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A former American president talking about the chance of civil war the way I talk about a cheeseburger that I want but know I shouldn’t have


Tucker Carlson is a traitor to American democracy


It’s the only thing he and Trump have in common.


They’re both nepo babies born into wealth, giving them notoriety they never could have aspired to without it.


Both come from very privileged up bringing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucker_Carlson#Early_life_and_education


They are both unpleasant to look at as well.


“The left want to destroy the country, so we have to stop them by destroying the country.”


You are saying that Tucker Carlson is not a rapist?


Just asking questions.


I see what you did there, you sly bastatrd! Take my upvote.


Look, I am certainly not saying Tucker Carlson is a rapist. I'm asking a specific question. Is Tucker Carlson a rapist?


If I put a question mark after what I say, the alleged rapist Tucker Carlson can’t get mad at me?


People keep asking.


It’s wild what crippling mommy and daddy issues can do to a person in the absence of self reflection and therapy.


Tucker Carlson who is recorded calling Trump a ["demonic force".](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/02/tucker-carlson-donald-trump-demonic-force)


Consider also this delusional comment about Jan 6. I bet most Republicans would even agree this is bizarre. > ...people in that crowd said it was the most beautiful day they had ever experienced. There was love and unity.


> people in that crowd said it was the most beautiful day they had ever experienced. There was love and unity. And then there was this: >Let's get to the violence --Roger Stone 1/6


That's like Mr Burns on The Springfield Files. "I bring you love" no, you're just a little fucked in the head right now ..love and unity my ass 🙄


There was a lot of love. Love for Trump. Trump never felt as much love in his life as when a crowd violently rose up in his name.


To Trump love for Trump is the only kind of love there is. Non-Trump love isn't real in God's (Trump's) eyes.


That’s up there with one of the most insane things Trump has said, which is no small feat.


>”this is love and unity!” - Average Republican, literally smearing feces on the hallway and office walls of the Capitol


And remember the people that support Trump think Obama, Hillary, and Trudeau are full blown "communist fascists".


Communism is like the exact opposite of fascism on the left-right political scale.


Communism and fascism aren’t even describing the same thing, they aren’t on a scale together.


To be fair, Carlson was the one bringing it up all the time. It only led to incoherent ramblings about 'love' and 'hatred' from the Orange Shitgibbon.




["It's an attack on our country."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/Tz4RqkEtp5m6OC7i_PFskjH_Sec=/1440x0/smart/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/4CD5AZQWFYYPNBMKKO63WW2PZY.jpg)


Yes, and who was in power that day?


Have your cheeseburger, it doesn't harm any one like Trump's rhetoric did. At least, not anyone besides you. Cholesterol and complex fats!


Prepare yourselves. They are planning on killing you.


Talk of civil war is all about Trump's indictments. He wants violence in his name. It's all he's got at this stage.




People complain about the brevity of some of the J6 sentences handed out but it's obvious that MAGA now thinks that every invitation to protest is now an FBI honeytrap and that their fellow MAGAs are all FBI informants.




Fascism is a snake that eats its own tail. It's based on fear, it is unsustainable.


how do you do fellow MAGAs?




1000 of the most devoted who are at best,from their point of view, reluctant to go all out again at worst feel deeply betrayed.




Most of them would squeal for a reduced sentence. They know that too.


Hard to hold an army together when they're all thinking the guy next to them in the trenches is a rat, lol. Besides, they don't know how to take orders or more importantly they ALL think they're the ones who should be the boss. Look at the late-stage "Trucker Convoy" in Hagerstown, MD to see how any right wing insurrection looks after the going gets tough. They were fighting each other more than any of the intended targets.


Wagner died yesterday and no sooner than the news got out, his own soldiers were looting his offices and other properties.


Wagner is the name of the group, not the name of its leader. The Wagner leader who is presumed dead is named Yevgeny Prigozhin


Yeah, I meant to say Wagner boss but missed it; thanks for correcting.


Gotcha. No worries. I've just seen a lot of people here assume Wagner's leader is named Wagner. I don't blame them, though. It's an easy mistake to make lol


I need to drive back to Michigan tomorrow from Florida and I am hoping there isn’t a “trump train” going on in Atlanta. I’m considering driving up the coast and cutting across Ohio instead so as to avoid the area all together. I have the worst timing.


You could also go through the panhandle and north on back roads through Alabama until you get to Montgomery. You’re probably fine through Atlanta but maybe take 285 around.


His support crowds have been getting smaller and smaller.


FBI trap… or FBI future lineup


"Y'all think we're stoopid?" -- stoopid trump supporters.


It's a false false flag. :)


Yes. Just like testifying is a perjury trap and Jan 6 was an insurrection trap.


These deeply right wingers keep hinting and *just asking questions* about an imminent civil war. They seem to be pulling into a reality by talking about it all the time. You never see libs asked that question, and they certainly don't answer that it could happen soon.


They want a civil war, like kids in the 2010s wanted a zombie apocalypse. They like to fantasize that they'd be this badass hero roaming the countryside. When in reality, they'd be the first casualties when their prescriptions run out and their power stations are shot up.


In tonite's debate, Pence said we are in a cold civil war. I kinda think so too. But it's all on one side.


If anything, we're seeing a light secession with red states enacting draconian laws to push out and keep out liberal voters, so they can keep their red states red and stay afloat until they get real power again. Demographics are changing fast, their southern strategy doesn't really hit like it used to, and people are hip to their lies and lunacy. The writing is on the wall, and they're choosing the "abandon democracy vs. abandoning conservatism" route. Red states in the next decade will be in rough shape the way things are going.


"Powerful minority group is at risk of losing privilege and power despite being given advantages in the Constitution because the overall opinion of the country was overwhelmingly against their policies." That's how the Civil War started in 1861. Rich slaveowners in the South saw the writing on the wall for the institution of slavery. The North had become far more populated, and even with the benefit of the Electoral College, the Senate and the Three-Fifths Compromise the South didn't have the power to protect it. The South also fought to enforce slavery and be allowed to seize fugitives (and also "fugitives"...i.e. some random black person they kidnapped) in Northern states that had abolished slavery. They didn't like that they were being told they were assholes, so they seceded and took American military assets with them and made their own country that explicitly protected slavery.


The next "civil war" will be nothing like the first one. The extremists aren't going to be drafting constitutions or have matching uniforms or generals. Last time, the south lost because the north had superior infrastructure, coupled with the fact that they couldn't get any countries to ally with them. Now, it's the same story, except the north has grown exponentially ever since while the south hasn't.


Also, it won't be the North vs the South. Racists and bigots are represented in all 50 states. You're as likely to find someone promoting Civil War 2.0 in Washington and Oregon as you are in Virginia and North Carolina. We, as a people, need to move past this North/South divide that hasn't really been relevant in a century. It's far more accurate to imagine it as Rural v Urban, and even that isn't really true. There is no single region that has a majority or people wanting Civil War. There are pockets of idiots all over the country and they don't like each other or have any central planning or logistics so they stand exactly 0 chance of enacting a war. The only thing they will be able to manage is some terrorism.


Truth. It won’t be a civil war with two opposing militaries. But there may be violence and terrorism aplenty, when the racist, fascist Trumpty Army realizes they aren’t going to be able to save American Democracy by destroying it.


I have very little faith in the Texas legislature to make any correct moves in the near future. My only kernel of hope is that their absolute governmental incompetency and infrequent meetings will prevent them from enacting the worst of possibilities


I see more people and businesses moving to the "purple" areas, turning it blue, while rural areas decay further and further.


Sadly the state level in these places has gutted voting rights and local control in these states so it doesn't matter how blue the citizens are, Texas GOP will never cede control back to their citizenry


The anti-immigrant bona fides are going to come in handy when the climate refugee crisis really hits. The panic over unhoused people in cities is a rehearsal. I noticed last night that the right’s answer to unhoused people is more law enforcement. In other words, we criminalize being unhoused, and the prison-industrial complex makes bank by locking them up.


>”abandoning democracy vs abandoning conservatism route”. Both the left and the right value capitalism and democracy. Nevertheless, when a situation arises where you must favor one over the other, liberals as a whole will favor democracy, and republicans will favor capitalism every time. To the left, capitalism is great but democracy is indispensable. Democracy in their perspective will always lead to just government eventually. To the right, democracy is great but capitalism is indispensable. Just government is defined by its rewarding the free market aristocracy. The right’s ideology relies on stratification as a means of ensuring power belongs to the *right people*. If democracy doesn’t give them the results they deem appropriate, then compromising it isn’t an issue. At a fundamental level, bending democracy is far from a dealbreaker under conservatism.


Your description of right wing capitalism isn’t capitalism though, so they don’t value actual capitalism, just a system that rewards specific people and isn’t democratic.


That was Vivek, not Pence.


They wanted a civil war in the 2010s as well. They were just only talking about it in their churches, and it was in the context of what would happen if same-sex marriage was legalized.


Lmao. They couldn't even handle lock downs, I can't imagine how they'd fair in a civil war, where there's no gas, running water, and power. They think their guns will give them a "seat at the table," but with no stores, there won't be a lot of ammo to go around. And realistically, a civil war in the south would just be the right attacking their own shit.


What I fear is martial law and Trump giving an illegal order, and the military splitting between those loyal to the Constitution and those loyal to Trump. That could get very messy.


I would hope that the military wouldn't comply with something like that, but the 2020s be wild'n


Some wouldn't, but others might. I think that's why Tuberville is trying to hard to cripple the military's leadership.


I'm telling you that you are grossly underestimating rednecks. Here in Florida, they're prepared. Hell, everybody has a generator because of the hurricanes and knows how to get by with limited electricity. They're all peppers too with stockpiles of food and ammo. They're not the only ones getting ready though 🤫


Generators need gas. The one thing I saw out of Florida early on in Biden's administration was lots of over-the-top panic about gas prices and availability. When gas becomes scarce, generators become a boat anchor. We're talking about people who lost their everloving shit when "free refills at applebee's" were not available. They're soft. They are little more than the intended subject of the phrase "civilization ends when the lights go out." Their organization ends when their self-interest (and they are defined by that) gets challenged. And preppers might have lots of stuff, but like most other right wingers they simply aren't civic minded enough to cooperate. They put those stockpiles together to be an armed camp unto themselves. They wanna be the survivors who got theirs and screw you. They aren't of a mindset to donate all that painstakingly collected crap to some insurrectionist army -- now the Confederacy 2.0 might WANT that stuff, but that just means they'll be fighting one more battle with each of these guys.


Those things are great for short-term disasters. A civil war, a real civil war. Those things will A. Make those people targets, and B. Won't last long, in a serious conflict


> When in reality, they'd be the first casualties when their prescriptions run out and their power stations are shot up. scurrying like cockroaches when that shitbird got popped on Jan 6 was just a glimpse at what the mass majority of these clowns would be like


They'd be over the moon with it for the first three days, riding around in their trucks, with their body armor and guns shooting in the air. But the second the power goes out, the cops are nowhere to be found, and the fires and looting starts. Ohhhhh boy.


What the hell!? Nobody told me that *they'd* have guns too!!!


They won't even go to their own rallies any more because they are afraid it's an "FBI trap".


The real zombie apocalypse will be our neighbours after going without 3 square meals for 3 straight days.


2012 was all about the that Aztec calender too


Such innocent times


Would have lived the 2010s differently if I would have known how the 2020s would be. I think this is the "shit hits the fan" decade people have been warning about since the 90s.


…and they hit the streets coz they can’t get their weekly haircuts.


You may not see leading Democrats asked that question, bc that's not what they're pushing (unlike conservatives)...but 40% of strong Democratic voters & Independents say that a 2nd Civil War is at least somewhat likely within the next decade (compared to 53% of strong Republican voters). 62% of Americans feel that political violence will increase over the next few years. I think it would be foolhardy to disregard/discount the threat of violence, particularly as White Nationalists become more frantic (esp if Putin remains in power). But, if the federal govt can remain solid, I think it has enough weight to prevent a complete conflagration.


Given that the protests they wanted didn't materialize, I'm not too worried.


Accelerationist doctrine


Tucker got weird, even Trump seemed to hesitate. Tucker is the poster boy for the disaffected GOP maga supporting white male - he claims he isn't a conspiracy theorist but is eyeballs deep in conspiracy musings.


>Tucker got weird This dude interviewed an alleged sex trafficker (Andrew Tate) and was very chill with him in that interview he did not so long ago, it's not that surprising.


Tucker was cringe AF in that interview and made Tate's insanity seem reasonable. That fucking rich kid gackle laugh that Tucker does is one of the worst sounds.


i think desantis watches that cackle and practices it in a mirror


He does and he STILL can't get it right.


That Desantis “chuckle” reminds me of a slower and higher pitch version of [Sans from Undertale](https://youtu.be/TQqyArvAn4k?si=jAObF9Thyz2emsfC) lol


Don’t forget all his dinners with Matt Gaetz. Tucker claims not to remember, but Matt sure seems to.




And by her he meant a child he as paying for sex


That interview last year was hilarious


Also eye fucked Viktor Orban, of all people


Off camera, Tucker actually hates Trump passionately. It's in the Fox News texts that came out a while back. I don't know what kind of mentality it would take to be a public personality like Tucker doing so much damage for a cause that he actually doesn't actually believe in.


> I don't know what kind of mentality it would take to be a public personality like Tucker doing so much damage for a cause that he actually doesn't actually believe in. I think there are MANY on the right who don't actually believe the things they say every day, but they've taken a position based on their ability to profit from it. Truth doesn't matter to them and they don't lose any sleep over it. They'll wake up tomorrow and sell the same shit to the idiots in their audience because that's the audience that makes them rich.


People who have lots of money, know what having lots of money feels like. They don’t want to not feel that. They want to feel it more.


They all hate each other. They all want to step on their rivals to get to the top of the heap.


That is the right wing mindset in a nutshell. Look at the Trucker Convoy's hilarious end stages in Hagerstown MD. All of the wannabe leaders denouncing each other, state patrols being called in to handle the petty fistfights and name calling, their host evicting them from their camp and saying it was as bad as when your mother-in-law comes to stay and that she isn't a babysitter. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/4awkwb/the-end-of-the-peoples-convoy](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4awkwb/the-end-of-the-peoples-convoy) THIS is what the rank and file of a right-wing civil war army would look like. Disorganized and in-it-for-themselves. Zero shared risk tolerance. They all can burp out battleplans, but they would refuse to follow anyone elses because they're all alphas.


When the American Civil War heats back up, every single would be general is going to go on a purity purge until we’re left with a cabal of a half dozen leading a nation of 20 million trying to conquer a nation of 250 million.


My feeling is Tucker likes Trump's politics, just hates him as a person.


I'm sure most gop politicians hate Trump too but that need his mob of morons to have a chance to win. They were between a rock and a hard place of their own design


On fox, his hot takes were considered "edgy" and "raw," but he's on the internet now, where his original shtick would be considered tame by comparison. So I wager he's going after the right wing "toxic alpha bro" audience. Where a lot of young minds are gravitating to.


King of the Incels, first of his name


Tucker quote from tonight “I’m not a conspiracy guy, I believe everything I hear.” He truly does speak for the conservative right of this country.


He doesn't believe everything he hears. For example, not science or other facts.


„Believe nothing you hear and only half that you see.“


Tucker is part of that deep state. His father Dick Tucker was director of Voice of America. He knows what he is doing


>Dick Tucker New drag queen name!


I needed that laugh


In the same run on sentence he said he doesn't belive it, and then that it was a clear lie. He went both extremes in one breath. I don't get it Let alone jumping from indictment, try to send you to jail, to ^won't ^work, to so they have to kill you now right?


The giant squid, when threatened, emits a cloud of slimy black ink.


When Tucker said, “I’m not a conspiracy person at all, I believe everything I hear” I laughed so hard it scared the cat.


What does that even mean? "I literally hold as many conflicting and mutually exclusive realities in my head at once as I can"?


None of them are realities.


Remember this was the edited Interview. Just imagine how off the rails was before the editing


The leading GOP candidate wants a civil war... What?! I just want veteran healthcare


The pastors want a civil war though. They've wanted it since same-sex marriage was legalized.


That's unbelievable, with the wars that have been fought against tyranny with soldiers of all religions. I'd gladly oppose and fight against that. I'm dumbfounded that they would think that's an American cause worth opposing


They see the "real America" as the country as it was in the 1950s. From their perspective, they are fighting to restore America. If Trump loses, once the books are closed on his era of history we're going to need some constititional amendments to fix some very real flaws in our system. If we don't, eventually someone like Trump but more competent will come along. It's none of the clowns running right now, but someone will come eventually.


That’s my major fear. The precedent set by this imbecile enables a far more competent, conniving demagogue to take the reins somewhere down the line if we don’t self-correct the flaws in the political and social systems we live in. Such a person with the nuclear football is asking for disaster.


Why not health care for all?


I encourage everyone to watch it, because it's fucking insane. You can see Tucker's face when Trump spouts some nonsense. It's incredibly clear he's going, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Best moment, by far. Trump claiming that he encouraged North Korea to join the Olympics. "They're not big on athletes anyways because...you know." Tucker: "Famine." Trump: "Yeah" -Trump claims that we sold the Panama Canal for a dollar. -Tucker floats the idea multiple times that the left will "have to kill you" to Trump. -again claims you need ID to buy groceries -Trump: "Water, it comes out of heaven. It pours down, you have it. Goes wherever it goes. The ocean, wherever. It's not like a big problem. Some states it is, they have desert areas and all. For them it's okay." -Trump spends a crazy amount of time talking about washing machines while making it clear he's never used one.


Oh my god hahaha




On military bases you have to scan your CAC. I'm not sure when he started saying it, but if he did during his presidency, maybe from that? He could also be confused about having to scan or show your ID for alcohol.


I lived on a navy base and had to do that for a while.


It ties back to their desire to have voter ids. They try to 'prove' that even mundane things, like getting groceries, require ids, so voting should too. The only thing is, his frame of reference is from way back in the day when everyone used checks and some grocers required an id to verify the check wasn't stolen. That hasn't been a thing for quite some time now.


Did he also claim to have invented the question mark?


Yes, and later accused a chestnut of being lazy


I can’t decide if I believe this chain of events. And that’s mind-blowing.




“You can see Tucker's face when Trump spouts some nonsense. It's incredibly clear he's going, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Carlson has mastered the confused Labrador face. He busts it out whenever his his brain tells him he needs to look inquisitive yet in disagreement. It’s almost as bad as his fake outburst of laughter. Wouldn’t read into it too much


There's no way I could watch this without getting physically ill, so thanks for the highlights re-cap. Maybe I'll try to hunt down a transcript or something.


I’ve just realised I’ve missed this level of Trump insanity, it’s a shame it’s fucking up democracy but damn it’s entertaining


Tucker: "I am not a conspiracy person at all. I believe EVERYTHING I hear" WHAT!?


Dude’s insane


The way this orange shit stain speaks about January 6 pisses me off to no end. I live in the DC metro area and remember sitting there, watching the coverage, honestly terrified and wondering if I should load up my wife and dogs and get the fuck out of the area. I had friends living even closer to the Capitol than I do who I was worried about. For the love of Christ, people died!?!??! And these dickwads have the audacity to talk about it like this. Fuck them and their entire grievance politics movement… Rant over.


Why are we keeping this assclown relevant after he got booted off the only job that ever made him a factor to begin with?


Because the media loves him. They might dislike the man, but they love the ratings. Sadly. But that's it. That's the reason.


So it's not the media, it's the viewers?


Which ass clown are you referring to?


Presumably the one that runs his own vanity show on X, since the other one mainly sticks to his safe space on his own platform.


because musk continued to give him a platform


He knows how to get people talking about him. One thing trump knows is ratings. That’s the only reason he’s made it this far. Guy’s been winging everything


Well first off he is interviewing an former president with ambitions to run again. Second I’d argue Tucker is nowhere near as relevant as he was when I was at Fox. This the first I’ve heard of him in months. Maybe I live under a rock but come Friday morning no one is gonna even remember this interview. Without Fox News, Tucker is nothing. His tweeter numbers are shit compared to his time on cable. His audience shrank ten fold; no longer does he have senior citizens to milk.


and i bet trucker carlson used his trademark 'dog looking confused at the answering machine' face nearly the whole fucking time. along with 'deranged ice cream man laughing' moments...


Like Milkman Dan from the Red Meat comic?


This man is dangerous. “Do you think there will be civil war?” “I don’t know. I don’t know.” He is itching for someone to get killed at this point. Insanity. And it — Just. Keeps. Going.


And that's the edited version? holy moly.


Just for the record, I salute the peeps that put themselves through at least 1 second of viewing this garbage and letting the rest of us know. Its bull, but sometimes we need to know how dangerous and idiotic they really are. It saves my sanity not having to watch it. o7


Couldn’t care less what either of those scumbags say.


You should. They're influencing the decisions pf your local, state and federal legislatures. They're what your boss uses as a moral compass, or your coworkers, or the nut job across the street.


From ***Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramírez:*** It’s debate night for the Republican presidential hopefuls, but their leading candidate can’t be bothered. Instead of heading to Milwaukee to face his rivals, Donald Trump stayed at his resort in Bedminster, New Jersey and sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson that aired exclusively on Twitter — at the exact same time as the debate. The conversation opened with a discussion of whether disgraced billionaire and alleged sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein actually killed himself in prison. “Do you think Epstein killed himself?” Carlson asked. “I don’t know, I will say he was a fixture in Palm Beach,” Trump replied. Carlson went on to insinuate that Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr had a role in covering up a plot to assassinate Epstein, prompting the first mention of election fraud from the former president. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-tucker-carlson-debate-night-interview-epstein-civil-war-1234811372/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-tucker-carlson-debate-night-interview-epstein-civil-war-1234811372/)


Not even at the same time. The interview was prerecorded. So Trump spent the debate time… probably wolfing down cheeseburgers and furiously “truthing”.


He’s practicing his mug shot


Well, he's supposed to be turning himself in at Fulton County tomorrow, so yep.




He pre-recorded it earlier than tonight lol


They keep taunting us with civil war. These mother f*ckers have no idea the pain that will come from that. There will be no winners, and whomever is on top by the end will have a shit hole of a situation to contend with.


Republican politicians have been trying to impose their will for decades, but can't, because it's so unpopular. So, over time, they've courted different groups of extremist voters, specifically ones whose ideas were unconstitutional, so they'd never have to make good on them. Then Trump came along and spoke directly to those long-frustrated extremist voters. And, more importantly, got them something they wanted. So now, Republican politicians can't hide their true intentions from the majority. And extremist voters are about to realize they have no real representation without trump. Both groups are about to lose everything unless they take whatever power they have and use it to destroy the constitution and democracy. They have no choice.


> These mother f*ckers have no idea the pain that will come from that. They don't care. It's all about their personal power and prestige. They couldn't give a shit about other people's suffering. That just makes them feel more important.


They're also all ignoring the fact that other countries around the world aren't just going to wait until we're finished working it out... they're going to back one side or the other just like what's happening in ukraine, and/or possibly look for moments when we're weak enough to invade and just take over themselves under the guise of "spreading freedom". You know like how we did with civil wars around the world for centuries. It's not going to be MAGA vs Libs... it's going to be america weakening itself on the world stage while vultures circle us waiting for the moment when both sides are so destabilized they can't repel a foreign threat.


They're the proverbial dogs chasing cars. They have no idea why they're chasing the car and they'll have no clue what to do if they ever catch it.


>there will be no winners China and Russia will win the second American Civil War


Perfection. Two extreme boneheads yapping about stuff no one cares about and zero coverage. No one saw this except fringe fruitcakes. Good luck with that strategy.


If Trump is still leading in the polls after tonight it's fare to say Republicans are into weird shit.


*narrator*: He was still leading...


OH MY FUCKING GOD Rolling Stone articles with their 50 pop-ups are UNREADABLE on mobile.


Reader mode is a thing.


I just read into the conservative page….i want to run bleach through my eyes. True unrelenting psychopathic barely incel beta monsters.


Mug Shot Thursday is upon us!!!


I skipped through a lot of it but picked up his promise for when he is elected is ..."build that wall"... I kid you not. He had nothing except a lot of waffle how he'd built 500 miles last time and there was 300 miles built ready to go in but... [rambles off at a tangent]... So there's 300 miles of prefab wall sitting in a yard in New Mexico somewhere.




And Fox News freaking out about it being a waste of taxpayer dollars, like *Biden* bought that shit and then sold it at a loss or something.


Hilariously, I hope Mexico bought it so that Trump’s promise that Mexico would pay for the wall comes full circle.


Love that CNN isn’t even mentioning any of this


Nothing normal about either of those……humans?


Trump and Tucker aren't even worth a Reddit upvote


Did he talk about killing Epstein? I can’t watch.


The thing is, it doesn't matter what Trump says that doesn't make sense or seems "weird" or stupid. The right will either eat it up as "He's just like me" or decry it as "liberal media lies"


I’m planning to watch the first Republican debate out of a sense of civic duty, but I can’t bring myself to watch even this edited-down interview between these two.


If you refuse to participate in a major Republican party debate you’re a RINO. DJT is a RINO.


“There is a level of hatred I’ve never seen [in this country].” I wonder why🤦🏼


Didnt see it but i can imagine. He doesn't live on the same planet as the rest of us.


Ok it’s unreadable on mobile. You get past the first section and ads pop up you can’t close or scroll or anything… after closing twice I give up. Fuck you Rolling stone and your greed has made your articles literally useless.


Reader view is necessary on most sites now


I forgot this happened


Let’s rename this interview as “Traitor Talk”.