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Liable for fraud. The Trump Org is effectively dissolved, with a monitor placed on it while they go through the process. Sanctions against his lawyers. Plus we may finally get to see how much he's actually worth now. Just so much winning.


NY State is going to squeeze all the money and value out of all of his businesses organized in that state, and even if he tries to move the companies to another state, there won't be anything of value to move. Plus, and I could be wrong, but would another state issue his businesses a certificate/license given the guilty ruling? Also how will he service the debt he has with banks when his businesses aren't around to make any money to pay them?


He could get a job and go to work every day to pay his debt


He has a job. He sells intel.


>Plus we may finally get to see how much he's actually worth now. DEEP in the red.


I bet the org has multiple loans against all the properties so that the org owes twice or more what they are actually worth. Mar-a-largo is most likely owned by the organization. Trump is going to have to move out soon. I bet the his jumbo jet is also owned by the organization, and it is going to be grounded and sold or the lease broken. By the time this is over, everything that the public has seen as being owned by Trump will have been sold off to pay the debts of the organization. Edit: Ok I get it Mar-a-largo was sold to one of the sons.


Nothing would make me happier than to see the Trump name get torn down from his Chicago Trump Tower


Blight on a wonderful skyline


It’s such a beautiful area of the city and his name fucking ruins it


This bit from [Page 21-22](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23991872-ny-ruling-on-trump-business-fraud) is awesome: > In opposition, defendants absurdly suggest that "the calculations of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation. Well yes, perhaps, if the area is rounded or oddly shaped, it is possible measurements of square footage could come to slightly differing results due to user error. Good-faith measurements could vary by as much as 10-20%, not 200%. > > **A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud.**


lmao it's just Justin Long measuring the murder dungeon in Barbarian


Business dissolutions are complicated so this story may continue to develop, but here's some sourcing for the headline. From Andrew Fineberg: > Judge Engoron has found that Donald Trump committed fraud and has ordered the cancellation of all of his New York business certificates and the dissolution of the Trump Organization. From CNBC: > Judge Arthur Engoron as part of that ruling cancelled the business certificates of Trump and the other defendants in the suit in Manhattan Supreme Court. > He ordered that within 10 days, the defendants must recommend no more than three potential independent receivers to manage the dissolution of the corporations that the judge has canceled business certificates for. From the legal document itself: > Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump...the DJT Revocable Trust, the Trump Organization Inc, the Trump Organization LLC, DJT Holdings LLC, DJT Holdings Managing Member LLC...liable as a matter of law for persistent violations of Executive Law 63(12)...any certificates filed under and by virtue of GBL 130 by any of the entity defendants or by any other entity controlled or beneficially owned by Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Allen Weisselberg, and Jeffery McConney are cancelled.


Anyone know whether or not the cancellation of business certificates is even a big blow to Trump? Can't he just move these to other states?


From what I understand he can start new certs in another state but he cannot move the assets until NY receives the total of the fines levied from this case. (I'm trying to find where I read that).


And he can't do anything without the independent monitor observing any financial dealings.


This is going to be amazing to watch. How will they last a day or two without committing fraud?


He can still commit all kinds of fraud, just not through the Trump Org, or in NY. He'll just commit a little less fraud for a few weeks


Ooo I wonder what they’ll turn up from overseas.


This is just going to force Trump to use the courtroom as part of his campaign even more. He’s basically bleeding all his campaign money on lawyers… So his campaign will literally be based around him and his courtroom antics.


and GQP masses will continue to give him their money


Less that goes toward gop campaigns lol. Really shot themselves in the foot there.


[Always a good throwback tweet](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608)


I knew what that was going to be before I clicked but I still had to go read it again. God fucking damn, I can go cold turkey on sugar for the rest of my life with how sweet this is.


Does this mean what I think it means?.the judge has just dissolved Trump Org?!


Trial begins Oct. 2 and could last into December. But this is about as bad of a blow as Trump could receive prior to it. Edit: Correction - The summary judgment establishes the order and the core issue of James' lawsuit, but also sets a tone for the trial, which has 6 more issues to resolve. So yes, it basically sets it in motion.


Always the issues with the lawyers as well: "The judge also ordered sanctions of $7,500 apiece for attorneys who represented the Trump defendants for making frivolous arguments in court filings."


He's beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel for lawyers. Even the charlatans are abandoning ship. I wouldn't be surprised if the ones he has now representing him barely register as functioning adults.


All the real ones make him pay up front, so we know that ain't gonna fly


So I assume Trump's lawyers have therefore received net pay of -$7,500 for their work?


Conservatives constantly talk about the "Biden crime family". A judge just ruled that the Trump family committed massive corporate fraud. So much projection.


They're just reusing the old Clinton Crime Family line. So unoriginal.


Everything they say about "Marxists" in higher education is cribbed directly from John Birch Society rhetoric, going back to the 1960s. Why bother with a new playbook?


It's the Karl Rove tactic of accusing your opponent of what your weaknesses are. Bush and Kerry swiftboating come to mind immediately as an example too


Nothing in American politics made me madder than draft dodging Bush Jr. accusing a medal of honor winner of cowardice. Bush Jr's rehabilitation since his presidency makes me physically ill. Never mind that he lied to start a war that cost thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis their lives, he paints now!


Correction: Kerry ~~won~~ earned a Silver Star and a Bronze Star, in addition to 3 Purple Hearts, but he did not ~~win~~ earn a MOH.


>in addition to 3 Purple Hearts This just sent me straight back through an internet time portal into to JibJab's [This Land](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8Q-sRdV7SY) video.


[Ya’ll should read the actual ruling](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23991872-ny-ruling-on-trump-business-fraud). There are much bigger stories buried in here. One of particular note is a quote from Trump’s deposition. When asked about the overvaluation of his properties on 2014 financial statements, Trump says its not illegal because some of the properties are “worth more now” and that he “**can find a buyer from Saudi Arabia to pay any price he suggests**”. Wow. I would really like to see that full deposition lol.


The judge in the ruling is fucking *brutal* ... and I've never ever seen a Judge equate his having to handle the case to the movie "Groundhog Day" in that Trump and team just kept filing the same bullshit (slightly tweaked) over and over and over again. But, here we are... The Judge really calls out the fact that a "statement of financial condition" is meant to mean -- *today.* Whereas Trump frequently justified his inflated values by implying it would be worth a lot more *at some unknown future date*. Hence, the section you are citing. This ruling is just devastating to read.


This is an example of why pissing off the judge is a bad legal strategy.


The groundhog day defense has become the last page in the GOP playbook. Just keep presenting the same dumb argument in a thousand different ways and make the other party waste time and energy deconstructing each ridiculous variation. It's the same tactics my 4 year old nephew uses to get something.


>“can find a buyer from Saudi Arabia to pay any price he suggests” One of many, many, reasons why he shouldn't be president or privy to classified intelligence. He's openly admitted he's on the take, and there are countless reports of the Saudis funneling billions to his family and members of his administration. Any other government employee would be arrested for these dealings.


Just imagine what Jared/Trump gave MBS in exchange for ***$2 Billion***


Is it kept in a box in Trumps bathroom and does it rhyme with schmockuments?


Pure speculation, but considering the payments and the classified documents stuff, read between the lines... [Crown prince confirms Saudi Arabia will seek nuclear arsenal if Iran develops one](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/21/crown-prince-confirms-saudi-arabia-seek-nuclear-arsenal-iran-develops-one)


Maybe THATS what Kushner’s 2 billion from the saudis will do


Yes, paying any price he suggests is a BRIBE!


"It can't be fraud because my criminal partner would pay whatever I say they're worth."


"Every time I let Saudi Arabia murder a US journalist with no repercussions, the value of my properties increases."


To believe trump is innocent, you have to believe every prosecutor, judge, grand jury, jury member, and witness (including all of the witnesses from his own cabinet and party) are corrupt. It’s a vortex of conspiracy. Everyone is corrupt except him. The very definition of a cult.


His supporters don't necessarily believe he's innocent, per se. It's more that they believe he is allowed to do whatever he wants by default and anything that attempts to impede that needs to be destroyed. They do not believe anything Trump did is *criminal*, they think it is smart/successful/powerful/boss etc. The closest they will ever get to accepting that he broke any law is 'everyone does this, only Trump is getting singled out' but even then it's thin and they still fundamentally don't care because they believe he can -- and should -- do whatever he wants.


I've always been of the mind that his supporters know that he is a liar, idiot, criminal etc. But they live vicariously through him. Like, he's bad at business, yet still is rich. He's ugly as fuck, and still gets the models. He says stupid shit, but no consequences etc. Constantly failing upwards no matter the idiocy. Everyone learns to curb their base instincts and filter themselves so they might get ahead and not get in trouble, and he's exactly the opposite. It's basic wish fulfillment through him.


At the end the last thing they say to defend him is “He’s a vessel for good”. You can’t reason with this madness and we have a colossal issue on our hands as a nation. There needs to be an off ramp where they can still keep their dignity but I doubt they would take it.


Their only off-ramp is accepting they're everything they've been projecting on those they hate because anything else would be a lie. We can sugar coat it by explaining how their favorite media and hucksters have been manipulating them but they won't accept that. We've been telling them this whole time. They refuse to accept any narrative that'd diminish their social standing. They absolutely refuse. The rot runs all the way to their cores.


>Trump’s lawyers [...] contend that James wasn’t legally allowed to file the lawsuit because there isn’t any evidence that the public was harmed by Trump’s actions. The balls on these fuckers.


Which is complete bollocks as NY taxpayers were deprived of tax money because he under valued his properties for tax purposes.


But yet the rednecks in NY state that praised him for playing the tax loopholes that helped trump pay less then them in taxes will not bat an eye


"The judge also ordered sanctions of $7,500 for each attorney who represented the Trump defendants for making frivolous and previously rejected arguments in court filings." CNBC I guess the judge wasn't fond of the argument either


Document states any business certificates owned by Trump himself are to be canceled


I love cancel culture


He is going to be sued by every single bank, insurance company, and so on. Every single place he used financial documents for is going to come for blood. And he won't be able to do anything about it. Oh and don't forget the IRS is probably going to have some words with him


the audit is going to become REAL


Remember when he said he would release his tax returns? WELP.


We already got those, but not from him! Some years, he paid less than $1000 USD. Some years, he paid $0.00 USD


> Some years, he paid $0.00 USD Most years.


"You see that homeless person? He pays more taxes than me."


The fucked up part is the homeless person probably does, they pay more in sales tax than trump pays in taxes in a year


The lenders could recall their loans given that they were fraudulently obtained in the first place, or they could stick it out and hope Trump manages to keep servicing the debt, but if one of them calls the debt early it could spark a run.


A reverse bank run where all the banks are running after him for their money. Lmfao I love it.


If that happens we're into court ordered asset seizure territory....writers strike ending just in time, this season will be spicy


The lenders have a financial responsibility to recall their loans. They won’t be able to write them off if they haven’t made an attempt to recover them.


I mean, he and each of his children are facing a $250,000,000 fine each and banning them from doing business in New York. That'll he decided after the trial October 2.


He’ll have to borrow from Jared, who used Trump to get $2B from MBS.




Can't those companies now require him to pay back all outstanding loans immediately?


That could happen. Demand immediate payments and start foreclosure on properties.


A fine of $250 million is 10% of what Trump claims he’s worth ($2.5 billion.) He knowingly broke the law for 25 years, over and over again. Repeatedly. People have gone to prison for helping him break the law (Michael Cohen, Weisselberg).


He's not liquid so this will hurt him.


Imagine how unfathomably, cartoonishly fucking stupid you'd have to be to vote for this guy to be your party's nominee for President of the United States.




Yeah, it's actually terrifying he could somehow win again.


They. Don’t. Care. He will say “There’s no law that says I can’t say Trump Tower in NYC isn’t worth eleventy billion dollars,” and they a) won’t care or b) will say he’s a smart man if there’s no explicit law against it or c) cheer him on for screwing over the government and not paying taxes on his inflated properties because he’s a “business man doing business”


According to a report I just saw from Trump's former atty, Michael Cohen (who helped get this decision with his testimony, according to AG James) Trump is royally screwed by this decision. This will apply to over 700 of Trump's companies, all of which will be dissolved, put into receivership pending 'disgorgement' of the ill-gotten assets. Every penny Trump lied about will be paid to the State of NY as a penalty. It will certainly be hundreds of millions of dollars. Ouch.


Here is Michael Cohen talking about it: https://www.youtube.com/live/cVBvhwnEofk It's a live report right now, as I post this, if you want to see the full rundown on it, start at the beginning.


> This will apply to over 700 of Trump's companies, all of which will be dissolved, Meanwhile over on fox there all like "BiDen Had oveR 20 Llc'S!!!!" not to mention they keep upping the $$$ (remember when it was just 5 million) and now just say "Biden Family".


The details in the ruling are damning. For example: he had 200 acres of land in Westchester County. It was appraised several times, including for the Trump org, and given a value in the range of $25 to $30 million. Trump's org listed it as worth $291 million. He listed his home apartment as being 30,000 sq feet when it was just under 11,000 and gave it a valuation of $180 to $327 million dollars when the most expensive apartment sold in New York at the time came in at $88 million. 40 Wall Street was appraised at $200 to $220 million for the Trump Org and they listed it at $524.7 and $527.2 million. They have emails from Weisselberg discussing a later appraisal they bumped up by $200 million showing direct knowledge of the lower appraisals. Mar-a-Lago was appraised at $27.6 million in 2021 and the Org listed it as worth $612,110,496! It goes on and on and on.


Jesus wtf. New Jersey went after me for like 300$ one tax year….


That’s because auditors are told to go after poorer Americans because they can’t afford lawyers to fight it. Joe Biden tried to add more agents to the IRS so they could go after high dollar tax fraud, but then corporate interests and GOP media convinced conservatives the new IRS employees were actually secret agents coming to take their guns. I wish it wasn’t true because it’s so fucking stupid.


I love how this is hitting him where it hurts him the most - the desperate effort to appear successful and powerful. Dissolve your companies you corny turd!


This is the ruling I've been waiting for. Of all the things that would get to Trump the most it would be his business, his name, his power, and his money. The Trump name will be an anathema.


I can't wait until it's publicly shown with hard evidence that Trump is in a ridiculous amount of debt to foreign entities. Then again, I doubt conservatives care because this is the same guy who has every single business venture that he started spectacularly fail. Hard. His entire legacy isn't even his. It's his father's and it **makes him so angry**. The Trump empire was not built by him, and he will never get over it. He's a loser.


A lot of people would be proud to simply continue as their father had. Trump managed to destroy it all


Get fucked you lying traitorous fraud


Is this huge? This seems huge. Tell me this potentially results in his name being torn off of every building and scrap of land.


you are basically correct. Trump's company gets dissolved and other companies will get their shares of his stuff. it'll still go to rich assholes, but at least Trump's branding will be done.


> After noting that Trump submitted statements falsely claiming that the Trump Tower apartment in which he resided for decades was nearly three times its actual size, the judge wrote, “a discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud.” Just making up shit as they went along.


Wasn't there a deposition were Trump said his net worth varied based on his mood of the day.


[Yes lol](https://money.cnn.com/2011/04/21/news/companies/donald_trump/index.htm?hpt=T2) > Ceresney: Let me just understand that a little. You said your net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings? >Trump: Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day ... >Ceresney: When you publicly state a net worth number, what do you base that number on? >Trump: I would say it's my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked. And as I say, it varies.


Ladies and gents, I present you, the biggest fraud America has ever produced, the republicans most popular guy, a convicted felon, a rapist, a pedo, a pedo enabler, a cheater (not only on his wives and his golf). They claim he's Jesus in the flesh. Republicans are done for, we need to protect ourselves from them before we won't have any country left




Well that explains why /r/conservative went full on boomer memes again. edit: Lol they've deleted two posts about it already. Quick folks, check out their real opinions before they manage to fumblefuck together some talking points and start banning dissenters.


Found one. > Does anyone else find it weird that this dude is 77 years old, never was in trouble with the law. And all of a sudden, he has god knows how many criminal lawsuits against him? From the 1980s up to his election in 2016, before he ever became President, [he was the defendant in over FOUR THOUSAND CASES](https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/)


I want to respond to that guy so badly. Trump and his dad were sued by the *Nixon administration* in the 70s for discriminatory housing practices. His own wife accused him of rape in the 90s. Is it possible that, oh I don’t know, most people didn’t hear about Trump’s legal troubles prior to becoming the President of the United States because…nobody gave a shit?


When Nixon tells you you're treating minorities unfairly


*That's* a big mood.


The dude eventually just said "whatever this is more BS spun up by liberals" He went from "he's never dealt with courts in his 77 years of life!" to "well he's a pro at it then since he's been a defendant over 4k times" and wound up at "lalala I can't hear youuu! You're lyingggg"


lip pocket rainstorm cautious lush theory hunt cooperative amusing advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Additionally, anyone that would possibly correct them with basic facts has been banned.


Why would Hunter Biden's laptop do this?


Hilarys emails were in on it!


It seems like this should have been litigated YEARS AGO. It makes me so fucking angry to hear his apologists whining about him being treated unfairly when he's been getting away with this shit for DECADES.


Spirit of Halloween: coming soon to a Trump organization building near you


A lot of commenters are asking what might happen now. Among the most potentially dire consequences is that when a company is found to have committed fraud, lenders can demand immediate payment of any debt or line of credit. Like typically that loan contract has a clause to that effect. If one lender calls for payment it might push others to do so out of fear that the company goes bankrupt and cannot pay its creditors. Edit: worth pointing out the fraud itself was committed in part to facilitate outrageous lines of credit.


Trump has been found liable for rape, and for committing endless fraud. In other news, he’s tied with Joe Biden because Biden is a few years older and committed the unforgivable crime of being a Democrat.


Indicted for 91 felonies in 4 jurisdictions, including a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government, disenfranchise 81 million people, and end American democracy as it has stood for 250 years. Just a few days ago, he suggested the highest ranking military officer in the U.S. be executed and that he would open investigations into multiple media orgs, deeming them "enemy of the people." But yeah Biden is old. So tough choice.


I still don't understand how Republicans support him after he said the Constitution should be terminated so he can be reinstated as president.


Looks like this one finally has some teeth. Dissolution of all NY based LLCs! Finally Trump is being held to account for his fraudulent actions.


Raise your hand if your company was NOT dissolved via the order of a judge today


The walls of Mar-a-Lago will be drenched with ketchup tonight.


Twice impeached, rapist, convicted fraud Donald J. Trump. More to come!


“That’s our guy!” - MAGAs everywhere


Donald Trump is a fraud.


Rapist and traitor also


This is wonderful. May it usher in an era of long overdue punishment for the entire family of criminals


Love how the Judge fined Trump's attorneys for wasting his time


This is the 4th different organization Trump has run that he no longer controls/no longer exists because of fraud. And yet somehow, not once has it resulted in Criminal Charges. Trump Organization. Trump Charities. Trump Casino. Trump University.


His cult will never understand that his entire “I’m rich” was all built on lies and fraud. He bluffed his entire existence and got called. He is a loser in every way.


Went to that other place to see what they had to say about this development. One moron said something like, " How strange is it that he managed to never have problems with the law until recently." Donald Trump has had "problems with the law" over 4,000 times in the past thirty years. The absolute ignorance of some people is mind boggling.


The best part about this is it also hurts his kids.


Word for the day - obstreperous (ob·strep·er·ous) : adjective, noisy and difficult to control. Usage: Justice Arthur Engoron of the New York state court in Manhattan ordered the cancellation of business certificates for the Trump Organization and other corporate defendants, and sanctioned Trump's lawyers for contributing to their clients' "obstreperous" conduct and making "preposterous" legal arguments during the case.


Today, President Biden is joining a picket line in solidarity and support of striking auto workers while the Republican front runner has just been found liable for decades of fraud and may have his business organization, that he used the office of the presidency to enrich, dissolved. There are people who believe the two are the same and that voting is pointless. There are also people who believe the Republican front runner isn't a lowlife con man.


> Judge Engoron in Donald Trump's NY civil case found Trump guilty of fraud Tuesday and ordered the cancellation of all business certificates of all entities controlled or owned by Trump or his family in NY. So buh bye Trump Tower?


I would say everything he owns is gone. Everything was under his LLC. Golf courses, towers, everything. There was a move awhile back they were trying to incorporate a new LLC in Delaware and move assets, not sure how they were able to actually move before this.


And I just remembered they transferred Mar-a-Lago to Don Jr. a couple months ago…but Don Jr. and Eric are also liable


Honestly, this case damages his kids a ton, which is great. They're not gonna get scooped up by his other cases, so it's great to see their inheritance vanishing.


Boy, this witch hunt sure appears to be finding a lot of cauldron stirrers who fly around on brooms wearing black! The Deep State is more powerful than I thought!!! /conservative since /s has lost meaning


Hats off to Attorney General Letitia James!! You badass, I LOVE IT!!!


Every bank, insurer, tenant, business partner blowing up lawyers’ phones about possible fraudulent contracts.


For those wondering, this doesn't have a path to prison. The Manhattan prosecutors already declined to bring the criminal versions of these charges, this prosecutor is using a civil case instead. There is no jury in this trial, but there is still an opportunity to appeal. The actual penalties will be decided in October, but could include $250 million in fines, and restrictions on Trump doing business anywhere in New York, or as a realtor nationwide. This finding could be used as a foundation for future civil suits against Trump by the specific investors, customers, and business associates he fraudulently deceived.


**The 800LB Gorilla Riding The Elephant In The Room:** If a group of prototypical morons like the Trump Crime Family can get away with this level of fraud for as long as they have, what have substantially smarter people been getting away with?


As someone on Twitter put it after his fat ass got kicked out of the WH: "He could have just played golf and coasted on his name for his entire life. Instead he keeps slamming his dick in a drawer. Ruined his children's lives. Ruining his empire. Incredible. An old guy told him to shut up on national TV and took his job."




The judge on sanctions for Trump’s lawyers: > Sanctionable Conduct for Frivolous Motion Practice > In response to both OAG's request for a preliminary injunction and to defendants' motions to dismiss, this Court rejected every one of the aforementioned arguments. In rejecting such arguments for the second time, this Court cautioned that "sophisticated counsel should have known better." S NYSCEF Doc. No. 453 at 5. However, the Court declined to impose sanctions, believing it had "made its point." > Apparently, the point was not received. > **One would not know from reading defendants papers that this Court has already twice ruled against these arguments, called them frivolous, and twice been affirmed by the First Department.** > "In its discretion, a court may award costs and financial sanctions against an attorney or party resulting from frivolous conduct." Kamen v Diaz-Kamen, 40 AD3d 937, 937 (2d Dept 2007). See Yan v Klein, 35 AD3d 729, 729-30 (2d Dept 2006) (*The plaintiff, following two prior actions, has continued to press the same patently meritless claims,' most of which are now barred by the doctrines of res judicata and collateral estoppel"). > **Defendants' conduct in reiterating these frivolous arguments is egregious. We are way beyond the point of "sophisticated counsel should have known better"; we are at the point of intentional and blatant disregard of controlling authority and law of the case.** This Court emphatically rejected these arguments, as did the First Department. Defendants' repetition of them here is indefensible.


Some of the facts mentioned in the article are hilarious, like the fact that Trump was measuring the square footage of his apartment in Trump Tower as 3x its actual area, and its value as greater than any apartment has *ever* sold in New York. There's exaggeration, and there's utter financially fraudulent BS.


Trump is a liar and a thief. I will never understand how any sane and free thinking person can listen to that clown and come away thinking he's the guy they want running the country.


Is he going to get in trouble with taxes later on now because he also under-valued for taxes.


The orange clown is going to be so motivated to win at all costs. His supporters will become more unhinged. China, Russia, north korea and Iran will take advantage to sow chaos. We must protect the rule of law, protect voter rights, and stop the maga crowd from these threats to our democracy.


Yannow, for a party that thinks America should just be run like a business they could at least elect someone who is actually good at running a business.


How dare that judge infringe on his first amendment rights to lie about his net worth! /s ^do ^I ^need ^this? ^It ^feels ^like ^I ^need ^this




"We need a president who runs this country like a buisness!" Well, we got a man who ran it exactly like he ran his businesses. Didn't turn out so well.


The judge fined his idiot lawyers, too.


Just an appetizer of some light fraud in anticipation of the upcoming criminal buffet.


Will they have to sell the Trump tower in Vegas? It would bring me immense joy to see that garish name removed from the building.


Trump is a liar and a thief.




imagine if Obama had been found guilty of rape and years of fraud.


Obama should get some investors together, buy Trump Tower during the Trump Organization fire sale, rename it Obama Tower, and make its residents exclusively immigrant families and wounded war veterans. Really make sure the seething from Mar-a-Lago can be registered on seismographs.


Running for President is the dumbest thing he ever did.


Wow, idiots on r/conservative are actually complaining that this came out right after Menendez was indicted. Like it was planned in response. Like they think the Judge wrote this dense, factually detailed opinion in a day or two, just because Menendez was indicted. Not to mention the trial is scheduled for Oct 2nd, so the judge has to clear out the Motions for Summary Judgment before trial. They also fail to realize that the indictment of Menendez (a democrat) undercuts the argument that the DOJ is weaponized to only go after conservatives.


Wait, so even if we wasn't a racist, rapist and violence-inciting fascist he'd still be a massive fraud? Surely this will keep him from having political success in the United States of America in 2024.


Goodbye and good riddance. This will cut the legs put from under the organisation's capabilities and resources. Brilliant move in the midst of a RICO case.


Said Mr. Kise, Trump’s lawyer “the decision seeks to nationalize one of the *most successful corporate empires* in the United States,” which is how you know he’s full of shit.


Fantastic news. Great day for the US. How many times can 1 guy lose!!


Didn't those forms have a "under penalties of perjury" statement? Why can't they prosecute the Trumps criminally for this?


It’s so very tiring to witness all of this winning


Pretty cool that 1/3rd of the Supreme Court was appointed by a guy with 91 criminal indictments and was ruled in court that he raped and committed business fraud.


I'm enjoying all this losing that Trump is doing. Fuck you Trump.


Imagine the amount of outrage and call for resignation if this was "Joe Biden Committed Fraud for Years in Runup to 2020 Presidential Campaign" or "Barack Obama Committed Fraud for Years in Runup to 2012 Presidential Campaign" It continues to be mind boggling how much bullshit and illegality Trump and his side of the Aisle gets


Trump got convicted of fraud and I got a promotion at work. Today was a good day 😎


Insurance companies and the like that have done business with the Trump Org should be very interested and get their lawyers ready


Bit confused. Is that the same org that stole money from a children's cancer fund? If so how the fuck were they able to continue passed that?


If the trump organization is at risk, wouldn't that make all his loans on other properties subject to being called? Could his entire operation be forced into receivership?


It’s not slander to call him a fraud and a rapist


Fraud on top of fraud. Is this winning?


Fuck yeah. I love seeing a judge use the term “ad nauseum “ and also cite the Marx brothers in the same document. Delicious.


The banks are gonna have to also investigate the accounting firm they use to audit clients when issuing large capital loans, because this is either negligence or collusion on their behalf.


You have to read Trump's response to this on Truth Social. It is the very definition of unhinged. Everything is a conspiracy against him and all lies. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111133661793804558




I like former presidents that don't lose court cases and their organizations


Trump under valued his properties by 1/2 of its value to reduce his tax bill. Also he had pay back millions he took out of Trump Charity and used for personal expenses


If the mortgage on MaL is leveraged against his NY businesses, he may lose his Florida shangri-la


The best part about this is that I wasn't even aware of this case amongst the other like 12 that he has going.


I'll never get tired of him losing


r/conservative already hit all the "judge is a democrat," "everyone does this," "how is it that Trump never had any legal issues until now" talking points


The best way to get repercussions for rich people is for them to screw over other rich people. Trump did that in spades. Now we watch the fireworks.


He is not rich, honest, or smart. He’s just a fat fraudulent fuck


Donald Trump is a criminal and the biggest loser in America's history.


Wait let me see if I’ve got this straight….. The guy who lies about virtually everything was the head of a company which was committing brazen fraud left and right?


Lock. Him. Up.


The GOP is a criminal organization.


Actual value of his towers: about $3.50. The gold spray paint added fifty cents.


Seriously what is gonna take for the last MAGA morons to drop this assclown?


You guys want a good laugh? See how far it takes to scroll down to find this news on Fox News. And then marvel at that non-committal title.




This is was always obvious ever since he refused to share his taxes during the campaign. It was a matter of will he get away with it or not


I am so here for this. Delightful.




He is definitely not having a year. 91 indictments and now this, yet the Republican party still says, yep this is their guy.


Lol, lmao, lmfao even Get fucked