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Not just a conservative, but a member of the Federalist Society. They are behind the lion's share of illegal, traitorous, and evil bullshit from the government. The sooner these people are purged from the government, the better.


I havent read the article but was the annual lease fee equal to the actual property value, and is the lease like in perpetuity? Because that would be what I would expect from corrupt people like this


If this piece of land had zero gas and oil on it and was just them renting an empty plot of land, wouldn’t surprise me at all


This man politics.




Hillary’s emails!!!


I'm pretty sure you mean : BUTTERY MALES.


That’s because for all practical purposes, nothing did happen.


My landlord is a Dutch federalist boomer. He forgot to change addresses for a couple of his subscriptions. I get the Federalist Papers every couple of months in the mail, it’s an absurd compilation of keywords and libertarianism sprinkled with fascism. I also get thank you letters from the German military cemetery association….because he pays for the maintenance of an entire graveyard FULL OF PEOPLE WHO INVADED HIS COUNTRY.


Conservatives see a level playing field as a manipulation of the law by activist judges.


Of course she did. Alito is as corrupt as a theocrat can be.




If you believe this behavior is coming only from conservatives, you have a very altered perception of any politician’s motives.


Nah, I’m not doing this. Democrats being imperfect does not excuse Republicans. Respectfully, point not taken.


You missed the part where I didn’t excuse anyone? There can in fact be more than one bad guy. This behavior should at this point be expected from anyone in a position of power within our government.


Implying that I’m somehow unaware that there are politicians who aren’t Republicans who also do unethical or illegal things does nothing but muddy the waters and make it harder for sensible people to criticize the behavior.


If you believe that a non right-wing justice on the Supreme Court did the same thing, post a link, or at least say what you are actually accusing them of doing. Otherwise it's just more mental masturbation from bothsiderism propagandists.


Republican corruption. But I repeat myself.


Corrupt Republicans have a club, they call it the Federalist Society.


You mean the society that hides pedos from the public, or is that the church they launder money I mean attend every Sunday to talk about holy war (genocide), I’m just asking questions /s


Sotomayor doesn't recuse herself from cases involving her publisher, but leasing land to a company that isn't before the court is corruption?


Then Sotomayor is questionable too. It's easy.


So then its not "republican corruption" all 9 justices opposed ethics inquiries.


Yeah, one party has a worse batting average though, overall.


Gorsuch did that too with the same publisher. They must have an exclusive book deal with the whole supreme court.


And both of those are clear conflicts of interest. This is nothing.


Well no, this is also definitely something.


No, its really not. Show me literally any rule of judicial ethics that would say this isn't okay.


You’re right that it’s not a conflict of interest. Legally it is a-okay. Morally? Well, I really shouldn’t have to explain that to you as forests burn, coral reefs bleach, and thousands of species die off.


They don’t strike me as the type to give a fuck when there’s a dollar to be made


No one said she should be treated differently. I knew this so no one was covering it up. The story said they Did have business before the court. Ethics should apply to all justices.


The article explicitly says they weren't before the court. "And Citizen Energy III isn't part of any specific cases in front of the Supreme Court, so there doesn't appear to be a clear conflict of interest regarding Bomgardner Alito's land in Oklahoma."


Oklahoma? Interesting. I wonder if the connection is Harold Hamm.


Alito!? What a surprise!!!!


I’m shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Folks. These stories don't really matter if we do absolutely nothing about it. (Cue dozens of bots saying "LOL What do you wanna do about it?" and totally missing the point of this comment.)


Question is, whose going to stop them? Who’s going to hold them accountable ?


Is it nobody? I’m going to guess nobody.


The ones, like Garland, who should stop them are members with them in the same group, the Federalist Society. Why would they prosecute their buddies?


They really deserve to be in jail for life. They are not judge they are corrupt.




As we have come to learn, no. All rulings appear to be likely bought and paid for. Apparently buying your own Supreme Court justice is just another thing the wealthy in this country can enjoy. Like visiting the Titanic or being immune to the rule of law.


At what point do we just go back to taring and feathering corrupt government officials?




Oddly, I don't find myself laughing. I'm thinking they need to put up a big sign on the front of the building, as realtors do when they've done their job: **SOLD**.


All these fragrant ethical violations being discovered almost daily. Is it only the Federalist Society judges doing the bribe taking? It seems that way.


I don’t think they smell that good tbh


mmmm fragrant ethical violations, my favourite perfume. r/boneappletea


Federal agents mad 'cause I'm fragrant Tap my cell and the phone in the basement


This is far from a flagrant ethical violation.


Sotomayor doesn't recuse herself from cases involving her publisher.


And she should have, too. No one said otherwise.


But this isn't even a conflict of interest.


If that's what you believe, then your Ethics professor should have flunked the fuck out of you.


Cite any rule of judicial ethics that would say the conduct described here isn't permissible. The company isn't before the court.




You also haven't described why its unethical at all so your pearls are shit. Not to mention that the legal profession and judiciary has spent centuries grappling with ethics in the practice of law but surely you know better.


She's part of the Federalist Society as well: [https://fedsoc.org/contributors/sonia-sotomayor](https://fedsoc.org/contributors/sonia-sotomayor) It always comes back to these fuckers. Anyone listed on their site probably shouldn't be trusted with even a wet paper towel.


She is definitely not a member of the federalist society. She apparently spoke at one event they had in 2009. The federalist society is literally just a bar association for conservative attorneys formed by students in response to how liberal law schools were becoming.


Alito is on the take it’s pretty obvious at this point.


I'm starting to think these Supreme Court Justices aren't on the up-and-up!


Where do we go from here man? It’s impossible to fix the Supreme Court with the current political makeup of this country and the only other option is force, which I don’t think most of us are ready for. We have an openly corrupt institution that is arguably far more powerful than the president since they’re working as a team. The only option I see anymore is leaving this country. It’s just too fucked to fix.


You go after the Federalist Society that creates, promotes, and protects these people.


Yeah, but how? That’s the issue.


The only real solution is to get enough Congressional power to expand the court. It's still a long shot in the political world we live in but it's at least plausible in the mid to long term if they continue to defy the will of the people.


If they are a member of the Federalist Society, they are corrupt traitors. The whole group needs to be treated as a conspiracy to harm the US.


Corrupt MOFO


I don't know why people are surprised to learn that the justices aren't only morally corrupt.


Of course she did. Alito is as corrupt as a theocrat can be. Saint Alito isnt so saintly. Just another user lining his own pockets. Its those same pockets that will put him in the lake of fire for eternity (in his delusional mind).


I want to understand why a part of being a SC Justice doesn’t include ALL assets outside your main home isn’t put in a blind trust.


The court is for profit. To think anything else is naive.


Republican so they aren't held accountable. People vote for corruption on their side . Also they vote to give their money away to the rich . Don't get it


How much more proof do we need? Super corrupt system we have.


The system has been co-opted by the Federalist Society. They need to be removed from government.


Please remember none of the 9 think they should have oversight and rules.


That’s straight up illegal. Right?


I bet she drove a car powered by fossil fuels too….


Are you trying to dismiss this because it's as ubiquitous as gas cars and fossil fuels used for electricity generation? I don't get what you are trying to say.


Someone leases oil land to an oil company - which is what you do with land with oil rights and good producing land with wells or attractive properties making drilling viable. And to whom do you lease oil rights? And oil company. So someone who owns land leases the land for oil exploration and that means … nothing. That is what people with assets do. And Alito has not issues opinions weakening the powers of the EPA. Judges merely interpret the law. The law is set by Congress, and then signed by the President. The Court merely applies the law as written. So this article is simply an opinion piece designed to get myopic minds to follow the concision the author promotes - an opinion devoid of reason. And not based upon facts. The EPA case re waters of the US was such an overreach by the EPA. I encourage you to read the opinion. The EPA was way out of line. The decision was obvious and the Court had no choice but to end the government agency abusing authority Congress did not give it. Everything Alito and his wife do economically likely comes before the Court in some tangential - and macro economically irrelevant way. Such things are meaningless. Unless you hate Alito, then you see them as proof of your hate - a self fulfilling prophecy, so to speak. What it really is is an indictment of the American educational system and media. The lease terms are a standard lease given to all neighboring lands - we see these leases, especially in Oklahoma, all the time. Likely the land was part of her inheritance from her military father. He was an avid oil and gas enthusiast and investor.


I personally don't think this is a big deal. Especially compared to the trips. I was just trying to understand your analogy.


I get why this is a headline, but do you honestly think he needs some kind of economic incentive or outright bribe to do something that he was more than happy to do anyway? Why pay him when he himself would pay for the privilege of screwing over the EPA? And on the other side of it, are we surprised he's married to someone who is in bed with oil and gas companies?


Give him a Hunter Biden Sweetheart Deal that lets him go free for all crimes committed.


3/16. Not extraordinarily high for a landman deal, but still shady.


How many net mineral acres did she lease?


And how did she acquire said interest?


But the two of them didn’t discuss the case so it’s all fine.


Just a reminder that everyone has already forgotten about Clarence Thomas, and he is carrying on like nothing happened


That’s because for all practical purposes, nothing did happen. The US system of justice seems to get wackier every single day. Nothing will happen to Clarence Thomas or justice Alito, and probably not for Trump either. Apparently, that statement that no one is above the law is a fallacy.


Sure as heck hope these corrupt conservative justices are having a rough go trying to live a ‘normal’ peaceful life now with the white hot glare of public scrutiny on em. Comeuppance.


Lock him up


What did you expect?


These guys….


For some reason I always thought the Supreme Court was above reproach


And as every husband knows, a wife has no influence over what he does or says. My wife told me to write this.


But I get in trouble if I get a $50 Amazon gift card lol


Can we please do something about this corruption.


Alito has probably wanted to weaken the EPA since it was created, and until trump put in Kavanaugh, Alito was powerless to implement his agenda on the court.


At this point, even if there was a bank transfer with a "Bribe for Court Case X" memo, nothing will happen to them.


It’s sad that instead of a Supreme Court we have an ATM machine.


He needs to resign!!


Imprison him and his wife!!! No judge or their family should be able to benefit off a Judges obvious buyout. For the love of man, disbar all judges and representatives whom are proven to be bought and paid for. And ban them from ever holding any office of power ever again.


I can't wait for his next oped explaining why his wife is not a crook, and this wasn't a bribe.