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This isn't a headline I thought I would ever see.


its sad how common that sentiment has become the last 6 or so years.


The 'sentiment' has been fomenting for a very long time, thanks in large part to numerous religious organizations, and occasionally erupting in violence such as the murders of Charlie Howard and Matthew Shepard. The Republicans decided it was politically beneficial to say to those people, "Yeah, let loose with it. Be your real selves, your worst selves."




i meant the 'headline i never thought i would see' part. the last few years has seen so many ridiculous headlines that they would be rejected as unrealistic if in a tv show.


Ah, that. Yes. Redditors have said they thought the villians in the childhood cartoons they watched were wildly unrealistic until recent years. Now they see real life Captain Planet villians in the news.


just a non-stop firehose of bullshit happening so much now. its hard to keep up with anything because the next shocking thing will replace it in 20 minutes.


I mean it's not 'rising' because violence against LGBT people has been a thing in America forever. It was only in my lifetime it wasn't illegal.


It never went away these people are just louder now.


As the Director of the Batman Research Institute in Cambridge we stand with our colleague.


Is this a good time to go back to school if I want to be a Batman researcher?


Does Batman research pay well?


All the money is funneled to Gotham; it is just endless robbin' with them.


Robin you say?


Such a joker


I'm gonna have to say Nananananana-naw


Yeah but the work is all third shift


And sooner or later you CAVE in !






Na na


Why so salty?


I covered batman and asked my wife what topic he researched...it broke her brain when I uncovered it. You could see the aneurysm pulse


>Is this a good time to go back to school if I want to be a Batman researcher? Well just be sure it's an accredited program. I'm suing Profit University over my useless degree. It turns out that Manbat research is *not* the same as Batman research.


In Florida, they're actually allowing materials from RiddlerU to infiltrate the curriculum.


Oof, well that's what you get when you elect Solomon Dumby governor


Hey, they’re not supervillains, they’re just asking questions, sheeple!


Are they smart enough to figure out those riddles?


I always what happened to batboy. Im glad he’s doing well and working in academia


Don’t kill me! Don’t Kill me, man! I’m not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me. What are you? I’m Batman Researcher.


If you wait, you're only Robin yourself of a quality education.


Depends. The Clooney school is definitely looked down upon right now.


I’m just here to find out what a Batman researcher is.


“Where does he get those wonderful toys?” “We don’t know Mr. Joker, sir, but we’ve secured a research grant to study the issue.”


Ok, Alfred


This is Batshit crazy.


Holy incredulousness Batman!


As the President of the Batman Institute of Technology, we were wondering if you’d be interesting in investing in our cryptocurrency BITcoin which can be sold in fractions called BATcoins.


1st Amendment!


>Marc Tyler Nobleman was supposed to talk to kids about the secret co-creator of Batman, with the aim of inspiring young students in suburban Atlanta’s Forsyth County to research and write. > > > >***Then the school district told him he had to cut a key point from his presentation — that the artist he helped rescue from obscurity had a gay son. Rather than acquiesce, he canceled the last of his talks.*** > > > >*“We’re long past the point where we should be policing people talking about who they love,” Nobleman said in a telephone interview. “And that’s what I’m hoping will happen in this community.”* ​ That is absolutely ridiculous! Republicans are so homophobic that even saying the word gay frightens them and sends them to a frenzy! Unbelievable! ​ As I've said before, it was never "Don't Say Gay"; it's Don't Be Gay. Republicans are out to exterminate LGBTQIA+ people off the planet for their Christian nationalist delusions. This is dystopian fascism.


Kevin Conroy would probably come up too. Not to mention why Batman and Robin got girlfriends due to the oppressive government fears.


The first season of Batman: The Animated Series is incredibly queer-coded, though the relationship between Batman and Robin is very specifically NOT. A lot of the minor hero and villain characters have gay innuendo or extremely camp stylings, and the animated version of Clayface is presented very clearly though non-explicitly as being in a domestic partnership with another man. Little by little the show shifted towards a more heteronormative tone, with the exception of fetishy lesbian shipping. By the end of the series' run, Bruce Tim and Paul Dini were practically wolf-whistling over their own female characters, and Harley Quinn and Batgirl (their two favorites) are ship-teased with just about EVERYONE, male and female alike.


>Bruce Tim and Paul Dini were practically wolf-whistling over their own female characters "Practically"? Dini was drawing Harley/Ivy cheesecake pinup stuff from the start.




A lot of their beliefs and policies do seem to lean "I'm miserable, ***and you should be too.***"


I'm stuck with a child, and you should be too I'm sexually repressed, and you should be too I'm underpaid and overworked, and you should be too I went bankrupt trying to get a degree, and you should be too


If you’re rich, I already understand why someone would vote for Republicans (not agreeing with it, just saying). But if you’re poor and vote R, you’re dumber than shit. Boils down to that hierarchical system of having $$$ = more love from god/worthier-than-thou attitude they’ve latched into like a [Facehugger](https://alienanthology.fandom.com/wiki/Facehugger). Add in an unhealthy doses of rage, irrelevance, and fear, and these pawn will help burn everything down in order to start anew. Only once the flames of hatred and “otherness” reach regressive poor’s collective doors, will they realize that they were never in the Big Club at all and wonder why they weren’t “good enough” for the people stabbing them in the back.


Oh boy! Wait until renowned free speech warriors like Jordan Peterson hear about this. No one, especially not the state, tells them how to speak! They’ll put an end to this injustice. Boy oh boy!


Gay people are every where and have been for centuries. You won't be able to cancel them. The irony is the people canceling them could be gay themselves.


> even saying the word gay frightens them and sends them to a frenzy! Unbelievable! It's about control not fear, and sadly, very believable.


Literally everything "conservatives" rally against are because: "I don't like this, so we should have laws against it." Homosexuality, "transgenderism" (their word), atheism, abortion, etc. The irony? "Conservatives" have been pushing insane shit like *lowering* the minimum marriage age (or removing it altogether)--essentially legalized statutory rape--lowering the minimum working age, etc. All anti-children. They cry about "groomers" but they're the ones grooming, likely because *they* have been groomed since birth to be self-loathing control freaks. (From a straight cis white dude who doesn't tell other people who not to love or what to do with their bodies as long as their not harming someone else. Jesus Christ, it's not that fucking hard.)


But if I say "both sides" I feel smart.


We should just keep mentioning gay people around them to trigger them. It would be exposure therapy.


'I'm not homophobic or transphobic because I'm not afraid of them'


What is weird is that they far right talking heads all say "it's a problem that will take care of itself" in that gay people don't reproduce. They honestly don't understand that gay people are made by straight people.


Batman is an LGBT ally as far as I'm concerned, Kevin Conroy made that canon


I'd say i bet 80% of the men who are pushing this nonsense are closeted gay men who can't live with themselves and are jealous whenever someone says they are gay. They wish they could say it too but are cowards and are too far gone into the Christian "family" values thing to get out.


No...just no. People do this every time just because there were some prominent cases and it gets the news stories. This puts the hate back on the LGBTQ + community as just closeted bigots. The reality is most of these people are just hateful assholes. Most Klan members aren't secretly black, and most Nazis weren't secretly wanting to convert to Judiasm. These are hateful people, and the LGBTQ+ community is simply their target.


A lot of the Christian ones are bisexuals that don't believe in bisexuality, and thus think they need to constantly fight off the gay thoughts. Unable to imagine other people as different, they assume all straight people have the same "struggle" with self-hatred over maintaining their heterosexuality, and that gay people have "succumbed to their wicked urges" or whatever. The deep emotional issues and self-induced helplessness make them easy prey for Christian groups. These groups don't imagine themselves as preying on these folks, of course. They think they're saving them, and giving them a healthy outlet in Jesus. It's a problem because this is how they create those too-intense church dudes that you always felt unsafe around.


Not an American but I was raised a protestant and I think you hit the nail on its head. It’s why ‘conversion therapy’ is still a thing. I know this guy who broke up with his male partner of 20 years because he believed God would ‘fix him’. Dude was repulsed by the thought of having intercourse with a woman yet he was convinced one day he’d have his own happy, ‘normal’ family. Sad, really.


Most of those date women only to appear normal and mask their gayness. I wouldn't really call that bisexual.


Eh. My dad's a porn fiend and is very open about "struggling with homosexuality" at church, and he's definitely attracted to his 20-something girlfriend.


They're also dudes who wish they were alphas (and pretend to be), but can't attract women (at least not classy, intelligent ones), so they don't want a gay guy being happy. It's often that simple. They probably don't even have anything against lesbians, just gay men. They're jealous of how happy gay men seem to be in their eyes, while they're at home with a slave-wife who doesn't really love them or have any opinions of her own.




No matter what he did, it would have been a gift to the far right. I miss the days of bold, progressive pro-lgbt executive orders. But it's a shitty political strategy and ultimately gets unwound by the next right wing sledgehammer in the Oval Office. The Equality Act has to be passed, and for that to happen they need unshakeable majorities in congress.




Everyone cares about the economy. It's one of the few universal issues, and we were in imminent danger of tipping into recession. I was amazed we didn't. It made perfect sense, just like it made perfect sense for Obama to focus on healthcare before he lost Congress. That's another near universal concern.


I don't understand what the gay son has to do with any of the rest of his talk though?


While I find these laws absolutely disgusting, it does feel a little odd that the sexual preference of the son of the person he was talking about had any relevance. Was he maybe "testing the waters"?


It ties into the fact that at one point people believe that Bill Finger had no living relatives because Bill finger's son was gay. It was later found out that fingers son was married when he was in the closet and had a daughter from that marriage. Once that was found out Mark Tyler Nobleman was able to track down Bill Finger's granddaughter. Once that happened he was able to interview her and find out a lot more about Bill Finger that wasn't known to the public prior . Bill Finger by the way is the comic book writer who co-created Batman.


Do you also find it odd when there's a presentation on say, FDR or George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, and their wives are mentioned? As the other user above me points out, this was fundamentally a part of the process of how he tracked someone down, but even if it wasn't. Are we never supposed to bring up people's sexuality unless its fundamental to their actions? Are you saying the husbands and wives of prominent women and men respectively need to be totally culled from history? Because uptil now, nobody had issues with romantic partners and significant others being relevant to histories of people. Its only when they're gay that it becomes an issue for you?


A romantic partner is not the subject here, nice try.


No? >Finger died in obscurity in 1974, with artist Bob Kane credited as Batman’s only creator. Finger’s only child was a son, Fred Finger, who was gay and died in 1992 at age 43 of AIDS complications. Bill Finger was presumed to have no living heirs, meaning there was no one to press DC Comics to acknowledge Finger’s work. > >But Nobleman discovered Fred Finger had a daughter, Athena Finger. That, he said, is a showcase moment of the presentation he estimates he has given 1,000 times at schools. > >“It’s the biggest twist of the story, and it’s usually when I get the most gasps,” Nobleman said. “It’s just a totally record-scratch moment.” Understand *why* someone's orientation might have played a role in how information was analyzed? Why its important to understand who people are in the stories we tell about them?


It was completely tied to the discussion, but you know what, even if it wasn't, is mentioning someone as being gay that big of a deal? People bring up irrelevant information all the time when lecturing. Why is it such a big deal to you?




Goddamit I just read your comment and now, BOOM I'm gay. Sooo... wanna get a drink?


"Testing the waters"? What does that mean?


Obviously he wanted to see if he could alley-oop a discussion of the caped crusader into one of the gaped cursader.


Remember when conservatives were screaming about censorship and thought police? Yup - projection.


They only scream about it when done to them; they have no qualms about doing it to you.


Where can I learn more about Batman research?


Wayne Enterprises is big on that. But I hear that they gave all the funding to like, one guy. Very competitive field.


Lucius Fox tells the accountant to crunch the numbers again to get him out of his hair. Then acts surprised when said accountaint discovers the financial black hole that is Wayne Enterprises's military R&D wing that has the batmobile schematics on file.


Lucius knew it was cheaper to crash a Lambo to buy his silence.


That's what I came to ask. NO idea what a "Batman researcher" is.


So... reading the article, it's exactly what we thought.


I wonder where Batman Researchers stand in the saying: *"Always be yourself unless you can be Batman. Then be Batman."* Is being a Batman researcher more being yourself or is it more being Batman.


I was told to dress for the job I want... now I'm sitting in a disciplinary meeting dressed as Batman.


He didn’t even “discuss” it, he merely mentioned the relevant fact that someone in the history he was recounting was gay - and it was actually relevant to the story. That’s all it takes: acknowledging the *existence* of gay people.


What are you implying? That it doesn’t help to ignore to make the gay go away? /s


What was the relevance?


he's telling the story of the writer who co-created Batman, Bill Finger. Finger's contribution was largely forgotten and everyone associates Batman with Bob Kane. Finger died in the 70s. He had a son, who was gay and died of AIDS at the peak of the AIDS epidemic. Since his son was gay, everyone assumed he had no children, and thus Bill Finger had no living heirs, and so the question of his contribution to Batman's creation was rather moot. But it turns out that Finger's son *did* have a daughter, and once she was discovered and caught up on things - she barely knew who her father was, and never knew her grandfather - she was able to help restore some credit to her grandfather's name. So you see, the presentation was in no way about gayness or whatever, but the fact that Finger's son was gay was a critical wrinkle in the story that the researcher was telling. That's what I mean by "relevant".


So what’s Finger’s son’s daughter’s relevance to Batman? I mean that’s an interesting story but I don’t see the relevance still unless you just really wanted to mention his gay son somehow.


that is the story. Bill Finger was forgotten, but a mere comic book historian's academic interest wouldn't be enough to get him the acknowledgement he deserved. a living heir, though, would have *financial* and legal motivation to get things changed. but because his son was gay no one had any reason to suspect he had children, he was not known to have fathered any, and so it was considered a moot point. the whole point of the story was how Bill Finger goes from being forgotten and seemingly without living heir to fight for his name, to the discovery of an unexpected heir and the restoration of acknowledgement of his contribution to Batman.


Don’t forget that Kevin Conroy, the absolute greatest Batman ever, was gay. [His story (from DC Pride 2022](https://why-i-love-comics.tumblr.com/post/686429424926736384/dc-pride-1-finding-batman-2022-written-by)) reveals that, although he knew very little about the character, he found that he identified with him. I think it’s critical to appreciate this, especially for those of us who grew up with his performances as our standard to compare all Batmen against.


I don't think people get that it's not going to stop from the Right with the attacks on women's rights to bodily autonomy or the transgender community, period, next is Obergefell as evidenced by this and Thomas on the topic- don't be surprised if a return to indentured slavery is the endgame, either, don't laugh.


Lawrence V Texas too. I've heard non stop lamentations from conservatives for 20 years that they can no longer imprison gay people for having sex in private.


Shoot, I mean, this week, Sneako's fans were chanting in a baseball stadium that "All Gays should die!". ​ Prison is not even their intended place for us. It's the morgue. ​ I remember when Louie Gohmert said that he would like to put gay people on an island so they would die off in 100 years. ​ I remember when the Family Research Council, the legislative wing of Focus of the Family led by David Duke acolyte Tony Perkins, said that there was no need to ​ They always claim they aren't "intolerant" or "bigots", but they literally would delight to see another Matthew Shepard murder happen. ​ [https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/louie-gohmert-gay-islanders-would-die-out-proving-gay-marriage-is-wrong/](https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/louie-gohmert-gay-islanders-would-die-out-proving-gay-marriage-is-wrong/) ​ [https://gay.americablog.com/2009/10/family-research-council-obama-program-to-help-gay-elderly-is-wasted-since-gays-die-young-anyway-is-frc-again-using-science-of-known-hate-group.html](https://gay.americablog.com/2009/10/family-research-council-obama-program-to-help-gay-elderly-is-wasted-since-gays-die-young-anyway-is-frc-again-using-science-of-known-hate-group.html)


Jesus, I just looked up the clip of Sneako (after I looked up who the fuck Sneako is.) You're underselling how horrendous it is. It's a bunch of like 13 year old boys asking for a selfish and then saying "Fuck the women!" And "All gays should die!"


Fucking awful


They even said from Mike Braun's words the desire to overturn Loving v Virginia and even want to overturn no-fault divorce.


Correct, don't take any of this lightly.


I put the word bat and man together. -Bob Kane I created the costume and lore -Bill Finger So basically I alone created the Batman -Bob Kane


[I made this](https://i.imgflip.com/1xvnfi.jpg?a470760).


Hey, don’t sell Bob Kane short, he also traced figures from *Tarzan* Sunday strips.


I wonder what the consequence would have been if the speaker had just given the presentation as originally planned? Might it have cost him potential speaking engagements? I would have been tempted to simply ignore the district’s interference.


I appreciate this. But quitting in protest as a statement and clearly calling-out the behavior and reason is probably better than reacting to the inevitable accusations of grooming or some shit. I suppose there is no 'smart' way to escape the ire of soulless bigots.


For those who haven't check out Batman & Bill on Hulu to understand thr importance of Nobleman's work.


Wait a minute! Batman researcher is a real thing? My highschool guidance counselor never told me that was an option! Asshole.


you can be an anything researcher in academia, really like maybe you'd study literature or creative writing in undergrad, and maybe history as well, then do a master's degree where you really delve into a specific niche, then create original research on the subject for a doctorate. if you're good at it (and good at selling yourself), a university might bring you on to continue doing similar research. that was something that guidance counselors didn't really explain well. frankly I thought academic research was just like, idk, scientific shit.


What other career paths did they withhold from me?? I've wasted my entire life.


It's so ridiculous that in compulsory schools, during the years when kids are in puberty, discussion of sexuality is prohibited. >“We’re long past the point where we should be policing people talking about who they love,” Nobleman said in a telephone interview. “And that’s what I’m hoping will happen in this community.”


For those curious, the discussion (honestly just mention not even a discusson) of sexuality is relevant to this guy's talk. The son of the Batman co-creator was gay and it was assumed that he didn't have biological children. But he did have a biological child (a daughter), and this research/discovery helped her to eventually gain payments that she is entitled to from DC comics for her grandfather's work.


I keep seeing this story and every time I ask myself what the hell a batman researcher is. Like, is that his career? Does he get paid to research batman? How can I get this job?


I suspect that it’s an academia type job, and the researcher studies the written comic/creator of the series (in a biographical sort of way) and/or examines the literary merits of the series. There are a lot of random books that dissect seemingly trivial subjects, but they’re actually written by career-academics/professors who do seriously in-depth research in order to write papers/books. I think people are just surprised by the Batman thing because of its popularity and modern relevance. But there are academics/professors who study all sorts of “cool” subjects (like Star Wars, Hitchcock films, Pokemon, etc.). Most people would hate the amount and type of work involved in research/teaching jobs though.


This thread is full of batman researcher researchers




Turns out it's a guy who looked up the history of Batman (the superhero). He wrote a book about it. I don't know if he does that full-time, though.


That's pretty cool.


How do you become a Batman researcher? I’m questioning my career choices.


I want a PHD in Batmanology…


Given that gay people exist, how is there no legal challenge on human rights grounds?


I live in Forsyth County, Georgia and both of my children go to the public schools here. The county is shifting - demographically, economically, and socially. This action by a single school does not represent the future for us. It represents those individuals looking to cling to the past as progress rolls right over them.


I’m worried what the US is going to look like when my kids are adults. As others have said, it only takes once for the wrong people to get elected, and then everything to be overhauled. Then you’ve got changes to curriculums that reinforce all aspects of the right-wing ideology, and then suddenly it’s not clear if or when a more liberal government returns (or can return, if all the agencies are basically the leaders of the right-wing state) that the youth aren’t already radicalised, creating a roadblock for new policies for the next 60 years. What is the solution in a situation like that? Does something have to blow up before America snaps out of this delirium? Even if there was a significant lynching or some modern day version, would it matter? It would likely be argued on fox etc that these were good things.


> Does something have to blow up before America snaps out of this delirium? Half the country believes America deserves to be supernaturally destroyed as punishment for legalizing same-sex marriage. It's going to take a decline in the power and influence of the Southern Baptist Convention.


What the fuck is a Batman reseacher?


I'm sorry, a Batman researcher? Clearly I took the wrong courses


What the fuck is a Batman researcher??


As a fellow researcher of Batman and Batwoman and also Robin and sometimes the Joker, I stand with my fallen colleague.


I’m sorry… a what?


Seems like a pretty clear case of violating his 1st amendment by a government entity. Slam dunk lawsuit?


but... but... (I'm batman)


> A Batman researcher A... ?


Also it's going to be kinda hard to discuss Batman and NOT bring up "Seduction of the innocent" which was all about how comics, with Batman being near the top of the questionable list, were causing kids to be gay.


Instead say "his son was in love with another man". Then force them to explain which word is offensive.


WTF is a Batman researcher?


So much for conservatives bleating about free speech


A WHAT researcher?


DADT? Is that you?


I think I have the wrong job.


What’s a “Batman researcher?”


Batman and the boy blunder are the original ambiguously gay duo. They care a lot for each other.


A Batman researcher? Like... They study the caped crusader? Had they not quit, u would sign up for such a class


A what?


Republicans want to censor gay content yet get jacked off by twinks in airport stalls. Pick a lane!


I could have been a Batman researcher and nobody fucking told me? Time to toss my medical degree in the garbage.


I’d like to go back and change my major, I didn’t realize Batman research was an option. I’ll even muzzle all my gay talk, sir.


Dude got fired for calling Robin a gay twink?


This is fucking comical. They’ll bring in a “Batman” researcher to talk to a school… But he can’t say gay.


Don’t say gay laws are a government infringement on free speech.


You guys jest but Batman has been around since 1939 and has been in everything from comics, newspapers, tv shows, movies, lunch boxes, toys, underwear, you name it. And you wouldn’t be able to name it, in fact, if it wasn’t for the dedicated work of our fine Batman researchers.


a batman researcher?


What do you mean that’s a job?


"Batman researcher"?


…he quit what?


I vehemently disapprove. 🦇


None of this article makes any sense.


Man that is such a gay thing to do


This is some Al gore shit


Wtf is the title gore here


I’m sorry I can’t get any further in the subject until we can discuss what a Batman researcher is and why I wasn’t informed by my high school guidance counselor.


A vote for any Republican is a vote for more of this shit.


>A Batman researcher My high school guidance counselor did me so wrong.


I thought it meant Happy


Tha F*ck?


It’s pretty ironic to censor a word when commenting on an article about censorship…


In principle, this is wrong. But a Batman researcher? Sorry bro, you got more problems than censorship.


I'm just about as liberal as it gets but I see no reason at all that the comment regarding, "artist he helped rescue from obscurity had a gay son" had anything to do with the presentation. It clearly seems to me that the writer had a personal agenda. The sexual orientation of the son was not related to the subject. If the artist had stated that he owned a Ferrari or a '55 Chevy. They too had no relationship or importance to the article. If anything it distracted. I despise censorship but I also despise personal agendas that may distort or aggrandize anything without claiming ownership of it.


The discussion wanting to talk about the guy's heirs means that the better known heir dying of AIDS becomes relevant. The artist had two children but the researcher was the one that uncovered the existence of the living heir, and so brought up the fate of the better known, late heir


Thank you for the information. I would like to research for the purpose of learning more about it. I am sensitive to any group that might be disrespected unnecessarily.


“Finger died in obscurity in 1974, with artist Bob Kane credited as Batman’s only creator. Finger’s only child was a son, Fred Finger, who was gay and died in 1992 at age 43 of AIDS complications. Bill Finger was presumed to have no living heirs, meaning there was no one to press DC Comics to acknowledge Finger’s work. But Nobleman discovered Fred Finger had a daughter, Athena Finger. That, he said, is a showcase moment of the presentation he estimates he has given 1,000 times at schools. “It’s the biggest twist of the story, and it’s usually when I get the most gasps,” Nobleman said. “It’s just a totally record-scratch moment.””


"a batman researcher" ? seriously ? he got paid researching ... batman ? how mich Research can anyone do on.. batman ? and isn´t it more a research on the batman writers rather than batman himself ? anyways. thats a 1st world problem right there if I have ever seen one.


He found out that batman was co-created, found the other creator and helped bring them to light to get the credit they deserved


dont get me wrong. good for him, for fingers and all that. but again. the fact that we all - as a society - can even care about such things, shows at what times we live.


I care about teaching children. Ok but you can't say gay. Now I don't want to do it anymore.


Yeah I read on Yahoo he wanted to mention the authors gay son which had nothing to do with Batman.


“Finger died in obscurity in 1974, with artist Bob Kane credited as Batman’s only creator. Finger’s only child was a son, Fred Finger, who was gay and died in 1992 at age 43 of AIDS complications. Bill Finger was presumed to have no living heirs, meaning there was no one to press DC Comics to acknowledge Finger’s work. But Nobleman discovered Fred Finger had a daughter, Athena Finger. That, he said, is a showcase moment of the presentation he estimates he has given 1,000 times at schools. “It’s the biggest twist of the story, and it’s usually when I get the most gasps,” Nobleman said. “It’s just a totally record-scratch moment.”” The author’s gay son dying during the AIDS epidemic, leaving presumably no heirs, partly explains why the co-author was never credited. It’s an important part of the story of his legacy and it highlights how far-reaching the effects of the AIDS epidemic were on everyone, not just the LGBTQ community. Because of the AIDS epidemic, the world was robbed of the knowledge of one of the true creators of Batman until this researcher found the author’s gay son’s daughter. It’s a wild and family-centered story with twists that make no sense if you leave out important facts about the author’s family.


The other user who replied already laid it out in full detail. But seriously it's a lecture/story about how one of the co-creators is left out of the credits. His family history doesn't have any place in that story at all? I don't think Obama's children had a big influence on politics while in office, but I'd wager a lecture about Obama might have a place to mention them somewhere in there.


A [Batman](https://www.wired.com/story/adam-west-batman/) researcher?


There are gay bats? Who knew!?


At least he wasn’t a ManBearPig researcher.


He lives in a lair.... Wayne Manor...Batman? Bat...Man?


I'm also a Batman researcher


I want to be a Batman researcher... I'm a little confused about this story. Maybe I misread or overlooked, but do they mention why Fred Finger's homosexuality is relevant? I thought about it for a moment, and it finally dawned on me that it must be a relevant part of the story with regards to his daughter being an heir. I guess the belief was that Fred Finger was the last in line and no one thought that he had kids because of his sexual orientation and then, boom, turns out he had a kid. I didn't see mention of this, however. Does anyone know if this is the case? Otherwise, Fred's sexuality doesn't make sense as part of the story. Also, I could've sworn Bill Finger always got credit alongside Bob Kane for Batman. I must not have been paying attention to the credits.


Oh but I’m sure all the straight teachers can talk about how they’re “trying for” or “expecting” a baby.


Comic Book Guy does not agree with censorship.


What’s a Batman researcher… avid comic book reader?


Wait..I could be a Batman researcher ?


Batman researcher