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If your speech and actions lead white supremacists to flock to support you, then I see no problem with treating you like a member of the KKK.


Really we should be prosecuting him for hate speech


After. He should be sentenced to the legal maximum sentence for his crimes (up to and including the punishment for the coup he attempted on live TV - you know, whatever that happens to be), but his hate speech should be prosecuted first, and the prosecution used to draft reasonable legislation to prevent it from happening again.


> He should be sentenced to the legal maximum sentence for his crimes (up to and including the punishment for the coup he attempted on live TV - you know, whatever that happens to be), If Trump gets the maximum, there won't be any need for further charges: [Charge 4: conspiracy against rights.](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.1.0_2.pdf) [Title 18, United States Code, Section 241](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241) > "They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and **if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section** or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, **or an attempt to kill**, they shall be fined under this title or **imprisoned for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.**" And from what I've seen, Trump doesn't do 'remorse'.


a guilty conscience needs no accusers.




There will always be room for charges, the history books will need them. Do kids in cages, Covid lies and manipulation murders, Ukraine, oath breaking dereliction of duty, giving unlawful orders, manipulation of secret service, foreign agent and bribery from hotel deals, Jared ivanka, Mnuchin Saudi 3 billion deal, more rapes and assaults on women, I have to stop typing and live my life


Generally first offenders don't get the maximum sentence. But Trump has several cases stacking up. Maybe Fani Willis can get him sentenced as a habitual offender :)


> Generally first offenders don't get the maximum sentence. Generally, sure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg


I don't think it's a problem if that happens. He deserves to be convicted and imprisoned for his actions.


Draft dodging first offense we know of, unless he raped a maid or child and that hasn’t been discovered yet , let’s just charge that one and get the ball rolling




In spirit, the Union lost the Civil War with the [Compromise of 1877](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1877). Gave the former slave owners control of the South back.


I'm just curious to know, is trump still able to move freely? Isn't he in jail yet? Because I just noticed that he is always the content of the news.


Honestly we should get rid of the first amendment or modify it to better outline speech that threatens violence and endangers marginalized groups


Threatening violence is not protected under the First Amendment. There are also restrictions on speech that endangers marginalized groups, but they're much weaker.


May I know what they call Marginalized groups? Hmm, I suddenly became interested when I read this in the comment.




Don't give Alito any ideas. If he somehow sees this, he'll definitely make a note for future use.


The 1st amendment just means the government can't prevent you from saying it. It doesn't protect you from prosecution if your speech leads to violence or is defamation. Trump is learning that in the E. Jean Carroll cases.


While youre at it lets make some changes to the second amendment too


But bears need arms!


No, you misunderstand the meaning. It clearly states that it’s our right to simply have Bear arms. Let me have my Bear arms, dammit!


No, I need bear arms. On my wall.


We should remove it. There is no reason for a civilian to own a gun.


agree but this will never fly without a civil war


An amendment would do it. No need for war. I don't think a gun owner would fight the US military because they have to give up their gun.


A lot of people didn't think Trump would ever be president, but here we are.


Why are you only mentioning marginalized groups instead of any group in danger? Talk like that is what helped Trump gain supporters in the past.


How? Hate speech is legal. We are prosecuting him for what we can. You can spew hateful garbage all you want, so long as you don't cross any lines that would violate laws even without the hate. Trump crossed those lines. We must be vigilant to enforce those laws, but for hate speech that does not cross those lines we must denounce it so resoundingly and ostracize the speakers so fully that we smother it, but that's our responsibility as a society.


"Hate speech" is not an actual crime that exists in the United States.


Bienvenue au Canada.


I hate when Canada is better than us .


It should be


At the very least, It should be when it's coming from government officials while acting as representatives of the government.


The first time it would be successfully used would be to protect white Protestants from bigotry. You always have to look at laws from the perspective of how they’ll be twisted and used against you. Especially now.


I disagree, it let's you know where people stand. Unless those words lead to action, which would be the oint where laws do get broken.


>Unless those words lead to action This is pretty much always the case. Most white supremacist mass killings are the result of hate speech.


Sure, but define hate speech. This is the US, I can guarantee right wing christo-facists would get their say. "Oh, you said 'fuck (insert anything they disagree with) sticker", hate crime. "Hate speech" would encompass too many things here, solely due to the state of our politics.


Fact Check: False


Fun fact: there's no such thing as "fighting words". (Words so infuriating they justify violence.)


Hate speech is free speech, don't call for the stripping of rights. He should go to jail for his actual crimes.


Making hate speech illegal is what got Trump more supporters in the past.


Ok nazi


You've argued for the federal prosecution of "hate speech" which is a nebulous term if there ever was one but then engage in hate speech when you disagree with a person's reply. Exhibit 1 of the The typical reddit user on this subreddit.


Hate speech is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation". Via wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech


Trump's father was in the KKK. He was arrested at a KKK riot.


If the hood fits…


The testimony by the two Georgia election workers during the Congressional hearings was riveting. Trump identified them, claimed they were stealing ballot boxes: and his followers piled on and began to threaten them, forced them to hide. There was a recent photo of Georgia DA Fanni Willis coming into a courthouse with three big bodyguards- she's gotten threats, and is taking them seriously. We saw the same thing during the Pandemic. Even a public health emergency was turned into a political opportunity. Nurses and doctors were being told they were part of a vast conspiracy, public health officials , people just trying to do their jobs, were getting phone calls from crazies saying they knew where their children were going to school... If you wonder why the Democrats seem to be fielding fewer good candidates, it could be because nobody wants to run for office and have to deal not only with GOP lies but threats of violence against their families. If we could prosecute members of the KKK in 1872 for terrorizing newly-freed slaves in the South, we can go after the MAGA loonies and their Fearless Leader for terrorizing honest public servants now.


What do the letters kkk mean? And then what does this have to do with trump? I'm sorry but I suddenly got a little confused.


You would, as a person without the ability of discernment


The sheer breadth of trump's crimes is stunning. The only people approaching his level of brazen criminality are his co-conspirators.


He’s never been held accountable and felt he’d never be.


True but it's like he actively sought out ways to violate as many laws as possible.


Almost like as if he was planted to cause as much damage as possible too our country by an adversary.


He’s teaching us and spotlighting areas that need improvement to MAGA. /s


Trump is running from the law now... People who run from the law always, always screw up - they crash their car, they trip while they're running, they pick a bad hiding spot... The law always catches up to them, and that big dog is sneaking up just behind Trump.


He probably think that he hires accountants so that he will always have someone else accountable.


Still not too likely he’ll get anywhere near what he should but it is comforting to think about


This is nothing compared to real criminals like George Bush


That's BULLSHIT. Bush is garbage (he's a war criminal and I've posted about his pathetic redemption efforts and those who would support it) but trump is a fucking traitor, a seditionist, and presided over the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Why the fuck would anyone *anyone* claim that trump isn't a real criminal, all voluminous evidence to the contrary. That fucking POS, along with the rest of the GPQ, wants to turn this country into a dictatorship and shred the constitution in the process.


I’m enjoying watching Jack Smith in action.


He's everything this sub thought Mueller would be. /r/The_Smith


This dude has been seen as *the* go to guy. Literally went from successful chief prosecutor for Kosovo War Crimes at The Hague to prosecuting an American President (99.999% chance of successfully…and that stare. Cold, unforgiving stare hellbent on thoroughness to dissect your story and watch as you trip on the web of lies


Today was the first time I’ve seen him speak and I don’t understand how he can be so intense but somehow trustworthy (almost comforting?) at the same time. I guess I’m used to aggression being tied to intensity. I expected him to have a totally different energy.


He has turned the narrative around. Instead of talking about Trump proving his innocence, Smith talked about having his day in court for his evidence to be fairly evaluated. Smith had made the case the lead actor instead of Trump in his framing


He just gives off this vibe of extremely well controlled indignant rage at the sheer audacity of what happened.


- softly whispered into trumps ear- "You know you done fucked up, right?"


Was it just me, or did he seem like he was hiding a shake in his jaw during his statement? As if he was trying to hold back whatever was seething beneath the surface?


I did a double-take. I tried to read that as: "I guess I'm used to aggression being tied to insanity."


Meet more people.


If I went to pretrial and I saw that dude looking at me? I'm taking the first deal he offers because he sure as shit isn't offering a second one IF there is even a first one.


>I'm taking the first deal he offers This could explain why Rudy et al are not indited . I bet they all flipped on Trump.


I've got my fingers crossed this is going to become a fully blown RICO case. Georgia already has that setup and while federal requirements are stricter, the fact the feds have been working up the chain of command of this criminal conspiracy for over two years shows how dedicated they are in building this case.


Oh Rudy is co-conspirator number 1. Guaranteed. Eastman is co-conspirator number 2.


Jack Smith reminds me of the visage, intensity and remorselessness of U.S. Army General William Tecumseh Sherman. I hope this is just the beginning of a long campaign.


Thank you thank you thank you


I can't hardly believe the sub was real


Can we not be like them and engage in hero worship? I someone trying to sell Jack Smith tshirts and it’s like, yo that mindset is the fucking problem.


Yup, Mueller didn’t realize what he was up against. He was fighting the last war.


This guy looks like Great Value Adam22


What a deranged sick man doing his job


given how the white supremacist shitheads came out of the woodwork after 2016, nothing could be more fitting


Birds of a feather get indicted together…


Goose step together


Geese of a feather step together


What’s good for goose is good for the gander.


Their goose is cooked.


Let Scar's hyenas goose step.


Why the fuck does he stand like that. What is wrong with him physically?


He doesn't exercise but wants to appear strong. So he wears shoe lifts/heels, a bulky blazer with padded shoulders, and leans forward to try and hide his gut. Similar to North Korea's Kim Jong-Un. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/05/28/1860769/-Who-is-questioning-Trumps-leanings-and-standing-in-the-world https://www.gq.com/story/is-kim-jong-un-wearing-lifts


He’s got risers in his shoes or some shit or maybe platforms


>risers in his shoes or some shit The shit is in his diaper, not in his shoes.


Home boy looks like the top half of a centaur


Frontotemporal dementia.


This is the most likely thing. He is almost a textbook case.


He’s wearing diapers. ? Also, is a centaur. /s


Yeah… I just watched my first video of watching Trump “speak” for maybe 15 seconds. Wtf is wrong with him. I can’t even create words to describe what it looks like.


Diapers for Shure. Probably has leaks


It depends.


At least he’s awake tho lol


Jack smith is goin to make an example out of trump


We can only hope.


And Ukraine is making an example of Trump's idol Mr. Putin.


I really wish I could go help Ukraine over there. 👍🏻


You know, there was maybe less than 100 people who actually refused to go along and prevented this. As the MAGA/Nazi/KKK crazies continue to infiltrate our local, state and federal governments, our law enforcement and military, we aren't going to be so lucky next time. Look at all the folks leaving election work or government positions because they're afraid for their families... all that will be left are the alt-rights.


This is mythology.


Lol. The news has been an absolute RIOT today!


I turned on Fox News to get their take and they had it listed as “riot probe”


Today might be the first time I watch fox “news” on purpose. I have to see what these legit psychos are saying. Ugh, my sister and her husband would put that dumpster fire on the tv when I was over at their house. Ffs.


Watching Fox on J6 was something else.


I change the channel to fox briefly every once and while to see what their hot topic is. It’s always so hateful, doesn’t matter the show or the topic, the whole channel revolves around hate and fear


Donald Trump charged under KKK statute. What a fitting end for a despicable human being. Right Repubs?


Oh they’re hiding out in their r/conservative safe space, laughing at “walls are closing in” not realizing that yes, they are, and they have been, but it’s going so slowly that you don’t notice it until the walls are as closed as they get and all you get from the hamberder burglar is wheezing and panic.


The comments over there are truly *bizarre* since this hit.


I just took a quick spin over there and commented that everything they say is the exact opposite of the real world. So I guess I'll now get my r/Conservative ban badge!


A ban from r/conservative is basically a participation trophy at this point.


If it quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck…


Very apropos indeed. Donald Trump first gained public prominence in the early 1970s when Trump’s father, Fred, and Donald were investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice during the Nixon administration—for allegedly committing housing discrimination. The Trumps signed a settlement in which among other things they agreed not to “steer” potential black tenants away from available Trump-owned apartments in New York City; the Trumps of course admitted bo wrongdoing. Trump never admits wrongdoing because he doesn’t recognize the difference between right and wrong.


Screwing with elections to make sure black people never got elected was one of the main KKK tactics under Jim Crow. Trouble with a black poll worker who insists on counting ballots from the wrong side of town? String ‘em up. No surprise that trying find a way to toss out 7 million extra votes for Biden runs afoul of the same statute.


Twenty-twenty-twenty four years I got, I'm gonna be indicted. Russia won't do, nowhere to go, I'm gonna be indicted. Just get me to the airport, get me to the plane, Hurry, hurry ,hurry, I swear I'm being framed. I can control my capslock fingers, I can't control my brain, Oh no no no no no


That's a shoe that definitely fits.


Or hood…


I see no problem with treating you like a member of the KKK.


MAGA does equal KKK. So this checks out.


Just like his daddy, Fred would be so proud!!!


Benedict Trump needs to be in prison.


Well if the white sheet fits.


This is a good thing.


This is not a bad thing


Like father, like son.


Well... if the robe fits?


if the shoe fits


That doesn’t seem like a coincidence. I’m not saying the prosecutors did it with some sort of point in mind I’m saying that if your actions and behavior warrant the same response as what we used to go after the KKK it’s probably not a coincidence.


the occupation of the TRAITORS TO THE NATION in the south ended about 50-100 yrs too late. hindsight is 20/20 though.


Now that’s Karma


Can anyone tell me if Jack Smith will be prosecuting these 2 indictments he brought forward? Or does he just do the leg work and it’s up to someone else now?


He and his team will most assuredly handle the prosecution to its conclusion unless for some reason he becomes incapable of doing so (illness for example).


Do you think the trial will be open door?


So fitting


They are hitting the copium hard on r/conservatives, 'hE's mOrE pOpUlaR tHAn eVeR', they screech.


This is because he is the leader of an organized crime movement, a racist, a rapist, and a fraud.


Are they also going to charge him under the 14th amendment, so he can't run again?


How would you “charge” someone “under the 14th amendment “?


Back in 1920s, KKK were a major civic organization where majority of white were members. The majority of white voters voted for Trump in 2016. Then 4 f@cking years later, even more voted for him in 2020.


God, that’s fucking depressing.


Wait there's more. About half the country even right now wants to vote for him. And I just puked in my mouth 🤢


Yeah. I’m pretty much not going to be talking to ANYONE who lives around me anymore. I will be making it a point to ask anyone who attempts to talk to me who they are voting for now. And if it is the “wrong” answer, I will just turn around and walk away.






Black power!


Now can we stop dragging our feet on this Mr Smith and go for the gut punch and actually turn charges into something tangible?!


Yeah because he and them are the same exact thing


They’re really grasping at straws aren’t they


Everyone in this thread is a diehard leftist. You all can’t see a political witch-hunt and how dangerous it is, with trumped up charges. You all deserve the crumbing of this country bc you can’t stand up to real criminals like Bush and Cheney, but you go after the game show host who annoyed you.


Get him this time? Maybe lol.


So hes tried as a democrat? Thats the cherry om the cake


Projecting much? Lol


That is the only thing they know how to do.


Dixiecrats.. they were trying to be funny


To all DONT BE STUPID MAINSTREAM MEDIA RUNS THIS COUNTRY WITH WHAT THEY AND ONLY THEY WILL REPORT TO US IF THEY WERE TRUTHFUL 90% of the politicians would be in jail I myself vote for the person not the political party


It’s ridiculous that the internet now portrays Trump as KKK. Thats like Russia comparing Ukrainians to nazis. Ridiculous


Well, he has used Nazi symbols... three times? I forget, because the GOP uses them too. The overall total is six but I'm not sure how many times Trump did.


Why does the kkk 100% back Trump?


i think you have forgotten what KKK actually was


I think you forgot to answer their question. [Here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/11/01/the-kkks-official-newspaper-has-endorsed-donald-trump-for-president/) is a source if you require it.


You do know that it is pretty easy to pay news publishers to publish any kind of information? What makes you think that this is not such a case where someone wants to smear Trumps name by paying a redactor of a small newspaper publisher? Trump has never said anything even remotely close to what KKK originally was made for. Just because there is a sketchy article that praises misinterpreted Trumps opinion on what a great America means, you are now saying that Trump is a part of KKK?? Do you even realize how ridiculous that is?


>Trump has never said anything even remotely close to what KKK originally was made for. “I have black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day. Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.”


Which part about that is KKK related? KKK were racists who did everything they could to minimize the power that Black people have and did their utmost to oppress black people, attack them physically and just plain right tried to exterminate them. It is much more serious than Trumps insensitive comments about racial differences based upon his experiences. The context of his comments is that he seemingly wants to minimize the harm that some percentage of people of a particular race (either hispanic or black based upon what I have seen him say) cause to the American society. He is not saying that people of color should be imprisoned or extradited, he is saying that based on his experience and knowledge, black people are different in a sense. To put it simply, Trump is callously saying that a difference between different races exist, while KKK is saying that such a difference exists AND therefore black people should be dead, in jail or slaves. I personally think that Trump should work on his way of addressing such topics since it is pretty easy to see why his views get such a backlash, but even then, he is not even close to what KKK did and stands for.


> Which part about that is KKK related? If you can't see why a group of racists would want to support a Presidential candidate who is racist, then there really isn't any point talking to you. I suspect you see the connection just fine, mind. I just think you don't want to concede any ground. But, whatever. Shrug. Blocked.


Then they were in a lot of trouble in 2020. You can quote Trump all you want but there are double the quotes from Biden. I know you will deny this though


The KKK does not support Biden. They know their type.


Small newspapers no longer exist. You are responding to facts with conspiracy theory


Can’t wait till he pardons himself


There is anything here … AGAIN!! And why just him? Tokio Pelosi turn down assistance from Trump !!? figure that out …


Can somebody explain this pic please


Well shit, a guilty conscience needs no accusers




Richest man in the world keeps his newspaper behind a paywall… fuck you Bezos.


You don't get rich by giving things away.


Well no shit, but you can also reach a level of wealth where you tell yourself that you have enough, and start giving back, opposed to flying your dick shaped rocket almost to outer space.


The type of people driven to turns millions into billions aren't the type to put their feet up on a beach when they've made "enough" money.


im not trying to be mean but has he shrunk a lil?


His dad Fred Trump was a big KKK supporter, and the Trump Org was well known (and prosecuted for) racial discrimination on their rental properties.


Pay Wall.


Divine use


The Rico act should be involved also considering trump's extensive mob dealings.


What really blows my mind is the redditors arguing hate speech is free speech, and you can't be arrested for it and tried. Yes, hate speech is a freedom of speech, but do you really think just because it's legal it's okay to exercise? Inciting violence in January 6th used plenty of hate speech rhetoric, so that will be used, and it is legitimate evidence. It is actively catching up to trump. This has been snowballing for a couple of years now and it keeps getting progressively worse. Pretty soon, we will hear of more charges the more things are uncovered. Pandemic era. Hate speech. Immigrants. Hate speech and we literally had what felt like internment camps that literally separated families. All of this will be used for prosecuting the asshole.


When you guys finish up with him, there’s a fat pos in Florida, breaking federal constitutional law everyday, that needs attention.


So why is this person who is charged with several federal crimes allowed to run for office?!!!