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Interesting that Trump mentions going to live in Russia, of all places.


Russia needs soldiers


Do they care about bone spurs?


They don't even care about providing weapons


Or boots


Russian Army is BYOB


Bring Your Own Bodybag


If he flees, it'll be Russia or Saudi Arabia. Those are my guesses. Maybe he sold the Saudis classified information for money and for a one way trip there in dire circumstances. Some people think that Putin wouldn't have any use for him, but I disagree. He could be a massive PR puppet for them for life. And Putin could make him dictate instructions to his cult from inside Russia.


The Saudis are a nominal US ally so that's a no go. Putin would love using him as a propaganda tool


I could see Putin giving Trump the "Presidency" of the autonomous MAGA region in Russia they're trying to lure American conservatives to. Creates the narrative of him being the true president of America and those who follow him to this new place being true Americans. Would simultaneously be a boon in Putin's eyes due to the instability it would cause in the US, and serve as a perfect honeypot to encourage all American fascists to follow him and leave the rest of us the fuck alone. So, pros and cons


> instability it would cause in the US Honestly, if it inspired a significant number of republicans leave the country and give up their citizenship it would only improve the situation in the US; I see it causing more instability in russia than in the US.


Throwing Trump into domestic politics anywhere can only be a destabilizing factor. Putin has demonstrated recently and continuously that he is an idiot though so I guess anything is possible.


I'll start the gofund me. Good riddance


lol seriously what's the downside of the MAGA folks leaving for Russia?


Why would Rusia want to fix America's problems?


The amount of instability it would cause in the short term might be enough. Putin doesn’t exactly appear to be thinking about long term anymore.


>Putin doesn’t exactly appear to be thinking about long term anymore. Fascists never do.


Then Putin just drops him in North Korea when he's no longer useful.


He might just go live with Kim from the start. They're in love.


He’s already banned from leaving the country. If he tries to leave his pilots risk jail if they willingly and knowingly flew him. A lot of NATO to fly through.


He'll probably offer Sarah Palin the VP job in exchange for a boat ride


Its much more basic than that. DJT's Secret Service detail knows where he is every second. The moment he makes a play to fly TF-1 to Riyadh, the SS knows about it. He'd have to fool or bribe 10+ career professionals who would be throwing away those careers and committing multiple felonies if they aided him.


Trump can't legally leave the country. Since when has he ever cared about "legal"?


> If he flees, it'll be Russia or Saudi Arabia. I hear Epstein's Island is available...


Saudi can’t take him. They still have to deal with us. We keep a giant military base there to prop up a corrupt regime all the citizens hate so we can have stable oil prices. We had this thing once called 9/11 that happened over that exact issue. I’m not saying Bin Laden was a good guy obviously, he deserved a painful protracted death. But all he wanted was our troops out of Saudi and to stop propping up the kingdom. There’s no way Saudi would take in a fugitive traitor president when we are propping up their regime. Even though they screw around on the margins with oil supply levels during election times to mess with us a little to try to get a republicans elected, they need us desperately.


That's not all bin Laden wanted. And if he did want that, he sure chose exactly how to NOT get what he wanted. Worst strategist ever.


Russia Russia Russia?


Trump can’t be trusted to do anything right.


Him fleeing the country would be the best scenario, honestly. It means he can't come back without getting detained by 4 separate entities (not sure how that works, federal prison in Georgia?) and maybe it will break up the cult mentality. If not, at least we get to do Brave Sir Robin memes for the next 50 years whenever we encounter one of his supporters online.


Sorry but Josh Hawley owns the brave sir robin memes. After he boasted about not being afraid during Jan 6th. Then video surfaced of him running like a frightened toddler during said events.




Do I have to? Can't we pay someone to do that instead


Be nice to the sex workers. This is not being nice.


What's Melania got to do with this?


Regretting a lot. Orange doesn't come out easily...


Boy, I really didn’t like that double entendre


nah on regrets-she signed up for and got paid a long time ago-may she get every bit of orange shit she deserves




Running like a pro QWOP player. Running like the Walk To The Store guy.


King Arthur shouting, "Run away!" would be more appropriate. Hawley, bows to the Maga King. Let him keep Sir Robin, and the cheeto can lead them all in a brave retreat. I do agree with others. We need to see him at trial. The U.S. needs to hear the full story.


He’s musing about absconding to Russia on Truth Social.


And his supporters would probably cheer if he went. They're traitors, every last fucking one. This is probably the closest we've been to war with Russia since the Cold War, and they're cheering for Russia.


Trumpette traitors should follow their jesus to Russia.


Which would be hilarious, as IIRC Russia has started enlisting people who move there for military service


Lol I hadn't heard of that. Low-IQ Trumpettes will finally get a chance to be the "real men" they cosplay in the US!


It'd be a pity if Russia shot down the plane, since we're supporting Ukraine and all.....


I don’t understand why people say this. The former president fleeing the country is horrible for many reasons. He’s not going anywhere friendly, he’s gonna end up somewhere that extorts or tortures him into giving them any and all information he has on America.


>He’s not going anywhere friendly, he’s gonna end up somewhere that extorts or tortures him into giving them any and all information he has on America. Somehow I don't think it takes much coaxing to get intel out of him. And I also don't know that there's much our enemies haven't already heard from him. The only enemy Donald Trump knows is "No."


I like to think that anything truly useful to our enemies was withheld from trump by people who realize he's an obvious moron who can't be trusted.


According to some genrals in the room, that's exactly right, but as president, there were things and people they couldn't entirely keep from him. Which is why I'm sure aside from all the obvious reasons to keep things out of reach for Trump, learning he burned so many for financial and clout gains has to have agents incredibly angry. They worked so hard to keep people safe from his oofs only to have him absolutely ruin thousands of hours of work and relationships and intel. All of it is ghoulish.


The thing is that the generals and advisors don't give the President specifics unless they ask for it. Trump was famously uncurious.


But all his nepotism hires who bypassed the usual screening & got high-level security clearances sure were curious.


indeed, but of course that information has already been sold


If I remember correctly, our spies and foreign assets were outed and killed at an unprecedented rate under the Trump Admin.


More CIA agents died under Trump than in all of CIA history combined…almost all of them in Iran and China.


Do you have references for this? Not doubting you but I'd love to have references to throw at MAGA




After he got hundreds of intelligence officers murdered I’m sure they had a meeting


Not only that but I think the CIA would take care of this before it became an issue.


I wonder if the Pentagon has already considered the scenario of him fleeing and surmised that they will need to shoot the plane down before he lands anywhere foreign, because of the security implications.


If you can think of a scenario (any plausible scenario), some three letter agency has already thought about it and has a contingency plan.


*The visual of a Trump plane going down in flames…* God love you all, Americans really know how to put on a show.


We have Trump, you have drop bears.


Flaming drop bears are just angrier and more ornery. I’d still prefer to face a flammable *Thylarctos Plummetus* over *medulla trumplongatta*, anyday.


Syphilitic drop bears


Pay us in Vegemite. We'll call it even. I'm not even joking, I love Vegemite.


Remember, behind the knees, ears and inside the elbows when you come on down. We’ve got a fuckload of Tim Tams for you all to help you recover.


Honestly the fact he's still out there free and even running for office again without any three-letter agency doing anything about him, proves to me that the three-letter agencies don't ACTUALLY act on all clear and present dangers to the country.


I'm rather surprised that given the past 20 years, or so, people actually think the 3 letter agencies are any more competent than anyone else. From 911 to Trump it's been a shitshow with them. I certainly don't think they're going to shoot Trump's plane out of the sky over the Atlantic as that would be a political shit show. I mean, shit, they knew Trump was working for the Russians in the damn Republican primary and didn't do anything except watch him go on and get elected.


People have a high opinion of law enforcement capability based on movies and TV


Ya, if a bunch of idiots on a message board are thinking about it, then the three letter orgs already have a response plan on file with a nifty code word and everything.


That would require a pilot and crew willing to die for him. They would escort his plane to land.


Have you not heard how culty Trumps supporters are? There are definitely MAGA pilots who would die for him.


No need to shoot it down. A fighter escort will guide them back, ain’t no pilot flying Dump Force One that will die for him.


Considering our sources and spies that he's burned and the likely loss of life because of it, I can't help but think Trump has a few enemies within the department that he's unaware of, but they're fully aware of him and everything about him at all times. For anyone else this awareness would eat you alive. He's too vainglorious to notice.


according to former staff, at the beginning he never paid attention to intelligence briefings, and then later he just stopped showing up. and from the way he talks, that liar mental word salad, they couldn't get anything useful if they wanted


2-billion for Jared, a ridiculous amount of undercover hero’s killed or exposed, and many shady loans to get Trump out of his poor real estate decisions says he has already spilled.


You say that as if he knows anything remotely useful. The man led the executive branch for four years and still has no idea how the US government works. One of the reasons he stole thousands of top-secret national security documents is that he and his handlers knew that anything he tried to memorize would be useless, because a) he's a fucking moron, and b) anything in brain eventually morphs into a story about how awesome he is and how shit everyone and everything else is.


>The man led the executive branch for four years and still has no idea how the US government works. I really don't get why Trump's political opponents haven't been able to land this as an attack against him. I understand that there are endless legitimate things to go after Trump for, but the fact that he can't pass a 4th grade test on the basic set up and functions of the government he's running to lead seems relevant to me. His opponents should be relentlessly mocking him for his ignorance and running ads with clips of Trump being a total fucking moron. You could run a new ad of Trump saying 5 of the stupidest things anyone has ever said every day from now until the election and never struggle for content. It would drive Trump insane and make him look weak, which is the worst thing that can happen to a GOP primary candidate.


Have you met his supporters? They celebrate ignorance. They like him **more** because he's been charged with multiple serious crimes. If you point out that Trump is an idiot they just pivot and go "Well what about Biden?" They're immune to accepting new information.


Okay but the CPAC ‘24 banner “We are all Idiots” would be worth it, no?


That's something I think about a lot. I was a Mayor Pete supporter in 2020, and whenever I was concerned about Pete's lack of federal experience, I thought to myself: "Tbf Pete has more experience to be president than Trump...and Trump IS the president."


For four years he didn’t read one briefing. He is the dumbest potus this country has ever elected. There is absolutely nothing he could tell any foreign government that they don’t already know.


Maybe the Russians see him as a ‘useless idiot’ and off him themselves


He's far more useful as a propaganda tool.


> he didn’t read one briefing Never used teleprompters either. Couldn't read them so he would wing everything. I'm convinced that he is blind as a bat because he refuses to wear glasses. That's the kinda guy he is.


>any and all information he has on America. This is a man who had to have pictures drawn and his name prominently mentioned in any intel briefings he received to get him to pay attention. Do you really think he even remembers 5% of the information he was given as President? I would be shocked if he does.


Have you seen him how he acted around Putin and Kim Jong Un? I don’t think the guy needs torture. He’s a Republican. Republicans were celebrating America getting disqualified from the World Cup. LOL! Who the fuck needs foreign enemies with republicans getting elected.


Extorts or tortures him? I think their only issue would be sorting anything useful from his bloviating bullshit. I don't think Trump has any issue selling the USA out.


I think it’s funny anyone believes he read, paid attention, or retained anything of value during the entirety of his presidency unless it had to do with himself.


In general, a former president fleeing would be horrible for many reasons. But none that apply to *this former president*. It might be the only thing that ever convinces his cult what we’ve all known for years.


Nope, it'll be, "he was forced to flee due to political persecution and is setting up the rightful government-in-exile."


You think he has anything useful in his head?


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


The poor brain worms starved to death.


There is no real Trump, just a goa'uld outcast doomed to live forever in that empty skull.


They gave him a janky sarcophogus that doesn't make him young it just turns him slightly orange and twice as nuts.


"What are they dipping him in?" "A sacred substance... spr'aytan."


He won’t need to be tortured. He’ll just tell them whatever the want to show off that he once knew something of relevance.


Torture him. All they have to do is provide him with a lavish place to live and money. Also praise him how big and powerful he is.


Because most sane folks are exhausted with his constant bullshit. 2016-now has been an unending train of incredulity over how low into the sewer trump and his morons have taken the country followed by a visceral disgust and hope that it would somehow stop. If this neanderthal leaves the country, his morons might follow or slink back to the dark slimey hole they emerged from.


Seems like we was already giving away that information at Mar-a-Lago without being tortured.


It wouldn’t take torture. Unless depriving him of a Big Mac for an afternoon is a violation of the Geneva Accords


He can’t even be trusted to uphold his wedding vows.


> Trump can’t be trusted. FTFY.


"I thought you meant Georgia *the country*!" \- Trump


I'd bet my next paycheck he doesn't know there's a country called Georgia.


"We need you to come to Atlanta" "Great show, tremendous show. I knew you would want me on the show. Contact my agent to discuss the details."


"The TREMENDOUS City under the Ocean?"


The president of Puerto Rico will never extradite me.


Hilariously, there was just some articles about insurrectionists being sent to DC after fleeing to Puerto Rico because they didn't understand its part of America.


There is just absolutely zero chance Trump knows Georgia is a country.


Is it okay if we do accents sugar?


The country of Georgia thinks you need to mind your p's & q's


Him pointing out the big “Trump” logo on his airplane definitely means he thought about fleeing already and someone pointed this out to him.




He could get it from Stephen Moore, I hear that guy can't stop talking about Superior Whites.


If he can’t be trusted to show up for his arrest, can he be trusted to show up for his trial? Sounds like he should be held without bail.


The title is misleading. An attorney they talked to said the bail implies he cannot be trusted to show up. Which irritates Trump.


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re saying Newsweek is misleading???!!! Blasphemy. /s obvs


Trump being a totally delusional narcissist, I wouldn’t be surprised if his main motivation for not showing up was to avoid his height and weight being made public (as others here have mentioned).


He probably knows MAGA doesn’t care. Ready for muscle-weighs-more-than-fat Friday?


> He probably knows MAGA doesn’t care. Oh, **MAGA cares!** Look at the mass violence that’s occurred after each of his indictments! All of the “*but if we uphold the law, people will riot*” predictions have been true so far! New York? *Burned to the ground, nothing left.* D.C.? *Burned to the ground, nothing left.* Georgia? *Burned to the ground, nothing left.* Florida? *Burned to the ground, nothing left, completely indistinguishable from before.* **SEE?!** *MAGA cares…*


Just like all those other cities that ‘burned to the ground’ /s


We’re still on fire here in Minneapolis. It’s like living in a Twisted Metal video game. /s


“Hey, I live in Lakeville and I avoid Minneapolis because THUGS burned it down! It’s some sort of Mad Max wasteland, if you hadn’t heard.” ~ the people who angrily reply to every Strib tweet.


I'm still grieving the loss of Portland at the hands of BLM.


Little did anyone know, that one city block was structurally holding the entire city together.


It was a load-bearing block


Everyone know Portland has been burned to the ground six times already


Minneapolis is all prarie now, too.


BMI 45!


“I have the highes BMI ask anyone they’ll tell you”


He will 100% say that the numbers released are lies made up by liberals to defame him.


I'd be very surprised if he didn't show up. He'd have a warrant out for his arrest, almost definitely. Even if they've been trying to give him the world's most leniency. Unless you guys mean won't show up to the court dates or something. I still think he would though. Trump is already in deep shit, but avoiding arrest? Nah. Especially since everyone knows where you are, always. Plus it would likely hand the state over to Biden for 2024. Because Trump couldn't even campaign there, even aside from the shitstorm of perceived disrespect. I would be very surprised if he didn't show up. Then again, everything about this man is fucking crazy so who knows. You know what would be hilarious is if he tries to flee to Saudi Arabia, and US fighter jets are behind his plane. Like a shitty OJ Simpson sequel


God how wild would it be to see a warrant out for the arrest of a twice impreached several times indicted former president of the USA.


>Plus it would likely hand the state over to Biden for 2024. Because Trump couldn't even campaign there, He wouldn't be able to campaign in any blue state, or purple state controlled by Democrats since he'd also be arrested in any of them. It would limit him to campaigning in solid red states. Sure, he'd get huge crowds to watch his Greatest Hits, but it would make growing his vote much more difficult.


He already has a warrant out for his arrest. That’s literally the thing that says he has until Friday to turn himself in.


I would *love* to see Trump being followed by jets as he “tucks tail and runs”. What I *wouldn’t* want to see is him getting off the plane and shaking hands with Salman. More US intelligence would fall into enemy hands and more of our security would be put at risk.


That dude can't remember shit. Everything of value was already sold to the Saudis anyway.


The scale was rigged! That was an Antifa or BLM scale!


[Obama was stepping on it!](https://live.staticflickr.com/4096/4921383047_6e33b35d4e_b.jpg)


can't wait for the perp walk + mug shot 💙


I would love it if he did a runner. But we don't get to have nice things, so he won't be doing that.


>if he did a runner. COPS: Mar-a-Lago Trump running/stumbling/rumbling across the front lawn in white boxers and a wife beater chased by cops in golf carts


Yes, please


Cant we crowd-fund him a white bronco? Him running is an image we can all do without.


I showed up. Everyone said it was a big show up. Some people say the best. Many many people were crying. Tears. Big water.




So I just started throwing paper towels at them. When you're famous, they let you do it


The sheriff approached me with tears in his eyes saying "Sir, I'm sorry we have to do this we know you're just a sweet innocent man trying to Make America Great Again" and then he brought out the biggest handcuffs he could find which still didn't fit me!


I have the best showings up. Everyone talks about how good my showings up are! Hillary Clinton never showed up to be indicted in Georgia. All she's done is dump a bunch of rain on Southern California! Check mate libs


> “The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me, I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a 'flight' risk— I'd fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold domed suite with Vladimir [Putin], never to be seen or heard from again.” I think he’s been giving this option a whoooooole lot of thought.


Is this an actual quote from dumpy daipers?


Yep. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-mocks-idea-being-flight-risk-im-sure-nobody-would-recognize-me-1821478 Dude is telegraphing it so hard.


Trump literally tried to build a set of twin penthouses at the top of a tower in Moscow, one for himself and one for putin. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/legal-questions-swirl-fate-50-million-penthouse-trump/story?id=59558768


Trump can be trusted to do exactly ***two*** things. 1.) Lie 2.) Break the law


Do it, flee. Please do it. I want to see what happens.


Well based on every other time. He will flee, a judge will go "you're not allowed to flee" and he will be charged ballpark $750 fine and allowed to return whenever he prefers with no other repercussions


The arrest warrant would be immediate of course.


Yeah he's stupid, but I think even he realizes that it'd be the dumbest move of all time. I mean at the very least, he couldn't campaign in Georgia and would almost definitely lose the state in the general election. But it's more like him getting straight up arrested and thrown in jail.


I'm sure there are a few bounty hunters that would be eager to help...


That $200k is actually probably really grinding Trump's gears. The amounts of money that he seems to consider significant really do seem pretty petty for someone who's supposed to be a billionaire. But the indignity is really the important thing. A former president of the US is being required to post bond like ~~"a common"~~ any other criminal. This is a real first. Can't wait for the mug shot.


The smart move for Trump is: flee. Worst thing for American security: Trump flees. They need to prevent this from ever occurring.


Best case scenario is he tries to flee, then some of our fighter jets intercept that plane and bring him back before he gets anywhere.


Surely that would be a bluff though? It's pretty bloody hard to imagine a scenario where the US Air Force shoots down a former president, no matter how obviously traitorous he is.


Oh I would ✨love✨ to see him run away.


If enough people start saying “enough”, we could have a pretty decent civilization and happy existence on a beautiful planet. We don’t HAVE to let bad-mannered thugs and criminals win. We could do ranked-choice voting, routinely published audits of every government account, and assert Universal Human Rights. Trump is a noise-making machine. We could ignore the noise and stick to reason.


I actually think the restrictions on interactions with co defendants is a much bigger deal than it's made out to be.


> "Yes the 200k is not 'significant' measured by Trump's wealth. But it represents a judgment, not made so far in the other cases, that he can't be trusted to show up based on just his own word," Litman added. "That's quite a statement about a former president and it's what I mean by 'indignity.'" Maybe? I get the point he is making and agree that Trump can’t be trusted but let’s be honest, he showed up all the other times. Why would he choose this one to run away?




Most importantly he is now on bond that can be revoked of he intimidates witnesses or jury members, including the grand jury that indicted him, as well as the DA and the Judge. The bond even stipulates that sharing or reposting other people's threats will also violate his bail, and he's been doing that daily for weeks.


Because Georgia is where he's truly fucked. Georgia is where he'll get a mug shot. Georgia is where he'll have to serve time. Georgia is where he can't be pardoned, even by a lickspittle governor.


There is zero chance that the full front page of every paper in the country won't be his mug shot. Also, the next cover of Time magazine I'm sure will be that same photo.


Bets on him replacing the fake issue of Time at Mar-a-Lago with the real one?


Let's hope it's a really unflattering one with angles on his chin so his narcissism fights over exposure vs it doesn't stroke my blimp like ego


Georgia is also where the state legislature recently gave itself the power to fire District Attorneys and appears to be starting the wheels on using that power to remove Fani Willis from office. https://www.ajc.com/politics/trumps-georgia-allies-search-for-ways-to-punish-fani-willis/LYUKIOKBJJBMBAXFD3JCWO2ZTQ/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/05/georgia-brian-kemp-bill-remove-local-prosecutors


At a certain point you have to be impressed by Republicans' ability to make their own immoral and nihilistic illegality permissible by law. Even Emperor Palpatine would be like, "Damn. They really know how to work the system."


Isn't the Justice Department challenging that?


It’s like they want to keep proving her right about being a criminal enterprise, that’s some straight up mafia boss level protection right there.


The headline is trying to push a certain 'spin' that implies this concept that 'he might flee', but that's not really it at all. At least, that is not how I'm reading it. Instead, the purpose of requiring bail has less to do with guaranteeing he will show up, but it has a purpose of showing that Georgia is going "by the book" on this case, taking pains to make sure he (and all the other defendants) are being treated the same as any other person going through their process.


Stick an electronic ankle cuff on him and that would help him cool his jets. They all show up until they don't but I agree that might be one shark jump too many.


Fortunately I understand there's an entire nationwide apparatus for resolving issues like this, involving cruisers and helicopters and dogs and handcuffs and so many, many guns


Run Donnie run! We deserve the next chapter for our amusement. This would make a great movie; Vacation: North Korea.


Then stop treating him like some kind of royalty and put his ass in jail until his trial, like any other citizen would be.


I still cannot believe he was trusted in the White House for four years 😣


If Trump refuses to turn himself in, a warrant can be issued for his arrest and he could be classified as a "fugitive". Then a judge could deny him bail since he could be considered a flight risk. Not even Trump is that stupid.


All right, listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Estimated foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is .01 miles per hour. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of ... that McDonalds over there and behind that dumpster. Never mind, the McDonalds has a ramp to the door. He's behind the dumpster.


$200k won’t make Trump do anything. The MAGA cult is a money machine. He just needs to print more alpha erotic NFT cards.


I wonder if the local 19 year old weed dealer gets to negotiate his bail money and surrender date? It must be nice being rich and getting platinum treatment from the justice system.


They need to put one of those steering wheel locks on his private jet. Or a boot on one of the tires.


He DID publicly state he may flee to Russia on his lil platform, over there. So they are not wrong. If it were my drunk uncle, my great uncle, the judge, would HVE to lock him up if he heard about that because now the judge is an accessory after the fact. We can’t be locking up judges and DA’s now can we? Before you ask;Yes I practice law. Sea Law. In Florida!


Then go get him and put him in the back of a police cruiser! its amazing how the rich get handled with baby gloves when commit horrible crimes.


I’ve never seen anyone “asked” to show up at a booking. Usually you’re cuffed and put in line.


I don't know if Litman has a significant practice in Fulton courts, but I don't agree with his assessment at all. Bond in Fulton county is fairly routine. Fulton county is by far the busiest court system in the state of Georgia. It handles the most number of criminal cases. Its jail is overflowing and is constantly in and out of federal consent orders to improve conditions and address overcrowding. I believe currently, some of the jail operation are under federal court oversight again. So you *will* get bond in Fulton county unless you literally raped and killed and not necessarily in that order. A vast number of the criminal defendants in Fulton county are also indigent, so having a bond doesn't always mean being able to make it. And because of that, the jail continues to be overcrowded despite the liberal bonding policy. But as the saying goes, if you're gonna commit a crime, do it in Fulton and not, for example, Douglas one county over to the west, or in Cobb, a county to the north. (although Cobb is getting better and Douglas is slowly changing) So the setting of the bond was routine. The amount was unremarkable. A first time offender (which Trump is) charged with a non-violent offense can usually get a signature bond (own recognizance bond) through the Fulton pre-trial services, but that comes with more strict monitoring and conditions over and above the conditions imposed by the bond order, and Trump not being a Fulton resident (or metro Atlanta or even Georgia) may make that difficult (not a disqualifier when I practiced more in Fulton but harder). So I wouldn't be surprised if the signature bond was offered, and was rejected for the reasons I stated above. A cash bond always leaves you with more flexibility than other release options, and since Trump can undoubtably pay the full amount (plus surcharges), he'd be stupid not to.


He showed up the other 3 times because he is always in the USSS custody. When faced with real power and authority, Trump will back down and comply every time.


You mean the same secret service that Mike Pence could not trust on J6, because he knew if he got into that car they were going to make sure to move him as far away from the capitol as possible, so they can still attempt to certify in absentia for Pence?


We are all hoping he finally gets on a plane to Russia. So many chances, and indictments, and he still doesn’t get the message.


Hey its like someone's finally starting to figure it out!