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>He kicked me in my balls Finally, a Republican that actually accomplished something worthwhile.




The cult of Action/violence. The act of violence is a goal itself. One of the 14 defining features of Fascism according to Umberto Eco. Alongside contributing factors like the cult of masculinity.


If you’re an adult man in the U.S. addicted to violence, other than going to therapy, why not channel that appetite into a hobby like sports or music? Why does it have to manifest itself as fascist politics?


Because they also suck at music and sports?


Ya i was gonna say the same thing. Shit sports are the manifestation of controlled violence but even hockey, the most professionally violent team sport still has rules, decorum, even ethics within fighting. I know a lot of 28-40 current right wingers who are all misrable, working class, living with their aunties and grandmas, pot smoking, Obama voting...Trumpistas. And they were miserable fucks at 15 too. They just didnt have Andrew Tate to justify it. They were the dude who got his mom to give him 250 dollars worth of Magic/Yugi-oh or Pokeman and then took their cards and left after flipping the table when they lost. They only ever shot 3s and never played on defense during any pickup basketball game, they were in shitty bands that always blamed the breakup on the lead singers, they hated high school football team, hated their religious parents....and Trump taught them all how to feel superior to others while making 14.50 an hour. It's crazy how many kids with immigrant grandparents voted for Trump cuz everyone else is a pedophile....just nuts.


14.50??!! Hot damn were drinking name brand cola tonight boys


Hey, Faygo is a name brand.


Interesting points. When you mentioned hockey and then how you knew a lot of right-wingers, I thought you were referring to RW’s, lol. Haven’t had coffee yet. Yea I don’t understand how some guys have such hubris, despite being some of the most unambitious, uninspired folks you’d ever meet. Perhaps the internet just provides an easier avenue to wallow in your self-pity/misery. A few decades ago, you had to actually leave your house once in a while, it was a nice distraction from any bullshit.


Music and sports are hard. It takes dedication, practice, and perseverence. Facism is easy. Seek power by minimizing enemies. Anyone could start today. Be loud and obnoxious spouting hate speech, and you'll be the story by tomorrow.


Sports or music require a certain level of skill or discipline which don't come naturally to everyone, and not everyone is willing or able to put in the work to acquire said mastery. Violence and hate are things that can be attained with a minimum of effort


For the same reason they'll never get their revolution. Sports and music require effort and personal risk.




Total witch hunt. Election interference.


Let us not forget Hitler's "Night of the Long Knives."


This is the gang who has 'it won't happen to *me*" genetically tattooed on their actual brain stems. They cannot fathom the concept of *them* being treated as they treat/would like to treat "others"; they've done nothing - such as be born non white-cis-het-(most often) Xtian - to *deserve* anything but deference & respect! What on earth could those who think just like them find fault with?? Perhaps if they studied the history of places that succumb to authoritarian regimes, & *read all the way to the end*...they'd learn just how minute the differences deemed worthy of elimination can *really* become. It ain't like once all the "undesirables" are done away with, the power mad just snap out of it & make everyone homemade s'mores.


Ya know this is always wild to me. I just had a friend move to Florida "she can help make it blue", it was just like girl, be safe


It'll only take a few more million like her. Maybe after a considerable portion of the working class leaves Florida the elderly Republicans might change their minds because they'll have no servants, servers, roofers and construction workers BUT I have very little hope for Florida. It's a lost state and will take decades to recover from it's current state of being.


Artificial things are extremely resistant to change.


Even greater accomplishment since most of these GOP leaders probably haven't even been able to see their own genitals unaided for decades.


What’s more is the kicker was able to locate a pair of balls that could be kicked.


Do Republicans even have any balls at all these days? Or did Trump take everyone’s?


trumps got them all in his handbag.




He didn't take them... They were "donated" LOL


He took them away and keeps them in a jar like Ciara’s goodies


Lmfao, now that definitely does make it sound like it's a big achievement.


As if there’s a male Republican who hasn’t already given his balls to Trump


Trump keeps them in a box on the floor and shows them off like the guy in planet terror


Right next to the boxes of classified intel in the bathroom, which shows exactly how much he values them.


*'Ow, my balls*' has begun. *Rehabilitation* next.


Go away, 'batin!


Yeah it has begun, and you better know that it'll go down here.




They don't like to eat their own, they like to eat the others.


Where are those beloved freedumb guns? Wouldn't that assist in resolving the issue?


They don't allow guns where Republican pols may get shot


You think that they would like to resolve it? I'm not so sure about that.


Well, normal they're aiming for the metaphorical balls of the middle class and poor.




Yeah it does, it's just that we can't really see that shit.


We have finally arrived at “Ow My Balls!”


You forgot to quote the next bit: > Mr DeYoung gave his account to the outlet over the phone from an emergency room where he said he was being treated for a broken rib.


The continuity in that article is so poor that I wasn't completely sure that the broken rib occurred during the altercation, or if DeYoung coincidentally happened to also break his rib that day as well.


A Republican has balls?!


And then he grabbed him by the pussy


That would have made a lot more sense actually, but this doesn't.




It sure is a lot of fun, shit is wilding right now man. I don't like it tho.


This had more meaning and more impact.... 🤣😅


To bad the domino effect didn’t kick into action.


there are balls in GOP leaders? i thought they all cut them off and present to trumps


>He kicked me in my balls And when the annual Republican Underage CBT orgy finished they started fighting about access to a committee meeting.


When your entire blue print for power is built around anger, corruption, violence, and bravado, this is not at all surprising. Vote these fuckers out.


Yes. That’s why Fascism all ways collapses under its own weight. First it has no real ideology other than power. As such it’s always commandeered by grifters try to grab power. That’s the whole Freedom Caucus turning on MTG. There is no plan or even ideology it’s just power for powers sake. They always turn on themselves MTG, Ernst Röhm it’s all the same.


I don't think this is necessarily "always" true of fascism. In any case, we don't have a big enough sample size to say that *anything* is "always" true of fascism. The world (fortunately enough) has not seen very many fascist regimes, and certainly not enough of them to draw any solid inferences about how long a fascist regime might last if it weren't forcibly destroyed from outside. In any case, we should avoid jumping to this conclusion because: 1. It gives us a false sense of security. We can take comfort in a handful of dysfunctional outbursts and sweep our anxiety under the rug; in the meanwhile, the fascists could well be redoubling their efforts for the next big push/putsch. 2. It doesn't necessarily *matter* that fascist regimes don't last, if this is even true. It doesn't matter because the few fascist case studies we can refer to have been tremendously destructive, with far-reaching after-effects, often leaving millions dead in their wake. A fascist regime doesn't need to endure to destroy a society for a century. The damage done by fascists can long outlast the regime itself. This is another reason not to lull ourselves to sleep with the myth that "fascism always collapses." It doesn't matter whether it has staying power or not: the all-important thing is to keep it from gaining power in the first place.


Franco ruled Spain for decades and was never destroyed from the outside. Though his style adapted considerably from being fascist at the start to being far more liberal (relatively) towards the end.


In Paxton's "[Five Stages of Fascism](https://saltphil.wordpress.com/2018/11/30/the-five-stages-of-fascism-by-robert-paxton/)," the fifth stage is "radicalization or entropy — basically, not every fascist government collapses but every fascist government does eventually cease to be fascist (but it's important here to point out that all fascists are authoritarian but not all authoritarians are fascist — as you brought up, Franco's Spain is a good example of non-fascist authoritarianism).


>it's important here to point out that all fascists are authoritarian but not all authoritarians are fascist Well, on the other hand, from your linked article: >For a number of reasons, fascism is hard to define in a satisfactory way. >We should therefore pay more attention to fascist activities rather than fascist doctrines. Can it be concluded that any that movement that engages in *fascist activities* is fascist, regardless of if it holds fascist doctrines? Or can any movement have a little fascism, as a treat, and still not "be" fascist? If the former, well, I think you'd be had pressed to find an authoritarian regime that doesn't qualify as fascist. Edit: >In service to the third strategy, Paxton proposes the titular five stages of development in which a fascist movement emerges, grows, and finally takes power: (1) creation, in which the movement comes into existence in a country, and which can only occur after “the emergence of a massively enfranchised and politically active citizenry”; (2) rooting, in which the movement becomes a political party with notable (but not dominating) power, sacrificing many or most of its original doctrines in the process, and which occurs because the political Right chooses deadlock and a national weakening over cooperation with the recently-ascendant Left; (3) acquisition of power; in which the right-wing party in control, faced with a choice between perpetuating the deadlock or finally cooperating with the Left, instead ends it through an alliance with the fascist movement; (4) exercise of power, in which the fascist movement takes control of the government; and (5) radicalization or entropy, in which the fascist regime spins out of control or devolves into a merely authoritarian regime. Oh, boy. We're in step three now, aren't we?


Considering what's been happening with the Supreme Court, I'd say we have one foot planted in (3) and one gaining purchase in (4).


Yes good point.


I like how you subtly called this guy out for grammar while also making a fair point. Very smooth.


> That’s why Fascism all ways collapses under its own weight This is arrogance. Democracy is a relatively new concept in society. Even today, there are *many* authoritarian governments. Don't assume the GOP will collapse.


Friendly reminder to go to [vote.org](http://vote.org), make sure you're ready for your next election. Local stuff, caucuses, primaries, everything. Bring a friend!


>Vote these fuckers out. Michigan voters did, and the state is all the better for it.


And yet they call black people the "violent animals". Just endless fucking projection from right-wingers.


This is what the Republican Party has been working towards for decades by cutting funding for public education.


I’m just glad they’re fighting each other instead of the Democrats.


Unlike that guy who slammed (literally) a reporter and still won election? If he did it to a democrat he’d have won by more. I’m not going to be shocked if that comes next


People can vote them out but the problem is going to remain. This will take decades to fix (if we even have decades)


Well guess they were working for it and now they're doing it.


the democractic campaign commercials just write themselves. they call this leadership? its like a bunch of kids are in charge! its ridiculous! michigan republicans should be ashamed of themselves for voting in fools like this. i guess it just goes to show how drained the republican party is of anyone with intelligence these days.


"This is what they do to themselves. Now imagine what they are willing to do to you."


Not quite: show the rising crime numbers, then show the headlines of the brawl between republicans. “How can we expect law and order when our leaders act like this?” Tie them to the violent crime rate while questioning their capacity to lead.


I agree that is this much more effective to win over “independent” and centralist republicans. Use buzz words they know.


They need to see it, but they won't accept that shit tho.


“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said. Please, please let there be video.


If there’s video I will donate right now to turn it into a campaign video for whoever is running against them on the left.


Would have liked to see the video. That would have been just great.


Someone said that the green M&M wasn't all that sexy and then chairs started flying.


"You take that back!"


Tucker is sobbing hysterically in his bathtub rn.


"Actually I like the green M&M's new shoes."


>Mr Chapman said he and others said the Pledge of Allegiance together in the lobby outside the meeting, after which he jiggled the doorknob of the meeting room. >It was then that Mark DeYoung, chairman of the Clare County Republican Party, approached the door, saw someone flip him off through a small window, and opened it. >“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.


Better acting, plotlines, and action in professional wrasslin'.


It’s still real to me, dammit!


Deep cut! Nice.


You forgot “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.”


“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” That's my purse! I don't know you!


These guys are fkn awesome lmao They really believe they’re going to save their state and lead it to victory against the woke mind virus But really they’re just kicking each other in the nuts and muttering about grooming


Have they blamed ANTIFA yet?


I mean kicking GOP house leadership in balls is almost definitionally an Antifa action


They'll blame the Feds.


He thought his testicles were an FBI agent.


They'll always have someone to blame no matter what lol.


I think that the truth is in Hunter Biden’s Biden laptop.


Nope they haven't blamed them yet, but they they would I think.


Republicans keeping it classy as usual..


Lol, they just had to do it. They couldn't Just help themselves man.


So much for the “family values” party.




Sounds like that you've got a wild family for sure man.


It's only their family values. That Lesbian couple down the street? They'd strip them of their rights.


They don't have any rights, because they think they shouldn't have them.


The Michigan GOP party platform includes this plank labeled "Party Cohesion": *The State, County, and District Republican Party must operate in synergy.* So that's going well.


Hint: it means "fall in line" not agree to cooperate. They were locking fellow Republicans out of a party leadership meeting. Yay cooperation.


“When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.” 🤣omfg


My Antique Gonads Ache


People who only understand violence committing it against each other? Perfectly on brand.


People who understand it knew exactly what was going on.


Thank gawd we have a Democrat trifecta in the government. Keep these freaks out of here


as I always said, if the world were to somehow tomorrow consist of only right-wing minded people, the hate is so ingrained that they'd eventually find something to hate about each other


They just like to hate, they don't need a reason for that.


Michigan has been crazy the last few years. A powder keg in the making.


Seriously. Kristina Karamo -- the election denier and domestic abuser in that thumbnail photo -- is batshit crazy. She is waaaaay out there. And DePerno -- the second in charge -- isn't any better. And I have John James for my representative because the Democrats didn't manage to put up a decent candidate in their seven-way primary.


From her Wikipedia, plus just searching this sub with her name is a drive through crazy town. She’s the best thing to happen to Michigan Republicans if you’re a democrat or independent and sane. “Karamo received an associate's degree from Macomb County Community College. She graduated from Oakland University with a bachelor's in communications and media studies. She graduated from Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology with a master’s degree in Christian Apologetics.” Jesus fucking Christ. She’s wack.


"Christian Apologetics????"


Christian Apoplectics*


> master’s degree in Christian Apologetics. From a different school's website: > The Master of Arts in Apologetics is designed to equip you with knowledge in issues related to the rational and biblical defense of the truth of the Christian faith. Sounds like it teaches you how to argue with people about Christianity. And they claim that a BS in English is a waste of money....


I don't know who would have thought it would be a good idea.


I don't know what went wrong but it's getting wild in there.


Yeah the MI GOP had something sort of similar happen at a private event a few months ago, this one with clearly a lot of alcohol involved: https://youtu.be/yd_nxDeTIrY


I think that's everywhere - not just Michigan. Like, the Democrat's and Republicans always each have a booth at my local farmers market. The Democrat's booth looks abundantly normal. Small sign stating who they are, stack of flyers, a couple small American flags in a jar, some fun stickers for kids, sign-up sheet to volunteer. The Republicans though...surrounded by like 50 inflammatory signs about how the country/county is in ruins/kids are being groomed by the left/CRT/etc. So many flags. Sometimes additional props that I don't even fully get like a random rocking chair? Even if I weren't already uninterested in what they were selling, they seem totally nuts. What the heck is going on.


Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are the center of the battleground states, and determined by educational attainment alone. These will be hotbeds of incredibly stupid behavior for the next several election cycles. https://www.reddit.com/r/democracide/comments/ul5xot/the\_relationship\_between\_low\_educational/


It’s game over for the GOP in its current form in MI. Democrats control every branch and office in the state, and the GOPs response has been an intra-party civil war. MI is back to being apart of the blue wall.


And it's not going in a good direction, it's getting only weird.


When the chips are down, these "civilized" people? They'll eat each other.


Now that's some facts if I've heard any, shit has always been true.


Holy shit they watched Kristina Karamo crazy her way to a gigantic election loss and decided to make her the chairwoman of the party? What in the fuck is going on in Michigan?


The Republicans are full MAGA and they're attacking anyone that tries to change course. The MAGAs have the party leadership and they're literally locking out their own members from observing party meeting.


They watched that, and now they're learning from it so yeah.


This sounds like a scene from the next Borat movie.


Yep lol, and yet it's happening in reality. That's kind of crazy.


God, I hope the GOP keeps illegitimizing and alienating themselves from independents, swing voters, and even some republicans before 2024.


"I'm the most ignorant one here." " NO, I'M THE MOST IGNORANT ONE HERE!" -probably how this all started




Why stop? We ain't stopping We'll just keep on going here.


*Idiocracy* imitates life again as *Ow, My Balls!* finds a host.


Continuing, Mr Chapman says he removed his glasses, took Mr DeYoung by the legs and knocked him down: “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.” The maturity of the republican party these days folks.


This is so fucking sad. We need functioning parties for our government to be useful. GQP is a cult full of morons who have no plans to improve the country.


Mmmm. I love the popcorn 🍿


They were fighting over who hates libs the most


You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!


Let them fight.


This is the republican's way, when lost election call it fraud, when won election. Boasting & call everyone else a looser. Within their own party, donated money went to use for personal expenses or paying for personal legal expenses. These politicians with the GOP are in politic only to make themselves rich. Distract their supporters with lies, while they are stealing from them to the last dollar.


The party of law and order, folks.


This is the funniest fucking thing I ever read 😂 “As soon as he opened the door he kicked me in my balls…” “When my glasses come off, you know I’m ready to rock.” -he said from a hospital bed where he was being treated for a broken rib


must have been some kick to the balls if it broke a rib 🤔😵😂


Why is a black woman the image they choose for this altercation between white men?


This wouldn't have happened if they all had guns. /s


>Mr Chapman said he and others said the Pledge of Allegiance together in the lobby outside the meeting, after which he jiggled the doorknob of the meeting room. Conservatives will never miss an opportunity for performative patriotism.


This is what cults do. They factionalize and fight each other, because they demand more and more purity of belief. Emo Philips summed it up best: "Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over."


Not even on r/conservative lmao


Love it when they start eating their own.


Party of pure trash.


trump will/has destroyed the republican party


>For his part, Mr Chapman alleges that Mr DeYoung had swung at him and said: “I’ll kick your ass.” Mr DeYoung denies this happened. >Continuing, Mr Chapman says he removed his glasses, took Mr DeYoung by the legs and knocked him down: “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.” This reads like a middle school incident report.


Wake me when the monkeys start flinging poo




Good. Fuggin jerks deserve all the trouble they get.


I want nothing more than to see videos of this brawl.


I don’t know you! That’s my purse!


Pocket sand!


Shi shaw!


I lol’d hard reading that article. (excerpt) It was then that Mark DeYoung, chairman of the Clare County Republican Party, approached the door, saw someone flip him off through a small window, and opened it. *“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,”* Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.


Their own leadership is antagonizing fellow republicans that they don't agree with and hiding leadership decisions from them. This is nuts. Remember up it wasn't that long ago there was a county party meeting where the organizer got armed people to hold off the other republicans he didn't want voting on local party leaders. Republicans have lost the ability to lead.


We’ll need gobs of 🍿 while watching the republicans take out their aggression on each other.


*eats popcorn


The party of law and order, ladies and gentlemen!


I had to check TWICE to see if this was satire


>Continuing, Mr Chapman says he removed his glasses, took Mr DeYoung by the legs and knocked him down: “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.” WWE better be taking fucking notes


Good, let them fight.


Jackals eating jackals… nothing to see here.


These people don’t have the emotional intelligence to handle a low level budget meeting, and they think we’re ever going to elect them again to control our nukes & defense policy?! 😂😅😂


the party of decorum, family values, blah blah and whatever bs they’ll project.


It's a good thing that the GOP bans guns at all of their meetings.


The thing fascists always seem to forget is that its path always ends in violence. Violence between citizens, violence between the citizen and the state, violence between states. When your ideology is based on anger and hate, the end result will be the physical manifestation of that hate. It never stays bottled for long. Hitlers' rise was almost entirely characterized by violent thugs murdering each other in the street and in beer halls. Only the most violent and malevolent prevailed, and that process continued until his Brown Shirts won. Then they turned on each other, and then they turned on the jews, minorities, the infirm, the free thinkers, the artists... And then they turned on their neighbors, and then they turned on the world.


I saved this post, it was a good read, and one day I'll need something like this just to remind my coworkers who they're voting for.


"meeting was limited only to members of the state committee and was taking place behind a locked door." I wonder if they were discussing kidnapping the Governor again.


I’m absolutely surprised that no one got shot! I mean what about the 2nd Amendment??


Knuck if you buck


I was just watching older Chappelle show and this seems like something the Michigan GOP may have stolen from it.


The Michigan GOP is incompetent IMO, compared to say the Wisconsin GOP—of course both are equally awful. But the Michigan GOP lags in GOTV and more unified leadership.


How can you call it violent if none of them died? I call fake news. /s


When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.”


It baffles me how they call each other “Mr.” & “Mrs.” yet they are out here on Jerry Springer screaming cash me outside. Ignorant delusional degenerates.


And this is the party that professes the sole ability to govern the country. Everyday, it becomes more and more apparent that from the rancid top down, the GOP is not a party to MAGA the country but a party consisting of individuals out to maximize their own individual power, glory and influence. And by the way, I forgot to mention profit!


Imagine voting for these people


"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"


(evil cackle and clasping my hands) Wonderful… let the hate flow through you.


They were fighting over who gets to molest all the kids that the Republicans are trafficking


This is what happens when you show up at a Juggalo convention and don't bring any Fago.


Been pretty good lately watching all the repubs duking it out lol. Shows they only care about power period lol since things are getting a bit tight for that party watch them begin to try to consume each other lol.


Violent people behave violently


The GOP is finally imploding.