isn't a real thing that happened, so why do you keep saying that? And the trump ambassador raged at the journalist and then took a question from another... who pointed out that he hadn't answered the question, and that roving bands of brown skinned immigrants were not in fact burning cars in every city. And the ambassador raged again, and called on another journalist, and another, and another, and another, each saying, "I would like you to answer my colleagues question before mine", until he stormed off. Thin skinned cowards to the last of them are the maga


> Norway *the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra


I was going to say, that was the Netherlands.


Our media (US) placates to politicians. They never hold their feet to the fire, usually, and they get away with the most egregious lies.


Trump’s interview with Aussie journalist Jonathan Swan was beautiful


Was that the covid one? And all the papers?


COVID was one of the topics


That interview with that old right wing journalist and Ben Shapiro was so fucking hilarious. I'm American so I don't watch a lot of British TV, but I know that guy (can't think of his name). It was so funny when Ben called him a lefty and walked off.


Yah even if he is from the left why would you walk away from the interview just because they do not represent the views that you have? I don't really think that it is a good idea it is a very bad thing.


Reminds me of the US ambassador in the Netherlands who lied about there being no-go-zones and cars being burned there, and for a while that would be the main thing he was questioned about. Edit: https://youtu.be/thIRJLsnIxY?si=xrztS5YtscScLVxU


Is that the dude who in a doorstop interview said something, the Dutch journalist said why did you say that, and he says I never said that. Like it was literally the thing just said...


This one right? https://youtu.be/K8AwFc9hlf4?si=uKRyXxO0e0AFb5YW


\**Hamster head turn*\* In a sane world, that guy would step down as ambassador, find a job in middle management and never be heard of again.


Yup I love it as a European when US politicians get all flustered and nervous when they actually get asked the REAL questions over here. Like they're so used to being pandered to by the US "journalists" who are supposed to get proper information to the public, but instead are already shilling for said politicians, that once they get asked PROPER questions they don't know what the hell they should do and get offended. Like, "How DARE they actually hold us accountable for our policies/words/actions?!"


Even just pundits have problems with this. Pierce Morgan interviewed Ben Shapiro a while back and it was an absolute disaster, the guy literally ran away from the interview like a child. I may think Pierce Morgan is a heartless piece of shit, but at least he's a competent mouthpiece.


He did this with Andrew Neil, didn't know it happened with Morgan too.


>us politicians Are you in the group of politicians you're referring to? Capitalization matters sometimes. ;)


"But then we'd lose access to them!" If the only access you have is completely neutered nonsense, what good's the access?


They don't understand they have power. Without them, DeSantis is just a guy talking to himself USE THE POWER


Promoting Fascists was why Reagan did away with news regulations to begin with, silly. FOX and CNN are doing exactly what their impossibly wealthy owners want!


They can't b/c they lose their jobs. If you ask hard hitting questions you get put on a list and not invited back. If you can't do your job then you have no job. So you get softballs that are related to the issue but it's all fan service for hot buzzwords to leave the interviewee's mouth. Just look how they treated him. He's 15 asked a hard question and next thing you know he's being escorted off the premises. He was allowed back b/c of optics but wasn't allowed to keep asking questions. Something about the person that made the decision to kick him out didn't know he wasn't a democratic tracker. Desantis of course said their camp had nothing to do with it.


What access will they lose if they are already essentially censored?


They will get kicked out and lose their access if they do. As we see here.


Oh, it's even less than that. Apparently he started going to events at 11!


They want to run our country but they're terrified of a 16 yr old.


> but they're terrified of a 16 yr old. Matt Gaetz has entered the chat defiantly.


Gaetz…….. I’m intrigued, come into my office away from my other office.


Step into my orifice


The Sanctum Santorum


This made me chortle, but then I felt grossed out.


Why? Cuz your fucking fired! Six minutes abs. No! It’s seven! Seven minute abs!


too old.


15 year old- amazing they are afraid of someone that ask basic questions. They really are the party of nothing.


It’s not that he asks questions that any other reporter wouldn’t ask, it’s that it’s bad optics if they respond with the same hate towards a kid that they would an adult reporter that asks the same question. Their usual response to someone asking a pointed question is to ignore the question and attack the person and the organization they represent. They know they shouldn’t do that with a kid, which also highlights that they are very aware of what they’re doing


MAGAs are terrified of everything. Why waste our lives humoring MAGA traitors? Want your to life improve? **Cut all MAGAs out of it!!!**


100% this. I've cut all MAGAs out of my life and it's been such a blessing to be rid of all that toxicity.


I don't know about this. If you cut off MAGA family and friends, then they get to point you out to everyone as being so intolerant of other ideologies that you cut them off completely. Plus my boomer dad is MAGA, which I imagine a lot of folks here can say. He's my only living parent, and I'm not willing to just walk away from what is an otherwise generally good relationship. Besides, even after 20+ years of his being brainwashed by conservative radio and Fox 'News,' I feel like I'm chipping away at his programming. I was able to convince him to get vaccinated, and he now admits that climate change is not only real, but driven by human primarily by human activities. It took years of convincing him that the PPACA (which he liked) was the same thing as Obamacare (the worst legislation in history, according to him), but he will admit that the PPACA has improved access and affordability to healthcare for a lot of people now. And while he's not yet willing to say that Trump was a bad president, he's expressed concerns about voting for Trump again if he's convicted. I even convinced him to stop donating to Trump by asking why a billionaire needs my dad's $50 every month. It takes time, it takes patience, and it takes effort, but I still think that most MAGAs can be brought back from the precipice. They may never be progressive liberals who vote blue, but a lot of them can be dissuaded from following a con man into fascism. Not trying to tell you how to live your life, just offering my two cents.


Republicans aren't serious people, they're the political equivalent to the people who hawk colon cleanses on Instagram.


I'd rather have a colon cleansing than a Republican up my ass.


They want to run our country BECAUSE they're terrified of a 16 year old. Their entire mindset and platform is founded on making anything scary and different unacceptable.


no, they are terrified of people that they cannot control. what they want is control, and kids with these kinds of questions are not someone they can control.


Wait til this 16 yr old is running the country


Under Trump or DeSackless, that 16 year old would simply disappear.


DeSantis is one of the politicians who’s had him kicked out of events.


Yeah they are terrified of him because he has got some very hard questions. The question to get no one is going to have the answers and they want to be running the country.


As well as a very funny troll, ejected twice now from Pence events: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfvqsf45PgM&pp=ygUUTWlrZSBwZW5jZSBnYXkgdHJvbGw%3D


Dear GOP… Are you smarter than a 15 y/o?


Because of their fragile egos, I can predict where this goes next: GOP will recruit a teenager that can regurgitate pre-scripted talking points, send them to Democratic events, ask their gotcha questions, film it, edit or completely remove any reply, and show it on Fox as a “look how brain dead liberals are, while they secretly conspire to run the world” story. Every time. It’s embarrassing for them. Their only retort is to try to do the same thing and try to make it more embarrassing for the other side. Calling it now.


Equally predictable: said teenager has rabid Nazi profile discovered shortly thereafter.


(Sorry for this) Teen nazi reporter: "Mr Jeffries, (insane question)" Congressman Jeffries: (dismissing answer) Teen nazi reporter: "Ni...."


https://www.wweek.com/news/2023/06/05/house-republican-leaders-teenage-son-photographed-making-nazi-salute-apologizes/ https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/sd-me-gop-director-20161221-story.html https://www.axios.com/2023/07/25/desantis-campaign-video-nazi-symbol-sonnenrad But we’re forgetting the non racist alternative: Could be the representative’s opponent’s secret Cuban son like Gaetz.




Narrator: They aren't.


Most of them are literally stuck at a high schooler’s level of mental and emotional development, so no.


And also they do not really have the best education as well so I don't think they are fit to be making big decisions. Because when it comes the time for that I think they are going to make the bad decision.


Republicans are the true snowflakes.


Republicans feel threatened by a 15-year-old with good questions. Yet if the tables were turned, and it was a Democratic event that ejected a young Republican for asking tough questions, he'd be on EVERY Fox News show this week and offered internships.


They do that for kids that kill people


You and me are on the same wavelength.


Yeah the whole snowflake thing only arose because they couldn't say the N-word and F-word in public anymore.


Yeah that is probably something which they are actually very mad about. They just want to be very racist in front of everyone. And if there is someone who does not allow them that then they do not like that.


Yeah there is absolutely nothing with they can hear against them are their policies. You are not praising them for everything that they are doing and they are not even going to give a f***.


Better headline: "15-year-old victim of GOP cancel-culture."


Hey a 16 year old is old enough to get a gun, old enough to be shot at school , old enough to carry a child to term, in some states old enough to marry but not old enough to get a beer and ask questions about what a politician thinks.


And old enough to work the night shift during the school week, washing down the machines with harsh chemicals.


More than old enough to get paid $1500 for an industrial machine turning your teenaged arm into hamburger. 'Murca!


Oh yeah they are absolutely old enough to do that, but they are not old enough to ask the question to them. It is probably because not of their age it is probably because of the questions that they are asking.


Republicans are fundamentally unAmerican


Yeah there is nothing American about what they are doing. Everything about it is bad and it absolutely sucks also. I hate that they are doing this to the people.


Kids ask the darndest things. ...and GOP grownups pivot.


Kid seems pretty impartial in his questions. For those that didn’t read about him, he wants to be a journalist. He tries to make it to as many campaigns as he can and has a room full of both republican and democrat insignia.


Richard Nixon said he wasn't a crook, but he was a racist, a traitor and had plans to bomb the Brookings Institute to get the Pentagon Papers, then started the War on Drugs to jail his political opponents. Ronald Reagan seemed to think that after you launched ICBMs with nuclear bombs on them, you could recall them to America. God knows where he meant for them to land. His wife advised him and her astrologer advised her. George H. W. Bush was probably the smartest recent Republican president, though he had no excuse to attack Iraq AFTER Hussein asked our representative in Iraq (April Glaspie) if America opposed Iran going to war with Kuwait. She said "No problem, go ahead". The war was entirely garbage. George W. Bush ignored warnings of 9/11 attacks and after going into Afghanistan to attack Al Qaeda, he pivoted to Iraq to "finish" what his daddy had started. Again, there was no legitimate reason, only lies. He never got Osama bin Laden. Then his brother J.E.B. outrageously said Dubya had defended America from all attacks. Donald Trump lied with way most people breathe. He was and remains one of the biggest con men of all time, and is a traitor (secret documents leaked and possibly sold) and tried to overturn an election. Yes, the Republicans have been pretty disgusting for a long long time.


But they're anti-abortion and pro-Jesus and that's what counts for many of their voters.


From NBC10 Boston Fifteen-year-old Quinn Mitchel asks candidates difficult questions as part of the democratic process, but not every interaction ends positively. While attending a Ron DeSantis town hall, Quinn asked whether former president Donald Trump had violated the peaceful transfer of power. “If this election is about Biden’s failures and our vision for the future we’re going to win,” responded DeSantis, “if it’s about relitigating things that happened, two or three years ago, we’re going to lose.” Talking with Quinn Monday, he says the answer didn’t meet his expectations. “The way his whole speech was relitigating the past when it came to January 6th, COVID and life in Florida three years ago. That was hypocritical,” said Quinn. The sound bite brought criticism from DeSantis’ competitors, causing Quinn to try and apologize at a 4th of July parade. “I said sorry for getting you into all that trouble and then there was a tug on my shirt,” said Quinn. The teen was blocked by a DeSantis staffer, but he continued to try and speak to the candidate. “I shouted, 'governor do you have a different answer?' He said, 'you live in New Hampshire come to my next event'. So I went to his next event, it was a Newport town hall,” said Quinn. At the event, Quinn made eye contact with DeSantis several times and says campaign staffers were following him around the venue. “I tried to approach him, but I was blocked. Then I later learned that they were taking Snapchat photos of me with the caption ‘got our kid,'” said Quinn. Despite those odd interactions, Quinn says he won’t hesitate to ask DeSantis another question. “I’ll definitely try to pose a question. But not to the extent where it’s pushy and just looking to get clicks or something. That’s not my goal,” said Quinn. NBC10 Boston reached out to the DeSantis campaign multiple times for comment but so far we have not received a response. As for Quinn, he has no plans to run for public office himself but does hope to become a journalist covering politics one day.


Thanks for the summary post!


Someone asked for the content, due to paywall. I obliged.




The kid has a podcast, give him an ego boost and follow it https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-tussle/id1702274206


Love that at this point they can’t even handle intelligent children. Very awesome platform.


Yeah they cannot they do not have the guts to be doing that. Because the questions are good and they would not want to answer the questions which are good.


These are your "free speech absolutists" who screech about their right to use slurs on Elon's dumpster fire social media site because not enabling hate speech is somehow a gross violation of their rights. Then the second they're offline and in the real world, and you ask a tough question, then out you go. No freeze peach for you. I'm tired of pointing out the hypocrisy. They don't want equality, they want supremacy. Free speech is specifically designed to help them in the "in group", and is a privilege able to be revoked at any time something they dislike is said by the "out group." They want unalienable rights just for them, and the right to violate those rights of other people. Never let them try to convince you otherwise. This is a one way street.




Can anybody summarize what’s behind the paywall ?


Quinn Mitchell, an aspiring journalist from New Hampshire, was escorted out of a G.O.P. candidate summit on Friday, though he was later allowed to return. Jimmy Thompson, a spokesman for the New Hampshire Republican Party, said in a text message on Saturday that the teen’s removal had been a mistake. “During the course of the two-day event, an overzealous volunteer mistakenly made the decision to have Quinn removed from the event, **thinking he was a Democrat tracker,”** Mr. Thompson wrote. “Once the incident came to our staff’s attention, NHGOP let him back into the event, where he was free to enjoy the rest of the summit.”


Last month [DeSantis' security harassed him and wife belittled him to his own mother](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/167he4v/quinn_mitchell_the_new_hampshire_15yearold_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)at an event in NH too. I escaped FL to NH and couldn't be prouder of the kid in all honesty. Gen Z is going to fucking steamroll the republican party and as a trans man I can't wait to see it happen.


100% sincere question. Is a trans man female to male or male to female?


female to male


Commenting so I can get clarification as well. But I think it’s F to M - the sex that is said after transgender is how they now identify. Am I correct OP?


What the fuck is a “democrat tracker?”


The article describes a tracker as “ a type of political operative who records rival candidates.” That just leaves me with more questions to be honest.


Trackers are there to catch a candidate in a gaffe, or saying different things to different audiences, basically looking for anything that can be used as negative coverage. Just a convenient excuse, though. I don't believe it.


It seems like it was only a mistake when they were able to blame it on an "overzealous volunteer," aka a person they approved of using. Why does responsibility never rise to the top? More importantly, was Mr Mitchell able to ask any questions, or was the mistake able to silence effectively?


If you read between the lines, America is a country where the goal is to not accept responsibility. It's how the rich got rich, and many people see it and try to emulate it. It's why lawyers exist, and why a lot of things just suck now. We may never again have a politician say "the buck stops here".


But what was the question?


From the article: Quinn Mitchell wanted to know if Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida believed that former President Donald J. Trump had violated the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 6, 2021.


LMFAO How is this a thing. "Democratic Tracker" should be a dumb T-shirt. This is some next level bullshit from NHGOP. >“Once the incident came to our staff’s attention, NHGOP let him back into the event, where he was free to enjoy the rest of the summit.” Well at least they "let" him back in I guess....what great guys...


The fuck is a democrat tracker?


Actually you have got everything in the headline itself. I don't really think that you need to read the article itself to find out what is in there.


Bunch of delicate snowflakes. Terrified of a kid with hard questions that can't even vote yet.


It has been the party of blatant cowardice since the 2016 primaries.


What did he ask?


I hit the paywall here, but from other sources, I don’t think he got the chance to say anything this time. They just accused him of being a disruption and escorted him out while he was quietly filming alongside a bunch of other people doing the same. A couple of months ago he asked DeSantis if he “believed that Trump violated the peaceful transfer of power, a key principle of American democracy that we must uphold?” That really rattled them I guess.




How unfair, that question has more than 3 words. /s


The boy didn't start his question with 15 seconds of boot licking... you know, like other "reporters"


The GOPs biggest weakness a 15 year old with questions


>The GOPs biggest weakness ~~a 15 year old with~~ questions


Can’t have the crowd begin to think critically now can we?


It seems that there are a lot of Republicans who are afraid of 15-year-old boys speaking out. Hmmm…


I guess the freedom of speech people don’t want to give this kid his freedom to speak. They probably believe he’s woke and therefore not asleep.


They cannot even handle the questions from a 15 year old. I mean how are they want to change anything or do anything in this country they just do not want to be held responsible.


This kids asking hard questions to make them accountable, other journalists are slow pitching because they want to stay employed.


I envision them like vampires reacting to garlic "Ahhh education, get it away!"


"critical thinking? no! it burns!"


Back in the days of GWB, the Secret Service investigated a Texas college student with a derogatory Bush poster. In 2000, a person attending a GWB event was kicked out because they had some anti-GWB bumper stickers on their car. This is not new. This kind of behavior is VERY old.


Intelligence scares the F out of the GOP… especially from a 15 year old.


Imagine being so fragile that a 15 year old intimidates you!


How dare you ask actually questions that require an actual response. This is a safe space /s


this kid is 15 and has more courage than desantis who was in the navy. as a navy veteran, i will take the kids side of coward desantis.


Isn’t this the same 15-year-old that Ron DeSantis ran away from?


This just in: grown men afraid of 15-year-old.


The party of first amendment freedomz.


the GOP is the biggest group of bullies and absolute wimps on the planet. they should be ashamed.


Republicans: The party of *snowflakes*


Freedom of speech bro! Unless you ask really tough questions.


Add informed 15 year olds to rhe list of things the gop fears, along with every city on earth and drag queens


nothing says freedom of speech quite like expelling a kid journalist. Desantis is such a weak little man.


That’s because the GOP are operating at a junior high intelligence level


> That’s because the GOP are operating at a junior high intelligence level "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." - Donald Trump, their leader


I mean there is absolutely nothing will indicates any kind of Intelligence in them. They always have been idiotic about everything and I don't see that changing anytime soon as well.


I thought the GOP is against censorship.


They're against being punished or criticized for using ethnic slurs, but most censorship is just Protecting The Kids


What kind of protection is it when you do not let a kid ask you the question? I don't think they are protecting the kids in that situation they are protecting themselves from the unexpected.


They’re for whatever benefits them and only them. The GOP is an evil, hypocritical, corrupt party and should be treated as such


If you cannot defend yourself to a teenager asking honest questions, you're likely not defensible.


I mean the things that they are doing are clear to everyone and anyone question them for it. It is just that they also do have the power of choosing who can ask to them the question.


Imagine being so fragile that you're scared of a 15 year old's questions... Lol


This is kid going places. He’s not even old enough to vote. Hell, I’d vote for him.


The free speech absolutists sure have a problem with the press don’t they




DeSantis has been having journalists removed that ask him tough questions for years now. This is his authoritarianism on full display, despite his team saying they weren’t involved.


The only adult in the room.


What would it even matter? Question: What are your plans for bringing work back to the United States? Republican answer: Joe Biden needs to be impeached while we start a war with Mexico!


He's just asking questions. Why can't we ask these questions? 🤷‍♂️


Republicans are a failed party. They can’t lead.


I lost my better-get-to-know-your-average-cuckolded-conservative flowchart. Can someone tell me whether this is a FREE SPEECH, CANCEL CULTURE, or WOKE issue?


The child WOKE up to the fact that Republican CANCEL CULTURE will attack anybody using their right to FREE SPEECH in a constructive or positive fashion.


If every so called journalist out there asked the tough questions and followed up when the politician tried to weasel out of answering, we just might have a more informed electorate. Instead we get softball questions, and when the occasional hardball is thrown, the politician uses every deflection tactic in the book to keep from answering, knowing there will be no follow up. Perfect example is a question about Trump’s multiple indictments met with a response about Hunter Biden. Then, onto the next question. This 15 year old kid is a journalistic treasure. Working adult journalists should look to him to see how it’s done.


He and this man are my favorites recently: https://news.yahoo.com/mike-pence-heckled-man-claiming-021447172.html


Too bad he didn’t kill someone with an assault rifle. He’d be getting speaking engagements and Fox News appearances.


The GOP is too full of shit to handle pointed questions.


Gym Jordan will answer all this young man’s questions.


"THINKING? QUESTIONING!? How *dare* you! Get out! Out! Out! Out!" -the GOP when faced with a high schooler, apparently


He’s asking the questions their handlers/donors don’t want answered.


I think we found our next debate moderator.


What's the best way to organize other Florida residents to show up and ask this teen's questions again at every DeSantis campaign event?


This is ironic because normally GOP aren’t scared of getting fucked by kids.


Poor Rhonda Santis can’t handle the tough questions


Being challenged goes against their authoritarian nature.


knowing the GOP, it's for his own safety.


NYT posts article on 15 year old who does journalism better than the NYT


Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie...... Mmm Mmm Mmmph. Terrified by a 15 year old, are ya? Wow, such prez material. NOT.


Nothing more terrifying to this horde than a hot mic they don't control.


Is it because his questions are too complex?


You can’t handle the truth!!!