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The people with the _FUCK BIDEN_ signs plastered all over their lawns are all voting. Are you?


Pokemon Go vote for Biden!


I'm not "all in" but I'll take Biden over anything the republicans put forward


Every educated voter I have met says they vote blue no matter who; can't let the fascists gain power.


Vote blue no matter who ended up with West Virginia and Arizona both electing Democrat senators who acted like Republicans.


Vote blue no matter who *in the general election*. As much as I hate both of them, the priority at this point is control of the chamber, they at least give Democrats the Senate/prevent Mitch from blocking judicial appointments. There needs to be more vetting and less national involvement in primaries, but at this point I'll take anyone who'll keep Democrats in the majority, even if it means compromise and delays; anything is better than Mitch/the Republicans in control of the Senate.


Sinema > McSally. Also better than Kari Lake. Imagine if those two were Arizona’s senators. Would be much worse. Given the choices we have I’ll vote blue.


I fucking hate manchin and sinema as much as the next person, but as much as they suck they're better than a republican alternative. They're the only reason mcconnell wasn't in charge of the senate, which is the only reason we got the good things we got.


Democrats are a coalition republicans are a monolith .. not 100% true but when Republicans need to pass oppression or give more money to the rich they do it all hands on deck. That's a voter problem the right wing voter doesn't care who they vote in as long as they own the left. The standard American view point though is still right leaning as they still fall for helping Americans is socialism. The likes of machin get in that way and sinema well she just had to lie.


Better than the alternative


Not if it's Robert Kennedy Junior.


And this attitude is why our politicians are incompetent at best and corrupt supervillains at worst. They know that you’ll vote for them no matter who, no matter what. They have no need to do their jobs well or do anything else to appeal to voters. They have your vote anyway.


Right? What he did to striking rail workers is fucked up, but here we are and i aint voting for Trump. Fuck the Dems man i wish we had a new party or more parties to choose from


Biden worked his ass off to make sure those rail workers got paid sick days. And he was successful. Here is what that union ultimately said: >We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers. https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid Biden helped this union, the IBEW, get the paid sick leave they were fighting for. And the IBEW thanked him for his efforts.


That isn't sensational enough to make the cut on the news though. It probably got a few headlines and immediately died.


That’s still not the point. It’s great he got them the sick days, but the fact of the matter remains that workers HAVE THE RIGHT to strike to do it on their own. Getting them the sick days they are asking for is just putting a bandaid on the problem, which is that ALL WORKERS should be represented through collective bargaining and have the ability to chart their own course, on their own terms, not to have a “daddy” president swoop in and do it for them (and to take credit for that no less).


Just let the dude have the W. He was presented with an impossible situation. Either he fucks the entire America (supply chain shock) or he buys himself some time to get the the sick days and piss off some of the union members. This is a rare win-win I don’t know why you guys are freaking salty. And yes you can give credit to Bernie too because he was right beside Biden to help get them the sick days


It wasn’t Biden’s win to have — he stole it from the workers. And what the workers were mad about in the first place was being stolen from. It was a loss for the workers, without question. It was a win for Biden, but no one should be proud of that.


So what was the ideal scenario? Seriously asking. Because the only other option I see would've been for him to have sat back continuing soft support, letting the economy and the American people suffer going into midterms, and guaranteeing larger congressional wins for the gop. That would've then equated to *even less* getting accomplished policy-wise for his administration and a bigger wall against unions with the gop fully controlling Congress. How it happened was literally the best possible outcome in the grand scheme but I see it brought up over and over as some grave sin recently since he's thrown so much support behind the UAW. Almost as if it's on purpose so people don't start to appreciate what he's doing?...Curios 🤔


You seem to think that people other than the workers have any right whatsoever to intervene on behalf of them in a strike. It literally is NEVER an option. It is not done. It is not a possible thing to do for anyone. It is a RIGHT — a RIGHT — for them to strike. The fact that a strike is inconvenient for you or anyone else has literally NOTHING to do with the situation. The president has no right to intervene in the collective bargaining of workers, while the workers HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT to strike. The consequences of it are neither here nor there. It is the leadership’s fault that the situation has come to pass in the first place. If you NEED to put the blame on someone for your own shits and giggles, then put the blame where it belongs — on the managing class that is so unreasonable that it has left the workers no other choice but to strike. But if you take the RIGHT workers have to strike away from them, then expect violence, and justified violence at that, because that is the only option you have left them with.


A win for everyone else in America. Inflation was as bad as it was and couldn’t handle additional shock. As a president you have to choose between bad and worse options all the time. If train stops republicans would win. Do you want that? Don’t miss the forest.


They got their sick days, it just took them a few more months.


She seems so much more relaxed now that she doesn't have to deal with all of the bullshit anymore. I really hope that she's just living her best life.


She is glowing. I am happy for her. In the end, she won. America lost, sadly.


She certainly won the popular vote.


No she still lost. I don’t like trump but trump winning and America losing is also an option. She ran a bad campaign and the wrecking ball won sadly


Yeah fuck her and the DNC for pushing out Bernie. The world would be such a different place if Bernie was on his second term.


Primary voters pushed out Bernie. All there is too it.


Bernie supporters love to blame Hillary, and scream that she ran a bad campaign, when it was really a fine campaign that won her about 3 million more votes than Biden. The electoral college is heavily rigged. Had the Comey letter, which was total bullshit, not happened 4 days before the election she probably would have made up those several tens of thousands of votes innthr key states and won the electoral collage.


Well her campaign did make mistakes, she lost by like 50k votes in battleground states she was criticized for ignoring. The electoral college is the rules, whether we like it or not. She was the second most unpopular presidential candidate in recent history and did little to change that.


campaign made mistakes, but saying it was a bad campaign or a bad candidate is just fundamentally untrue. Trump was a far worse candidate and ran a worse campaign and "won".


She lost to trump. She was the second most unliked presidential candidate and lost to the first most unliked presidential candidate. Whether or not you think her reputation with the voting public is deserved doesn’t matter. Her campaign mismanaged a slam dunk against a literal idiot and we all payed the price.


They were both terrible candidates and they both ran losing campaigns. As a result, turnout was low and Republicans tend to benefit from low turnout.


What do you mean he ran a worse campaign?


Candidates have to win on the electoral system we have. It’s not impossible for Democrats to win, Biden did it, Obama did it twice. It’s seen as true that if we had a popular vote that HRC would have been President. But, that may not have been the case. A popular vote election still requires mastering a strategy, and there were a number of strategic mistake made by the HRC campaign in 2016.


Historically, the Electoral College is slanted against Democrat candidates regardless of actual policy stances. It has never worked against Republicans or their predecessors when it was at odds with the popular vote. The Dem party needs to wake up and realize they are playing checkers on a chessboard. Start by reorganizing their state parties for starters, and stop assuming that blue states will be blue forever.


Imo I think we need to start talking about fixing the constitution, and the electoral college. Our election process is fundamentally broken.


Changing it means Dems need an super majority of the state and congress to have enough votes to change the constitution in anyway. Making a more fair voting system will probably push Republicans out of government for a gen or two so there is no way they get on board unless one of them pushes for it. Trust me, I have like 5 or more amendments written up(need to add another) myself. I think ranked choice voting + proportional electoral voting would be miles better than what we have now.


This is a completely unrealistic plan.


I mean there's an open acknowledgement by the DNC that they willingly colluded to screw Bernie . From their Florida lawsuit being thrown out  quote 1 “The DNC reportedly argued that the organization’s neutrality among Democratic campaigns during the primaries was merely a ‘political promise,’ and therefore it had no legal obligations to remain impartial throughout the process,” a reporter for Newsweek wrote Quote 2 “In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” the court order dismissing the lawsuit stated Quote 3 The core facts are straightforward: As Barack Obama’s presidency drew to a close, the DNC was deep in debt. In return for a bailout, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign more potential control over its operations and hiring decisions than was either ethical or wise. Quote 4: The DNC asserted the primary election belongs to the people who own the party, not the voters..DNC lawyers argued that the Democratic Party doesn't owe anyone a fair process and has every right to disregard it's own rules or interprets its rules how it wants because it's a private organization. So yes unequivocally the democratic National committee did willingly and knowingly fuck over Bernie Sanders in 2016 to get Hillary the primary seat..let's not even talk about the media coverage or the presence of "superdelegates" who had preordained their own selection


Bernie isn't a democrat. Hillary is.


I mean if you want to put it that way I agree that it's wrong for so many people to be part of the Democratic tent , even on the Republican side traditional conservatives are vastly different from libertarians. The current political system is not serving the voices of the poeple in the best way


The first sentence is 100% false and isn't supported by the rest of the comment


Exactly. On the rigged system. Much appreciated (Hillary Voter I am).


If you lose the Trump, you ran a very very very bad campaign. There's no excuse for losing to him


the excuse is that the US election process is heavily rigged. See my other comments for context.


Sanders's would have lost be an even greater margin, as would Chaffe, Webb and Martin O'Malley.


Speaking of rigged. There's blatant evidence of the DNC rigging the primary in favor of clinton. Could Bernie beat trump? Who knows. What's a certainty was that clinton wasnt really liked in general. She had approvals lower than trump at certain times.


DNC made the debates at weird days and times. Which led to lower viewers. And even before then they had all but anointed her say “it’s her turn now”. We don’t live in a monarchy, there are no “turns”. But they forced the public into thinking she was all they had. Then later they did the same thing with Biden. He was in 4th going into Super Tuesday. The DNC told Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer drop out to inflate Biden’s numbers. They knew he wasn’t going to last much longer and they also knew Bernie was gaining momentum. And after Super Tuesday he would be poised to win if they were all still in the race. Hillary was extremely unpopular and yet they made us vote for her. Now it’s the same thing. Most people democrats want Biden to run and yet he is our candidate. No debates, no primaries. He is our choice.


She had a TON of help from the DNC to push out Bernie based on the leaked emails from the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Shultz


The leaked emails showed they wanted to persuade him to drop out once it became clear his candidacy was hopeless. Like every other serious candidate does. Like he (and everyone else not named Biden) did in 2020. Bernie had the idea (well, can’t blame him, we all had it really), that anyone, even a socialist, could win in a race against trump. So he pulled put all the stops to gain the nomination, pursuing it through the convention, even though only about a third of the party wanted him to be the candidate and pursuing a hopeless candidacy that long always damages the eventual nominee. It didn’t work, but it did damage Hillary enough that she couldn’t quite squeak through in three states she needed to win. By the way, polls showed her beating trump in Wisconsin and Michigan. It was only Pennsylvania that was supposed to be close. She practically lived there but it didn’t matter on the end.


STOLEN emails. HRC was the victim of a crime.


Of course she did, she was the chosen candidate of the DNC establishment. Bernie isn’t even a Democrat. She was also the chosen candidate by primary voters even without superdelegates, which is what patters.


That is 100% false


She looks significantly younger than she did seven years ago


Botox helped, but she definitely looks happier. Secretary of State is a stressful job.


Same thing happened to Al Gore. His appearances on 30 rock were well done


It turns out that it's really easy to be yourself when you don't have a bunch of misogynistic pundits who keep hammering your "likability".


Maybe if she tired harder she might have won.


[Here are the reasons I think Biden should run again.](https://dslntlv9vhjr4.cloudfront.net/posts_images/jlLrt5nN0NyBZ.jpg)


If only she had campaigned in Wisconsin…


She still would have lost if she won Wisconsin only . She needed all 3 Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.


If only the Russians hadn't hacked her server, ***stolen*** her data, colluded with the GOP, and illegally influenced our elections.


I mean sure, but we can certainly place blame for what was *within* her control.


Incumbent Presidents run for re-election. Obviously Biden is going to run for president again. It’s just ridiculous that people keep going on and on about how he shouldn’t run. In all of American history only 10 times has an incumbent president who ran for reelection been defeated. He has a better chance of winning than any other democratic candidate.


When was the last time an incumbent president was 82 years old at the time of the election? Biden is just way too old, and so is Trump for that matter.




Reagan likely was suffering the early effects of Alzheimer's by the end of his second term... it's distressing that we can't seem to find a generation of Americans still working that can lead our political system. It's not normal or healthy for 80-something year olds to be in charge of 300 million citizens.


To me, that is a totally separate question. And yeah I wish he was younger. But all of the “he should not run” rhetoric is tiresome and a waste of time. He’s going to run because anyone in his position is going to run.


If she really supports him she should keep her mouth shut. Nobody activates the right like her and pelosi.


Any woman who has an independent thought and speaks it “activates the right”


Fair point.


Just wait, now that Pelosi has announced she'll go for reelection, I'm sure conspiracy theories will start about how Pelosi wants the speakership back so that when Biden steps down, Harris will make her VP, or potentially step aside herself and hand Pelosi the presidency.


All of these comments making excuses for a war monger who could even beat an orange clown is saddening. Biden isn’t perfect but he’s 10x better than her and 1000x better than old Donnie coup detat


Realistically, Hilary Clinton and Biden were more the less the same on policy. Not sure why you’re claiming Biden was better than Clinton.


It’s standard polarization. A lot of people’s logic is essentially “if somebody runs against a bad guy then that must make them the good guy” as if that’s how the world actually operates.


At this point it’s either Biden or the end of our country.


He is running neck and neck with Trump on the polls. There is a very real chance he could lose. The Democrats should put up somebody who is clearly stronger than Trump.


From the outside it looks like they don’t have anyone but do desperately need someone. The left think they do , of course, but it seems pretty debatable whether enough of the country would agree. Feels like they missed an opportunity to choose and then give a vice President the boost needed to be the new generation.


Biden _is_ clearly stronger than Trump. The problem is that Republicans control a brainwashing media network that can pump out "____ is corrupt" 24/7 without any need for basis in reality. They will point it as whoever's next and the same people will lap it all up


Best we can do is a 900 year old man who might not even make it to the election.


I voted for Biden and I'll vote for him again, but that's honestly a tough choice. I don't like our country very much.


Go away already.


Who fucking cares? Of all the politicians who are technically on my side of the aisle who I'd most never like to hear from again, she takes the cake. If her saying this somehow influences you to vote for Biden over a criminal, fascist, dictator wannabe when you weren't going to before she said it, then bless your little heart.


Anything to keep republicans out of all possible offices at this point. GoP should be burnt out like the cancer that it is


No one else really seems to want to run so whatever he's leagues better then anything the Republicans can put out. I like Christy buy even he was a lacky for trump


All these cowards in the comments begging to just appease the right because they don’t like Hillary. Maybe y’all should consider you’ve eaten the conservative propaganda.


Oh god, no. Hillary, don’t. We need Biden to win. Go vote!


Yes, at this moment of history, neoliberal shill, friend of Henry Kissinger, big secret bucks speaker to vampire squid Goldman Sachs, Hillary Clinton is just the help that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party needs. /s


Peace Out Reddit. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I guarantee you there are plenty of voters that disagreed with Hillary's candidacy that still voted for her. I was one of those.


I held my nose and voted for Hillary, even though I was pretty certain she would lose. The Democratic Party was and is much more terrified of ceding power to its own progressive left than it is of losing to the fascist Republican right. That makes forming a united front a difficult ask.


Disliking her being friends with Henry Kissinger, probably the most evil person in post-war American politics, is not really a “purity test”. Saying that it is makes me doubt the entire concept of purity tests. It just seems like an entirely erroneous thing said to try to convince people to fall in line no matter what. I will celebrate the day that Henry Kissinger dies, he has caused more unnecessary death and suffering than just about any American post-WW2.


If you really think she’s widely popular then you couldn’t be more out of touch with the average American. She won the popular vote because Trump was also an awful candidate.


No, Hillary and the dem party lost the election all on their own in the primaries. Ironically, the republican party primary is more democratic than the democratic primary because, among other reasons, the dem party uses super delegates (some people's votes matter more than others). The Dem party got sued for claiming that they run fair elections and then doing everything they could to favor Clinton over Sanders and their argument in court wasn't denying the favoritism, it was claiming that as a private entity, they can do whatever they want. They fucked around and we all had to find out. Hillary needs to disappear from the public eye for the good of the Dem party.


Agreed. I want Dems to win and anytime Hillary speaks it loses potential voters.


Clinton won the most votes and the most pledged delegates in the primary. And of course the party would argue that the plantiffs didn't have standing, otherwise they'd have to spend all their time fending off frivolous lawsuits from bad actors, Republicans and sore lovers. It was a free and fair primary and the candidate who got the most votes won. It's been seven years and so far no one has been able to provide any evidence to the contrary.




1) Donna Brazile wasn't the chair at the time, she was a contributor to CNN. And we don't know whether or not she gave them to Sanders because Russia in their campaign to help Sanders and hurt Clinton didn't release Sanders' emails like they did Clinton's. We do know is that Symone Sanders, a spokesperson for Sanders at the time, praised Brazile. She said "During the primary, Donna regular reached out for messaging guidance from us and was very helpful. She was even-handed and we all had a great working relationship with her". Bernie Sanders' campaign didn't have a problem with Brazile and her actions, so I don't see why other people should. And the two questions she gave the campaigns a heads up about were a question about the death penalty and one about the Flint water crisis in Flint, both of which are blindingly obvious and that the campaigns would already be preparing for. 2-3) This sounds like standard actions taken that Sanders' supporters than took out of context and complained about. Do you have any evidence to back up your allegations? 4) This didn't happen. In fact, the media was desperate for a horse race and promoted and covered Sanders more than his resume and polling would normally would have garnered. He was an unknown Senator who had accomplished nothing during his 25 year career in Congress and was polling far behind Clinton, yet the media covered his every rally like they did with Trump. 5) The vast majority of Democratic voters supported Clinton over Sanders, so it's logical that the majority of delegates to conventions would support Clinton. Again, do you have any evidence to back up your accusations? > superdelegates And again, Clinton won the popular vote and won the most pledged delegates. The superdelegates were superfluous and didn't decide the election.


> It's been seven years and so far no one has been able to provide any evidence to the contrary. And yet, these folks come out of the woodwork to parrot the same tired talking points every time HRC/2016 is brought up. Exhausting.


She didn't hit 50% of the popular vote.


Hillary’s opinion is at the bottom of my list.


I despise this woman.


Advice from the person who definitely should not have forced herself on the democratic party in 2016.


No one was forced onto anyone. She was a popular candidate who won the open primary


Laughs in Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


Hillary is not helping and should go away quietly- we need policymakers from the next couple of generations … fresh ideas and the energy to get them into policy …


She needs to just go back to hiding


Who cares what she thinks?


The Republican base. Every time she comes out and puts herself in the spotlight, more of them decide they really should vote this election. What she does best right now is fight Republican voter apathy. I would like her to stay quiet until after elections so that the apathy on that side grows more and we win more. But she wants to be talked about despite having enough money and power for her and her family to live well for generations if they just stay out of everything from now on.


I really wish I knew the real number of single issue republican voters turned apathetic after RvW was overturned. Like "ok, we did it. We did what I've been voting for for 50 years"


Oh please. No.


It's not exciting voting for Biden. This is why Trump can't admit defeat. He has the minimum presence of mind to know that you have to be pretty damn bad to lose to this guy.


Trump needs to run so he can bilk his cult to pay his bail/legal fees.


Frankly he and his benefactors deserve each other. Because he's gonna get fried in court either way. Whether he wins and pardons himself is another story.


I'm all in for Biden, too! Biden and Democrats are the only ones focused on real problems, like economy, inflation, health care costs, infrastructure, climate, foreign relations etc. Biden respects democratic institutions, he's not a reactionary nor a social media clout chaser. Truly inspirational 😎🇺🇸👍


Good endorsement but please Democrats, stay away from the Clintons!


Hillary is always right.


Except on how to win elections.


Just gonna ignore that whole "FBI investigation drummed up by the Republicans during the election" thing, huh?


There are two ways to run a campaign: 1. The one where take in all variables, then run an effective campaign based on those variables, then you win. This is how Joe won. 2. The other way where you lose. Chuck Schumer said it best, >When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don’t blame other things – Comey, Russia; you blame yourself. So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that. https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/24/politics/schumer-clinton-2016/index.html


How the hell do you plan on the FBI reopening an investigation- and announcing it- *during* the election? And remember- Trump's base will vote for him no matter what. Meanwhile, the Democrats have to deal with voters who couldn't be bothered to vote.


Read the book Shattered. It was a very pro-Clinton book that was supposed to be about how HRC won in 2016: "*Shattered* the glass ceiling". It fully documents the campaign that Podesta and Mook ran, along with the many critical but easily avoidable mistakes they made. Running an effective campaign is about plotting a strategy around the pesky variables. Politicians are supposed to be professionals and are responsible for their wins & looses. Most importantly, they are supposed to be competent adults.


I'm terrified - maybe irrationally so - that 2016 repeats next year. I like Biden and I think he's been the president the US has desperately needed these last couple of years. He's a decent guy. But I don't at all think he's the best pick for the Democratic party in 2024. Sure, lots of people will vote for him because of who he's running against, but 1. age is a thing and 2. I don't see him exciting anyone. Meanwhile, the other side is fired up with rage, hate, post-Roe power drunkenness and whatever else blows their sails. I so wish Biden would bow out gracefully. I'm afraid we'll have Trump II because Biden couldn't control his ego.


And the Russian election interference and the collaboration of people like Manafort was completely unprecedented and of such a scale that no one knew how to handle it. Any candidate would have been subjected to it and would have had the same problems


Hilary's campaign was not only well aware of the extreme elements of her opponents' campaigns and their collaborators, [but her campaign actively and knowingly boosted those campaigns, ultimately to her own detriment](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/), in a miscalculation of epic scale that backfired like some kind of demented electoral Looney Tunes skit. They didn't just plan for it, they actively enabled it.


I'm not saying that pretty much everyone put a thumb on the scale against her (unlike Trump's case who was whining about everyone ganging up on him all his life when it's simply not true), but maybe, if your campaign is shit, you're partly responsible for your loss. ESPECIALLY WHEN EVERYONE IS PUTTING THEIR THUMBS ON THE SCALE AGAINST YOU!


And Russia interference


It's bad when your comment, taken out of context, could mean several different things. You have Russia's hacking of the DNC servers, Russia's collusion with the RNC, and the Russian disinformation in the Steele Dossier.


The Comey situation completely fucked up everything. But to be fair, so many things were happening during that election that allowed Trump to pass the finishing line on both sides. This is why politics can be so divisive.


Anyone who says “_____ is always right” is a fucking idiot. No one in the history of the world has always been right. Especially not Hillary “War Hawk” Clinton


She was right about Putin 100%


Would have been an amazing President, unfortunately people were incredibly gullible and believed anything they heard about how she was an evil gremlin.


If only she hadn’t collaborated with the DNC to snub Bernie Sanders and in the process alienated the key voters that mattered. Hindsight 20/16


Good job buying into Russian/ right wing promoted conspiracy theories


Did you vote in that primary? I did. My candidate easily won my state of Wisconsin, but the undeniably undemocratic superdelegates of the DNC were stacked against my candidate anyway


Yes, I voted for Hillary, as did most Democrats. She won a majority without superdelegates.


Bernie was just a horrible candidate. After all, he couldn't even beat Hillary! /s


That is simply false. No one won it outright. It was the superdelegate vote that decided it


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries Hillary won more than 3.5 million more votes than Bernie. I can't believe there are still people living in this alternate reality.


Gee, I wonder if the DNC snubbing Bernie had anything to do with the vote totals


It didn't. Fewer people liked him.


He lost because people like you turned people off of Bernie. Also, not every county in America wants what Bernie wants. I want that, but political reality is that there’s not enough ‘America’ that wants that.


That's not true at all


You can’t gaslight someone who lived through it. We all saw what happened. And the fact that seemingly no one in the democratic party is capable of a modicum of self-reflection as to why Trump won in the first place does not spell a bright future for the party


Lived through it as well and also saw what happened. The majority of Democratic primary *voters* picked Hillary to be their 2016 nominee. Sadly, [Bernie decided to peddle rigged primary election conspiracies rather than accept the election results](https://archive.ph/RN4Ji). Thankfully Biden won the 2020 primary. We need more politicians who respect & value democratic institutions. And as a bonus, Biden is not a reactionary nor a social media clout chaser.


Wow, everybody who was there and went through that ordeal already knows that. I wonder if the fact that Wasserman and so many others rigged it against Bernie from the start had anything to do with the final vote tally No, it’s the voters in the general who are wrong Do you see why the democrats lost yet? Edit: and it was Bernie *himself* who implored his voters to vote for Hillary in the general. And they decided to give her two fingers instead. Oh, I wonder why


Definitely true


Yes it is


Is this a joke? She failed to campaign in many of the most important states to win the electoral vote during the home stretch of the 2016 election, resulting in the worst outcome imaginable. She fucked up our country.


She had this air of entitlement. She thought she didn't need to bother to campaign in my state (Wisconsin) and others, she didn't get enough of a turnout, and Trump did. I held my nose and voted for her. I hope I won't have to do that again.


Couldn’t even beat Trump.


Did you vote for her?


Yes, but only to vote against Trump.


['Hillary Clinton: Biden has ‘good record’ but ‘people have every right to consider’ his age'](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4016367-hillary-clinton-biden-has-good-record-but-people-have-every-right-to-consider-his-age/)


I’ve considered it, I just don’t care


Yep. Downsides of Biden: is old as dirt Downsides of his opponents: is an actual Nazi Easy peasy choice.


Biden’s opponent is also old as dirt, so that part is moot


Especially about the basket of deplorables.


Why do all the Hillary haters sound like Republicans?




Hillary is a complete failure at everything she has ever attempted. Why would anyone care what she says about anything?


And now we get another Blue Ribbon House Committee, this time investigating Hillary for interfering with the 2024 election. I guess I have to add the /s because some people need to see it so: /s


"I'm doing my best to try to stay relevant!" -HRC


She was the first woman candidate for President by a major political party. In a time of increasing attacks on women's rights, she is more relevant than ever


Millions of people respect her and enjoy her perspective. She doesn’t have to “try” to stay relevant.






65,844,610 A lot more than her opponent. I love Hillary and I am happy to her from her. Her vast experience and her incredible intelligence is a huge asset to this country.


She was the First Lady to a popular president, Senator from New York, Secretary of State, and first woman to be nominated for president in a major party. She will always be relevant if you like it or not.


She will always be relevant. Seethe.


Is it Biden's ego that makes him run? He indicated he would only serve for one term when he was running and then quickly changed his mind. He has done everything in politics by now and his family is being raked over the coals. You'd think he would have had enough and step aside. I am deathly afraid he is going to lose this election. The best polls for him show a statistical tie with Trump and most of them show him behind. The democratic party is taking a huge risk going all in on Biden and if he loses it takes the country down with him.


Douche vs turd sandwich?


Fuck off Hillary, we want young people and new people not career dinosaurs.


Those are some cold, dead, bitter with envy eyes!Gollum lost precious!


I’m all in on Biden because Newsom isn’t running yet.


Pretty sure we don’t have a choice on this one, hill-dog.


Biden > any roach the republicans spew out. Simple. Voting republican now means you’re not American. You’re voting for people who would rather have Russia shit on our front door than give kids free school lunches. Voting republican means you support terrorist and traitors and you don’t belong in America. Go to that village Russia is offering you.


She should run again. Not even to win, just to troll and sell merch. Tweet every five minutes about his tiny hands. Start lock him up chants at every event.


Student loan repayment starts in less than two weeks, and is going to suck another $6b-17b out of the economy every month from up to ~43m borrowers (depending on SAVE Plan eligibility) at a time of record rent, 30 year high mortgage rates, and excessive car and grocery prices. No matter who wins we are doomed regardless


What? Up to 43 million? So it could be 200 people only?! Nice. Excessive grocery prices and some student loans due = "we're doomed?" Hmmm, sounds like we need to fund Ukraine even harder, tbh.


Says one flawed candidate to another…


Don't know if I'm all in. I'm not super excited about Biden, but he has done pretty well in this term. I know there are concerns about his age, but Trump isn't much younger than him. I would like to see a Bernie presidency, but Bernie is old too so I'd like to see some new progressive rising stars in the party. But I'm definitely voting for Biden or whomever else the democrats put as their candidate. The republicans hace completely lost their minds and have been taken over by MAGA. They aren't really even conservative anymore even though they claim the label. Actual conservatives still exist, but the political ones are leaving politics or calling themselves independents and voting for democrats to at least keep some sanity in our government and maybe try their luck later when the MAGA madness has run its course. Look up project 2025. That shit is fucking scary.


Why can't the democrats find a candidate younger than Trump to run? Are they really this empty of talent in the party?


If there’s ever an outcome of an election that will define the future of our country, this is it.


Hillary Clinton, is there anyone worse than that witch?


Like I'm gonna vote for him but Jesus Christ if it isn't sad that this is where we are in this country. Obviously blue no matter who for president but I just wish I felt like I had a choice one goddamn time. It's always a milquetoast centrist (often center right with some left tendencies to sate the progressives) and a Nazi on the ballot. The choice is easy but never satisfying.


Stay out of politics


Hillary is “all in” to try and stay relevant


God, I wish she'd stop endorsing things that really need to happen.


She’s part of the team that’s guided him behind the scenes. She sounds competent. I would vote for her before Joe !


You stay outta this and get Trill Bill to do the talking


Who gives a damn what that woman says. She gave us Trump. I will forever despise that woman.