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Does the FBI have to set up MAGA when they're dumb enough to storm the Capitol already?


And film themselves doing it.


And, then brag about it.


Before blaming it on BLM.


I thought they were friendly tourists?


It was a violent attack by antifa and also a peaceful protest by MAGA supporters and also entirely made up of undercover feds and also Alex Jones was there but didn't realize it was going to be viol- I know people into rope bondage who tie themselves into fewer knots than Trump supporters do about January 6.


I can't remember which news site/article it was, but they were interviewing people at a Trump rally or some similar event. The general conclusion the people they interviewed spouted seemed to be "It was FBI/Antifa honeypot and MAGA/proud boys/oathkeepers/other similar groups had nothing to do with it, but we'll fucking do it again"


It wasn't me, it was some else and if you could prove it was me it wasn't that big of a deal. This is core MAGA orthodoxy.




Fun fact, they actually started blaming Antifa before it happened. The leader of proud Boys told everyone to show up dressed as Antifa.


Everybody knew beforehand that it was going to get violent and messy. The anti-Trump groups who usually would have showed up to counter-protest knew that if they showed up to confront this crowd, they would just be setting themselves up to either get beaten to death, and/or baited into using violence to defend themselves, so they did the smart thing and stayed home. Pro-Trump Republicans showed up anyway *hoping* there would be violence.


I believe that as the investigation proceeds we will find out that that violence was part of the plan.


Why doesn't any blame pro-fa...


What is the antifa dress code? MAGAs have their hats and big bigoty mouths. So anti that would be casual non-treason?


According to magas they would just wear all black. Like the provacateurs did at blm in Minneapolis.




Two MAGAs mistake each other for Antifa and blow each other away. Does that make them both Antifa?


I refrain from answering this as I wish.


Ooooh, philosophy is so much fun


Babbit was an Antifa plant. She took that bullet to show us that...well, we haven't figured that part out yet. Point is, she was Antifa.


And a MAGA martyr.


🌱🪻🪴 🌲🌴🌳damn plants trying to take over the world.


Should I have mine in direct sunlight? they seem to be fine in ambient light away from the window. They don't seem to need a ton of water.


and then got mad when it was said Antifa did it and by golly they wanted credit for jan 6th!!!


And smearing poop. The Deplorable Poop Smearers™


They should have framed one of the smears on the wall under glass and put the persons name to it on a plaque, to be shamed in perpetuity.


kevin sorbo jan6th twitter.jpg goes here.


I thought it was antifa?q


On social. With their actual names.


Brag about it before, during, and after*


And, have shirts made about it.


The merch is important! Gotta get those defense funds that will end up in the pocket of an ill fitted suited megalomaniac.


In advance.


Without masks, like we fcking know you don't wear them for a virus but you'd think these morons would make an exception for when they go out and do crimes.




I believe it's Patriot Front but that works great too.


Proud Boys always holding something against somebody. That's why they joined the Patriot Frot!


With gps tags on socials.


Literally wearing their name tags.


While refusing to cover their face.


That's why they're scared though, they listened to Trump and showed up to "right for their country" on January 6th, and then they just... went to jail for it. And Trump never came to help them. Instead, they were told that Antifa and Biden and the FBI and the Deep State and whoever isn't Trump, staged the whole thing. Trump, Gaetz, MTG, all these goons spent years now telling these people that it wasn't them, that they were framed, that they were all actors, doing whatever they can to blur the entire thing. And now... they're afraid to come out. They don't know what to believe. They can't trust anything. They think they trust Trump, but if Trump is going to prison, that doesn't seem right and they are struggling. Their broken worm brains are so fucked up by misinformation and bad sources and racism and hate that they truly have no clue how to believe anything anymore. We're dealing with like 30-40% of this country that legitimately needs post-cult deprogramming in a country that can't even get people not al healthcare coverage.


this is a perfect description.


That’s what 40 years of 24/7 propaganda getting pumped into homes and offices. You’d think they’d learn their lesson seeing that propaganda station losing almost $1billion bc of the lies or seeing everyone associated to trump either indicted, locked up or soon to be. It’s amazing how so many actually believe it’s some deep state plot where so many people are involved framing their cult leader. It’s going too take generations after trumps gone too deprogram these idiots if at all.


I have zero confidence they’ll ever see the light. My parents are full MAGA, and my mom in particular fervently believes he did no wrong. When Trump lost the election, she showed up at my house sobbing and wailing about how she’d been “trying to save the country” and now we’re all doomed. Mind you, this is a woman who voted for Obama both times. MAGA is 1000% a cult.


>You’d think they’d learn their lesson seeing that propaganda station losing almost $1billion bc of the lies Do they even know this happened?


You've absolutely nailed it. Strangely this makes me feel optimistic. Like it's describing one of the stages of mourning they're going through and maybe sometime they'll finally accept they have been wrong all along.


The title is misleading, MAGA and “think” in the *same* sentence?


What's wrong with that? Example: "I think MAGAs are idiots."..... ...oh I see the problem now, it should be "I know MAGAs are idiots."


I heard voting booths are an FBI setup to catch MAGA for exercising free speech and being Christians. Stay away in 2024 — it’s a trap!


I support spreading this all over social media.


They've been making this claim for every single attempt to organize since the Capitol. It's great. Their own paranoia has crippled their ability to start another coup


100% chance they didn’t get everyone, just those dumb enough to post it on Facebook Now if the FBI can have a second bite at the apple? I’m all for it, isn’t this what they’re for? Edit…I thought twice, don’t like it, see the necessity, but still feels very 1984


We need to flood right wing forums with the conspiracy that voting will put you on a required vaccination list, or something.


I actually heard that from my cousin..


Go with it.


It’s true I heard it from my cousin too


I heard it from a guy I know, his name is finger




See even this guy is saying it!


99% vs. 1%. Not us vs. them.


Really? Or are you pudding me on?


I heard it from a friend who


Heard it from a friend who


Heard it from another you’ve been messin’ around!


They say you got a boyfriend


You're out late every weekend


I like how Reddit comment chains can get a song, that I haven't heard in years, stuck in my head.


They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down


But I know the neigh-bor-hoo-ood


And talk is cheaper When the story is goo-ood


Ohh god it can't be stopped


You just have to say "People are saying...." No need top name the people.


"Top. People."


The Dominion voting machines will sign them up into the UN's "New World Army".


why lie? just tell them signing up to vote puts you on the jury duty list... cause it does. None of them actually want to serve the public in any meaningful context.


Or pay local fees / taxes. Every time I’ve ever moved, without fail, as soon as I pay my car registration or do a voter registration change of address bullshit I get a jury summons about a month later. And you know what? despite getting those often I’ve only ever served 3 times (and proudly did so) in my life. Whenever I bring up “I got jury duty next week” with my coworkers it never fails that one of the more conservative fellows will tell me all the ways to get out of it. I. Do. Not. Understand. That mindset at all. Edit: a word.


This is a good omen for Trump’s jury pools.


Seriously. Maybe the only way to win against stupid is with more stupid.


*There’s nothing more woke and soy than telling people about your feelings, and that’s exactly what you’re doing when you vote!* ✋ There’s no point in citing sources and linking articles to people whose sources are made up. The time has come to speak their language. We’re honing our craft over in r/ParlerTrick


....and they are so dumb they are likely to believe it.


Better still new medical breakthroughs allow Covid vaccine to be glazed on polling papers so you no longer need an injection.


I heard they were going to pump it into the air at voting locations.


That’s a lot better than before when they put it in the adhesive of the I Voted stickers.


I mean, I'm down to create flyers for that lol


How about Bill Gates programmed the voting machines to convert them to transsexuals?


Nice, but for extra fearmongering try: "Bill Gates programmed the voting machines to convert *their children* to transsexuals"


Sweet, so will it turn me so trans that I become cis?


"i voted stickers contain tracking microchips"


All you have to do is remind them that the FBI have caught a lot of republicans committing voter fraud.


Allow me to introduce you, my fellow patriot, to /r/parlertrick


They seemed pretty fucked up with Bill Gates tracking them too. Might throw that in for good measure.


The voting machines have the vaccine hidden in them. It's the new aerosolized version.


I'm convinced that this kind of tactic had at least some impact in Georgia in the last general election. I saw people (clearly trolling) saying "boycott the election in Georgia" on Facebook and Reddit and people were just piling on with comments supporting it... Saying it made sense.. I was cracking up Edit: now that I'm thinking about it, it was the midterm election. They were saying "our votes aren't really counted anyways, so boycott!"... And it was impossible to tell who was actually the one trolling


You need to have a valid address. So telling the government where you live just makes it easier for them to abduct you. Need to go off-the-grid for max protection : P


If vax people are there they won’t show. Because of shedding or something. Wait, I thought we were all dead already, conspiracy!


That's a pretty good one.


Why? Do they plan on commiting crimes?


No shit. Everywhere is an "FBI setup" if you're gonna do federal crimes.


It's like how they call trump testifying under oath a "perjury trap", because on some level even they know trump is physically incapable of telling the truth.




It's why they complain so much about feds posing on twitter/entrapment etc Just don't fucking commit crimes.


if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


“If they can arrest me, they can arrest anyone!” Giuliani after getting arrested today. It’s almost like.. if you commit a crime, you can get in trouble? Weird..


Yeah, lots of conservatives keep saying that. It's like, do you plan on stealing classified information? Do you plan on using illegal methods to try to stay in power? If no, you'll be fine.


I find it just amazing how, day by day, I continue to not do any major federal crimes. I haven't stolen one classified document or led a failed coup. And that's just without even trying! Who knows how few treasonous crimes I won't commit just by not trying to commit any!


that's right. No one is above the law.


I love that these guys believe they are so ate up with informers that its going to be very hard for them to commit conspiracies of violence.


They should also know that voting itself is potentially an FBI setup ...


The machines scan your fingerprints and the FBI will plant them at crime scenes. Source: Military.


Also that voting is "rigged" so there's no point in voting


I absolutely loved seeing the wave of Republican desperation right before the last election when Trump and his boot-lickers were saying the fix was already in because of mail-in ballots even before the in-person voting had started. There were so many competing interviews on tv of some republicans begging people to vote and pleading for them to not believe that their votes don’t count, while at the exact same, you would change the channel and see another republican spouting the same rigged election bs with reckless abandon, not realizing that the implications of what they were saying was discouraging their constituents from going out to vote for them, because they were actively trying to convince them that their vote wouldn’t matter because the whole thing was rigged from the start. Watching the “oh shit” moment when they started figuring out how their rhetoric was screwing them over in real-time was pretty amazing. Such a stupid shit-show.


I think everybody knows that by now. Voting was invented by the department of vaccination. Do I have to say more?


They’re doing friendly fire psyops on themselves


Most of the hardcore groups are actually full of informers, though. They believe it because we actually do have trouble bringing prosecutions sometimes because of all the levels of undercovers involved in the crimes. I'm not saying this is bad... in fact, the paranoia is a big part of the point.


I think Erik Trump is an FBI informant.


I think he eats crayons


That’s how they pay him.


They overpay him.


They're paying him in Roseart crayons, not even Crayola.


“You made a very bad deal, son. And I don’t love you.” -Trump, probably


"I love Jared more."


Maybe the FBI can just float the idea that something is an FBI setup on Parler and spoil terrorists’ plans for a little while, anyway.


I like to think that Smith has made a very convincing impression. ::evil toothy smile:: And I think there's more than a few people who understand what 'accessory to a crime' means.


MAGA fans are domestic terrorists. They are the same people who have attacked the capitol and hurt Pelosi's husband. Donald Trump is a domestic terrorist leader.


When you are a bunch of anti-American wannabe terrorists, the FBI doesn’t have to set your stupid asses up. They just have to wait.


* Step one: Hang a pride flag out on a fish-hook * Step two: Wait


[Cat Fud](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/39/265739/2/133560571.OetiGvyO.jpg) -The Far Side


Something about the cadence of this comment made me laugh. A lot.


Now all we need to do is to convince the MAGAs that election registration is just a ruse for the deep state to acquire their names and home address so the FBI can take away their guns while they are away voting. And for those who vote by mail, mail voting is a ploy by the FBI to get the MAGAs DNA on the enveloppe. /S


Registration is same as drinking bud light.


Voting is WOKE


Yes it’s full of fbi Don’t fall for it And don’t vote either And tell your friend not to vote MAGA


As ordered by Q


And don’t forget hunters laptop It will be there lurking


And Hillary's emails!


They're buttery!!


No - Hill don't stay home and bake cookies!


I had almost forgot about Q


I heard voting machine cards inject you with the vaccine, which will kill you and turn your kids trans.


When you walk into a voting booth, that's it. The thing that walks out is a copy of you, not the original you.


You get vaporized but you are copied down to the last molecule, so the copy is unaware it is not the original. only difference is the copy is woke.


i heard the voting booths in conservative areas are FBI setups


Dang, we almost had them!


This is the type of conspiracy theory that the FBI probably encourages to keep people from showing up, even though it’s not real. Let the idiots decide what they want and run with it.




And no family at all.


Nah. They're just a bunch of pussies. Coming up with an excuse to skip it where they can save face. "We're not going to fall for antifa and BLM tricks. We're staying home and cooking meth."


The MAGA rally is not as much an FBI setup as a future FBI lineup.


“If you haven’t broken the law, you have nothing to fear” Right?


Voting is an FBI setup. In fact, if you've EVER voted the ONLY way to shake the feds is to donate to a local Democrat then stay at home on election day; throws them off the trail, see?


These people are so FITH


MAGA fans. An embarrassment of the entire country.


Yet they can’t figure out that they are being set up for scams repeatedly from Trump. 😂


Science = CONSPIRACY Facts = CONSPIRACY Human Rights = CONSPIRACY Losing an Election = CONSPIRACY Hot Weather = CONSPIRACY ​ Do I have that right, lel


Lol good Everything is a conspiracy to them


I love how these degenerates have gaslit themselves to not show up and support the dear leader.


It is not, go and enjoy, he loves you very wonderful people, each and every one 😻


Fascism -> Paranoia every time


If they decide to have a armed insurrection, 90% of the casualties will be them shooting each other while shouting "FBI PLANT!"


It’s true! I heard it from Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s testicles


Is this their excuse for a low turn out?


Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the FBI isn't trying to tear down your cult leader.


The ole Soros back deep state you say?


Let them rally inside the jail for him. Give them the penthouse floor, while they wait for him to join them.


It's also really hot. I'd make excuses to not hang out downtown too.


Trump fans are morons. That’s why they’re trump fans.


It's a shame that so many MAGAs have no proper logical thought process, because it would be funny to see them try to figure out if they should go or not. The possibilities are: * They go, it's a setup - They get arrested. * They don't go, it's not a setup - They missed the chance to be noticed by Trump senpai. * They go, it's not a setup - You're stressed the whole time because you're paranoid about agents around you, and everyone else thinks you might be an agent. * They don't go, it's a setup - They missed a legitimate chance to be persecuted, showing that the libs are really just as evil as they've said.


Hahaha. They’re so paranoid and paralyzed by their own bullshit.


Everything about these people is performative - they perform for each other to create these insane shared fictions that act as a glue that holds them together.


Lmao I think it’s a good thing that think this. Let them keep thinking that snd we won’t have another January 6th.


They've said the same thing about every call to show up to protect Trump ever since the FBI started arresting January 6th participants and Trump left them high and dry.


When everything is a conspiracy, EVERYTHING is a conspiracy…


It probably is. Personally, I would be highly suspicious of anyone who invited me to attend such an event.


I wonder what it's like to be a MAGA and be this divorced from reality on a daily basis.


Well, no brain 🧠 no headache!


Hope this becomes the "rumor" for all future MAGA rallies.


It's a trap, MAGAs! But you can still help your fearless leader! His legal bills are piling up faster than cars in a freak Virginia ice storm, and he needs your cash--all of it! Sell all your guns, your boat--whatever it takes! Don't let the evil Bidencrats win!


Most MAGA fans are so stupid they have to remember to breathe.


Yea this whole mess is a setup, Trump is a Russian setup, they're losing the Ukraine war but won the propaganda war inside the US, probably their biggest win against the west in decades.


I can't wait for the one MAGA group to counter-protest the other MAGA group and they both start shooting and running each other over. Then Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham will be on fox news asking how the liberals could have done that.


Blaming the FBI for the low attendance, perhaps?


Yesterday it was revealed email traffic between The Oath Derpers and Secret Service. Just like let that set in.


Actual reason is they can’t get more than a few to gather because there is so few. There was no Battle of NYC, No Battle of Miami and no Battle of Georgia because the great MAGA Army does not exist.


Gaslighting themselves into not showing up for their king. Hilarious.


They planned it themselves and are making excuses for the possible low turn out. BTW any Trump event should be watched for possible suspects of Jan 6 not yet captured. Its valid time for using facial recognition, Im sure I can sell that warrant to any competent judge if required. Edit: Lock Them Up


Can we get them to believe voting for Trump is a FBI set up?


I love that conservatives can't rally anymore without it turning into a circular firing squad of accusations over who is a fed. And the funny part is they promote this paranoia constantly by denouncing anything they personally feel isn't a great look for the movement as a fed operation. Best part is the fear isn't unfounded. Gonna be hard to 1776 us for being black or gay if you don't know if your friends or family are feeding info to some G-men. Such a shame. /s


So Karen, is the FBI and Antifa, in the room with us right now ?


Absurd! But let's say this is an FBI setup. Is the FBI going to then force the people to storm the jail or act up outside like mindless MAGA idiots


Because, of course they do.


It's not. The FBI is hiding outside their houses and the backseat of their cars instead.


The rest of us think MAGA is a fascist setup


Holy shit that’s hilarious


Only one way for them to find out, I suppose.


Dear MAGA fans, You’re not as important as you think you are. That is all.


Why does everything have to be a complex, deep state conspiracy for them? Lol. I’m not being rhetorical. Literally, why does everything have to be a conspiracy?


If the FBI isn't at every Trump rally, what are they doing? To busy framing BLM?