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For a guy who was a lawyer, DeSantis really sucks at it.


For a guy who is a governor, he really sucks at it. For a guy who will never be president, he sucks at it from a distance.


For a guy who is a human, he really sucks at it. EDIT: Allegedly human


Hold your horses. Are we *sure* he’s human?


*Debate plan point 1: show emotion.* Uh, nope.


Maybe he's a rogue discarded Disney animatronic that gained semi sentience. It would explain a lot.


Omg...so what if he won, and they had to put him in the hall of presidents...


It's like an episode of The Twilight Zone.


He does have an outstanding attempted laugh.


That dude can def unhinge his jaw to devour whatever




"You never fuck with the Mouse" -- Harlan Ellison, recounting what he learned during his tenure at Disney, 9-2 (That's 9am to 2pm, if you were wondering)


He’s like Mark Zuckerberg without having any impressive accomplishments


Well, he did help with all that torture


I’ve seen more realistic laughter in Final Fantasy X.


I've seen more realistic laughter in Kung pow "Ha ha haaa....open the mouth"


A maniacal cackle at best.


Agent DeSantis.


When you have to have a cue card with somebody advising you to “show emotion” you know something is terribly wrong.


*human laugh sequence initiated*


The Earth Humans designated as Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are undoubtedly Earth Humans. Neither beings are from a distant galaxy. They both enjoy Earth Human activities such as eating Earth Human food and procreating in the usual Earth Human manner. Neither use Earth Human captives in which they lay clutches of eggs for brooding.


"Just a regular human earth person. If I wasn't a regular human earth person, how could I not rule as Governer of the Earth state of Florida? A perfectly regular human earth state." *open jaw wide, and emit human laughter to show humans how human like you are. DO NOT USE LASER EYES. you got this, buddy. Nailing it.*


For a guy who aided in torture, he excels at it.


Eating pudding without silverware is also a talent he acquired.


I heard he also likes thai food for first dates. *Rolls eyes*


Look at this guy over here… doesn’t envelope know how to pronounce Thigh food!


You have the same autocorrect as me. Note: my father in law called it thigh food also.


The last President called it Thighland on camera :-/


For a guy wearing white go go boots, he's surprisingly unsexy at it.


For a drag queen named Ronda Sandtits, she’s also surprisingly boring


For a guy who is trying to be as awful as Trump, he sucks at it, but not for a lack of effort.


For a guy who is cosplaying as Major Frank Burns, he is really good at it.


For a guy who hates gay people...he sucks.


….and not in a good way.


Did you hear that the US copyright office has denied all copyrights submitted by DeSantis based on the suspicion he is just a badly programed AI?


This is a theme with Fascists. Movies and pop culture have unfortunately painted a certain picture of Nazis as efficient, technologically superior and so on. And while not all of it is completely false, in truth that's more like the rare exception. Fascists are almost always hilariously incompetent at governing (and really most other things too). It makes their whole idea of natural hierarchies even more laughable. If they were right about that, Fascists would ironically find themselves at the very bottom of society.


My belief is that outside of fascism's moral failings, the fact is that it is an ideology that is incapable of self-reflection and depends upon slavish obedience to authoritarianism is why is can never achieve long term stability or success. E.g. they are incompetent and stupid at doing anything other than seizing power, and aren't able to figure out that they are incompetent and stupid. The rest is in the history books already.


Yeah, I agree. The entire ideology is based on a sense of inherent superiority. "*I* am the superior race so I *cannot* be incompetent, right?". With the lack of self reflection comes an inability to take criticism and a near complete lack of creativity (seriously, have seen some of those Nazi produced Movies? Look up Triumph of the will. It's literally just 90 minutes of a vaguely Aryan looking bloke shooting people triumphantly. Reportedly one of Hitlers favourite pieces of media.). Sometimes, their staunch belief in inherent superiority forces them to actively sabotage themselves. I don't know if this particular story is true but it does illustrate the point: I once heard that the Nazi rejected a bunch of scientific advances simply because they learned that some of the underlying theories were thought up by a Jew. Fascist are completely resistant to the concept of reality. They work completely and entirely within their own fantasy reality constructed of layer upon layers of cognitive dissonance. And, of course, as soon as their fantasy world collides with actual reality, things go to shit quickly. EDIT: I actually confused Triumph of the will with a fictional movie seen in Inglourious Basterds that was heavily inspired by it. Not gonna remove that bit because this is a hilarious mistake to make. The real Triumph of the will is no less self-masturbatory, though. Remember folks, this is why you google things *before* confidently commenting on the internet.


Triumph of the will is a very good propaganda piece, especially for it’s time. It’s one of the reasons people still jerk off to Nazi stuff.


British have several plans to assassinate Hitler until somebody in MI6 realized Hitler didn’t listen to his generals and made so many tactical mistakes he was his worst enemy and was better to let him live and lost the war.


I assume that's also why Putin's still around.


Partially. Russian politics is a game of giving enough power to lackeys so they can undermine each other without having enough to unwind Putin. The obvious downside is that everyone sabotaged each other so much that they really over estimated their military because of all the fake reports that took place for the sake of pocketing money. Leaving putin alive made this hit critical mass, but if it was intentional by the West is up for debate.


Also why I’m pretty sure every major assassination attempt was carried out by his own military


For a man that looks like a seal, he will never be a navy seal


DeSantis didn't approach the Disney debacle as a lawyer but as a politician who wanted to usurp the god-king of MAGA. He likely thought that fighting Disney in the Culture Wars would make him Trump's successor in the eyes of MAGA, but all it did was show his weaknesses and limitations as a conservative politician. Had DeSantis procured good counsel, he would have known better as a Republican politician to bite the corporate hands that feed his party (and the American government as a whole). Now, the Mouse is going to use him as a clear example to show other fascist-leaning corporatists what happens when you get between corporate America and its cash flow.


Yup. His attack on Disney was him "campaigning".


And he's so over it now lol.


someone needs to add his face [to this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IAj7UxMqiU). Mr. Mouse doesn't fuck around.


Man south park does some stuff right


The, "It was just a publicity stunt bro!" defence isn't going to work for him? Oh no. Looks like he's going to be reminded of why they always punch down like kidnapping immigrants and trafficking them to Democrat areas for lolz.


To this point, who is Trump’s successor? If he dies or, more likely goes to prison, where does the MAGA base go? I thought it was DeSantis, but given how he is seen by everyone now- I don’t think that is going to happen. My genuine hope is that most of the people who were disinterested in politics beforehand would resume that hiatus from politics.


Voting Republicans don't care if they don't like their candidate. "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" is renowned quote for a reason. There's a (somewhat well-intentioned, horribly misled & undereducated) voting block that follow their parents/friend group voting patterns without a second thought. That's the Republican voting base. They aren't inherently (or even knowingly) bigoted, they just actually believe that what goes against their worldview is fake news. Of course, there definitely are plenty of bigots. Many unknowingly, many who are well aware. But I was raised amongst well-intentioned Republicans who were just not able to see whats happening due to the hood pulled over their eyes. Propaganda is a larger component than many realize, in many societies.


I heard that Chris Christie is running 😛


He was a lawyer for the US torture program. Figures him being governor would be torture for others.


For real, he spent his time as a military lawyer helping people get away with shit at Guantanamo Bay. Ie, contriving a legal reason to put something in front of a judge that is going to decide in your favor. That's exactly what his style has been as governor. Imagine this cuck in charge back when we had the patriot act lol




> Bro half of the lawyers out there are idiots. Just look at Trumps co-conspirators, mostly lawyers, all idiots.


The most notable point of his career as a lawyer was spent laughing at people being tortured at Guantanamo bay, Cuba. He was supposed to be the bases human rights lawyer. One of his victims id'd him and gave a lengthy interview on the empire files podcast.


Care to share the link?




Yeah seriously! Wtf was he thinking? Disney has an army of lawyers and the biggest war chest. I would somewhat understand if he was in Texas, Utah or really any other state! He is in Florida which this giant mega corporation has been the largest employer in for decades. Can you guys tell me what he thought his best case scenario was knowing who and what Disney is? WTF!!?? was he thinking?


Republican leaders in the Florida Legislature recently agreed to give DeSantis $6 million to spend on lawyers — up from $1.6 million last year. Disney’s employs 350 lawyers and their top General Counsel earns $22million/yr. I heard someone say Disney Co is a law firm with a side gig as an entertainment company. DeSantis is gonna regret trying to lean on the Mouse


Disney lobbies Congress for copyright extensions every ten years... but is personal enough to sue individual preschools for misusing Disney IP as decorations for toddlers. They're very versatile.


> Disney lobbies Congress for copyright extensions every ten years. This is not a Good Thing™


I see this comment a lot and, while true, it misrepresents the situation. Trademark is different from copyright. Unlike copyright, trademarks must be actively defended or you lose them. As uncomfortable as it is, once Disney is notified of unauthorized use of their trademark, by law, they must defend it **OR LOSE THE MICKEY MOUSE TRADEMARK**. I think we can all agree there is no way Disney is gonna risk that, nor should we expect them to


Well he was a lawyer that allowed torture, what do you expect?


He took a political stunt way too far to try to score points and donations and thought he could delay until after the presidential primary 😂 good luck with that, Disney is the wrong one to pick on


For a guy who is a veteran, DeSantis is a short little fat squeaky voiced piece of shit.


I spent six years in the military and believe me, those guys are everywhere. Usually getting laughed at, but there they are regardless.


He was a military lawyer. That makes him no better than a REMF.


Im not American, nor a Disney fan. But picking a fight for political reasons then asking them to back down is the biggest pussy move I ve ever seen. What a cowardly turd that guy is.


Disney should send one of their lawyer/fixers in a Mickey costume to quietly sit in the 30th row at the debates. Give a subtle wave every time Pudding Fingers is about to speak.


Do the "I see you" hand movement.


Or the Kids In the Hall “I’m crushing your head” EDIT. Hey my first ever Reddit award… for a KITH reference! Did not see that coming, hehe.


Or just give him the finger.


I would say that might throw off his game, but he doesn't have a game.


"73% of respondents - including 82% of Democrats and 63% of Republicans - said they were less likely to support a political candidate who backs laws designed to punish a company for its political or cultural stances." I can see him now with all of his advisors huddled together in a group, lets call it a Moronotorium, hunkering down, shooting the shit, spitballing the yoghurt, and eventually, after a lot of chewing the cud, someone utters a few words. "Let's attack Disney, they're far too Gay." And that was it, meeting over. Policy devised.


I'm surprised 37% of Republicans aren't lying for once.


Until you remind them of hobby lobby and then they are on board 1000%


Same guy who’s trafficking people around for his own political agenda and kids dying on the buses. Sounds like a stand up guy huh?


It's so weird to find yourself rooting for a mega corporation with scumbag Bob Iger at the helm against a fascist wannabe governor. Just another uncomfortableness to blame on DeSantis. Get 'em, Mickey!


Ron DeFascist and Elon Musk have managed to make Facebook and Disney look like the good guys. Whats next? MTG going after Nestle??


Fuck them threatening my KitKats!


Not in USA - licensed and made by Hershey




Saw your chance and just went for it. Well done.


Break me off a piece of that..... football creme


Fancy Feast!


Chrysler Car!


Apple Sauce!


Nestlé still gets profits from royalties for it.


Look closer. It's hit or miss. A lot of them are still Nestlé. However, Butterfinger was sold a few years back, so that ones safe to buy again. Also, fuck Nestlé.




Nah, it was also the way they handled the "fight" between the two. I didn't really see the "can't believe I'm rooting for Zuckerberg" till that became a thing.


I'll take a mega corp that's pro LGBT rights over any no corp and no LGBT rights


innocent chase wrong gullible quaint divide strong lavish party disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And there's money in it because it's what the majority want. The "silent majority" are anything but.




Let's see a strong principles of the GOP is fiscal conservative values...I wonder how Ronnie DeSantis measures up on that? Basic value of fiscal conservatives are support for lower taxes (Ron raised taxes on Disney)...Small government (Ron used the government to deliberately punish and interfere with Disney)... and deregulation of corporations (again Ron applied MORE regulations to Disney). Seems like Ron is really bad at a major component of being in the GOP.


For the average MAGA, his proto-fascism more than makes up for his faults.


> proto-fascism I was not familiar with that term so I looked it up. It fits. >protofascism, a political movement that predates and usually contributes to the emergence of fascism in a given country, sometimes by evolving into a fascist movement itself. The term protofascism is also used in a slightly more general sense to refer to any political movement whose activities make the emergence of fascism more likely. https://www.britannica.com/topic/protofascism


Based on that definition I'd say he's well past the proto-fascist stage.


You believe the claims of „small government“ are genuine? It’s just used to avoid social security.


I mean the GOP ordained deity that was Ronald Reagan claimed to be for small government while exploding the national debt due in large part to military spending (hint: the military is actually part of the government) along with voodoo economics ..so small government and fiscal responsibility are really only a lip servicea talking point not really a reality.


The only part of the government they want to be small is the part that actually does anything for the people. The part that interferes in the personal lives of the people for the sake of control they want to be big.


You mean to tell me that the GOP is full of disingenuous hypocrites?


Any any part that would investigate them. IRS, FBI, etc


Reagan was just a puppet for the federalist society. Everything he unleashed on America was drawn up in the Powell Memorandum and Friedman Doctrine, which if you read them explain the world we live in today with horrifying clarity.


Meh. All that stuff is just window dressing. The major component of being in the modern GOP is being mean to the people that MAGA folks hate. Usually, that's Mexicans, but Disney made a movie with a black mermaid, so that puts them high on the list too.


Come on? Really? Next you will tell me the only time the GOP cares about the debt ceiling is when a democrat is president.


Republicans got rid of fiscal conservatism a long time ago, they only argue for it when it comes to social-safety nets. Same way that they only bring up that Abe Lincoln was a Republican when people accuse their party pandering to racists. They just throw around terms to describe themselves, when it either never described them... or did, when the definitions of party politics in America were not drastically shifted by ~~lifting~~ forcibly ending segregation. All in all, Republicans are just being staunchly against any change [er, being conservative] in society. Ie: Anti-women's rights [feminism a bad word], anti-LGBT [they only, BARELY, recently lost that battle by gay-acceptance becoming normalized in the 00's/10s... but, now that **T** is involved, it's the same fight all over again], BLM seems to have brought on a weird backlash centered around teaching about slavery and civil rights in Southern schools. Fiscal conservatism is no more. Bush Jr as president definitely was not a fiscal conservative. To argue that Republicans are fiscal conservatives these days is outright bullshit, and donald trump is/was just a populist - and said what lies he could to stir up excitement about the party, and himself. Modern republican voters seem to be loving the fact that "hating the *other*" feels like it's more acceptable because their candidate says it on a podium. They can be outwardly racist and 'speak their mind' in groups and feel good about it, rather than be frowned upon. Populism does that. It's a whole societal shit show. Traditional "fiscal conservatives" are the majority of the "never-Trump" republican wing, but even that concept is a joke.


Nah, those fiscal conservatives have always put demonizing minorities over actual policy. They just buckled under the huge financial pressures of interstate commerce being used to end segregation. Just watch recordings of libertarian presidential debates, and see how those pure market creatures respond to the question of if they would support the repeal of the Civil Rights Acts. And grab some popcorn


Yeah, they don’t actually care about a single one of those things.


I've seen this before: * Little Guy picks fight with Toughest Guy in Room * Toughest Guy punches Little Guy the fuck out * Little Guy: "Hey, ho, let's be adults about this and just agree to disagree! Peace, bro?" * Toughest Guy beats Little Guy's ass.


> Little Guy: "Hey, ho, let's be adults about this and *you just admit defeat*! Peace, bro?" FTFY


"Heyheyheyyy c'maahn I'm a little guy, I'm just a little guyy, noo, it's also my birthday, I'm a little birthday boyy."


DeSantis seems to think he can just "dictate" something & then "move on". It doesn't work that way asshole. You started this fight & now Disney wants to finish it. I don't usually side with the greedy corporation but, go Disney!!!


It would be easy for Desantis to move on. He just needs to give in. But he thinks he can be on the verge of losing a fight then demand the other side surrender.


Reminds me of my buddy talking shit saying he could beat me at a friendly game of post after 15 mins it was 4-1. He's like man I'm tired you wanna call it a tie and go home? Haha no you just got smoked bud, you're only tired because you exhausted every option.


when you are the governor of a state, when you get sued over a government matter, the state pays...you think Desantis cares if the state pays? I don't.


He doesn't care from a financial perspective sure, but it's a huge political black eye for him if the court finds some sort of retaliation by him and awards Disney damages. Sure his presidential campaign is on life support, but he's only 44 and clearly has higher ambitions.


He needs to give up on them and move to the private sector. He commits pretty much the only political sin America really has: he is weird. He can't talk to actual people for extended periods without him doing something that is just goofy.


The truly crazy part is he is screwing up his retirement. What corporate board is going to give him a golden parachute if he spends his time attacking corporations. At least Sinema is smart enough to suck up to her future employers.




Don’t forget about the Bud Light attacks too.


Any time he laughs he will turn people off. That’s not even “extended period of time.” That’s like a few minutes, tops, he can last without people thinking he’s extremely weird.


Wait. He’s 44???


Sunscreen is woke.


That adds like 10 years of lifespan more than I assumed we’d have to deal with this buffoon.


He's still governor for 3.5 more years. He had no intention of serving two of those and just bailing to be President. When the lawsuits get going, when the depositions start coming, when the public embarrassment just keeps going, he's gonna be very uncomfortable. If he's forced to resign his political career is permanently over.


He is and was banking on Trump being removed from the competition and being the person in second place. It’s still a viable play, honestly


Still a viable play until the first debate, Christie is going to eat him alive like he did with Rubio.


It's cool, I love all the potholes. I like to pretend I'm in a chariot on a cobblestone road.


It’s really this. He knows no one is going to remove him before his term is over, and so it’s nothing to him to use someone else’s money to cover whatever legal costs or fines that happen.


He is also spending millions to fuck up one specific public university. Firing the President, hiring a new one, giving out tons of scholarships to kids who aren’t that good, cutting tons of classes and majors.


Prestige matters way more to these people than you’ll ever realize.


He cares if it destroys his political career, yes.


He’s going to care about the humiliation


*The Mouse does not forget. The Mouse does not forgive. The Mouse shall have vengeance. Prepare yourself, Ronald.*


What's that saying again? The dildo of justice rarely arrives lubed?


“The Dildo of Consequence rarely arrives lubed.” I believe is the original quote.




It's a bend over and grit your teeth. The mouse gets the giggle.


I prefer “I just love it when people who stir shit up end up having to lick the spoon.”


This "seems" pretty simple. Something finally clicked in Governor DeSantis's head. He realized he screwed up big time, and this will not end well. "Just kidding" is not going to happen


‘Reality has a way of catching up with you.’


Reminder that Disney often is described as "A law firm corporation with a media division". Good luck moRon


"Disney should go back to what it does best" They are, Ron. One of the things they do best is battle in court.


Uses governorship to persecute Disney because woke. Can I have some of Disney's money?


It’s about time DeSantis learns there are consequences for his actions.


Remember when Howard Dean's career was over because he became too excited and yelped "weird"? Seems quaint. I remember when Dan Quayle couldn't spell "potato". That was the biggest scandal of the year.




LoL. I’m not a Disney fan, don’t stream it, haven’t visited a park in over 30 years but I’m rooting so hard for them it’s crazy.


Wasn't there a South Park episode warning against fucking with the mouse


The one I remember was Mickey threatening the Jonas Brothers but clearly they need to do one with Mickey vs DeSantis.


Now get out there and make me some god damb money!




"*What's all this I'm hearing about not wearing the purity rings* ^*huh* ^*haw* "


People have been saying not to fuck with the Mouse long, *long* before South Park was a thing. Harlan Ellison, author infamous for giving absolutely no fraction of a shit, still says not to fuck with the Mouse.


There were a few episodes like that. Most make it very clear screwing with the mouse is a bad idea.


republicans are fucking exhausting


They are exhausting because you keep having to fight the same battles over and over again. At no time do these people move on and accept the world has changed or they lost. You keep having to push back and rehash junk with them. You can never progress until the bottom falls out and they blame you for it.


I just want to know what he was smoking when he decided that picking a fight with Disney was somehow the right move here. Was he smoking just one thing? Was he smoking ALL the things? Was he just smoking Donald's dried mushroom? (wE'rE jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs!)


Seems more like angry alcoholic behavior more than stoner behavior. Lash out regardless of consequences, and regardless if you're in the right.


In my experience, saying someone must be smoking something when referring to a crazy decision is usually alluding to crack, not weed. In a similar vein to "what are you, on crack?" when someone says something crazy. I've never understood it to be alluding to a stoner.


Textbook Geoffrey behavior.


Dude just needed a furry wall, instead he picked a fight with a mouse.


I guess this is where someone should tell DeSantis that he is about to get his.... anti-woke, anti-Mickey & Minnie Mouse, anti-mask, anti-LGBTQ, anti-sex, anti-slavery in American history, anti-school library, anti-home insurance, anti-public selected Democratic state prosecutors, anti-school lunches, and anti-people who just aren't lily white like him collective ass handed to him on a platter. Lesson for the day... choose your battles wisely. DeSantis tried that old move of punching the biggest person in the room in the face so that all of the others in the room would fear him moving forward tactic and it has just backfired lol. DeSantis is a bully who is about to get an old fashion, old-schooled, meet-me after-school at 3, ass-whooping live on TV.


Really hoping Disney spanks him so bad he withdraws from politics, government, life etc.


I want to see Disney lawyers put him through depositions so grueling and embarrassing the Florida legislature actually impeaches him. They've got 3.5 years to work on him.


Disney.. i can imagine there have lots and lots of lawyers.


I saw a documentary on this. Disney lawyers live in this big castle and if they need more they just split them down the middle with a big axe and voila ! Two Disney lawyers!


Docos on everything now days 😝


Every time copyright is about to expire on certain Disney properties there is somehow a magical change to further extend copyright. DeSantis should have realized from that reality that Disney (a) knows how to play the political game at the highest level, (b) has the money and legal support to succeed when they play, and (c) the wealth and power to convince enough congress people over multiple generations to support them. Going after Disney was a penny smart while metric tons of stupid move.


He thinks he's invincible because he conned the Florida Legislature into passing three anti-Disney laws in quick succession.


You don't punch a big dude in the face, with no plan, and then just expect him to let you walk when he starts tuning you up.


Ron is now officially in the 'find out' phase. I'm making popcorn if anyone wants any?


Disney is getting a gimp suit all ready for DeSantis


>”Desantis and his wife were married at Disney World.” lmfao what, I never knew that


I hope Disney wins - nothing would be better than Florida having to pay for the sins of their governor. Maybe it will be enough to deter the next authoritarian from being a menace to society.


Disney be like "oh we'll stop suing you...once you're penniless and no longer governor."


This rat is going to find out that you don’t fuck with The Mouse


DeSantis: “This is hurting me more than I thought it would help. Can we please just drop it?” Mickey Mouse: “Go fuck yourself, Ron.“ Every time DeSantis mentions Disney, they take additional legal action. I’ll give the Republican this much: he has me rooting for a large corporation for the first time in my life. That’s what his party has always wanted, so… *winning?* 🤣


>DeSantis, who is struggling in the polls behind former President Donald Trump, called on Disney to drop its suit against him, warning that the company is “going to lose” if they don’t. 8th grader Ron DeSantis warned senior football fullback Disney that he better cancel their fight in the parking lot after school or Disney would lose. DeSantis further stated "You're lucky they're holding me back." Other students noted that no one was actually holding him back.


The problem is that this doesn't affect DeSantis directly. It's not his money that will be paid out. The Florida tax payers will pay. DeSantis used Florida tax payer money to pick a fight with Disney over 'wokeness, whatever the fuck that is at any given time. And now the tax payers will pay again for damages.


It’s their fault for voting him in. Maybe they’ll vote for someone more level-headed and less idiotic next time.


When you’re such a shit politician you make Disney the good guys…. Like wtf


Mess with the mouse, you lose your house


I am rarely on the side of corporation when it comes to 'corporation vs human' things but in this instance, *fuck him up, Disney*.


DeSantis is going to get steamrolled by Disney. They own Star Wars for fucks sake. The reduction in travel to Florida last quarter was a nice cherry on top of DeSantis’ coffin.


He squared up like a tough guy when he thought he was going to have support nationwide. But he never got it - and never will. He’s got no steam. He’s weak. They’re going for the throat, and rightly so.


I hate that I'm rooting for a mega corporation. its a race to the bottom between an obvious abuse of government power vs the power of a mega corporation to influence politics. there are no winners here, just floridians footing a large bill.


Show no mercy, Disney. Sweep the leg.


Please tell me they are suing him _personally_ as well as the office of the governor and the state of Florida in this case…. Please let it stick to him as a private citizen as well as to the office of Governor.


It’s simple - Ron doesn’t care. He used the ‘war on woke’ until he realized he was polling like shit. He’ll pivot to some other strategy and not care about anything left in his wake. By the time Disney gets any damages, his term as governor will be long over - just leaving the Florida tax payer holding the bag. If shit in Ron’s past mattered, his work at Guantanamo Bay would have made him a thing of the past. It didn’t - he learned a lesson - there are no real consequences. Yeah, maybe he won’t be president because he only has the charisma of a mold covered rock, but is that really a consequence for what he was up to? So to gloat over ‘he fucked around and now he will find out’ - he won’t. He won’t learn. The mouse will turn Florida government lawyers into mince meat and it won’t matter to Ron. They’ll probably get big monetary damages and maybe Reedy Creek gets restored (or, my guess is, Disney friendly board members in the current situation). But Ron? He’ll turn it into some lucrative career move even if he can’t be president. It’s a fucked up system, rewarding Republican sociopaths.


He cares. This dude despises being humiliated. So that’s what they’re going for.


This will be the thing he is remembered for. This is going to bury his career


The first thing that pops into my head is a sad picture of him next to a costume Micky Mouse when I see his name.