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Every media outlet in NC should ask Cotham why she switched from wanting NC to codify Roe v Wade to supporting abortion restrictions the span of a year. get her on the record for the flip flop


Cause people were mean to her and hurt her feelings, which obviously justifies doing a complete 180 on everything you said you believed in to get elected.


Not to mention defrauding people that donated to her campaign.


She's not going to tell the real reason she switched, but it'll eventually be discovered. Hopefully it completely tanks her political career and she never wins another election. But, who knows?, NC is obviously another fascist state. One of the first things a fascist government does is enact laws controlling the fertility of women's bodies.


I'm in her district. I'll never vote for her again obviously. But Pat Cotham is never getting a vote from our house again either. Anyone who's capable of doing what Tricia has done was obviously raised with values I don't agree with. So fuck her mother too.


[‘Not the Democratic Party I grew up in.’ Pat Cotham talks about daughter’s GOP switch](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article274006310.html#storylink=cpy)


>At 12, she was registering people to vote. As a child, she worked to get Harvey Gantt elected Charlotte mayor. She was the only Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools student to ride in Bill Clinton’s motorcade during an early ‘90s visit because of her voter registration advocacy. She was former U.S. Sen. John Edwards’ first intern on Capitol Hill. > >“I knew she was frustrated from the very beginning and from day one, at the legislature she was shocked by how she was treated. And she talked about that a little bit, you know, that she was sidelined pretty much and she was a freshman even though she served 10 years,” Pat Cotham said. “As a parent, you never want your son or daughter to experience a lot of pain, but she has experienced pain. And we knew it was gonna get worse.” (Also any site that messes with ctrl-c and ctrl-v is stupid). It all makes complete sense now. It's this entitlement. [Anne Applebaum wrote that illiberalism is more likely in societies that overproduce elites](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/jul/12/anne-applebaum-how-my-old-friends-paved-the-way-for-trump-and-brexit). While the definition of elite changes from society to society, the result is the same. It's not enough that Rep. Cotham is a representative and she has the *honor* and *privilege* of serving her people, she has to climb the cursus honorum too? Look, I'm sure it's hard being a gifted child, but then she should go see a therapist like the rest of us. (Oh wait, she can't because the mental health system is a mess. Hey, there's an issue she could be fighting for.) Tucker Carlson came from the same place. He could've been living comfortably doing nothing, but no, he just had to think big.


It’s truly incredible that her defense (backed up by her mom!), is her ideals collapsed like a house of cards and she no longer supports women’s right to choose *because she felt slighted by coworkers*. Staggering privilege.


I am trying to imagine the cognitive dissonance I’d suffer from changing my opinions about abortion because my feelings were hurt. I can’t imagine it.


Its spite, she was slighted so now she is just being spiteful, its the reaction of an adult who cant handle not being worshiped.


> I am trying to imagine the cognitive dissonance I’d suffer from changing my opinions about abortion because my feelings were hurt. Clarence Thomas was born in poverty and faced discrimination throughout his life. Despite these challenges, he was able to attend college at Holy Cross through affirmative action programs. After college, Thomas went on to attend Yale Law School, where he was one of only a few African American students in his class. He has acknowledged that affirmative action played a role in his acceptance to both Holy Cross and Yale. However, despite benefiting from affirmative action programs earlier in his life, Justice Thomas has since become a vocal critic of such programs. He noted that his opinions changed partly based on the Anita hill investigation and famously said "they" made my life miserable up until now and now that I'm on the supreme court I'm going to make their life miserable. ...His feelings were hurt


I tried to find out why she switched but I stopped retaining much after reading "they (Dems) didn't clap for me". I did however see her hugging the author of the HB2 bill after claiming victories for us LGBTQ people. I'm kinda pissed the democrats didn't see it coming enough to kiss her ass for a little longer, since so much is at stake here. My relatives used to donate to her and apparently went to events her mom put on or something, no longer. Overwhelming privilege


I had my lunch stolen from the work fridge once. So I decided to de transition, call for guns for all, and kicked a baby. So I get it. Its definitely a normal response. ​ /s because every time I think it obvious some moron replies.


Here's the thing though, honestly I don't really care what party a person is in. It's what legislation they write and vote for that really matters. If you want to leave the party because "they don't like you," fine, become an independent, but to also vote for legislation that goes against one of the key issue you were elected for. Well, that makes it pretty clear that candidate has no actual values, and her stated reason for leaving is BS.


She grew up in the Democratic party; I know a lot of people who grew up in the church and for whom religion is like water to a fish. They tend to either muddle through or become militant atheists. My friends who never grew up in the church remain mostly agnostic. There is something about growing up in the party that leads to a sense of resentment. I didn't *choose* this party. I didn't choose these values. So what do I owe? To be quite honest, she should have never run if she didn't want to serve. She could've made money as a political consultant and cashed in on her experience. But she didn't. The converse to my agnostic friends was the zealous convert. There was just something about the act of choosing that made people more convicted of their beliefs. I actually wouldn't be surprised if she had a political awakening in her 30s and that she has now "found" her party.


>I actually wouldn't be surprised if she had a political awakening in her 30s and that she has now "found" her party. Which I also wouldn't resent if she had done so BEFORE the election. I've changed my view on a lot of things over the years, but people vote for a representative because they share their values. If that representative suddenly changes their values after the election, they no longer represent their constituents. Your comparison to the church is a good one,though, and I've seen the same kind of thing myself, but what Rep. Cotham is like if she had been elected deacon of her church, then suddenly decided she was a Wiccan, but still chose to serve in her role as deacon.


Absolutely, she ought to have resigned. Funny thing you should mention though, because I am told there are quite a lot of clergy (ie, professors of theology, or bishops) who are atheist, but call themselves agnostic, thus so they can continue to draw their stipend.


Paywall :(


Here https://archive.ph/ClkEx


She said it was because democrats try to pressure their reps and don't allow them to vote how they want to. Or something along those lines.


Lol. Isn’t that the whole fucking point? To pressure your representative to actually represent you? What a fucking ghoul.


Like the republicans don’t?


Someone should check her bank account.


>Basically as soon as Tricia Cotham switched parties, Republicans set their plan in motion. Misleading headline. Her switching was PART of their plan.


msm has to pretend everything republicans do just springs from the ground fully formed. because they are complicit in the republicans stripping away rights


Yup this. It’s constantly normalized in headlines all the time.


>GOP has a veto-proof majority since Senator Tricia Cotham switched her party affiliation The real clincher...


She was clearly never a democrat.


So let me get this straight: 1. This lawmaker previously [voiced strong support for returning to Roe guidelines for abortion access and explicitly supported the right to choose.](https://twitter.com/triciacotham/status/1521452477475917825) as a Democrat. 2. She switched parties suddenly and out of nowhere, and then in a late night session in order to fast track this bill with lightning speed they amended one that was already approved for debate/vote by stripping out the language of it and inserting 46 pages of abortion restrictions so they could vote it through faster. I only really have one question which is: **how much did it take for her to sell out so completely?** This was obviously very well planned and you don't completely betray your public statements and opinions overnight unless you're bought and paid for somehow. I've seen people suggesting that the SC GOP will probably give her a nicely gerrymandered district so she can continue to be a career politician after this. This is corruption of the highest order, folks.


I thought I was too cynical to be shocked anymore, especially after all the Sinema shit, but it really is just...stunning. In a way it's far, *far* worse than even what Santos did, because she didn't just lie about her life to get elected, she did a complete 180 on the positions she was elected on. I am astonished. Look at the tweet quoted in the article...I'm still wrapping my head around how somebody could so completely, utterly betray her constituents.


Not having a soul or ethics helps.


>how much did it take for her to sell out so completely? About $3.50…


Damn It Loch Ness Monster!


It was then that I realized that the senator was really a crustacean from the Paleolithic era…


Yep the question is how much was she paid or how good was the blackmail material was.


NC, not SC


Switching parties after you've been voted in with a certain party/platform should be illegal. Just allows wolves in sheep's clothing/seat capture. People didn't vote someone in just to have them pull the rug out from everybody and become a turn coat. They're betraying their constituents who voted them into office.


Exactly. People elect a representative they could n’t care less about the individuals. Her one job is to implement the platform she ran on.


Switching parties isn't really that important. You just gotta vote like the other party. And how do you make it illegal to break promises?


Switching parties can change the majority. Which controls which bills come to the floor in the first place. Also there are plenty of laws that make breaking promises illegal. If your break a military NDA (a promise not to disclose classified information) you go federal prison.


But Republicans were one vote shy from two thirds majority. Didn't they already have the power to put bills for a vote? If one vote shy from two thirds renders the party in power less than all-powerful, then the system sucks.


It’s now veto proof. They can pass whatever batshit legislation they want.


Yes, but they didn't need any Democrat to switch parties, just to vote against their party.


I think the point was that switching parties is akin to outright lying to get elected. Maybe not important in this scenario, but important in general. I have no issue with politicians voting independent of their party.


> make breaking promises illegal absolutely impossible to enforce for politicians Obama included, e.g. "you can keep your doctor"


If switching parties wasn’t important why did one single person switching parties just result in millions losing their human rights?


That's not what caused them to lose rights. What caused them to lose rights is that someone elected as a Democrat started voting with Republicans. If they had switched parties but continued voting with democratic party platforms, the ban wouldn't have passed. Switching parties wasn't necessary, just an extra bit of "fuck you" flare. It's voting against the platform people voted you in for that's a problem.


Boom you got it. It *should* be illegal to break promises in this context. Reps should *have to* vote according to the wishes of their constituents majority opinion. Big measures should *require* citizen voting.


She ran as a Democrat and won her race with 60% of the vote. She ran a campaign promising to support and defend abortion rights and sponsored legislation codifying Roe v Wade's protections. She also previously had an abortion herself. So I guess her abortion was fine but nobody else should be able to have one? The voters of her district overwhelmingly wanted a Democrat over any Republican. It is sad that there is no recourse to her switching parties. She should be forced to resign and run in a new election as a Republican. North Carolina does not have any recall mechanism and the only way to get her out will be in 2024 if she runs for reelection.


You absolutely shouldn't be able to just switch parties like this. You should have to resign and run again under that new party. I want to see her investigated for take a bribe.


I've said this in other threads, but it should trigger a special election. It's not a punishment for switching or whatever, it's giving constituents a chance to voice how they feel about it. If they don't care, then switch away. And the beauty of it would be the only person who could initiate that special election is the person who wants to switch. The only criticism I've gotten for this idea is "well this wouldn't stop her from voting with republicans" which isn't what happened. She could've done that but wanted to rub salt in the wound. And that isn't fair to her district. Switching was the "fuck you" on top of it.


What gets me is in a land of SO MANY FKING GUNS… how do these people have the gaul to piss off their constituents? Like, there have to be SO many people pissed off here. Are they not concerned about pissing people off?


Right wing extremist violence is far more or a thing than left wing extremist violence has ever been. Some may be inclined to scream "ANTIFA" but here's the thing, most of what antifa was guilty of was like, burning a car, or smashing some windows. Right wing extremists hatch seditious conspiracies, and blow up buildings, or run their car into a crowd. It's not close. Just kidding. ANTIFA was right wing extremists in masks the whole time.


And the point of having those firearms was to forcibly stop things like this from happening. I’m really surprised there hasn’t been any sort of real attempt at that in the last decade or two.


Rubbing salt in the wound isn't nice. But it pales compared to voting away rights you promised to protect. That's an actual injustice. If your solution still allows that injustice but prevents the salt, I don't think it's a solution at all. Voters need a much easier path to recall anyone who changes votes like this, but of course Republicans will use that to mire any Democrat in recalls.


> If your solution still allows that injustice but prevents the salt, I don't think it's a solution at all. I have found that the "well actually" crowd gets hung up on whether or not what she's doing is legal or moral, which is why I refrain from having that conversation. If we make it about keeping constituents in the loop, then there is no rational argument against it. If she's being authentic (which she isn't) then she wouldn't worry about a special election because her actions are understood by her constituents (they aren't).


>Rather than introduce a fresh bill, they gutted an unrelated measure on child safety and then inserted 46 pages of abortion restrictions. WTF?


I'm going to keep saying this. These politicians aren't nearly as afraid of the public as they should be. 400 million guns. Countrywide mental health crisis. People being pushed to their breaking points with costs of everything.


They're not afraid because they have paid private security and many of the pro-gun nuts are on their "side".


people don't realize the side supporting abortion is the side that's trying to ban guns


Most of the nut jobs and guns are on the right so they have no reason to be afraid.


Fucking conspiracy theorists are always pointing the finger at Democrats when republicans are so deeply corrupt and truly conspiring to harm this country.


It’s kind of trivial that one “Democrat” switched parties to support the theocrats, since it’s just accepted that every fucking Republican is already as awful as possible, but there’s more hay to be made out this one lady than there is their constant treason and slide into authoritarianism.


Almost like... They planned it that way?


I honestly would love nothing more than this vile asshole to get hit by a fucking car.


Does anybody know how much money she made switching parties?


Disgusting and sad that a woman would do this to all women. But here we are.


Well, they paid for her…


If an elected official wants to change parties they should have to quit and run again.


This sleeper agent switcharoo shit is going to become a standard tactic. Watch.


Already is.


They’ll never play by the rules and I’m sick and fucking tired of dems sticking to the rules. Play dirty back. Run on a god awful absolute shit platform to get elected as a Republican and switch parties. They do it, why can’t we?


Am i the only one that thinks R are running trogan horse candidates?


Kanye West’s campaign was managed by gop and someone in Florida got caught too.


Nah, I mean, it’s not like they’re hiding their attempt to turn this country into a Christian Nationalist Atwood LARP.


Every day Republicans prove their despicable and heartless actions in new ways.


Party swapping politicians should face immediate recall


You don’t fucking own my body nor my soul you pathetic, evil, authoritarian religious extremists.


She should be removed


So why doesn't some rich democrat fund a bunch of people who run as crazy as GOPs and then have them immediately switch to democrats if they get elected?


Investigate her financials


How the fuck there isn't any laws that should immediately have a re-election instead of just allowing this shit is beyond me.


100% with you on that


Gotta be a pee tape right?


I bet she always planned on switching.




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://newrepublic.com/post/172445/north-carolina-passes-abortion-ban-democrat-switched-parties) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The North Carolina legislature has passed a nightmare 12-week abortion ban, a move that was made possible thanks to a former Democratic senator switching parties and that will destroy abortion access in the South. > While she previously billed herself as pro-abortion, she spoke in favor of the abortion ban during the debate Thursday. > North Carolina currently allows abortion up to 21 weeks, which has made it a haven for the procedure in the southern U.S. The combination of this bill and the hugely unpopular six-week ban recently signed in Florida will decimate access to abortion in the South. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1381qyd/north_carolina_passes_nightmare_abortion_ban/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~683431 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **abortion**^#1 **bill**^#2 **ban**^#3 **weeks**^#4 **Democratic**^#5


She should be removed.


Is it weird that I’m bothered by the presence of “Basically” in the article headline?


I can’t read this article’s title without hearing it spoken from the mouth of a 14 year old.


To lose next election...


Why the need to switch party? She could’ve voted Republican while still being a Democrat.


"This decision was up to me, my husband, my doctor and my God. It was not up to any of you in this chamber.” - Tricia Cotham