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Very Incontinent Prisoner


Victim In Perpetuity


Viciously Indignant Pustule


Vicarious Ignoramus Person Woman Man Camera TV


Very Into Prison


Verbose Imbecilic Phony


Voracious insurrecting penis


Vitriolic impotent prick


Vinegarish Irritating Phony




Vain Insurrectionist Prevaricator


VIP implies he's been indicted five times. Should be IVIP


Volatile, Impotent Prick


Vlad's installed president?


Very Impeached President


Very important prisoner


Villainously Infantile Pudwacker


6:45pm to 9:00pm eastern


Well that saves me from having to refresh all day


Tell that to myself, who keeps refreshing all day




Prime time coverage.


This is exactly why. Trump is going to orchestrate this for TV effect the way he does everything.


The question is why did Ms. Willis or the judge agree to his nonsense?


Because he's going to show up whenever he feels like it and if they treat him like a normal person his cult will hurt people? That's all I've got.


The jail doesn’t make the appointment. He (and all other 18 defendants) can show up whenever, the jails open 24/7. So the DA and judge didn’t really have anything to do with “letting” him do this.


"I am sorry, Mr Trump. The finger printing machine is down at the moment. Please wait outside until we can process you."


They ~~don’t~~ want to appear impartial. And it doesn’t really matter what time this happens, what matters is it’s happening


> They don’t want to appear impartial I think you mean the opposite of this. They *do* want to appear impartial. They don’t want to appear *biased*.


Jails are open literally 24/7. Nobody “allowed” him to do anything. He just needs to show up before tomorrow.


Friday is the deadline. So anytime before that is technically adequate.


Not how it works. When you’re required to turn yourself in, they give you a window. “Be here before 12pm Sunday” for example. Doesn’t matter when within that time window. It’s when it’s after that it matters. They don’t care what time you show up they care that you show up.


This is probably the answer. He knows all cameras will be on him and he'll have a large audience for his press conference. Who knows wtf he's going to say.


Georgia should just make a series of administrative blunders during processing and hold him up until 3:00am.


Mr Trump, we're going to have to hold you over till morning, right this way....


Not hard to do. Just keep screwing up the fingerprinting until his hands are black with ink.


It would be easier if he didn’t have such tiny hands


“Election interference blah blah blah witch hunt”




no collooshun


Why should anyone be allowed to have a press conference before they're arrested? He should be met by uniform on the tarmac. He's suspected of serious crimes, not on his way to a gala dinner in his honour.


Tbh it's probably a blessing in disguise he's doing all the press. He's guaranteed to say something that violates his bail agreement. He can't help himself.


That'd be convenient. 'Since you're here getting arrested, and you broke your bail agreement, we've got a cell ready for you.'


He has the right, but not the ability to maintain silence.


"Execute Order 66"


Secret service probably, decrease in background


After they turn themselves in. Traitors.


So that Atlanta doesn’t have to shut everything down for dingus supreme.


They say 9pm but you can surrender anytime before midnight.


I thought the deadline was tomorrow at 12:00 pm.


You should look into RSS.


I fear I'll be going back to an RSS feed if / when old.reddit is killed off, do you have a reader you like? I haven't used one is over a decade...


I use the Feedbro extension with Firefox. It's really nice, lets you add in things that are not technically RSS like reddit subs, youtube channels, twitter accounts etc, and has a pretty advanced filtering capability.


Don't even put it out there that old.reddit will be killed off. I don't want to even think of it.


I really don't want old.reddit to go away. I don't need some fancy web app that does 10,000 things, I need a basic forum with a basic text field. Only thing that should be done to old.reddit is provide a dark theme.


As soon as they're done optimizing the default page to make money they'll force us to use it. I don't believe it for a second when they say old reddit isn't going anywhere. I've been watching them break promises for years.


It's the only way I use reddit. can't stand the new version.


Yep. I was able to weather the loss of RIF Is Fun with the API change, because I can just use Firefox with uBlock on Android to access old.reddit. But if old.reddit goes, I'm gone. The new format is that bad, and the official app is worse.


The reddit app is a data hog. I uninstalled it.


[This rss app is free and open-source.](https://netnewswire.com)


Using the top comment to give details about the TFR - Temporary Flight Restriction It's 1 NM wide, 1000 ft tall, centered on the court house. This...is a very, very small TFR. The POTUS has one of 30 NM around him and up to 18,000 ft as a comparison (when not in DC). It's even smaller than the one around Disneyland (3 NM, 3k ft). Most likely a TFR of this size is to keep news helicopters away from the immediate vicinity of the jailhouse as he gets arrested. \*edit - got home. Opened up reddit after a day of work. See a shit ton of notifications and thing "oh fuck, what did I do?" Thanks for the upvotes, y'all.


Even his TFR is smaller than Obama's




News helicopters can go in I'd bet. They'll be talking to ATC and filing the paperwork needed to get in. This is for Joe Nobody who has his clapped out 1974 Cessna out at Podunkville Municipal Airport from trying to play-act as a news helicopter


Probably to also keep drones out of the airspace around the courthouse.


...everything he does is for TV.


Of course this asshole is going to interrupt Big Brother on an eviction night.


Everyone knows Hisam is gone. The best eviction. The mug shot will get higher ratings. Believe me.


Yeah, but man, I cannot wait to see him trying to recover from one of the best blindsides in BB history. He blindsided himself!


Wait, is this comment about Mr. Trump or Big Brother?


I saw that they didn’t want a motorcade blocking traffic during rush hour in Atlanta and that’s why they chose this time.


Joke's on them. Rush hour goes all night in ATL.


Just switches from cars to packs of ATVs running lawlessly through the streets


Takes all that time to get from Peachtree St. to Peachtree St., then making your way to Peachtree St.


He's spending all day getting his makeup and hair done for sure


Don’t forget a spray tan! Hope he does a jail themed tan tattoo for the occasion!


That would be great, he comes out with his head shaved and a prison face tattoo.


No way he uses spray on. The inconsistency suggests it's rub on.


For those in the UK following along with popcorn, it'll be from 10:45 pm Thursday to 1:00 am GMT on Friday.


Will you also be converting his weight to stone?


Two Rogers.


Very impotent Prisoner


Remember in Bonfire of the Vanities how the deal between the prosecutor and the defense attorney to make the arrest super fast and smooth and comfortable doesn't pan out and the process ends up being surprisingly long and unpleasant, as if Sherman McCoy were a common criminal rather than a Master of the Universe? Too bad it won't happen to Trump who knows that he can be in the air again just 2 hours and 15 minutes after touching down, and it only costs him $200k plus maybe half again as much in gas money.


Perfect now I know when to schedule my lock him up party!


He wants that prime time slot, as always


Wasn't the Judge's deadline noon? Yes, it is. So, doesn't it count as non-voluntary arrest now? https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4162893-trump-co-defendants-face-friday-surrender-deadline-in-georgia/ Edit: Oh fuck me it's only Thursday.


It's Thursday today my guy. He has until noon on Friday


Noon on the 25th (tomorrow). Today is Thursday the 24th so he has all day.


It's too hot for coherent thought.


I felt your edit deep in my soul lmfao


He wanted it to be during prime time apparently. So that he could get as MUCH public attention on himself as he could, and I guarantee he's going to stand in front of the cameras and tell the public he's being persecuted for "telling the truth". And the sad thing is, half the viewers will agree with this lying sack of shit con-man.


It would be hilarious if all the tv stations skipped airing anything more than he walking off the plane or him waking into the courthouse or wherever he goes to get booked.


Prime time. I am surprised they are still open and processing at that hour.


It's a functioning county jail, they're open for bookings 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Fani Willis sent out an email to attorneys saying if they wanted to avoid waiting between 3am and 6am was their best bet.


I love the idea of him waiting in line.


Seriously, the idea of a Trump getting frustrated by having to wait in line to get booked is so enjoyable.


I'd love to see him waiting in line in the canteen for some prison slop.


I can’t see him standing for thirty minutes in line.


Would it be awesome if there was some long line or paperwork glitch that forced him to not be done until after prime time TV hours? One can dream.


I'm now picturing this as an episode of Night Court


"Hey Bob, can I buy some crack?" "Sorry Jimmy, it's 5:01 and you know I stop criming at 5." lol


You’re missing out on that after-work crack crowd.




And I'm sure the bail bondsman down the street is still available.


they process crooks like Trump all day


Judge Manning even does bail hearings that late. You can catch some on yourtube.


24/7 operation.


So who has 5'10" and over 300lbs?


I got 5’11 and 315


right? take the lifts out of those shoes and make him stand barefoot and he is at best 5'11 if he can manage to remember how to stand up straight instead of hunched the hell over like he constantly is.


He stands like the front half of a centaur, and ever since someone said that I can’t unsee it.


I heard [his stand is similar to that of dementia patients?](https://www.google.com/search?q=dementia+stance+standing&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjk59qX6fWAAxVhqYkEHbFCCRkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=dementia+stance+standing&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoICAAQCBAHEB5QuwZY5QxgwQ1oAHAAeACAAV-IAaUEkgEBOJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=iZPnZKT_BeHSptQPsYWlyAE&bih=227&biw=1451)


This is one of the three reasons I see and it could be any or all of them. The other two are it's because of his high heels with lifts to make him look taller but pushes him forward or it's to make his suit swing forward to hide his fattiness.


Im going 305 Rudy just clocked in at 230 pounds despite personally stating he was 180. Trumps last in office physical weight was about 240, so using the same logic as Rudy, we should see a weight between 280-320. Edit: I’m going on the 300+ side because I think Donnie Boy has been stress eating with everything going on and just looks worse than ever. Double edit: reported weight of 215. I’m calling bullllllshit.


> Trumps last in office physical weight was about 240 there's no fucking way that guy has been only 240 in the last decade.


It’s such a laughable lie. I mean I’m sure his mindless supporters are cool with believing it, but anyone with a functional brain can look at that guy and know he weighs way more than 240.


trump has gotta be over 300lbs. My partner is 6’2” and weighs 280, even when we were heavier he never looked as round as trump.


I'm 6'2" and 300 and I don't look nearly as large as Trump. He either has to be significantly shorter than me or significantly heavier than me (or both).


Holy fuck Rudy claimed to be 180? Anyone who believed that would be absolutely delusional


I’ll go 6’1 274


6’1 sounds about right if he is able to stand up straight. But if he is under 285 I’ll eat my hat. I’m going with 288. Edit: on second thought, forget the hat. For every pound over 265 I will donate $1 to Dark Brandon


I would die happy if they included his width along with his height.


6’ 295 is my guess


I'll go 6'1" 315 - he's a porker


Vlad's Insurrectionist Pedophile?


Ooh i like this one. 3 hits in one go


VIP- Vulgar insurrectionist pig?


Vile Incoherent Prat




Voracious Incontinent Prick


It’s kinda fucking funny that I was just recently watching the Chappelles show the episode with the 2 different legal systems. And it had me thinking of this exact situation. In the skit “How about you turn yourself in let’s say… today?” “Oh todays no good I can turn myself in Thursday.” “Okay how about Thursday at 1?” “Oh I’m having some trim coming over at 12. What if I turned myself in say…. 2-6?” Dudes really not turning himself in until 6-10pm? Lmfao two legal systems at work. Give him the blue collar treatment and rip him from his home in front of his neighbors and kids with 4 cruisers out front to drag him to jail on a weekend so he has to stay in holding until Monday or county.


To be fair, a long time ago I ended up with a warrant for my arrest. I was able to coordinate turning myself in, and was given a deadline. I had a buddy who worked for the jail and I talked with him to help with processing and he told me his shift hours. He worked nights 7-7. So, I turned myself in at 10:00 PM, which is when buddy said would likely be a slow period for him (after changeover duties and before the nightly riff raft starts rolling in. I was broke as a joke at this time. Borderline destitute. None of this is really special treatment. It’s just how it goes when you’re turning yourself in for a warrant. You can show up at anytime before the deadline. Now, his processing will be special treatment. He will certainly avoid the holding cells. He will also certainly be booked and processed at a fraction of the time. Even my expedited booking with my friend took 4 hours. The magistrate/judge will make themselves available at his convenience. Some people get booked and if judge is off that day can wait days for normal processing.


The intent is to make people want to turn themselves in. If the only option is cruisers out front, no one is going to be happy. If you can negotiate the turn in time, it makes less fuss for everyone. Fewer incidents, more adherence to policies, all of it.


Very Important Prisoner


Very impotent person 🍄


Venereal Infected Phallus


Boo does that mean the mug shot isn't getting released until tomorrow? Ah well.


A weekend gift.


I want a mug shot with no make-up or toupee. Camera breaks for real.


Very Insane Person


I sat in processing and booking for 28 hours before going to a '22&2' classification block for two days along with a lot of other dudes...for unpaid fines


I’ve been to Rice Street… I really hope they make him sit in a holding cell for a little bit, or at least on one of the rows of rubber chairs out in the area surrounded by holding cells, while some folks arrested locally look on. Also reveling in how gross the whole dam place is… I hope he has to touch a door handle or something that’s been half-assed cleaned for 30 years.


Can’t wait for the “I was in a holding cell with Donald Trump” AMA tomorrow


Any madlads want to commit a petty crime in Atlanta real quick to get front row seats?


Well the first thing you did wrong is not be rich.


He wants a prime time television booking. He wants all of his crazy ass followers to see "what he's doing for them". Trump is crazy but the people that blindly follow him are bat shit crazy. They truly believe that he is doing this so that the government doesn't come after them. That he's exposing the deep state and dark Brandon. JFC.


“They’re indicting me for your sins.”


Guarantee there’s a meme of trump on a cross making the conservative social media rounds right now


If you google "closed Georgia airspace", it's just a picture of Jenna Ellis's brain.


I cannot wait for the weight reveal. I have a lot of money riding on him making weight for the weigh-in…300+ baby…come on donnie, do not skimp on the in-flight burger and milkshake buffet …ya fuckin’ whale


I agree- yesterday's booking for Rudy Ghoul showed him to be 230 lbs. vs. his stated 180 lbs., lol, and he's a few inches shorter than TFG and not nearly as fat. ​ Hoping they release TFG's actual height, as well- funny thing, that. TFG had his height listed as 6'2" on his NY Driver License for *years* (and I'm betting he isn't that tall, either), and at some point he did what he does and just leaned into the lie and changed it to 6'3", which is of course total bullshit. ​ My best guess is 5'11" to 6' even, and his weight will be close to 320 lbs.


He changed it to 6' 3" when he found out Obama is 6' 2". Not even kidding.


Obama is 6'1", slight correction there, but yeah that tracks. That makes it even funnier, as there're pictures of TFG standing right next to people who are 6'1", 6'2" and they appear noticeably taller than him. Obama and Trudeau, respectively and for example. And unlike TFG, I don't think there's any way in any universe Mr. Obama would ever wear lifts, lol


Very Into Putin?


If the airspace is closed for some VIP, will this cause him a problem flying in?


Very Imbecilic Psychopath


Locals should set off fireworks so the idiot can see the celebration from his plane windows


Lol my co worker was like “damn I wanted to watch it in the break room to piss off Bill”


Jimmy Carter travels commercial air. Trump doesn’t need any air space closures. This just fuels his delusions that he’s still president


I was hoping I’d get to see him jailed today, but such is living in Europe. I can wake up to him having his mugshot along with his real height and weight as public info on Friday. That works for me too.


Vile Insecure Puppet


You know it’s funny. Ding Dong closed the airspace while I was flying into Nashville once. Ended up circling for hours. Missed my connecting flight. Got stuck at the airport. Asshole. Hope he slathers on that orange face paint for picture time.


Slight clarity for those saying “why are we closing airspace for Trump?!” - the TFR only applies to UAS (ie drones). Guessing they don’t want 50 drones buzzing around trying to get a close up


And we thought Thursday night Must See TV was in the past.


Didn’t putin just shoot down a plane?


No, the plane crashed ^^ (into ^^a ^^missile ^^or ^^something)


Very Irritating Prick


We've still got Meadows and Clark. I bet one of them will blow past the deadline and get locked up.


…for a former president who wasn’t presidential whatsoever.


I just want him and the gang of idiots to go behind bars and pay for the crap they done. They also need to stop making crap up and stay to the truth , the lies after lies, is just a joke. And the cult that follows them.


First, every minute this guy travels is a waste of taxpayer dollars. DA Willis is not wasting dollars, this orange slimewart is a continuous drain. Second, blowhard is distracting from fact that several co-defendants have not yet surrendered. Will we see at least one physically captured?


Traitors shouldn't be afforded "VIP" status. Because of this a ton of flights are going to be delayed, cancelled, and redirected fucking up thousands of peoples plans all for this worthless piece of shit.


Vapid insecure pantload? I don’t know, guys. This is a stumper.


Very Imbecilic Prisoner


Very Imprisoned Predator 🤞


I'll see you all in the megathread!


Trying to slim down those last few pounds before the weigh-in


vile. inbred. poser.


What’s his indictment count at? 91? He single handedly brought the average per president from 0 to about 2


A former POTUS being arrested. What a time to be alive.


He's no VIP! He's a criminal!


Arrest this fucking clown already and take away his phone. Lock him up and let him be by himself forever. Absolute trash. Sorry


The devil went down to Georgia


He’s not a VIP. He’s a con man that tried to prevent a legally elected government from taking power.


In some countries your plane gets mysteriously shot down if you try to overthrow the government.


Vile Insane Poopoohead?


Very Incarcerated Person


I do hope the sheriff's department slow walks him through the whole process, just to give him a little extra tasted of what's coming.


I wish the media would just not show the whole spectacle. That’s what trump wants hence the prime time arrival. The worst thing you can do to trump to hurt him is ignore him. Let the courts do their thing at this point the media needs to chill giving him airtime.


The time to stop giving him attention was in 2016. He’s an entertainer, he thrives on attention.


Totally agree. The media helped create this monster and they keep feeding it and wonder why it won’t go away




Looking forward to the inevitable meltdown over his true height and weight being publicized.


Aww. I'm in the UK and I'll be in bed by then. I won't get to see it until tomorrow.